• 2 months ago

इस वीडियो में आपको कादर ख़ान और जॉनी लीवर की जबरदस्त कॉमेडी का मज़ा मिलेगा, जो आपको हंसते-हंसते लोटपोट कर देगी। फिल्म "खुद्दार" और "हक़ीक़त" से ली गई इन क्लासिक कॉमिक सीन में दोनों दिग्गज कॉमेडी कलाकारों ने अपने बेहतरीन अभिनय से दर्शकों का दिल जीत लिया है। कादर ख़ान की बेहतरीन संवाद अदायगी और जॉनी लीवर की शानदार कॉमिक टाइमिंग ने इन सीन को हमेशा के लिए यादगार बना दिया है।

अगर आपको पुरानी फिल्मों की कॉमेडी पसंद है, तो ये वीडियो आपके लिए परफेक्ट है! हंसी का धमाका और मस्ती भरी एक्टिंग का आनंद उठाने के लिए वीडियो को अंत तक देखें और हंसते रहें।


00:00साब बहुत कड़ग है क्या?
00:03लेदे के तोड़ पानी में पठेगा नहीं?
00:05अरे निप्टा देना यार, सबा विसियार पहुंचाता हूं मैं.
00:08उनके घर में तो टीवी तक नहीं है.
00:10टीवी नहीं है?
00:12दूर जशन पकरता नहीं है क्यों?
00:14दूर तक नहीं.
00:16क्या हो गया ये? पुराने लोग कितने अच्छी थे.
00:19ये नए लोगों ने पूरी understanding खतम करते हैं यार.
00:23ये इमानजारी की तो हद हो गई.
00:25तू तो ऐसे ही है न?
00:28आ गया बाप, मारेगा तो नहीं न?
00:33शादी शुदा हो?
00:35जी साब.
00:37बीवी अच्छी शगल की नहीं है क्या?
00:39वो तो मैं के गया है साब.
00:41ओ, बीवी मैं के गयी है और तुम.
00:45क्यों, गर्मी परदाश नहीं होती?
00:48वो क्या है साब?
00:50और मुझे बेहूत की परदाश नहीं.
00:52शर्म नहीं आती तुम्हें गंदगी पहलाते हुए?
00:54साब, गंदगी नहीं. साब, बिमारी पहला रहे हैं.
00:57साब, बिमारी.
00:58साब, मुझे बोलने दीजी, साब.
01:00आपको शायत पता नहीं, आप कभी गये नहीं होगे, साब.
01:01मैं बताता हूँ, साब.
01:03ये लोग अपनी भोली वाली दीवियों के साथ धोका कर रहे हैं.
01:06अपने आप के साथ धोका कर रहे हैं, साब.
01:09पहले छोटी-बोटी बिमारी होती थी.
01:11अब AIDS. AIDS पैदा हुआ है.
01:13अभे, घर में टीवी नहीं है क्या?
01:15शबान आदमें चिला-चिला के बोलती है,
01:17एड्स से दूर रहो, एड्स से दूर रहो.
01:18पता है, ये बिमारी का-का फैली हुई है?
01:20अमिरिका में, अफरिका में.
01:22लेकिन मैं हिंदुस्तान में फैलने नहीं दूँगा.
01:24अपने इस पवित्र देश को अपवित्र होने नहीं दूँगा.
01:27पता इसका नफीजा क्या होता है?
01:29मैं मना नहीं करता हूँ.
01:31करिया आप.
01:32लेकिन एड्स का इलाज तो आने देखिए.
01:33उसकी बात करिये.
01:35एक बात उठातो सर्व.
01:36सर्व, मैं जानता हूँ.
01:38एड्स एक ऐसी खतरणाग बिमारी है.
01:41जिस से सूख लिए िने काटा होे जाता है, साहां.
01:44आदबी, बärबाद हो जाता है.
01:46चरस के लिए पाहूं तक ुवे सद जाता है साहां.
01:49सद जाता है, कहीं का नहीं रहता है साहां.
01:51इस विवारे से जितना बचो अच्छा है.
