• 2 days ago
Cato the Younger, a Stoic philosopher, is remembered for his unwavering principles and commitment to virtue. He believed in living a life of integrity, no matter the challenges, and was a model of discipline and moral strength. His words inspire resilience, courage, and dedication to what is right, even when facing adversity. Cato’s philosophy remains a timeless guide for those seeking a life rooted in honor and self-control.

#StoicPhilosophy #CatoTheYounger #Stoicism #PhilosophicalQuotes #AncientWisdom #VirtueEthics #SelfDiscipline #MoralStrength #Resilience #Courage #Integrity #LiveWithHonor #WisdomOfTheAges #PhilosophyOfLife #TimelessWisdom #SelfControl #LiveWithPrinciples #InnerStrength #StoicTeachings #InspirationalQuotes


00:00It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.
00:22The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
00:37The first step toward greatness is to be honest.
00:49To be content with little is the greatest wealth.
00:59No man is free who is not a master of himself.
01:09The soul is dyed with the color of its thoughts.
01:19He who is brave is free.
01:29Freedom is the only worthy goal in life.
01:38We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.
01:50A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.
02:05It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.
02:15What does it matter if we cannot escape our fate?
02:21Our choices define us.
02:30Virtue is the only good.
02:39The wise man does not lay his plans in the stars, but in his own actions.
02:54He who is not a slave to his passions is a true master.
03:06Regret for wasted time is more wasted time.
03:17A man is not hurt by what happens, but by his opinion of what happens.
03:32Live in accordance with nature and your own rationality.
03:42We have power over our minds, not outside events.
03:54Do not wait for the last judgment.
03:59It takes place every day.
04:07Your wealth is a state of mind.
04:16The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
04:28Courage is the fountain of peace.
04:38The man who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than is necessary.
04:51Justice is the foundation of all virtues.
05:01To live without hope is to cease to live.
05:11Difficulties strengthen the mind as labor does the body.
05:22The greatest good is a good character.
05:32Misfortune and misfortune are often the same.
05:42Every man dies.
05:45Not every man really lives.
