• 2 days ago
Technology, technology technicalvideos, trend, mrbeast, mrindianhackers, earning,
00:00So guys, in today's video, we are going to do something that you can't even imagine.
00:06So what you will do is, you will watch this video from start to end.
00:10Believe me, you will also enjoy in the end.
00:13So guys, we all know that bananas have potassium.
00:16It is taught in schools.
00:17Doctors also say that you should eat bananas because bananas have a lot of potassium.
00:20But when I was in school, I used to think that if bananas have potassium, why don't they explode?
00:26Because guys, potassium metal is very reactive.
00:28But then I read more, I read some more books.
00:31Then I found that the potassium in it is not in the pure form, but in the compound form.
00:37And in today's video, what are we going to do?
00:39We will separate that potassium from that compound.
00:43And we will make potassium metal from this banana.
00:46Those who don't know, I will tell them that potassium metal is such a dangerous thing.
00:50That if we throw it in the water, then as soon as we throw it, there will be a very powerful explosion in the water.
00:57So think that whoever we eat this banana, we are going to make a small bomb out of it.
01:02YouTube is doing it for science purposes, don't demonetize it.
01:05So let's start this project.
01:07What will you do?
01:08You like this video.
01:09A very long project will run because this process is not that easy.
01:12So you like this video.
01:13Whoever has not subscribed to the channel, do it.
01:15It's a new thing, do it.
01:22Guys, bananas have potassium.
01:23But we don't have that much potassium that we can get that much potassium from one banana.
01:26For this, we have 15 kg bananas.
01:29And with the help of this, let's start this project.
01:31Start quickly.
01:35Don't eat it, you have to bite it.
01:39Guys, there is potassium in the peel too.
01:41So we won't throw the peel either.
01:42Potassium inside too.
01:43And there is potassium in the peel too.
01:45So we will try to remove as much as possible.
01:47Let's mix some starch in this water.
01:50Give me some starch, give me some thick starch.
01:52What are you doing?
01:53The banana slices do not stick to each other.
01:55For this, we will put starch in it.
01:57And then we will dry it.
01:58We will dry it so that all the water in it will fly away.
02:07So guys, we have just made banana slices.
02:09Because of the starch, they are not sticking to each other.
02:11So there are so many banana slices.
02:13And along with that, there are so many peels.
02:15So we will dry them both.
02:17Bring it.
02:18So first of all, we will dry it in the sun.
02:20As much water as there is in it, it will come out in the sun.
02:23And the rest will be dried in a different process.
02:29Guys, the way we are drying bananas by making chips.
02:32In the same way, we will have to dry the peels too.
02:34Because there is a lot of potassium in it too.
02:36Bring it, bring it quickly.
02:50So guys, finally, it's been more than a week.
03:02Our banana chips have dried up now.
03:06And as much water as could have come out of it, it has come out.
03:11So guys, now we have taken out the water naturally.
03:14After this, what we will do is.
03:16We will burn all these banana chips in the absence of oxygen.
03:21You can also see that they have dried up well.
03:25See this.
03:27We will also burn them in the absence of oxygen.
03:36To burn in the absence of oxygen, we will use these steel pots.
03:40So let's put all the chips in it first.
03:44Let's go.
03:57Chips, peels, let's go.
04:00To burn, we will need a special container like this.
04:03Under which there are many holes.
04:05From which the ash will fall down.
04:07And our banana peels and that is.
04:10They will burn inside it without oxygen.
04:14What will happen with that?
04:15The chains of hydrocarbons in these chips and peels will break into small pieces.
04:21So basically this is it.
04:22I have told you more fat.
04:23In the same way.
04:26Let's burn them now.
04:27Let's burn.
04:36Guys, the banana chips and peels have both burned.
04:39The weight has decreased a lot.
04:44Wow, this thing was unexpected.
04:46Look at the color on it.
04:48These are our peels.
04:50Look at this.
