• 2 days ago
New Action Movie 2024 Full Movie English Hollywood Action Movies 2024 2
00:00:00But it would hurt my feelings if you delivered my first grandson without me.
00:00:04I'll be back in plenty of time.
00:00:06And I'm counting on you.
00:00:08Keep good thoughts, the baby.
00:00:11We'll see you in a few weeks, mother.
00:00:13All right, Peter Watson, you drive slowly and easily.
00:00:17And avoid the ruts in the bus.
00:00:20Annie and my grandson do not need to be jostled around like a sack of potatoes.
00:00:25Yes, ma'am.
00:00:27I got it for you, Joe.
00:00:29Yes, sir!
00:00:30Step up!
00:00:56It just feels awful sometimes.
00:01:14What exactly are you feeling?
00:01:16I don't mean to complain, doctor, but I'm just plumb wore out.
00:01:19Sometimes I can barely keep my head up.
00:01:22And when did you start feeling this way?
00:01:24When I had my youngest, about five months ago.
00:01:31Open your mouth, please.
00:01:38Your gums are very pale, Mabel.
00:01:40You haven't noticed when you look in the mirror?
00:01:42I'm not sure I know what they're supposed to look like.
00:01:44Well, I think you have anemia, which means you don't have enough iron in your body.
00:01:48It's common with new mothers.
00:01:50When the baby was inside of you, he took most of your iron.
00:01:53So it's nothing serious, then.
00:01:55Oh, it's very serious.
00:01:56What took you so long to come to me?
00:01:58Well, you see, my husband doesn't think I'm really sick.
00:02:01He says I'm just lazy.
00:02:03You take care of six children and a husband while you work harder than he does.
00:02:06Lloyd's a good man, Doc Owens. Really, he is.
00:02:09You just don't trust doctors.
00:02:11Not since his sister died.
00:02:14Is there a tonic I can take for this anemia?
00:02:16There is a tonic, but eating vegetables would be much more effective.
00:02:19Lloyd doesn't really like all those vegetables.
00:02:22He prefers his meat and potatoes.
00:02:32Take two spoonfuls twice a day and come and see me in a week.
00:02:37It's very important that my coming to see you is kept private.
00:02:40What goes on between a doctor and a patient is always very private.
00:02:53Hello, Lee.
00:02:55Hey there, Reverend.
00:02:57Leaving that bronc of yours saddled all day?
00:02:59I'm just trying to wear him down for the ride home.
00:03:02You're here early, you're here late.
00:03:05Sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going.
00:03:07Aren't you expecting company?
00:03:09My wife's best friend from medical school.
00:03:11She should get here any day now.
00:03:13I was referring to that apprentice of yours.
00:03:15He should be here on Thursday's stage.
00:03:17I'll leave you to your work, Lee.
00:03:19All finished?
00:03:21That'll be two dollars for the doctor and fifty cents for the medicine.
00:03:35I'm sorry, my husband doesn't allow me any extra money.
00:03:38I have to use the sock money I've saved up.
00:03:41I'm sorry.
00:03:43I'm sorry.
00:03:45I'm sorry.
00:03:47I have to use the sock money I've saved up.
00:03:49Why don't we just call it a dollar even?
00:03:53That's very kind of you.
00:03:55Don't mention it, Mrs. McQuaid.
00:04:07All right, pal.
00:04:11Let's have a nice, easy ride today.
00:04:17I don't want any more of that funny business.
00:04:23Here it comes.
00:04:25Easy now.
00:04:31Settle down now.
00:04:33Easy now.
00:04:37I guess we're still in the learning process.
00:04:41Come on.
00:04:47Come on.
00:04:55Aunt Annie's here.
00:04:59Aunt Annie!
00:05:01Oh, Lillian, my love.
00:05:05She looks wonderful, doesn't she, pal?
00:05:07Sure, she looks very round.
00:05:09I'm so glad you and Uncle Peter are here.
00:05:11Oh, let me get that.
00:05:13Oh, it's fine.
00:05:15You're like a china doll I'm not going to break.
00:05:19I'm so glad you came.
00:05:21Me too.
00:05:23I can't tell you how much I appreciate you looking after Annie while I'm away.
00:05:27I didn't want to take a surveying job this close to her having a baby,
00:05:29but we need the money.
00:05:31I'll be back in plenty of time.
00:05:33Put your mind at ease, Pete.
00:05:35We're happy to have her.
00:05:37My mother would have stayed with Annie.
00:05:39But I wanted to come visit my best friend and her family before the baby comes.
00:05:41And we're so glad you did.
00:05:43How are things done at the clinic?
00:05:45Broken bones and bee stings.
00:05:47Anything a nursing student could handle.
00:05:49Don't let her fool you again, Annie.
00:05:51The town loves Ma. They wouldn't know what to do without her.
00:05:53Those are very kind words, Lillian, but they're hardly true.
00:05:57Well, how about I start cleaning and leave?
00:05:59You'll help me get settled in for the night?
00:06:13Hi, Sal.
00:06:15It's good having Annie here.
00:06:17It is.
00:06:19She's your best friend, isn't she?
00:06:21I'd like to think of you as my very best friend.
00:06:25Why don't you tell your very best friend where you are?
00:06:27I'm right here.
00:06:29Well, you seem like you're a hundred miles away.
00:06:31I'm just tired.
00:06:33You sure that's all there is to it?
00:06:37What's wrong?
00:06:39I'm not pregnant.
00:06:41Don't worry yourself about it.
00:06:43We've tried for so long.
00:06:45We have more than we can handle at will.
00:06:47Oh, I know, but...
00:06:51It's just that when Annie found out the news,
00:06:53it made me want a baby of our own even more.
00:06:59Now that she's staying with us...
00:07:05We are going to have a beautiful baby of our own.
00:07:11All good things come in God's time.
00:07:15Maybe we should just let Him decide.
00:07:17What if He doesn't want us to have a baby?
00:07:29Come on.
00:07:33Let's go help Lil finish the dishes.
00:07:41Come on.
00:07:47I guess I'd best be leaving now.
00:07:49Peter, please be careful.
00:07:53My level and compass are dangerous pieces of equipment.
00:07:55I love you.
00:07:57I love you, too.
00:08:01Bye, ladies.
00:08:03Take good care of my Annie.
00:08:07Step up.
00:08:17Boy, are you all right?
00:08:23Hold on.
00:08:35Well, good time, isn't it?
00:08:37Get the bags.
00:08:39Check on the team, Ike.
00:08:41Welcome home, darlin'.
00:08:43Oh, thank you.
00:08:55You must be Joshua Coyle.
00:08:57Yes, sir.
00:08:58Lee Owens.
00:08:59Welcome, Sykes.
00:09:00How was your trip?
00:09:02Couldn't believe how far it was just to get here.
00:09:04Nothing but wide open spaces.
00:09:06Is this your first time away from home?
00:09:07Yes, sir.
00:09:09Well, Saxton's a nice little town.
00:09:11I hope you like it.
00:09:12I expect so.
00:09:13Can I help you with your things?
00:09:15Don't have much.
00:09:17All right.
00:09:18Come on, let me show you the shop.
00:09:20Sounds good.
00:09:23So we do a little bit of everything here.
00:09:25Livery work and rolling stock.
00:09:28Custom work for the building trade.
00:09:31Now, when your blows are even
00:09:33and you can work a straight piece of metal,
00:09:34those will be your tools.
00:09:36It's hard work.
00:09:37But you managed to make something
00:09:39that'll last a generation or two.
00:09:41You know, it gives you a sense of pride.
00:09:43I reckon that's true.
00:09:45What do you say?
00:09:47You ready to get started?
00:09:48Yes, sir.
00:09:49All right, then.
00:09:58How was your walk?
00:10:00You carrying around a 30-pound sack of flour?
00:10:03Slow day?
00:10:04Oh, I'm sure it's only a matter of time
00:10:06before someone comes in
00:10:08from getting caught on a rusty nail
00:10:10or falling off a ladder.
00:10:11You know, when I was traveling through Salina last month,
00:10:13there was a rash of copperhead snakebites.
00:10:16It felt like every day someone was dragged into the clinic.
