• 6 hours ago


00:00Storytime, kids!
00:06Would you like to turn the pages of the book as I read it?
00:10We're all set.
00:12This story is called...
00:27Three little monkeys jumping on the bed
00:29One fell off and bumped his head
00:32Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
00:35No more monkeys jumping on the bed
00:41Two little monkeys jumping on the bed
00:44One fell off and bumped his head
00:47Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
00:50No more monkeys jumping on the bed
00:54One little monkey jumping on the bed
00:57She fell off and bumped her head
01:00Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
01:06No more monkeys jumping on the bed
01:12Looks like I'd better go get some help for these poor monkeys.
01:17Oh, ho ho, hi everybody!
01:20Oh my, what have we here?
01:23It's a big pile of monkeys!
01:26And they're all fast asleep.
01:39Hi! Now my friends are awake.
01:41We weren't really sleeping.
01:43We were just playing Three Little Monkeys with Derek.
01:46And speaking of Derek, where are you?
01:49Speaking of Derek, where is he?
01:51He went back into the school to get help for us little monkeys.
01:54Oh, what kind of help?
01:56Let's go see!
01:57Okay, here we go!
01:59Grrrr! Grrrr!
02:17Oh, something hit my toe!
02:19That's the toy ambulance.
02:21You know, the kind that takes sick people to the hospital.
02:26Barney! Hi!
02:27Oh, hello Dr. Derek!
02:30Hey, you guys want to play cars with me?
02:32Sure, yeah!
02:35Oh, this is so much fun.
02:38Oh, a little town.
02:45Oh, looks like you've got a problem there.
02:47What's wrong?
02:49We can't all go at once.
02:51Our cars just crashed.
02:52We need a stoplight.
02:54Sure, when grown-ups drive real cars,
02:56they use stoplights and signs to help them drive safely.
02:59That's right!
03:07Always watch the traffic light,
03:09the traffic light, the traffic light.
03:11Green means go, yellow means slow,
03:13and red means stop, stop, stop.
03:15Always watch the traffic light,
03:18the traffic light, the traffic light.
03:20Green means go, yellow means slow,
03:22and red means stop, stop, stop.
03:24Oh, that gives me an idea for some real fun.
03:28What kind of fun, Barney?
03:29I know a great game to help learn about stoplights and safety.
03:33But first, you each need a car to drive.
03:36How can we get cars?
03:38It's easy.
03:39All you need is imagination.
03:45Here we go. Vroom, vroom. Beep, beep.
03:48Uh, Barney, these aren't really cars.
03:51These are just cardboard boxes.
03:54Huh? Hmm.
03:56Uh-huh. This looks like a job for...
04:00The Barney Bag!
04:03Dig in, kids. Let's see what we can find.
04:07I've been looking in my Barney Bag
04:11and found a lot of things.
04:14Gizmos and gadgets and odds and ends
04:17and even some old strings.
04:20So let's ask ourselves the question,
04:23What can we make today?
04:26With imagination and the Barney Bag
04:29we'll see what we can make today.
04:31Yeah, see what we can make today.
04:35Come on, let's turn these boxes into cars.
04:37Great! We'll all be mechanics. Oh, boy.
04:41You can decorate your cars any way you like.
04:45Got lots of bright colors.
04:49Good job.
04:55I'll hold this door for you. Go ahead.
05:01It's black. I like black.
05:04Oh-ho-ho. Isn't it fun making things?
05:09I think it should go like this.
05:12How's it coming?
05:14Coming great.
05:18It's going good.
05:21Yeah, really good. Thanks, Barney.
05:26Okay, let's use this one.
05:29Let's put a car over on this one.
05:32I think I'm going to go with the cars.
05:37The cars are finished.
05:39What a team. Oh, boy.
05:43Barney, our cars are finished.
05:45And they look great.
05:47I'm so proud of you.
05:49It was fun. Yeah, I like it.
05:51But wait, we can't drive them yet.
05:56First, we need to buckle our seatbelts.
05:59Oh, you're right, Cathy.
06:02Everybody who rides in a car needs to wear a seatbelt.
06:07Driving to my school, I buckle my belt.
06:09Driving to my school, I buckle my belt.
06:12Driving to my school, I buckle my belt.
06:15Buckle up my seatbelt.
06:18Drive safely now.
06:20Driving to my house, I buckle my belt.
06:23Driving to my house, I buckle my belt.
