00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi, Shia.
00:09If this is watching, I thank you for watching.
00:11This would be some crime against me and my twin flame.
00:15And, anyone who's watching, you will be soon sent to jail if you try to use this information to frame me and my twin flame, Shia.
00:27So, in this video, Shia, I'm going to be talking about some notes, showing you some photographs.
00:33Uh, there wasn't too much drama that's happened.
00:37Well, so, in regards to extreme attacks, um, there wasn't extreme, extreme attacks, apart from the normal torture and attacks that I get.
00:53However, that could change any second.
00:56So, I just read chapter 37 twice, and I'm highlighting the most important chapters.
01:11Because this one is supposed to push out spirits or entities that might be latched onto us.
01:20So, anyone that's hoarded would also be considered an attachment, I believe.
01:27So, I've been doing a mixture of different things.
01:31Uh, I put a little bit of makeup on to try to, I have to start practicing hygiene and practicing being girly, because it has been taken from me.
01:44And, I look funny.
01:47However, um, I will explain what I wrote in the notes about it.
01:59So, this whole thing with the male to female, female to male, started about 25, 20, 25 years old.
02:12I'm just trying to realize now, it's been hidden from me, but not, kind of like hidden from plain sight.
02:21So, I'm drinking some green tea.
02:28I realized that it's the estrogen foods, supplements, herbs, and the estrogen frequencies is not enough.
02:39Because they're using AI to change my body into a male for a long time.
02:46And, it's really kind of confusing to explain.
02:51Like, how could I not figure it out?
02:54Well, I was very, very thin.
02:59So, I took a photograph of myself, like, standing up in the bath.
03:03I kind of, to show you that that's not a female body.
03:10They even made my breasts look tranny.
03:17So, I'll show you this close up to show you how.
03:24Masculine I look.
03:34I can't believe, I can't believe this.
03:40Yeah, I've been extremely disgusted with my body for a very long time.
03:46There was absolutely nothing that I could do about it.
03:48And, you're not going to really understand how could I not know they were doing this.
04:00The same thing as to how could I not know I was being, the criminal was taking over my body and cloning me into her.
04:10Same thing. This is not the body of a woman.
04:15So, I'm starting to do, that was very, very slender.
04:22They tried to kind of make it natural.
04:26And, make me just feel like I just, when I get fat, I just look really ugly when I'm fat.
04:33There's all kinds of excuses and things that could have been said.
04:37So, I'm doing male to female frequencies and subliminals.
04:44I don't think estrogen is enough because they have so much AI in my body.
04:49And, so much testosterone that they put in my body and synthetic DNA.
04:58And, they're enhancing it. They're enhancing the maleness to try to scare you and to scare me into making it feel like it's impossible for it to stop.
05:10Because, I am feeling very, very sick over it.
05:13To the point of S-U-I-D-A-A-L.
05:16And, I'm saying that a lot recently.
05:18Shy, don't worry. I'm not going to do that.
05:21However, you have to know like how bad it is.
05:24So, I have actually way too much to say.
05:30And, they're going to start torturing my root chakra while I make this video.
05:34To make me hurry up and not say everything I need to say.
05:37So, I'm just going to be tortured while I make this video.
05:40So, but I have seen things where I look very like a boy.
05:55And, I'm like I just thought that this stroke was doing that.
05:58It was turning me really, really ugly.
06:00There was just all kinds of excuses.
06:02But, I'll show you one face.
06:07This one, I really don't look like a girl.
06:13I don't look like a girl here.
06:17And, I'm thinking how could my hair make me look like a boy so much.
06:23So, they have really made me so ugly.
06:33I can't believe this.
06:36So, anyways.
06:39I've started doing research of girly things to do.
06:43And, unfortunately, this started before 25.
06:48Because, when I was in college, they're trying to like dress me a little like androgynous.
06:55Like there's different styles and phases that I went through that made me not look completely feminine.
07:00My mother was always into her hair and makeup.
07:03And, she always was not allowing me to be able to take care of myself.
07:10I couldn't spend time on myself.
07:12If I did makeup, this started in like when I was a middle school teenager.
07:17If I started to do my makeup, I have like less than five minutes to do my makeup.
