• 2 days ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:03I'm going to Adelaide for a few days.
00:06Maybe we could get a drink? Maybe just you and me?
00:09I love you both.
00:12Honestly, it was just so good that you could make it.
00:15You're a very special person now.
00:18I think I'm falling in love with him again.
01:01So are we going to talk about what happened on stage,
01:03or are you planning to avoid me forever?
01:05I'm sorry, I was just a little overwhelmed, that's all.
01:09Is this because I asked you out for a drink?
01:12Brett, it's not that I'm not flattered,
01:14it's just that I'm just not ready to be dating anyone at the moment.
01:17It's fine, I understand.
01:19But if you change your mind, you've got my number.
01:23You know, I hate to say it, but Krista's rent buffer's almost dried out.
01:31Time to find a new roommate.
01:33Yeah, not looking forward to that whole palaver.
01:35Yeah, tell me about it.
01:37The whole advertising, interviewing, weeding out weirdos,
01:41and sitting around waiting for no-shows.
01:43You could host an open house.
01:45I mean, that way everyone sees the property at the same time.
01:47You can weed out the weirdos and then only interview the people you think you might gel with.
01:51That's actually a great idea.
01:53Yeah, I could start organising that tonight.
01:55We could maybe do it tomorrow, although.
01:57Yeah, sounds good to me.
01:58What sounds good?
01:59Hey, Vera, how are you?
02:02Did you get to enjoy the show tonight?
02:04Unfortunately, I was called away on urgent business.
02:08Maybe you could do an encore for me.
02:10Give me a little taste of what I missed.
02:13Oh, me? I'm actually a bit...
02:15Tuck it out, aren't I, Rhett?
02:16Hey, this is Rhett Norman.
02:18He's actually part of Boylesque and is actually an award-winning real estate agent.
02:22Hey, look. Charmed, I'm sure.
02:27To say I'm surprised.
02:29You and me both.
02:31At first I thought maybe I was just on the rebound from my biggest...
02:34You know, I do have form on that front.
02:40I can truly see that Vic is becoming a different person.
02:45Because when things first started to go wrong in our marriage,
02:49I was so preoccupied with Nan, I put Vic first.
02:53Yes, but from what you've told me, he also hurt you as well.
02:57Yeah. Yeah, well, terribly.
03:01The cheating was awful and I thought I'd never forgive him
03:04after he abandoned the kids when he was here last,
03:06but at the same time...
03:09You think I'm crazy, don't you?
03:12I mean, look at me and Carl.
03:14At the time I thought I could never forgive him.
03:16Right, exactly.
03:18If you two hadn't have drawn a line under everything that went wrong with him,
03:21you wouldn't be together today.
03:22I just want you to be really sure before you act on anything.
03:27My eyes are wide open.
03:31Oh, who's texting you at this time of night?
03:35Yeah, no big importance.
03:38Just pop this on while we have our tea.
03:41Let the music do the talking.
03:47I'm starting to wonder if I might have chose the wrong line of work.
03:51I think a police officer is a much more stable career for you.
03:58Hey, it'll be great to have your mummy tomorrow.
04:01You'll be around, right?
04:03I'm ordering all her favourite Chinese dishes for her birthday
04:06and I'm getting heaps of fortune.
04:08Dad, I don't think she's coming home.
04:13She sounded serious when she said she needed space.
04:17Your mum and I have spent every birthday together since we were teenagers.
04:20She'll be there.
04:24I'm sure you'll agree, it's definitely got a vibe.
04:26Oh, definitely.
04:27Reminds me of the band that was playing the night we met.
04:31The Mighty...
04:35Oh, there's a name to conjure with you.
04:43I think I can see what first attracted you to each other.
04:47Sometimes it feels like we're back in Earl's Court,
04:50where we first met.
04:52Only older and wiser.
04:56Oh, thank goodness for that.
04:59Would you like to hear the extended mix?
05:02It's only got 14 minutes.
05:04Maybe another time.
05:06Yeah, we're getting a bit late.
05:07Is it?
05:09I should get going too.
05:10Thanks for coming back.
05:11Thank you for the tea.
05:12It was a lot of fun.
05:13Yes, of course.
05:14It was a great night, wasn't it?
05:15Yeah, we must do it again.
05:16So much fun.
05:17Bye, go well.
05:19See you soon.
05:23OK, so who texted you before?
05:24And don't say no one important,
05:25because I could tell by your shifted behaviour that you're up to something.
05:31It was Mike.
05:32Jane's Mike?
05:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:34When I was interested in buying his bike,
05:36I was texting him questions, and out of that,
05:38he offered me the opportunity to do one of his bike tours in Italy.
05:43No, no, no, no, before you say no,
05:45it only cost me the airfare because someone pulled out
05:47so he said I could do the tour for free.
05:50That's free, Susan.
05:51Yes, yes, yes, Carl, your favourite word, I know.
05:54Why didn't you just say it was Mike in the first place?
05:57Well, I didn't want to make things uncomfortable for Jane.
05:59Well, Jane knows you've got a friendship with Mike that extends beyond her.
06:02You don't think she'd mind?
06:03No, no, of course not.
06:05Especially since she just told me she's interested in getting back with Vic.
06:14If Jane's moving on, and if Therese gave me permission to take leave,
06:18then there'd be nothing stopping me doing the tour.
06:23Well, why would you say no?
06:24It's free.
06:26Oh, morning.
06:28Oh, there we go.
06:29Sorry, I was just going through the bins, finding the gold.
06:32You know, each one of these items is worth ten cents
06:34in the container deposit scheme.
06:37Didn't get much out of Vera Punt's bin, though.
06:40It's just full of wine bottles.
06:42They don't qualify for the scheme.
06:44Tell you what, though, if she is drinking that much,
06:46that is some cause for concern.
06:49Oh, I was going to request leave from you as well.
06:51I want to go on one of Mike's bike tours.
06:53Oh, that's adventurous.
06:56Maybe email me the dates and I'll take a look at them when I get back.
06:59Oh, yes, you're off to see Piper, aren't you?
07:01Enjoy that, won't you?
07:03And say hi for us.
07:12I've scheduled the work to be done in my front yard while I'm away.
07:15I hope it's not an inconvenience.
07:29Where's that spectacular outfit you were wearing last night?
07:32Probably not appropriate for running my morning errands.
07:35Oh, I don't know about that.
07:36Starting a new trend.
07:40Ah, please keep moving.
07:43Pleasure to see you, as always.
07:45Have a great day.
07:46You too.
07:54Breakfast invitation?
07:56Just you and me?
07:57Shouldn't I be worried?
07:59Not that unusual, us having breakfast together, is it?
08:02No, it's nice.
08:05I can't think of the last time we did it, you and me.
08:08Camden, 2012.
08:11You remember the year?
08:13Well, Nicolette had just taken off to Australia
08:15and we got word that she'd already found a job in a hospital.
08:18I was about to laugh about how typical that was.
08:22Nicolette, charming the locals immediately.
08:28That was an old bed.
08:30Those last few years.
08:36No, the good memories are there.
08:38You just need to dig for them.
08:46You know, Vic, I...
08:55I, um...
08:58I've been thinking about getting new glasses.
09:03Maybe ones with frames, like Iris Attrall.
09:07I'm just not sure if that'd suit me.
09:16What's going on outside?
09:17Who cares? We have to get open house ready.
09:20So get into the bathroom, give it a scrub.
09:22Yeah, yeah, yeah, nothing before coffee.
09:24We don't have any.
09:25That would have never happened when Haz lives here.
09:28There's, like, all these bulldozers and diggers
09:30coming off this massive truck outside Terrain's house.
09:33I mean, it looks like it's going to be some major work.
09:36Who's going to want to move in here with all that going on?
09:39Hey, did we have some instant?
09:40There is no coffee in the house, OK?
09:42What, you expect me to clean the bathroom?
09:44Uncaffeinated, Nic!
09:46OK, here's an idea.
09:47How about you go on a coffee run and I'll start in the bathroom?
09:50You have a really cool girlfriend, you know that?
09:54I do know that.
10:03So, Sparks are definitely flying between me and Vic.
10:09There's, like, a total charge whenever we're together.
10:12It's, like, steamy with a capital steam.
10:15But I said I wouldn't go there and so did he.
10:17It's too messy.
10:19And after everything that I went through with Tony and Therese,
10:21I never want messy again.
10:22I don't think...
10:23But letting go isn't working either, which makes me wonder.
10:27Maybe we just need to work through the Jane hurdle.
10:31Yeah, that's a great idea.
10:33I think I just need to see him and work out how he's feeling,
10:37but without letting him know how I'm feeling.
10:40Then I just need to take the next step.
10:46Thank you for helping me talk all of that through.
10:50You really are amazing.
10:53And you, hi.
10:55Love you.
10:56Love you.
11:04You all right?
11:07Yeah, I think the shower fumes got to me or something.