04:53So guys, the condition of the chips has become something like this.
04:56Look at this.
04:57So this is our banana chips.
05:00They have become a very strange scene.
05:02Let's take it out.
05:08Now we will burn it again.
05:11But this time we will burn it in the presence of oxygen.
05:15So that the remaining things also come out.
05:19Guys, you can see this way we are trying to burn it.
05:23So it is not burning so well.
05:25That's why we will use an external fuel.
05:28So that it can burn well.
05:30The fuel will burn and fly away or it will come out.
05:33I have kerosene here.
05:35Let's put kerosene.
05:41In the same way, we will also burn these peels.
05:44So guys, now we have made the ash of the banana peels and chips.
05:58Look at this.
05:59This is ash.
06:00And there are a lot of things in it.
06:03It has potassium, calcium, sodium.
06:05There are many more things.
06:07Which we have to filter out.
06:09So first of all, what will we do now?
06:11Now we will take distilled water.
06:14Now we will put all this ash in this distilled water.
06:18So the potassium, calcium, sodium and some other metals.
06:23Their salts are soluble in water.
06:26So they will dissolve in water.
06:28And whatever thing will not dissolve in water.
06:30It will come out like a waste.
06:33Or it will sit in the water.
06:38This is basically the desi way of filtering.
06:41By the way, different science methods are used to do all this.
06:45But we are a little desi people.
06:47Desi work can be done with desi tricks.
06:50Then why bother?
06:51So look at this guys.
06:52Finally, how were the bananas in the beginning?
06:54And now our bananas are something like this.
06:56Guys, now after keeping it like this for a long time.
07:00All the other ingredients are sitting in it.
07:04And the salt is mixed in all the water.
07:07So first of all, let's take this water to the other side.
07:10Come hold it for a minute.
07:11So let's filter the water.
07:13So that the rest of the things remain the same.
07:30Guys, you can see that so much
07:35Garbage is left in it.
07:37Look, I'll show you by putting my hand.
07:40These are bananas, guys.
07:41These were bananas, which have now become like this.
07:44Look at this.
07:46I don't know what this is.
07:47This is also something.
07:48I can't tell you exactly what it is.
07:52That's it.
07:53Now what salt is this?
07:54What can it be?
07:55What can it be?
07:57It can be carbon.
07:58What else can it be in it?
08:00Organic in it.
08:03Carbon and organic.
08:05So now what we will do.
08:06Now we will use this PH paper.
08:08And we will check the acidity of this paper.
08:12Let me wash my hands first.
08:14So guys, now you see its color.
08:16Now its color is something like this.
08:19And as soon as I put it in it.
08:21Then let's see what color it is.
08:28So guys, now I read its reading and tell you.
08:31Look at this.
08:32You must be getting to know from the color.
08:34That how smart this villain is.
08:37That how basic solution it is.
08:39So its rating is more than 10.
08:41It means that it has a lot of potassium.
08:47And sodium.
08:49All these things.
08:50So now let's filter it more.
08:53Now it will have to be filtered more.
09:04Guys, you can see that we have filtered the water with the help of filter paper.
09:28Now only those things have been filtered out of it.
09:31Which is not soluble in water.
09:33The rest is still in it.
09:37Potassium, Sodium and many other salts.
09:40So once again I take the pH paper.
09:42And let's check with the help of pH paper.
09:44Whether it is still a base solution or not.
09:48That is, whether it is sharia or not.
09:50It will prove again that it has all the salts that we need.
09:54So I took the paper.
09:56So guys, you can see that there is still a lot of stuff in it.
10:01Which we need.
10:02Even after filtering it with the help of filter paper.
10:04See the scale guys.
10:08We will heat it.
10:09We will heat it because there is extra water in it.
10:11And what will happen due to heating?
10:13The extra water will evaporate.
10:16And we will get thick water.
10:19In which we will get the salt of potassium and other things.
10:44So guys, half is hot and half is left.