01:54मत करो अपने आप पर अन्नियाय, मत करो.
01:57मत पढ़ा इस विवारे को.
02:03ए! कहा जा रहे हो तुम?
02:10सर्व, वही जा रहा हूँ.
02:13मैं रोज आदा घंटा, एक घंटा.
02:15यही लेक्टर मैं हर कोठे पर देता हूँ.
02:18मैं सोचल वरकर हूँ, सर्व. सोचल वरकर.
02:20गजरा पहन कर भाषन देते हो?
02:22नहीं, इसके बग़ार तो एंट्री नहीं है.
02:25इस ज़िस्ट लैके गेट पास.
02:26ज़्यादा होशियारी दिखाते हो.
02:29अवलदार. इसके कपड़े उतार के सड़क में छोड़ दो.
02:31बाकी सब को अंदर बंद कर दो.
02:35सर्व, गड़बड हो जाएगा, सर्व.
02:39अंदर कुछ भी नहीं है. अंडर नहीं है.
02:48चलो, चलो, चलो.
02:49धीरे, धीरे चल, कोना पकड़ के.
02:54खुल ना जाए, पोल पत्ते भिखर के.
02:57कुछ, कुछ, कुछ.
03:01पूरा मौल्ला उठाएगा, हराम जादे.
03:04भूल गया, साले.
03:05मुन्सिपाल्टी गाड़ी आय थी. मैंने तेरे को बचाया था.
03:07और वो हड़ी जो गले में अट्की थी, भूल गया.
03:09डाप्टर को बिला के मैंने निकल वाई थी.
03:10कुछ दे, भूल गया.
03:12हटा, हटा.
03:15देख लूगा तुम्हो.
03:16साले, अरे बापरे, यह कहांसे आगई?
03:19यह औरते यहाँ?
03:21जानती है कहीं पैचान लिया तो मेरी.
03:22चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, चल, �
03:53टोनी, इसको क्या हुआ?
03:57अरे टोनी, तुम ये क्या?
03:59सिस्टर, आपने मेरे को पईठान लिया?
04:01आपकी नज़र का जवाब नहीं है, तुम अपने बहुत है.
04:03अरे पर तुम ये क्या हुलिया बनाया?
04:05ये जोगिंग, जोगिंग.
04:07जोगिंग पर ऐसा गया था, तुम.
04:08नहीं, नहीं, नहीं, ऐसे नहीं गया,
04:10कपड़े बेन के गया था.
04:11लेकिन रास्ते में वो मिल गया ना, वो..
04:13वो कौन है? तारजन, तारजन, तारजन मिल गया था.
04:16वो मेरे से कपड़े लेके गया,
04:17और ये पस्ते के लबडा देखे चला गया.
04:19अरे पर मैन, उसमें तुम मुझ काई को कला किया हा?
04:22अरे सची बात पताते मैं शर्माती है क्या?
04:25लला, फितने मेंने मैं भी वही पकला गया था.
04:27उस C.S.P. ने मेरी भी यह हालत कर दी थी.
04:30जा जा के नाथ हो ले.
04:32मैनी, ये क्या बोलता है? अपना समझ में कुछ नहीं आया.
04:34मेरे को भी समझ में नहीं आया.
04:36लगता काजू का फेनी मारा है बुद्धा.
04:38पागल हो गया है, देवड़ा है.
04:39हमको भी लगता है.
04:44कुछ करो मैं.
04:47अरे चाई रे चाई, तेरा रंग कैसा?
04:56जिसमें मिला और रहे के तिल जैसा?
05:01चाई रे चाई, ओ चाई, चाई रे चाई, ओ.
05:07ए, तुम इहां क्या कर रहे हो?
05:11साब जी, मैं आजे का दोस्ट, टॉनी.
05:15आजे कहा है?
05:16वो उडंच हो गया.
05:18अभी आपके हाथ आने वाला नहीं है वो, गया.
05:20क्या मतलब?
05:21वो तो मौके की दराश में था, वन, टू, का, फूर.
05:26ए, सीधा सीधा बोल, कहाँ है आजे?