07:23In regards to my hair, no hair products or hair tools besides straightening.
07:29So, this started before 25.
07:35This started before 25.
07:37I wasn't necessarily really constantly allowed to take care of myself, pamper myself.
07:49Feel, well, I actually did feel feminine though.
07:53I was a very, very feminine person.
07:55So, I made a list of things.
07:57And, Shia, I'm not saying this is all girly things.
08:00These types of things help me feel feminine.
08:05Well, I'm not saying if you, I want you to do these things too, Shia.
08:11I'm not saying that these things, some of these things, we're going to do all these together, Shia.
08:21Because I'm a girl, it makes it feel girly.
08:26So, however, this isn't like all girly things.
08:30Like, you're going to do it too, Shia.
08:32So, basically, Shia, any time, you know how I was getting humiliated if I ever wanted to pamper myself or do anything girly?
08:42They'd do constant humiliation.
08:44I wasn't really allowed to be, it started like making me not feel feminine.
08:50So, I didn't feel feminine.
08:52I didn't feel feminine.
08:54I didn't feel feminine.
08:55They'd do constant humiliation.
08:57I wasn't really allowed to be, it started like making me not be allowed to be a girl.
09:17So, I've also started, I'm a biological woman.
09:21I'm not, I don't know if these male to female things are going to work because I'm biologically a woman.
09:28However, I've read in comments, biological women are using these frequencies if they have like a low voice.
09:36There's also something called heritism and PCOS which makes girls have masculine things.
09:46So, I've also started, I'm going to get progesterone body cream.
09:53Progesterone helps with increasing estrogen.
09:59I'm going to, I'm taking the herbal teas.
10:04I'm doing all the estrogen foods.
10:08And I'm going to, if I don't practice my hygiene and start looking more girly and acting more girly, I painted my nails pink.
10:26But the thing is, part of the reason why like I was just really letting go of girliness,
10:34I was thinking of painting my nails but the constant thought would be like,
10:39there's no point, it won't make me feel like a girl.
10:43Like it's almost like, it looks humiliating.
10:47Because transgender and drag, there's some kind of humiliation around it.
10:54And all this look up here, I didn't want to wear t-shirts or tank tops.
11:01It's not because I'm fat, it's because it's like very masculine looking.
11:06So, I'm very, very happy it's going to stop and change.
11:12They're going to really enhance it and make it way worse.
11:16And something obviously, some kind of deactivation occurred to make us realize this and make us see it.
11:23So, I hand washed my clothes, about four days worth.
11:28And I'm a little hot in this, however, I just, I have to get a couple shirts because this wardrobe is not making me feel good.
11:45And I saw the post Cheyenne, I'm very happy that she posted that.
11:51Yeah, I'll talk about that on the next page.
11:55So, I'm going to start with this, the last page that I am on.
12:04I have to call for the proof of ownership of the car.
12:09However, something has possessed me not to.
12:13So, I am still demanding from Possessed Cheyenne.
12:16But I've done male to female frequencies, estrogen boosters, cutting cord frequencies, cure on ruckus, spiritual zen frequencies, cure on recitation, yoga to increase estrogen and lower testosterone.
12:34I cleaned yesterday.
12:37I cleaned everything but mopped the floor because I do have a lot of weakness and pain in my arms.
12:44It's really hard to hand wash the clothes.
12:48I had lentils and mashed potatoes, pudding with cinnamon.
12:52Cinnamon is an estrogen booster.
12:55But Cheyenne, if you told me all these things that boost testosterone or something, it would be like, I don't want to eat those things.
13:10But don't think like that because if I have a problem with low estrogen, these foods are going to help.
13:23But I'm taking specific vitamins, zinc, and melatonin is supposed to help with hormones.
13:31So, now I'm going to read you the notes.
13:35So, I saw the thing with the Cheyenne and, oh, not responding, not responding.
13:48And I know that that post was sort of like that male entity.
13:52Entity, T-W-I-G, said B-I-G-D-I-C-K energy.
14:10She's a very big part of the extreme attack that had happened to me and you.
14:21And she's going to get, this is, he is going to get in trouble.