11:12And I just started thinking about me, Mum and Dad
11:16and what if Dad doesn't give Mum space?
11:18I mean, OK, just take a breath.
11:25Dad thinks Mum's coming home today for her birthday.
11:29And he's planned this big, full effort all-out dinner.
11:32That doesn't sound like a bad thing, does it?
11:34She's not coming home.
11:36And I can't stop thinking about how upset he's going to be.
11:40I mean, how do I even get through to him?
11:42If he keeps going down like this, he's just going to make things worse.
11:46OK, I know that you're worried about them,
11:49but Sage, the way that you protect the ones that you love
11:52is something that I have always adored about you.
11:56I'm worried about how this is affecting you.
11:59Trying to hold them all together.
12:03I don't want to see my gorgeous girlfriend all upset.
12:08You're right.
12:10I shouldn't be trying to fix my parents.
12:12Being in that house, it's just hard not to get caught up
12:15in all their drama and everything.
12:17Hey, hey, how about this?
12:19You can come stay here whenever you want.
12:23OK, for as long as you want. It's whatever you need.
12:26I got you.
12:31I love you.
12:35I love you too.
12:46Hello again.
12:49Twice in one day.
12:51Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something.
12:54What you doing?
12:55Oh, I'm emailing back and forth with the owner of that pub in Gippsland.
12:59So far, it's ticking all the boxes.
13:02That pub that I told you about?
13:03Yeah, I know you only mentioned it passing,
13:05but yeah, it made an impression on me.
13:09I seem to have a habit of doing that.
13:12So are you thinking that you might buy it?
13:15Well, I've got to go and check it out in person first,
13:18but, you know, if I like the town and feel of the building,
13:22there's a strong possibility I will.
13:25So would you manage it from here or...
13:27Oh, no, definitely move down there.
13:32Make a full, fresh start.
13:36Hey, I'm heading to work.
13:39What are your plans for the day?
13:42Just thought I'd clean the house, do a bit of laundry.
13:44Feel free to chuck something in the pile if you like.
13:49Hey, say, it's about...
13:56Look, I know that it hits you really hard
14:00when Mum and I aren't in a good place.
14:03So I promise that I'm going to do whatever it takes to work things out.
14:08Even if it's hard.
14:12Pinky swear.
14:22All right.
14:23Hey, better get to work.
14:24Yeah, OK. Have a good day.
14:26See ya.
14:29Hi, this is Andrew Ogwell.
14:32Just checking the fortune cookies can be picked up at 4pm.
14:37Yeah, it's a big order.
14:41So sorry about the noise.
14:42Usually it's an incredibly quiet street
14:44and nothing really happens at all.
15:00What are you doing here?
15:01Come to see if our open house is up to your professional standards?
15:04No, actually, I was coming to check it out for myself.
15:07Oh, yeah, well, here, take one of these.
15:11Mind if I have a look around?
15:13Knock yourself out.
15:17Hi there. Hi, welcome.
15:19My name's Byron.
15:20If you're here to look around,
15:22I'd recommend go and check out the pool
15:24and then you sort of walk your way back in.
15:26Hey, Ogwell.
15:28Hey, sneak around.
15:29I know you guys are busy, but...
15:31What's he doing here?
15:32Oh, it's Vera.
15:33Do you reckon she knows about the open house?
15:35What if she's on her way?
15:37No, Vera wouldn't call you to give you a warning.
15:39She would just appear from a cloud of smoke.
15:43Hey, Vera.
15:45Yeah, what can I do for you?
15:52So you almost told him.
15:54I didn't mean to, but we were reminiscing
15:57and then the moment felt right and then, oh, I don't know,
16:01I couldn't go through with it.
16:02I saw Aaron and I just got all flustered.
16:05Well, maybe that's a good thing.
16:06Give yourself a bit more time to be absolutely sure.
16:14Oh, thanks, Kevin.
16:16Have you been doing that all morning?
16:17Yeah, I worked all the surrounding streets.
16:19I reckon they'd be about eight bucks worth there.
16:21Is that definitely worth the time and effort then?
16:23Well, darling, if I'm going to pay for the airfare for this trip,
16:25then, yeah, every dollar counts.
16:27Oh, what trip's this?
16:29Oh, I...
16:30Oh, Carl, just tell her.
16:33Mike's invited me to go on one of his bike tours in Italy.
16:36Oh, how wonderful.
16:38See, I told you she wouldn't mind.
16:40No, no, why would I mind?
16:42No, you'll get to meet Angela too.
