• 7 hours ago


00:00:00Bursting at the seams with comedy, there's something for everyone with Gold On Demand.
00:00:30It's quite simply the greatest sitcom ever made.
00:00:34For the first time in almost a decade, we're reuniting the cast to tell the definitive story of ApFam.
00:00:44We'll hear from famous fans.
00:00:54And get all the guest star gossip.
00:01:01Jennifer Saunders has opened up the ApFam archives.
00:01:19Jennifer and Joanna share their fondest memories of working together.
00:01:26We'll relive the scenes that still make the cast laugh all these years on.
00:01:30Are we keeping old corks?
00:01:38And reveal some outtakes that'll leave you wondering how the show ever got made at all.
00:01:46All the ingredients needed for a wonderfully nostalgic look back at a truly iconic sitcom,
00:01:51with a couple of delicious treats for even those who know ApFam inside out already.
00:02:01Was I in it?
00:02:03No, I don't think I was.
00:02:30Idina Monsoon and Patsy Stone first stumbled onto our screens, slightly the worst for wear, on the 12th of November 1992.
00:02:38It was a sitcom like no other, and ApFam immediately won a huge fan base,
00:02:43who were as thirsty for Pats and Eddie as Pats and Eddie were for Bully.
00:02:47Comedies that make you laugh. There's probably, I would say, one every ten years that really makes everyone laugh.
00:02:54Forward thinking, so progressive, so inclusive, and it felt modern.
00:03:01A lot of those jokes still feel current.
00:03:04I think the fact that the whole show is from the female gaze is where its magic lies.
00:03:15It's 30 years ago? I'm gonna faint with horror.
00:03:19We just had the best time. We had to do a bit of filming, yes, but we also just had the best time.
00:03:25Darling, before you go, can you help me? You know tomorrow I've got the PR PR person's awards dinner of the lunch month.
00:03:35I'm going upstairs, I've got some work to do.
00:03:38Darling, before you go, listen, can you help me? You know tomorrow I've got the PR PR person's awards dinner of the lunch month.
00:03:43But as long as you didn't need her to say PR PR person's lunch of the month,
00:03:46at this point Jennifer's business card definitely said performer first and writer second.
00:03:51I hadn't really had much of a career before, a writing career, before I had Fab.
00:03:56I'd written with Dawn, but sketches really, just sketches.
00:04:01What did the crankiest say to you?
00:04:04It's your friend Ebadoshi.
00:04:07Jennifer and Dawn were just such inspirations for any of us.
00:04:12They produced and wrote their own stuff, and because of that their voice was authentic.
00:04:17April 1990 was when the Ab Fab story began, over to French & Saunders producer and British comedy royalty John Plowman.
00:04:25It started with a phone call from the girl's agent, in which she told me that Dawn probably wasn't going to be available for the next series of French & Saunders.
00:04:36And during that time Jennifer would be free, and what Jennifer was thinking of doing was writing a sitcom.
00:04:43She then said well it's a sitcom based on a sketch that we'd done in the previous series as it were of French & Saunders.
00:04:51That sketch was called Modern Mother & Daughter.
00:04:54Debbie, it's me, can I come in?
00:04:56No mum, I've got to do my homework.
00:04:58Oh sweetie, honestly.
00:05:00I love the idea that Ab Fab was based on a relationship that was in a sketch.
00:05:06The thing about a sitcom is it should be crystal clear what the relationship is almost from the first two sentences that the characters say, and that's true of sketches as well.
00:05:18In Modern Mother & Daughter, viewers were introduced to straight-laced Safi, played by Dawn, and her dramatic acting.
00:05:24In Modern Mother & Daughter, viewers were introduced to straight-laced Safi, played by Dawn, and her dramatic and self-involved mother who at this point was named Adriana.
00:05:33Oh, Adriana needs a cuddle.
00:05:36Well, hard luck.
00:05:39But could this short sketch be expanded into a comedic world that would sustain five series, six specials and a movie?
00:05:46Spoiler alert, yes. Yes it could.
00:05:48It was so unlike anything else that I wasn't sure necessarily that it would sustain, but I thought if Jennifer's got faith in this, I've got faith in Jennifer and I've got faith in it.
00:06:01And the sketch went on for about nine minutes, so I thought, there's only two of those and you've got a sitcom.
00:06:06What am I going to do without you here? You're the only person who knows how to find the coffee in the morning. I'm hopeless at that, you know that sweetie.
00:06:13Sweetie, make mum a cup of coffee.
00:06:15You're so clever and you know where everything is, darling, don't you? I think it's marvellous the way you know where things are, darling.
00:06:22And so the world of Adriana, who by now had been renamed Edina, started to take shape.
00:06:28If I think of writing Edina, I think of everything being a problem. Even getting up is now going to be a problem.
00:06:38And so everything is funny.
00:06:41But Edina needed someone to do all that everything with. Enter Patsy Stone.
00:06:47I'd seen Joanna guest hosting Terry Wogan's show when I was producing Terry Wogan's show.
00:06:57I'd also seen her in a not necessarily great play called Vanilla.
00:07:04I saw Joanna in a play called Vanilla where she played Imelda Marcus.
00:07:08This very good satire. And she had very short hair and she was pretty terrible.
00:07:13But I liked doing that and Ruby thought it was funny and came backstage, I'd never met her, and said you have to work with me.
00:07:18I mean the timing was magnificent. I remember heaving out of the balcony and then I went backstage like a kind of an agent.
00:07:25I was nobody, right? And I said, hey, you should be in a comedy. And she was thrilled because her career had plummeted.
00:07:32She doesn't mind me saying that, but it was, you know, under the floorboards.
00:07:37So I put her on my show and every year we showed her Descente.
00:07:46It was an alternative Joanna Lumley life where she'd gone off the rails and rehab and Ruby trying to get her out and get her a job and so on.
00:07:54But I loved that.
00:07:55I just worked with her year after year and then when Jennifer, we were talking about Ab Fab, I said I have Patsy.
00:08:04This is how Patsy Stone came into my life. A script plopped through the door, you pick it up, you read it, it's from Jennifer Saunders, read it, thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
00:08:12Was invited to the BBC to meet Jennifer for the first time and to read through a scene so we could just get to know each other a little bit.
00:08:19I remember sitting to do a scene in the back of a car.
00:08:21Are you going straight to the office?
00:08:24Passed Harvey Nix?
00:08:25No, Pats.
00:08:26But as there was no description as to who or what Patsy was like, I didn't know.
00:08:31And as Jennifer was not at her most communicative in those days, gave me no hint, except look sadder and crosser at almost every word I uttered, I thought this is a dead loss.
00:08:43We didn't know each other. I mean, it's hard, isn't it?
00:08:45We didn't know each other. I didn't quite know what you wanted.
00:08:47And I didn't quite know what I wanted.
00:08:49Well, you didn't quite tell me.
00:08:50No, I didn't know.
00:08:52I rang my agent and I said, look, I don't think Jennifer wants me, but she's too polite to say anything. Do you think you can get me out of this?
00:08:59And my agent said, no, it's a pilot. Just do it. Might not take off.
00:09:04I nearly wasn't Patsy.
00:09:07She inhaled our kitchen.
00:09:14I just nodded off.
00:09:16Then it came to casting Safi, the straight laced daughter played to perfection by Dawn in the original sketch.
00:09:22We saw a lot of people, Jane Horrocks came in to read for the daughter. We had a lot of really lovely people came in.
00:09:29I did the film Life is Sweet that Mike Lee directed and Jennifer saw that and I think that's why I got the audition.
00:09:37But when she saw me in real life, she can't play my daughter. She's far too old.
00:09:41Jane wasn't right, but I thought she's just too good not to have something. So I made Bubble for Jane.
00:09:50Bubble was Adina's PA, a very useless PA.
00:09:55Bubble, did all the models turn up?
00:09:58Yeah, every single one.
00:10:00Except one.
00:10:02Except one? You're not going to tell me it's Yasmin Le Bon, darling?
00:10:08Thank God.
00:10:09Sorry, yeah. Yasmin Le Bon's Hill.
00:10:13Originally she was going to be posh, but then we met Jane, Bubble became just more and more eccentric.
00:10:19She will show no mercy in the defecation of your character.
00:10:24Who'd have thought Jane Horrocks was this completely brilliant airhead when she's obviously a deeply intelligent and serious actress.
00:10:32I love the fact that she played so against time.
00:10:35Where's the computer?
00:10:38Where's the laptop?
00:10:46But I do play a good thicker.
00:10:49Get rid of it.
00:10:51Bubble's so fun, and it's so cute, and it's not just for life, it's for Christmas.
00:10:58I think Bubble went through different kind of metamorphosis.
00:11:02She started off being quite like me, and then she was sort of my niece, who was about five at the time, and then she became a snob.
00:11:12And she went, oh, this beautiful thing. Gucci, it's like being down the market.
00:11:17Nightmare in Gucci and Prada.
00:11:20And, yeah, it was a dream role.
00:11:23With Jane cast as Bubble, the AbFab team were still looking for the right person to play Safi, until they met Julia Sawala.
00:11:30I remember getting the script, which was unusual. Not the whole script, just my pages, and I thought, God, that's a lot.
00:11:39And I thought, oh, no, it's Jennifer Saunders, you know, just one of my heroines.
00:11:46I remember reading a scene with her and not being able to look at her.
00:11:50It was the speech out of the pilot, the long speech in the first episode. I had to do that speech.
00:11:55Why is today such a panic anyway? It's only a fashion show and you've had six months to prepare it.
00:12:01I mean, why is everything always so hysterical?
00:12:04I mean, all you've got to do is play a bit of music, turn on the lights, get some people who've thrown up everything they've ever eaten and send them down a catwalk.
00:12:12She was so serious, and she just got it.
00:12:17And I thought, oh, my God, that's exactly what we need.
00:12:20And she completely had the right effect on Edina, which is to make her just seem silly.
00:12:28Who was it you were in a previous life? I suppose you were the Elizabeth Taylor of the Ming Dynasty.
00:12:33Well, close, yes.
00:12:35So how come you've ended up just a mad, fat old cow?
00:12:38But Saffy did have one ally in the Monsoon household, Edina's mother, who was called, well, Mother.
00:12:45Exquisitely portrayed, of course, by the late Dane June Whitfield.
00:12:52Always put his false teeth in the turkey's bottom.
00:12:57To make it look as if it was smiling.
00:13:08It's Princess Annie.
00:13:12That's absolutely insane.
00:13:14Oh, June. Oh, she was just fabulous.
00:13:19She gave Mother such a madness.
00:13:21Did you think of her at once when you thought of Mother?
00:13:24I think so, because of growing up with Terry and June and everything else that she'd done.
00:13:30I thought she'd be incredible.
00:13:32I say, I remember those trousers.
00:13:34No, you don't.
00:13:36Still hung on to those.
00:13:38Mind you, I'm surprised you can still get into them.
00:13:41It was rather like trying to get toothpaste back into the tube, even then.
00:13:46She would find pauses, and then she'd drop the line, you know, and I thought, I kind of got into that.