00:10:19I haven't had anything as exciting
00:10:21as a snakebite in months.
00:10:23You should be grateful to have a healthy community to serve.
00:10:26It's our job as doctors to care
00:10:28about even the most minor illness or affliction.
00:10:31And our patients deserve and need our compassion.
00:10:35That's right out of a textbook.
00:10:38Linda, are you sure there isn't anything
00:10:40you'd like to talk to me about?
00:10:42You can tell me anything. You know that.
00:10:47What is it?
00:10:49It's a quick, sharp pain and shortness of breath
00:10:52and minor faintness.
00:10:54Let's get you to an examination room.
00:10:56That's not necessary.
00:10:57Is the baby moving?
00:10:59It isn't that.
00:11:01It's nothing to be concerned about.
00:11:03Let me finish some things up and we'll get you home.
00:11:11You know, my pa says walking's good for a man's constitution.
00:11:15You always walk?
00:11:17Weekly. I've been riding.
00:11:19You walk into my camp?
00:11:22I got a horse to give to Lil' Aunt.
00:11:25He's still a little green, testing.
00:11:28I've been breaking him, getting ready for her to ride.
00:11:32Figured I'd give him and me the day off.
00:11:35I know nothing of saddle horses.
00:11:37Only harness broke. I stick with wagons.
00:11:40You'd better for it.
00:11:42I really wish you would just sit down
00:11:44after what happened today.
00:11:46What happened today?
00:11:47Absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
00:11:50And that's coming from the doctor anyway.
00:11:52When you go home, who will deliver your baby?
00:11:54My mother-in-law. She's a midwife.
00:11:56Well, I wish I was the one delivering your baby.
00:11:58It's a doctor's job, after all.
00:12:00I'm sure it's going to be fine.
00:12:04Ladies, if you don't mind, I brought home a guest for supper.
00:12:14And you must be Joshua. Welcome to our home.
00:12:16Very nice to meet you, Ms. Owens.
00:12:18That's Dr. Owens.
00:12:21You're a doctor?
00:12:22Yes, as is my best friend, Dr. Annie Watson.
00:12:25It's a pleasure to meet you, Joshua.
00:12:27Ma'am, it's funny.
00:12:29I just had no idea women were allowed to be doctors.
00:12:33No, I just...
00:12:34And just who would we need permission from?
00:12:36Go easy on him, Lily. He just got here.
00:12:38I'm sure he's aware of what women can accomplish.
00:12:41Apparently not.
00:12:47That's our daughter, Lillian.
00:12:48We raised her to speak her mind.
00:12:50You'll get used to it.
00:12:53Oh, now.
00:12:55Let's go get washed up.
00:12:58Smells like my favorite.
00:13:00Well, she certainly is your daughter.
00:13:16Ms. Owens?
00:13:18Mr. Coyle.
00:13:20I just want you to know...
00:13:23I meant no disrespect earlier.
00:13:26I would express an opinion, but I'm not sure I'm allowed.
00:13:29Well, I'd very much like to hear your opinions.
00:13:33I think you're very old-fashioned.
00:13:35Women can pursue any career they want these days.
00:13:37They already have female lawyers, doctors and ministers.
00:13:39A town in Kansas even had a woman mayor.
00:13:41I have no objections to your mother and aunt being doctors.
00:13:44I swear.
00:13:45It's just...
00:13:47I've never met a lady doctor before.
00:13:49I'm apologizing.
00:13:51I guess I'm just not doing a very good job.
00:13:54Apology accepted.
00:13:59Well, I'll leave you to your schoolwork.
00:14:01Well, this isn't for school.
00:14:03So, you read for fun?
00:14:05I'd read just about all day if Mom and Pa would let me.
00:14:07Well, all right.
00:14:09I'll leave you to your book, Ms. Owens.
00:14:12Good night, Mr. Coyle.
00:14:28Nice young man.
00:14:29I hadn't noticed.
00:14:33Good night, pumpkin.
00:14:35Good night, Pa.
00:14:42Good night.
00:14:55Come in.
00:14:59How are you?
00:15:01I feel fine.
00:15:12Is everything all right?
00:15:14I can't get up.
00:15:17Can we help?
00:15:19Can we just listen to him?
00:15:23I think he's so desperate.
00:15:25He's screaming.
00:15:28He says it's fine.
00:15:31It's the way he's been.
00:15:33He says this is me.
00:15:35He wants to hide me.
00:15:42I don't know what to do.
00:15:48I don't know what to say.
00:15:52It's not safe.
00:16:01It's the best way to go.
00:16:12Come on.
00:16:43You'll be okay.
00:16:53You're gonna be all right.
00:16:56Leave him.
00:16:57He should be fine.
00:17:04It's fine.
00:17:06It's just...
00:17:08I can't go on like this.
00:17:10It's up to you.
00:17:11Did she have a seizure?
00:17:25No, but she has all the other symptoms.
00:17:27Well, I'll telegraph Peter first thing in the morning.
00:17:30Tell him what's happened.
00:17:32And let him know I think it's best that Annie stay here for the remainder of her pregnancy.
00:17:36Bed rest is crucial.
00:17:37Well, I meant it all.
00:17:38Myra's mother.
00:17:39You said she lives in Spartan.
00:17:46Do you really think this is necessary?
00:17:49Total rest for you, Mrs. Watson, in a dark room is conducive to rest.
00:17:53To being lazy, you mean.
00:17:55I cannot just lay around all day.
00:17:57I'm a doctor, remember?
00:17:58But I am your doctor and this is my home, and if it is enclampsia, you know bed rest is called for.
00:18:03Don't you think you're overreacting?
00:18:06But if not, I won't be sorry later.
00:18:10I love you.
00:18:12I love you too.
00:18:20Prepare for my peach.
00:18:24Are you sure you don't want me to stay home with Aunt Annie?
00:18:27No, you just run along to school.
00:18:29I'll post a note on the clinic and if someone really needs me, they know where to find me.
00:18:33Morning, ladies.
00:18:36Bye, Ma.
00:18:37Have a good day, darling.
00:18:38Bye, Ma.
00:18:40That girl kicks up a pile of dust everywhere she goes.
00:18:44Here you go.
00:18:48Is this your way of telling me not to come home for supper?
00:18:50The other one is for Joshua.
00:18:52A young man just starting off, look like he could use a few more good meals.
00:18:56Do you have any idea how much I love you?
00:18:58Well, it never hurts to hear it.
00:19:04I love you too, Lee Owens.
00:19:06Oh, and don't forget to send the telegrams.
00:19:08All right.
00:19:10Have a good day, sweet darling.
00:19:23Belinda feels Annie's health as well as the baby's is better served staying here until after the delivery.
00:19:29I have wired Peter the same message.
00:19:31Lee Owens.
00:19:44Mr. McQueen.
00:19:45Sorry, we're closed today, but if you'd like to make an appointment.
00:19:48Were you the one that gave Mabel this tonic?
00:19:50Yes, it's iron for her anemia.
00:19:52Why you got to go telling her she's got this and that condition?
00:19:54What she has is a spell of laziness.
00:19:57Mabel is sick, Mr. McQueen.
00:19:59Give her that medicine.
00:20:00I don't need your magic potion.
00:20:02A doctor killed my sister with tonic.
00:20:05I don't know the details of your sister's death, but there's no magic to it.
00:20:10Your wife had a baby a month ago, and she has a very serious medical condition.
00:20:14Maybe if you weren't so hardheaded, you would realize that.
00:20:17Now, my advice.
00:20:18I don't need your mouth nor your advice, and I don't need your magic potion.
00:20:21Doctor's not worth a whoosh and a holler.
00:20:28Are you all right, Belinda?
00:20:30Yes, I'm just frustrated at a very stubborn and hardheaded man.
00:20:34Lloyd McQueen is truly set in his ways, but he's still a child of our maker.
00:20:39He has no compassion for his wife's condition.
00:20:41Can't we all get caught up in our own lives at times and lose sight of the compassion we should have for others?
00:20:48There I go preaching again.
00:20:50All right, I suppose I needed to hear it.
00:20:53I'll see you in church, Belinda.