10:46Let's heat this too.
10:55Guys, after boiling all the water.
10:57And after filtering it out.
10:59At last, we have this solution left.
11:03And in this solution.
11:05Potassium, Calcium, Sodium.
11:07And a few more things.
11:09So what do I do now?
11:10I take out a little bit of this solution in it.
11:15That's enough.
11:16And after this, we have made a special solution.
11:20Guys, its name and the process of making it.
11:23I can't tell you because of security and safety reasons.
11:26All I can tell you is that as soon as you mix this solution in it.
11:29The potassium will come out separately.
11:32And the rest of the sodium, calcium and a few other things.
11:35It will remain in the water.
11:37So what do I do now?
11:38I put this solution in it.
11:39And there will be an amazing reaction in it.
11:42And from that reaction.
11:44Look at this.
11:45Its color is changing.
11:46It's getting white.
11:48So what will happen now?
11:49Whatever potassium is, it will slowly come together with time.
11:53This is what the reaction says.
11:55And this is the science.
11:56Let's wait a little longer.
12:11So guys, finally you can see.
12:13After waiting for a long time.
12:16In our beaker.
12:18You can see that the white color has come together.
12:22This happened because we mixed the other solution in it.
12:26So what happened because of that?
12:27The solubility of this thing has decreased.
12:30Because of this, all the other things like sodium, calcium and all the other things.
12:36It remained in all the water.
12:38But this thing has come to us.
12:41Potassium Chloride
12:43Yes guys.
12:44You can see that this one has been filtered well.
12:46All the things have been done well in it.
12:48A little was left in it.
12:50It has not been filtered out so well.
12:52But even after this, you can see in it.
12:54Potassium Chloride has accumulated below.
12:57Now what we have to do with this?
12:59We have to dry it.
13:00So I will tell you the simple reaction of this.
13:03Now we have come out of 15 kg of bananas.
13:08Potassium Chloride
13:10Now what we will do?
13:11We will simply dry it.
13:12And after drying, we will heat the potassium chloride.
13:15So we will heat it.
13:16What will happen by heating?
13:17This KCLO3 will fly out of it.
13:22That is, it will come out.
13:24After that, we will have only this left.
13:28So what will we do with this?
13:29We will make it react with lithium.
13:33So after making it react with lithium, we will have lithium chloride.
13:38Lithium chloride will be made.
13:39And we will have only and only K left.
13:42That is, potassium.
13:44So this is what we wanted.
13:46Let's filter it out now.
13:47And remove all the rest of the impurities.
13:52So guys, you can see that our potassium chloride is dry.
13:56Which we have taken out of bananas.
13:57Now look, it looks something like this.
13:59The amazing thing is that we have taken out all of it from bananas.
14:02Look at this.
14:03So much.
14:04But still you can see that the potassium chloride should be completely white.
14:07There are some black things in it.
14:09I think it is carbon or something.
14:11I don't understand.
14:13It is completely dry.
14:14We can make it react with lithium.
14:16We can heat it and remove O3 from it.
14:18But I am thinking that let's filter it once again.
14:21I don't want anything in the last result.
14:24So let's wet it again.
14:26Let's wet it and filter it again.
14:28And after filtering it, let's dry it again.
14:31I need three days in this thing.
14:33Filtration, drying.
14:35What to do?
14:36It is not so easy to remove potassium from bananas.
14:38Look at this.
14:39This thing came out of a banana.
14:40Just look at it once.
14:41It is very expensive for me.
14:43It took a lot of effort.
14:44So guys, now for the next process, we will need this furnace.
14:48Because now our potassium chloride, which we have filtered well.
14:52This means that we will heat it on a maintained temperature.
14:56Only then the potassium chloride, if it remains at a low temperature.
14:59So what will happen to it?
15:00It will turn into a liquid form.
15:02That's why we have to maintain that temperature.
15:04In which O3 comes out.
