• 2 days ago


00:00Previously on DRAGULA
00:08We must conceptualize and create a new and disgusting look based on our holiday of horrors.
00:15I don't know who I am. I don't know what I want.
00:17With all this pressure, I might be starting to crack.
00:20There can only be one Rudolph at the front of Santa's sleigh.
00:23That reindeer is...
00:25Asia Concession.
00:27Oh my god!
00:29Yuri and Desiree, you are both up for extermination this week.
00:34You'll be immediately leaving the stage and heading directly to our nearby airplane,
00:39which will then fly you 10,000 feet into the air.
00:42I did the filth. I did the horror. What are you giving, though?
00:45The horror is your fucking makeup.
00:48You fucking cunt!
00:49Fuck this. I'm not in my fucking healing mood.
00:54My plan when I come back is to play this fucking game and win.
00:57These bitches better watch out.
01:18All aboard, uglies!
01:20Tonight we're taking you on a journey you won't soon forget.
01:24A ride where fear is the conductor and terror is the final destination.
01:30Our competitors are in for a real fright tonight,
01:33and they'll need nerves of steel to keep them on track.
01:36But this is no ordinary ride.
01:38Every twist and turn will bring them one step closer to their nightmares.
01:44Will they derail under pressure or stay on track to the bitter end?
01:48Who knows?
01:49Remember, this journey has no refunds and no returns.
01:53It's a one-way ticket to terror.
01:56So grab your seats and hold on tight.
01:59The darkness is about to descend.
02:02Welcome aboard.
02:04Next stop, your worst nightmares.
02:29She's a killer.
02:31Queen Dragula.
02:34She'll make you scream.
02:37Drag, drag, drag, drag, Dragula.
02:42The winner of the Boulay Brothers Dragula will receive a cash prize of $100,000,
02:46courtesy of us,
02:48and the crown and title of Dragula,
02:51the world's next drag super monster.
02:54Drag, drag, drag, drag, Dragula.
03:22Delicious Divas.
03:24How are you?
03:25Girl, hello.
03:30Last week, Desiree and Yuri were up for extermination.
03:34Let's just say the chicken hit the fan.
03:37Girl, that cauldron was intense.
03:41That chicken?
03:42That chicken.
03:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:48No, no, no, no, no.
03:52Smell it.
03:54Don't fucking do that.
03:55Smell it.
03:56You fucking cunt.
03:57Okay, great.
03:58Girl, I'm sending Yuri a dry cleaning bill.
04:00I got soaking wet with that drink, and I was not into it.
04:04I'm still trying to understand what happened with Chicken Gate.
04:08I don't know why there was even a chicken in the room,
04:10let alone being thrown through the air.
04:13I was so honored to be in the middle of that.
04:16It really helped, like, settle everybody down.
04:18Why the fuck are we fighting?
04:20Because we're looking.
04:22Even if we have some squabbles here,
04:24it's important to remember that we're all a part of the same family.
04:28While I respect the mother of the room, you know,
04:32trying to calm everybody down, let the bitches fight.
04:36So who do you guys think went home?
04:39I do think that I would like to see Yuri get another chance.
04:43She's just a shell, so I'm excited to see what that new person kind of brings.
04:47She's definitely more prepared to be here.
04:49I think that the Thanksgiving pilgrim was a little bit miss the mark for me.
04:54Yeah, I want her to just believe in herself.
04:57I feel like the pressure from being on another show and coming back again,
05:00it's a lot for me, and I feel very uneasy.
05:03I feel like I shouldn't be here. I feel like I don't belong.
05:06I feel like I'm not ready to be in the competition.
05:08I am the odd duck here, and I know that.
05:10Majesty has a tendency of making everything about her.
05:13This bitch is getting on my last nerve.
05:16Desiree was described as the most punk rock person on this show for years.
05:22High honor.
05:23I mean, what she did on that stage, none of us would have done.
05:27I mean, that's a fair point, but we are in a competition,
05:29so we can't forget what we do look like visually.
05:32It is still important.
05:34I'm no psychic, but hopefully Desiree goes home this week.
05:38Yuri had a lot more polish, and she seemed a bit more put together.
05:42Desiree brought a chicken.
05:45You do the math.
05:47This season is really, really crazy.
05:49Being in a tough competition.
05:50Surprise, bitches!
05:54Oh, my baby. I'm so excited to see Yuri come back into this competition.
05:58Bye-bye, poultry princess.
06:01How was that?
06:02How was it?
06:03I started getting very overwhelmed, very like, oh my God.
06:06It's fucking happening, and Desiree went before me,
06:09and she was there one second, then she was gone.
06:12And then I was like, oh my God, this is fucking real.
06:15And like, this is my biggest fear, so I was like, freaking the fuck out.
06:18I was over, what is it called? Hyperventilating?
06:21Yes, that's what I was doing.
06:23And then we had to go over the edge.