00:20:55Good day.
00:21:07That's it, steady blows.
00:21:10All right.
00:21:15Your daughter seems very smart, Mr. Owens.
00:21:18And the family.
00:21:21I wish I could take credit for Lillian's intelligence, but she was adopted.
00:21:26Still, I couldn't be prouder.
00:21:29I never would have known.
00:21:31I mean, she and Mrs. I mean, Dr. Owens sort of look alike.
00:21:36It's not a fact.
00:21:37Yeah, I mean, it's just Lillian's very pretty.
00:21:41Yeah, I know she's pretty.
00:21:49I'm truthfully not that hungry.
00:21:57Doctor's orders.
00:21:59Even if you don't feel up to it, you need to finish the entire bowl.
00:22:02I'm not a child, Belinda.
00:22:04And I'm a doctor.
00:22:05I think I know what's best for me.
00:22:07Knowing and doing are two entirely different things.
00:22:11Is that another contraction?
00:22:13No, the baby's just kicking.
00:22:15And I have to tell you, I'm a little relieved.
00:22:17I haven't felt a move since the contractions yesterday.
00:22:20You just said it was heat?
00:22:23How do you know it's a boy?
00:22:25I know it sounds silly, but Mary thinks because I'm carrying so low that it'll be a boy.
00:22:30It is silly. That's an old wives' tale.
00:22:32There's no medical merit to it.
00:22:34Say what you want, but when Peter's sister was pregnant, Mary was concerned because she was carrying so far out in front.
00:22:40She said it would be a breech birth, and she was right.
00:22:43One lucky guess, and she's got you believing made-up stories.
00:22:46Goodness, he's getting his exercise today.
00:22:49Do you want to feel?
00:22:50That's all right.
00:22:52Come on, Belinda. Don't be nervous.
00:22:58It's so strange.
00:23:00I never thought I'd be a mother.
00:23:02Now it suddenly feels like the most natural thing in the world.
00:23:09I'm sorry.
00:23:11I've opened that wound, haven't I?
00:23:13Maybe we shouldn't talk about it.
00:23:15You know, I know so many women that have gotten pregnant without even trying.
00:23:19And Lee and I have been trying.
00:23:21We've both seen it take some time.
00:23:24You just can't get impatient with yourself.
00:23:27I look after this one woman, Mabel McQueen.
00:23:30She's had six babies in the past eight years without even trying.
00:23:34It's important to you, isn't it?
00:23:40I best get supper ready.
00:23:42Lee and Lillian will be home soon.
00:23:45I'm here to talk whenever you'd like to.
00:23:49Please eat your soup, Annie.
00:24:04I was wondering where you'd run off to.
00:24:07I just looked in on Annie. She's out for the night.
00:24:10She keeps insisting she feels fine.
00:24:15I think I've heard that before.
00:24:18You two are so much alike, it's frightening.
00:24:21I suppose it's why we're such good friends.
00:24:26I noticed you didn't have Joshua over for supper tonight.
00:24:29I'm pretty sure he's sweet on Lillian.
00:24:32I don't want the two of them spending too much time together.
00:24:35Why not? He's only a couple of years older.
00:24:37Doc, he's an apprentice blacksmith. I want better for Lillian.
00:24:41I'm the wife of a blacksmith, and you don't hear me complaining.
00:24:44I spent the last five years trying to figure out how I tricked you into marrying me.
00:24:48You could have done much better.
00:24:50You didn't trick me into anything.
00:24:52I married you because I fell in love with you, Lee Owens.
00:24:55And if Lillian and I were to get married,
00:24:58I married you because I fell in love with you, Lee Owens.
00:25:01And if Lillian and Joshua had taken interest in one another,
00:25:04I don't think it's our place to stand in their way.
00:25:07Besides, telling Lillian she can't have something's...
00:25:10like daring to try to stop her.
00:25:15I get your point.
00:25:17I don't want to get in the way of her happiness.
00:25:20Still, you left a small town to follow your dream.
00:25:25And if Lill wants to go to college, I darn sure want to see it happen.
00:25:29I don't want her tied down to sex.
00:25:33I hope she knows what a wonderful and caring father she has.
00:25:39It's getting a little chilly. Want to turn in for the night?
00:25:43You go ahead. I'll be up in a little while.
00:25:55Don't be in such a hurry, pretty lady.
00:26:00Please allow me to pass.
00:26:02We need to get to know each other.
00:26:06I think not. I don't want to be late for school.
00:26:09Well, I can teach you more than any school can.
00:26:12Excuse me.
00:26:14You mind letting the young lady pass?
00:26:19Excuse me.
00:26:21You mind letting the young lady pass?
00:26:23This ain't none of your affair, sodbuster.
00:26:25Ah, but it is.
00:26:27It ain't.
00:26:33Knocked your head off, boy.
00:26:35Now, you hold on a second.
00:26:37Now, the good book tells me to turn the other cheek. Now, I only have two.
00:26:40So after the second, I'm on my own.
00:26:49That was the second cheek.
00:26:50You're breaking my wrist.
00:26:51Well, I understand there's a fine doctor in town.
00:26:53Please don't. Please don't break it.
00:26:56I trust I'll never see you around Miss Owens again.
00:26:58No, never.
00:26:59Good. Now get.
00:27:12Morning, Miss Owens. You on your way to school?
00:27:15Indeed I am.
00:27:17May I walk with you?
00:27:26I did the best I could, Jim, but you better go easy on it, all right?
00:27:42The boss strikes me as a hard-working man.
00:27:44He lives and breathes work.
00:27:46Ma says sometimes he rolls over in his sleep and tries to use her arms like a set of tongs.
00:27:50I guess that's the future I have to look forward to.
00:27:53Not such a bad life, really.
00:27:58So what about you?
00:28:00Are you going to become a doctor like your ma?
00:28:02I don't know. I haven't decided.
00:28:05Maybe I want to be a lawyer or a famous writer like Harriet Beecher Stowe.
00:28:09One thing for sure, I want to go to college.
00:28:12Well, I better get to work.
00:28:14Have a nice day, Joshua.
00:28:17You too, Lily.
00:28:29I don't think you should be climbing the stairs.
00:28:31But I feel fine.
00:28:33What's making me crazy is sitting in a dark room all day.
00:28:36But it's only been three days since you had pain and felt faint.
00:28:39You know the symptoms and treatment as well as I do.
00:28:42That's assuming your diagnosis is correct.
00:28:48Is that singing?
00:28:50I wouldn't know that voice anywhere.
00:28:52That's Mary.
00:28:53Your mother-in-law?
00:28:54What reason does she have to be here?
00:28:56Mary doesn't need a reason to do anything.
00:28:59I don't want to have a belly.
00:29:03Free belly.
00:29:10Well, this must be it.
00:29:15Thank you, my good man.
00:29:17And you have a blessed day.
00:29:21And you must be the infamous Doc Owen.
00:29:26Mary Watson.
00:29:28You knew that already.
00:29:30Now, where is my peach pie?
00:29:33Would you be a dear and bring my thing along?
00:29:42Mary, what are you doing here?
00:29:44Where else would you expect me to be?
00:29:46Oh, my little lamb.
00:29:48But didn't you get the telegraph from Melinda's husband?
00:29:50I did. That's why I'm here.
00:29:52I have nothing against you finishing out your term with your friend.
00:29:55But I certainly wasn't going to miss the birth of my first grandson.
00:30:00I've missed you.
00:30:02It's darker than the inside of a cow in here.
00:30:04Yes, it is.
00:30:05Oh, please don't do that.
00:30:07She's not a mushroom. She needs light.
00:30:10All right, Doc. Let's sit up so I can get a good look at her.
00:30:14I'm sorry. What are you doing?
00:30:15I'm getting her upright.
00:30:17If she stays in this bed too long,
00:30:19she'll get a crick in her back and it'll make delivery much more painful.
00:30:22I think it's better that she's on bed rest for the remainder of her term.
00:30:25It's not going to hurt her to sit up.
00:30:28When you've delivered as many babies as I have, you learn a few things.
00:30:32Well, I've been to medical school for years and rest is the proper treatment.
