• 11 hours ago


00:40¿Alonso, acompáñame a la puerta, por favor?
00:42¿Cómo que te vas tan rápido?
00:44¿Qué crees tú?
00:52Bueno, ¿que ha concluido el carrete entonces?
00:54Sí, va a tener que ser para la próxima.
01:10¿Qué más pruebas quieres, mamá?
01:12Valentina es igual a ti.
01:15Deberíamos contarle quiénes somos de una vez por todas, ¿no te parece?
01:18Cállate y limpia todo esto, ¿quieres?
01:22Te lo confirmaron entonces, ¿no?
01:25¿Qué cosa?
01:26¿Que mañana sale libre la asesina de mi hermana?
01:31Puede que mañana salga de la cárcel,
01:33pero libre no se va a sentir jamás.
01:46Cuando te dije que te hicieras cargo,
01:48no me refería a esto.
01:50¿Quieres prestar tu declaración acá
01:52o prefieres hacerlo en investigaciones?
01:54A ver, a ver, ¿por qué eres tan brusco con mi hija?
01:58Solo necesito tomar su declaración, Mariana, eso es todo.
02:01Mi clienta no está dispuesta a responderte nada.
02:07Presento a Bernardo, el abogado de mi hija.
02:11Hola, Bernardo.
02:14Así que, tu abogado.
02:17Le agradecería, por favor, no dirigirse directamente a mi clienta.
02:20Sofía no tiene por qué contestar nada.
02:24Solo necesito tomar su declaración.
02:26A mí más bien me parece un interrogatorio perfecto.
02:28Está bien, de verdad.
02:30Terminemos con esto de una vez por todas.
02:34Voy a necesitar que salgan todos de acá.
02:43Mañana espero estar libre para poder ayudarte con todo esto.
02:50Gracias. Te amo.
02:52Yo a ti.
02:54Nos vemos mañana en tribunales, Mariana.
03:20Well, director.
03:22You will say.
03:24I want you to tell me right now, Manuel.
03:26If you are involved in all this.
03:35Thank you, my child.
03:36I can't understand.
03:37How so much unconsciousness of Camila.
03:39For God's sake.
03:41Well, it's not so terrible either.
03:43That she took the child to see his father at the clinic.
03:46But yes, of course not.
03:48But how do you not tell me?
03:51How does it cost so much, for God's sake?
03:53I'm going.
04:03What a surprise, my child.
04:05Go ahead, come in, come in.
04:07Excuse me.
04:09I came at a bad time.
04:11No, what a good visit, yours.
04:15I brought you this for the tea.
04:17Hey, how well you educated your father, hey.
04:21And in record time.
04:23Well, now I realize that I like you well.
04:26It's just in time.
04:29And why is that?
04:31It's just that my girl needs a little smile.
04:35Now, come in, come in.
04:37This way?
04:38Yes, go to the kitchen.
04:40Who was Lidia?
04:47The young man brought a cake.
05:00Do you deny having turned to Ricardo to leave the country?
05:06Yes, absolutely.
05:10We have the statement of your team.
05:12And the driver of a plane.
05:14They assure you that they were waiting for you to leave the country.
05:17And is there proof of that, apart from the words of those people?
05:20For now, just that.
05:22I would advise the mayor to be more careful when accusing my client.
05:27If you don't change your attitude, we're going to leave this here.
05:30I'm your client, I'm not accusing you.
05:34I just want to know how things really happened.
05:39Are you questioning your testimony?
05:43Without evidence, there can be no trust, lawyer.
05:48No, and your story, Sofía.
05:50Your story seems learned.
05:52Well, we're going to have to leave this here.
05:55Like this? And why?
05:57Because you are not capable of carrying out this case, Mayor.
06:01It is evident that there are problems of conflict of interest when it comes to addressing my client.
06:07This is not a trial, and she needs someone neutral to take the statement.
06:12Sofía, please.
06:14I would appreciate it if you did not address my client directly, Mayor.
06:17Well, that's going to be difficult because we live in the same house.
06:19Coordinate the interrogation with another detective, please.
06:22And why can't I be that you?
06:24Because it is evident that you cannot be impartial in this case, Mayor.
06:28Your bias is very great against my client, and that can play against you.
06:32I'm sorry if I made a lot of attributions, Director.
06:43I just wanted to help Sofía.
06:45Yes, one thing is to help Sofía, and the other is to put the spotlight at her disposal.
06:50Well, it was Nacila who asked me.
06:53And the truth is, I can't tell her no.
06:55We both know everything that woman has suffered, and I just wanted to give her a comfortable space to be with her daughter.
07:01And a lawyer.
07:05Let's see.
07:07Is it true that Sofía hired two thugs to be able to leave the country with my grandson?
07:13That was not the case.
07:14And why are you so sure?
07:16Because I know her.
07:18She would not be able to do something like that.
07:21Of course.
