00:00heaven isn't too far away closer to me every day doesn't matter what your
00:10friends might say yes that's right with God Almighty you will find a way
00:16hallelujah you can take the Word of God and let God be true and every other word
00:20a lie so renew your mind get your ego in check do a gut check be still fast and
00:28pray for three days and wait to hear from God versus reacting based on your
00:32vanity your ego your pride and your self-righteousness which we all do or go
00:39get some wise counsel for some from somebody who's older than you and has
00:42some experience of years and experiential wisdom and can help lead
00:47and guide you as well or you can take some time and read God's Word and renew
00:51your mind amen listening is loving and a lot of people they lack the capacity to
00:57shut their cake hole that's their mouth and listen yeah I know because a lot of
01:03people are very immature I'm a school teacher I've dealt with teenagers I sit
01:07and watch young boys talking to one another and they don't converse they
01:11yell over one another seeking to be heard but nobody's listening because they
01:16just yell and tried to exert and Lord them themselves and raise their voice
01:20over one another and nobody's really being heard they're just wasting a lot
01:24of energy whereas females are a little bit more inclined to practice and
01:28cultivate some emotional intelligence and some honor and respect and some
01:32deference and to listen to one another but somehow in relationships sometimes
01:36that doesn't always work and the ego arises and whether they have some
01:41cultural barriers or challenges or they revert back to their mom and dad's
01:45behavior and wicked ways and stubbornness and pride and vanity and
01:50arrogance whatever it may be it's always better to be reconciled than be
01:55right you'll be far happier when you're reconciled not necessarily when you're
02:01alone but you think you're right so take a deep gut check and evaluate meditate
02:07reflect on that and consider it's not about who's right it's about what's
02:13right and perhaps you're both right in actuality you might just need to gain a
02:17little bit of perspective from the other person and see how you could think
02:22from their point of view and they yours and work together harmoniously to listen
02:30to love cultivate some patience and mutual respect the Bible talks about
02:35Jesus preferring others if you read Philippians chapter 2 though he was the
02:40king of kings and the Lord of Lords he humbled himself being made in the form
02:44of a servant and yet being born even in the likeness of a baby and a manger is
02:50such a humble beginning though he is the creator of heaven and earth so if God
02:55Almighty can come down and dwell among us in flesh and blood like a baby and
03:00grow and mature and go through all of the daily challenges that one goes
03:04through and maturing and going through adolescence and growing into adulthood
03:08why can't we learn to have a little bit of humility as well and listen and learn
03:14from one another and love one another and as you lead people and if you learn
03:20to listen to them you'll learn more you'll be a better leader of your
03:22company you'll be a greater executive and a producer of people who desire to
03:27work with you to commit to you long term and not abandon you not abort you not
03:32run from you or seek to steal your ideas they will respect you because you
03:36actually were one of the few people in their lives that actually takes time to
03:39truly listen to them and treat them like a human being a lot of parents don't
03:42even take time to listen to their kids they're so busy trying to lord
03:45themselves over their children and dictate and dominate and tell them what
03:49to do and how to think and where to go and such a such a this and nothing such
03:53as that and don't even giving them time to have their own authentic voice that
03:58sometimes kids become rebellious because they don't give them freedom of
04:03expression and they accuse them of the worst when maybe if they just take time
04:07to listen the reason why Johnny hit Billy in school was because he did
04:12something that provoked him that maybe deserved being punched and he was doing
04:16so in self-defense or maybe Sally you know she walked out of the class and
04:20cried in the bathroom and she wasn't really skipping class she was just
04:24taking an emotional moment to heal within and deal with some internal agony
04:30that was tormenting her and she needs some love and comfort and inner healing
04:35not disciplined because she missed a few seconds of class so it's vitally
04:41important and marriages and families and communities and companies to just listen
04:46a little bit pull people aside give them a chance to speak don't always assume
04:50based on what other people have said let them share from their own perspective
04:53what's going on and you'll learn and you'll gain and grow in perspectives of
04:57all the people that are around about you and you'll be a better leader a beater
05:01be a better lover be a better parent be a better guide of people and able to
05:07mediate and connect and be a peacemaker and reconcile and heal a lot of this
05:13divide and division and animosity and thereby build and cultivate unity and
05:18help people live together harmoniously and be more dynamic and productive in
05:22society think about that for a while cultivate a little humility listen love
05:27learn from one another and be willing to hear and see and gain insight from
05:33somebody's perspective and their experience don't discount them love
05:37every human being regardless of their age or their position because they have
05:41insight and they have understanding too