05:29हम बताता हैं ना साब,
05:30जैसे तुम उनका बाब बनकर उनका शादी बनाया,
05:33उनको बलेसिंग दिया,
05:34बैसे हम उनका मा बनकर उनको हनिमुन पर भेश दिया.
05:38तो क्या?
05:39है, नहीं वाला मैं, नहीं वाला, यह.
05:43बिल है कि मां तो नहीं, बिल तो पागल है,
05:45बिल तो दिवाना है, खाय पिया कुछ नहीं,
05:47हम बिल दे चुके हैं सणफ, यह.
05:50नशे में है?
05:52नशे में है, होश में है मैं.
05:54नशा देते हैं, तो क्लॉब 2000 जाओ.
05:57नशा वहाँ से कहाँ कहाँ सप्लाय होता है,
06:00सब मारुं पर जाएगा.
06:04जानते हो मैं कौन हूँ?
06:05जानता हूँ, you can do it, man.
06:08देखा है,
06:09क्लॉब 2000,
06:12मेटर डाउन करो, टैकसी फिर मिलेगा,
06:14किसी न किसी मार पर, बाले लेगा.
06:17Hey, what problem, everywhere there is a problem.
06:21कनिया कुमारी से लेके कश्मीर तक problem,
06:23constable तक लेके commissioner तक problem,
06:25everywhere problem.
06:27Conservation, communication, contribution,
06:29composition, competition and I have got constipation.
06:32Very good problem, पर तुम कौन से ठाने से हो?
06:35ठाना, I am from Interpol, all poles are closed.
06:39You know the problem, I know the problem.
06:40She is loving her, you are not loving her.
06:42This is not the problem.
06:43There are everywhere shopping centres,
06:45but no love centre.
06:47We need love centre.
06:48What do you think, love is very important thing.
06:51Am I right? Come on, say everybody with me.
06:53कहो ना प्यार है, कहो ना.
06:58Enough of your drama, otherwise I will kill you.
07:01What will you get by killing me?
07:03Osaka shipping corporation has so much of..
07:05..strength and power in its warehouse.
07:07If we delay even a little, then thousands of innocent people..
07:10..of the country will die.
07:11Osaka shipping corporation, lower the middle,
07:15you will get the taxi again, at some or the other board.
07:18कहो ना प्यार है, कहो ना.
07:23Sir, sir, father and daughter are here.
07:28I have got a very good good news.
07:29You had said, if the people of sister are good,
07:30then get the marriage proposal.
07:31So I have got the marriage proposal.
07:33Again the same proposal.
07:36Why do you break my legs before coming?
07:38Don't you get anything else?
07:40This is mine.
07:41Where did you get it from?
07:42I don't know, if I touch it, then I might have got it.
07:46Give it to me.
07:49Sir, I have got a very good proposal.
07:51They are very big people.
07:53Kamal Hai is a transport company.
07:55They have 50 offices in India.
07:57They have 400 trucks.
07:59They are very famous people.
08:02They are honest.
08:06I didn't ask that.
08:07If you come, then you can ask.
08:09But I don't think that this marriage proposal will be possible.
08:12I don't think so.
08:14Because he is the father of a boy.
08:15You are the father of a girl.
08:17And the father of a boy will ask for dowry from the father of a girl.
08:20And as soon as he will ask for dowry from you,
08:21you will give him such a long speech.
08:22And you will push him out.
08:24Nothing will happen.
08:25I also build a fort from the wall of smoke on the ground of air.
08:30If I have to bring it, then should I call him?
08:32It will be good. The matter will be solved.
08:33It is going to be a flop.
08:36I am also a fool.
08:37I keep playing table tennis for no reason.
08:43Come. Come.
08:45No. Not me. I am the PA. He is there.
08:47Where were you since so long?
08:50Sir, take this.
08:53He is the father of the boy.
08:55She is the mother of the boy.
08:56He is the manager of the boy.
08:58And he is his father.
08:59No. No. Uncle, you have made a mistake.
09:00It is the other way round.
