• 20 hours ago
Did Ahsoka have a stronger connection to the Force than the entire Jedi Order?


00:00Ahsoka Tano is easily one of the most well-rounded and engaging characters to come out of Star
00:05Wars in the last decade.
00:06And with that said, and with her new series set to drop on Disney Plus very soon, it's
00:12worth taking a closer look at the former Jedi, especially when there are so many things fans
00:17may not know about her.
00:19So I'm Gareth from What Culture Star Wars and here are 10 Things You Never Knew About
00:23Ahsoka Tano.
00:25As a baby, she was almost kidnapped by Jedi imposters
00:29Ahsoka was born on the planet Sheely.
00:31Being an extremely force-sensitive child, she was discovered quickly by the Jedi.
00:36Master Plo Koon discovered the youngling Ahsoka when she was only three, and planned to take
00:40her back to the Jedi Temple.
00:42However, before she could join the Jedi Order, Ahsoka had an encounter with an imposter Jedi.
00:48This person remained unidentified in canon, and was only briefly mentioned in the Ahsoka
00:53According to The Clone Wars producer Dave Filoni, the imposter Jedi was planned to be
00:57a Zygerian, a feline species.
01:00The full story was never written, but Filoni revealed his planned tale at a Star Wars panel.
01:05Apparently, the Zygerian, a female bounty hunter named Latrance, planned to kidnap Ahsoka
01:10as force-sensitive children were rare and highly sought after in the galaxy.
01:14Her plan was thwarted by Jedi Master Plo Koon when he arrived to retrieve Ahsoka.
01:19Who knows, maybe we'll see this story fully fleshed out in canon, perhaps even in her
01:24own show one day.
01:26Ahsoka's headdress is made from the teeth of a deadly predator
01:30Did you think that blue and white striped cloth atop her head was her hair?
01:34Silly you!
01:35Okay, so did I at one point.
01:36They are actually called Montrals, or hair tails, and those tooth-shaped markings along
01:41Ahsoka's ridgeline were part of a headdress, like a tiara, and the story behind her headdress
01:47is pretty impressive for us non-Force users.
01:50First off, Ahsoka is a member of a species called Togruta.
01:54The teeth come from a quadruped beast that roams the grasslands of Shili, the Togruta
01:58homeworld called the Akul.
02:00The Akul are formidable creatures that are quite difficult to take down.
02:04Any Togruta who slays an Akul will adorn their head tails, or Montrals, with the animal's
02:10You may notice that Ahsoka wore her Akul tooth headpiece as a padawan.
02:14This means that Ahsoka must have killed one of these Akuls sometime during her childhood.
02:18Badass if you ask me.
02:19Now what is the coolest alien creature that you've seen in the galaxy far, far away?
02:24Let me know in the comments section down below.
02:27She initially wanted nothing to do with the Rebellion
02:30After the fall of the Republic, Ahsoka did not spring into battle against the newly formed
02:36Instead, she fled to the outer rim of the galaxy, seeking a peaceful planet away from
02:40hyperspace lanes and stormtroopers' prying eyes.
02:43Indeed, she found a small planet with a farming community and began a new life working as
02:48a mechanic.
02:49However, the Empire inevitably caught up with Ahsoka on a mining world called Radha.
02:53As Ahsoka had grown bored of the agrarian lifestyle before the Empire showed up, she
02:58actually seriously considered abandoning the community.
03:01However, she had made some ties and decided to stay and help her friends resist Imperial
03:06Eventually, Ahsoka ended up meeting with Senator Bail Organa.
03:09The Senator hoped that he could recruit Ahsoka, knowing she was a former Jedi.
03:14But Ahsoka refused the role of a rebel commander, citing an unwillingness to return to battle
03:18after her time in the Clone Wars.
03:22But after discovering that the Empire was abducting Force-sensitive children, she finally
03:26agreed to join the Rebellion if Organa helped to protect these children.
03:30Organa agreed, of course, and Ahsoka ultimately took up her role as a rebel intelligence agent
03:35rather than a commander.
03:37And despite the recent Tales of the Jedi show slightly altering a few details here or there,
03:42the end result was still the same.
03:43Ahsoka initially wasn't all that keen to join another fight.
03:48She Might Be the Manifestation of a Dead Force God
03:51During the Clone Wars, Ahsoka, along with Masters Kenobi and Skywalker, journeyed to
03:56the planet of Mortis.
