• 2 days ago
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00:00:00For 20 years, the racing roar has echoed off the buildings of Long Beach, California.
00:00:27First, the Formula 5000 ripped through a shabby downtown.
00:00:30The city grew, and so did the race.
00:00:32In 77, Mario Andretti celebrated a Formula 1 win.
00:00:35Now, three IndyCar wins later here, Mario faces his last pass down Shoreline Drive.
00:00:41In 1986, son Michael kept the Andretti name alive with his first IndyCar win.
00:00:46Passing years reveal a beautiful skyline, and Al Unser Jr. challenging the Andrettis.
00:00:52Al became the king of the beach for the next four years.
00:00:55Two years ago, Danny Sullivan brought his teammate Little Al's win streak to a screeching halt.
00:01:00Last year, Penske driver Paul Tracy scored his first IndyCar win.
00:01:04Today, Tracy has the pull.
00:01:07The run through the streets is about to begin.
00:01:11It's round number three of the PPG IndyCar World Series, the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.
00:01:25Hello and welcome. I'm Paul Page with the beautiful Queen Mary as a backdrop.
00:01:29We're ready to go racing.
00:01:31And here at Long Beach, the real trick is the fact that the entire track is rimmed with concrete walls.
00:01:36One mistake, and it'll snatch you right out of the lead of the race in no time flat.
00:01:41It's a very tactical race here as well.
00:01:43We have a great afternoon in store for you.
00:01:45Some surprises, too, on the grid.
00:01:47So let's take a look at the starting field.
00:01:49On the pole, it's Paul Tracy, the defending champion here at Long Beach.
00:01:54Alongside Al Unser Jr., who won four in a row here from 88 to 91.
00:01:59In row two, Emerson Fittipaldi, the winner last week at Phoenix.
00:02:03Alongside is Nigel Mansell, the third-place finisher last week at Phoenix.
00:02:07In row three, it's Robbie Gordon, who ran out of fuel while leading at Phoenix.
00:02:12In row number three, outside is Mario Andretti, a three-time IndyCar winner here.
00:02:17In row four, Raul Boisell to the inside.
00:02:19He has three top ten finishes here at Long Beach.
00:02:22And Mauricio Guzman, the highest-qualifying Reynard chassis and the fastest rookie in this race.
00:02:27In row five, it's Michael Andretti, the 86 winner here.
00:02:31And Stephan Johansson, whose car is an unknown after crashing in qualifying.
00:02:36In row six, Bobby Rahal and Tao Fabi.
00:02:39In the seventh row, Marco Bracco and Jacques Villeneuve.
00:02:43In row eight, Scott Goodyear, Ari Leyendyk.
00:02:46The ninth row, Dominic Dobson and Mark Smith.
00:02:50The tenth row, Adrian Fernandez and Alessandro Zampadri.
00:02:54In the eleventh row, it's Scott Sharp and Willie T. Ribbs.
00:02:58In the twelfth row, Jimmy Vassar and Mike Groff.
00:03:01Row 13, Davey Jones and Robby Buell.
00:03:05In row 14, Frank Friant and Claude Bourbonnet.
00:03:08Row 15, Robby Groff and Buddy Lazear.
00:03:11And those that came here but did not qualify,
00:03:14Mashushta Kudre and Johnny Unser.
00:03:17The cars are on the track, and we're ready to go racing.
00:03:24This is Paul Page with Sam Posey and Bobby Unser in the booth.
00:03:27Jack Arood and Gary Gerald are giving us coverage from trackside.
00:03:31This track here at Long Beach is a magnificent circuit, a temporary.
00:03:351.59 miles around, eight turns, two very long and very fast straightaways.
00:03:41Here today, it is Paul Tracy that is the defending champion.
00:03:44He is also the holder of the race record.
00:03:47We expect pit stops for fuel as early as 18 laps, as late as 42.
00:03:52So now, they move around the circuit, ready to move into formation.
00:03:56One lap to go.
00:03:57They have already begun their pace lap, the two parade laps complete here at Long Beach.
00:04:02We ride with Scott Goodyear, looking forward from his car.
00:04:09All these cars will move into their familiar rows of two
00:04:12after they come off of the final hairpin turn.
00:04:15On board here, the Raynard of Michael Andretti.
00:04:18Scott Sharp is reported stalled on the race course.
00:04:21We'll keep track of that story, too.
00:04:24Now on seaside, the backside, the second long straight,
00:04:28as you ride with the Robbie Gordon car.
00:04:32There's Scott, as they're trying to get him started.
00:04:35The rest of the field is all set to go,
00:04:38and apparently what they'll do is get him started,
00:04:41and if he's lucky, he'll be able to start from the pits and follow the field.
00:04:44That should not be too much of a penalty.
00:04:48Looking off the front of Bobby Rahal's Honda-powered car.
00:04:52Our race analysis for today.
00:04:54Again, fuel stops as early as 18, as late as 42, depending on the yellows.
00:04:58Two stops, if you want to do the race right.
00:05:01Look at that front of the field, three Penske cars and Nigel Manson.
00:05:06They make the last pass that turns them now back toward the hairpin,
00:05:11and this right-hander into the hairpin.
00:05:14They should align here. This first corner is going to be very crowded.
00:05:18The rest of the field starts to come on.
00:05:21Now the crowd begins to roar.
00:05:23They give it the green. They give it the green.
00:05:26It surprises me, but they give it the green.
00:05:28The rest of the field struggling off of that hairpin turn.
00:05:31F.A. battle down into the corner.
00:05:38Penske cars maintain their position, but they come three abreast.
00:05:41Everybody's through the first two corners safely.
00:05:45Bob, that had to be one of the worst starts I think I've ever seen any car race in.
00:05:49Flagman should have brought them around another time.
00:05:51They weren't lined up at all.
00:05:53Looks like only the Penske cars were aligned.
00:05:55It's now Tracy Allenser, Jr., Emerson, Fittipaldi.
00:05:58Nigel Manson pursues from fourth place.
00:06:01In qualifying, the three Penske cars qualified within a tenth of a second of each other.
00:06:06It explains why they're running so close right now.
00:06:10Paul Tracy still running at the front of the field.
00:06:13Will he lead the first lap? Will he win another race here?
00:06:16He scored his first IndyCar victory at this track.
00:06:19Paul Tracy, the number three Penske car.
00:06:21Allenser, Jr., the 31 car with a black rollover bar.
00:06:25And of course, there is Fittipaldi, the number two car, black number two.
00:06:30Penske scored his first win ever here last year as a team,
00:06:35having been shut out through all the Andretti and Unser years.
00:06:39Now he's come back with a vengeance for the car that he's really handling beautifully here.
00:06:44You know, Sam, there's one thing safe to assume,
00:06:46and that's Penske has told his drivers,
00:06:48don't wreck with each other.
00:06:50Race, but save the really hard racing until right to the end of the race.
00:06:54This is the fight for fourth place as Robbie Gordon is closing on Nigel Manson.
00:06:58The interesting thing is to see Manson, who had the pole here last year, of course,
00:07:03in eclipse this year. Fourth fastest only in qualifying.
00:07:06Not a threat, at least at this point in the race.
00:07:09Mario Andretti closing on this battle as well.
00:07:12He is car number six, just behind Robbie Gordon.
00:07:14You know, Robbie Gordon has really set his sights on emulating Nigel Manson.
00:07:18As Gordon matured in racing, it was Manson who was achieving everything last year.
00:07:23So this means a lot for him to have Manson in his sights right now.
00:07:27On board with Robbie Gordon now.
00:07:29Two laps are complete as they flash over the start-finish line.
00:07:32Here's through turn one and two.
00:07:34And down, swing far to the left, another right-hander.
00:07:37They don't do much shifting here.
00:07:39They come up from second gear to third to fourth.
00:07:41They hit fifth as they accelerate through these very fast sweepers out onto the back stretch.
00:07:46Very fast back straightaway right here down into turn.
00:07:50They're in a good place to pass.
00:07:52We'll keep track of this car, Bobby Rahal.
00:07:54The corner workers are reporting that there's a fire in the left rear of his car.
00:07:58Now there's more than a fire. At least there's a lot of smoke.
00:08:01That's that Honda engine car, and it is in trouble now.
00:08:04Well, it's either going to be an engine or it's going to be some fiberglass.
00:08:07It's not fiberglass. It's carbon fiber.
00:08:09Most likely he's got engine problems.
00:08:11We can almost tell by how quick he pulls off.
00:08:14Let's look under there. There is some fire very definitely under that car as Rahal heads into the pits.
00:08:18That's the body work that's burning up underneath there.
00:08:21This is a team which is having some trouble.
00:08:23Yeah, Garrett's right there as Bobby Rahal comes rolling down the pits now.
00:08:27And they will be ready with the fire equipment.
00:08:30It's probably not a serious situation, but certainly has everybody concerned.
00:08:35Well, Paul, Bobby Rahal brings his car in, and it is on fire in the left rear area.
00:08:40They're taking off the cowl...
00:08:43But this is a tough day for Bobby Rahal because during the last practice session,
00:08:47he started this race realizing that he had a questionable gearbox.
00:08:51He did not go to the backup car.
00:08:53And it's an early DNF for Bobby Rahal and the new Honda engine here at Long Beach.
00:08:57Back on the circuit. You ride with number 6, Michael Andretti, there for a moment. There he is.
00:09:02Michael, after his extremely promising start in that new Renard chassis in Surfer's Paradise,
00:09:08Australia has had trouble at Phoenix a week ago and was not exceptionally fast in qualifying here either.
00:09:14That's Guzulman just ahead of him. Behind him is Johansson.
00:09:18On board with Michael again, and I just want to make a note on this car. It hasn't looked good.
00:09:22I've been down to the turns watching it all weekend.
00:09:25It has not got the car balanced.
00:09:27The shock absorbers look like they don't fit the racetrack well.
00:09:30Definitely, we're having trouble. The Renard car is here at Long Beach.
00:09:34Is there a solution to their problems, Bobby?
00:09:36Yes, it is. And it's probably just a discovery phase, Paul.
00:09:39It's just barely matching the track.
00:09:41We knew they were coming to Australia. They're just not working good here.
00:09:46He's practiced very well at Indianapolis, so that is promising as we look ahead.
00:09:52Michael Andretti has struggled with this car throughout the weekend
00:09:55as Scott Sharp goes back into the race and is in the action.
00:09:59Gary Gerald, do you have an update on the work they've been doing on this car?
00:10:02Well, indeed, Paul. You know, he won on the streets of Australia,
00:10:05but it's been a totally frustrating weekend here for this team.
00:10:08He says the problem has been getting grip to the rear of the car.
00:10:12I spoke with him just before he got in the cockpit before the start of this race,
00:10:16and he said it wasn't any better this morning.
00:10:18He qualified in the ninth spot, but he ran only 15 fast in the warm-ups.
00:10:22It's a very frustrated Michael Andretti, who won on the streets of Australia,
00:10:26not doing so well on the streets of Long Beach.
00:10:28Gary, Bobby and I watched Michael practicing the other day right from the edge of the track.
00:10:32He gets an awful lot of wheelspin. He drives the wheels off the car.
00:10:35There's a crowd roaring approval when he comes by, but just no speed.
00:10:39Sam, he said that that's one of the keys.
00:10:42He said you could hustle the car through the chicanes in Australia,
00:10:45but here, every time you try to put that power down, it just wants to get away from you,
00:10:49and you can't hustle the car.
00:10:51And he said it seems like the harder you try, the slower you get.
00:10:54Most of that is caused by different turns at Long Beach as opposed to Australia.
00:10:58Australia almost had straightaways at 90-degree turns.
