• last year
00:30Every day when you're walking down the street, everybody that you meet has an original point
00:43of view.
00:44And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
00:55along with each other.
00:56And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:03along with each other.
01:04And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:05along with each other.
01:06And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:07along with each other.
01:08And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:09along with each other.
01:10And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:11along with each other.
01:12And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:13along with each other.
01:14And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:26along with each other.
01:27And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:28along with each other.
01:29And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:30along with each other.
01:31And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:32along with each other.
01:33And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:34along with each other.
01:35And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:36along with each other.
01:37And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:38along with each other.
01:39And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:53along with each other.
01:54And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:55along with each other.
01:56And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:57along with each other.
01:58And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
01:59along with each other.
02:00And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:01along with each other.
02:02And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and
02:03get along with each other.
02:04And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:05along with each other.
02:06And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:07along with each other.
02:08And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:09along with each other.
02:10And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:11along with each other.
02:12And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:13along with each other.
02:14And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:15along with each other.
02:16And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:17along with each other.
02:18And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:19along with each other.
02:20And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:21along with each other.
02:22And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:23along with each other.
02:24And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:25along with each other.
02:26And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day, if you could learn to work and play, and get
02:27along with each other.
02:29It's not that I'm not excited about the circus, because it's really fun when we go.
02:41It's just that the circus isn't until Saturday.
02:44And besides, I'm feeling a little funny.
02:48Come back!
02:49Hey, thanks!
02:50Miss Bryan, Sue Ellen is making our trees the wrong color.
03:11But these are lovely.
03:12It doesn't matter what colors you use.
03:18Arthur's elephants are blue.
03:27Oh no!
03:30Watch it!
03:31Blue elephant!
03:33Oh, no!
03:39Watch it!
03:41Blue elephant!
03:48Now, what's all this about blue elephants?
03:54Are you sick?
03:56Is it contagious?
03:57Did you throw up yet?
04:01Don't you worry. With a little rest and quiet, you'll be good as new.
04:11I'm home!
04:15What's wrong with you?
04:17I'm sick.
04:19You don't look sick to me.
04:21Well, I feel sick.
04:23Oh, I see.
04:25Big test tomorrow?
04:27Or did Binky threaten to crush ya?
04:33For your information, I had to go to the nurse.
04:36Uh-huh. Sure.
04:41Call now, and you too can own this genuine imitation leather cowbell.
04:45That's right. Pick up the bones. That one right there on the couch.
04:49Remember, it's not available.
04:51Supplies are limited. So call right now.
04:58We were right in the middle!
05:00Five more minutes!
05:02It was just getting to the good part!
05:04Oh, Mom!
05:06Why do I have to eat at the table?
05:08Because you're not sick.
05:10Ugh! Spinach?
05:14How come Arthur doesn't have to eat spinach?
05:17Because he's sick!
05:19He's not! He's faking!
05:42What's this for?
05:44You ride it from here to there.
05:48Hurry up! I'm next!
05:51I don't feel so well.
05:53Go on, faker!
06:11What is it? What's wrong?
06:13Arthur has polka dots!
06:15What's wrong with me?
06:17It's chicken pox.
06:19Do you get it from chickens?
06:21No, it's just a normal childhood illness.
06:24I had it. Your mom had it.
06:26I'll see if Grandma Thor can come over while we're at work.
06:29She knows all about chicken pox.
06:31Does this mean Arthur can't go to the circus?
06:34Well, we'll have to see.
06:37I'm sorry, honey, but chicken pox is very contagious.
06:41Looks like you're not going anyplace for a while.
06:44Don't worry. I'll take good care of you.
06:50Pick up the can!
06:52Buster! It's terrible!
06:55You have to save me!
06:57Save you from the chicken pox?
06:59No, from...
07:03No talking. You're sick.
07:07Now sit back, young man.
07:09It's time to take your temperature.
07:13D.W.'s trying to take care of me!
07:16Now lie still while I put on the galamine lotion.