06:25Honestly, I can't believe I fucking did this.
06:27If you were to tell me that I had to do this before I came,
06:30I would be like, no, never mind, I'm not coming, it's all right, thank you.
06:33Never mind.
06:34Never in my life did I ever think I would jump out of a fucking plane.
06:38And like, if I can do this, anyone can do it.
06:41You can overcome your fears, like, you just have to do it.
06:44This is the biggest, biggest, biggest wake-up call I could have ever asked for,
06:48and I'm so fucking proud of myself.
06:50But like, it was such an amazing, amazing experience.
06:52I can't believe I fucking did that.
06:54That instantly brought back things that I used to feel too.
06:57You know, I already had such a fragile week the whole week.
07:01It was a lot.
07:02It does seem to be all about you, definitely.
07:05Listen, I am done hearing Majesty talk about themselves.
07:09I don't care.
07:11I've dealt with enough narcissists in my life
07:13that I'm very keen to when I see it in other people.
07:16I want you to understand that every moment is not about you,
07:20and I just want you to know that you're going to have to do a lot
07:23to prove that you actually are being genuine.
07:25I don't think I'm being a fake person here at all.
07:27I'm not saying that you're not real,
07:29but I'm seeing a lot of fake shit from you,
07:32so I want to see something more from you.
07:35I'm really sorry that you feel that way.
07:37Just know that I am watching you,
07:39and I hope, for the sake of everybody that you interact with,
07:43that you are real.
07:44Auntie's seeming a little preachy.
07:46I mean, she did it last week in the cauldron,
07:48she's doing it right now,
07:49and honestly, who made you leader of the group?
07:52I feel like Auntie comes for people when she sees a weakness
07:55to make herself feel stronger.
07:57I feel like she's doing this on purpose.
07:59I am a broken person right now.
08:01I'm working on it. It's not right away.
08:03And I'm sorry that I might come across fake.
08:05I just don't know who I am or what I want in my life,
08:08and I don't know if I'm ready to be in a competition.
08:10That's why they took my audition tape and put me here,
08:13to fucking challenge me.
08:14So the fake side that you're seeing of me
08:16is just a lot of insecurity.
08:18I hope you're right.
08:20That's my truth. I can't say it any clearer. I'm sorry.
08:23What did I walk back into?
08:28All right.
08:45All aboard, uglies.
08:48For tonight's Ghastly assignment,
08:50you must create and conceptualize new locomotive looks
08:53based on the theme of...
08:55the Ghost Train.
08:57Ooh, okay.
08:59Whether you're a cadaverous conductor,
09:01an evil engineer,
09:03or a sacrilegious socialite with a one-way ticket to hell,
09:07your job is to embody an original creepy character
09:10or phantasmal passenger
09:12who has been doomed to spend an eternity
09:14aboard our spectral steam engine.
09:17Ooh, yes!
09:19As a second part to tonight's challenge,
09:21you must break up into three groups of three
09:24and perform together as a terrifying trio
09:27while lip-syncing to our new song,
09:29The Ghost Train.
09:33Which is streaming now on Spotify, Apple Music,
09:35and all major music platforms worldwide.
09:38Oh, and if that's not enough of a challenge,
09:41you'll also be performing and presenting your new looks
09:44on location in...
09:46you guessed it,
09:48an actual haunted train yard.
09:54Beep, beep!
09:58The winner of this challenge will receive
10:00a royal custom crystal jewelry set
10:02created by Fierce Drag Jewels.
10:06since you've all been so good this season,
10:09you will all receive custom-jeweled earrings
10:12from Fierce Drag Jewels that you can wear
10:14for this week's floor show.
10:16Happy birthday, uglies.
10:20I need an earring.
10:22Now get to work, my little gelatinous ghouls,
10:24and remember, for one of you,
10:26the ride on this ghost train will be your last.
10:30For one of you,
10:32this train will be driving directly through your body
10:34and exploding it into bits on the tracks.
10:46Ghost train.
10:48I am super excited.
10:50It's ghost train.
10:52We got another performance challenge.
10:54It's time for a bad bitch to shine.
10:56A fucking group challenge.
10:58How are we feeling?
11:00I'm a little nervous about groups
11:02because obviously I'm able to win by myself.
11:04Oh, my God.
11:06She doesn't want other people to pull her down.
11:08Don't feed her ego, please.
11:10Teams? I don't do teams.
11:12Maybe it'll give us a chance
11:14to know each other better.
11:22Oh, my God!
11:24Gorgeous, gorgeous.
11:28Oh, my God.
11:30Oh, my God, oh, my God.
11:32Oh, my fucking God, the jewels.
11:34I love jewels.
11:36I love big pageant earrings.
11:38I'm so excited for this.
11:40How do we pick who gets what?
11:42I know which ones I want.
11:44I have my eyes on these gorgeous
11:46black dangly earrings on the table, y'all.