00:30:36You don't learn everything in medical school.
00:30:39That is a matter of opinion and I wholeheartedly disagree.
00:30:42Ladies, I'm not a sack of flour.
00:30:52There I was in the middle of the worst blizzard I ever saw.
00:30:57I wasn't too surprised when three babies were delivered that night.
00:31:03I expected twins, not triplets.
00:31:07In a blizzard?
00:31:08The little ones pop out whenever they want, regardless of the weather.
00:31:12Fortunately, I don't have many emergencies.
00:31:15Women giving birth are always an emergency.
00:31:20That's the penalty we pay for Eve eating the apple.
00:31:25It is not a penalty.
00:31:26Wow, Mrs. Watson, you sure got an exciting life.
00:31:29Well, I should probably get you up to your room, Annie.
00:31:32You let that little fella start running your life now,
00:31:35you'll be lacing his shoes when he's 30.
00:31:38Yes, Annie told me you believe it's a boy.
00:31:40Believe nothing. It's a fact.
00:31:43Honestly, Mary, you can't possibly...
00:31:45Actually, I am a little tired. I'm going to go to bed.
00:31:50I can manage on my own.
00:31:52Good night, all.
00:31:54Good night, Annie.
00:31:55Rest well, dear.
00:31:56Good night, Annie.
00:31:57Good night, Annie.
00:32:02There is no way to tell whether...
00:32:04I think it's time we all settled down.
00:32:06We have a full day tomorrow.
00:32:14Thank you for dinner, Dr. Holmes.
00:32:17Joshua, Lillian told us that you came to her rescue.
00:32:21Her mother and I both appreciate it.
00:32:23It was my pleasure, sir. Thank you again.
00:32:28I'll walk you out.
00:32:40Aren't they the most adorable couple?
00:32:44So tell me, how was Captain Nemo this evening?
00:32:48When I left him, he was exploring the ruins of Atlantis,
00:32:51although I can't say for sure what he does when I'm not looking.
00:32:54I never met a girl who made a book sound so interesting.
00:32:57You can borrow it if you like.
00:32:59Oh, no, I'm not sure if I'm sold on Nemo just yet.
00:33:02Maybe you could read some of it to me, though,
00:33:04just so I can find out if it's my kind of story.
00:33:07I could do that.
00:33:09Would you like to go on a picnic with me?
00:33:11Maybe on Saturday?
00:33:13We can go out and find a nice, quiet spot and read.
00:33:16I think I know just the place.
00:33:18Lee Owens, you are not spying on our only daughter.
00:33:21I'm not spying on her. I'm just looking out for her.
00:33:30Good night.
00:33:32Good night.
00:33:52Let me see what you got there.
00:33:54Well, you're really improving.
00:33:58Thank you, sir. I'm trying my best to impress you.
00:34:02As long as it's me you're trying to impress.
00:34:07Well, to be honest, I wanted to ask you...
00:34:11maybe, uh, Lillian and I...
00:34:14You want permission to court Lillian, right?
00:34:18Yes, sir.
00:34:20Well, I don't want to distract her from her goals.
00:34:23I promise I'll be respectful of her not getting in the way of her schooling.
00:34:26I know how much she wants to go to college.
00:34:29I'll think about it, all right?
00:34:32I understand.
00:34:34In the meantime, finish up with that horseshoe.
00:34:38Lillian wants his order by noon.
00:34:40Yes, sir.
00:34:42You're gonna be late opening your clinic.
00:34:44I don't feel comfortable leaving Annie here all alone...
00:34:47and I certainly don't feel comfortable with her being out of bed this much.
00:34:50You know, I wish the two of you wouldn't talk about me as if I wasn't sitting right here.
00:34:54Sorry, sweetheart.
00:34:57You must be so frustrated, pooped up inside all the time.
00:35:02I will be here with her all day.
00:35:06You tend to your patients, and we'll see you at supper.
00:35:12If you need anything, I'll be close by.
00:35:17Have a nice day.
00:35:22Praise the Lord, we're free!
00:35:25Peach Pie, you get dressed.
00:35:28We are going out to smell the roses.
00:35:33Oh, camping's in town.
00:35:43Doc Owens, can I talk to you?
00:35:45Mrs. McQueen, come in.
00:35:50I only have a minute.
00:35:51I left Lloyd at the general store, said I was running to the butcher.
00:35:54What can I do for you, Mabel?
00:35:56Doc, I feel terrible. This sickness, it's just getting worse.
00:35:59I'm dizzy all the time, and I can barely pick up the youngins.
00:36:02That's because your anemia is getting worse. Your body needs iron.
00:36:05You're only gonna get sicker.
00:36:07What can I do to make it better?
00:36:08I already told you. Vegetables or the tonic.
00:36:11If you don't listen to my instructions, there is nothing more I can do.
00:36:14I tried to take the tonic. Really, I did.
00:36:16Even started to feel a little stronger.
00:36:18And then Lloyd found it, and you know the rest.
00:36:22I certainly do. He threw a bottle at me.
00:36:24I'm sorry for that. Really, I am.
00:36:26He was just upset. He didn't mean anything by it.
00:36:29He's a wonderful husband and a father.
00:36:31Maybe. But I can't help you if you won't help yourself.
00:36:39Good day, Mrs. McQueen.
00:36:53Your friend Belinda doesn't seem too happy.
00:36:56I'd say it's just that she doesn't like me, but everybody likes me.
00:37:02She isn't happy.
00:37:04She's been trying to have a baby.
00:37:06And Belinda just feels discouraged.
00:37:09Me showing up in my condition, and staying till the baby comes.
00:37:13I think it's just another painful reality.
00:37:16I don't know what to do.
00:37:18I'm staying till the baby comes.
00:37:20I think it's just another painful reminder.
00:37:23Why didn't you say something sooner?
00:37:26If it's baby trouble she's got, I've surely got the cure.
00:37:31How about a sugary treat?
00:37:37I'm sorry, Lloyd. It isn't here yet.
00:37:39It's been over a week. You said it'd be here by now.
00:37:42The freight line lost the shipping order.
00:37:44There's nothing I can do about it.
00:37:46There's something I could do if there was another general store within ten miles of here.
00:37:50It'll be here within a week.
00:37:52I'm here, Lloyd.
00:37:56What took you so long?
00:37:58I'm sorry, Lloyd. There was a little bit of a line.
00:38:00There's always an excuse.
00:38:02Let's get out of here. I've got fences to mend before sundown.
00:38:06She's good.
00:38:14She's just feeling poorly at legs.
00:38:16She's got a newborn and five youngins.
00:38:18Says it wears her out.
00:38:20You think a mother doesn't work.
00:38:24I've seen this a bunch during and after pregnancy.
00:38:28This is a severe case of anemia.
00:38:30She don't need coddling, lady.
00:38:32I know how to take care of my wife.
00:38:35No, you don't.
00:38:37You are selfish.
00:38:39And rude.
00:38:41And contemptuous.
00:38:43And you can't see the forest for the trees.
00:38:45Doc Owens is trying to save your wife's life.
00:38:48She's dying.
00:38:52You get her over to the clinic.
00:38:54And you beg Doc Owens for more of that tonic.
00:38:57Don't talk to me like that.
00:38:59I'll talk to you any way I want.
00:39:01Get her to the clinic.
00:39:05You better pray to the merciful and good Lord
00:39:11that she doesn't slam the door in your ungrateful face.
00:39:21Get out of here.
00:39:31I gave you a double dose, so do not take any more today.
00:39:34No, ma'am. Starting tomorrow morning, take two teaspoons every morning.
00:39:37And if you don't get your strength back in four days, get back in here.
00:39:45I'd like to apologize.
00:39:48The last time we spoke, I lost my temper.
00:39:51What do I owe you for the tonic?
00:39:53Only that you allow her to keep taking it.
00:39:55You don't need no charity.
00:39:57The first one was already paid for. This is just a replacement.
00:40:00Step up.
00:40:18Yes, dear?
00:40:20I'm sorry. Are you sleeping?
00:40:22Well, not anymore.
00:40:25My apprentice wants to court Lillian.
00:40:29His name is Joshua.