00:11:01Here, as you can see going around Long Beach, turns of different angles all over the place.
00:11:07The weather here in Southern California is overcast.
00:11:11Temperature's in the mid-70s, no threat of rain at all,
00:11:14but it looks like it's going to be a super day for racing and just right air for carburetion.
00:11:18The car right in front of Michael Guzman there, Mauricio Guzman.
00:11:23You see there the word Hollywood on the side of the car.
00:11:26That is Brazil's number one cigarette company,
00:11:29and it explains that this is such an international series that that is a sponsor here.
00:11:34Now with Bobby Rahal out of the race, he's joined Jack Arood.
00:11:38Well, Bobby, you were concerned about the gearbox. Is that what put you out?
00:11:41Well, it looks like an oil line broke. It's too bad.
00:11:44The car, we made a change in morning session, and it really ran well,
00:11:48and I was looking forward to the race, and, you know, even with the oil leak in the first lap,
00:11:53which I was, you know, like, this car was super in the corners.
00:11:57I was looking forward to it. It's just a damn shame.
00:12:00And he needed a boost here, Paul, because he was getting ready to go to Indianapolis for the 500.
00:12:05He didn't race in that race last year.
00:12:07Well, we hope Bobby Rahal doesn't have a repeat of last year
00:12:11as he did not make it into the Indy 500 mile race.
00:12:15Watching Raul Boisell now. He runs in 6th place.
00:12:20So at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, it's Paul Tracy in front,
00:12:24being chased by Alan Dirk Jr. and Emerson Fittipaldi.
00:12:27Watching now as we keep an eye on Raul Boisell.
00:12:30I'm Paul Page with Sam Posey, Bobby Unser, Jack Arood, and Gary Gerald.
00:12:34We are at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.
00:12:37We are on the 8th lap of the race.
00:12:39Paul Tracy, who was the pole sitter with a new track record,
00:12:42jumped to the lead, followed by his Penske teammates,
00:12:46Alan Dirk Jr. and Emerson Fittipaldi.
00:12:48Nigel Mansell sits in 4th, Robbie Gordon in 5th.
00:12:51They've been chasing each other.
00:12:54Nigel Mansell sits in 4th, Robbie Gordon in 5th.
00:12:57They have not changed in the top positions on this track
00:13:00as you look not only at the positions,
00:13:02but also their time behind the leader of the race.
00:13:05We keep track of the 8th place car now,
00:13:07the 88 machine, Mauricio Guzman,
00:13:09who is a rookie on this track and the highest-qualifying Renard.
00:13:13But he's a Grand Prix veteran of 74 Grand Prix races.
00:13:18You see Al Unser Jr. in car number 31.
00:13:21Al has a birthday coming up in just a couple of days.
00:13:23He is 31 now, same as his car number.
00:13:26He'll soon be 32.
00:13:27He's getting to be an old man already, isn't he, Sam?
00:13:29Speak for yourself, Bob.
00:13:32Al Unser Jr., 2nd place.
00:13:35A man who has infused, it seems, a new spirit into this team.
00:13:39Matter of fact, they say that Fittipaldi really likes his presence.
00:13:42Well, in a sense, Al gave his 20s to the Rick Gallus team,
00:13:46and I think he'll give a decade of his 30s to the Penske team.
00:13:50And he is a man who can bring attitude to a team,
00:13:53and that's very important.
00:13:54They say, how much does a driver really mean in a team?
00:13:57Is he just the guy that stands on the accelerator?
00:13:59No, he inspires the whole team.
00:14:01That's right. I was just now talking to Jerry Freon,
00:14:03the right-rear man and very important man on that team,
00:14:05who does all the fabrication work on that car.
00:14:07And he said the same thing.
00:14:09He said, they are so happy with little Al
00:14:11because he brought a lot of motivation and enthusiasm to that team.
00:14:14And that's what a team is all about.
00:14:16Teams are really teams, not individuals.
00:14:19No change at the top of the order.
00:14:21Paul Tracy runs alone.
00:14:22You're looking at the key battle on the racecourt
00:14:24as the fight for second between Fittipaldi and little Al.
00:14:27Although, speaking of teams,
00:14:28the Penske team runs one car against another against another.
00:14:32In other words, they have an intramural rivalry there.
00:14:35Each team run in the pits by a different tactician.
00:14:39So this is a real race for points that we're watching,
00:14:42not just a demonstration by the 10th Penske team.
00:14:46Paul Tracy runs alone
00:14:48as we keep an eye on the fight within the Penske team.
00:14:51Tracy is one of only eight drivers ever to lead here at Long Beach.
00:15:04The Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.
00:15:06Brought to you by Toyota
00:15:08and their full line of quality cars and trucks.
00:15:11Toyota, I love what you do for me.
00:15:15Craftsman, a line of 1,600 hand tools made in America.
00:15:21Budweiser, beechwood aged for a crisp, clean, classic taste.
00:15:25And Avalon Formula 3 motor oil.
00:15:28Add more life to your car.
00:15:35We're back at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach
00:15:37as we take a look at the running order.
00:15:39The field led from the green by Paul Tracy.
00:15:41The battle is between Unser Jr. and Fittipaldi.
00:15:44So for the moment, it is broken off just a bit
00:15:47as they've had to cycle around the car of Claude Bourbonnais
00:15:51who, when they first came up on him, really pitched it sideways,
00:15:54almost caught the wall, but kept it going.
00:15:56New driver to the IndyCars, Bourbonnais.
00:15:58Exactly. Paul Tracy, a fellow Canadian,
00:16:01is driving a car that is brand new here.
00:16:05You'll recall if you saw the race at Phoenix last week
00:16:08that he wrecked that car.
00:16:09Penske Racing has a bunch of new cars.
00:16:11This is one of them.
00:16:13They had problems with the brake and gear they did on Friday.
00:16:16Lost some practice time, but they came back really strong.
00:16:19Fittipaldi runs in 3rd place, chasing Unser Jr.
00:16:22Jack, do you have an update?
00:16:24Well, Paul Samposy alluded to the fact that there are
00:16:263 distinct sets of tactics in Team Penske.
00:16:28We may begin to see some of them unfolding for Emerson Fittipaldi.
00:16:32Their team is electing to look for a yellow as early as lap 15.
00:16:37They want to come in early and try and use attrition
00:16:39to work their way back to the front.
00:16:41They're hoping that there will be a full-course yellow.
00:16:43History has shown that there generally is between laps 15 and 25.
00:16:47I was going to say, Jack, and by the way, we have a car off
00:16:50and in a very precarious area.
00:16:52They may get it. It's Dominic Thompson,
00:16:54so they may actually get their wish.
00:16:57We'll see if he's going to get restarted,
00:16:59but Jack Arood, if I can ask you further,
00:17:01was not that the anticipation of everybody up and down the pits
00:17:05that there would be an early yellow?
00:17:07In fact, perhaps earlier than this?
00:17:09Well, most people felt because of the tight quarters of racing here, Paul,
00:17:12that there would be several full-course yellows.
00:17:15But in the case of Roger Penske's crew, as you know,
00:17:18although we've alluded to the fact that sometimes he calls the shots,
00:17:21they are left to make their own decisions,
00:17:23and this was a decision they made after warm-ups this morning.
00:17:28So now back to the front of the field.
00:17:30Paul Tracy, the No. 3 car, still leads it,
00:17:32and it doesn't seem that they're going to go to full-course yellow
00:17:35while Dominic Thompson sits in what appears to be a fairly precarious position.
00:17:38Well, normally they're not.
00:17:39They'll just have a area, what we call an area yellow right there for Dominic.
00:17:43But on the Penske car, Paul, the cars, ironically, are identical cars.
00:17:48The settings on them are almost to the degree,
00:17:50exactly the same as one to the other,
00:17:52but the game plans for the race are up to the team's individual.
00:17:56They can do pit stop or game planning any way they want to,
00:17:59as far as Penske's concerned.
00:18:00Take a look as they get down toward the first corner
00:18:02at the back of Paul Tracy's car here, the fin, the shark fin.
00:18:07They first came out with that a week ago at Phoenix,
00:18:10and it's part of development that leads to an announcement this week that they made
00:18:14that they're going to be racing at Indianapolis with the Mercedes engine,
00:18:19a pushrod production-based engine.
00:18:21Paul, this is really an earth-shattering announcement
00:18:24made jointly by Penske Racing and Mercedes-Benz.
00:18:27They're not going to race with the Mercedes next year at Indy.
00:18:30They're going to race this year.
00:18:31It's probably the best-kept secret in racing in the last 10 or 15 years, I would say.
00:18:37What it means, they're going to take advantage of what you might call a loophole
00:18:40or an incentive clause in the Indy rules, run a stock block engine,
00:18:45which rumors already have posted, they think, as much as 1,000 horsepower.
00:18:50They should have tremendous, at least a speed advantage.
00:18:54Reliability will, of course, be a question,
00:18:57but it's major racing news, Penske and Mercedes getting together.
00:19:01And ironically, Sam, their reliability on the engine and the testing,
00:19:04they've run many tests so far at 500 miles and longer,
00:19:08500 to 600 miles with the same engine without any failures.
00:19:11And, believe it or not, they were running in all that snow
00:19:15back in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, shoveling snow all night long,
00:19:19starting to run at 8 o'clock in the morning in secrecy.
00:19:22Don't you find it amazing that they kept that a secret?
00:19:25And they kept the fin a secret.
00:19:27I mean, the Penske group is really operating as marked men now.
00:19:31You wonder what else they might know about what's ahead.
00:19:34Competition's very severe today.
00:19:36Something else to remember as we look forward to the Indy 500,
00:19:40pushrod engine has completed 200 laps, the full 500 miles,
00:19:44only once in the last 25 years.
00:19:48So, we keep track of the leader, Paul Tracy.
00:19:51You can see he's pulled out ahead of second-place Allens or Junior,
00:19:54but Emerson, Phil, and Fittipaldi are staying in the fight.
00:20:00World champion Shannon Miller defends her crown.
00:20:02The sports best compete for the all-around title
00:20:04of the World Gymnastics Championships
00:20:06Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports.
00:20:13We're back at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach,
00:20:15and there is a problem, as you can see.
00:20:18Down in the first corner, two cars together,
00:20:20one Paul Tracy with Mike Groff.
00:20:23Here's what happened.
00:20:24Chasing into the corner as Tracy was working through traffic.
00:20:31Got caught up behind the 19 car, Bobby.
00:20:33Yes, that's exactly what happened.
00:20:35Paul was committed to go to the inside, as you can see right there.
00:20:38The 19 car, Robby Buehl, is braking too fast.
00:20:41Paul had more rear brakes than the front brakes.
00:20:44He locked it up and spun it.
00:20:45He just was pressing too hard into the corner, in my opinion.
00:20:49And he was lucky that Groff was alert
00:20:51and able to get on the brakes right there.
00:20:53Damage to the front of Groff's car.
00:20:55I don't see a lot on Tracy's car.
00:20:57No, but he's obviously killed his engine.
00:20:59Leaves him in a terrible position.
00:21:01In effect, he's about the same as being out of the race,
00:21:03no matter what happens.
00:21:04This, of course, catapults Al Unser Jr. into the lead.
00:21:07The man who won this race four times in a row
00:21:10and had a fifth all lined up when he was tapped from behind
00:21:13by Danny Sullivan.
00:21:15Now, one of the things that will happen, Sam, Paul,
00:21:17is Inske is going to tell little Al what Tracy did.
00:21:20Obviously, it was his fault.
00:21:21He just overdrove going into the turn a little bit.
00:21:24And little Al's going to be a little bit more careful himself.