11:48If someone takes my jewels,
11:50I'm gonna pry their dirty hands off of it.
11:52Everybody is eyeing these jewels.
11:56These bitches better not pick the one I want.
11:58Are we about to fight over some jewels?
12:00Oh, God.
12:02All right, well...
12:04I really don't care which ones I get.
12:06I got this one. I got it.
12:08I feel like I'm on the Discovery Channel
12:10and all the lions are going in hard.
12:14Oh, yes, oh, yes, bitch.
12:16How did I end up with a set?
12:18Fuck, yes.
12:20Lo and behold, I snatched and ran, y'all.
12:22I got the jewels I wanted.
12:24Shing-a-ling-a-ling, bitches.
12:26So, like,
12:28what is everybody thinking
12:30about picking teams?
12:32Um, I'm not talking about it to everybody.
12:34I'm gonna go around to every person, okay?
12:36Who wants to audition for Team Asia?
12:38Who wants to audition for Team Asia?
12:40Wait, what?
12:42I think we should be on a team.
12:44I'll give you my jewelry.
12:48Where are you going?
12:50Get away, Majesty, I don't want you.
12:52Yuri, get over here.
12:54And I know when ideas are good
12:56and when ideas are bad.
12:58A lot of people seem to want to be on my team this week,
13:00which kind of sucks, because I can only pick two.
13:02Miss Asia,
13:04oh, God, where are you going?
13:06To the office.
13:08I didn't pick Pai to be on my team,
13:10because I don't want it to be too obvious that we're an alliance,
13:12so I'm gonna keep it under wraps for now.
13:14Oh, she won the lip-syncing challenge.
13:16Yeah, she beat me in a box, bitch.
13:18She's gotta be good.
13:20Why am I over here?
13:22It just came to our attention
13:24that you won the last lip-syncing challenge.
13:26Yeah, go win.
13:28Well, I feel like it makes the most sense
13:30for both of the winners to be on the same team,
13:32so I really want to go for Asia.
13:34I think it does kind of behoove us to kind of be together,
13:36because we are kind of top competition right now.
13:38Are those three gonna be on the team together?
13:40I don't know.
13:42They're tops, so, like, I don't know if they should be.
13:44They need a bottom.
13:46Well, there's five of us,
13:48and we need groups of three.
13:50Someone's gonna have to split up.
13:52Did we do it? Did I manipulate us well enough?
13:54And I got Grey and Yuri exactly who I wanted.
13:56I feel like I've got half of who I wanted.
13:58I'm feeling Asia and Jahariya.
14:00Aurora, what if you mean Jahariya were on a team?
14:02So what's happening? What's happening?
14:04I'm just saying I want Jahariya, so...
14:06I want Aurora, though, y'all.
14:08I'm sorry.
14:10And I want Asia, so we just need one more.
14:12Yes, we need one more.
14:14Let me go with you guys, then.
14:16Asia's been winning the challenges.
14:18Aurora looks fucking fantastic.
14:20I think this might be a great team.
14:22A match made in hell.
14:24I also wanted Asia.
14:26And Asia picked her.
14:28So how do we feel about our teams?
14:30Is anyone in a group that they don't want to be in?
14:34I was definitely leaning towards Jahariya.
14:36Pai, on the other hand,
14:38I did not want to be with Pai.
14:40She's the other camp queen,
14:42and I just...
14:44I really don't want to be competing for the camera.
14:46All right, let's just go and do this shit, okay?
14:48All right, let's do this.
14:50All right, let's go.
14:52Let's go.
14:56I love this Nubule song.
14:58It's catchy as hell.
15:00I literally can't get it out of my head,
15:02so I hope that's a good thing.
15:04I think this song is incredible.
15:06It's very slow.
15:08It's kind of the vibe that I perform back home,
15:10so I'm just really drawn to it.
15:12We start here, and then, like, I move forward,
15:14and then do the first verse,
15:16and then on the chorus, we start, like, rotating.
15:18Ooh, yeah, okay, yeah, let's do that.
15:20Yeah, let's do it.
15:22I think the wind is pushing back against you
15:24as you're walking. I want you to be very...
15:26Like, you just, you can't really get there,
15:28but you're really trying to.
15:30The judges have critiqued me
15:32on moving too fast,
15:34so Majesty's giving me a little lesson
15:36on how to slow it down.
15:38You're blindfolded, maybe. Think blindfolded.
15:40Think you can't see. I can't see.
15:42If you can't do anything, how would you...
15:44Probably be like...
15:46All in all, I just want my group
15:48to put as much good,
15:50campy, silly effort into this
15:52and create a really cohesive
15:54moment that none of the other
15:56groups could ever dream of doing.
15:58So we're gonna go full
16:00Broadway Dreamgirls
16:02camp style with choreography
16:04and everything. I'm actually really
16:06excited about this. What do you guys think about
16:08if we start out in a row
16:10and then each of us spin
16:12around and go in a circle?