07:23Just as she hid my grandson's paternity and tried to escape once.
07:29I really don't know that information.
07:31What I do know is that this context is very different.
07:38You're right.
07:41But the next time you want to help Sofía, do it outside the spotlight.
07:53Thank you very much, Lidia, for the juice. I missed it.
07:56Well, I'll leave you alone so you can talk, okay?
08:06Well, and Susy? Did she go to Milan?
08:10Yes, she's already on the plane to Milan.
08:14Oh, look, she left you something.
08:17Something for me?
08:21Open it.
08:22And this?
08:26She told me she bought it at an antique fair in Milan.
08:30Do you like it?
08:31Wow, but I love it, how beautiful!
08:34How cute! Hey, send her my thanks, I'm going to send her a message anyway.
08:38Well, I'm going to tell her.
08:40It was great to be with her this time.
08:42We talked about a lot of things.
08:45Yes? About what?
08:47Well, about Guille, my grandmother.
08:52And about you.
08:58About me?
09:02She told me that I had to fight for my dream.
09:08And my dream is to be with you, Javiera.
09:19No, Javiera.
09:22I'm tired of being afraid.
09:25I'm tired of being such a coward.
09:29And if between us today there is a minimal possibility of being together,
09:35I'm going to take it.
09:51I love you.
10:21I love you.
10:32Okay, as you wish.
10:35Are we attentive then to the statement?
10:37Yes, I'm going to look for a trustworthy detective,
10:40but I highly doubt that someone less impartial than me
10:42will take the antecedents of this investigation well.
10:45Are we willing to take the risk?
10:48You're wrong, Sofia.
10:50If someone could help you, it would be me.
10:53Perfect. You're intimidating my client.
11:02Don't worry, Sofia. You have nothing to fear.
11:05I hope so.
11:07Do you think if we review your statement again,
11:10I think there are certain points that can be emphasized even more?
11:13Yes, yes, of course.
11:15Let's do it.
11:20Let's go.
11:50Girls, I thank you a lot for bringing me.
11:53The least, the least we could do.
11:56Try to be five more minutes with your grandson capable of everything.
11:59Hey, do you think you stay?
12:01Shall we have a coffee to relax a little?
12:03Oh yes, before going back to the clinic, yes.
12:05But I don't want to leave Ruben alone for a while.
12:09How can you take Benjamin like that without telling me?
12:12What? Didn't you tell him you took him to the clinic?
12:15Javi, you would have said and you wouldn't have left me.
12:18Or not?
12:20Are you going to serve something?
12:22Me a coffee, please.
12:23Yes, me too, a coffee, please.
12:30And what are you doing here?
12:34Excuse me.
13:02It is very likely that tomorrow Mariana will be free.
13:20No, no, no.
13:56But what is this, please?
13:58Mariana, look.
13:59This is a cocktail.
14:00But it's not an elegant cocktail.
14:02But we did it with so much love for you, Mariana.
14:06But they are very beautiful for you.
14:08I have something for you.
14:10Why, for you?
14:11How, how, why?
14:13Mariana, this may be the last day that you are here with us.
14:16How were we going to say goodbye to you like that?
14:18You deserved a half goodbye.
14:20What are you doing?
14:21Eat some cookies.
14:22Cookies, cookies.
14:23Look, take out the chocolate.
14:25Like this?
14:31Now, now.
14:32Pass it to me, pass it to me.
14:36Don't eat all these things.
14:38No, no, no.
14:41What happened?
14:44Things don't come easy.
14:47Things don't come easy.
14:56Lidia, this is incredible.
14:59It really wasn't necessary so much production.
15:01Thank the young Joaquin.
15:03He brought the cake.
15:05And thank him because that way you got your appetite back.
15:09Oh, Lidia, please.
15:11It's true.
15:13Oh, don't tell me you're celebrating in advance.
15:17No, we're not celebrating anything, look.
15:20No, and your mom's freedom either?
15:25Ah, Juliana, you didn't say anything either.
15:28Let's see.
15:29What happened with my mom, sorry?
15:34It is most likely that she will be released tomorrow.
16:32Well, if we remain part of your statement, we shouldn't have any problems.
16:37But what do you say to people?
16:39I'd worry about that.
16:40There is no evidence that supports your accusation.
16:43Oh, well.
16:45Thank you, Bernardo.
16:46And well, good luck tomorrow in the hearing.
16:51I have confidence that your mom will be free tomorrow.
16:55Look, with a lawyer like you, I have no doubt.
16:58See you.
17:29I need you to go back inside.
17:31No, I'll be with you.
17:32No, no. Hey, calm down.
17:34I need you to go back in there.
17:36Open, open!
17:37No, they're going to kill me.
17:39They're going to kill me.
17:40Open up!
17:41They're going to kill me.
17:42Open up!
17:43What happened?
17:44What happened?
17:49Faundez, come with me.
17:51What happened?
17:52What's going on?