00:40:32I told him I'd think about it.
00:40:35Well, then think.
00:40:38Don't think too long. Lillian's grown up.
00:40:41I'm having a hard time with it.
00:40:43You're having a hard time letting her grow up.
00:40:46I'm just trying to protect her.
00:40:48I don't think she needs protection from Joshua.
00:40:51He's a very nice young man.
00:40:53That's all you have to say about it?
00:40:56Good night, sweetheart.
00:41:03All right.
00:41:05Tomorrow I'll give Joshua my permission to court Lill.
00:41:17Don't think I don't know about your little excursion with Annie.
00:41:20This town is filled with gossips.
00:41:22Can't keep a secret for more than five minutes.
00:41:24It's a pretty little town, Sykeston.
00:41:27I can see why you like it here.
00:41:29May I ask why you feel the need to go against every instruction I have for Annie?
00:41:34I don't deliberately go against your word.
00:41:37We just disagree about how to treat her.
00:41:41This isn't a competition, Mary.
00:41:43If a patient came to you with gangrene or pneumonia,
00:41:46I wouldn't dream of telling you how to treat them.
00:41:49That's your business.
00:41:51Babies are my business.
00:41:53Have been for 30 years.
00:41:55It's just there's been so many new advancements.
00:41:58Sometimes the old ways are best.
00:42:01Annie may have a serious condition which could be fatal to both her and the baby.
00:42:05Are you sure?
00:42:06Of course I'm not sure, but I'm not taking any chances.
00:42:09So it's true what they say, that doctors only practice medicine.
00:42:16This conversation obviously isn't getting us anywhere.
00:42:20So Annie tells me you're barren.
00:42:22Or having trouble anyway.
00:42:25I don't think that's any of your concern.
00:42:27I see this problem a lot.
00:42:29If you want, I could give you some remedies that are guaranteed to work.
00:42:32I know how it's done, Mary.
00:42:34I don't think there's any cure.
00:42:36I know how it's done, Mary.
00:42:38I don't think there's anything wrong with you.
00:42:40So what do you think is the problem?
00:42:42You're too high strung.
00:42:44Folks worry too much about work, family, or whether or not they can have a baby.
00:42:50Then years go by and nothing happens.
00:42:53Then one day they decide to stop trying and before you know it,
00:42:58they find they're with child.
00:43:00So your sage advice for me is to relax.
00:43:04Read a book before you go to bed.
00:43:06Take some deep breaths.
00:43:09And before you know it, I'll be back to deliver your little one.
00:43:13I'll make sure I try that.
00:43:35Every baby boy needs his own blanket.
00:43:38Don't you agree?
00:43:39Yes, I do.
00:43:47I'm going to head to the shop for a few hours.
00:43:49I'll be back in time for supper.
00:43:51Don't you ever take time off?
00:43:53The good book says that a man who doesn't work doesn't deserve to eat.
00:43:56I've got a lot of work to do.
00:43:58We just thought you'd have more time off once you hired an apprentice.
00:44:01I'm only two weeks behind, so that's six.
00:44:06Lillian, you look lovely. Where are you headed off to?
00:44:09Joshua and I are having a picnic.
00:44:11You enjoy yourself and please tell Joshua that we said hello.
00:44:15I will.
00:44:16You'll be back in time for supper now, no exceptions.
00:44:18I will, I promise.
00:44:21Bye, everyone.
00:44:22Bye, dear.
00:44:37I love it.
00:44:38The sea is everything. It covers seven-tenths of the terrestrial globe.
00:44:41Its breath is pure and healthy.
00:44:43It is an immense desert where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides.
00:44:48The sea is the only embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence.
00:44:52It is nothing but love and emotion.
00:44:55As living and infinite as one of your poets has said.
00:44:59I've been reading for almost two hours. You must be bored.
00:45:02No, I don't think I can ever get bored of listening to you talk.
00:45:05You're just saying that.
00:45:07No, I'm not. I swear.
00:45:09It's just, I'd like this Captain Nemo if he weren't holding his friends hostage all the time.
00:45:14Well, I can't let them go or they might tell the world who he is.
00:45:1720,000 leagues is an allegory. It's about personal freedom.
00:45:20Nemo means nobody in Latin. He's invisible to the world and wants to keep it that way.
00:45:24You're brilliant. You know that?
00:45:27I am not.
00:45:36Lee, you working today?
00:45:40You work harder than any man I know.
00:45:43Well, I can't let the customers down. Besides, it gives me thinking time.
00:45:47Anything that you'd like to share with your pastor?
00:45:51This is a lot of rumbling around in my head like a marble.
00:45:54Sometimes it helps to speak it out loud.
00:45:56Talking to yourself only gets the answer you're looking for.
00:45:59I just can't figure Lillian out.
00:46:03I'm trying to be a good father to her.
00:46:05Our children grow up, start spreading their wings.
00:46:09A father has to be aware of that and try to grow with his child.
00:46:14Yeah, Belinda tolerates more than I do.
00:46:17She's a mother. The good Lord gave them the patience of Job when it comes to raising their children.
00:46:23He shortchanged fathers in that area.
00:46:26Yeah. Yeah.
00:46:33I really wish you would get some rest.
00:46:35I feel fine.
00:46:38Looks like someone may have been wrong about my condition.
00:46:44So, have things improved with Lee?
00:46:46He says he isn't bothered, but I still sense that he's disappointed we can't have a baby.
00:46:52Maybe you're just being overly sensitive and you think that he's disappointed.
00:46:58You know, I'm starting to think that maybe she regrets marrying me.
00:47:01Now, Lee, that is just plain nonsense.
00:47:05She's proud as a peacock that she married you.
00:47:08Have you spoken to her about it?
00:47:11In a roundabout way.
00:47:12Of course, she says I'm wrong.
00:47:15Still, she seems kind of distant lately.
00:47:17She's got something on her mind.
00:47:19Most women do when they get like that.
00:47:23You know, we're trying to have a baby.
00:47:28So far, no luck.
00:47:29You have to have faith.
00:47:32Sometimes it's hard, Reverend.
00:47:35Talk to her about your feelings.
00:47:39I'd best be getting home.
00:47:40Mrs. Daves will give me an earful if I'm late for supper.
00:47:43Myself included.
00:47:50Well, I see.
00:47:52You didn't need my help putting supper on the table.
00:47:55You're taking a nap, ma'am.
00:47:57We just wanted you to be able to rest.
00:47:58I'll rest enough when I'm dead.
00:48:01Give me that knife before you cut yourself.
00:48:10So, do you miss your family?
00:48:12I do.
00:48:14My pa's a farmer back in Pennsylvania.
00:48:16He wanted more for me than to spend my entire life plowing fields.
00:48:19So, he said if I got good enough, maybe I could find some work in Philadelphia.
00:48:24Sounds like he cares about you a lot.
00:48:26Yeah, my family's pretty close.
00:48:29It's kind of strange, though.
00:48:31You know, being out here all by myself.
00:48:33I have three sisters and two brothers and I had a moment of peace.
00:48:36Back at the boarding house, I got nothing but quiet.
00:48:38I know what you mean.
00:48:40I mostly grew up in an orphanage until Ma and Pa adopted me when I was ten.
00:48:44I'd spent so long in a room with other kids, I couldn't wait to have a room of my own.
00:48:49Now, I miss having someone to talk to.
00:48:51Yeah, me.
00:48:54You do, don't I?
00:48:57So, tell me something.
00:48:59How'd you ever find a place like this, anyway?
00:49:02I stumbled across it by accident while riding one day.
00:49:05But it's so far off the main roads, no one really comes out here.
00:49:08So, I brought some of my old stuff and...
00:49:12I brought some of my old stuff and now it's where I come to be alone.
00:49:16I can see why.
00:49:18Captain Nemo had a cave near the ocean where he went to escape.
00:49:21This reminds me of it.
00:49:24Well, the timber still seems...
00:49:26I wouldn't do that.
00:49:31Not as sound as you might think.
00:49:33You're probably right.
00:49:36I think it's best we pack up.
00:49:41Well, I'm happy to see you and Mary are getting along.