00:13:53I thought, well, that's fantastic.
00:13:55The seventies are back.
00:13:57Oh, does that mean you'll be voting Labour again, dear?
00:14:00So, with the cast assembled, the Ab Fab pilot was recorded in the autumn of 1991,
00:14:06but not everyone at the BBC was ready for such brazenly female-fronted fun.
00:14:11Given that the corporation back then was basically 99.8% men,
00:14:15it's perhaps unsurprising that there were one or two of them who didn't quite get the joke.
00:14:20So, we do the dress rehearsal for the pilot in the afternoon.
00:14:23It's going to happen in front of an audience in the evening.
00:14:26In the afternoon, we do the pilot, and I see Robin Nash, who was the then head of comedy,
00:14:32and I said, what do you think?
00:14:35And he said, I've never found women being drunk very funny.
00:14:42I apologise now.
00:14:45I've never, never found drunk women funny.
00:14:48That's just take the drunk away from that sentence.
00:14:54He's not left.
00:14:56And I thought, well, that's it. It's over.
00:14:59I remember also a Times television review when the first episode came out,
00:15:05and it was, sorry, no, this is not going to work, and it's not funny,
00:15:10and drunk women aren't funny, goodbye, this is the end of that show.
00:15:13And I remember it also said, beware of the sitcom where the writer takes the main part.
00:15:17I thought, oh.
00:15:21But we did it in the evening, the audience were wonderful,
00:15:25and my abiding memory is, at the end of it, I saw Ben Alton,
00:15:30and Ben Alton said, well, I've seen the future of comedy, and it's that.
00:15:35Milking it, milking it, milking it.
00:15:38Coming up, the show is unleashed on an unsuspecting British public,
00:15:41and an icon is forged.
00:15:43Oh, I knew I'd get it wrong.
00:15:45Plus stolly bolly and some courtroom mayhem.
00:15:48Can I just say one word in my defence?
00:15:56This wheel shall explode.
00:16:01Oh, hello, Brady.
00:16:03Beautiful day out there, you know, the sun's so bright, it's almost blinding,
00:16:06like shards of glass just piercing the clouds.
00:16:09Oh, every second of my journey here is just blazing down my memory.
00:16:13I feel fantastic.
00:16:17Oh, yeah, I think so.
00:16:19Powering the engine that drives Ab Fab are the twin pistons of Idina and Patsy.
00:16:24It's ultimately their relationship that keeps fans coming back for more.
00:16:28I mean, I wasn't unconscious for long, was I?
00:16:30Came around really quickly, I was really proud of you.
00:16:32Honestly, I've never remembered a laughing so, so hard.
00:16:38And it must have been so annoying for other people, too,
00:16:40because we just would find everything they did funny.
00:16:43It may be stretched to the limit at the moment, darling,
00:16:45but at any moment when he least expects it, it will...
00:16:48I forgot my words.
00:16:52One of the amazing things about Ab Fab
00:16:55is the size of the characterisations
00:17:00and yet the realism of them.
00:17:02That's one of the things that sitcom can do.
00:17:04You think, oh, my God, that's definitely a real person.
00:17:08Idina Monsoon is up there with Basil Fawlty and Edmund Blackadder
00:17:11as one of the most iconic comedy creations,
00:17:14but what inspired the character of Eddie?
00:17:16Who is she?
00:17:18She's a massive mixture of people,
00:17:20and Rebecca Hale, who's a costume designer,
00:17:23used to tell us stories,
00:17:25because she had quite an eccentric, wonderful mother,
00:17:28always off doing something, you know,
00:17:31suddenly coming out on a balcony when they're on holiday,
00:17:33stark naked, going,
00:17:35darlings, look at the sunset.
00:17:37I remember me and Dawn thinking,
00:17:39that's a cracker of a character.
00:17:41Then when I was an au pair in Italy
00:17:44for someone called Adriana Ivanchich,
00:17:46who was eccentric, eccentric and wonderful and marvellous,
00:17:50and always did wonderful, crazy, crazy things.
00:17:53The same woman had been Ernest Hemingway's muse.
00:17:59And I think I sort of got to love these eccentric, big characters.
00:18:03It's extraordinary to imagine
00:18:05that the woman who inspired Across the River and Into the Trees
00:18:08was the same woman who inspired Idina Monsoon
00:18:12in a successful sitcom.
00:18:14Then we met Lynne Franks, who did PR,
00:18:17and I thought, oh, this is a world.
00:18:19This is a world PR.
00:18:21Let me say, Ab Fab is not based on Lynne Franks,
00:18:23but there was an incident
00:18:25that kind of started the whole thing.
00:18:27Anyway, I was at the airport,
00:18:29and she said, would I like a lift home?
00:18:31So she's in her Jaguar, and she's yelling,
00:18:33what words can you say these days?
00:18:36I'm going to tell her she's got to get off that fucking runway
00:18:39or I'll fucking slit her throat.
00:18:41And then she held the phone and went,
00:18:43tell that bitch, tell that bitch it'll never work again.
00:18:46I'm going to tear her face off.
00:18:48Do you understand me?
00:18:50She's a bitch.
00:18:52So I had to call Jennifer right away and say,
00:18:54you've got to use this.
00:18:56It was a mixture,
00:18:58and then Idina became probably more me than anything else.
00:19:00And everything you want to moan about,
00:19:02complain about, everything you can't do,
00:19:04Idina can do.
00:19:06I love the way Idina kept a Buddha
00:19:08in the lavatory near the front door.
00:19:14I said, do you do that every day?
00:19:16And you went, yeah.
00:19:18Almost religiously, darling.
00:19:20Try this.
00:19:25We're only sending them up
00:19:27to show how Idina would flit
00:19:29from one to the other, one to the other.
00:19:31She would go, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching,
00:19:33that's when Buddha's thing, da, da, da, da, da.
00:19:34Oh, isolation tank, done that.
00:19:36She would just flit,
00:19:38thinking it was doing her good,
00:19:40whereas, in fact, the big problem
00:19:42was never going to be solved.
00:19:44Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:19:46Do you want a little bit of joy?
00:19:48She's all surface,
00:19:50and quite a lot of surface at that.
00:19:52Still, it doesn't really matter, does it, darling,
00:19:54because, you know, fat or thin,
00:19:56you still love me, don't you?
00:20:00Patsy just floated into her life
00:20:02and was the excuse for all the bad behaviour.
00:20:04The excuse for the bad behaviour
00:20:06was the fact that they were together
00:20:08and they could egg each other on to do anything.
00:20:10I mean, look, we've only been here an hour
00:20:12and already Pats has got some stuff.
00:20:14No, actually, I brought these with me, Eddie.
00:20:16The character of Pats was inspired in part
00:20:19by someone you might just recognise
00:20:21from other episodes of Ab Fab.
00:20:23I think, initially,
00:20:25she was based a little bit
00:20:27on my friend Harriet Thorpe,
00:20:29who went on to play Fleur.
00:20:31Skin is in.
00:20:32Oh, of course, the usual.
00:20:34Try to look more beautiful
00:20:36if you want to have more sex.
00:20:38Harriet has a great way of supporting you
00:20:40even in your worst habits or anything.
00:20:42If anything's gone wrong,
00:20:44like if I was writing
00:20:46and hadn't written something
00:20:48and the office would be on to me
00:20:50going, oh, when are we going to have this
00:20:52and could we have it
00:20:54and we can't make the show
00:20:56unless we have a script,
00:20:58I mean, ridiculous things like that,
00:21:00I'd ring Harriet and she'd go,
00:21:02you're writing this.
00:21:04Have you ever not done it, darling?
00:21:07Well, then tell them to fuck off.
00:21:09Honestly, tell them to fuck off.
00:21:11It'll all be all fine.
00:21:13It'll all be fine.
00:21:15Just you doing it, darling.
00:21:17You're the talent, you're the one.
00:21:19Now, come on, let's go and have a drink.
00:21:21And so that was always Harriet.
00:21:23It was hilarious.
00:21:25And I thought, initially,
00:21:27that was quite a good role
00:21:29for Idina's friend.
00:21:30I thought she'd be a daily mail journalist
00:21:32or something like that.
00:21:34I had her down as a sort of
00:21:36what we used to describe gutter press.
00:21:38Sometimes when you're auditioning for a sitcom,
00:21:40someone comes in who's not exactly
00:21:42what you've written
00:21:44and you think, oh, they're actually
00:21:46going to be funnier,
00:21:48but I'm going to have to write it
00:21:50a little bit different to what I had in mind.
00:21:52Joanna came with this idea
00:21:54from friends of hers
00:21:56and her own experience of modelling.
00:21:58I thought, oh, no,
00:22:00she's also a lowlife.
00:22:02One snap of my fingers
00:22:04and I can raise hemlines so high
00:22:06that the world is a gynaecologist.
00:22:08What a relief it must have been
00:22:10for Joanna Lumley,
00:22:12who is so beautiful,
00:22:14had been the beautiful one
00:22:16since the 60s,
00:22:18and here she got to be a grotesque.
00:22:20Unfortunately, because I'd been a model,
00:22:22I was always cast as pretty girlfriend
00:22:24or sad victim
00:22:26or somebody just not funny.
00:22:28Ready and turn!
00:22:30I remember that Patsy
00:22:32had probably had most of her organs removed
00:22:34and she smoked a lot and she drank a lot
00:22:36and she hung out with the Stones
00:22:38and so although she speaks pretty much all right
00:22:40most of the time,
00:22:42sometimes she goes back to that
00:22:44because she remembers Mick once.
00:22:46Well, I don't think she does,
00:22:48but anyway, she imagines she knew Mick.
00:22:50Eddie, remember that weekend
00:22:52with Mick and the boys?
00:22:54Patsy's not really there a lot of the time.
00:22:56She's smoked and done so much stuff
00:22:58that she hasn't got much going on anywhere.
00:23:00She waits for Eddie to do things
00:23:02and she'll be there too.
00:23:04I mean, why not just have a stupidity tax?
00:23:06Just tax the stupid people!
00:23:08Let them die!
00:23:10Let them die.
00:23:12Let them die.
00:23:14Here, here.
00:23:17What I love is
00:23:19that Patsy has no idea
00:23:21why they're there
00:23:23and what's happening at all.
00:23:25She had quite a slim grasp
00:23:27of anything going on, really.
00:23:28But if she's around another court case...
00:23:32Let them die.
00:23:34As a bit of Patsy in every woman,
00:23:37you watch her and you go,
00:23:39I wish I had the ovaries to do that.
00:23:42She likes me because I eat all the food.
00:23:44I like her because she eats nothing.
00:23:46And they egg each other on to do things
00:23:48which they wouldn't do on their own.
00:23:52They do stuff together.
00:23:54You need some fun, darling.
00:23:56Let's do something.
00:23:58All right, darling, I'll clear my desk.
00:24:02I've got to have a life, haven't I?
00:24:04I'm in work.
00:24:06She'll just be the little side salad.
00:24:08I have so many favourite moments.
00:24:10Patsy eating.