16:44Apparently she and Mike are going strong, so...
16:48Don't you want him to go?
16:51I'm happy for him to go and see Mike.
16:55I just don't want him to ride a motorbike
16:57because he's got no idea how to ride a motorbike
16:59and he'll probably go and get himself killed.
17:00Oh, darling, I'm sure he'll be fine.
17:02Mike is a very good teacher.
17:03Yes, I promise you I will drive...
17:05I will ride really slowly.
17:09You better, because I need you home in one piece.
17:12Does this mean I can go?
17:13Oh, I love you.
17:16Oh, you stink.
17:18Oh, sorry, I had an accident with a bit of Rancid's milk.
17:22Here, have a shower.
17:28Trust Therese to flit off to Adelaide
17:30and leave us with all that clamour.
17:31Yes, she is a clever cookie.
17:37I just saw Vic again
17:40and he told me that I had made quite an impression on him.
17:46He completely took on board a casual suggestion
17:49that I made about him buying a pub in Gippsland,
17:52which makes me think that he really respects my opinion.
17:56Whatever we have, I feel like he is not letting go of it.
18:00Question is, would he be up for navigating the Jane factor?
18:04Because he'd be more worried about upsetting her
18:06than I am, given their past relationship.
18:09You're going to drive yourself insane asking the questions
18:11that only Vic can answer.
18:14You should talk to him and see how he feels about it.
18:17That's the only way you're going to know.
18:23Hey, Rhett.
18:24How are you doing?
18:26Listen, I saw you were at Byron and Nick's open house earlier.
18:29Oh, yeah, I was just checking out for a friend.
18:33For a friend?
18:35Yeah, why wasn't your friend there?
18:37Well, let's just say this friend is a bit odd
18:40and doesn't like anyone knowing their business.
18:42But hey, don't worry.
18:44Not moving in.
18:47All right.
18:48See you, Vera.
18:52What's that?
18:53What did Vera want?
18:54Oh, she's asking some follow-up questions about Boyle-esque.
18:57Usually wouldn't indulge her,
18:58but it's a good way to keep her away from the open house.
19:02That is some serious dedication.
19:04Listen, did Rhett say anything to you about his mate
19:06who wants to move in?
19:08What mate?
19:09Rhett said he was interested.
19:13I don't think that's a good idea.
19:27So, how'd you get on?
19:30Do you reckon you got a solution for me?
19:33Yeah, I reckon I do.
19:36I reckon I do.
19:46Hey, it's the birthday girl.
19:48You're going to be calling because you're close
19:50because I have a surprise for you.
19:53That's so sweet of you.
19:57Well, you are coming home, right?
19:59No, Andrew.
20:01I'm not coming home.
20:06Soon, though.
20:08Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
20:11My mentor has found me an opportunity in Murrayville.
20:14It's a special arts summer program.
20:16Then I'd stay on at the local high school for term one.
20:20But it's really competitive and I need to decide right away.
20:27That's hours away.
20:33It's a good opportunity.
20:34It is.
20:36And I really want to do it.
20:38And with everything that's going on with us,
20:41the timing doesn't feel like a coincidence.
20:46You know, this is the first real chance I've had to learn who I am without you.
20:55Are you leaving me?
20:57No, no, Andrew.
21:01I love you so much.
21:03And I am completely committed to our marriage.
21:05But we've been together since we were kids.
21:07And now that I've started figuring myself out,
21:10I need to keep going.
21:12We won't be the best version of us if I'm not the best version of me.
21:17I get that.
21:21But I don't want to stand in your way.
21:26I think it might be good for you to do some work on who you are without me, too.
21:32I know it sounds scary, but it's been really amazing for me so far.
21:40I'm not sure I know how to do that.
21:44I'll give it a go.
21:46I know you will.
21:48You're my superman.
21:50I love you.
21:53Yeah, I love you, too.
22:01Hey, Dad, you still out here?
22:03I thought we could play a good old game of Scrabble we haven't played in...
22:10What's this?
22:13It's your mum's birthday dinner.
22:16Doesn't matter. She's not coming.
22:20I told you that.
22:22I told you that so many times.
22:24And I thought you finally got the message.
22:26But clearly you weren't listening to either me or Mum.
22:31Nothing is going to change until you start listening.
22:36I'm sorry, Dad.
22:38But I'm so done.
22:41I have to move out.
22:56Coming up on Neighbours...
22:58You really are into him again.
23:01I need to stop getting dragged in my parents' drama and you need a new housemate.
23:04So, ta-da!