15:06And we get potassium chloride.
15:08And guys, this step is really very dangerous.
15:11Please do not try this at your home or anywhere.
15:14Because this is an oxidizer.
15:16Potassium chloride is an oxidizer.
15:18So if any organic thing falls in it by mistake.
15:21Or if anything falls like this.
15:23There can be a blast in it.
15:25There can be a fire.
15:26Now we have taken half a batch.
15:27We have kept half a batch.
15:28When it is successful, we will heat the other batch in the same way.
15:32So guys, now I have put it in the furnace.
15:35So guys, now our furnace is on.
15:42Its temperature should not exceed 500 degrees Celsius.
15:46And it should not be less either.
15:48Guys, finally now our potassium chloride.
15:51It must have changed into potassium chloride.
15:53After seeing it, we will know that it is still very hot.
15:56So our container is still very hot.
15:59I can't touch it.
16:01My hand will burn.
16:02Are you crazy?
16:03Oh, this enthusiasm has come.
16:05So guys, you can see that now our potassium chloride.
16:10It is hot.
16:11It has changed into potassium chloride.
16:14Now it is very hot.
16:16And you can see that small bubbles have formed from it.
16:19See this.
16:20So this has happened because O3 has been released from it.
16:23That is, the oxygen O3 has been released.
16:26This is exactly the same as we make bread.
16:28Then gas comes out of the bread.
16:29Bubbles come out of it.
16:30Small holes are formed in the bread.
16:32And in everything else.
16:33So just like that, there are a lot of holes in it too.
16:36I am telling this because it means that O3 has been released from it.
16:40That is, the oxygen has been released.
16:42Now we only have potassium chloride.
16:44Now we will do its reaction with lithium.
16:46Now we have more batches.
16:48It is kept a little more on the side.
16:50Let's heat it up in the same way and turn it into potassium chloride.
16:55Will you eat?
16:56Will you eat banana?
16:57Peel it.
16:58Should I peel it?
16:59Peel it.
17:01Where does it come from?
17:03I don't know where it comes from.
17:05If you tell me, what should I do with it?
17:11We will react with lithium.
17:13I don't even have a lithium battery.
17:15Don't try it at home.
17:16You are doing it.
17:19Now you stop it.
17:20Guys, last time we successfully made potassium chloride from bananas.
17:25And after filtering it well, you can see that our potassium chloride looks like this.
17:31This is our potassium chloride.
17:33Here it is.
17:34Its reaction will have to be done with this lithium.
17:36We have made this special container.
17:38You can see that it is empty from the inside.
17:41And a pipe is going to the back.
17:43I closed it like this.
17:44Now when we put lithium in it and heat it at high temperature.
17:48So lithium will react with potassium chloride.
17:51Potassium will be separated and lithium chloride will be separated.
17:54Potassium will form a bubble.
17:56This tube is slightly raised in this tube.
18:00It will travel from here and start coming down from here.
18:03And it will come and accumulate in the mineral oil.
18:06First of all, let's put lithium on the bottom side.
18:08Lithium metal is of this type.
18:10Look at this lithium metal.
18:22So guys, we will try with this.
18:24We will save this batch.
18:26Suppose if there is a mistake, then we will have a little more potassium chloride left.
18:31To make the reaction.
18:33So now let's close this crucible like this.
18:36And let's react both the things at high temperature.
18:40So what we have done to make it react.
18:42We have made this special bandage.
18:44So there is a hole under this bandage.
18:47So as soon as we put it in it like this.
18:49So what will happen.
18:51This pipe came out from below.
18:54This pipe will come from the potassium vapor.
18:58And it will come and directly accumulate in this mineral oil.
19:02We will set it here like this.
19:05And this pipe will sink in it.
19:09Let it go, let it go, let it go.
19:10Something like this.
19:14So our potassium should accumulate in it.
19:16Now let's heat this crucible.
19:18If high temperature is required, then let's do it.