00:24:12And the crisps came around
00:24:14and Patsy said,
00:24:16I'll have one of those.
00:24:18Everyone went quiet.
00:24:20I am feeling a little peckish.
00:24:22And we were this close to you
00:24:24in the shot.
00:24:26I think there was Julia and me
00:24:28eating a crisp.
00:24:30And we laughed so hard
00:24:32that you'll notice by the actual take
00:24:34we are not in the shot at all.
00:24:51The one where she goes,
00:24:53you know, that.
00:24:55I mean, in rehearsals we couldn't get through it.
00:24:56And she said in rehearsals,
00:24:58I'm not going to do it.
00:25:00I'm going to do it on the night.
00:25:02And we just collapsed.
00:25:04I remember the time that Patsy
00:25:06had to sleep in my bedroom
00:25:08but you made a bed like a dog
00:25:10at the end of the bed.
00:25:12I had to go round and round.
00:25:14I can remember us in Val d'Isere.
00:25:19Ready now.
00:25:23Patsy got stuck on a ski lift,
00:25:24didn't dare get off,
00:25:26so she just went round all night.
00:25:28Eddie, I'm going round again.
00:25:30A trip to the slopes
00:25:32wasn't Pats and Eddie's only effort
00:25:34to rack up the air miles.
00:25:36I hate France. I hate it.
00:25:38There was the not entirely easy
00:25:40to find chateau in France.
00:25:42We stayed in the gîte
00:25:44instead of the chateau.
00:25:46And the old man who had the keys
00:25:48to the chateau kept trying to
00:25:50knock on the door and give them to me.
00:25:52But he looked quite revolting
00:25:54and didn't have teeth.
00:25:56He just went...
00:25:59What I like is when they have to
00:26:01adapt to real life.
00:26:03It's spidery walls and mouse droppings
00:26:05and having to go into the village
00:26:07for a baguette.
00:26:09A cockroach! A cockroach!
00:26:11No, don't kill it, darling.
00:26:13I'm a Buddhist.
00:26:15I could come back as one of those.
00:26:17To see them doing that I thought
00:26:19was quite funny.
00:26:21We went to Morocco
00:26:23and almost didn't come home again.
00:26:25It's a massive square
00:26:27where you have all the snake charmers,
00:26:29all the stalls selling all the trinkets
00:26:31and it leads off into all the souks.
00:26:33There we are in the market.
00:26:35I'm wrongly dressed
00:26:37in the tiniest, skimpiest thing
00:26:39in high heels.
00:26:41It's honestly shocking.
00:26:43I wish you'd cover yourself up, Mum.
00:26:45Darling, these people don't mind.
00:26:47With a Vivienne Westwood...
00:26:48Wrong for Morocco.
00:26:50Quite an odd threesome, really.
00:26:52Oh! Mum, that man pinched me!
00:26:55Don't worry, he's obviously
00:26:57very old and completely blind.
00:26:59And by the end of it, of course,
00:27:01we haven't got Safi because
00:27:03Patsy sold her halfway through
00:27:05and pulled that award of money
00:27:07which was good because she got rid of Safi.
00:27:09Saf! Saf!
00:27:11Then afterwards,
00:27:13we went and did a bit of shopping.
00:27:15It was all quite Adina and Patsy
00:27:16and Safi, actually,
00:27:18but in our normal clothes.
00:27:20But I know Jennifer bought a lot of rugs.
00:27:25And then there was Adina and Patsy's
00:27:27memorable reunion
00:27:29amongst the New York skyscrapers.
00:27:32How did we get to do this?
00:27:34How did I ever get to stand
00:27:36near the edge?
00:27:38That is iconic.
00:27:40They're all better!
00:27:42There, there, there!
00:27:44And what's weird is
00:27:46you wouldn't know that's me
00:27:48because it's so far away,
00:27:50but that is me!
00:27:52Yeah, babe!
00:27:54Come on!
00:27:56They're in a stolley!
00:27:58I've got a bottle!
00:28:00Christ almighty, I'm so scared.
00:28:02Come on, I'll meet you down there!
00:28:04No, get me from here!
00:28:06I can't find the stairs!
00:28:08Look at me, holding on
00:28:10for dear fucking life.
00:28:12Look at me, I'm standing on the edge
00:28:14of a sixty-seven floor building
00:28:16for five fearful days of our lives.
00:28:18I was shitting it.
00:28:20Shitting it.
00:28:22That last shot, I have to say, is worth it,
00:28:24which pulls out from you.
00:28:26It was amazing what we got to do
00:28:28and it's just a little comedy
00:28:30and I loved it.
00:28:32Coming up, we'll be hearing the gossip
00:28:34from some of Abfab's legendary guest stars.
00:28:36Everything is being done
00:28:38by these brilliant ladies
00:28:40and Joanna Lumley is handing out Rothmans.
00:28:42And we reunite those brilliant ladies
00:28:44to share all their fondest Abfabs
00:28:46and to reminisce about
00:28:48Who's the Worst for Ruining takes
00:28:50by giggling.
00:28:52We were awful together.
00:28:54We had to do our scenes looking like that,
00:28:56not at each other,
00:28:58which made it even worse.
00:29:00We couldn't look at each other.
00:29:02That's absolutely terrible.
00:29:08Help mummy, darling!
00:29:10It's alright, it's alright,
00:29:12just give me a second.
00:29:22The misadventures of Pats and Eddie
00:29:24were a big part of why audiences
00:29:26so loved Abfab.
00:29:28But at its heart, it was a sitcom
00:29:30about a family,
00:29:32albeit a slightly unique one.
00:29:34The programme, weirdly,
00:29:36was about Idina and Safi.
00:29:38That was the kind of basis
00:29:40of the whole thing.
00:29:41And this succubus came in.
00:29:43She was like Ivy or something,
00:29:45you know,
00:29:47or those insects which live off you.
00:29:49Safi, you're going to have to help me, darling.
00:29:51I think Rigor has set in.
00:29:53Oh, for God's sake.
00:30:04But the dummy at the end.
00:30:07What you often need
00:30:09when you're dealing with characters
00:30:11who are also kind of morally irreprehensible,
00:30:13you kind of need permission to laugh.
00:30:16When I heard that Ed's was pregnant,
00:30:18I told her to abort!
00:30:20Abort, abort, abort!
00:30:22Chuck it down the pan!
00:30:24Bring me...
00:30:26A knitting needle?
00:30:28A knitting needle!
00:30:30I can remember being terrified
00:30:32of saying that line
00:30:34about knitting needle and everything.
00:30:36I said, do I have to say that?
00:30:38And she said, yes, you do.
00:30:39And lines like that,
00:30:41the marker was whether Julia thought it was
00:30:43or whether she thought Safi
00:30:45would find that offensive.
00:30:47And she said, no, no, no, that's fine
00:30:49because it doesn't affect her at all.
00:30:51Patsy hated me
00:30:53and it's a horribly toxic,
00:30:55dysfunctional scenario
00:30:57that the three of them are in,
00:30:59but yet they feed off each other.
00:31:02I mean, she's the one
00:31:04who ruined your figure in the first place.
00:31:06She's the one who turned you
00:31:07into a stupid thing.
00:31:09I particularly love the scene
00:31:11where Safi snaps.
00:31:13She says,
00:31:15I'm not going to take it anymore.
00:31:17Sight reading here
00:31:19without my glasses.
00:31:21This is not how it's going to be anymore, Mum.
00:31:24I'm not going to be here
00:31:26just to put you to bed,
00:31:28to feed you, stub out your joints,
00:31:30clear up the sick,
00:31:32lie for you, disapprove of you,
00:31:34and not just you, you as well,
00:31:36a stinking bag of bones
00:31:38that haunts his house every day
00:31:40like a mouldering cadaver,
00:31:42leeching the lifeblood
00:31:44out of everything it can get its suckers onto.
00:31:46I'm fed up of being suckered.
00:31:48I will not take this anymore.
00:31:50This is not how it's going to be.
00:31:52I love that scene.
00:31:54Julia does it so wonderfully.
00:31:56That was really shit.
00:31:58Don't put that in.
00:32:00I think one of the things about sitcoms
00:32:02is that you can make people suffer
00:32:03and there are consequences.
00:32:05You know that Saffy's still going to be there.
00:32:08There's no plot that's going to mean
00:32:10that she ends up having a heroin habit.
00:32:15She was so horrible to Patsy sometimes.
00:32:17But she did do a little test.
00:32:19Patsy had got some...
00:32:21Something from the National Health
00:32:23to say you've got to check yourself.
00:32:25Patsy literally didn't know what she was talking about
00:32:27and had reluctantly to ask Saffy.
00:32:29And Saffy went,
00:32:30Oh, this is revolting.
00:32:32I've got to test your...
00:32:34Check your breasts.
00:32:36Tit test.
00:32:38I've got to do a tit test.
00:32:40Do you feel anything?
00:32:42What's that?
00:32:44Oh, it's nothing.
00:32:47Mother, going past,
00:32:49pilfering stuff from around the house,
00:32:51peeped in through the door
00:32:53and saw what she thought was the beginning
00:32:55of something grotesquely girly happening.
00:32:57Well, I don't think there's any rain on the way.
00:32:59And went, whoop, whoop,
00:33:01tipped her away again.
00:33:03And dear Saffy was so,
00:33:05so revolted by her,
00:33:07but sort of went, you know,
00:33:09you've got to go...
00:33:11Because she's ultimately a good person, Saffy.
00:33:13She was a good person.
00:33:15And the other thing, the smear,
00:33:17is that a doctor thing or...?
00:33:21I'm always surprised
00:33:23that people think that Saffy is weak
00:33:25because she's very, very tough.
00:33:26Oh, what's this?
00:33:28Be careful, Gran.
00:33:30This is a new kitchen.
00:33:32Saffy wasn't the only person
00:33:34in the Monsoon household
00:33:36forced to endure a mad parent.
00:33:38Eddie's relationship with Mother
00:33:40was only very slightly less dysfunctional.
00:33:42You used to have one of these
00:33:44when you were a girl.
00:33:46Yeah, but I was never allowed on it.
00:33:48No, you were too big for it.
00:33:50You wobbled.
00:33:52There was an old lady that I knew
00:33:54that was a sort of similar person
00:33:56and they referred to her
00:33:58as the malevolent cabbage.
00:34:00And I think that it's a type
00:34:02that we all know
00:34:04and that is what Mother is.
00:34:06She's the malevolent cabbage.
00:34:08She sits there and she's quiet
00:34:10and she looks a bit sort of soft and frilly
00:34:12and then she'll kill you.
00:34:14She'll just kill you.
00:34:16What you two don't seem to realise
00:34:18is that inside of me, inside of me,
00:34:20there is a thin person
00:34:22just screaming to get out.
00:34:24Just the one, dear.
00:34:26That's the perfect,
00:34:28she'd have got down to one line a scene.
00:34:32But it's the killer line.
00:34:34Just the one, dear.
00:34:36That's perfection, you just threw that away.
00:34:38You didn't even look at her,
00:34:40you just went, have it.