16:14Yes, that would look so cool.
16:16Almost like a triangle. Yeah.
16:18Great start so far,
16:20and our group decided to
16:22split up the responsibilities
16:24in this challenge, and it's just working great.
16:26There's dancers on the other team,
16:28there's some strong performers,
16:30but I really feel confident that my team is gonna
16:32turn this one out. I'm feeling a bit
16:34worried for the other trios this week.
16:36They all don't really do nothing.
16:48My inspiration for this week's
16:50ghost train is the coal shuffler.
16:52So I wanted to be a bitch that got
16:54flames from the ankles up
16:56and I'm burning up on the scene.
16:58I take a large roll of this twisty tie
17:00and I measure out how long that is on the triangle,
17:02and once I add the tie in there, you can
17:04actually bend this, which will also incorporate
17:06the flame idea and make it more
17:08twisty and however you want to do it.
17:10So it gives more structure and also allows you
17:12to play with the fabric some more.
17:14So this week, I decided to
17:16So this week, I just wanted
17:18to have this debutante woman
17:20who was killed for all of her jewels
17:22and she just is bleeding glamour.
17:24I'm also trying to create a gradient
17:26coming off of the main piece
17:28to make it look like it's a festering
17:30cut of rhinestones and jewelry.
17:32A lot of people have been coming
17:34for me for just being glamour,
17:36and now that I get to do it on such a heightened
17:38level, I get to kind of show them what I do.
17:40My inspiration
17:42for ghost train is a
17:44good old-fashioned Texan
17:46cowboy. So the materials I'm
17:48using are a lot of gold trinkets
17:50because he's a gold-digging train
17:52robber. So my group is going to
17:54be very cohesive. We went with
17:56more neutral tones instead of the
17:58blue tones. And
18:00instead of being so mischievous and bouncy,
18:02it's going to be more sinister
18:04and it's going to be a lot of fun.
18:06This week, I am
18:08giving them the damsel in distress
18:10who got railed by the
18:12train and maybe she liked
18:14it. For my materials, I'm
18:16going for something all in the world of blue.
18:18Every time that I'm mixing different
18:20blues, I'm letting them be
18:22a little bit different from the one before.
18:24You know, no ghost is the exact same shade of blue.
18:26I'm ready to serve you pussy
18:28and I'm ready to serve you some cunt
18:30and I'm so excited.
18:43It's a new day
18:45in the lab and I am ready
18:47to conjure up some
18:51I'm really confident in what my
18:53group has to bring and I just
18:55know I'm about to serve glamour
18:57puss, honey. My team,
18:59I feel like we're doing great.
19:01We're going to look cohesive. We're not
19:05She speaks up one time
19:07in a cauldron and now she's reading everyone.
19:09I want to show everyone that I'm coming
19:11out of my shell, so I'm going to start a
19:13little choo-choo train.
19:15Peoples, I feel like we should do a
19:17little choo-choo train, you know, just
19:19to get us in the mood, so I'm going to start.
19:21Do we have to stand up?
19:23Choo-choo, you come with me.
19:25Yuri's being so
19:27silly right now and it's great to
19:29see the side of them.
19:31I love the train!
19:33Come on, Asia!
19:35Jump on the train! Get on the kaboom!
19:37The choo-choo
19:39train in the lab, I feel like it's going to
19:41bring the spirits up. We needed a light-hearted
19:43choo-choo train after Chicken Gate.
19:51No, I don't
19:53want to do a fucking choo-choo. I'm trying to do my fucking
19:55makeup, bitch. Sit down.
19:57So, not to start some shit, but I am a little
19:59curious. I was a little tense yesterday
20:01at the table with Majesty and Auntie.
20:03I was wondering if y'all were able to
20:05talk it out more, patch it up some more,
20:07how we're feeling today. I'm very
20:09lost right now and I feel
20:11a little bit more lost after yesterday.
20:13But I also appreciate
20:15you, Auntie, for pointing these things out
20:17to me. You're very
20:19concerned about how other people
20:21are perceiving you and
20:23how your image comes off.
20:25I think the other option is
20:29I know when people are
20:31being nice to me and being
20:33different to somebody else.
20:35That's a red flag for me.
20:37I have my guard up
20:39and I'm not interested in being fooled
20:41like I've been fooled in the past.
20:43It's a rich Auntie calling Majesty
20:45a narcissist, especially since that bitch
20:47got her own self tattooed on her chest.
20:49I have a tattoo of myself.
20:51It's my merch, too, so if you like it on
20:53my chest, you can have it on yours,
20:57And I'm the narcissist.
20:59I have Cher on my chest.
21:07I'm going to be creating burn marks
21:09on my face using liquid
21:11latex and tissue. Literally
21:13just slap pieces on,
21:15cover that in latex as well,
21:17and try to, like, smush
21:19up so it gives you, like, ridges
21:21of, like, a burnt wood.