07:21Don't! Don't, D.W.!
07:24Having fun?
07:25Grandma Thora! Arthur didn't take his medicine.
07:29You know, Doctor, this is an especially difficult case.
07:33How about if I take over for a while?
07:36Now, are you ready for something really special?
07:41Oatmeal? In the bathtub?
07:44This feels great.
07:49Cut it out!
07:50Hey! Grandma, Arthur's splashing me.
07:54And he's scratching, too.
07:56I know it's hard, sweetie, but rule number one is no scratching.
08:01You'll get an infection.
08:03If you're a good little boy and don't scratch,
08:06I'll bring you a balloon from the circus.
08:08I have a wonderful idea, D.W.
08:11Why don't you go to your room and draw a picture?
08:14I need to guard Arthur so he doesn't scratch.
08:17I think we can trust him.
08:20Well, I don't.
08:30I saw! You scratched!
08:33Grandma, Arthur scratched! I saw him!
08:36That's nice.
08:38Aren't you going to punish him?
08:40Well, sweetie, I think this will make Arthur feel much better.
08:45Grandma, when do I get to drink with the crazy straw?
08:49You don't. It's covered with germs.
08:52Your lunch is over by the sink, D.W.
08:59So I warned your father.
09:01I said, you'd better get the car started because this little baby is on its way.
09:07What little baby?
09:09Arthur. This is about the night Arthur was born.
09:14Anyway, he never did get the car started, what with that busted carburetor.
09:19So I went in and called a taxi and, oh, my,
09:23was I worried you'd be born right here in the kitchen.
09:26Where was I?
09:28You weren't born yet, hon.
09:36What about when I was born?
09:38I think I was in Florida then.
09:41Can I have a back rub, too?
09:43Maybe later. Right now, I'm busy making Arthur some tea.
09:57I don't feel well.
10:00Good heavens! You have them, too.
10:03I need a oatmeal bath.
10:06Of course, dear.
10:08And some juice with, uh, uh, uh, crazy straw.
10:29Are you all right in there?
10:31I guess so.
10:35Well, I brought you some nice...
10:38Hey, W, what happened to all your spots?
10:43I got better.
10:45Dora Winifred, I'm very disappointed in you.
10:50Daddy, it's not fair.
10:52How come Arthur gets chickenpox and I don't?
10:55Honey, you're lucky you're not sick. Chickenpox is no fun.
10:59Yes, it is. It's more fun than anything.
11:02More fun than the circus?
11:04More fun than elephants and cotton candy and ice cream?
11:08Of course.
11:10Well, you have till tomorrow to decide.
11:12If you don't want to suffer through the circus, you can stay home with Arthur.
11:20So, can you come to the circus?
11:23Just a minute.
11:25Your spots are healing, and I don't see any new ones.
11:30No sign of a fever.
11:33Yes, I'd say all systems are go.
11:47I decided I'm going to the circus.
11:50Atta girl. After all, how bad can it be?
11:54I only wanted pox because I was jealous.
11:58Oh, honey, I know you want to go to the circus, but...
12:03You're being very grown-up, sweetie, but I'm afraid we have some bad news.
12:08What's so funny?
12:13Now, D.W., I want you to be a big girl and...
12:16I have chickenpox! I have my very own chickenpox!
12:21Spots, spots, spots! Spots, spots, spots!
12:25Spots! Look at me, pal, spots!
12:28She must be running a fever.
12:31Grandma, can I have all that stuff now? A tray and a bath and everything?
12:36Strangest case I've ever seen.
12:40Okay, D.W., you want a bath? You've got it.
12:45Arthur, Arthur, Arthur! Look at me!
12:49I have spots and you don't!
12:52D.W., you're going to miss the circus.
12:55Who cares? The circus comes every year.
12:58But you only get chickenpox once.
13:07And now, a word from our kids.
13:10It's bad to be sick.
13:16It doesn't feel good.
13:19You have to have tons of medicine that you don't like.
