• 20 hours ago
00:00Okay, alright girls, what we're going to work on now is the circle drill, so it's a defensive
00:07drill and we're looking at body positions for the defender.
00:12We'll go over and have a little demo in a second, but what do you think are the key
00:15points we're looking at for the person defending?
00:19Staying low, good, okay, yeah, facing forward, head up, looking forward, what about our arms?
00:26Yeah tucked in, so ready to when we progress further, okay?
00:29If we have a little go over here, can I have two people just to demonstrate?
00:34So one will be the ball carrier, one will be the defender, only go to your colours,
00:38okay, and what we're looking for is that mirror image and staying opposite, off you go, perfect,
00:46well done, remember keep those head up, excellent, are you all happy with that?
00:50Okay, so we will break out, if we go into our different areas and then swap over of
00:54ball carrier and defender.
00:55So one ball first, you stay in the red, okay, so ball in two hands, off you go when you're
01:04ready, that's it, nice and low, chest to chest, that's it, stay in a low position, good, keep
01:11that head up, well done, okay, have a breather, good, swap it over, swap it over now, you
01:16can swap around, good, okay, ready, ready, go, that's it, well done, good, keep that
01:25head up, that's it, good work, that's it, chest to chest, that's it, on your toes, good
01:32work, okay, hold it there, yep, sweet, job done.