00:34:42Master, mistress.
00:34:44A beautiful foil, you know what I mean?
00:34:48A beautiful person for your kind of
00:34:50roll-a-lock street woman.
00:34:52My showing-off-ness.
00:34:54Well, yes.
00:34:56Claudia, you're here.
00:35:00A remarkable feature of Ab Fab
00:35:02was the sheer number of guest stars
00:35:04who queued up to join in the overacting too.
00:35:06You've done for me,
00:35:08you've done nothing for me.
00:35:10Oh, what was it? Fisting.
00:35:12Fists across America.
00:35:14Oh, don't start.
00:35:16Do this, do that, be good, be safe,
00:35:18don't be naughty.
00:35:22house-proud, house-proud,
00:35:24look at you.
00:35:26She was the butt of the joke
00:35:28because she really was the butt of the joke
00:35:30a lot of the time.
00:35:32And as was Twiggy, as was Lulu.
00:35:34Don't be shy.
00:35:36I bet you've got a lovely voice
00:35:38when you try.
00:35:44Stop, stop!
00:35:46I think it always becomes the mark of
00:35:48I think we've got it right
00:35:50when you've got superstars lining up
00:35:52for a cameo.
00:35:54Do you want to press the lotto button?
00:35:58Celebrity weakest link?
00:36:02Celebrity fat bath?
00:36:04Celebrity rehab?
00:36:06Celebrity junk search?
00:36:08Celebrity wannabe?
00:36:10Celebrity, celebrity, celebrity.
00:36:12She's just brilliant.
00:36:14Celebrity, celebrity, celebrity.
00:36:16I was like, it's really hard as well
00:36:18to not laugh.
00:36:20Celebrity or die with Donna Eyre?
00:36:22No, no, no, nothing with celebrity in it.
00:36:24Well, you're limiting yourself, frankly.
00:36:26Because we needed Eddie
00:36:28to have another client.
00:36:30She only had Lulu.
00:36:32Do you remember Lulu and Queen Noor?
00:36:34Queen Noor.
00:36:36Did I ever tell you the Queen Noor story?
00:36:40I was in a design museum doing something
00:36:42that was a great tribute to Stanley Kubrick
00:36:44and all kinds of great and good were all there.
00:36:46We all sat down at quite narrow tables
00:36:48in that place to eat
00:36:50and I was sitting opposite Benedict Cumberbatch
00:36:52who was sitting next door to an attractive woman
00:36:54who leant forward to me with her beautiful hair
00:36:56and I said,
00:36:58she exists.
00:37:00And I said, hello, hello.
00:37:02She said, the kudos I have now in my family
00:37:04with my children since your programme came out,
00:37:06thank you very much.
00:37:08I said, I'll pass that on to Jennifer.
00:37:10Queen Noor.
00:37:12I do remember one of my lines
00:37:14which I just,
00:37:16when I saw them written down
00:37:18I thought, oh my goodness.
00:37:20But to say them out loud
00:37:22was actually quite empowering.
00:37:24If you think
00:37:26you've got the shit
00:37:28of a sweaty overeater
00:37:30the colour
00:37:32of an old man's scrotum
00:37:35then you
00:37:37have got another thing coming.
00:37:42And I just thought that was brilliant.
00:37:44Perhaps you'd become obsessed
00:37:46with one drawer.
00:37:48You know the rubbish drawer in the kitchen, right?
00:37:50It's a string, a pen, a string,
00:37:52whole bits of food
00:37:54and sugar
00:37:56and champagne corks.
00:37:58That's my favourite line
00:38:00almost ever.
00:38:02Are we keeping corks?
00:38:04Are we keeping old corks?
00:38:09But Emma was
00:38:11terrific as that.
00:38:13And guest stars weren't limited to
00:38:15British pop icons.
00:38:19Just by chance,
00:38:21and this is weird,
00:38:23we were filming on a bridge
00:38:26Sasha Distel actually walked by.
00:38:30Oh, sorry.
00:38:32I thought you were someone else.
00:38:34He was an adorable man
00:38:36and a huge star.
00:38:38I love Sasha Distel.
00:38:40A young Tom Hollander popped in
00:38:42and did a turn as
00:38:44Safi's really quite horrible fiancé, Paolo.
00:38:46Maybe this one will last for me, darling.
00:38:48Maybe this will be the one
00:38:50to finally break the seal on that cat box.
00:38:54You piss out of me a lot,
00:38:56out of my character, my character, my character, not me.
00:38:58What do you think of this one, Pats?
00:39:00Go away, he's too clever for you.
00:39:02Too small.
00:39:04Sex with him would be a rather localised experience.
00:39:06She was ironing my shirts,
00:39:08that was one of the jokes.
00:39:10Cuffs, cuffs,
00:39:12collars cuffed,
00:39:14side sleeve,
00:39:16collars cuffed, side sleeve.
00:39:18I do iron shirts
00:39:20still thinking
00:39:22collars cuffed, side sleeves,
00:39:24side sleeves,
00:39:26and just recently I thought
00:39:28maybe that's not actually true.
00:39:30Well, I don't want to be seen as some sex object.
00:39:32I don't think of you as a sex object.
00:39:34Don't you?
00:39:36I don't think it's even accurate
00:39:38because actually if you start with the sides
00:39:40and the back,
00:39:42you get much further with the shirt, much faster
00:39:44and you feel a sense of achievement
00:39:46and then it's nearly done immediately
00:39:48and then the collars and the cuffs
00:39:50you just do at the end.
00:39:52Whereas if you start with the collars and the cuffs
00:39:54you don't get this anecdote.
00:39:56Some guest stars took a rather more jazz approach
00:39:58to the script.
00:40:00Ruby Goldberg made an appearance
00:40:02when Eddie and Patsy went to New York.
00:40:04Who's been smoking?
00:40:06I can smell it.
00:40:08Is it you?
00:40:10Come here.
00:40:12Come here, girl.
00:40:14Come here, let me smell you.
00:40:16Oh, God.
00:40:18One more time.
00:40:20She was fantastic
00:40:22but she did not do
00:40:24if she was just extraordinary
00:40:26because she's grown up in comedy
00:40:28and improv and everything
00:40:30you present her with a script
00:40:32which went completely off it.
00:40:34Give me five minutes, I'm a genius.
00:40:36We'll meet you on the pier.
00:40:38Can I get another hit?
00:40:44Who's your mum?
00:40:46Honestly, I just sat there
00:40:48aghast at her genius.
00:40:50It wasn't just movie stars
00:40:52that made an appearance
00:40:54but there were other people
00:40:56who were there to help us
00:40:58and to help us get in, briefly.
00:41:00My main memory of Elton John
00:41:02being a guest on the show
00:41:04was that we were told
00:41:06absolutely he will give you 40 minutes.
00:41:08He was coming in to play at the party.
00:41:10Oh, Elton, darling.
00:41:12What is going on?
00:41:14We've got you the piano.
00:41:18The piano, to play at the party.
00:41:20What is this?
00:41:22She's presumptive, darling.
00:41:26Well, just play, you know, entertain.
00:41:28If you can call it that.
00:41:30You've got a nerve.
00:41:32Anyway, he greeted me as Pat
00:41:34which was very nice
00:41:36because he'd met me in a former incarnation.
00:41:38I think I knew you when you were a man.
00:41:40And I knew you when you had hair.
00:41:42I've always had hair.
00:41:44What a bitch.
00:41:46Get off me!
00:41:48Get off my Yoji!
00:41:50Last season's Yoji!
00:41:52I mean, Elton John.
00:41:54Elton John came in.
00:41:56He came in, he did it.
00:41:5840 minutes later, he left.
00:42:03Zandra came in.
00:42:05Zandra Rhodes.
00:42:07Oh, Zandra, hi, it's me, Patsy.
00:42:09I think we did a flashback
00:42:11of Patsy as a model.
00:42:13It was a shoot.
00:42:15And Patsy was on so many drugs
00:42:17that she couldn't just stand up.
00:42:19She was tripping.
00:42:21Oh, no, it's just...
00:42:23I only got her here because she's your friend.
00:42:26Come on, Zandra.
00:42:28She's your friend.
00:42:30And Zandra turns around and goes,
00:42:32she's not my friend.
00:42:34I hardly know her.
00:42:36I just felt sorry for her.
00:42:38I hardly know her.
00:42:40And I think I hardly know her
00:42:42became our sort of catchphrase.
00:42:44You became obsessed with that.
00:42:46And then Jane started saying it
00:42:48and we all started saying,
00:42:50yeah, but I hardly know her.
00:42:52It's really funny.
00:42:54But Ab Fab didn't just cast megastars as guests,
00:42:56it also set some young actors
00:42:58on the path to Hollywood.
00:43:00Oh, look.
00:43:02There he is, Idris.
00:43:04Idris Albert.
00:43:06I like to think you launched him in Ab Fab.
00:43:08Anyway, since then, he's never mentioned Ab Fab.
00:43:10He's never said he's...
00:43:12Oh, no, he's very sweet, actually.
00:43:14I've met him and he's absolutely lovely.
00:43:16I know, but he's never on his list of things he's done.
00:43:18Have you done this before?
00:43:20First time.
00:43:23We did give him the worst joke.
00:43:25Has anyone ever told you
00:43:27you look like Sean Connery?
00:43:29The poor man, I'm not surprised he doesn't advertise it.
00:43:31Has anyone ever told you
00:43:33you look a bit like Sean Connery?
00:43:35Sophie Grable?
00:43:37Sophie Grable, yes.
00:43:39That was for the killing,
00:43:41when the killing was everywhere.
00:43:47And I thought, oh,
00:43:49maybe Idina would dream in Danish.
00:43:50What's up?
00:43:52What's up?
00:43:54Leave the necklace.
00:43:56Leave the necklace.
00:43:58The necklace doesn't mean anything.
00:44:00Can you do some of that Danish now?
00:44:02And she was going to wake up
00:44:04and she said, no, I'm speaking Danish.
00:44:06No, you're not.
00:44:08I'm speaking Danish.
00:44:10No, you're not.
00:44:12It's a ham.
00:44:14No, you're not.
00:44:16But you also had an alternative family in your dream
00:44:18when you went in to have your toenail clipped
00:44:20in your fantasy dream
00:44:22when everybody was replaced.
00:44:24So Safi became Helena Bonham Carter
00:44:26and an ex-husband of yours was Richard E. Grant.
00:44:28Mandy Rice-Davies.
00:44:30Mandy Rice-Davies.
00:44:32But you also had that little Lady Penelope on your foot.
00:44:34Yes, I had Lady Penelope dancing about on my toe.
00:44:36The doctors say there is nothing they can do.
00:44:39It sort of became something
00:44:41that people yearned to be part of.
00:44:43They just wanted to be associated with it.
00:44:45They just loved it.
00:44:47That's because of you, Christine.
00:44:48Oh, yes.
00:44:50Everyone is absolutely fabulous.
00:44:52After the break, we'll take a catwalk
00:44:54back to the 90s world of ab-fab fashion.
00:44:56What are you wearing, Eddie?