00:49:44You know, her fertility advice to me was to relax and read a book before bed.
00:49:51Did you try it?
00:49:52Of course not.
00:49:54She's been doing this longer than we've been alive.
00:49:56I can't believe you, Annie Watson.
00:49:58You've spent three years in medical school, five years practicing medicine,
00:50:02and you're going to believe that woman's folk magic?
00:50:04It's rubbish, plain and simple.
00:50:06We ask people to believe in things they don't understand, and they do.
00:50:10Because they have trust and faith in us.
00:50:13Just like they have faith in the Lord.
00:50:15Okay, it is not the same thing, and we're talking about Mary here.
00:50:17Why do you have such a hard time believing in Mary's ways?
00:50:20Okay, Mary is a lovely woman.
00:50:23But you have to admit, she's a little touch in the head.
00:50:26She doesn't like me any more than I like her.
00:50:30The other day at the general store, Mary defended you to the ends of the earth.
00:50:34What are you talking about?
00:50:35The man with the anemic wife?
00:50:37The one that you said was such a success story?
00:50:39Mary is the reason that he brought her back to you.
00:50:42That's why Lloyd McQueen brought his wife back to me?
00:50:45Mary unloaded on him like a tornado.
00:50:47Spoke up for you, and just plain made him cower.
00:50:53I'm off.
00:50:54Let's go.
00:51:03Do you have any idea what time it is?
00:51:04Hi, Pa.
00:51:06You're supposed to be home for supper.
00:51:08Joshua and I weren't that hungry, so we decided to stay on a little while longer.
00:51:11Well, it's well past supper. That's more than a little while.
00:51:14Why are you so angry?
00:51:16I thought I could trust your judgment, but apparently I was wrong.
00:51:18What's that supposed to mean?
00:51:20It means you can't spend any more time with Joshua Coyle until I say so.
00:51:23You'll go to school, help your mother at the clinic, and come straight home.
00:51:26For how long?
00:51:27As long as it takes me to trust you again.
00:51:29That's completely unfair.
00:51:31Joshua's only two years older than I am, and no one tells him what to do.
00:51:34No one said the world was fair, young lady.
00:51:40I was worried about you.
00:52:04Hello, Joshua.
00:52:06Good afternoon, ma'am.
00:52:10Mr. Owens told me how much trouble I caused the other night.
00:52:13I just wanted to come by and say how sorry I am for keeping Lillian out so late.
00:52:17You needn't place the blame all on yourself.
00:52:19She's old enough to know better.
00:52:21I'm still sorry.
00:52:22Ma, I can't find the...
00:52:29Pa said I can't see you for a while.
00:52:31The boss said you couldn't go out with Joshua.
00:52:34He said nothing about the two of you seeing each other.
00:52:37Thanks, Ma.
00:52:41Well, I have work to do.
00:52:43It was nice to see you, Joshua.
00:52:45There's always room open at the dinner table for you.
00:52:49Thank you, ma'am.
00:52:55I'm sorry to get you into trouble.
00:52:57You didn't do anything wrong, and neither did I.
00:52:59I'm a grown woman, and I don't need my pa deciding how late I can and can't stay out.
00:53:03He's just worried about you is all.
00:53:05Well, he doesn't need to be.
00:53:06There's no need to be cross, Lillian.
00:53:08I mean, I'll still be here when you get off punishment.
00:53:10I'm not going anywhere.
00:53:13I wanted to return this. I finished it.
00:53:16Already? I just gave it to you.
00:53:18Once I got started, it was hard to quit.
00:53:21I mean, the sun was already up when I finally closed the book.
00:53:24So you stayed up all night just to read about Captain Nemo?
00:53:26No. I don't think I would have gotten much sleep with or without him.
00:53:30I'll be thinking about you.
00:53:32You too.
00:53:54In here, dear.
00:53:56Annie, should you be up?
00:53:58Where are you going?
00:54:00I've decided to head on home.
00:54:02I can see you're in good hands.
00:54:04You're leaving?
00:54:06Before the baby comes?
00:54:08Oh, you'll do fine.
00:54:11And besides, the last thing you need is an old granny-midwife-godmother.
00:54:17I'm not going anywhere.
00:54:19I'm not going anywhere.
00:54:21The last thing you need is an old granny-midwife-gumming-up-the-works.
00:54:26This doesn't have anything to do with the disagreement between you and Belinda, does it?
00:54:30Oh, no, no, no.
00:54:33Truth is, I'm feeling homesick.
00:54:37I've been sleeping in my own bed.
00:54:40And my patients back home don't have a smart lady doctor to take care of them.
00:54:46If you've made your decision, I can't stop you.
00:54:49I would really love for you to stay, though.
00:54:52I want my family here when the baby comes.
00:54:55Belinda is your family, sweetheart.
00:54:58And Peter will be back with you next week.
00:55:01Besides, all of you will be home before long, and somebody's got to get the house ready.
00:55:10I'm going to go home to check on Annie. I shouldn't be long.
00:55:12If there's an emergency, just send them my way or come running, which you're very good at.
00:55:17I will, Ma, and thank you.
00:55:19For what?
00:55:20For understanding about me and Joshua.
00:55:22Believe it or not, I was your age once.
00:55:36I'm not going to keep her from church social.
00:55:39You may not be able to go with her, but you'll see her there.
00:55:43In the meantime, we have an order to finish.
00:55:48All right, I like your attitude.
00:55:57You're leaving.
00:55:59Time for me to go home.
00:56:01Sorry to hear that.
00:56:02I'm going to see her off into town.
00:56:04Annie, I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be carrying luggage and walking into town.
00:56:08It was my idea, Belinda.
00:56:10And I've been all over this whole territory through my entire pregnancy.
00:56:13I think I can handle a short walk into town.
00:56:16Keep going!
00:56:22Lillian told me you was here. Ma's in labor.
00:56:25Okay, there's a horse and buggy in the barn. Help me hook it up.
00:56:27Yes, ma'am.
00:56:31I trust you won't walk into town while I'm away.
00:56:34All right, peach pie.
00:56:36You get back in the house and stay put.
00:56:39Belinda and I have a baby to deliver.
00:56:42Mrs. Travis is my patient.
00:56:44If you find you don't need me, you have my permission to just shove me out of the way.
00:56:50But if you do, I'm there.
00:56:55Fine, but only because I don't have time to argue with you.
00:57:07Thank you, young man.
00:57:13It's never taken this long.
00:57:15The first few hours seemed normal, but then it just stopped.
00:57:17What stopped? The contractions?
00:57:19No, Doc, the baby. It's like it's stuck, but I can't see the head.
00:57:22I'll see to it.
00:57:23Your mama's gonna be fine.
00:57:27It's a fetal dystocia.
00:57:29A what?
00:57:30The baby's shoulder is stuck.
00:57:32What do you think you're gonna do with that?
00:57:33We have to get the baby out before it suffocates.
00:57:36If we start pulling, we could make things worse.
00:57:39What should we do?
00:57:41Well, if you can't get the baby out from inside, you try from the outside.
00:57:47All right, help me with her now.
00:57:49That's good.
00:57:51What are we doing?
00:57:52We're gonna flatten out her hip bones.
00:57:56Mrs. Travis, lay down for me.
00:57:59Now, we're gonna see who's stuck and who's not.
00:58:29It's gonna be all right.
00:58:31Mrs. Travis!
00:58:42Hello, Joshua.
00:58:44Where's my pa?
00:58:46He's on delivery, then headed home.
00:58:49I'd sure like to go to the ice cream social.
00:58:52I'd sure like to ask you to go with me.
00:58:56Your pa said I could see you there.
00:58:59But I can't escort you.
00:59:01I'm sorry.
00:59:20Pa is being so unreasonable.
00:59:23We were late coming home, okay?
00:59:25Don't tell me you're on his side.
00:59:28That's the difference in an hour or so.
00:59:29We got home just fine.
00:59:31He just doesn't trust me.
00:59:32Your pa had no way of knowing whether you were all right when you didn't make it home on time.
00:59:35You sound just like pa.
00:59:37Ma's the only one who understands.
00:59:40Lillian, wait a second.
00:59:53Pa, get up!