13:23It feels sort of wheezy and all you can do is just lie on the couch and watch TV or go to sleep and rest.
13:32And it's kind of good because you get to do things that you usually don't get to.
13:36Sleep late, watch movies all day.
13:39My parents get me breakfast in bed when I wake up.
13:43You miss out on a lot of things.
13:46You don't see any friends and you can't have any friends to come over.
13:49You never get to go outside.
13:52And you can't go to school.
13:54Oh, I had chickenpox. It was not good.
13:58One time I was in kindergarten and I got the chickenpox.
14:04I had the chickenpox a long time ago.
14:07I had the chickenpox.
14:09I got the chickenpox.
14:11I have chickenpox.
14:14Chickenpox, chickenpox.
14:16Each one a huge, ugly, gross pimple gushing blobs of pus.
14:20Each one looking like a volcano erupting.
14:23Spreading green streams of fiery lava down my cheeks.
14:26Itchy, itchy, scratch, scratch.
14:28I want to rip them off my face and stick them to my sister's.
14:33If you want to be healthy you should wear your jacket when you go outside.
14:37Wash your hands before you eat healthy food.
14:41You have to eat an apple a day.
14:46And now, back to Oxford!
15:00Pow, shush!
15:22See? There's nothing there.
15:29I did it!
15:30No way! Let me see!
15:35Your turn, Muffy. Truth or dare?
15:39Okay, um, have you ever told a lie?
15:42What kind of question is that?
15:44Me? Tell a lie?
15:46Not once in my whole life.
15:48Not once in the whole history of my life.
15:50Not once in the whole history of my family's life.
15:53If you only knew how crosswires feel about lying.
15:56If you knew how we've suffered for our principles.
16:03Aren't you forgetting when you first came to our school back in second grade?
16:18Here he comes!
16:24I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten Friday's math test.
16:27But if I can interrupt you for just one moment.
16:30I'd like you to meet our newest student.
16:33This is Muffy Crosswire.
16:35Miss Crosswire, these are your future friends and classmates.
16:38Perhaps you'd like to say a few words about yourself.
16:41Yes, I would, in fact.
16:43James, are you all set?
16:47Hit it!
16:49Seventy-five years ago, a young man came to these shores with a dream in his heart.
16:53That young man was my great-grandfather, Edsel E. Crosswire.
16:58And so from humble beginnings to unprecedented glory,
17:02the Crosswire Empire rolls onward.
17:04A shining beacon and inspiration to all.
17:08Thank you very much. I'd like you all to turn to your math books.
17:12Part two, I am born.
17:14Perhaps another time, Miss Crosswire.
17:17You may take your seat.
17:21Who invited her?
17:25So when the ball reaches here, you kick it.
17:30And then run around the bases.
17:34That's how you play.
17:35Aren't there horses or prizes or anything?
17:38Because at my old school we...
17:40You're not at your old school, Smarty Pants.
17:42You're at plain old Lakewood Elementary.
17:44Miss Mary Alice, Smarty Pants, to you.
17:47Ah! Your middle name is Alice?
17:50That's my middle name!
17:52No. How do you spell it?
17:56Me too!
17:59Are you guys playing or not?
18:07Oh, girls.
18:10I've never had a best friend before.
18:13Me neither.
18:15This is where I keep my treasures.
18:17I've been everywhere in the world.
18:20I've been to my grandmother's house.
18:22She lives in...
18:25I've been to my grandmother's house.
18:27She lives in...
18:28See this bracelet?
18:29I got it from a cannibal in Antarctica.
18:31It's one of a kind.
18:33Ah, it's beautiful.
18:36You can have it.
18:37I have another one just like it.
18:39Now, would you like to visit my zoo or swim in my bathtub?
18:49Look what I found.
18:51We really should study, you know.
18:53There's a math test on Friday.
18:55I don't need to study math.
18:57At my old school I taught math.
19:03And I taught addition.
19:05And that thing where you take something away from something else.
19:09You know, where you have one number that's bigger
19:12and you do something to it and it gets smaller.