00:45:00It's fabulous.
00:45:04And Jennifer and Joanna slip back
00:45:06into some of their old costumes.
00:45:08See you in a sec.
00:45:14Step out of the car, please, madam.
00:45:16Hey, what the hell?
00:45:21What do you want?
00:45:23What are you doing to her?
00:45:26Welcome back.
00:45:28The world of fashion and PR
00:45:30were perfect for Patsy and Idina
00:45:32as there aren't many jobs
00:45:34that combine drinking at lunch
00:45:36with an endless stream of party invitations
00:45:38and couture launches.
00:45:40Except maybe voiceover work
00:45:42I'd probably be done by two, I reckon.
00:45:43PR was a big doodah in the 90s,
00:45:45you know, and it was full of crap.
00:45:47Do you remember just getting
00:45:49endless invitations to parties
00:45:51that were just on the more
00:45:53and more extreme things, you know,
00:45:55just to come to this,
00:45:57come to a vodka party,
00:45:59come to this party,
00:46:01come to hairball.
00:46:04Come to the hairball.
00:46:06I'm sorry, Mum,
00:46:08but I've never really seen
00:46:10what it is you actually do.
00:46:13Yes, but...
00:46:17PR things!
00:46:21Places! Concepts!
00:46:25No, no!
00:46:27The thing that is funny
00:46:29is that the world of PR
00:46:31is both in this show
00:46:33ridiculous and pointless and mad
00:46:35and the most important thing
00:46:37that has ever happened in the world
00:46:39and if Lulu does not come
00:46:41I make the fabulous,
00:46:43I make the crap into credible,
00:46:45I make the doll into delicious!
00:46:49PR, the reason I used it
00:46:51is because it's a way of getting
00:46:53into a lot of different worlds.
00:46:55It was quite a useful job
00:46:57for her to have
00:46:59and getting free stuff,
00:47:01getting lots of free stuff
00:47:03which is what Eddie loved.
00:47:05This is the new me, darling.
00:47:07I'm a mover and a shaker
00:47:09and I'm moving out.
00:47:11It's giving me free
00:47:13and it's the latest thing.
00:47:15But I was always fascinated
00:47:17by Idina's office
00:47:19and what I love so much about it
00:47:21is that she's never there.
00:47:23It's the same with Patsy,
00:47:25like there's a moment
00:47:27when you find out Patsy has a job
00:47:29like halfway through you're like,
00:47:33Even I think Idina is like,
00:47:35what do you mean you have a job?
00:47:37I'm going into my office.
00:47:39What do you do?
00:47:41But she's never at work.
00:47:43I am always at work
00:47:45thanks to our friend Mr Mobile Telephone.
00:47:47Anyway, Patsy's got that job for life.
00:47:49You don't mean to say
00:47:51she's actually good at something?
00:47:53No, darling,
00:47:55she slept with the publisher.
00:47:57Funny girl, Eddie.
00:47:59It's my Chanel still in there.
00:48:01This one?
00:48:03Yeah, my little baby.
00:48:05It frightens the editors
00:48:07I'm the only one with Chanel couture.
00:48:09Let them kiss my buttons.
00:48:11By Kathy Burke.
00:48:13Yeah, good.
00:48:15We need to draw up some more advertising revenue.
00:48:17We've lost Swiss watches,
00:48:19two lingeries,
00:48:21and all my tampons have dropped out.
00:48:23I think she was terrified of those names
00:48:25but she absolutely nailed it.
00:48:27She hated those speeches
00:48:29but she did it with such gusto.
00:48:31And, of course,
00:48:33if you're going to run a posh magazine
00:48:35you need to have a few posh people around too.
00:48:37A friend of mine's got a shop
00:48:39with some lovely glasses.
00:48:41They sort of became a double act, didn't they?
00:48:45Because they were always there together.
00:48:47Is it expensive?
00:48:49How do you mean?
00:48:51Oh, well, does it cost a lot?
00:48:53Fleur, just literally
00:48:55almost nothing inside.
00:48:57I mean, many sandwiches short for picnic.
00:48:59Faces, eyes, lips, nostrils.
00:49:02It's all off the top of my head.
00:49:04And then Kanye, Katrina,
00:49:06who had the...
00:49:08and with vast blue eyes.
00:49:09And always quite willing to be there
00:49:11and she didn't know what she was doing.
00:49:13Chairs, I thought, might be quite interesting.
00:49:15I've got a friend who's got a shop
00:49:17with some lovely chairs in it.
00:49:19We could have some lovely chairs or something.
00:49:21I mean, I say that much too much
00:49:23given how little I talk about chairs.
00:49:25I mean, it doesn't matter.
00:49:27Somehow they operated very well together.
00:49:29They operated very well.
00:49:31You employed them, Patsy employed them.
00:49:33Patsy only knew two people other than Eddie
00:49:35and that was them.
00:49:37Oh, and Magda, who ran the magazine.
00:49:39I'm quite frightened of Magda.
00:49:41I'm quite scared of Magda.
00:49:43Always scared of Magda.
00:49:45Anybody would be scared of Magda.
00:49:47Where's Magda?
00:49:49Is there a meeting or something?
00:49:51It was just one scene with a couple of lines
00:49:53but Ab Fab was the iconic female comedy show.
00:49:57Just the iconic comedy show, frankly, for me.
00:50:00So I was absolutely thrilled to be asked
00:50:03and I thought, I'm going to be on set
00:50:05with Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley.
00:50:07It was really exciting.
00:50:09How do I look? How do I look, Eddie?
00:50:11I think I can see a panty line.
00:50:13Oh, but Eddie.
00:50:15I'm not wearing any pants.
00:50:17Fashion was important
00:50:19because of the extraordinary nature
00:50:21of what Eddie wanted to look like
00:50:23and the fact that everything she had
00:50:25was far too small
00:50:27because she only wore sample size
00:50:29because that's all she could get
00:50:31because she had to be the first to get it
00:50:33so it was always sample size
00:50:35and she was never a sample size.
00:50:37OK, that's it.
00:50:39That's as far as they'll go.
00:50:41Push me up.
00:50:45No, slacks.
00:50:47Jennifer looks amazing.
00:50:49Joanna looks amazing.
00:50:51What normal person would wear that?
00:50:53And immediately tells you
00:50:55all about the shallowness
00:50:57and pretentiousness
00:50:59of that entire world.
00:51:01And it was impossible to judge
00:51:03if something was nice or not
00:51:04and I think it might have even been
00:51:06in the very first episode
00:51:08when you go, what are you wearing, Ed?
00:51:10And you go, lacroix, sweetie, lacroix.
00:51:12Lacroix, sweetie.
00:51:14It's all right, isn't it?
00:51:16It's a bit tight, maybe.
00:51:18It's all right, isn't it?
00:51:20People will think, wow, it's a lacroix.
00:51:24I just can't find anything to go with it, that's all.
00:51:26Maybe I could throw up on something for you.
00:51:28Oh, I see someone already has.
00:51:32I didn't know who Lacroix was
00:51:34when he came up.
00:51:36I think you're in for a bit of a treat, my dear.
00:51:38You're not nervous, are you, darling?
00:51:40I'm fine. You tell him what you want.
00:51:42You tell him what you want.
00:51:44He was, in fact, real.
00:51:46He was a very nice guy.
00:51:48He liked the show.
00:51:50He was very nice to us.
00:51:52I'm sorry, we can't.
00:51:54I do remember once going to McQueen,
00:51:56probably with Rebecca Hale,
00:51:58us trying something on
00:52:00and the girl going,
00:52:02I'll get you a bigger size
00:52:04and she was the most beautiful clothes
00:52:06but they were so awful on Eddie.
00:52:09I've got to clear out my wardrobe.
00:52:11I've got all these horrible,
00:52:13revolting, unfashionable clothes
00:52:15that I simply would not wear, darling.
00:52:17They are not fashion.
00:52:19I put them in a pile on the floor to throw out.
00:52:21I thought you'd put them on, dear.
00:52:23In a show that so inhabited the world of fashion,
00:52:25someone had to keep a record
00:52:27of every cast member's costume, hair and make-up,
00:52:29however outlandish,
00:52:31to make sure they didn't change
00:52:32at the next.
00:52:34That someone was ABFAB make-up designer Jan Sewell
00:52:36and these continuity Polaroids
00:52:38are that record.
00:52:40She took so many
00:52:42that it's a sort of unique record
00:52:44of ABFAB.
00:52:48Oh, I love that one.
00:52:50Pat and Ed.
00:52:52Pat and Ed in Morocco.
00:52:54Look at that.
00:52:56We're standing in the toilets,
00:52:58because this is Jan Polaroid
00:53:00so she obviously caught us near the toilets
00:53:02because we were so hippie-ish.
00:53:04Very good, is that this?
00:53:06It's a good look, isn't it?
00:53:08It's a very good look.
00:53:10She was quite a successful boy.
00:53:12Let's do that Sonny O'Shea number.
00:53:14This is the patsy
00:53:16I think a lot of people remember.
00:53:18I know.
00:53:20The very short leather skirt.
00:53:22Very short leather skirt.
00:53:24I think this is the patsy
00:53:26that people imitate.
00:53:28They do patsy.
00:53:30They don't imitate
00:53:32Bobble had a way of appearing
00:53:34in a complete,
00:53:36she brought a world of her own
00:53:38to when she arrived.
00:53:40An entire kind of
00:53:42some extraordinary scenario
00:53:44which is this,
00:53:46she's some sort of revolutionary
00:53:48during the French Revolution.
00:53:50I love that.
00:53:52Now you see this is the same,
00:53:54this is Bex just going mad.
00:53:56Why does she have such a big bottom?
00:53:58Because she's in a little puff ball
00:54:00it's like a little outfit
00:54:02She came dressed as a Teletubby.
00:54:04She came as a Teletubby.
00:54:07I think he needs a drink.
00:54:09His nose is very dry.
00:54:11Leave him alone.
00:54:13This is my fave look.
00:54:15That's very early on,
00:54:17that's France.
00:54:19Look at that little Ernest face.
00:54:22You had some spiteful line
00:54:24you said you dressed like a Christian.
00:54:26What kind of friend are you?
00:54:28What kind of daughter are you?
00:54:30At least she has fun with me.
00:54:32You dress like a Christian
00:54:34but the similarity ends there.
00:54:36I think you do it on purpose.
00:54:38How long does it take you to get the crease
00:54:40so crisp down the front of your jeans
00:54:42you torturer?
00:54:44Get out!
00:54:46I had actually said to the costume designer
00:54:48when you iron my jeans
00:54:50can you put a crease
00:54:52right down the middle?
00:54:54Julia always wanted that.
00:54:56I said you could move up to Benetton.
00:54:58She just said no, no.
00:55:00It's got to be the worst.
00:55:02She's nightmare.
00:55:04What are you wearing?
00:55:06Look at this.
00:55:08Look at that shirt so I strangle you.
00:55:10Why does everything you wear
00:55:12look like it's bearing a grudge darling?
00:55:14You've got a wardrobe
00:55:16full of little murderers.