21:23And then you'll cover it in powder when you're done.
21:35Oh, no!
21:37Attention, competitors.
21:39Attention, competitors.
21:41The floor show
21:43is about to begin.
22:59All aboard!
23:01Welcome, foolish mortals, to a one-way
23:03ticket to the afterlife.
23:05Please proceed to track 66,
23:07where you'll leave our sinister station
23:09for what will surely be
23:11your final destination.
23:13Tonight, we've challenged our sinister
23:15specters to conceptualize and
23:17create looks inspired by our
23:19new song, The Ghost Trio.
23:21As a
23:23second part to the challenge, our
23:25phantasmal fiends have also been charged
23:27with preparing a lip-sync performance
23:29as a trio with people
23:31that they probably hate.
23:33Here to help us judge tonight's
23:35floor show is the master of mansions
23:37both haunted and horrifying,
23:39the renowned director,
23:41Justin Simien.
23:43Justin, darling,
23:45welcome back to the show, and I do hope you
23:47enjoy your luxury suite aboard our
23:49train ride to hell.
23:51Ooh, I hope they have a bar car. I am
23:53feeling the spirit tonight.
23:55And our next judge
23:57is the Drag King of Kings,
23:59and the winner of the Blu-Ray Brothers
24:01Dragula Season 3, the one
24:03and only Landon Sider.
24:05Landon, welcome
24:07back to the show. Thank you, that's so
24:09sweet, and I do have to say, you two look
24:11beautiful, and just
24:13like a ghost, I will be seeing through these
24:15contestants tonight, and I will be
24:17joining Justin in that bar car.
24:19We might have already been up in that bar car.
24:23Hold on tight, dear travelers,
24:25as we embark upon our flight
24:27into the realm of haunted dreams
24:29where darkness meets the light.
24:31For in this eerie journey
24:33where reality may blur,
24:35were all passengers on this
24:37haunted train forever
24:39bound to stir.
24:41In the silence of the shadows
24:43where spirits softly spin
24:45amongst the whispers of the
24:47night, let the floor show
33:30Thank you all for a truly sinister ride on the Spectral Express.
33:34Your combined interpretation of our Ghost Train Challenge was excellent,
33:38and we thought everyone, again, did a great job this week.
33:44Still, as this is a competition and a game,
33:47someone must win and someone must...
33:53So, without further ado,
33:56without further ado,
33:58let the shadows cast their verdict and let darkness decree
34:03as we unveil the horrors lurking for all to see.
34:08Now, under the moon's chilling grin,
34:11it's time to let judgment begin.
34:17Now, if I call your ghostly given name,
34:20please float forward.
34:33And Asia.
34:37Congratulations, you are safe and may leave the stage.
34:40So, I'm safe.
34:42Overall, I'm proud of my group for picking up the choreography
34:45and really selling the fuck out of that performance.
34:49The remaining Restless Souls represent the highest
34:52and the lowest scoring performers this week.
34:55We're going to go down the line and offer you our fiendish feedback.
35:01Let's start with Anti-Heroine.
35:04OK, you had a party, I had a party.
35:07I'm living, which is ironic, because you're giving death as well.
35:10There's so many little details.
35:13You're giving me clue, you're giving me detective,
35:16you're giving me horror, and they all fit together to tell one story.
35:20I absolutely loved, loved your look.
35:23Well, thank you.
35:24With your presentation of it too, it was so well thought out
35:27and obviously rehearsed, because it was timed
35:30and you kept me looking forward to what was coming next.
35:33I think the only thing is I would have liked to see how you died.
35:35OK, thank you.
35:36Just to add that element to your storyline.
35:38I think you did a fantastic job this week.
35:40You went for volume, which is always great.
35:43You brought total camp to this challenge,
35:45which was a different approach, and I really appreciated it.
35:48And the lip sync was on point as well.
35:51Collectively, your group was so strong.
35:54I was really impressed with the choreography.
35:56You brought a lot of fun to the whole performance,
35:58and I've said this a thousand times,
36:00when the performer is having fun,
36:02a good chance the audience is having fun too.
36:04Thank you, I appreciate that.
36:06I'm feeling really good about these critiques.
36:07I loved my performance, I loved my runway.
36:10I feel like I got this.
36:12Let's talk about Pi next.
36:15We've seen this kind of gag before with costuming,
36:17but I love your approach to it,
36:19and that you still made it ghostly with you.
36:21With such a big piece, you still move with it comfortably.
36:25Oh, I was waiting for someone to get clocked.
36:27I was waiting for Javier to go over,
36:29and he's going to be on the ground.
36:31You should have seen the rehearsals.
36:33I could have used a couple more details.
36:35I wish I knew exactly how you died.
36:37Right now it looks like you kind of broke free,
36:39and maybe it's like an underground railroad situation.
36:42I'm not sure, but it doesn't really matter,
36:44because I live.