09:02I am the boy.
09:03Is it?
09:04He is my father.
09:05He is my mother.
09:07And he is our manager.
09:08But you said that you are the mother of the boy.
09:11Okay. You all sit.
09:13Yes. I will also sit there.
09:14It is going to be a flop.
09:16What will we do?
09:21What do you do?
09:23I am a graduate.
09:25And I handle all the business of daddy.
09:27Is it?
09:28We are husband and wife.
09:29We stay on pilgrimage for six months.
09:34Okay. What will you take in dowry?
09:37We don't want anything in dowry except our daughter-in-law.
09:40It will be our good fortune that our marriage is fixed with you.
09:52What happened?
09:53It is a flop, isn't it?
09:54It is not a flop. The matter is fixed.
09:57Yes. Give sweets to everyone.
10:00The marriage is fixed?
10:03Give sweets to sir.
10:07Open it quickly.
10:08Here you are.
10:10This is empty.
10:12Did you get an empty box to get married?
10:14No, uncle. We had filled it from there.
10:17You mean I ate it?
10:19No. I..
10:20Wow! Look, sir. This is the age of honesty.
10:23When I come here to fix your son's marriage..
10:25..you say that I ate the sweets.
10:26Tomorrow you will say that I ate the dowry.
10:28Then you will say that I ate the set in the morning.
10:29Wow! There is no world of honesty.
10:37It seems to be something sweet.
10:39Did I eat it?
10:42She scolds him for no reason.
10:44I don't know why he goes to sleep like this.
10:46Narayan! Narayan! Narayan!
10:49Brother and sister fighting.
10:50What is this?
10:51I say leave him.
10:53Leave him?
10:55Do you know what mischief he did in the college?
10:56If she doesn't misbehave at this age..
10:58..then will she take renunciation?
10:59You will spoil him, mother.
11:00Let him fight.
11:01If you touch him, he will get thrashed.
11:06Have you ever hit him?
11:07Yes. I have hit him a lot in my childhood.
11:10Shall I say something?
11:12You speak a lot of lies.
11:13No. Not like that.
11:14I mean you have never scolded him or hit him.
11:18I have seen it with my own eyes.
11:21Really. I like this a lot.
11:25I knew it.
11:26Finally you are going to support brother.
11:28Narayan! Narayan!
11:30She is very hot.
11:31But tell me where is the minister?
11:33He has gone to the market.
11:34He has gone to the market?
11:35He is standing here and he has gone to the market?
11:37I will also come.
11:38Take this glass.
11:39Many glasses have already been stolen.
11:41I have not stolen them.
11:42Come on.
11:46Sir! Sir!
11:48Narayan! Narayan!
11:49I.. I forgot.
11:51What is this?
11:53It is a cycle.
11:54You are the home minister and you are riding a cycle?
11:57Sir, you should have been in a helicopter.
12:00A cycle is good to buy vegetables.
12:04To buy vegetables?
12:05You are going?
12:06Narayan! Narayan!
12:07No. No. Sir. No.
12:09I enjoy cutting vegetables and also making them.
12:13If you can cut vegetables being a minister..
12:15..then as your PO I will have to cut grass.
12:19I cut grass in my garden.
12:21If you can cut grass being a minister..
12:23..then as your PO I will have to cut grass.
12:34Sir, I was so happy to be your PO.
12:38I thought I will earn cash and live in luxury.
12:42I have become your PO but I think I will die without eating.
12:45Let me earn a little.
12:46Learn to live with honesty.
12:49If you can't do anything with it then you can't spoil it.
12:54Oh God!
12:56I had told you not to betray your lover.
12:58Don't be honest.
13:00You have ruined both of them.
13:01What is this? You don't let me earn a penny.
13:03Look, my pocket is empty.
13:05Write my story again.
13:06I will meet you later.
13:08Sir, I was saying that in today's world..
13:12..honesty is not good.
13:14You should be a little dishonest.
13:16My father used to say that honesty is that bald head..
13:19..on which the hair of money can never grow.
13:21You should keep massaging the oil of dishonesty.