00:55:18Look at them.
00:55:20The ABFAB costumes
00:55:22poor Safi and her starched jeans aside
00:55:24range from the chic to the
00:55:26well certifiable.
00:55:28Oh this is boot camp.
00:55:30This is boot camp.
00:55:32I know I'm trying to remember it
00:55:34but this is boot camp
00:55:36and I was being trained.
00:55:39Arms, upper arms.
00:55:41Upper arms.
00:55:43Punch, punch, punch.
00:55:45Great, great that is fantastic.
00:55:47This is rather gorgeous
00:55:49because it's actually army surplus
00:55:51you can see from this
00:55:53this really is army surplus
00:55:55and then Beck sort of pimped it
00:55:57I hate that word
00:55:59but that's what she did
00:56:00Next one.
00:56:02I've got a feeling this is very, very expensive.
00:56:04I think it's Bottega Veneta.
00:56:06It is.
00:56:08Can you remember when you wore it?
00:56:10I can remember how small it was
00:56:12when I wore it.
00:56:14I went up the Eiffel Tower
00:56:16with Safi
00:56:18and wore this.
00:56:20I think we can just go to the second floor
00:56:22because I don't want to take you right up anymore.
00:56:24This is good.
00:56:26This is my favourite jacket
00:56:28of all time
00:56:30and it's got Eddie
00:56:32and it's got Patsy on it
00:56:34and I remember standing
00:56:36and we had a photograph
00:56:38and he said it was with Peru
00:56:40and he just said good luck.
00:56:42And I've got cigarettes like that
00:56:44it says Mega Death on the back
00:56:46Space Scouts, Girl Scouts, Celebrate Independence
00:56:48a bit bizarre
00:56:50and it's got a little kitten
00:56:52oh that's quite nice
00:56:54I might nick that
00:56:56but Beck's made this
00:56:58She wouldn't nick it
00:57:00Yeah, I love New York
00:57:02It's really chic
00:57:04This is honestly a lovely thing
00:57:06And you've got butterflies on your hood
00:57:08And I've got a feeling
00:57:10that she wore this
00:57:12Eddie wore it when she was washing the car
00:57:14and Twiggy brought mother home
00:57:18Is this your mother?
00:57:20Well let me see
00:57:22One white paw, yes that looks like her
00:57:24Oh no, the tea's fallen off
00:57:26It's not there
00:57:28No, it was a tea
00:57:30It was a ginger pacey
00:57:32Oh I love that
00:57:34I should have that, shouldn't I?
00:57:36Shouldn't that be mine?
00:57:38While someone tries to wrestle the props
00:57:40back off Jennifer
00:57:42let's take a short break
00:57:44Still to come, the incredible journey
00:57:46of an ab fab episode
00:57:48from scribbles on a page
00:57:50to perfection on screen
00:57:52Goes out, comes back, two fingers
00:57:54There's plenty more behind the scenes gold
00:57:56I think you need this framed in your house
00:57:58Assuming Jennifer
00:58:00And we get the band back together
00:58:02to relive all of their favourite moments
00:58:04Eddie came back
00:58:06from some frightful rave
00:58:08Yes, the rolling who
00:58:10The rolling who
00:58:12Back in two swigs from a champagne bottle
00:58:22Bloody con run
00:58:24Hello, hello, cab, cab
00:58:28We haven't got much time
00:58:30Oh come on, it should be alright
00:58:32Actually the traffic's not too bad, is it?
00:58:34We should be okay
00:58:36When we get in there we're just going to point and load
00:58:38Point and load, point and load
00:58:40Ring the bell, ring the bell
00:58:42Get that door open
00:58:44Welcome back
00:58:46We've been mining the ab fab archives
00:58:48and have managed to unearth
00:58:50some gems that have, until now
00:58:52been feared lost to the BBC's local tip
00:58:54Remember Patsy's brush with the tabloids?
00:58:56Flash, flash, flash, flash, flash
00:58:58Flash, flash, flash, flash
00:59:00Guys, guys, guys
00:59:02Just give me a break, darlings
00:59:04Just give me a break, sweetie
00:59:06I have a life to lead
00:59:08I remember writing that
00:59:10Flash, flash, flash, flash
00:59:12I thought, just keep it going
00:59:14Just keep it going for as long as you can
00:59:16Sweeties, darling, can you just leave me alone?
00:59:18Flash, flash, flash, flash, flash
00:59:20Patsy, Patsy, Patsy
00:59:22Did we overact the whole way through?
00:59:25It's terrible overacting
00:59:27Are these today's?
00:59:29Yes, sweetie
00:59:31Anything in them?
00:59:33Not much, darling, no
00:59:35MP in drug craze, sex romp
00:59:37Shock with fash, mag, slag
00:59:41Drug craze, sex romp
00:59:43I think you need this framed in your house
00:59:45Actually hilarious
00:59:47The Daily Star
00:59:49Full letter Patsy in MP's sex rave
00:59:51Shock's wife of MP keeps silent
00:59:55One of these though set her age
00:59:57And that just depressed her
00:59:59Yeah, the only thing she didn't like was the age
01:00:01Everything else she was quite pleased with
01:00:05No, no, no
01:00:07Watch, watch, watch, watch
01:00:09Close horses and
01:00:11No, no, further, further
01:00:13Patsy sent
01:00:17I'll sue
01:00:19Something I've got at home
01:00:21Because I kept them
01:00:23Videos of Patsy that she did as films in the old days
01:00:26I've got those
01:00:28What do you mean?
01:00:30You know, cheeky old sex films
01:00:32No, no, darling, they're more cult classics
01:00:34She had an enormous sort of
01:00:44Occasionally people have taken screen grabs of it
01:00:46And sent it to me to sign
01:00:49That was my fear
01:00:51That they honestly thought it was my tits
01:00:53So the truth is
01:00:55I say, look, it's not me
01:00:57I turn to a very kind old grandmother
01:00:59I say, this was good fun
01:01:01And so I can sign it Patsy Stone
01:01:03Which is what I do
01:01:05Pats would have liked that
01:01:07It's hard to beat Booberella
01:01:09But whilst leafing through her AbFab memory box
01:01:11Jennifer found these incredible handwritten notes
01:01:13That became the basis for so many of AbFab's
01:01:15Most famous moments
01:01:17What I normally do is like
01:01:19As with French and Saunders
01:01:21You just gather loads of ideas
01:01:23And eventually think
01:01:25What could this one be about?
01:01:27Oh, let's call it shoes
01:01:29This'll be about shoes
01:01:31There are some tantalising morsels here too
01:01:33Snippets of projects that might have been
01:01:35Take this single page idea for instance
01:01:37Simply entitled AbFab Movie 2000
01:01:40Futuristic house where they live
01:01:42Only Saffy grows old
01:01:44Which is very funny
01:01:46And very fat with a moustache
01:01:48I think this might be Eddie's dream
01:01:51Everyone's living and wearing silver foil
01:01:54This is the PR PR conference it says here
01:01:59Claudia Bing
01:02:01We feel we have worked out the importance
01:02:03Of brand identity more keenly than many of our rivals
01:02:06As we've shown recently
01:02:08Who's a speech I've written?
01:02:10So obviously I didn't write it for the actual script
01:02:12But I'd written it in longhand on the script
01:02:15And it didn't actually end up like this
01:02:18Because I think it must have got better
01:02:20Because I've got lots of red lines through it
01:02:22Go, take this out
01:02:25Hello, hi, I was hereby going to launch
01:02:29My global integrated network
01:02:31Network, system, bloody system, system
01:02:34But you know if that's what the world's coming to
01:02:36I don't want to be in it, no I don't want that
01:02:38Whereas I, like a bird on the wire
01:02:43Like a bird on the wire
01:02:45Like a drunk in a midnight choir
01:02:49I have tried, yeah, in my way to be free
01:02:54No, it's not all great and fabulous
01:02:56But it ain't that bad
01:02:58Bad, you know, so come on world, cheer up
01:03:00It may never bloody happen
01:03:02Come on darling, I think you're just dead, Eddie
01:03:04Yeah, come on
01:03:06Goes out, comes back, two fingers
01:03:11Bubble is gay, it says here
01:03:14Bubble is gay
01:03:16I never knew that
01:03:18What's her girlfriend like?
01:03:20Because she was always a mystery
01:03:22We never went too much into Bubble
01:03:24Because it's quite nice just to have
01:03:26A slightly surreal character
01:03:28Hoover, Hoover, Hoover
01:03:31You have to turn it on, not just make the noise
01:03:39Hello, this is my daughter
01:03:41This is the weirdest thing in the
01:03:43There, so obviously I'm writing
01:03:45And that says, hello, my name is Beattie
01:03:46It's obviously my daughter
01:03:48When she was very small
01:03:50Just finding it and trying to write on it
01:03:52I just, I just think it's all about
01:03:54Little, little ideas really
01:03:56And little sketches
01:03:58And that went on for the first
01:04:00I think most of the first series I wrote like that
01:04:02And then the second series I didn't
01:04:04And then, then it became harder
01:04:08When things did become harder
01:04:10Jen would reach out to her dear friend
01:04:12And ABFAB script editor, Ruby Wax
01:04:13Ruby was incredibly useful
01:04:15She'll go, better line here
01:04:17You need something here
01:04:19And then she'd come up with them generally
01:04:21Or write six alternatives
01:04:23Her skirt was so short
01:04:25The world was her gynecologist
01:04:27Or, you know, when she did yoga
01:04:29She could give herself a gynecological
01:04:31Examination from the back
01:04:33A man who can look you in the vagina
01:04:35But never in the eye
01:04:37I used to do a lot of faxing
01:04:39Because that's how we sent things
01:04:41Jennifer would sometimes say
01:04:43I'd know to get to it
01:04:45So this is, she said, dear Rube
01:04:47Sorry I didn't call on Saturday
01:04:49But got involved at a horse show
01:04:51She's a whore
01:04:53However, script not very good as a result
01:04:55Blaming the horse show already
01:04:57Need help
01:05:01Subject matters are
01:05:03Hunting, shooting, fishing
01:05:05And I remember thinking
01:05:07I must do something about hunting, shooting, fishing
01:05:09Because Madonna, Madonna
01:05:11Had married Guy Ritchie I think
01:05:13So I did hunting, shooting, fishing
01:05:15Madonna has opened up this world
01:05:17For us now, sweetheart
01:05:19She's made it stylish, reinvented it
01:05:21So you're going to kill things
01:05:23Because of Madonna
01:05:25This is my favourite bit
01:05:27After an aborted day of clay pigeon shooting
01:05:29Where Eddie manages to shoot a real pigeon
01:05:38Good God, Eddie
01:05:40I'm obviously well behind
01:05:41And a bit desperate
01:05:43I will fax you the vague plot of a script
01:05:45That went out this morning
01:05:47But don't be too downhearted for me
01:05:49It is improving by the second
01:05:51And any help much appreciated
01:05:53Realise you are very busy
01:05:55So no panic
01:05:57I'm going to cry
01:05:59Yeah, I think
01:06:01I was a bit desperate at this point
01:06:03I'm going to keep this fax and sell it
01:06:05As a matter of fact
01:06:07I'm going to sell all my scripts
01:06:09To be clear, Ruby is not selling
01:06:11Her scripts to us
01:06:13Although she has given me an idea for a show
01:06:15Desert Island Faxes
01:06:17Let's take a break
01:06:19Whilst I call my agent
01:06:21And we'll be back with some
01:06:23Never-before-seen photos
01:06:25From inside the Ab Fab rehearsal room
01:06:27Oh, look!