00:21:27Especially if Elmo doesn't come up and start pushing him too hard.
00:21:30Well, little Al, of course, has been involved a couple of times
00:21:33in incidents here, too.
00:21:34And it just shows that at Long Beach,
00:21:36the racing is extremely close,
00:21:38and things can go wrong, as Paul said at the top of the show,
00:21:40in a split second.
00:21:43IndyCar safety team out there
00:21:45trying to get Paul Tracy going again,
00:21:47as well as Groff.
00:21:48Ballenger Jr. assumes the lead on the 22nd lap of the race.
00:21:52Still no full course yellows,
00:21:54so no reason yet for the teams to pull their cars down into the pits.
00:21:58We started this race with eight rookies to Long Beach,
00:22:01so that kind of thing is very likely here.
00:22:04Drivers unfamiliar with the circuit at full race jam.
00:22:07And as people look ahead to the Indianapolis 500,
00:22:10that high number of rookies is a cause for great concern.
00:22:13Here, where incidents happen like the ones we've seen so far,
00:22:16they happen at very low speeds.
00:22:17With these strong cars, everybody gets out of them safely,
00:22:20most of the time.
00:22:21At Indy, things may be very different.
00:22:23But, Sam, even though the speeds here at Long Beach
00:22:25look kind of slow to people, 108-mile-an-hour average lap,
00:22:29they're actually running 190 miles an hour
00:22:32down the straightaway here at Long Beach.
00:22:34So people have to have the right perspective to speed.
00:22:38It's the slow turn, it's the hairpin
00:22:40that brings the average down so low here.
00:22:42Well, I wouldn't want to be a nose ornament
00:22:44on one of these cars, I'll tell you.
00:22:46Well, that's for sure.
00:22:47I should call Tracy a little while ago.
00:22:49Allen, Jr., definitely caught up in traffic now
00:22:52and taking care, I think, as he's coming through there.
00:22:55He's being cautious.
00:22:56This is the first time that Al, Jr.
00:22:58has really led a race substantially for Roger Penske
00:23:00since he joined the team this season,
00:23:02so this is a very proud moment.
00:23:04And an important moment for him.
00:23:06Yeah, psychologically, you always wait
00:23:08to make that mark with the new team,
00:23:10particularly when it's a team with the rich history of Penske.
00:23:13And, of course, this deal long in the coming
00:23:15and now reaching fruition.
00:23:17Yeah, just like that hairpin turn right there
00:23:19where you saw little Al working up on that left traffic, Sam,
00:23:22he doesn't want to go in there and touch a wing.
00:23:25That would just be disastrous at this point.
00:23:27Watch him right here going down the end
00:23:29of the front straightaway here, very fast speed,
00:23:32very careful not to take any chances on passing right now.
00:23:3616 cars still on the leader lap.
00:23:39Allen, Jr. is trying to pass Adrian Fernandez
00:23:42in the 7 car just ahead of him.
00:23:45Fernandez currently runs in 16th place.
00:23:47So at the top of the order now with the change
00:23:50is Allen, Jr., then Fittipaldi, then Nitro-Mansel,
00:23:53now third, Robbie Gordon is fourth,
00:23:55Mario Andretti runs in fifth place,
00:23:57followed by Raul Boissell, Maricio Buschelmann,
00:23:59Michael Andretti, Stefan Johansson,
00:24:02Marco Greco has moved up into the top 10
00:24:05and runs 10th right now.
00:24:07Allen, Jr. is leading his race for the 7th time in 11 years.
00:24:10We'll be back after this message and a word from our ABC station.
00:24:17At the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach,
00:24:19the leaders now very carefully having to tiptoe
00:24:22their way through traffic.
00:24:24Emerson Fittipaldi trying to find a way
00:24:26perhaps in between Adrian Fernandez and Ari Leyendyk,
00:24:30the two cars just ahead.
00:24:32He's around Leyendyk now, trying to stay in contact
00:24:35with his teammate Allen, Jr., who is the leader.
00:24:37Little Al had problems getting around this thing.
00:24:40Davy Jones is in trouble, along with Mark Smith.
00:24:43Jones is going to try to get it going again,
00:24:45but remember, those walls are right there.
00:24:47You know, the big secret to spinning out here,
00:24:49which does happen occasionally, is not to kill your engine.
00:24:52Davy didn't kill his, but it looks like now that he has.
00:24:56In other words, kept his engine running,
00:24:58has a replay of it coming down.
00:24:59All right, the two cars were battling for 19th place.
00:25:03Jones just got into the side of Mark Smith
00:25:05as they came in the corner.
00:25:06Nigel ducked by on the inside.
00:25:08Nigel was the lucky one.
00:25:09Davy locked up his brakes.
00:25:10When you lock up your brakes
00:25:11and you can't let them off real quick,
00:25:13you have, in effect, no steering.
00:25:15He ran right into the side of Mark Smith.
00:25:17The problem would have been Davy Jones.
00:25:19He's the guy that caused that one.
00:25:21He has been having a very unhappy year
00:25:23in that A.J. Foyt car.
00:25:25Crashing, surfer's paradise, trouble last week.
00:25:28I talked to him about an hour before the race.
00:25:31His morale is low, and this isn't going to help any.
00:25:34Sometimes teams just don't click,
00:25:36and these two guys are not clicking.
00:25:38I've been down the turn, Sam, watching Davy.
00:25:40Sometimes he looks good.
00:25:41Sometimes he looks terrible.
00:25:43So he's not working with the mechanics properly.
00:25:46Somewhere or another, the whole team
00:25:47is just not working together.
00:25:48And Mark Smith, of course,
00:25:49a very promising young driver from the Northwest,
00:25:53as he's had his problems too.
00:25:54Didn't even qualify for last week.
00:25:56He rode it out in the hospital.
00:25:57Now, it would appear that Davy Jones,
00:25:59he got out there, had first gear,
00:26:01but no reverse.
00:26:02Now, remember, these cars on a road circuit
00:26:04are supposed to have reverses.
00:26:06Maybe his is not working,
00:26:07but he was able to take off
00:26:08without getting a push start there.
00:26:10He has a reverse gear.
00:26:11He told me he did.
00:26:12Nigel Mansell, of course,
00:26:13has moved into third now as we ride with him.
00:26:16Here's what happened.
00:26:17Boy, look at Nigel.
00:26:18He almost totally lost it.
00:26:20Lock to lock. Whoa!
00:26:21That was close.
00:26:22But look at the reflexes by Nigel Mansell.
00:26:25He really owes the fact that he's still in the race
00:26:28to the fact that he saw what was coming
00:26:30and had those incredible reflexes
00:26:32along with good judgment.
00:26:33All right, Jack Arood, pit sign.
00:26:35Update on Paul Tracy.
00:26:36Well, you guys were talking about the fact
00:26:38that there's a problem
00:26:39if you don't keep the car going.
00:26:40Well, that was the case with Paul Tracy.
00:26:42He had to get the car restarted,
00:26:44lost the valuable time.
00:26:45The only thing that he had wrong with the car
00:26:47when they came in
00:26:48is he had actually tore up the tire
00:26:51on the right rear.
00:26:52They replaced that tire, and now he's back,
00:26:55but he's way off the lead pace.
00:26:57Jack, unfortunately,
00:26:58I don't know what his morale was,
00:27:01but Tracy has yet to outgrow
00:27:03the sense that he's a mistake-maker,
00:27:06and he made another one today,
00:27:08a small one, but so costly.
00:27:10He's down. Tracy's down six laps.
00:27:12That's more than you can overcome,
00:27:14even with the good Lord helping you there.
00:27:16Watching the battle for ninth place.
00:27:18Ninth is the 25 car of Marco Greco.
00:27:20He has right behind him Tao Fabi,
00:27:23and Scott Goodyear is there as well.
00:27:25Jack Arood?
00:27:26Well, there's several great stories, though,
00:27:27Paul, about Paul Tracy.
00:27:28Remember, it was only three years ago
00:27:30that he tried to run a Dale Coyne car here.
00:27:32His father and he saved up their money
00:27:34from their construction business,
00:27:36and they came here,
00:27:37and they only made a couple of laps.
00:27:38He left dejectedly and thought
00:27:40he was going to have to go
00:27:41to the construction business.
00:27:42That's when Roger Penske sent word
00:27:44that he should come over and meet with him.
00:27:46They signed later that year a testing contract,
00:27:49and then Paul Tracy, one year later,
00:27:51comes back and wins here at Long Beach.
00:27:53So he's had more than his share of ups and downs here.
00:27:57Well, for a moment, Marco Greco
00:27:59was able to pull away from Tao,
00:28:01and Tao is locked in this tremendous battle
00:28:04with Scott Goodyear and Zach Villeneuve
00:28:06just behind him.
00:28:07A three-way battle for tenth place.
00:28:09Occasionally, they catch up to ninth.
00:28:11Well, we've got to watch that a little bit.
00:28:12Now, those guys are weaving back and forth,
00:28:14almost having a lot of contact.
00:28:16Nobody's driving any harder
00:28:18than those three for a while.
00:28:19Well, Marco Greco is driving,
00:28:21you might say, a little bit over his head
00:28:23in terms of the record that he has.
00:28:25His best finish ever in any car competition.
00:28:27He's 11, so he's really...
00:28:29And you can see a couple of times
00:28:31Bobby in the yellow car there
00:28:33trying to get by him,
00:28:34Greco cutting him off.
00:28:35I think Greco's doing a beautiful job,
00:28:37but whether he can sustain it or not
00:28:39is the question.
00:28:41I saw Marco in the paddock area
00:28:43last night, end of the day.
00:28:45Most everyone else was gone.
00:28:46And Marco was just so pleased
00:28:48with his qualifying effort.
00:28:49He says he finally really has a car
00:28:51and a team that he thinks can do something,
00:28:53and he seems to be proving it here.
00:28:57At the front of the field,
00:28:58it's Al Unser, Jr.
00:29:00Little Al started second
00:29:02and took the win.
00:29:03The winner started second
00:29:05the last three years here at Long Beach.
00:29:07He leads it now.
00:29:12We're back at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.
00:29:14These aerial shots are courtesy
00:29:16of the Goodyear Blimp Eagle
00:29:17based in Carson, California,
00:29:19just up the freeway.
00:29:20Today's pilot is Joel Chamberlain
00:29:22from Norwood, Massachusetts.
00:29:24There he is overhead.
00:29:25Camera's on board.
00:29:26Some pretty good coverage.
00:29:28Well, Al Unser, Jr. had to fight his way
00:29:30through that battle that we were covering
00:29:32for 10th place.
00:29:33He's now completed his 35th lap
00:29:35of 105,
00:29:37but it was touch and go for a moment.
00:29:39Those guys fighting for 10th were pretty serious.
00:29:41Oh, man, Paul.
00:29:42They were really serious.
00:29:43You know, it's hard on a guy
00:29:44that's lapping cars like that
00:29:45because you get right in the middle
00:29:47of a fight.
00:29:48It's like jumping in the middle
00:29:49of a dogfight.
00:29:50Look here.
00:29:52Jimmy Vassar,
00:29:53and it looks like the Smith car,
00:29:55as well.
00:29:56Mark Smith in trouble again.
00:29:57Jimmy Vassar over there on the right.
00:29:59Mark Smith has been the victim
00:30:00of a lot of problems today.
00:30:02Vassar has, too.
00:30:03They had mechanical problems.
00:30:04Oh, my goodness!
00:30:06I had no idea he got that far.
00:30:08Right over the wheels.
00:30:09That's what happens in open-wheel racing
00:30:11when one car locks wheels with another.
