• 22 hours ago


00:00In the beginning God created heaven and earth, and God said,
00:26Let there be light.
00:30And the light was made.
00:34He called the light of day and the darkness of night.
00:42This was the first day of creation.
00:48On the second day, God separated the waters, saying,
00:52Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters.
00:58And he called the firmament of heaven, and the lower part he called the sea.
01:14On the third day, God ordered the waters to come together.
01:23And the earth arose.
01:30Then he said to the earth,
01:33Produce grass, seeds, and fruit trees.
01:38On the fourth day, God said more.
01:53Let there be separation between day and night.
01:59And so he created the sun to rule the day, the moon to rule the night.
02:06And he also made the stars.
02:16On the fifth day, God said,
02:20Let the waters of the earth be filled.
02:36And on the sixth day of creation, God populated the earth with domestic animals, reptiles, and wild animals.
02:46And finally he created man.
02:49On the seventh day, God said,
02:53Let the waters of the earth be filled.
02:58And on the eighth day, God said,
03:02Let the waters of the earth be filled.
03:07And on the ninth day, God said,
03:11Let the waters of the earth be filled.
03:16And on the tenth day, God said,
03:21Let the waters of the earth be filled.
03:29On the seventh day, God rested from all the work he had done.
03:38He blessed this day and sanctified it.
03:45And on the twelfth day, God said,
03:49Let the waters of the earth be filled.
03:59Adam was named the first man on earth.
04:04He lived in a beautiful garden called Eden.
04:08But he was sad.
04:11He noticed that all the animals had a companion.
04:16So God decided to create a companion.
04:21And with one of Adam's ribs, he formed the woman.
04:27Happy to see her, Adam gave her the name of Eve.
04:45The man and the woman began to exist in paradise,
04:49Surrounded by flowers and animals.