06:26Driving to my house, I buckle my belt.
06:29Buckle up my seatbelt.
06:32My goodness, what a traffic jam.
06:37Driving to grandma's, I buckle my belt.
06:40Driving to grandma's, I buckle my belt.
06:43Driving to grandma's, I buckle my belt.
06:46Buckle up my seatbelt.
06:49Oh, this is so much fun.
06:51Driving everywhere, I buckle my belt.
06:54Driving everywhere, I buckle my belt.
06:57Driving everywhere, I buckle my belt.
07:00Buckle up my seatbelt.
07:05Buckle up my seatbelt.
07:09That was really fun, Barney.
07:11Hey, can we play the stoplight game next?
07:13Yeah, let's do that.
07:15How do we play?
07:16I'll show you.
07:21That's right.
07:22I'm pretending to be Officer Barney of the Safety Patrol.
07:26And now I'll show you my game.
07:28It's called Red Light, Green Light.
07:32Now, who remembers what these signs mean?
07:35I do, Barney.
07:36Red means you have to stop your car.
07:39And green means you can go again.
07:42So now you can all drive carefully anywhere in the classroom that you want.
07:47But when I say red light...
07:49We stop.
07:51And when Lucy says green light...
07:53We go.
07:55Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.
08:02Green light, go.
08:04There they go.
08:07Red light, stop.
08:11Green light.
08:14Red light.
08:17Green light.
08:20Red light.
08:22Green light.
08:24Red light.
08:26Green light.
08:27Red light.
08:28Green light.
08:29Red light.
08:30Red light.
08:31No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop.
08:33That sounded like Baby Bop.
08:35Look, it is Baby Bop.
08:38Oh, your game's too loud.
08:42Baby Bop's sleepy.
08:44Oh, we're sorry.
08:45Red light, green light. Red light, green light.
08:48Night, night.
08:50Everybody go night, night.
08:53That's okay, Baby Bop.
08:55We'll just take our noisy game outside.
08:59Come on, race him in.
09:03I guess we'll stay in here.
09:05But don't worry, Baby Bop. We'll be quiet.
09:08Yeah, you can take your nap now.
09:10I'm awake now. I want to play.
09:14Okay, what can we do?
09:16I know. Let's practice crossing the street safely.
09:20That's a great idea.
09:21I know a safety poem.
09:23Stop, look and listen before you cross the street.
09:27First use your eyes and ears, then use your feet.
09:30Oh, I like that. I'll try now.
09:34Stop, look and listen before you cross the street.
09:39First use your eyes and ears, then use your feet.
09:44Oh, that's great.
09:46That is a great poem, Derek.
09:48And I know a great song to help us remember other rules about safely crossing streets.
09:55Oh, when I walk
09:56Oh, when I walk
09:57Across the street
09:58Across the street
09:59Oh, when I walk across the street
10:03I always cross at the corner
10:06At the corner
10:07When I walk across the street
10:15Oh, when I walk
10:16Oh, when I walk
10:17Across the street
10:18Across the street
10:19Oh, when I walk across the street
10:23I always stop, look and listen
10:27When I walk across the street
10:33Hey, hey, don't forget Baby Bop.
10:36I need help.
10:38Oh, don't worry. I'm coming.
10:43Oh, when I walk
10:44Oh, when I walk
10:45Across the street
10:46Across the street
10:47Oh, when I walk across the street
10:51Me always hold hands with a grown-up. Yeah!
10:55When I walk across the street
11:00Everybody sing!
11:03Oh, when I walk
11:04Oh, when I walk
11:05Across the street
11:06Across the street
11:07Oh, when I walk across the street
11:10Me too!
11:11I always cross at the corner
11:15I always stop, look and listen
11:19Me always hold hands with a grown-up.
11:24When I walk across the street
11:30Fun! When I'm big, I want to be like Barney.
11:36Oh, shucks.
11:38Say, you've given me a great idea, Baby Bop.
11:42How would you all like to be special safety patrol officers right now?
11:47Oh, yeah!
11:49Hang on. I'll go get Captain Mint.
11:54Let's see.
11:55Stomach in.
11:57Shoulders back.
11:59Very good.
12:01Very nice, troops.
12:03Ladies, gentlemen and dinosaurs,
12:06it gives me great pleasure to make you all special deputies in our safety patrol.
12:14Lucy's going to hand out your safety badges.
12:16But first, you each need to tell me one safety rule that we learned today.