00:30:13I was at Jeff's at dinner last night
00:30:15explaining this to people,
00:30:16how running over wheels
00:30:18is the most dangerous thing
00:30:19that can happen
00:30:20in any car racing.
00:30:21And that's exactly what happens
00:30:22from it.
00:30:23They get airborne.
00:30:24Well, Mark Smith
00:30:25was in a pre-race accident
00:30:27at Phoenix a week ago,
00:30:29suffered a head injury,
00:30:30and kept him overnight in the hospital
00:30:32and then released him.
00:30:33He's back racing this week,
00:30:35and now he's involved in this.
00:30:37How sad.
00:30:38At least he came down right side up,
00:30:40and that's the main thing.
00:30:42Open-wheel cars are not
00:30:43going to get upside down.
00:30:45It didn't appear that there was
00:30:46a concern for Mark.
00:30:47He's out of the car and okay.
00:30:49Smith's car, of course,
00:30:50owned by Derek Walker Racing,
00:30:52who also owns Robby Gordon's car
00:30:54and Willie T. Ribbs,
00:30:55and they've had any number
00:30:57of accidents so far this year.
00:30:58I think this might make
00:30:59the seventh or eighth,
00:31:01which is very bad luck.
00:31:03Still looking at that battle
00:31:05as here comes Villeneuve
00:31:06moving up to the inside of Goodyear.
00:31:08Goodyear sees him there,
00:31:09lets him through,
00:31:10but that was close.
00:31:11Oh, that was an impossible...
00:31:13I think Villeneuve just happened
00:31:15to be a young man,
00:31:16and nobody told him
00:31:17that he couldn't do that,
00:31:18so he went ahead and did it anyway.
00:31:20Villeneuve, of course,
00:31:21the great French-Canadian,
00:31:22is 23.
00:31:23He's the youngest driver
00:31:24in the race here,
00:31:26and he is ambitious.
00:31:27He probably got a little
00:31:29over his head at Phoenix
00:31:30last week when he triggered
00:31:32that multi-car pileup.
00:31:33Didn't observe the yellow flags
00:31:35perhaps the way he should.
00:31:36You see, he is an ambitious driver.
00:31:38Barry Green, the crew chief there,
00:31:41says he's one of the most
00:31:42intelligent chassis drivers
00:31:44that he's ever worked with.
00:31:46Brings back the good information.
00:31:47But, Sam, you won't make a pass
00:31:49like he just made
00:31:50very many times without
00:31:52getting away with it, I know.
00:31:55Is that the patent that
00:31:56Bobby Young's removed there?
00:31:57We've seen you do that.
00:31:58I was sitting here
00:31:59crossing my fingers
00:32:00when I saw that thing happening
00:32:01when I saw him go to the outside.
00:32:03Yeah, we never had to do that
00:32:04for you, Bobby.
00:32:05No, I don't know.
00:32:06And look at him
00:32:07as he loses the back end again,
00:32:08but that's been one
00:32:09of the reported problems
00:32:11with both the Lola
00:32:13and the Renard
00:32:14is they lose the back end.
00:32:15Now he's wandering
00:32:16all over the place.
00:32:17You wonder if he doesn't
00:32:18have a bad tire.
00:32:19That is a Renard car
00:32:20he's driving, by the way.
00:32:21The blue car we're talking about
00:32:22in the center here
00:32:23at this back.
00:32:24I think,
00:32:25what's got him wrong
00:32:26with that car
00:32:27is just the fact
00:32:28that kid is trying hard.
00:32:2923 years old,
00:32:30he really doesn't know
00:32:31any better yet.
00:32:32Around Marco Grinkel,
00:32:33but then into the wall.
00:32:34Into that tire barrier.
00:32:35Loses it,
00:32:36but he keeps it going.
00:32:38That's what I mean.
00:32:39I'm telling you.
00:32:40What's nice to be
00:32:4123 years of age,
00:32:42he doesn't even know
00:32:43these race cars
00:32:44can bite you.
00:32:45Damage to the rear wing.
00:32:46That's a shortcut
00:32:47into the pits
00:32:48that you are allowed to take
00:32:49if you have a problem
00:32:50with the car.
00:32:51It looks like
00:32:52if he can get rid of that van
00:32:53or maybe pop rivet
00:32:54that wing back in place,
00:32:55he's going to go again.
00:32:56Quick thinking
00:32:57to duck into the pits
00:32:58that way.
00:32:59Remember now,
00:33:00the rear wing is broken.
00:33:01You look at the beast
00:33:02hanging down from it.
00:33:03He really did see
00:33:04That's not a livable situation
00:33:05on the racetrack
00:33:06going fast.
00:33:07That's something
00:33:08they'll have to fix.
00:33:09He was over his head there.
00:33:10It was exciting to watch,
00:33:11but probably not
00:33:12as exciting
00:33:13as it was
00:33:15He was over his head.
00:33:16That's not a car problem,
00:33:18just like you said.
00:33:19Already the team
00:33:20has the spare wing out
00:33:21and they're ready to go.
00:33:23And we're going to
00:33:24keep an eye here
00:33:25because best indications
00:33:26are that
00:33:27Allenser Jr.
00:33:28may head for the pits
00:33:29any time now.
00:33:30And here he is.
00:33:32So Allenser Jr.
00:33:33comes in for his stop,
00:33:35While there was
00:33:36some debate
00:33:37as to whether
00:33:38they would make
00:33:39a wing adjustment
00:33:40on the front of the car,
00:33:41Richard Buck goes to work
00:33:42and they do.
00:33:43They adjust the wing.
00:33:44They're going to change
00:33:45all four tires.
00:33:46A nominal stop this way.
00:33:47You can see
00:33:48a lot of the dust
00:33:49that comes off
00:33:50the actual brake rotors
00:33:51from the use
00:33:52of the brakes here
00:33:53at the Long Beach.
00:33:55they shift 1,690 times.
00:33:56Little Al
00:33:57having trouble
00:33:58shifting that time
00:33:59to get back out
00:34:00in a little over
00:34:0118.4 seconds.
00:34:03Another thing to remember
00:34:04is you watch Little Al
00:34:05leave the speed limit
00:34:06in the pits.
00:34:07Today, 60 miles an hour.
00:34:08What they call
00:34:09the drop dead
00:34:10means they get
00:34:11a black flag
00:34:12if the radar
00:34:13goes to 66.
00:34:14Until they get
00:34:15right there,
00:34:16they have to pull them
00:34:17in on a black flag.
00:34:18Over the blue line there,
00:34:19only two tires.
00:34:20Jack told us this
00:34:21from the driver's
00:34:22meeting today.
00:34:23And ironically,
00:34:24it's hard to keep
00:34:25these cars down
00:34:26to 60 in the pit lane,
00:34:27particularly when
00:34:28you launch them
00:34:29because by the time
00:34:30the wheels have
00:34:31stopped spinning
00:34:32in that low gear,
00:34:33you're up over 60.
00:34:34Emerson Fittipaldi
00:34:35picks up the lead
00:34:36of the race,
00:34:37but he comes in
00:34:38for his stop now
00:34:39on the 41st lap, Jack.
00:34:40And, Paul,
00:34:41we've got some
00:34:42tactics unfolding.
00:34:43They connect the hose.
00:34:44The word we got
00:34:45is they may very well
00:34:46just put enough fuel in,
00:34:47the amount of fuel
00:34:48that it takes
00:34:49to change all four tires.
00:34:50We're going to wait
00:34:51and see if that's
00:34:52what they do.
00:34:53That's exactly
00:34:54what they do.
00:34:55A tactical move,
00:34:56Gary Gerald.
00:34:57Nigel Mansell's crew
00:34:58servicing him
00:34:59for the first time
00:35:00off the jacks.
00:35:01This is a good stop.
00:35:02Now a delay on the fuel.
00:35:03He's rolling
00:35:04at 13.8 seconds.
00:35:05Great stop
00:35:06for the Newman-Haas team.
00:35:07Fascinating stop
00:35:08for Pesky.
00:35:09It takes
00:35:10longer to fuel
00:35:11than it does
00:35:12to change tires,
00:35:13and they decided
00:35:14to just drop it
00:35:15as soon as the tires
00:35:16were changed, eh, Jack?
00:35:17Well, here's what
00:35:18they're going to try and do.
00:35:19They were debating
00:35:20whether they should make
00:35:21that type of stop now
00:35:22or for their final stop.
00:35:23It's what we call
00:35:24a time stop.
00:35:25They've calculated
00:35:26their fuel,
00:35:27and they feel that
00:35:28in one of the stops
00:35:29they were going to take
00:35:30on a full load.
00:35:31They felt that with
00:35:32the way
00:35:33Aluncer Jr. is running,
00:35:34that now's the time
00:35:35to lay the cards
00:35:36on the table
00:35:37and see what their
00:35:39Roger Pesky,
00:35:40will do
00:35:41to match that
00:35:42in the last stop.
00:35:43The last stop
00:35:44will be the long stop
00:35:45because they've got to
00:35:46take on a full load
00:35:47of fuel.
00:35:48Bobby, normally
00:35:49it's a switch of that.
00:35:50You time stop
00:35:51the last stop.
00:35:52It's the first time.
00:35:53I've never seen it done.
00:35:55Now we're getting
00:35:56worth it, number 31.
00:35:57Aluncer Jr.
00:35:58may be getting
00:35:59a stop-and-go penalty.
00:36:00Yeah, it looked to me
00:36:01like in the first seconds
00:36:02after he started
00:36:03away from his pits,
00:36:04he might have
00:36:05exceeded that 60.
00:36:06Let me tell you,
00:36:07it's very difficult.
00:36:08To go between 60
00:36:09and 70 miles an hour
00:36:10is critical.
00:36:11He was clocked
00:36:13at 80 miles an hour.
00:36:14In fact, Aluncer Jr.
00:36:15was one of the drivers
00:36:16in the driver's meeting
00:36:17that lobbied
00:36:19well, really hard
00:36:20to try and have
00:36:21the actual speed limit
00:36:22raised from 60 to 70,
00:36:23but he lost
00:36:24in a blind vote
00:36:25of all the drivers
00:36:26in the field.
00:36:27So many things
00:36:28happening at once here.
00:36:29We saw another car
00:36:30stuck into the tire barrier.
00:36:31We'll try to get you
00:36:32up to speed on everything.
00:36:33Well, that was Marco Greco
00:36:34who was having
00:36:35such a great race
00:36:36up until then,
00:36:37so we'll keep
00:36:38track of that.
00:36:39And let's take a look.
00:36:40There comes
00:36:41the two-car through.
00:36:42Now, little Al
00:36:43still came out
00:36:44in the lead
00:36:45on this pit stop
00:36:46strategy, Paul,
00:36:47but remember,
00:36:48what you gain one time,
00:36:49you're going to pay for
00:36:50later on.
00:36:51So I'm not too sure
00:36:52a strategy like that
00:36:53is good.
00:36:54Here we come.
00:36:55Here's little Al
00:36:56coming in for it.
00:36:58the stop-and-go penalty.
00:36:59And people have to realize
00:37:00they run a car
00:37:01that's capable
00:37:02of 230,
00:37:03240 miles an hour
00:37:04down to 60 miles an hour.
00:37:06It's sometimes
00:37:07just utterly ridiculous.
00:37:08So a lot of the drivers
00:37:09could be having
00:37:10that problem today.
00:37:12This, of course,
00:37:13puts Emerson Fittipaldi
00:37:14into the lead
00:37:15the first time
00:37:16he has ever led
00:37:17a race here
00:37:18at Long Beach.
