00:00China is the country with the highest rate of diabetes in Southeast Asia.
00:10Health Minister Zhu Jifei previously pointed out that
00:12one in six people in Southeast Asia has diabetes.
00:16In order to help the people reduce diabetes,
00:19the government is currently implementing the Anti-Diabetes Movement and the Congress' No Diabetes Day Movement.
00:24First of all, Anhua announced last week that
00:27the government plans to raise the national tax on sugar-free drinks from 50 cents per liter to 90 cents per liter from January 1, 2025.
00:39Huang Shuqi, a member of the Congress of the Anti-Diabetes Movement,
00:42suggested that the government should further regulate the sales of high-sugar drinks on the market,
00:51including bubble tea.
00:53The increase in the tax on sugar-free drinks sold in the market.
01:01Is the Ministry of Health also planning to regulate drinks such as day boba,
01:07colourful drinks in the night market?
01:10All these drinks contain a very high sugar content
01:14and are often nicknamed as leg-cutting drinks
01:20because they are the main cause of diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
01:27In addition, he also called on the government to remove sugar from controlled products under the Anti-Violence Act of 2011 at the right time.
01:36This measure can save the government up to RMB 500 million a year.