36:46And I died.
36:49I kind of love and also hate the hair,
36:53but you painted your face in a beautiful way,
36:56and you haven't shown us this makeup yet.
36:59I was excited to show you some versatility,
37:01because she does it all.
37:03Mission accomplished.
37:04I love the wig, because I thought it was unexpected.
37:06You know, I feel like everyone thinks more like
37:0820s and 30s when you think of ghosts,
37:10and I feel like you were giving a sex worker
37:12at the train tracks in the 80s
37:14who just was wasted and got smashed by a train,
37:16and I'm down with it.
37:18Was that the story you wrote for her?
37:19That's the story I wrote for her.
37:21I like that Pi wore some freaking hair.
37:25Good girl.
37:27I hate, hate, hate the hair.
37:29I hate the hair.
37:30But can.
37:32Moving on to Phoebe the Force.
37:35You were also giving train track.
37:37It took me a second to realize it.
37:39You're standing next to somebody
37:40with a big giant rail on their back,
37:41so that's annoying if I were you.
37:43But what I love is the color story.
37:45I do wish it was just like a touch more readable,
37:48but you look great, alive or dead,
37:51and thank you so much.
37:54In a 360-degree competition,
37:56you have to make sure you give a 360-degree look as well,
37:58and I think paying some attention to the backwards
38:00benefited you.
38:01Overall, I really like the concept, though,
38:02and the performance.
38:03Thank you so much for the feedback.
38:05I do like the look.
38:06I like the entrails.
38:07I like how they sort of marry well
38:10with the shape of the big Belle dress.
38:12As far as the overall look, though,
38:14I felt like it was a little unfocused.
38:16You lost me a little bit.
38:19At this point, it really comes down to the fine details.
38:22I know that my back wasn't painted,
38:24but I can't really reach back there.
38:28Vivi was a ran-over bride?
38:32Question mark?
38:33If I was her husband, I'd probably run over her, too.
38:37Let's move on to Aurora.
38:39Aurora, I think you look absolutely beautiful.
38:41I think it's such a glamorous head-to-toe look,
38:44and I love that pop of red.
38:46It tells us the story of how you died,
38:48which I appreciate as well.
38:50Last week, we said,
38:51if glamor is your strength, play to your strength.
38:55If we wanted a certain look to be a little darker,
38:57that's one thing,
38:58but do not be afraid to be glamorous.
39:00Okay, good.
39:01I will bring glamor.
39:03You did that, and it was very successful.
39:06When you take that feedback and you apply it immediately,
39:08it always takes you far,
39:10because now's not the time
39:12to necessarily develop new skills, right?
39:14True, true.
39:16Bitch, you brought it.
39:18This is high glam,
39:19and there are a lot of details in this
39:21that I absolutely appreciate,
39:23and they all push your story forward.
39:26You're rich, you're wounded,
39:28your blood is jewels,
39:29your bag, the color scheme,
39:31the lip sync was great.
39:32You were super strong tonight.
39:35That means a lot.
39:36This is a rich bitch.
39:39The blood diamonds,
39:41they're wild,
39:42and the way that they're catching the light,
39:44it's so beautiful.
39:45This is how you work with color.
39:47It is truly exquisite.
39:49Aurora looks so fucking good,
39:51it makes me mad.
39:52Fucking bitch.
39:53Aurora looked so fucking good.
39:55Like, honestly, fuck that.
39:57Fuck her.
40:00Let's talk about Yuri next.
40:02You look incredible.
40:04I cannot believe that you made this by hand.
40:07Honey, that's how you died,
40:09making that dress.
40:11And it was worth it, okay?
40:12You look incredible.
40:14You make death look
40:16actually like something I might want to try,
40:18so bravo for that.
40:21See, I told you jumping out of a plane would help.
40:25You came alive on camera this week.
40:27You came alive.
40:28I feel like you took the feedback that we gave you
40:31and you incorporated it.
40:32That's hard to kind of overcome in a matter of days,
40:35and you were able to do it,
40:36and I feel like now you can see what we were seeing.
40:42Thank you for pushing me out of a plane.
40:44Yeah, for sure.
40:47No problem at all.
40:48I'm telling you,
40:49it's gonna be your new hobby.
40:50No, no, no, no, no, no.
40:53Yuri, you were just enchanting,
40:57and where many people went the Haunted Mansion route,
41:00you look more like a ghost from an A24 movie
41:03or Guillermo del Toro's world.
41:05It's so great.
41:06I applaud you.
41:07I think Swan is cheating off of my notes
41:10because everything she just said
41:12was exactly what I had written down.
41:14You were just a pleasure to watch.
41:17I'm so proud of Yuri.
41:19Her look is amazing.
41:21I'm just like, she's finally here.
41:23I'm glad Yuri's awake now, but I'm still bored.
41:26I didn't get ghost from Yuri's look.