00:37:20Bobby, there has been
00:37:21some concern
00:37:22a couple of people
00:37:23that we've talked to
00:37:24this weekend,
00:37:25most notably A.J. Boyd,
00:37:26that they're so fast
00:37:27on that black flag
00:37:28for exceeding
00:37:29the speed limit
00:37:30in the pits,
00:37:31and he had no penalty
00:37:32last week for Nigel Mansell
00:37:33at Phoenix when he jumped
00:37:34over the grass strip
00:37:35and got out
00:37:36on the race course,
00:37:37and no penalty
00:37:38for Bill Neff
00:37:39after coming around
00:37:40and hitting Maschusta
00:37:41in that accident
00:37:42at Phoenix.
00:37:43Paul, what it is,
00:37:44a lot of the racing people
00:37:45today are screaming
00:37:48officiating by
00:37:49Wally Dahlenbeck,
00:37:50the chief steward,
00:37:51who on race day
00:37:52is totally in charge.
00:37:53And I think
00:37:54that there's something
00:37:55to some of this stuff.
00:37:56Certain guys
00:37:57get penalized,
00:37:58and they seem
00:37:59to get penalized often.
00:38:00Other guys don't get
00:38:01penalized at all.
00:38:02For example,
00:38:03Nigel Mansell
00:38:05inside of Michael Andretti.
00:38:06Very exciting.
00:38:07Almost collided
00:38:08with Michael there.
00:38:09But Nigel has been
00:38:10having an argument here.
00:38:12Nigel has been
00:38:13kind of immune
00:38:14to penalties,
00:38:15and I think everybody's
00:38:16getting a little bit tired
00:38:17of that.
00:38:18Let's go pit side,
00:38:19Gary Gerald.
00:38:20Just a quick update
00:38:21on Bill Neff.
00:38:22He came in,
00:38:23and while that whole
00:38:24flurry of pit stops
00:38:25was taking place
00:38:26up and down the road,
00:38:27the Forsyth green team
00:38:28replaced the entire
00:38:29rear wing.
00:38:30He's now back on course.
00:38:31They had some damage
00:38:32up around the wicker bill,
00:38:33but the whole
00:38:34rear wing assembly
00:38:35lost a lot of time,
00:38:36but he's still
00:38:37in the competition.
00:38:38Also, we've had reports
00:38:39of a couple of more
00:38:40of those pit lane violations.
00:38:41Davy Jones,
00:38:4268 miles an hour.
00:38:43They were gonna
00:38:44penalize Greco.
00:38:45As you mentioned,
00:38:46he ended up
00:38:47in a tire barrier.
00:38:48Bill Neff lost
00:38:49five laps
00:38:50and dropped to 20th position
00:38:51with that long stop
00:38:52while they repaired
00:38:53the wings.
00:38:54Still pretty quick
00:38:55service there.
00:38:56Let's give you
00:38:57the top of the order.
00:38:58Emerson Fittipaldi
00:38:59leads it,
00:39:00followed by
00:39:01Allender Jr.,
00:39:02Gordon Raul,
00:39:04We're watching Mario.
00:39:05They came through
00:39:06a yellow flag
00:39:07that flies
00:39:08for Marco Greco
00:39:09at the end of the main
00:39:11Mario and Michael
00:39:12are running together
00:39:13on this course,
00:39:14and as we've seen,
00:39:15have been at one another
00:39:16fairly constantly
00:39:17in the last few laps.
00:39:19So it's still
00:39:21or now Fittipaldi,
00:39:22in reality,
00:39:23that leads
00:39:24to the Toyota Grand Prix
00:39:25of Long Beach.
00:39:30This is Paul Page.
00:39:31We're back at the
00:39:32Toyota Grand Prix
00:39:33of Long Beach
00:39:34where the yellow flags
00:39:35fly in tandem,
00:39:36two of them,
00:39:37at the start-finish line,
00:39:38indicating a full-force yellow.
00:39:41So they will now
00:39:42line up behind
00:39:43Johnny Rutherford
00:39:44in the pace car,
00:39:45and any advantage,
00:39:46which was 12 seconds,
00:39:47that Emerson Fittipaldi
00:39:48had gained over
00:39:49Allender Jr.
00:39:50is now lost.
00:39:52While we don't have
00:39:53an official reason,
00:39:54one suspects
00:39:55that cars
00:39:56which are in barriers
00:39:57all around the course
00:39:58are the reason.
00:39:59They want to get
00:40:00all the safety equipment out,
00:40:01get everything pulled
00:40:02out of the barriers,
00:40:03and the course clear again,
00:40:04wouldn't you say, Bobby?
00:40:05Oh, it certainly is right, Paul.
00:40:06There comes a point in time
00:40:07where they just have to say
00:40:08there's too many cars
00:40:09in too many places,
00:40:10and they could have wrecks
00:40:11starting to stack up
00:40:12on top of the wreck.
00:40:13So they have to stop
00:40:14and clean it all up.
00:40:17Marco Greco's car
00:40:18in the barrier there,
00:40:20and out comes the, uh,
00:40:22out comes the wrecker
00:40:24to get that one.
00:40:31Last week at Phoenix,
00:40:32race fans saw
00:40:33one of the most frightening
00:40:34crashes in recent history.
00:40:36Gary Gerald had an opportunity
00:40:37to look more closely
00:40:38at that incident.
00:40:43Without question,
00:40:44the incident that we saw
00:40:45last week in turn four
00:40:46at Phoenix has to be
00:40:47one of the most frightening
00:40:48incidents that we've seen
00:40:49in recent years
00:40:50in IndyCar racing.
00:40:51Let's go back
00:40:52and reconstruct this scenario.
00:40:53Coming out of turn three,
00:40:54incidental contact
00:40:55between Aaron Bautista
00:40:57and Teo Fabiani.
00:40:58As they spun up
00:40:59toward the wall,
00:41:00Paul Tracy's car
00:41:01was collected as well.
00:41:03Hero was left
00:41:04sitting broadside
00:41:05to the traffic,
00:41:06and several seconds later,
00:41:08Jacques Villeneuve
00:41:09came rushing
00:41:10toward turn four,
00:41:11jumped on the brakes,
00:41:12but hit Hero
00:41:13literally broadside.
00:41:16all the drivers
00:41:17were able to walk away
00:41:18relatively uninjured.
00:41:20Let's take a look
00:41:21at what remains now
00:41:22of Hero's car.
00:41:23You can see that here
00:41:24the cockpit
00:41:25where the driver sits
00:41:26facing in this direction
00:41:28but the monocoque
00:41:29with all the carbon fiber
00:41:30all intact.
00:41:32It was cracked down inside
00:41:33but it did stand up
00:41:34under the punishment.
00:41:36Here's where the impact
00:41:37came across
00:41:38right behind the roll bar.
00:41:39And you can see
00:41:40it tore through
00:41:41the carbon fiber
00:41:42that separated
00:41:43the whole rear half
00:41:44of the car.
00:41:45There are four large
00:41:46mounting bolts
00:41:47back here
00:41:48where the engine
00:41:49is located.
00:41:50All of that
00:41:51just literally ripped away.
00:41:52But perhaps the most
00:41:53astounding aspect
00:41:54of this crash
00:41:55is right here
00:41:56in this fuel cell.
00:41:57There were 35 gallons
00:41:58of methanol here.
00:41:59For the first time
00:42:00in recent years
00:42:01we saw a fuel cell rupture.
00:42:03And it's an absolute miracle
00:42:05that that fuel
00:42:06didn't ignite
00:42:07and we would have had
00:42:08fire on top
00:42:09of that horrifying crash.
00:42:11Now from Villeneuve's
00:42:13you can see the remains
00:42:14of the damaged chassis
00:42:15or tub.
00:42:16This is the nose section
00:42:17that was so graphically
00:42:18chewed and torn up
00:42:19by that horrendous impact.
00:42:20All of the carbon fiber
00:42:21literally shredded.
00:42:23And thanks to a rules change
00:42:24made in IndyCar
00:42:25just over a year
00:42:26or so ago
00:42:27the driver's foot box
00:42:28area was lengthened.
00:42:29The driver moved back.
00:42:31An extra bulkhead
00:42:32was placed in here.
00:42:33And because of those changes
00:42:34Villeneuve was able
00:42:35to walk away
00:42:36without any injury
00:42:37to his feet.
00:42:38It's also interesting
00:42:39to take a look
00:42:40at some downloaded
00:42:41information from
00:42:42the onboard computer.
00:42:43This charts the speed
00:42:44on the lap
00:42:45just ahead of the impact.
00:42:47Speed building
00:42:48on the back straightaway
00:42:49to 190 miles per hour.
00:42:51Then as he came
00:42:52upon the problem
00:42:53he's under braking here
00:42:54slowing down dramatically
00:42:56to a point when
00:42:57suddenly we saw
00:42:58the brake smoke.
00:42:59This is where he
00:43:00locked up the brakes.
00:43:01The impact came
00:43:02a fraction of a second
00:43:04at just over
00:43:05100 miles per hour.
00:43:07Obviously for young
00:43:09it had to be
00:43:10a terrifying moment
00:43:11when he realized
00:43:12that he was about
00:43:13to hit a helpless
00:43:14fellow driver.
00:43:15Well you always learn
00:43:16from your mistake.
00:43:18You know,
00:43:19I know that
00:43:20the subject of the
00:43:21yellow light
00:43:22had been brought up
00:43:23in the briefing
00:43:24because they were
00:43:25very tough to see
00:43:26and well,
00:43:27you know,
00:43:28it just happened on us.
00:43:29It could happen
00:43:30on anybody
00:43:31and at those speeds
00:43:32you know,
00:43:33it's just a flicker
00:43:34of a second
00:43:35and if you miss
00:43:36a yellow light
00:43:37something big can happen
00:43:38and well,
00:43:39I'm going to be
00:43:40looking for them.
00:43:42surprisingly in the
00:43:43drivers meeting
00:43:44very little was said
00:43:45about that particular
00:43:46incident at
00:43:47Phoenix International
00:43:49As you alluded to
00:43:50a lot more discussion
00:43:51though about the
00:43:53After a pit stop
00:43:54he accelerated
00:43:55through the
00:43:56warm-up lane
00:43:57and literally
00:43:58spun into the
00:43:59racing groove
00:44:00exiting in the
00:44:01wrong area
00:44:02directly in front
00:44:03of Scott Goodyear.
00:44:04Now there was a lot
00:44:05of heated discussion
00:44:06about that,
00:44:07why there wasn't
00:44:08a penalty
00:44:09and Wally Dahlenback
00:44:10to his credit
00:44:11said there is
00:44:12nothing in writing
00:44:13as far as
00:44:14what the penalty
00:44:15should be
00:44:16or as we have
00:44:17at Michigan
00:44:18International Speedway
00:44:19a situation that
00:44:20was addressed
00:44:21this day forward
00:44:22if you want to
00:44:23discuss a rule
00:44:24paint a line
00:44:25show that it's
00:44:26no different than
00:44:27when Mario Andretti
00:44:28spun 180 degrees
00:44:29on Pit Road
00:44:30last year at MIS
00:44:31we'll address it then
00:44:32but we can't do it
00:44:34Interestingly enough
00:44:35also Nigel Mansell
00:44:36stood up and said
00:44:38I messed up
00:44:39if you want to
00:44:40give me a one lap
00:44:41penalty and take away
00:44:42my points
00:44:43I'll take that penalty
00:44:44as well.
00:44:45A lot of interesting
00:44:46things in the
00:44:47drivers meeting.
00:44:48A lot of
00:44:49conversations going
00:44:50on in the
00:44:51drivers meeting.
00:44:52A lot of
00:44:54going on
00:44:55in the
00:44:56drivers meeting.