12:21We always buckle our seatbelts in the car.
12:24We always cross the street at the corner.
12:27And we always hold a grown-up's hand.
12:29Very good.
12:30Barney, I know a safety rule we didn't talk about today.
12:34Okay, tell us, Derek.
12:35We don't talk to strangers.
12:38Strangers? Why can't I talk to strangers? Why?
12:43Okay, Baby Bop. You get a badge for asking a very good question.
12:48Can you answer it, Derek?
12:49Sure. Strangers are people you don't know.
12:52And they could be bad people.
12:55That's excellent.
12:57You all knew some very important safety rules.
13:00So, attention!
13:03I now pronounce you members of our safety patrol.
13:09Hey, Barney, I know the first thing our safety patrol can do.
13:13What's that?
13:14Let's put on a show to tell Baby Bop more about strangers.
13:17Oh, that's a stupendous idea.
13:21Oh, boy. Here we go.
13:24I need some costumes.
13:26Yeah, goodie. A show for me.
13:35And now, the safety patrol presents Little Red Riding Hood.
13:40Act 1. Red Riding Hood Meets a Stranger.
13:47Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Red Riding Hood.
13:52That's me.
13:53Who was on her way to Grandma's house with a basket of goodies.
13:58Apples, oranges, carrots, and cauliflower.
14:03My grandma only eats healthy food.
14:07But as she went skipping through the forest, she suddenly met a stranger.
14:13The wolf.
14:19What is your name, little girl?
14:22Little Red Riding Hood.
14:23And where are you going?
14:25To Grandma's house with this basket of goodies.
14:28Grandma's house? That's a long walk.
14:31Want to come for a ride in my car? I'll take you there.
14:35No, I'm not supposed to get in a stranger's car.
14:39And I'm not supposed to talk to strangers either.
14:44Oh, no. I'll go to Grandma's house first.
14:47And I'll give them both a nasty surprise.
14:54Let's see what happens next in Little Red Riding Hood.
14:59Act 2. Grandma's house.
15:06That's not Grandma. That's Lucy.
15:11She's pretending to be Grandma, Baby Bop.
15:14Oh. I'll watch now.
15:21Who is it?
15:24Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma. I brought you some goodies.
15:29You may come in now, Little Red Riding Hood.
15:37You're not Little Red Riding Hood.
15:40No, I'm the wolf. I'm going to eat you up.
15:44Oh, no, you're not.
15:52Wow. She's pretty fast.
15:56Knock, knock, knock.
15:58Who is it?
16:01It's Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma. I brought you some goodies.
16:05Just a minute, Little Red Riding Hood.
16:12You may come in.
16:17Grandma, you don't look so well.
16:22Really? Maybe you need a closer look.
16:27Grandma, what big eyes you have.
16:32The better to see you with, my dear.
16:35Grandma, what big ears you have.
16:39The better to hear you with, my dear.
16:43Grandma, what big teeth you have.
16:47The better to eat you with, my dear.
16:54All right, hold it, whoopee.
16:56Hold what?
16:57Hold this.
17:05Oh, Grandma, you saved me.
17:09And I hope you learned never to talk to strangers.
17:12I sure did. I'll be careful from now on.
17:16And so, Little Red Riding Hood learned not to talk to strangers.
17:22And they all lived happily ever after.
17:35Never talk to strangers. That's very good advice.
17:41Cause you just can't tell if they're good or bad.
17:44Even though they may seem nice.
17:47Even though they may seem nice.
17:50Don't get in their car.
17:52No, no.
17:53Don't take anything from them.
17:55No, no.
17:56Just turn around.
17:58And walk away.
18:00Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
18:01Oh, yeah.
18:02Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
18:07Never talk to strangers. That's very good advice.
18:13Cause you just can't tell if they're good or bad.
18:16Even though they may seem nice.
18:19Even though they may seem nice.
18:23Don't get in their car.
18:25No, no.
18:26Don't take anything from them.
18:28No, no.
18:29Just turn around.
18:31And walk away.
18:33Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
18:34Oh, yeah.
18:35Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
18:40Don't get in their car.
18:42No, no.
18:43Don't take anything from them.
18:45No, no.
18:46Just turn around.
18:48And walk away.
18:50Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
18:51Oh, yeah.
18:52Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
18:57Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
19:08I like that song.
19:13But I'm sleepy.
19:15Night, night.
19:17Good night, everybody.
19:19See you.