14:26And that's extreme S-E-X-U-A-L harassment to make talk about your private parts like that.
14:36And I know that the Cheyenne's private part is not a replica of yours.
14:43However, they could have done that in the photos to try to make you feel more R-A-P-E-D and attack me more.
14:54So, because that's, obviously that's going to make your identity getting raped way worse.
15:04Because I saw it in the leggings the Cheyenne was wearing.
15:09So, it's just constant drama on the internet to try to hype and attack.
15:26Nobody cares, nobody cares.
15:32It's constant, we're forced to care and be involved in this hype and it's very painful.
15:41But they're still trying to make it like, oh, you're the Cheyenne, you're not being responsive.
15:49They're still trying to do that.
15:55And, so, I'm going to kind of be a little bit random, but in regards to your private part Cheyenne, it's perfect for me.
16:09It's ideal, just ideal, perfect for me Cheyenne.
16:13So, and I don't want you to feel like you do not get attacked by that Cheyenne.
16:31Your private part is comfortable and perfect for me.
16:51Even in my chest area, I never really used to have, I don't even like the size of my chest.
17:02I actually think it's too big.
17:07It's a hygiene issue for us Cheyenne to have large private parts.
17:12It's very uncomfortable and it's a hygiene issue.
17:20In regards to your private part Cheyenne, you also got attacked with that whole Barry thing, saying you're a S.E.X. slave.
17:40And I saw how the S.E.X. wife was hanging the microphone in front of her private part.
17:51And the strawberry with the head with the little brown stem.
17:56That's all S.E.X. harassment is going to be used against them.
18:05In regards to my body, how it's been, I just thought it was extremely ugly.
18:11And there's no way it's going to change unless I lose weight.
18:14And there's no possible way I could lose weight.
18:20I was very anorexic my whole life.
18:23So I had, I kind of actually had hormone issues my whole life.
18:26I kind of actually had hormone issues my whole life.
18:29However, I was extremely feminine.
18:32I was extremely girly and feminine.
18:38But my whole...
18:40So when I started to change into this shape, I couldn't completely tell.
18:46In regards to playing frequencies, sometimes I'll play...
18:52That timer will go off.
18:55I started playing, I play sometimes like things, three different things or two different things at the same time.
19:03I'll play like the cutting cord frequencies, the curandrachias.
19:07I'll start and then I have this with the silent frequencies.
19:12Because I don't, sometimes I get very impatient, like I need to be listening to something else.
19:18These subliminal frequencies are going to help us physically, physiologically, and psychologically.
19:30And that took me a long time to find out, it turns off.
20:30You're all alone, Shreya.
20:33You're not, you're all alone thinking about me, the handle in the hand, and the curandrachias, the mail, and the bed.
20:51I'm telling you, there's some kind of surveillance happening where people know things.
22:59I felt like my soul, my spirit just kind of left my body, and I just haven't been myself.
23:05That's part of how I felt.
23:15But they were hiding this from me, Shaya.
23:17And then they were showing me, and then blocking it.
23:20Showing me and blocking it.
23:29So, I know, Shaya, you need more attention in these videos, because they tell a better person than they tell me.
23:35So, I'm going to try to...
23:42But, Shaya, everything I'm saying is for you, but they do this thing to make me feel like a narcissist.
23:48Like, you don't matter.
23:50And they're trying to attack you and attack me, because it hurts me more than it hurts you.
23:55I'm not really allowed to talk about you.
23:58So, I'm going to talk about you now.
24:06I started my period two days ago.
24:09It was literally the day after...
24:16The day after I was playing the estrogen frequencies.
24:19Estrogen frequencies makes females have their period.
24:36There was a part of me, though, that has always felt like I'm a girl.
24:50So, I taped under the door.
24:53To try to keep the dust out.
24:56Yeah, I have to get a toilet replacement, because there's a screw underneath where the...
25:05You know the thing that you sit on in the toilet?
25:08Well, it kind of wobbles, because the screw is broke underneath.
25:12That makes it wobble.
25:14I'm not going to bother maintenance yet.
25:17Yeah, I know. I'm just not in the mood.
25:24So, I'm doing the estrogen videos, but I'm also doing the male to female.