00:44:57A lot of
00:44:59going on
00:45:00in the
00:45:01drivers meeting.
00:45:02A lot of
00:45:04going on
00:45:05in the
00:45:06drivers meeting.
00:45:07A lot of
00:45:09going on
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00:45:11drivers meeting.
00:45:12A lot
00:45:15going on
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00:45:18A lot
00:45:21going on
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00:45:24A lot
00:45:27going on
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00:45:30A lot
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00:54:39going on
00:54:40in the
00:54:41drivers meeting.
00:54:42A lot
00:54:45going on
00:54:46in the
00:54:47drivers meeting.
00:54:48A lot
00:54:51going on
00:54:52in the
00:54:53drivers meeting.
00:54:54A lot
00:54:57going on
00:54:58in the
00:54:59drivers meeting.
00:55:00A lot
00:55:03going on
00:55:04in the
00:55:05drivers meeting.
00:55:06A lot
00:55:09going on
00:55:10in the
00:55:11drivers meeting.
00:55:12A lot
00:55:15going on
00:55:16in the
00:55:17drivers meeting.
00:55:18A lot
00:55:21going on
00:55:22in the
00:55:23drivers meeting.
00:55:24A lot
00:55:27going on
00:55:28in the
00:55:29drivers meeting.
00:55:30A lot
00:55:33going on
00:55:34in the
00:55:35drivers meeting.
00:55:36A lot
00:55:39going on
00:55:40in the
00:55:41drivers meeting.
00:55:42A lot
00:55:45going on
00:55:46in the
00:55:47drivers meeting.
00:55:48A lot
00:55:51going on
00:55:52in the
00:55:53drivers meeting.
00:55:54A lot
00:55:57going on
00:55:58in the
00:55:59drivers meeting.
00:56:00A lot
00:56:03going on
00:56:04in the
00:56:05drivers meeting.
00:56:06A lot
00:56:09going on
00:56:10in the
00:56:11drivers meeting.
00:56:12A lot
00:56:15going on
00:56:16in the
00:56:17drivers meeting.
00:56:18A lot
00:56:21going on
00:56:22in the
00:56:23drivers meeting.
00:56:24A lot
00:56:27going on
00:56:28in the
00:56:29drivers meeting.
00:56:30A lot
00:56:33going on
00:56:34in the
00:56:35drivers meeting.
00:56:36A lot
00:56:39going on
00:56:40in the
00:56:41drivers meeting.
00:56:42A lot
00:56:45going on
00:56:46in the
00:56:47drivers meeting.
00:56:48A lot
00:56:51going on
00:56:52in the
00:56:53drivers meeting.
00:56:54A lot
00:56:57going on
00:56:58in the
00:56:59drivers meeting.
00:57:00A lot
00:57:03going on
00:57:04in the
00:57:05drivers meeting.
00:57:06A lot
00:57:09going on
00:57:10in the
00:57:11drivers meeting.
00:57:12A lot
00:57:15going on
00:57:16in the
00:57:17drivers meeting.
00:57:18A lot
00:57:21going on
00:57:22in the
00:57:23drivers meeting.
00:57:24A lot
00:57:27going on
00:57:28in the
00:57:29drivers meeting.
00:57:30A lot
00:57:33going on
00:57:34in the
00:57:35drivers meeting.
00:57:36A lot
00:57:39going on
00:57:40in the
00:57:41drivers meeting.
00:57:42A lot
00:57:45going on
00:57:46in the
00:57:47drivers meeting.
00:57:48A lot
00:57:51going on
00:57:52in the
00:57:53drivers meeting.
00:57:54A lot
00:57:57going on
00:57:58in the
00:57:59drivers meeting.
00:58:00A lot
00:58:03going on
00:58:04in the
00:58:05drivers meeting.
00:58:06A lot
00:58:09going on
00:58:10in the
00:58:11drivers meeting.
00:58:12A lot
00:58:15going on
00:58:16in the
00:58:17drivers meeting.
00:58:18A lot
00:58:21going on
00:58:22in the
00:58:23drivers meeting.
00:58:24A lot
00:58:27going on
00:58:28in the
00:58:29drivers meeting.
00:58:30A lot
00:58:33going on
00:58:34in the
00:58:35drivers meeting.
00:58:36A lot
00:58:39going on
00:58:40in the
00:58:41drivers meeting.
00:58:42A lot
00:58:45going on
00:58:46in the
00:58:47drivers meeting.
00:58:48A lot
00:58:51going on
00:58:52in the
00:58:53drivers meeting.
00:58:54A lot
00:58:57going on
00:58:58in the
00:58:59drivers meeting.
00:59:00A lot
00:59:03going on
00:59:04in the
00:59:05drivers meeting.
00:59:06A lot
00:59:09going on
00:59:10in the
00:59:11drivers meeting.
00:59:12A lot
00:59:15going on
00:59:16in the
00:59:17drivers meeting.
00:59:18A lot
00:59:21going on
00:59:22in the
00:59:23drivers meeting.
00:59:24A lot
00:59:27going on
00:59:28in the
00:59:29drivers meeting.
00:59:30A lot
00:59:33going on
00:59:34in the
00:59:35drivers meeting.
00:59:36A lot
00:59:39going on
00:59:40in the
00:59:41drivers meeting.
00:59:42A lot
00:59:45going on
00:59:46in the
00:59:47drivers meeting.
00:59:48A lot
00:59:51going on
00:59:52in the
00:59:53drivers meeting.
00:59:54A lot
00:59:57going on
00:59:58in the
00:59:59drivers meeting.
01:00:00A lot
01:00:03going on
01:00:04in the
01:00:05drivers meeting.
01:00:06A lot
01:00:09going on
01:00:10in the
01:00:11drivers meeting.
01:00:12A lot
01:00:15going on
01:00:16in the
01:00:17drivers meeting.
01:00:18A lot
01:00:21going on
01:00:22in the
01:00:23drivers meeting.
01:00:24A lot
01:00:27going on
01:00:28in the
01:00:29drivers meeting.
01:00:30A lot
01:00:33going on
01:00:34in the
01:00:35drivers meeting.
01:00:36A lot
01:00:39going on
01:00:40in the
01:00:41drivers meeting.
01:00:42A lot
01:00:45going on
01:00:46in the
01:00:47drivers meeting.
01:00:48A lot
01:00:51going on
01:00:52in the
01:00:53drivers meeting.
01:00:54A lot
01:00:57going on
01:00:58in the
01:00:59drivers meeting.
01:01:00A lot
01:01:03going on
01:01:04in the
01:01:05drivers meeting.
01:01:06A lot
01:01:09going on
01:01:10in the
01:01:11drivers meeting.
01:01:12A lot
01:01:15going on
01:01:16in the
01:01:17drivers meeting.
01:01:18A lot
01:01:21going on
01:01:22in the
01:01:23drivers meeting.
01:01:24A lot
01:01:27going on
01:01:28in the
01:01:29drivers meeting.
01:01:30A lot
01:01:33going on
01:01:34in the
01:01:35drivers meeting.
01:01:36A lot
01:01:39going on
01:01:40in the
01:01:41drivers meeting.
01:01:42A lot
01:01:45going on
01:01:46in the
01:01:47drivers meeting.
01:01:48A lot
01:01:51going on
01:01:52in the
01:01:53drivers meeting.
01:01:54A lot
01:01:57going on
01:01:58in the
01:01:59drivers meeting.
01:02:00A lot
01:02:03going on
01:02:04in the
01:02:05drivers meeting.
01:02:06A lot
01:02:09going on
01:02:10in the
01:02:11drivers meeting.
01:02:12A lot
01:02:15going on
01:02:16in the
01:02:17drivers meeting.
01:02:18A lot
01:02:21going on
01:02:22in the
01:02:23drivers meeting.
01:02:24A lot
01:02:27going on
01:02:28in the
01:02:29drivers meeting.
01:02:30A lot
01:02:33going on
01:02:34in the
01:02:35drivers meeting.
01:02:36A lot
01:02:39going on
01:02:40in the
01:02:41drivers meeting.
01:02:42A lot
01:02:45going on
01:02:46in the
01:02:47drivers meeting.
01:02:48A lot
01:02:51going on
01:02:52in the
01:02:53drivers meeting.
01:02:54A lot
01:02:57going on
01:02:58in the
01:02:59drivers meeting.
01:03:00A lot
01:03:03going on
01:03:04in the
01:03:05drivers meeting.
01:03:06A lot
01:03:09going on
01:03:10in the
01:03:11drivers meeting.
01:03:12A lot
01:03:15going on
01:03:16in the
01:03:17drivers meeting.
01:03:18A lot
01:03:21going on
01:03:22in the
01:03:23drivers meeting.
01:03:24A lot
01:03:27going on
01:03:28in the
01:03:29drivers meeting.
01:03:30A lot
01:03:33going on
01:03:34in the
01:03:35drivers meeting.
01:03:36A lot
01:03:39going on
01:03:40in the
01:03:41drivers meeting.
01:03:42A lot
01:03:45going on
01:03:46in the
01:03:47drivers meeting.
01:03:48A lot
01:03:51going on
01:03:52in the
01:03:53drivers meeting.
01:03:54A lot
01:03:57going on
01:03:58in the
01:03:59drivers meeting.
01:04:00A lot
01:04:03going on
01:04:04in the
01:04:05drivers meeting.
01:04:06A lot
01:04:09going on
01:04:10in the
01:04:11drivers meeting.
01:04:12A lot
01:04:15going on
01:04:16in the
01:04:17drivers meeting.
01:04:18A lot
01:04:21going on
01:04:22in the
01:04:23drivers meeting.
01:04:24A lot
01:04:27going on
01:04:28in the
01:04:29drivers meeting.
01:04:30A lot
01:04:33going on
01:04:34in the
01:04:35drivers meeting.
01:04:36A lot
01:04:39going on
01:04:40in the
01:04:41drivers meeting.
01:04:42A lot
01:04:45going on
01:04:46in the
01:04:47drivers meeting.
01:04:48A lot
01:04:51going on
01:04:52in the
01:04:53drivers meeting.
01:04:54A lot
01:04:57going on
01:04:58in the
01:04:59drivers meeting.
01:05:00A lot
01:05:03going on
01:05:04in the
01:05:05drivers meeting.
01:05:06A lot
01:05:09going on
01:05:10in the
01:05:11drivers meeting.
01:05:12A lot
01:05:15going on
01:05:16in the
01:05:17drivers meeting.
01:05:18A lot
01:05:21going on
01:05:22in the
01:05:23drivers meeting.
01:05:24A lot
01:05:27going on
01:05:28in the
01:05:29drivers meeting.
01:05:30A lot
01:05:33going on
01:05:34in the
01:05:35drivers meeting.
01:05:36A lot
01:05:39going on
01:05:40in the
01:05:41drivers meeting.
01:05:42A lot
01:05:45going on
01:05:46in the
01:05:47drivers meeting.
01:05:48A lot
01:05:51going on
01:05:52in the
01:05:53drivers meeting.
01:05:54A lot
01:05:57going on
01:05:58in the
01:05:59drivers meeting.
01:06:00A lot
01:06:03going on
01:06:04in the
01:06:05drivers meeting.
01:06:06A lot
01:06:09going on
01:06:10in the
01:06:11drivers meeting.
01:06:12A lot
01:06:15going on
01:06:16in the
01:06:17drivers meeting.
01:06:18A lot
01:06:21going on
01:06:22in the
01:06:23drivers meeting.
01:06:24A lot
01:06:27going on
01:06:28in the
01:06:29drivers meeting.
