• 2 days ago
Credit: SWNS / Mason Twins

Meet the identical twins who share their money, underwear and toothbrush – and split everything equally.

Kennedy and Morgan Mason, 23, grew up sharing the same room, clothes and friends and say having a twin is like an "extension of yourself".

The sisters shared a room until they both went to Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, US, in September 2020 and now live together – and are looking to buy a house.

Kennedy and Morgan, who both work in technology, say they have "complimentary personalities" but share almost everything – including their finances.
00:00Here's a list of all the weird things we've shared as twins,
00:02and it gets progressively worse.
00:03My bed is a bank account.
00:05All clothing, shirts, pants, underwear,
00:07food that's not meant for sharing.
00:08This is like lollipops, candy, razor, deodorant,
00:11even toothbrush sometimes, we will share it.
00:13I don't give a s**t.
00:14We shared a womb.
00:15What's a toothbrush?
00:15It's a toothbrush, bro.
00:21I'm Morgan.
00:22And I'm Kennedy.
00:23And we're the Mason twins.
00:25When we were growing up,
00:25is that we were always each other's best friend.
00:27And our parents kind of saw us as a collective unit.
00:30I think like some parents
00:32will really differentiate their twins.
00:33And it wasn't in a bad way.
00:34Our parents just like really wanted
00:36to foster the relationship.
00:37And so pretty much everything we just did collectively,
00:40shared friends, like shared interests.
00:43So that kind of became our shared identity.
00:46Our parents kind of like,
00:47just gave us like one of everything.
00:49So like a room, all of our clothes.
00:53Like, so when we were younger,
00:54obviously like shared a style
00:56and had like a very shared identity in that way.
00:57So we'd like share all of our clothes,
00:59shared our room, like anything that someone bought us.
01:02Typically they were like collective presents.
01:05So that was like,
01:06that was pretty like normal throughout our childhood.
01:09But then like, as we've gotten older,
01:10we share like finances
01:11and like those kinds of like more important things too.
01:14An apartment, a dog, a car.
01:16Yeah, we like just bought a car together.
01:17So like anything we've like,
01:19we bought by collectively,
01:20like both of our names are on it.
01:21We're looking to buy a house
01:22and like that will be like something we like buy together.
01:24There's like very few like important things in our life
01:27that I think we've done separately.
01:28We even went through a phase in college.
01:30Like I think we were like,
01:31eating the same thing every day.
01:32We were doing the exact same things every day.
01:33We were working out the exact same amounts.
01:35But I think now we found like a really good cadence
01:37of like, we can have our own lives,
01:39but still do the majority of the important stuff together.
01:41We're twins, we're gonna share a bank account.
01:42We're twins, we have no concept of alone time.
01:45We're twins, we're only gonna text you in a group chat.
01:47We're twins, only I can call my sister a...
01:50Living in California, like everything is so expensive.
01:54And so I think that we've done it as children
01:56and then like realized it made our lives a lot better
01:58as we got older.
01:59We were like, oh, like we can like afford a lot more,
02:01like get a nicer car, like buy a house, all these things.
02:04It's like kind of like being married,
02:05but not being married because you get all those benefits.
02:07So I think that it just like made sense for our life.
02:10Logistically, the way it works is like,
02:11we just have like one share account
02:13and like every, all the money from our jobs,
02:15like freelancing, modeling, whatever we're doing,
02:18all goes into one place.
02:19And like I manage all our finances for both of us,
02:21which is like pretty easy.
02:22It takes the pressure off of both of us,
02:24like having to do all these like long budgeting conversations
02:27or whatever else.
02:28Yeah, or like me like checking obsessively
02:29and then it's like, it's nice that I feel like
02:31I can just say like, this is what I like want to do
02:34or something and then Kennedy kind of handles that.
02:36All of our investment accounts, like our 401k,
02:38all that money is all shared.
02:40I'm gifting Kennedy equity right now, so.
02:43We have a joint retirement fund.
02:44We have a joint retirement fund,
02:46so I guess we're retiring together.
02:46Hope we always love each other.