01:00:11It's a beautiful baby boy, and your wife is fine.
01:00:14Can I see them?
01:00:21Looks like we got ourselves a baby brother.
01:00:27Isn't he beautiful?
01:00:29He sure is.
01:00:33He better be.
01:00:35Leave it to a boy to jam up the works.
01:00:48Uh, that's not doctor's orders.
01:00:51Doesn't matter who does it, just as long as it gets done.
01:00:57I learned something today that they didn't teach me in medical school.
01:01:28Come on.
01:01:46All right, whoa.
01:01:56Have you seen Lillian?
01:01:57No, why?
01:01:58Well, we thought she might be with you. She's been missing all afternoon.
01:02:01We got in an argument at the shop over Mr. Owens, and she stormed off.
01:02:04Said you were the only one who understands her.
01:02:06We were hoping she'd run off to find you.
01:02:08She rode off on that crazy horse I bought for her.
01:02:11It's about to get dark outside if she gets stuck in the countryside.
01:02:15I think I know where she is.
01:02:18Come on, come on.
01:02:27It's worse this time.
01:02:29I feel like I could faint.
01:02:31Okay, okay, let's get her inside.
01:02:33It looks as if the doctor was right about bed rest.
01:02:36I don't think so.
01:02:38I don't think so.
01:02:40I don't think so.
01:02:42I don't think so.
01:02:44It looks as if the doctor was right about bed rest.
01:03:15I'm with you further.
01:03:17It's just up ahead.
01:03:26How are you feeling?
01:03:28I'm really not as lightheaded as before.
01:03:30I'd like to just go to bed.
01:03:32Let's get you upstairs to a darkened room.
01:03:35Doctor's orders.
01:03:39I don't think so.
01:03:41I don't think so.
01:03:43I don't think so.
01:04:14Is it like this before?
01:04:16No, sir.
01:04:18Looks like there was a cave-in.
01:04:20She might be hurt.
01:04:22This is one of her labs.
01:04:24Come on, let's go.
01:04:37It's right up there.
01:04:39I see her.
01:04:47Give me a hand with this.
01:04:49One, two, three.
01:04:55You got it?
01:05:01Come on, talk to me, pumpkin.
01:05:03Come on, talk to me, pumpkin.
01:05:13Yeah, I'm here, honey.
01:05:16Just take it easy.
01:05:18Just stay down, all right?
01:05:22I'm gonna get you out of here.
01:05:34How's Lillian?
01:05:38A few cuts and bruises,
01:05:40but nothing that won't heal nicely.
01:05:43She's out for the night.
01:05:45Lee's sitting with her for a while.
01:05:47Give her a couple of days.
01:05:49She'll be right as rain.
01:05:51At that age, no need to worry about her.
01:05:54She'll be fine.
01:05:56She'll be fine.
01:05:58Give her a couple of days.
01:06:00She'll be right as rain.
01:06:02At that age, nothing keeps them down.
01:06:05Well, I think her ego has suffered more than her body.
01:06:08Ah, this, too, shall pass.
01:06:13Children are just so resilient, aren't they?
01:06:17True miracles.
01:06:19Are you still fretting about the baby-making?
01:06:21I don't think I'll be making babies anytime soon, Mary.
01:06:25Give it up if you want.
01:06:27I'm telling you,
01:06:29the shine in your hair is not the mark of a barren woman.
01:06:34You don't really believe that, do you?
01:06:36Doesn't matter what I believe.
01:06:38Only matters what you believe.
01:06:40What do you mean?
01:06:42Medicine isn't the only thing that makes people feel better.
01:06:45It's believing that they can be better.
01:06:50I'm sorry I doubted you.
01:06:52You didn't deserve it.
01:06:54The Lord says we are to forgive if we expect to be forgiven.
01:07:00Make me some fresh bacon and eggs in the morning,
01:07:03and all is forgiven.
01:07:05That's a promise.
01:07:15Late night tonight.
01:07:17Everyone's worn out.
01:07:19A little sleeping like a pup.
01:07:25You know,
01:07:27I think I might read a book before bed tonight.
01:07:31Really? You never read in bed.
01:07:34I think it'll do me good.
01:07:36Help me unwind after the long day we've all had.
01:07:47I've been thinking about us trying to have a baby.
01:07:52Lil's changed our lives in so many wonderful ways.
01:07:56And I'm sure there's plenty of children down at the orphanage who need a good home.
01:08:00You mean you'll still be happy even if we can't have children of our own?
01:08:04I'll be happy as long as I'm with you.
01:08:07Always have been, always will be.
01:08:12Do you think my hair's shiny?
01:08:19Yeah, I like the sunrise.
01:08:24I do love you, Mr. Owens.
01:08:27I love you, too.
01:08:31Oh, all right, you gonna read your book now?
01:08:36All right.
01:08:39I'll just go to sleep.
01:08:47I'm sure I can't help you read it or...
01:08:49No. All right.
01:09:00Shouldn't you be in bed?
01:09:02My ball and chain let me come downstairs.
01:09:05She has her mind set on going to the ice cream social.
01:09:09What if I find a shady, comfortable place to just sit and eat ice cream?
01:09:13You are not going to the social.
01:09:15I am a doctor. I vote yes.
01:09:17Well, that's one vote for Dr. Annie and one vote for the midwife.
01:09:21I guess you've got the tie-breaking vote, Doc.
01:09:27I'm sorry, Annie. I'm gonna have to side with the midwife.
01:09:30But I love ice cream.
01:09:32Then I'll send you some.
01:09:33It's not the same.
01:09:34How do I know you're not gonna sneak out when we're gone?
01:09:36Don't give it a second thought, Doc.
01:09:38This old ball and chain will be sitting right here like a prison warden.
01:09:42You're both against me.
01:09:44That's right. Read your book and pout.
01:09:59Don't you look beautiful?
01:10:01Except for this.
01:10:03I don't know we'll even notice that.
01:10:05Even Joshua?
01:10:06Especially Joshua.
01:10:08Thanks for telling Joshua he can escort me to the social.
01:10:11You're still coming with your mother and I, right?
01:10:13I told him I wanted to walk in with my family and see him from afar.
01:10:16That's very romantic.
01:10:18Must be from all the books I read.
01:10:21Pa, I'm sorry for not making curfew the other night.
01:10:26I know you were just worried about me.
01:10:29Don't worry about it.
01:10:31You're growing up so fast sometimes I can't keep up with you.
01:10:34Thanks, Pa.
01:10:36Come here.
01:10:51And then he stepped like this.
01:10:55He's so funny.
01:10:57Oh, I'm gonna miss you too.
01:10:58Come here, honey.
01:11:00Here you go.
01:11:02Mr. Owens, Dr. Owens, would you like some lemonade?
01:11:04No, thank you.
01:11:05No, thank you, Joshua.
01:11:13Hey, partner, how's your ice cream?
01:11:16Dr. Owens, can we talk?
01:11:19Boyd, did you know my husband Lee?
01:11:22Boyd, I want to thank you.
01:11:25Mabel's as different as night and day.
01:11:27It's all I can do to keep up with her.
01:11:29Well, you do look like a brand-new person.
01:11:31I've had a lot more energy.
01:11:33I still need some extra sleep in the afternoons.
01:11:35I'm getting stronger every day.
01:11:37Well, the best medicine is no good if it isn't dispensed to receive with a joyful spirit.
01:11:42It's all too easy to forget that.
01:11:44Well, I, uh...
01:11:46I'm also the one who apologized for being stubborn.
01:11:50Thanks again, Doc.
01:11:52It was my pleasure.
01:11:53And I should be the one to apologize to you, Mabel.
01:11:57I had no right to be cross with you when you needed my help.
01:12:00I hope you can forgive me.
01:12:02There's nothing to forgive.
01:12:06Have a good day.
01:12:13That was a very nice thing you just did.
01:12:16You like some ice cream?
01:12:18I'd love some.
01:12:36I got Lee's telegram. Where's Annie?
01:12:38The Lord brought you at the right time.
01:12:40Everyone's in town at a social.
01:12:42I need Belinda now!
01:12:44I want to see Annie.