19:20Sleep tight now.
19:35Baby Bob forgot Blanky.
19:42You know, I think it's time for all of us to be getting home.
19:45Yeah, probably.
19:46That's true.
19:47Well, I'm so glad we were able to play together today.
19:50Here, I'll walk you out of the door.
19:59We'll help you, Barney.
20:08Oh, no.
20:09Oh, I'm fine.
20:11But my tail hurts a little bit.
20:14Can you help me, Dr. Derek?
20:20Barney, your tail looks sore.
20:22But all I've got is this little bandage.
20:24It's too small.
20:25Oh, that's okay, Derek.
20:27My tail only hurts when I shake it.
20:31Barney, stop.
20:32I guess this happened because we all forgot an important safety rule.
20:36We forgot that it's important to clean up after we're done playing.
20:40Sure is.
20:41That's right.
20:42Hey, I know.
20:43Let's make cleaning up a game.
20:46Yeah, and we can sing our clean-up song.
20:49Great idea.
20:50Let's go.
20:51Oh, boy.
20:54Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.
20:58Clean up, clean up, everybody, do your share.
21:02Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.
21:06Clean up, clean up, everybody, do your share.
21:10Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.
21:14Clean up, clean up, everybody, do your share.
21:18Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.
21:22Clean up, clean up, everybody, do your share.
21:28Oh, that's much better.
21:30Now, everything is put away so we can play another day.
21:36Well, now it is time to go.
21:39And we'll all be sure to go home safely.
21:42Yeah, and tell everyone about the important safety rules we learned today.
21:46Yeah, we sure will.
21:47That's a wonderful idea, Lucy.
21:50Oh, my tail.
21:53Safety rules are to share with everyone we love so no one will get hurt.
21:59So, when someone special says, be careful, it's kind of like they're saying, I love you?
22:06That's right.
22:07Okay, be careful, Barney.
22:10I will be, Derek.
22:19I love you, you love me.
22:24We're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
22:34Won't you say you love me, too?
22:40Let's all hold hands.
22:49I love you, you love me.
22:54We're best friends like friends should be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
23:04Won't you say you love me, too?
23:11Bye, Barney.
23:12See you, kids.
23:13So long.
23:38There you go, Barney.
23:39Now that bandage is just the right size.
23:43See you tomorrow.
23:54Hello again to all my friends.
23:56I'm glad you came to play.
23:58Our fun and learning never ends.
24:00Here's what we did today.
24:03Well, one thing I learned is to be careful when I'm just walking around.
24:08But don't worry, my tail is feeling a lot better now.
24:12And I feel better, too, knowing that you learned a lot about safety today.
24:19We learned that it's always a good idea to wear your seatbelts in the car.
24:23Seatbelts feel like a nice, cozy hug.
24:27You also heard some very important rules about crossing streets.
24:31You only cross at the corners.
24:33You stop, look, and listen for cars.
24:36And you always hold hands with a grown-up.
24:39The Red Riding Hood play taught us the rules about not talking to strangers.
24:44And they're so important, I'd like to tell you about them one more time.
24:54Never talk to strangers.
24:57That's very good advice.
25:00Cause you just can't tell if they're good or bad.
25:04Even though they may seem nice.
25:07Even though they may seem nice.
25:10Don't get in their car.
25:12No, no!
25:13Don't take anything from them.
25:15No, no!
25:16Just turn around.
25:18And walk away.
25:20Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
25:22Oh, yeah!
25:23Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
25:28Never talk to strangers.
25:30That's very good advice.
25:33Cause you just can't tell if they're good or bad.
25:36Even though they may seem nice.
25:39Even though they may seem nice.
25:43Don't get in their car.
25:45No, no!
25:46Don't take anything from them.
25:48No, no!
25:49Just turn around.
25:51And walk away.
25:53Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
25:54Oh, yeah!
25:55Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
26:00Don't get in their car.
26:02No, no!
26:03Don't take anything from them.
26:05No, no!
26:06Just turn around.
26:08And walk away.
26:10Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
26:11Oh, yeah!
26:12Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
26:17Go back and tell a grown-up friend.
26:20Some safety rules are about things you can do right at home.
26:23Say, that gives me a super-dee-duper idea.
26:28How would you like to be a member of our safety patrol?
26:31Just look around right now for toys on your floor.
26:35Then pick them up and put them safely away where they belong.
26:39Remember to be safe.
26:41You're special to me.
26:42Because I love you.