19:17Right. That's what I taught.
19:19Let's go do some wheelies.
19:21I didn't bring my bike.
19:25Okay, James.
19:26Hit it.
19:33You like this new girl, huh?
19:36Just give her a chance.
19:38The librarian said that we could watch videos if we were quiet.
19:41And my chauffeur is bringing us popcorn.
19:44All right!
19:49We have to study, Muffy.
19:51The math test is tomorrow.
19:53I know this stuff backwards and forwards.
19:56You coming, Buster?
19:59You said study.
20:06Two plus two is...
20:10Oh, no!
20:12All right, everyone.
20:1340 questions.
20:27This looks excellent, Muffy.
20:28You've obviously been studying.
20:33May I see the two of you up front?
20:40As you can see, these tests are exactly the same.
20:44Well, don't look at me.
20:46I wouldn't dream of cheating.
20:48Not in a million years.
20:49Not in ten million years.
20:50Not in...
20:51Francine, can you explain this?
20:54I just...
20:55I didn't...
20:56If there's one thing I won't tolerate...
20:59I'm just sharpening my pencil.
21:03It's cheating.
21:04Francine, I'll see you after school.
21:06Starting today and all of next week.
21:11But that's not fair.
21:13You may return to your seats.
21:15Francine cheating?
21:16It doesn't seem possible.
21:18Are you kidding?
21:19She copies off me all the time.
21:21Then how come she gets better grades than you?
21:24That's what I'd like to know.
21:28Aren't you all forgetting something?
21:30If Francine's punished,
21:31then she can't play in the softball game against...
21:34Mighty Mountain?
21:42And with that,
21:44and without Francine,
21:46we're doomed.
21:48I don't like to brag,
21:49but it just so happens
21:51I've won a million blue ribbons for softball.
21:53I even won the national softball kickoff.
21:56So I just want you to know,
21:59you can count on me.
22:12do you want a ride?
22:13No, thank you.
22:15I didn't mean to get you in trouble,
22:18but I can't let people think that I'm some kind of cheater.
22:22I'm a crosswire.
22:24So I'm supposed to take the blame?
22:27Is that why you pretended to like me?
22:30How can you say that?
22:31I gave you my bracelet.
22:33Don't you think that meant something?
22:36You're right, it did.
22:38It meant we were friends.
22:43Did you ask Mr. Marco
22:45if Francine could play in the game?
22:47Yeah, he said forget it.
22:49She's still being punished.
22:52Oh well, at least we've got Muffy.
22:55See you outside, slugger.
23:21So, that makes Mighty Mountain 12,
23:25Lakewood Elementary,
23:28It's up to you, Muffy.
23:30I'm going to get you out of here.
23:32I'm going to get you out of here.
23:34I'm going to get you out of here.
23:36I'm going to get you out of here.
23:38I'm going to get you out of here.
23:41It's up to you, Muffy.
23:43I'm not playing until someone vacuums us.
23:45I can't work in these conditions.
23:47Quit stalling.
23:48We need a hit and we need it now.
23:53What are you doing?
23:55This is how we played in my old school.
23:59Is the little princess ready?
24:01Just wait till you see
24:04how good she is.
24:06You're supposed to warn me when a ball is coming.
24:14You said you had blue ribbons.
24:19We'll never live this down.
24:21The only person who can hit against them is Francine.
24:25I have an idea.
24:30You're up, Francine.
24:32They really need you out there.
24:34You know I'm not allowed to play.
24:36You are now.
24:38I just told Mr. Marco the truth about who cheated.
24:41You did?
24:43And I'm being punished for two whole weeks.
24:46Which is totally unfair.
24:48Yay! Yippee!
24:50Francine, I know you're mad at me,
24:52but I want you to have this.
25:05Strike one!
25:07Do you call that a pitch?
25:09My grandmother walks faster.
25:18Francine! Francine! Francine!
25:22Francine! Francine! Francine!
25:33Come on, everyone!
25:43Want a ride?