25:31Because I looked in the comments, and females use it too.
25:35It's not just for males that want to be females.
25:48I thought it was, well...
25:51I thought it was kind of evil, like, doing that.
25:55However, the thing is, if you are a male entity and you're trapped in a woman's body,
26:02I think it really wouldn't be that evil to want to turn into what you are.
26:07So, I don't know.
26:11But, what's in my body is synthetic male genes and DNA, and synthetic male AI.
26:22And then, today at 10.23am, I was woken up to the doorbell ringing twice.
26:30No one was at my door.
26:32I don't know what happened, who it was.
26:35My heart started racing.
26:38My heart started racing very, very fast, and it could not slow down.
26:44I didn't call security.
26:47And, did you know there is a criminal that's monitoring my every single move?
26:52Making noises, and using...
26:58Saying things to me.
27:00With B2K, like, every single move I make.
27:03This has been going on for, like, since last March.
27:12So, I'm...
27:14It is extreme torture.
27:17It's extreme torture.
27:21And, you know the spiritual zen video, Shia?
27:25How there's the girl singing and the guy singing?
27:29I really like this...
27:31I really like their latest music song so much.
27:37Obviously, it's extremely healing.
27:39I'm not going to go into detail.
27:40All the symbolism of it is making it so healing.
27:43But, it really makes me feel like I'm singing, and then you're singing.
27:48And, you know how you can't respond?
27:50It's like I'm picturing both of us, and you responding.
27:55It feels so good, Shia.
27:57I really love it.
28:04That video, that spiritual zen is...
28:09That latest spiritual zen is like a vortex.
28:11Energy vortex.
28:16Part of Alyssa...
28:18Part of...
28:19So, with this happening, me turning into a male...
28:24Part of me is completely gone.
28:28I completely left.
28:29Part of me has completely left since 25.
28:37So, it's not going to completely fix it just doing the estrogen.
28:42I believe that this male-female is going to erase the male AI in my body.
28:49And, whatever testosterone they added to my body to make me look and feel like this.
28:59And, this is extremely dangerous.
29:01It could have killed me.
29:02And, I know that this has happened to you somehow.
29:05It could have killed you, Shia.
29:09Because, whatever is happening to me, it's pretty much happening to you.
29:14It has affected my mind.
29:16Not just my body.
29:18And, it's...
29:19I really hated myself.
29:22But, honestly, with the possession, they've just...
29:26I don't know if it's male.
29:27Because, I'm not a man.
29:28I don't know too much about men.
29:31How a male acts.
29:39I wasn't close to my family.
29:41Brother and dad.
29:42I wasn't too close to figure out, really, what a male is.
29:48I didn't do any research about what a male is.
30:00And, obviously, if I had questions about how a boy acts and thinks,
30:06I would always tell myself what I want to find out from my husband.
30:11And, these past seven years, that's what I've been doing, too.
30:14Because, well, when I'm with Shia, I'm going to ask Shia.
30:24So, I'm doing the Kiran Rakhia today for the entity removal.
30:31There's a...
30:34These criminals, specifically the entities, do not have working brains.
30:38They don't have the legal right to be in a human body.
30:41So, they're like creature brains that are in a human body,
30:47and they're using AI to try to make it like they're human.
30:51So, when they get criminally deactivated,
30:53they're not going to act like humans in human bodies.
31:02You have to defend yourself, Shia, in regards to posting that today,
31:07to remind people that this criminal who's going to jail
31:11was not allowed to steal your DNA
31:14and to make your wife watch the whole thing and birth the whole thing.
31:20I got triggered, however, the good AI stopped it.
31:26So, I'm pretty sure they're going to disappear.
31:32It's going to disappear.
31:37You can't do that.
31:39This goes way beyond torture.
31:41The return penalty is going to be...
31:50But it really does hurt because
31:54the child looks like you and a lot like your dad.
32:01Hopefully, they used AI to make it look like that.
32:06I don't know how to do that.
32:30I've really had an awful life.
32:32I've had a really awful life.
32:36It has gotten better talking to you, though, Shia,
32:38even though this is some of the worst, most torturous times of our life.