19:20Let's put a lot of coal in it.
19:22Hurry up, donkeys, hurry up.
19:32Guys, finally.
19:34We have made potassium metal from banana.
19:37Show it from the side.
19:39Guys, the two drops that have accumulated in the test tube below.
19:42This is potassium metal.
19:45Although now we have run out of coal.
19:47So we have to make more material in it.
19:50I can't believe it.
19:56We have made potassium from banana.
19:57That too potassium metal.
19:59Guys, these two small balls are potassium metal.
20:03And this white thing on it.
20:05What is it called? Oxide.
20:07A layer of oxide has been formed.
20:09Because potassium metal is highly reactive.
20:11And it reacts with the oxygen in the air.
20:13That's why it makes this layer.
20:14But the amazing thing is that we have more potassium metal here.
20:17All the bananas we had.
20:19All the potassium chloride we had.
20:23We have made it from it.
20:25Guys, it can be very hot.
20:26But slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly.
20:28So guys, this is potassium metal.
20:32Although a little soil has fallen in it.
20:34But it is still in mineral oil.
20:36That's why it is not reacting.
20:37Let's take it out.
20:47Oh man.
20:51So guys, this is finally potassium metal.
20:54Let's take it near the water.
20:56Throw it in the water and see what happens.
20:58Come on.
21:06Moment of truth guys.
21:08So here is the water.
21:09Let's throw it in the water and see what happens.
21:12Don't be afraid.
21:13So first there is a small piece of potassium metal.
21:15Let's throw it and see what happens.
21:16Be careful.
21:27Guys, did you see?
21:28It was so reactive.
21:29As soon as it was thrown in the water, it exploded.
21:31It was a small piece.
21:32This is a little one.
21:33Let's throw it and see.
21:34Then we will throw the big one.
21:36Keep looking there.
21:48Come on guys.
21:49Let's throw them all together.
21:51Grand finale.
21:521, 2, 3.
22:02Come here.
22:05This is the power of potassium metal.
22:08Guys, you must be seeing that when we react sodium with water.
22:12There is still a little in it.
22:13So when we react sodium with water, it takes a little time.
22:16See, it is still burning.
22:18See, it is still there.
22:20It is still there in some places.
22:22See this.
22:23Did you see?
22:24The sound is the same.
22:25There is so much more.
22:26So when we react sodium with water, it takes a lot of time.
22:30These are all the same kind of metals.
22:32But potassium is very reactive.
22:34As you saw how dangerous it was.
22:36Let's throw this battery dish.
22:44Oh my God.
22:46He melted the battery dish.
22:48And its melting point was so high.
22:52That's it.
22:54This was 15 kg of bananas.
22:56And this was the reaction.
22:57And this was the video.
22:58That's it.
22:59What to do now?
23:00So that's it.
23:01Like the video.
23:02And subscribe to the channel.
23:04It took two months to extract so much potassium in it.
23:07But finally our thing worked.
23:10We took many errors and trials.
23:12I will tell you one thing.
23:14In this video, we have skipped some parts.
23:17Those parts were very dangerous.
23:19The making process.
23:20So we have skipped one or two parts.
23:22That's why you don't try this anywhere.
23:25That's it for today.
23:26Eat bananas.
23:27There is proof that potassium is in bananas.
23:29That's it for today.
23:30We will meet in the next video with a new topic.
23:32Till then, Jai Hind and Jai Bharat.
23:35Guys, the maximum potassium metal came out in the test tube.
23:39But you can see that it is very hot inside it.
23:42So you can see that a lot of potassium has accumulated inside it.
23:45Which we have to remove.
23:46This tube is also inside it.
23:48And keep this inside the lid too.
23:50This is the metal.
23:51This is the shining guys.
23:53This is potassium metal.
23:55Look at this.
23:56This is unreacted.
23:57All the other items are lithium chloride.
24:00And this is potassium.