13:24You will do it, right?
13:24Otherwise it won't be fun without money.
13:25Look, by doing wrong earnings..
13:27..sometimes you get so much money..
13:29..that a person really becomes bald.
13:31What are you saying?
13:46Not one, first you should get six.
13:50Listen, a goat is coming. Go.
13:53Where is my watch?
13:54How would I know?
13:55You must have stolen it.
13:57What do you mean?
13:58You mean to say that I have a watch in my pocket?
14:00Where did this come from?
14:01Give me my watch.
14:03Yes, take it.
14:04Give me the watch.
14:06Take it. Go.
14:09What is it?
14:11The minister is at home.
14:14Have you ever seen the minister?
14:17Then how did you know that the minister is at home?
14:19It is possible that I am the minister.
14:21Oh, you are the minister.
14:23I mean to say that there is not much difference between us.
14:27He is in me and I am in him.
14:28There is only so much difference between us..
14:30..as there is between you and me.
14:33I didn't understand.
14:34If I didn't understand, then what should I explain to you?
14:36Tell me, what is the matter?
14:38I have a daughter.
14:39I have no intention of getting married.
14:41I am not talking about marriage.
14:43I wanted to get her admission in medical college.
14:46In medical college?
14:48Do you know how expensive the medical college seat is?
14:51One boy had passed with 105%.
14:55100 for writing and 5 for cleaning.
14:57For cleaning.
14:58If you don't write anything, then it is not cleaning.
15:00She got the seat when she earned 5 lakhs.
15:04You have 5 lakhs. I will get you the seat right now.
15:06Sir, I have never seen 5 lakhs even in my dreams.
15:10You have never seen it even in your dreams?
15:13You look like a beggar.
15:14Come on. I have mercy in my heart.
15:16I have mercy on you.
15:17Give me 1 lakh rupees. I will get you the seat.
15:20Sir, the locality where I stay..
15:22..all the houses there should be sold.
15:24All the clothes, utensils and utensils of the people living there..
15:27..should be sold.
15:28Even those people should be sold.
15:29Even then I won't be able to collect 1 lakh rupees.
15:32Do you live in an orphanage?
15:35Can you give me 50,000 rupees or not?
15:37Sir, it has been 40 years since I have been working.
15:40Till now I haven't been able to collect 50,000 rupees in my firm.
15:42You scoundrel.
15:44Will you give me 5,000 rupees?
15:45I don't have the status.
15:46Will you give me 500 rupees?
15:48I don't have a salary.
15:49Then what is your status?
15:515 rupees.
15:56Home minister's PA and 5 rupees bribe?
16:00You.. you.. you..
16:01Get lost.
16:02Honesty is better than this.
16:04We are not those people who sell our honesty..
16:05..for 5 rupees and 5 lakhs.
16:08We are patriots.
16:10We are not traitors.
16:11Get out of here.
16:12But my admission..
16:12Get out of here.
16:13My daughter's..
16:14I will put you in jail.
16:15You buy our honesty.
16:17You are honest people like us who have never taken bribe.
16:20Get out.
16:20Constable, police, arrest them.
16:23Tell me.
16:24Will you give me 5 rupees bribe?
16:25Give me the necklace.
16:26At least give me some flowers.
16:27What a miserly people they are.
16:29They are my servants.
16:30How will I take the necklace for the home minister?
16:34Hey, where did my necklace go?
16:38How did you get my necklace?
16:40I got it by flying. I didn't have money.
16:43Now how will I make the minister wear it?
16:45You have such good arms.
16:47If you make him wear the necklace, he will be happy.
16:50I will go after making him wear the necklace.
16:51Hey.. hey..
16:52Long live Mr. Adarsh Vardhan.
16:55Long live Mr. Adarsh Vardhan.
16:57Long live Mr. Adarsh Vardhan.
16:59Long live Mr. Adarsh Vardhan.
17:00The man whom you are supporting..
17:02..is a very mischievous man.
17:04Dear, the mischievous people of today..
17:08..are the most successful people in the world.
17:10Isn't it, sir?