03:57It was there that she and the other Jedi encountered the Force beings referred to as the Daughter,
04:02the Son, and the Father.
04:04The Daughter represented the Force's light side, and the Son served the dark, while the
04:08Father kept his children in balance.
04:10Later, Ahsoka was captured by the Son and infected with the dark side of the Force.
04:15She then engaged Anakin and Obi-Wan in combat, giving the Son the upper hand against his
04:21Then, after Ahsoka was no longer of use to the Son, he drained her of her life force,
04:25killing her.
04:27The Daughter then sacrificed herself, instructing Anakin to channel her life force into Ahsoka,
04:33reviving her.
04:34So, does this mean that Ahsoka now has some untold God-like power owing to her connection
04:38to the Daughter?
04:40Though we haven't seen any such power manifest through Ahsoka in canon, writers have given
04:44us a clue that the Daughter is still very much connected to Ahsoka.
04:48This is through the Daughter's companion Convor, a bird named Morai.
04:52Morai follows Ahsoka through her appearances in canon, showing up in Clone Wars, Rebels
04:57and even in The Mandalorian.
04:59There are also clear signs that Morai is no ordinary bird too, as she appears to Ezra
05:03in the World Between Worlds and leads him to save Ahsoka from Darth Vader.
05:08So keep your eyes peeled for more Morai in Ahsoka, and maybe the show will finally expand
05:12on this rather intriguing plot thread.
05:15She purified a Sith lightsaber to gain her white sabers
05:19The colour of Ahsoka's lightsabers has always been a matter of great intrigue in the Star
05:23Wars canon.
05:24Initially, her sabers were green, distinguishing her from her master Anakin, who wielded a
05:29blue saber.
05:30After leaving the Jedi Order, Anakin replaces Ahsoka's green crystals with blue ones.
05:35Ahsoka then lost her original sabers after the rise of the Empire.
05:39Then when she shows up in Rebels, she has constructed a new pair of sabers, which isn't
05:43that surprising.
05:44However, what is unusual is that her blades are now pure white in colour.
05:49One thing you need to know about lightsaber crystals is that they are basically alive.
05:53Crystals have a personal connection with their users.
05:55However, when it comes to dark side users, that relationship can be rather abusive.
06:00To get their red colour, darksiders will actually bleed their crystals.
06:05While on Rada, an Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother encountered Ahsoka.
06:09Unfortunately for that Inquisitor, this wasn't really a fair match-up.
06:13Ahsoka easily bested the assassin and retrieved two crystals from his dual-bladed lightsaber.
06:18Because he had bled the crystals, Ahsoka used her power in the light side to purify and
06:23heal them.
06:24And through this process, the crystals became pure white.
06:28Yoda taught Ahsoka a unique form of lightsaber combat.
06:32Sometime early in her apprenticeship, Ahsoka began using two lightsabers, a form known
06:37as Jarkai.
06:38To accomplish this combat style, Ahsoka had to build a second lightsaber.
06:43This would be a shorter saber meant to complement her primary one.
06:47But in her sparring sessions with Anakin, Ahsoka had a hard time getting used to her
06:51second blade.
06:52And during one of these sessions, Anakin disarmed Ahsoka while Yoda was watching on.
06:56At that point, Yoda decided to intervene because I guess it had been a while since he'd schooled
07:01a padawan.
07:02He engaged Ahsoka in a sparring session and was able to easily knock her down twice.
07:07He then told her, what makes you unique makes you strong.
07:10This you must use, yourself, you must always be.
07:13What does this mean?
07:14No freaking clue.
07:16But apparently Ahsoka got the message, I think I understand, I need to fight like myself,
07:21she responded.
07:22The lesson definitely rubbed off, as we see by Rebels that Ahsoka is an absolute wrecking
07:27ball with her dual-wielded lightsabers.
07:29Number 4, Ahsoka was outmatched by Darth Maul but beat him anyway.
07:34During Season 7 of The Clone Wars, we see Ahsoka defeat and apprehend the powerful former
07:39Sith Maul.
07:40There is a moment in the duel where Ahsoka seems outmatched though, maybe even panicked.
07:45Fans picked up on this, and even showrunner Dave Filoni was asked how Ahsoka was able
07:49to beat Maul despite her young age.