41:28I didn't really understand it,
41:29and I don't understand why she was getting good critiques.
41:33And finally, Grey Matter.
41:36I love that you're the only one up here
41:38that's giving masculine energy.
41:40Bitch, if I could fit in that jacket,
41:42I would steal that jacket and them shoes,
41:44but you're tiny and I'm big and it's fine.
41:46Great job.
41:48Before I learned that you were an actual hot actor,
41:51I actually have in my notes
41:52that you look like a hot actor.
41:54I would have loved to see you
41:55grunge up your costume more on the bottom.
41:57Fuck him up a little bit more.
41:59I do think the lip sync performance
42:01was a little low energy.
42:02It made me feel like you were outside of your comfort zone.
42:06And I will also agree that
42:08it's giving maybe less drag and more scare actor,
42:11and I know that's the world you come from,
42:13but this is a drag competition.
42:15So you need to show up and show out in that way.
42:17That does not mean to feminize your look.
42:20It doesn't mean to add gender to your look.
42:23It's just about adding some more flounce to everything.
42:28Dragging it up, if that makes sense.
42:30Drag it up.
42:31Drag it up.
42:32We're not telling you to put on a bra.
42:34That's not your drag.
42:35If that's what we were looking for,
42:37we wouldn't have cast you.
42:38But if you did, I wouldn't be mad.
42:40Gray is known for doing these incredible masks,
42:43prosthetics, all kinds of awesome things.
42:45And this week, it was just boring.
42:49Gray looks like they're from a Rob Zombie movie.
42:51I really enjoy it.
42:52But yeah, I don't see the drag.
42:56Vivi the Force
42:59and Gray Matter.
43:01The judges have decided
43:02that you will both face this week's extermination.
43:07I'm shocked.
43:09I've been doing so well in this competition,
43:12and this fucking sucks.
43:14I felt like my look was strong enough
43:16to avoid being in the bottom.
43:17I'm kind of scared about whatever's gonna happen next.
43:25Aurora Gosmic,
43:26and Yuri.
43:28You four scored the highest this week,
43:31but there can only be one chief conductor
43:34on tonight's train to nowhere.
43:36And that ghostly grape is...
43:40Aurora Gosmic.
43:44Oh my God, I finally won a challenge.
43:46Joining the winner's circle feels good.
43:48And now everyone needs to watch out
43:51because I'm finally in the game, babes.
43:53In addition to proving you are the ghost with the most,
43:56you will also receive an exclusive custom jewelry set
43:59from Fierce Drag Jewels.
44:01Oh, it seems fitting for me.
44:03It's perfect.
44:04It's perfect.
44:05You four may leave the stage now.
44:08You four may leave the stage.
44:11Thank you so much.
44:12Seeing Aurora go from being up for extermination with sharks
44:16to listening to the judges and now winning,
44:18like, she deserves that.
44:20That's how you fucking win this competition.
44:24Vivian Greymatter,
44:26you will leave the stage and immediately be taken
44:28to our newest invention,
44:30our Tesla coil of turmoil,
44:33where you will be placed in a metal room
44:35inside an active Tesla coil
44:37that generates constant shocks and thrills.
44:42You must keep your hands firmly on the railing of the coil
44:45as it doles out delicious detonations
44:48of electric expulsion.
44:50And your job is simple.
44:52You must keep your hands on the railing
44:54longer than your opponent and outlast them.
44:58Now, quickly exit the stage.
45:01The pain train is about to leave the station
45:04and the price of being tardy is truly terminal.
45:25We made it, bitches.
45:26Oh, my God, safe again.
45:28Yeah, again.
45:29Let me get a drink right quick.
45:31I'm a little conflicted being safe yet again
45:33on the performance challenge,
45:34but I'm always glad to be here,
45:36so I'm a choo-choo another day.
45:38How are y'all feeling about being safe this week?
45:41You know, I thought I'd be in the top this week.
45:43I really love my look, but I do think
45:45with everything that's been going on in my performance,
45:47I didn't have the energy I was hoping to have.
45:49I'm glad that I'm safe this week.
45:51There's been a lot on my mind,
45:52and I feel like if I wasn't in my head,
45:54I would have been in the top, but...
45:57Choo-choo, bitches!
46:00Speak of the devil.
46:02I'm super proud of Aurora.
46:03Me and her had similar track records,
46:05and now we're both in the top,
46:07and he and Asia better watch the fuck out,
46:09because the tables are turning.
46:11Well, for the first time in the competition,
46:14Miss Thing has snagged a win.
46:18Aurora won a performance challenge.
46:23I will say, though, we were the best team.
46:26Can we go back to my win?
46:28That's okay.
46:29If you listen to their critiques, you might win.
46:31I'm noticing that someone is a little bitter.
46:34I think Auntie might be a little upset
46:36that she didn't snag this win.
46:38But, oh, well, I won.
46:40I'm very surprised to hear that Gray's in the bottom.