01:06:29And some moments from the studio floor
01:06:31That didn't quite go according to plan
01:06:33Oh, stop it!
01:06:35Now that was you!
01:06:37See you in a sec
01:06:42We shall change our vile body
01:06:44That it may be likened
01:06:46To his glorious body
01:06:48According to the mighty working
01:06:50Whereby he is able to subdue
01:06:52As he pleases
01:07:06She's very upset, you know
01:07:08I know
01:07:09Welcome back
01:07:11There are so many famous pictures
01:07:13Of Pats and Eddie through the years
01:07:15But here are some very special photographs
01:07:17That have never been seen before
01:07:19I was intrigued
01:07:21When we started doing this
01:07:23To come across this
01:07:25Which is a book of photographs
01:07:27Given to me by Jennifer
01:07:29Jennifer thought
01:07:31That history should record
01:07:33What we were doing
01:07:35While we were rehearsing
01:07:37And she hired a very nice lady
01:07:39Called Sally Holmes
01:07:41To take some pictures
01:07:43Oh, look!
01:07:45This is quite good
01:07:47To illustrate the rehearsal room
01:07:49Because this is what a rehearsal room looks like
01:07:51I think we'd have four days
01:07:53In the rehearsal room
01:07:55And I remember us asking Sally
01:07:57To come in
01:07:59Just to take some photos
01:08:01As we went
01:08:03I couldn't have done it without you
01:08:05Nobody else would have let me
01:08:07With lots of love
01:08:11I wouldn't have cared if we never filmed it
01:08:13Never ever?
01:08:15I wouldn't have cared if we weren't even paid
01:08:17Just to do rehearsals
01:08:19Just to be in rehearsal
01:08:21Was just the most fun thing
01:08:23Of just thinking
01:08:25How can we be the funniest we can be
01:08:27And how can I make everyone in this room laugh
01:08:29If you laugh between yourselves
01:08:31In the rehearsal room of a sitcom
01:08:33You're pretty nearly always right
01:08:35Why are these remedy bottles all over...
01:08:37No, that's annoying
01:08:39That's fine
01:08:41It's the first time
01:08:43She's ever had to say that line
01:08:45And I think she deserves some applause
01:08:50I went to rehearse
01:08:52And I remember thinking
01:08:54This is a matriarchy
01:08:56This is quite nice
01:08:58Everything is being done
01:09:00By these brilliant ladies
01:09:02And Joanna Lumley is handing out Rothmans
01:09:04We liked all the smoking
01:09:06Jennifer didn't smoke, I made her
01:09:07And I remember there not really being
01:09:09Much formal rehearsal
01:09:11There was just a lot of people
01:09:13Being very, very funny
01:09:15That thing that happens in comedy circles
01:09:17Where there's a sort of intimidating
01:09:19I always find it an intimidating level
01:09:21Of people being brilliant
01:09:23And topping each other
01:09:25So I was thinking this is all fabulous
01:09:27And they're all kind of
01:09:29Rock star level famous
01:09:31Because of this show
01:09:33But as Jennifer came on
01:09:35And as Joanna came on
01:09:37And Keith, Mick, Ronnie
01:09:39Out they came
01:09:41And Tom Hollander as Barlow
01:09:45Still no tongue
01:09:49You can't make a great sitcom
01:09:51Without a great director
01:09:53And Ab Fab had the best in the business
01:09:55In Bob Spears
01:09:57Bob was insanely brilliant
01:09:59He'd done
01:10:01The whole of the second series
01:10:03Of Fawlty Towers
01:10:05He'd done Dad's Army
01:10:07And he'd just start blocking it
01:10:09And Bob would just let us
01:10:11Work it out
01:10:13And what he was great at
01:10:15Was not interfering with the jokes
01:10:17Or anything he wanted to do
01:10:19He was just a genius
01:10:21At knowing how to put cameras
01:10:35Even though the Ab Fab scripts
01:10:37Weren't perfect by the time
01:10:39They were delivered on camera
01:10:41To put it politely
01:10:43Jennifer occasionally didn't have
01:10:45Every line worked out
01:10:47By the time the cast went into rehearsal
01:10:49To put it less politely
01:10:51It was mayhem
01:10:53But for good reason
01:10:55I do enjoy the fact that
01:10:57It wasn't complete by rehearsal
01:10:59Because then rehearsal sort of made it
01:11:01But there was a couple of times
01:11:03When I just hadn't thought of it
01:11:05I just hadn't thought of it
01:11:07And it consisted usually
01:11:09Of me ringing and saying
01:11:11Okay, how's it going?
01:11:13When do you think we'll get there, Jennifer?
01:11:17Two or three weeks
01:11:19We got very good at playing a game
01:11:21Where she knew she was lying to me
01:11:23I knew she was lying to me
01:11:25But we were in a world
01:11:27Where that was okay
01:11:29Okay, so what happens
01:11:31Is there's nothing, nothing, nothing
01:11:33And then sort of two days
01:11:35Before they're going to film it
01:11:37And then just genius
01:11:39Genius waves out and you go
01:11:41Where did this come from?
01:11:43I think a good comedy rehearsal
01:11:45Is a little bit like jazz, actually
01:11:47You kind of, you need to have the bones
01:11:49You need to know the tune
01:11:51And then you should be allowed to riff
01:11:53Because actually sometimes
01:11:55The magic is in that playing
01:11:57I totally get why Jennifer
01:11:59Liked to keep it loose
01:12:01Probably incredibly frustrating
01:12:03For everybody else, the script editor
01:12:05And people trying to plan the shots
01:12:07It's lightning in a bottle
01:12:09Did it frustrate you, Joanna
01:12:11That sometimes the script
01:12:13Wasn't entirely ready on day one?
01:12:15No, it didn't
01:12:17No, never
01:12:19I never minded at all
01:12:21You never worried
01:12:23I mean, I do think that
01:12:25The chaos of Eddie's mind
01:12:29Was maybe usefully served
01:12:31By the apparent chaos
01:12:33Of Jennifer's writing method
01:12:35In the first series
01:12:37The scripts were there
01:12:39The plots were there
01:12:41But the scenes weren't finished
01:12:43And I started to get
01:12:45Really nervous about that
01:12:47I had a conversation with Jane
01:12:49At one point
01:12:51Because I thought I was flailing
01:12:53Well, I was flailing
01:12:55And I said to Jane
01:12:57I'm struggling so much
01:12:59And Jane said
01:13:01Oh, I'm exactly the same
01:13:03I feel exactly the same
01:13:05Joanna used to get
01:13:07Given a lot of lines
01:13:09At the last minute
01:13:11Which wouldn't have
01:13:13Kept me happy at all
01:13:15But they had a great capacity
01:13:17To learn very quickly
01:13:19Jennifer once gave a script
01:13:21And said one scene
01:13:23Was something funny happens
01:13:25We once did a bathroom scene
01:13:27Where we were smoking a joint
01:13:29And had hidden in your bathroom upstairs
01:13:31Mother was outside
01:13:33Wrap-tapping on the door
01:13:36So we did
01:13:38What? What? What?
01:13:40No, I've forgotten the word now
01:13:42No, what?
01:13:44On your grave marker
01:13:46The words on your grave
01:13:48What is that?
01:13:50Your epitome
01:13:52What is that?
01:13:54What you want on your epitome?
01:13:56I want
01:13:58She was fantastic
01:14:00Patsy was here
01:14:03It wasn't just
01:14:05The people of Ab Fab
01:14:07Who were responsible
01:14:09For making the show sparkle
01:14:11On our screens
01:14:13The studio audience
01:14:15Played a big part too
01:14:17I think there was some shock value
01:14:19In having the audience
01:14:21And the immediate reaction
01:14:23To jokes and things
01:14:25So you knew what worked
01:14:27I love working with an audience
01:14:29I feel like you get the feedback
01:14:31Straight away
01:14:33The audience is a glorious
01:14:35Cast aside with joy
01:14:37It seemed to me that it encouraged
01:14:39The actors
01:14:41To go for it
01:14:43If in doubt, take three, fall over
01:14:49It gives you an adrenaline rush really
01:14:51Just the nerves
01:14:53Of going out in front of a live audience
01:14:55And knowing you had to do it for the cameras
01:15:00The second the audience start to laugh
01:15:02It's you, absolutely
01:15:06Every day is like a pick and mix
01:15:08And all you can eat for 50 cents
01:15:10Is forbidden fruit
01:15:12Isn't it darling?
01:15:20Just darling
01:15:22Stop it
01:15:24That was you
01:15:26Your friend
01:15:30Naughty audience
01:15:33You're not allowed
01:15:35To put off the actors now
01:15:37The difficulty about a studio audience
01:15:39Is that we are actually
01:15:41Servants to the cameras
01:15:43Because that's where it's going out
01:15:45To the wider audience
01:15:47But there in front of you
01:15:49Are 300 people
01:15:51And you drop blood
01:15:53To get them to laugh and love it
01:15:55But they're behind
01:15:57So the temptation is
01:15:59Particularly my temptation
01:16:00To remember that you're doing it
01:16:02For the cameras as well
01:16:04There was this thing
01:16:06Where the people who knew
01:16:08What they were doing
01:16:10I.e. not me
01:16:12Were playing the audience
01:16:14As well as playing the scene
01:16:16Of this dual split thing
01:16:18That you do when you're recording
01:16:20You're acting for the camera
01:16:22But you're also acting
01:16:24For the live audience
01:16:26Look at this beautiful face
01:16:28When I first saw this face
01:16:30I'd never seen before
01:16:32So that was
01:16:34Very anxious making
01:16:36So I went to a doctor
01:16:38And I said
01:16:40Could I have some beta blockers please
01:16:42Because I'd heard that beta blockers
01:16:44Stop you getting hysterical
01:16:46And the doctor went
01:16:48No, I can't just hand out beta blockers
01:16:50They're for people with heart conditions
01:16:53And I said
01:16:55No, no, I'm on Absolutely Fabulous
01:16:57Later, today
01:16:58And he went, really?