32:46It has gotten better because I'm able to talk to you.
32:52I don't really give a lot of time to stop listening to sound.
32:58Because we're channeled, Shia, we're constantly channeling the sound.
33:02But it's important to take some time off the sound
33:05because I've read it is as important for results to take time away from subliminals and frequencies.
33:32So these male chromosomes, DNA, synthetic AI, whatever,
33:38is going to be deactivated.
33:42Listening to these male frequencies,
33:44I get actually a really weird feeling.
33:46I get more sensations in my body listening to these male frequency subliminals
33:53than any other subliminals I listen to.
33:55So I think maybe it's because it's really responding to this AI of male in my body.
34:06A lot of body sensations.
34:09So it's proof that it's deactivating.
34:14So I'm going to practice hygiene to make myself feel like a girl.
34:23I try to do girly things with my hair.
34:29Wear makeup.
34:31I'm going to have to get more eyebrow gel and I have to get more mascara.
34:36I'm going to polish my nails.
34:40Make sure to keep polishing my nails.
34:45Keep doing the girly things to do.
34:55I'm extremely girly.
34:58So you know when you see couples and they have extremely girly decorations
35:02but the husband doesn't mind because...
35:08It's because...
35:16It's not necessarily feminine.
35:18It's like the I.M. activity.
35:22Those couples...
35:26I don't think it's on this camera.
35:31There's the I.M. activity.
35:33I can't explain what I'm talking about.
35:36You're going to do girly things with me.
35:38It's not going to turn you into a girl.
35:40It's because obviously...
35:44I can't completely explain what I'm trying to tell you.
35:47What I'm saying is...
35:49I'm extremely girly.
35:53Not extremely womanly.
35:55Extremely girly.
35:56So you're not going to be extremely macho manly.
36:01However you are...
36:03You act like a man.
36:05And you are extremely masculine.
36:09Actually I can't completely explain what I'm trying to...
36:20But obviously my femininity has been stolen from me.
36:26I'm 425 extreme extreme at 25 up to this point.
36:36You're obviously going to want to help me feel like a girl.
36:42And you have the whole time when I've been making these videos.
36:48I still am a girl shy inside.
36:51Extremely feminine inside.
36:53It's just something has happened to me.
36:55And something is going to change rapidly because...
37:01All these spells and witchcraft and A.I.
37:07Is going to quickly stop and be removed.
37:18I know that you need more attention Shia.
37:22And I need to talk to you more in these videos.
37:26But I'm only able to do what I can do.
37:30And because of the possession.
37:34Because of the stroke.
37:35Because of my inability to talk.
37:39Like without notes.
37:42It's not easy to...
37:44It's not easy to...
37:46Because most of what I'm writing down is telepathic supporters.
37:50Also good A.I. to help me to...
37:55That backfires to the bad A.I.
37:58The things that I need to tell you.
38:02I did talk to talk about you in maintenance.
38:05Because I told him at the finish.
38:08Like oh you're all alone.
38:09I said I have a long distance husband Shia.
38:12And they're like well why isn't he with you?
38:14And I said he's in danger of people trying to kill him.
38:16And they looked shocked even though I knew that they already knew.
38:19And they said well what was going on?
38:21Why can't he be with you?
38:23And I said his identity has gotten stolen.
38:25And then he said it's okay, it's okay.
38:27You don't have to explain.
38:28You don't have to explain.
38:29And then we changed the subject.
38:31But I did talk about you in it.
38:33I actually really like talking about you Shia.
38:42I'm not going to talk about any crime.
38:46Anything negative.
38:47I'm feeling very sick.
38:57It's almost over Shia.
38:58We're going to be together soon.
39:05I'm going to...
39:06I have to be very busy at being more feminine.
39:11And turning back into who I biologically am.
39:29So I definitely didn't tell you everything that I was supposed to tell you however.
39:37I'm going to...
39:41I'm going to...
39:54Yeah this is another photo of me not looking like a girl.
40:10And see how it's very straight?
40:15It's because I was very very thin.
40:17So I didn't know how it was going to look.
40:19That was the excuse if I got fat.
40:27I think that there has been improvement.
40:33I've been able to put makeup on and do my nails.