46:43It needed to be bigger,
46:44and everybody on stage was gigantic.
46:46I don't know, but Gray has a really good track record.
46:53Being up for extermination gives me a lot of anxiety.
46:56There's a lot of unknowns,
46:58and I cannot go home right now.
47:01Extermination is going to be that we'll be electrocuted.
47:05A chest coil.
47:07Shut up!
47:08Have you done this before?
47:10No, I've never been electrified
47:13or shocked or anything like that,
47:15but I have been shot in the back of the head
47:18with a rubber bullet.
47:20At a Black Lives Matter protest,
47:22I was shot in the back of the head
47:24with a rubber bullet by the cops,
47:26and it was the most painful thing
47:28that I've ever been through.
47:29And, yeah, I was bleeding.
47:30I have a scar in the back of my head from it,
47:32and I feel like if I went through that,
47:34I can get shocked by a Tesla.
47:37Yeah, I've been through a lot of painful times
47:39in my life like that,
47:41and that's why I feel like I'm pretty equipped
47:43to handle whatever they throw at me.
47:46When I come back next week,
47:47you're going to see a bigger and brighter Vivi.
47:50Chaos will fucking reign.
47:52I'm going to hold on to those coils as long as I fucking can.
47:55Gray's not going to come out of this one alive.
47:57I'm going to stay.
47:58Gray, are you doing all right?
48:00Uh, yeah.
48:01I'm kind of just laser-focused on this extermination.
48:05I'm obviously kind of in my head, but...
48:07Gray seems a bit defeated.
48:09I thought Gray would have been more passionate
48:12and would have had more of a drive
48:14to fight for themselves,
48:15and I don't see it.
48:17I'm freaking out,
48:18and I don't have the words
48:20to express how I'm feeling right now.
48:23It's just hard to be present with y'all talking
48:25when Vivi and I have to go do something that's intense,
48:29and we're already in a pressure cooker,
48:31and we're about to get cooked even more.
48:33I can literally feel Gray's energy diminishing right now.
48:37I feel like Gray is shutting down.
48:39I don't know.
48:40Whoever comes back into the competition,
48:42I hope there's a spark.
48:43Oh, no!
48:46Gray is definitely in his head right now.
48:48It makes sense.
48:49I think he really flubbed up on this one,
48:52but, girl, get your head in the game.
48:55I don't want to see any of you go home.
48:57They both came into the cauldron this week
48:59with tears in their eyes,
49:00and I've never seen Vivi or Gray like that.
49:02They're both such strong monsters.
49:04I can't bear to watch them leave.
49:07Oh, that's me.
49:09Can you give us, like, a sermon?
49:12I can tell Majesty's getting in her head,
49:14and I really want her to just stay focused on the competition.
49:18I'm okay. I'm okay.
49:20You know, I don't know how to feel.
49:23I know I just feel like shit.
49:26I feel like shit.
49:27You are here for a reason.
49:28They want you here.
49:29You have many fans that want you here,
49:31and they would want you to be focused.
49:33So just make sure, no matter what you do going forward,
49:36just keep your head in the fucking game.
49:39Okay? I love you, guys.
49:41Majesty came here to fight her anxiety,
49:43and it seems like the competition's getting the best of her.
49:46To be honest, I'll be pissed if either of you go home.
49:49I volunteer I would.
50:01The extermination is the Tesla coil,
50:04and they are about to electrocute me.
50:07This is fucking terrifying.
50:09There's zappings, there's beeps, there's all this fucking commotion.
50:12I'm fucking scared. I've never been zapped before.
50:14I have to put my hands up against this thing.
50:16There is no escape.
50:19The back wall is moving.
50:21Fucking ceiling is coming down on me,
50:24and I'm freaking the fuck out.
50:43My fingers are burning. My side is burning.
50:45My legs are burning.
50:47There's electricity all throughout my body,
50:49but I'm not gonna go home.
50:51I'm gonna hold on to this bar as long as I fucking can.
50:56Every shock I'm getting is a reminder
50:58of how bad I want to stay here.
51:01I just have to remember that pain is temporary,
51:04and all I have to do is outlast B.E.
51:14I hope you're enjoying this!
51:26I don't know how long I can hold on to this thing for.
51:28It's starting to really hurt.
51:30In the back of my mind, I'm just hoping that Grey lets go of the thing
51:33so I can stay.
51:38All my holes are tingling.
51:40My fingers fucking hurt.
51:42And how do people enjoy this?
51:44Electricity is definitely not a new king of mine.
51:46Grey has to go home this week.
51:48I didn't come this far to be beaten by some hot actor.
51:50I do this shit for a living.
51:52I'm a drag queen.
51:58I'm in so much pain right now.
52:00My fingers are killing me,
52:02but I cannot go home.
52:04What I bring is a new facet to the Dragula world,
52:07and I'm excited and eager to show what I have,
52:11and I will be back next week.