01:06:30A lot
01:06:33going on
01:06:34in the
01:06:35drivers meeting.
01:06:36A lot
01:06:39going on
01:06:40in the
01:06:41drivers meeting.
01:06:42A lot
01:06:45going on
01:06:46in the
01:06:47drivers meeting.
01:06:48A lot
01:06:51going on
01:06:52in the
01:06:53drivers meeting.
01:06:54A lot
01:06:57going on
01:06:58in the
01:06:59drivers meeting.
01:07:00A lot
01:07:03going on
01:07:04in the
01:07:05drivers meeting.
01:07:06A lot
01:07:09going on
01:07:10in the
01:07:11drivers meeting.
01:07:12A lot
01:07:15going on
01:07:16in the
01:07:17drivers meeting.
01:07:18A lot
01:07:21going on
01:07:22in the
01:07:23drivers meeting.
01:07:24A lot
01:07:27going on
01:07:28in the
01:07:29drivers meeting.
01:07:30A lot
01:07:33going on
01:07:34in the
01:07:35drivers meeting.
01:07:36A lot
01:07:39going on
01:07:40in the
01:07:41drivers meeting.
01:07:42A lot
01:07:45going on
01:07:46in the
01:07:47drivers meeting.
01:07:48A lot
01:07:51going on
01:07:52in the
01:07:53drivers meeting.
01:07:54A lot
01:07:57going on
01:07:58in the
01:07:59drivers meeting.
01:08:00A lot
01:08:03going on
01:08:04in the
01:08:05drivers meeting.
01:08:06A lot
01:08:09going on
01:08:10in the
01:08:11drivers meeting.
01:08:12A lot
01:08:15going on
01:08:16in the
01:08:17drivers meeting.
01:08:18A lot
01:08:21going on
01:08:22in the
01:08:23drivers meeting.
01:08:24A lot
01:08:27going on
01:08:28in the
01:08:29drivers meeting.
01:08:30A lot
01:08:33going on
01:08:34in the
01:08:35drivers meeting.
01:08:36A lot
01:08:39going on
01:08:40in the
01:08:41drivers meeting.
01:08:42A lot
01:08:45going on
01:08:46in the
01:08:47drivers meeting.
01:08:48A lot
01:08:51going on
01:08:52in the
01:08:53drivers meeting.
01:08:54A lot
01:08:57going on
01:08:58in the
01:08:59drivers meeting.
01:09:00A lot
01:09:03going on
01:09:04in the
01:09:05drivers meeting.
01:09:06A lot
01:09:09going on
01:09:10in the
01:09:11drivers meeting.
01:09:12A lot
01:09:15going on
01:09:16in the
01:09:17drivers meeting.
01:09:18A lot
01:09:21going on
01:09:22in the
01:09:23drivers meeting.
01:09:24A lot
01:09:27going on
01:09:28in the
01:09:29drivers meeting.
01:09:30A lot
01:09:33going on
01:09:34in the
01:09:35drivers meeting.
01:09:36A lot
01:09:39going on
01:09:40in the
01:09:41drivers meeting.
01:09:42A lot
01:09:45going on
01:09:46in the
01:09:47drivers meeting.
01:09:48A lot
01:09:51going on
01:09:52in the
01:09:53drivers meeting.
01:09:54A lot
01:09:57going on
01:09:58in the
01:09:59drivers meeting.
01:10:00A lot
01:10:03going on
01:10:04in the
01:10:05drivers meeting.
01:10:06A lot
01:10:09going on
01:10:10in the
01:10:11drivers meeting.
01:10:12A lot
01:10:15going on
01:10:16in the
01:10:17drivers meeting.
01:10:18A lot
01:10:21going on
01:10:22in the
01:10:23drivers meeting.
01:10:24A lot
01:10:27going on
01:10:28in the
01:10:29drivers meeting.
01:10:30A lot
01:10:33going on
01:10:34in the
01:10:35drivers meeting.
01:10:36A lot
01:10:39going on
01:10:40in the
01:10:41drivers meeting.
01:10:42A lot
01:10:45going on
01:10:46in the
01:10:47drivers meeting.
01:10:48A lot
01:10:51going on
01:10:52in the
01:10:53drivers meeting.
01:10:54A lot
01:10:57going on
01:10:58in the
01:10:59drivers meeting.
01:11:00A lot
01:11:03going on
01:11:04in the
01:11:05drivers meeting.
01:11:06A lot
01:11:09going on
01:11:10in the
01:11:11drivers meeting.
01:11:12A lot
01:11:15going on
01:11:16in the
01:11:17drivers meeting.
01:11:18A lot
01:11:21going on
01:11:22in the
01:11:23drivers meeting.
01:11:24A lot
01:11:27going on
01:11:28in the
01:11:29drivers meeting.
01:11:30A lot
01:11:33going on
01:11:34in the
01:11:35drivers meeting.
01:11:36A lot
01:11:39going on
01:11:40in the
01:11:41drivers meeting.
01:11:42A lot
01:11:45going on
01:11:46in the
01:11:47drivers meeting.
01:11:48A lot
01:11:51going on
01:11:52in the
01:11:53drivers meeting.
01:11:54A lot
01:11:57going on
01:11:58in the
01:11:59drivers meeting.
01:12:00A lot
01:12:03going on
01:12:04in the
01:12:05drivers meeting.
01:12:06A lot
01:12:09going on
01:12:10in the
01:12:11drivers meeting.
01:12:12A lot
01:12:15going on
01:12:16in the
01:12:17drivers meeting.
01:12:18A lot
01:12:21going on
01:12:22in the
01:12:23drivers meeting.
01:12:24A lot
01:12:27going on
01:12:28in the
01:12:29drivers meeting.
01:12:30A lot
01:12:33going on
01:12:34in the
01:12:35drivers meeting.
01:12:36A lot
01:12:39going on
01:12:40in the
01:12:41drivers meeting.
01:12:42A lot
01:12:45going on
01:12:46in the
01:12:47drivers meeting.
01:12:48A lot
01:12:51going on
01:12:52in the
01:12:53drivers meeting.
01:12:54A lot
01:12:57going on
01:12:58in the
01:12:59drivers meeting.
01:13:00A lot
01:13:03going on
01:13:04in the
01:13:05drivers meeting.
01:13:06A lot
01:13:09going on
01:13:10in the
01:13:11drivers meeting.
01:13:12A lot
01:13:15going on
01:13:16in the
01:13:17drivers meeting.
01:13:18A lot
01:13:21going on
01:13:22in the
01:13:23drivers meeting.
01:13:24A lot
01:13:27going on
01:13:28in the
01:13:29drivers meeting.
01:13:30A lot
01:13:33going on
01:13:34in the
01:13:35drivers meeting.
01:13:36A lot
01:13:39going on
01:13:40in the
01:13:41drivers meeting.
01:13:42A lot
01:13:45going on
01:13:46in the
01:13:47drivers meeting.
01:13:48A lot
01:13:51going on
01:13:52in the
01:13:53drivers meeting.
01:13:54A lot
01:13:57going on
01:13:58in the
01:13:59drivers meeting.
01:14:00A lot
01:14:03going on
01:14:04in the
01:14:05drivers meeting.
01:14:06A lot
01:14:09going on
01:14:10in the
01:14:11drivers meeting.
01:14:12A lot
01:14:15going on
01:14:16in the
01:14:17drivers meeting.
01:14:18A lot
01:14:21going on
01:14:22in the
01:14:23drivers meeting.
01:14:24A lot
01:14:27going on
01:14:28in the
01:14:29drivers meeting.
01:14:30A lot
01:14:33going on
01:14:34in the
01:14:35drivers meeting.
01:14:36A lot
01:14:39going on
01:14:40in the
01:14:41drivers meeting.
01:14:42A lot
01:14:45going on
01:14:46in the
01:14:47drivers meeting.
01:14:48A lot
01:14:51going on
01:14:52in the
01:14:53drivers meeting.
01:14:54A lot
01:14:57going on
01:14:58in the
01:14:59drivers meeting.
01:15:00A lot
01:15:03going on
01:15:04in the
01:15:05drivers meeting.
01:15:06A lot
01:15:09going on
01:15:10in the
01:15:11drivers meeting.
01:15:12A lot
01:15:15going on
01:15:16in the
01:15:17drivers meeting.
01:15:18A lot
01:15:21going on
01:15:22in the
01:15:23drivers meeting.
01:15:24A lot
01:15:27going on
01:15:28in the
01:15:29drivers meeting.
01:15:30A lot
01:15:33going on
01:15:34in the
01:15:35drivers meeting.
01:15:36A lot
01:15:39going on
01:15:40in the
01:15:41drivers meeting.
01:15:42A lot
01:15:45going on
01:15:47in the
01:15:48drivers meeting.
01:15:49A lot
01:15:52going on
01:15:53in the
01:15:54drivers meeting.
01:15:55A lot
01:15:58going on
01:15:59in the
01:16:00drivers meeting.
01:16:05four of
01:16:06them now
01:16:11so we
01:16:13going to
01:16:14end up
01:16:15Two key passing areas here at long beach.
01:16:19One off of seaside.
01:16:20They're heading for that right now.
01:16:21Where you can slam down the gears and try to get inside your competitor, block the corner
01:16:27on them and take the corner away.
01:16:28Neither one can do that there.
01:16:29The other key at the end of the long main straightaway.
01:16:30Yes, and the track is slippery right now and the tires are pretty well worn right now.
01:16:31So it's hard to drive in the turn deeper than the other guys.
01:16:43So in front, it's al anzer, jr., 35 seconds ahead of nigel mansell as we move to the final
01:16:50ten laps here in long beach.
01:16:55Entry of long beach where our eds scoring system is showing al anzer, jr., 35.68 seconds
01:17:01ahead of second place nigel mansell.
01:17:03Ten seconds behind mansell is robby gordon.
01:17:06Raul boycell runs in fourth place.
01:17:09Those four are the only one on the leader lap.
01:17:11How many times we've watched al jr.
01:17:13Reel off the last laps in command of this race.
01:17:16This time, however, it has dramatic consequences in terms of the championship.
01:17:20A win here would bring him 32, 37 points which would tie exactly his teammate emerson fittipaldi
01:17:27for the lead in the ppg championship.
01:17:30Here's that fight that continues between tayo fobby and adrian fernandez.
01:17:34Adrian fernandez currently runs in eighth place.
01:17:36Fobby is right there.
01:17:38We watch the battle from the nose of robby gordon's car who runs in third and seems to
01:17:43be a little wary of getting involved in this fight.
01:17:45He doesn't seem to be pressing hard right now.
01:17:47It isn't like a robby gordon way.
01:17:49Normally he would just annihilate those guys.
01:17:51Maybe he is getting smarter like sam stedtle a while ago.
01:17:54I think the point is resolved when you see the gaps between the drivers.
01:17:59I think gordon realizes that even if he gets by, he's probably too far behind mansell to
01:18:04reel him in.
01:18:06Similarly, gordon is far enough ahead of mansell that he can afford to be cautious at least
01:18:11for a few laps, maybe not the whole way.
01:18:13Sam, he needs to do it.
01:18:15He's driving for a super good team in derrick walker this year, so he needs to show that
01:18:19he's smart as well as fast.
01:18:21Yeah, that's the point.
01:18:22That's what he could add to his resume today.
01:18:25He's smart.
01:18:26So far we know he's quick.
01:18:28Tayo fobby continues to work at the back of fernandez.
01:18:32Looks like he's in a position.
01:18:33If he's going to make a try, it may occur as they come off of seaside.
01:18:37Look how hard he's trying there as he locks them up.
01:18:39That was my word.