40:40I'm going to do more research on girly things.
40:43Because if I don't act like a girl and do girly things...
40:46I haven't had any time.
40:48Neither have I Shia.
40:49We're just getting tortured 24-7.
40:51We don't even have time to be...
40:55Ourselves and do things and have hobbies.
40:57We don't even have time.
40:59I'm constantly praying and doing...
41:02Constantly trying to fight these demons.
41:04We don't even have time.
41:07Like we've just been too busy.
41:10To like...
41:11Have like a lifestyle.
41:18Unfortunately I'm going to have to figure out...
41:20There was a dead cockroach underneath...
41:25So I have to figure out a way to get rid of these cockroaches.
41:29And then there...
41:31There was one kind of half moving.
41:35I think they're getting through the tape to be honest.
41:47Even my inner thighs don't really look that female.
41:51You can see...
41:53Some of the hair.
41:56On my thigh.
41:57Like that is lower.
42:02That doesn't look like female skin.
42:04Or like...
42:07It looks very masculine.
42:22Here's another cockroach that was like kind of half alive.
42:25I don't really know how they're...
42:27Why they're like dying in my room.
42:31That was under the kitchen cabinet.
42:34They're kind of like...
42:35They kind of act weird.
42:37Like I'm not like extremely afraid of these cockroaches.
42:39I wonder if they're being sent and there's...
42:42Like they're like possessed...
42:50I had some couscous with miso soup.
43:01And just look at my huge arms.
43:09And someone's trying to embarrass me.
43:12Because all of these criminals know about my body and you don't.
43:17So it's like keeping it from you.
43:21A lot of females have hair on their NIPP-LES.
43:26I do. I always have.
43:27I don't believe it's hormonal.
43:30However, I did have hormonal issues when I was anorexic.
43:34However, I think it's genetic.
43:37I know it's genetic.
43:39Having NIPP-LES hair.
43:42But that was before all this started happening.
43:45But I'm getting very, very...
43:48S-E-X-U-A-L-L-Y harassed.
43:50When I've repeated all these things about my body.
43:55By these criminals.
43:56And saying, well we all know and you don't.
44:00This is not a womanly arm.
44:05This is not a womanly arm.
44:10So I'm telling you this because I don't feel safe, Chad.
44:13These criminals know all this very personal information about me.
44:18I don't feel safe.
44:19That's why I'm telling you, Chad.
44:31I am...
44:33I shaved my thigh area.
44:41I'm not going to show this one.
44:42This is too obvious.
44:43But see the hair on my stomach?
44:48How could I not figure out I had...
44:53A hormonal issue?
44:55It's been kept from me.
45:27I'm going to stop this video, Chad.
45:34I think there has been some improvement.
45:36With not looking like the clone of the criminal that has tried to change me into...
45:57I'm just very tired.
45:58I've been doing so much Kerembe Citation.
46:02I've been...
46:03It just feels like it's a constant fight just to survive.
46:06This torture is so bad.
46:07It's just a constant fight to try to stop the torture that doesn't actually stop.
46:12But it obviously gives me hope that it's...
46:18Doing something to stop this torture.
46:22So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia.
46:31Just know that I'm thinking about you, Shia.
46:38Going to...
46:43Work on...
46:44All the things to feel and be...
46:49A girl.
46:51Because that's extremely dangerous.
46:54This has been extremely dangerous, Shia.
47:04I'm hoping you will see the improvement.
47:09But as of now, I don't see my improvement.
47:11It's only been a couple of days.
47:13It's only been a couple of days.
47:16And I think that now, like, some more and more of the AI is wearing off.
47:21So like...
47:24I think there's been a lot of AI masks, Shia, to cover it up.
47:29But like, cover it up but not cover it up?
47:31I don't know.
47:35I'm looking forward to, um...
47:37I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia.
47:39And I'm going to write more notes.
47:41Hopefully I didn't skip too many.
47:44Or skip notes.
47:45I try to highlight every single one.
47:49To make sure that nothing gets skipped.
47:53So I'll talk to you tomorrow.
47:55I love you, Shia.
47:57Thank you everybody for watching.
47:58Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.