17:12You are Mr. Shastri's servant.
17:13I wasn't.
17:16Before the earthquake, the animals used to leave the village.
17:19Similarly, before Mr. Shastri's election..
17:22..I left his job and ran away.
17:23Now I have come to your shelter.
17:25Sir, don't help him.
17:27He is a traitor.
17:28Sir, the one who betrays the honest..
17:31..will betray the traitors.
17:32He is a very big liar.
17:34You are a very interesting and a very clever man.
17:38From today, you are my servant.
17:44Sir, I won the election with your blessings.
17:48I became a minister.
17:50You had told me to destroy something in the fire.
17:53So first of all, I destroyed my uniform.
17:56Then you had told me to use whatever weapons I had.
18:02So I used Babu Jaan and Rosy's goons.
18:05And I won the election.
18:06And this is a reward of 38 lakhs from the minister.
18:11But I had given 40 lakhs.
18:12You took a bag of 2 lakhs.
18:14Where did the 2 lakhs go?
18:17I mean, you took a bag of 2 lakhs.
18:33Sudhant, you have come?
18:35How is daughter-in-law?
18:36She is fine.
18:37Find her.
18:39Find her.
18:40Leave it, you are the one who protects her.
18:44No, I will protect her.
18:45No, you won't protect her.
18:47No, you won't protect her.
18:48You will protect her.
18:49You will protect her, you will protect her.
18:51What has happened?
18:52She is my wife, not your wife.
18:54Why do you care about her?
18:55She is not my wife.
18:57She was my wife.
18:58She is not my wife.
18:59She was my wife.
19:01वो अच्छी है.
19:02आप सुनाएए, इलेक्शन में ये सब क्या हो गया?
19:06कैसे हो गया ये सब?
19:10जमाना बहुत तेजी से बदल रहा है, सिदाम.
19:15इस इलाके के इलेक्शन में करहे होने के लिए..
19:17..या तो आगमी को गुन्डा बनना पड़ेगा..
19:20या तो सिर्फ गुन्डे ही इलेक्शन में करहे हो सकेंगे.
19:24नारायन, नारायन, नारायन.
19:28आपने बिल्कुल सच कहा.
19:29इनने भी इलेक्शन जीतने के लिए गुन्डा करदी की..
19:32..बंब मारे, भूत कैप्चेरिंग की.
19:34पतानी क्या का करदा है?
19:36आप यह मत समझना कि मैं आपके जख्मों पर नमक छड़कने के लिए आया हूँ.
19:41आप मेरे पुराने मालेक है.
19:43और आप ही की कुर्सी मुझे मिली है.
19:45मैं तो यहां पर सिर्फ आपका अशीर्वाद लेने आया हूँ.
19:49आशीर्वाद दीजे मुझे.
19:52नहीं देना?
19:53कोई बात नहीं. वो क्या कि मैं जरा जल्दी में हूँ.
19:55मीटिंग का वक्त हो गया है.
20:00आप चलिए, मैं दो मिनट में आता हूँ.
20:02क्या मेरे पुराने मालिक है, मैं भी जड़ा आशीर्वाद लेकर आता हूँ.
20:05जल्दी आजाना.
20:06बस अभी आजाना.
20:09मालिक, मुझे एक आशीर्वाद दीजे.
20:12यह जो मेरा नया मालिक है, यह जितना कमीना है.
20:17मुझे एक आशीर्वाद दीजे.
20:18यह जो मेरा नया मालिक है, यह जितना कमीना है.
20:22जितना 420 है, जितना बेइमान है, जितना खबीस है.
20:25उससे ज्यादा हो जाए.
20:27ताकि इसके घर में तॉलट की गंगा बहए कराए.
20:29उस गंगा मैं थोड़ा से नहा लूँ.
20:31मुझे अब कुछ मिला नहीं है.
20:32एक मारे बादमी की टोपी भी लिए खाली है.
20:34यह आशीर्वाद तो आपको देना पढ़ेगा.
20:36आशीर्वाद दीजी ना.
20:37दीजे ना, दीजे ना.
