• 8 hours ago
A Korean NGO says it will sue the German capital's district, which ordered the removal of a statue memorialising sexual abuse victims during World War II after calls from Japan.
00:00This statue on a quiet residential street in Berlin is at the center of an international row.
00:10It memorializes women, mostly from Korea, who were forced to have sex with Japanese soldiers
00:17during World War II, known as comfort women.
00:21Japan has called for the statue to be brought down.
00:24Some politicians in Berlin are siding with Tokyo.
00:28The local Korean NGO behind the memorial, known as the Statue of Peace,
00:33says it will sue the local district of Mitte to keep it in place.
00:38The group says it's not just about defending the rights of Korean women.
00:44In history, I think every woman can imagine what can happen in the wartime
00:51if you are not protected and the soldiers are coming and raping you.
00:57So every woman can identify with the Statue of Peace.
01:04The memorial was put up four years ago.
01:07Japan has been raising the issue with the German government as well as local officials.
01:12The local district said that the statue needs to be taken down by the end of this month,
01:18setting time limits for temporary art in public places.
01:22The district told Euronews that Japanese and Korean officials have visited its office,
01:28threatening to worsen relations with Germany.
01:31The district says that there was a questioning of aid to Ukraine
01:35as well as a possible termination of the sister city relationship between Tokyo and Berlin.
01:42Japan says that it never suggested ending the relationship.
01:47In a press release in May, the mayor of Berlin called the statue a one-sided portrayal
01:53after a meeting in Tokyo with the Japanese foreign minister.
01:57Berlin's local government told Euronews that it is talking to the district and federal government
02:03to replace the statue with a more general memorial for women who face sexual violence during conflicts.
02:10It also stated that it will be expanding its relationship with Tokyo.
02:15An expert on German-Japanese relations said the government is prioritizing
02:20its economic and security ties with Japan over South Korea.
02:25Both partners should be treated quite equally.
02:29And so far, this case of the Comfort Women statue in Berlin lacks a bit of that cautious and balanced approach.
02:41A source with the foreign office told Euronews that freedom of opinion and of the arts
02:46are fundamental to Germany's constitution.
02:49However, they said that what happens with the statue is up to the district
02:53and the foreign office cannot provide instructions on the subject.
02:58Japan's embassy told Euronews that the statue serves as a symbol to denounce its country
03:04and that the memorial has caused unrest in Berlin.
03:08Like the mayor of Berlin, the embassy also called the statue one-sided.
03:14A petition arguing to keep the statue up has garnered 3,000 signatures.
03:20It's not only our wish.
03:25Many people who are living in this area, they want to keep the Statue of Peace.