17:53I need backup and an ambulance.
17:55I repeat, backup and an ambulance.
18:07I repeat, backup and an ambulance.
18:11Excuse me.
18:15How is it that my mom can be free?
18:19Apparently, she has a hearing tomorrow morning.
18:22And it's likely that she'll be charged with murder.
18:26But, did you know anything about this?
18:28No, I had no idea.
18:29I've been very little in the lighthouse.
18:31Let's see, Valentina.
18:32Why do you handle this information?
18:34I would have sworn that Julián had told them.
18:37I mean, I think it's the least I can do.
18:39As my dad knows.
18:40My dad told you?
18:42You know what, Camila?
18:43It doesn't matter what he told her.
18:47Well, if what you say is true,
18:50I'll start packing my bags.
18:52Javi, Javi, calm down.
18:53I'm calm, Joaco.
18:54And I'm happy because finally,
18:56this woman will be able to leave our house.
18:59What makes you think that?
19:00Well, because my mom is going back to her house.
19:02Don't you want her to go somewhere else?
19:04And I don't understand where you fit in that equation.
19:07This house, girls, has been like a shelter for a while.
19:10I have no problem sharing the shelter with Mariana.
19:14And why don't you leave?
19:16Go away.
19:18Nobody likes you here.
19:20We can't stand you.
19:21Why don't you leave?
19:22I mean, how is it so little to stay here?
19:25I remind you, Javiera, that this house is not only your mom's.
19:28It's also Ignacio's.
19:31Oh, and from what I see, you already took care of winning him.
19:35In your own way, yes.
19:39What a pity.
19:40They are not even able to rejoice over their mother's freedom.
19:43I mean, the level of bitterness in this house has already reached...
19:46Unexpected levels.
19:48What a pity.
19:50Excuse me.
19:59What a pity.
20:17Drink some water.
20:20How could something like this happen?
20:23How? Right here, right now.
20:25Out there.
20:26It was for me.
20:28Those bullets were for me.
20:30They were going to kill me.
20:32Sofia, listen to me.
20:35They were going to kill me.
20:36No, no, no, no.
20:37The person who shot knew what he was doing.
20:41It wasn't for you.
20:42And they are going to kill me.
20:44They want to kill me.
20:45They are going to kill my son.
20:47I don't want to die, Camil.
20:48Mom, I don't want to die.
20:49No, honey, no. Sit down.
20:50Sit down.
20:51Don't worry.
20:52It's the worst thing you can do right now, honey.
20:54Calm down, please.
20:55The worst thing you can do is get mad at Ignacio.
20:57Don't fight with him.
20:58You are against him in nothing.
21:00Enough, please.
21:02Mom is right.
21:03We have to kill Ignacio right now.
21:09What happened?
21:11They are shooting at Lucas.
21:14Do you have any idea who shot?
21:15Or where did it come from?
21:17It was a long-range shooter.
21:19They did the same thing as with Irene and Lucas.
21:22So it was the Rumians.
21:25Their signature was on the bullet.
21:27Mom, it was for me.
21:29They were going to kill me.
21:30They wanted to kill me.
21:31No, Sofia.
21:33The Rumians don't fail.
21:35The target was Bernardo, not you.
21:37And why?
21:38What did Bernardo do to them?
21:41Being my lawyer, Martin.
21:43Somehow the Rumians found out
21:46about my hearing.
21:49And they don't want me to leave.
21:51They couldn't think of a better way
21:53to kill my lawyer.
22:22I love it when things work.
22:25It was a clean shot.
22:27The lawyer didn't even know what happened to him.
22:31Even better.
22:33That happens to him for wanting to defend
22:35my daughter's killer.
22:37It's better if Mariana forgets
22:39about getting out so easily.
22:41She still has a lot to pay.
22:43You know this only delays things.
22:46She can get a lawyer in a short time.
22:48A few days is exactly what I need
22:50to prepare the scenario.
22:53And what scenario would that be?
22:58You have a lot of merit to do with me
23:01before I regain confidence in you again.
23:04Mom, let's see.
23:06I didn't just fulfill the issue of being born, did I?
23:10Let's say that was the first one.
23:13The second one.
23:15The third one.
23:16Let's say that was the first one.
23:22I'll keep doing my merit, then.
23:25That's it.
23:35Yes, lift the body and tie the place up.
23:40Yes, keep me up to date.
23:42The caliber of the gun
23:44is the same used by the Rumians before.
23:48So what?
23:50It's them.
23:52Yes, Sofia.
23:54The Rumians are very clear
23:56when it comes to committing a crime.
23:58Which didn't happen
24:00in the case of your kidnapping.
24:07What happened to you
24:09had nothing to do with the Rumians, Sofia.
24:12I need to interrogate you.
24:14What? Again?
24:19But this time as a witness
24:21for Bernardo's death.
24:23For your kidnapping,
24:25you'll have to find a new lawyer.