25:45You can sit in the basket.
25:48Did you win the game?
25:50No, but I scored two runs.
25:52And we decided something, too.
25:54The team, I mean.
25:56We want you to play with us.
25:58We decided you could be scorekeeper.
26:00But you have to learn to act.
26:02And there's one more thing.
26:04What's that?
26:06No cheating.
26:18You can learn to work and play
26:20And get along with each other
26:23You got to listen to your heart
26:25Listen to the beat
26:26Listen to the rhythm
26:28Rhythm on the street
26:30It's a simple message
26:32And it comes from the heart
26:35Believe in yourself
26:37For that's the place to start
26:39Start dancing!
26:41What a wonderful kind of day
26:44We can learn to work and play
26:47And get along with each other
26:50What a wonderful kind of day
26:52What a wonderful kind of day
26:58Funding for Arthur is provided by
27:01The Corporation for Public Broadcasting
27:04And viewers like you
27:09The National Endowment for Children's Educational Television
27:14And by
27:16The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
27:22This program is made possible in part by a grant from Juicy Juice.
27:30Juicy Juice. 100% juice for 100% kids.
27:37Remember, you can find Arthur books
27:40And lots of other books, too
27:42At your local library.
27:45Hey, it's always a wonderful kind of day
27:47When Arthur and his pals visit you and your family.
27:50Now there are even more delightful stories
27:53About this lovable art bar
27:55Each ready for you to enjoy anytime right at home.
27:58So come and join Arthur, D.W.,
28:01Binky, Buster, Francine,
28:04And all their friends in these enchanting videos
28:07Filled with laughter, learning, and fun.
28:10Hey! What a wonderful kind of day
28:12From Random House Home Video
28:14What a wonderful kind of day
28:18If you think your teacher's tough,
28:20Wait until you meet Mr. Ratburn.
28:23He eats nails for breakfast.
28:25And he's also a weird vampire
28:28With hypnotic magic power.
28:30In Arthur's Teacher Trouble.
28:33Join Private Eye Arthur and Detective Binky
28:36As they try to solve the mystery of
28:38Arthur's lost library book.
28:40Everybody's a suspect.
28:43Arthur and D.W. are in for a big surprise.
28:46Is it a new bicycle?
28:49What is it? What is it?
28:51It's Arthur's baby.
28:53As if having one baby sister weren't hard enough,
28:56Now Arthur is going to have two.
28:59When Arthur writes a story,
29:01His simple school assignment changes
29:03From the tale of how he got his pet puppy
29:06To a wild ride into outer space.
29:10If this picture isn't clear,
29:12Then you know how things look through
29:14Arthur's eyes.
29:16When Arthur can't seem to see straight,
29:18His parents take him to get glasses.
29:22Arthur's pet business is born
29:24When Arthur needs to prove to his parents
29:26That he can take care of a puppy.
29:28It seems easy at first,
29:30But Arthur never counted on having to
29:32Babysit a dog nicknamed Jaws.
29:34A slimy snake and a frisky frog.
29:39Arthur's new puppy is exactly what he wanted.
29:43Pal is cute, and he follows Arthur everywhere.
29:46But training Pal is a lot harder than Arthur thought.
29:50My party platter!
29:52Help! No!
29:54Arthur, if that dog is untrainable,
29:56I don't know how we can keep it.
29:59D.W.'s blankie is missing.
30:02My blankie! I can't find it!
30:05So Arthur and D.W. look all over town for it.
30:08If they can't find it,
30:10D.W. will have to do the impossible.
30:12Spend the night without her security blanket.
30:17The circus is in town, and the whole family is excited.
30:20I don't feel so well.
30:22Arthur's dream of performing on the high wire
30:24Turns into a nightmare when Arthur gets...
30:29Chicken pox!
30:30Will Arthur ever make it to the circus?
30:32Find out in Arthur's Chicken Pox.
30:37Be sure to check your local stores for Arthur videos,
30:40books, CD-ROMs and other Arthur merchandise.