01:12:46Get Belinda now!
01:12:52You look beautiful.
01:12:54Say that again.
01:12:58I still can't believe it.
01:13:00Can't believe what?
01:13:02That I'm here with the smartest, most beautiful girl in town.
01:13:08That's very sweet of you to say, Joshua.
01:13:22Lillian's got a boyfriend.
01:13:24Lillian's got a boyfriend.
01:13:26Lillian's got a boyfriend.
01:13:28Lillian's got a boyfriend.
01:13:30Gracie, Shannon, you go on and get out of here.
01:13:42Dr. Owens, I need you!
01:13:52It's Annie. You gotta come quick.
01:13:54Joshua, you see to it that Lillian gets home safe.
01:13:56Yes, sir.
01:13:58Yeah! Yeah!
01:14:08Thank God you're back.
01:14:10She's had a seizure. I've got her in bed.
01:14:14You best wait down here.
01:14:16There's nothing you can do up there.
01:14:27Dear Lord,
01:14:29please watch over Annie and her baby.
01:14:39Thank you, Lee.
01:14:40You're welcome.
01:14:42Come on, let's have a seat.
01:14:57He's waiting downstairs.
01:15:00You're right.
01:15:02It is eclipsing.
01:15:04I'm afraid so.
01:15:08Please save my baby.
01:15:11You know what you have to do.
01:15:21I'm gonna close my eyes now.
01:15:35What did she mean?
01:15:37You know what has to be done.
01:15:39That baby has to come out if we're to save it.
01:15:42Even at the risk of her own life.
01:15:44That baby is ready.
01:15:46She was talking about a cesarean delivery,
01:15:49which I could do at the clinic,
01:15:51but under very crude conditions.
01:15:53Have you ever done one?
01:15:55I did one once at a hospital in Boston,
01:15:58but I had the proper equipment and staff,
01:16:01and there was an eclampsia involved.
01:16:03Is there no other choice?
01:16:07Not if she doesn't go into labor soon.
01:16:09Well, then, we best get that labor going.
01:16:18What is that?
01:16:20Scotch broom with a little vanilla to help it go down.
01:16:23Women have been using it for centuries.
01:16:25Scotch broom is a weed?
01:16:27A weed the good Lord made.
01:16:29His wonders to perceive.
01:16:31Does it work?
01:16:33Sure as the sunrise.
01:16:35A little of this,
01:16:37and we'll have our baby boy in no time.
01:16:44Is there anything else I can do?
01:16:46A glass of water.
01:17:22Her temperature is slightly raised,
01:17:24but her heartbeat and her breathing are normal.
01:17:27No contractions yet.
01:17:29It doesn't seem to be working.
01:17:31It's never taken this long.
01:17:33Just give it a little more time.
01:17:36We could lose Annie and the baby.
01:17:39Do you have everything here that you need
01:17:42to do a cesarean delivery?
01:17:49I'm all taking a spoonful of that faith
01:17:51you're always talking about.
01:17:55I'm going to make some tea.
01:17:57Would you like a cup?
01:17:59No, thank you.
01:18:14Any news?
01:18:16Nothing yet.
01:18:18I'm going to have a cup of tea.
01:18:40You're doing fine, Annie.
01:18:42Just keep breathing.
01:18:47Contractions. Closer together.
01:18:49We are going to introduce this baby boy
01:18:53It's all right, it's all right.
01:18:55Keep breathing. Good, good.
01:19:21Congratulations, Uncle Peter.
01:19:28She's so beautiful.
01:19:31I've delivered hundreds of babies,
01:19:33but I've never seen one this perfect.
01:19:37And I'm not just saying that because she's my granddaughter.
01:19:40I thought she was a boy.
01:19:43She carried like a boy.
01:19:45We live and learn, don't we, Doc?
01:19:47We sure do.
01:19:49Thank you both for being here.
01:19:51There's no other place we'd rather be.
01:19:54Is it okay if I come in?
01:20:01Come meet your daughter, Peter.
01:20:09Can I hold her?
01:20:12Come sit.
01:20:46Hey, you got that, fella?
01:20:48Brought you a present.
01:20:52These are a few of my favorites.
01:20:54When I asked you for a few books,
01:20:56I thought you'd give me one or two.
01:20:58The way you went through 20,000 links,
01:21:00I figured you'd use a few more.
01:21:02Oh, you think so?
01:21:06I should probably get going.
01:21:08Okay. Will I see you later?
01:21:11I'm sure it's this one fine day.
01:21:23Joshua, when you're finished swooning over my daughter,
01:21:26I could use a little helping here.
01:21:28I'm coming.
01:21:32Lord, thank you for the family that surrounds us
01:21:35and the love which envelops us.
01:21:37May we always strive to walk the way you like
01:21:41and be true missionaries of your word.
01:21:53Hey, are you all right?
01:21:55I'm fine. Just a little stuffy inside.
01:21:58I've gotten so used to you being at the house,
01:22:00it's going to be too quiet when we're gone.
01:22:02Well, it's been a week since my darling daughter was born.
01:22:05I think it's time we go home.
01:22:07I'm going to miss you so very much.
01:22:09And all the more reason for you to come visit us soon.
01:22:16What are you doing out here?
01:22:18Oh, it's nothing.
01:22:20What are you doing out here?
01:22:22Oh, I was just getting some fresh air, talking to Annie.
01:22:25You're going to miss her, aren't you?
01:22:28Well, we have her for one more night.
01:22:31Let's enjoy her while we can.
01:22:42Thank you very much.
01:22:43It was my pleasure, Pete.
01:22:45And Belinda, I can never thank you enough.
01:22:48Well, I wish I could take all the credit, but I had some expert help.
01:22:52This has been the happiest time of my life.
01:22:55I'm so glad that I got to share this with you.
01:22:58Me too.
01:22:59All aboard, folks! We're burning daylight!
01:23:02And it's about that time.
01:23:04Will you hold baby Lindy for me?
01:23:06Of course.
01:23:08Who's up for drinks?
01:23:17Bye, you two.
01:23:34Easy now.
01:23:35All right, take her easy there.
01:23:41Well, my friend, we had ourselves an adventure.
01:23:45How do I thank you, Mary?
01:23:47Well, you could start by finding me a husband.
01:23:52I learned a lot from you.
01:23:54And I from you.
01:23:56I may bring them into the world, but you keep them alive and kicking once they're here.
01:24:01Now, if you ever need a good midwife, you know where to find me.
01:24:18There you are.
01:24:19Oh, young man, I'm gonna need a hand here.
01:24:22All right.
01:24:23There we go.
01:24:24Wait a minute. One, two, three.
01:24:26Steady, steady, steady.
01:24:32Well, Commodore, are we sailing with the tide?
01:24:35I thought you said we were burning daylight.
01:24:37Yes, ma'am.
01:24:39Hyah! Get up!
01:24:57What are you and Mary whispering to each other?
01:25:00She's telling her I'd be needing a good midwife.
01:25:07You mean...
01:25:12Are you sure?
01:25:13I'm a doctor.
01:25:14I know a pregnant woman when I see one, especially when I am one.
01:25:23We're gonna have a baby.
01:25:27We're gonna have a baby.
01:25:31Lillian Owens, you were late enough for school as it is.
01:25:33Put those running legs to good use.
01:25:35Yes, ma'am.
01:25:38Joshua Coyle, don't just stand there and gawk.
01:25:40You've got a job to do.
01:25:42Yes, ma'am.
01:25:45I've got patients to attend to and baby plans to make.
01:25:51Uh, now wait up.
01:25:53Now wait up a bit.
01:25:56How far along are you?
01:25:59Now I'm serious.
01:26:01Well, we've got to start talking about names, really.
01:26:04I mean, I like Lee for a boy.
01:26:06Oh, you think it's gonna be a boy?
01:26:08Or, uh, you know, maybe Daphne for a girl.
01:26:10What do you think?
01:26:11Oh, that's very pretty.
01:26:12Come on, you want a little girl, don't you?
01:26:14What do you think?
01:26:15All right, now hold on, I'll get the door for you.
01:26:17Oh, wait, my goodness.
01:26:19Oh, stop it.