01:17:00Pulled open his jaw
01:17:04Improvement on the last one
01:17:06The one he picked up
01:17:08In Covent Garden Piazza
01:17:10Old clown face, bad breath and sandals
01:17:12I think when you're filming
01:17:14Without an audience
01:17:16You're trying to nail down
01:17:18What you had
01:17:20Whereas when you're doing it
01:17:22In front of an audience
01:17:24You're trying to expand
01:17:26Into what might be
01:17:28The audience
01:17:30At the end, we'd gone
01:17:32And taken our make-up off
01:17:34Grabbed our bags
01:17:36We'd go up to
01:17:38The bar
01:17:40The bar at the top
01:17:42Hospitality suite at the top
01:17:44Where June's husband Tim
01:17:46Would always be saying
01:17:48That was a marvellous show
01:17:50And he'd always got in
01:17:54Well done, that was marvellously funny
01:17:56And we'd all have drinks already there
01:17:58And that was a thing
01:18:00That June might not be happy with
01:18:02And so he was always there
01:18:04Going, June, now
01:18:06Do remember
01:18:08We've got a little thing
01:18:10And she'd be going, oh, Tim, don't worry
01:18:12And June would stay for all the drinks then
01:18:14But he was just always
01:18:16In case she wanted a bit of getaway
01:18:18Do remember, June, we've got a thing
01:18:20That we might need
01:18:22And she'd be going, no, no, Tim
01:18:24And I was always the last one
01:18:26Out of the hostility suite
01:18:28The reason that people get ABFAB
01:18:30In my eyes, wrong
01:18:32Is the fact that they imagine
01:18:34That they crave the wealth
01:18:36And the fancy hotels
01:18:38And the cars and the richness
01:18:40And everything, they hate it
01:18:42They have such disdain for it
01:18:44Which is why they treat it so badly, I think
01:18:46They would be completely in awe
01:18:48Of if they suddenly came across
01:18:50A bohemian, smokey basement
01:18:52With Serge Gainsbourg
01:18:54And Jane Birkin
01:18:56And Bardot
01:18:58And all these cars
01:19:00It's all to them, it's shit
01:19:02There's nothing
01:19:04Because it's not absolutely cool
01:19:06It's not the cool that they would really crave
01:19:11In 2016, Edina, Patsy and co
01:19:13Became fully-fledged movie stars
01:19:15In their own right
01:19:17In ABFAB, the movie
01:19:19A project that, like lots of the best ideas
01:19:21Began life as a drunken wager
01:19:24I think it was a bet with Dawn
01:19:26That I wouldn't
01:19:28A movie probably does go
01:19:30From A to F
01:19:33Whereas a sitcom goes from
01:19:35A to B to A to B to A to B
01:19:37It's a very different cup of tea
01:19:39I miss the audience
01:19:41I miss the rehearsal room
01:19:43I think the rehearsal room
01:19:45We were never together
01:19:47There was no sense of us as a gang
01:19:49Creating it
01:19:51I loved the film so much
01:19:53And I went to see it
01:19:55The night it came out
01:19:56It wasn't just full of women
01:19:58It was all women
01:20:00Everyone had Bolly or vodka
01:20:02And everyone was with their friends
01:20:04And that's exactly what it is
01:20:06It's like an ode to friendship
01:20:08And I thought the film was so wonderful
01:20:10It really talked about the fact
01:20:12That they are kind of
01:20:14They're the love of each other's lives
01:20:16So the question I have to ask is
01:20:18Is there any chance that
01:20:20Absolutely fabulous worried there?
01:20:22No, no
01:20:24Absolutely none
01:20:26Jennifer Saunders, thank you
01:20:28My pleasure
01:20:30I mean, Jennifer also said
01:20:32All those ABFAB scripts
01:20:34Would be delivered on time too
01:20:36And we all know how that went
01:20:38The ABFAB movie was the last time
01:20:40That Jennifer, Joanna, Jane and Julia
01:20:42Were all together on screen
01:20:44Until now
01:20:46But I mean, not right now
01:20:48In a couple of minutes after the break
01:20:50It'll be the ABFAB reunion
01:20:52You don't want to miss it
01:20:54Surprise, surprise
01:20:57This we shall explore
01:21:00Eddie darling, we need some drink here
01:21:05We've got one bottle left
01:21:11Welcome back
01:21:13Well, here we are
01:21:15It's the final part of the show
01:21:17And it's time for the big ABFAB reunion
01:21:19Expect hugs, laughter and Bollinger
01:21:21Oh, oh, oh
01:21:23Is it those divine feet?
01:21:24It's the divinities
01:21:26Surprise, surprise
01:21:30Oh, oh God
01:21:32What a treat
01:21:34Darling, darling
01:21:36Oh, what do you eat?
01:21:38Oh, darling girl
01:21:41When was the last time?
01:21:43Ages ago
01:21:45After June's memorial
01:21:47Oh gosh
01:21:49Look here, have you seen these?
01:21:51These are the old Polaroids
01:21:52Bubbles, bubbles, Polaroids
01:21:54Oh, I remember, I actually remember that one
01:21:56That's so Bubble
01:21:58That was the first series, wasn't it?
01:22:00Have you seen this part?
01:22:06Adorable face
01:22:08But I was a bit sickly there
01:22:10That was in France, wasn't it?
01:22:12That was in France, definitely, yeah
01:22:14I had a really poorly tummy
01:22:16Such a pale little person
01:22:18Oh, Junie
01:22:20And now we're on to Junie
01:22:22And that, we filmed that
01:22:24before we'd done anything in the studio
01:22:26And that's when Eddie came back
01:22:28from some frightful rave
01:22:30Yes, The Rolling Who
01:22:32Is it The Stones?
01:22:34Who was it, darling?
01:22:36Was it Eel Pie Island?
01:22:38Is that cider I smell?
01:22:40The Stones, The Rolling Who
01:22:42The Rolling Who
01:22:46Oh, darling
01:22:48Now look
01:22:50That's gorgeous, don't you?
01:22:52Do you have a worst moment?
01:22:54Can't talk about other people
01:22:56No, my worst moments were always
01:22:59arriving at the rehearsal rooms
01:23:01Do you remember the one
01:23:03when we were rehearsing
01:23:05Hunt and Shoot and Fission
01:23:07And I had nothing
01:23:09I was literally turning up with nothing
01:23:11And I remember thinking
01:23:13What's the excuse?
01:23:15And the excuse was my computer
01:23:17wouldn't work on the train
01:23:19so I couldn't write it
01:23:20I had nothing
01:23:22But by the end of it we had a show
01:23:24It was invariably like that, wasn't it?
01:23:26Invariably by the Wednesday
01:23:28we were thinking
01:23:30And then we'd get new scenes
01:23:32And suddenly it would all happen
01:23:34and come together
01:23:36The paper was actually hot
01:23:38when off the printer
01:23:40It would come in warm
01:23:42On the Wednesday
01:23:44After the tech run
01:23:46Thank God for you, honestly
01:23:48I got off lightly
01:23:50We'd get reams of dialogue
01:23:52at the last minute
01:23:54And we're brilliant at remembering it
01:23:56You know that
01:23:58You know when Patsy says
01:24:00Well, can you say this?
01:24:02And it'd be like five lines
01:24:04I'd be like
01:24:06Oh, I know
01:24:08Oh, God, I'm so sorry
01:24:10It's making me feel
01:24:12You must have come into that room
01:24:14and just seen a sea of faces
01:24:16waiting and looking at you
01:24:18I had to stop outside
01:24:20on the first day
01:24:22because on that first day
01:24:24you had to be the one
01:24:26that kept everything going
01:24:28because otherwise it was Bob
01:24:30Or John
01:24:32who sometimes I remember
01:24:34having to throw out of rehearsals
01:24:36because he couldn't make his face smile
01:24:38And I remember saying
01:24:40John, you're going to have to go
01:24:42because he sometimes had
01:24:44and it was his thinking face
01:24:46He wasn't being awful
01:24:48We can't rehearse with that face
01:24:50It's brilliant
01:24:52And some people have it all prepared
01:24:54and whatever
01:24:56And that's how you flourish
01:24:58On the hoof
01:25:00So sort of improvising really
01:25:02weren't we?
01:25:04Yeah, absolutely
01:25:06Which is lovely
01:25:08And I wish we'd just called it
01:25:10The Improvised Show
01:25:12So there won't be a script
01:25:14It'll all happen that week
01:25:16because that would be great
01:25:18And you want to make sure
01:25:20it's perfect
01:25:22Yeah, not swinging saloon doors
01:25:31You two are terribly good
01:25:33at not ever laughing
01:25:35but you laughed once
01:25:37Talking about the same people?
01:25:39You got bad at one point
01:25:41You just got bad
01:25:43No, when she was doing
01:25:45When she was doing that
01:25:47What were you?
01:25:48I can't remember
01:25:50You were like a cat spraying
01:25:52What was I spraying?
01:26:07That wasn't her
01:26:19I don't remember that
01:26:25But we couldn't hold it together at all
01:26:27All the way through rehearsals as well
01:26:29Me and Jennifer
01:26:31We were awful together
01:26:33We had to do our scenes
01:26:35looking like that
01:26:37Not at each other
01:26:39Which made it even worse
01:26:41We couldn't look at each other
01:26:43That's absolutely terrible
01:26:45Because when I started telling her off
01:26:47Well, her bubble face
01:26:49Her bubble face
01:26:51You come back here now
01:26:53I'm fed up with this attitude of yours
01:27:00Much loved the world over
01:27:02for her portrayal of Edina's mother
01:27:04Dame June Whitfield died in 2018
01:27:06at the grand old age of 93
01:27:09June is a very, very sad loss
01:27:12She was a wonderful comic actress
01:27:14She absolutely knew
01:27:16how comedy worked
01:27:18And do you know, darling
01:27:20the real problem started, sweetie
01:27:22because I wasn't even breastfed
01:27:24Oh, don't be ridiculous, dear
01:27:26It wasn't done in those days
01:27:28Imagine me having that clamp to my breast
01:27:32And I always knew
01:27:34Junie always chose clothes for Mother
01:27:36that she might just take home in her suitcase
01:27:38At the end of the day
01:27:40Oh, do you think she did?
01:27:42Always, I know
01:27:44I just put some champagne on the table
01:27:46Nothing fazed her
01:27:48Do you remember her saying buggery bollocks
01:27:50and you go, my gosh
01:27:52Nothing ever fazed her
01:27:54Shall we raise a glass to June?
01:27:56This is to Junie
01:27:58To Junie
01:28:00And to Junie
01:28:02And if I may say so
01:28:04To absolutely Fabio
01:28:06Oh, cheers, my loves
01:28:09It's us here
01:28:11Fancy News Changing, darling
01:28:15It's us now
01:28:17Fancy News Changing
01:28:19Oh, that's us in our underclothes
01:28:21Look at that
01:28:23I, since, since this picture was taken
01:28:25this is now my actual body
01:28:27This is completely what I look like now
01:28:30Isn't that weird?
01:28:32It was so funny
01:28:34We'd already walked round the BBC
01:28:35walked around the BBC going hello like this on the doors nobody laughed at us
01:28:39which made us laugh even more anyway we've gotten this coach I remember
01:28:43sitting at the front but dressed like this with teeth in I looked out at the
01:28:48window one of the traffic lights and I looked down there was a cup family in a
01:28:51car and a man he looked up like this I would oh no and he said oh look it's
01:28:55Joanna Lumley
01:29:35bursting at the seams with comedy there's something for everyone