01:18:40You can't say he's not trying, paul.
01:18:43Bobby would move into eighth place if he could get by fernandez.
01:18:47That's the jim hall team, the yellow car right there.
01:18:50Bobby, that's the jim hall team.
01:18:52They've not done so well in racing the last couple of years.
01:18:55They're really trying hard to get all their momentum gathered back up again.
01:18:59For the moment at least, tayo fobby cannot get the job done.
01:19:02Al unser jr. Has the lead of the race with 99 laps complete.
01:19:06We'll be back with the finish.
01:19:08Little al has won at least one race every season since 88.
01:19:16At the toyota grand prix of long beach, 102 laps complete.
01:19:20Al unser jr. Has had his lead whittled down just a little bit.
01:19:24Now only 29 seconds ahead of nigel mansell.
01:19:27Mansell is doing everything he can.
01:19:29Little al is being careful.
01:19:31In fact, a very careful pass just a moment ago of dominic thompson.
01:19:34He now runs alone and has clear sailing ahead as we come to the closing laps here in long beach.
01:19:40If he wins, this, of course, will be a win and his third start for penske.
01:19:44It took emerson fittipaldi 15 starts to win a race for roger.
01:19:48And paul tracy 16 starts.
01:19:51Bobby, you drove for roger for many years.
01:19:54What will that do for little al in terms of his relationship with roger?
01:19:58Well, his relationship couldn't be any better than it is right now.
01:20:01Even if he won indianapolis.
01:20:03He thinks the sun rises and moon sets for little al.
01:20:06The thing that will make a difference is roger fuels himself on winning.
01:20:11If he wins, he just becomes obsessed with winning more.
01:20:14There's nobody like roger penske in the racing world.
01:20:18And history will always show that he is an individual that nobody else has ever come close to.
01:20:23It is roger penske who is individually masterminding the pit strategy of al unser jr.
01:20:29Jerry freon and I were talking this morning on that team.
01:20:32And both of us agreed that without roger's motivation, without his drive,
01:20:36Without his strong desires, everybody in the team would probably be only 50% of what they are.
01:20:41It makes them all better.
01:20:43By the way, that battle between bobby and fernandez has broken off with fernandez remaining in eighth place.
01:20:49As they come toward the flags.
01:20:51With just one more lap to go after he flashes down the front straight here.
01:20:55It's unser jr., mansell, gordon, voicel, mario, and then michael andretti.
01:20:59And maricio guzelman as we start the final lap.
01:21:02How about that stat you revealed at the beginning of the show?
01:21:05That for the last three years, the man who started second went on to win.
01:21:09This could be the fourth consecutive year for that.
01:21:12And everybody will battle for second next year.
01:21:14How do you figure that one out?
01:21:15You're trying to qualify for the pole.
01:21:17I want to only be 1,000 slower than the pole.
01:21:20Just take the life or the feelings that little al is leading right now.
01:21:23Knowing how bad he really wants to win for the rusterpinski team.
01:21:27Worrying about the transmission and traffic.
01:21:30A cut tire could even lose the race for him right now.
01:21:33He's in clear traffic, though, bobby, with only a couple of turns to go.
01:21:36He could probably, if he can accelerate off the hairpin here, coast home.
01:21:40Sliding that far is al.
01:21:42Al unser jr. About to reassert himself as the king of the beach.
01:21:47As he takes the penske car across the line.
01:21:50And picks up the twin checkered flags.
01:21:53Al unser jr. Is the winner.
01:21:55In the toyota grand prix of long beach.
01:21:57Chasing toward the flag now, nigel mansell.
01:22:00As the celebration begins with the penske team.
01:22:02I know a special moment for mechanic richard buck.
01:22:05Who spent a lot of time with little al in the sprint car days.
01:22:09So victory once again for that team.
01:22:11Here comes nigel mansell.
01:22:13The final three corners of the course.
01:22:15Little al already saluting the crowd.
01:22:17And beginning to slow.
01:22:18Is that a happy kid or what?
01:22:20He's happy today.
01:22:21Nigel mansell through the hairpin for the very last time.
01:22:24His teammate mario andretti will be coming to the line, too.
01:22:27For the last time here.
01:22:29And here is nigel mansell.
01:22:31Comes toward the flag and picks up second place.
01:22:33Robbie gordon will come across in third.
01:22:36Raul boycelle fourth.
01:22:38And mario andretti finishes in fifth.
01:22:40We'll be back to talk to the winner.
01:22:45Official results in the toyota grand prix of long beach.
01:22:48As we look at the top six.
01:22:50Al jr.
01:22:51Has taken his 20th career win.
01:22:53And his fifth at long beach.
01:22:55He's with jack o'reilly.
01:22:57He just got the congratulations of his wife, shelly.
01:22:59He's getting the congratulations of the rest of his crew.
01:23:01Al jr., you're back being the king of the beach.
01:23:03But let's talk a little bit about the concerns about the gearbox.
01:23:06Emerson fittipaldi went out.
01:23:08They radioed into you about it.
01:23:10How concerned were you out there?
01:23:12My gearbox was great.
01:23:14I was really excited on that first stop.
01:23:18And I forgot I had a sequential shift.
01:23:22So I started grinding the gears back and forth.
01:23:25But, you know, the marlboro team penske is a super operation.
01:23:29And I am just really, really proud of them.
01:23:32And proud of our buck.
01:23:34I mean, super job.
01:23:36And I'd just like to say hello to my kids at home.
01:23:39Cody, shannon, little al.
01:23:41Wish we were here.
01:23:43Well, congratulations to al winster jr.
01:23:45And the rest of team penske.
01:23:47Let's check in with gary gerald.
01:23:49Nigel mansell toweling down the helmet off.
01:23:51You make such a bold move now.
01:23:53Just two points out of the championship lead.
01:23:55On a day when you have a tire go down.
01:23:57And you had a very close call with two cars in front of you.
01:24:00This is turning out real well.
01:24:02Did you see that on television on the back straight there?
01:24:05Holy smoke.
01:24:07I was almost spinning and just caught it.
01:24:09That was a bit dicey.
01:24:12I did 90 miles an hour on three wheels.
01:24:14I didn't enjoy that either.
01:24:16The crew worked fantastic.
01:24:18And the newman team, god bless them.
01:24:20They got me to the finish.
01:24:22Terrific job, nigel.
01:24:24He's right there in the championship point.
01:24:26Just that quick, paul.
01:24:28Very much in the fight.
01:24:30And of course looking for a chance to take a win at the indianapolis 500.
01:24:32But little al should remember this.
01:24:34No long beach winner has ever won indy after winning long beach in the same year.
01:24:37Coming up next month on abc, it's back to the brickyard.
01:24:40On saturday, may 14th, auto racing's best try to beat the clock and grab the pole
01:24:44as we begin coverage of the indianapolis 500 time trials.
01:24:47Then two weeks later, may 29th, it's the sport's most spectacular event.
01:24:52The indianapolis 500 live.
01:24:54All next month here on abc sports.
01:24:59When we come back, we'll take another look at robbie gordon who finishes third
01:25:03and we'll see the standings.
01:25:06Finishing third in this 20th anniversary of racing in long beach, robbie gordon.
01:25:10He's with jack.
01:25:12Well, robbie, bobby, hunter said throughout the course of the race that maybe today
01:25:15you proved to people that not only are you quick, but you're smart.
01:25:18Was this a thinking man's race?
01:25:20I think we played the same game we played last weekend down at phoenix.
01:25:23We had a car we could win with down there.
01:25:25We ran ourselves out of gas trying to play the game.
01:25:27But here we just rode along all day and turned it up when we needed to.
01:25:30But I guess we didn't turn it up enough in traffic.
01:25:34We just paid it too cautious.
01:25:36How tough was the traffic out there for someone like you?
01:25:39Traffic was terrible.
01:25:40I saw about three accidents in front of me.
01:25:42I just didn't want to be involved in one of them, so I laid back a little bit
01:25:45and rode along.
01:25:46Indy coming up next?
01:25:47Indy coming up next.
01:25:48At least we got a few points.
01:25:49Looking forward to it.
01:25:51All right, well, let's take a look at the finishing order here.
01:25:54Still unofficial.
01:25:55It takes about 30 minutes to post it.
01:25:57At the conclusion of the toyota grand prix of long beach, of course,
01:25:59little al takes his 20th win, followed by nigel, robbie, gordon, ralboys,
01:26:02al, then the andretti family.
01:26:04They're having a pretty good run, and they're staying together
01:26:06on these courses.
01:26:08Mauricio guzelman, that's a terrific run for him.
01:26:11Fernandez, teo fabi, that's the way that battle ends up.
01:26:13Teo was not able to get around.
01:26:15Then r.e.
01:26:16Leyendijk, stefan johansson, frank freon from the indy lights
01:26:19with a terrific run here at long beach.
01:26:21Robbie groff, davy jones, jack villeneuve, robbie buell.
01:26:25He was up as high as 10th at one point.
01:26:29His face lights up every time he sees that he can get in an indy car.
01:26:32Dominic dobson, willie t.
01:26:34Ribbs in 18th position.
01:26:36Scott goodyear, paul tracy, emerson, fittipaldi, alessandro zempedri,
01:26:40marco greco, and jimmy vassar.
01:26:43We look to the final section of the final results.
01:26:46Good run for claude bourbonnet, mike groff, scott sharp,
01:26:50buddy lazier, bobby ray hall.
01:26:52Groff and ray hall, of course.
01:26:54Some work to be done there on the honda engine
01:26:56before they head off to indianapolis.
01:26:58Bobby enser, what do we look forward to now?
01:27:00Three races under our belt, and indy is next.
01:27:02Well, the big news, obviously, is going to be
01:27:04mercedes-benz and roger penske's team.
01:27:07That's where it's going to be.
01:27:08Look how tight the points battle is right now.
01:27:11Little al and emo tied at 37.
01:27:13Nigel close behind.
01:27:15Well, I agree with bobby as we look ahead to indy.
01:27:19I mean, penske's won two in a row,
01:27:21but at indy, the team takes the biggest gamble
01:27:23they may have taken in their whole career
01:27:25by going to mercedes-benz.
01:27:27A month from now, we'll be seeing how it works out
01:27:29in qualifying, and two weeks later on may 29th,
01:27:31in the race itself.
01:27:33I'll tell you what.
01:27:34There is so much to look forward to
01:27:36at this year's indy 500.
01:27:38I can't wait to get to the track on opening day
01:27:40and for the coverage throughout the entire month.
01:27:43All of the great stories, changes in teams,
01:27:45the addition of al enser jr.
01:27:47The penske team, the mercedes, the honda, the ford.
01:27:50I mean, everything is looking so good for that month.
01:27:52Well, suppose the mercedes has the power
01:27:54that everybody is speculating that it might,
01:27:561,000 horsepower or more.
01:27:58We are going to see new lap records at indy.
01:28:01How about straightaway speed, sam?
01:28:03What if I tell you a possibility
01:28:05250 miles an hour on the straightaway?
01:28:08Think about it.
01:28:09I can't wait to see it.
01:28:11And I'm not drunk.
01:28:13So al enser jr.
01:28:15takes his fifth win
01:28:17in the toyota grand prix of long beach,
01:28:20and now we look ahead to the indianapolis 500.
01:28:23Little al, second and third,
01:28:25nigel mansell and robbie gordon
01:28:27now taking a ride around this track
01:28:29and being applauded by the tremendous crowd here.
01:28:32The indy 500 is next.
01:28:35This is paul page for sam posey,
01:28:37bobby enser, jack caroot, and gary gerald.
01:28:40So long.
01:28:41Thanks for joining us in long beach.