07:52Filoni confirmed that, at the time of their duel on Mandalore, Maul was more potent with
07:57a lightsaber than Ahsoka.
07:58The young Force user had to muster all her skill just to break even with Maul.
08:03At one point Ahsoka realised she was outmatched and had a brief moment of fear.
08:07I mean, wouldn't you?
08:09However, unlike her master, Ahsoka was able to control her fear, which was the key to
08:13defeating Maul.
08:15After Maul disarmed Ahsoka of both her lightsabers, the battle seemed lost.
08:19But she was patient and, as is always his downfall, Maul was overconfident.
08:24After Ahsoka is disarmed, Maul hesitates, not wanting to kill her.
08:28Instead, he believes he can turn Ahsoka and use her to defeat Palpatine.
08:32Ahsoka then uses the opening to disarm and capture Maul instead.
08:36Like a boss.
08:38She probably knew about Anakin and Padmé If you go back and watch the Clone Wars from
08:42start to finish, you'll see that Ahsoka understood Anakin better than almost anyone.
08:47But she was also extremely close to Padmé.
08:50Plus, Ahsoka is very smart, so it's impossible to believe that she didn't know what was
08:54going on.
08:55But if you want proof, just look at her last conversation with Anakin before she leaves
08:59the Jedi Order.
09:01Ahsoka announces her intention to go, and Anakin stops her outside the temple.
09:05He implores her, almost begging not to leave the Order.
09:09Before she leaves, Anakin tells her that no one knows more than he does how hard it is
09:13to live up to the Jedi Code.
09:15Presumably he's referring to his secret marriage with Padmé.
09:18At this point, they've been married for several years.
09:21In a Han Solo-esque response, Ahsoka says simply, I know.
09:25There's some debate about what Ahsoka was referring to with this statement.
09:28Some fans claim she meant that she knew about his trouble with the Jedi Council, but come
09:32on, it was Padmé.
09:34She knows about Padmé, damn it.
09:37Despite fan speculation, she probably is alive during the Rise of Skywalker
09:41One of the many things that may have disappointed Star Wars fans during the Rise of Skywalker
09:45was the blink-and-you'll-miss-it Ahsoka cameo.
09:48In fact, you don't even see her.
09:49You do, however, hear her.
09:51She's one of the many Jedi voices giving Rey a spiritual pep talk in her final battle
09:56with old zombie Gramps Palpatine.
09:58The problem?
09:59All the other Jedi during this voiceover are dead, leading fans to assume that Ahsoka is
10:04deceased by the time of Rise of Skywalker.
10:07Thankfully, Dave Filoni has spoken out to put this fan speculation to rest.
10:12There is no reason for us to assume our favourite Force user has shuffled off this mortal coil.
10:17Speaking to IO9, Filoni said,
10:19I remember in The Empire Strikes Back Luke speaking out through the Force to Leia.
10:23Vader also does this at the end of Empire Strikes Back.
10:26There's no absoluteness that these people are dead.
10:29With that in mind, there's no reason to assume that Ahsoka is dead.
10:33She may just have been speaking to Rey through the Force.
10:37She doesn't need a lightsaber to beat your ass
10:39Even for a Jedi, Ahsoka is a skilled fighter, and she specialises in hand-to-hand combat.
10:45There are several examples of this throughout the canon.
10:48First up, we have Cad Bane.
10:49A cowboy-looking bounty hunter skilled enough to work for the likes of the Hutts, Bane was
10:53not someone you mess with.
10:55But Ahsoka overpowered him when she was still just a padawan.
10:58Not impressive enough for you?
11:00Well, what about the time she single-handedly defeated a group of Mandalorian Secret Service
11:05She also whooped an Inquisitor despite not having a pair of her own lightsabers to hand,
11:10dodging her way out of trouble before using their own blade against them.
11:13Now if all that doesn't get you excited for the return of Ahsoka Tano in her new show,
11:18well then, what is wrong with you?
11:20And that's our list!
11:21Know of any other things most folks don't know about Ahsoka Tano?
11:25Well let me know about them in the comments section right down below and don't forget
11:28to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're down there.
11:31I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, go and check out some more lovely WhatCulture
11:34Star Wars videos on this very channel.
11:37Cheers for watching today and hopefully I'll see you soon, bye bye!
