• 2 days ago
(2016) Sesame Street!


00:00Santa? You know Santa Claus? He wears a big red suit and comes down your chimney?
00:07Ah, yeah, a sneak thief. We got those that come in, take your stuff.
00:12No, no, Santa doesn't take things, silly. He gives presents to everybody who's kind.
00:19Ah, well, no wonder I never heard of him. No one's kind around this street. So, uh, see ya.
00:25Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute. You're filling Elmo's bar.
00:28Hey, hey, who's Elmo? Elmo's Elmo.
00:31Okay, this is a little confusing and, anyway, I think you're a little mixed up because, uh, this here's my ball.
00:38No, it's Elmo's ball. See, there's an E right on the side, right there.
00:44Ah, yeah, well, uh, that's not an E. That's, um, that's a smudge.
00:50Yeah, and my name is Smudge. Yeah, that's what people call me, Smudge.
00:56Well, it's not very kind to keep somebody's ball, Smudge.
01:00Huh? Who's Smudge?
01:02You are, remember?
01:04Yeah, that's right.
01:06Boy, how does Smudge have any friends if Smudge won't share?
01:10Well, I don't have any friends. All the other kids just take your stuff.
01:15Hang on. Elmo has a great idea. It's Christmas Eve. You keep the ball.
01:22Merry Christmas, Smudge.
01:23Wait, hey, what's wrong with it?
01:25Wait a minute. Did you see that flash?
01:27Yeah, yeah, so what's the big deal? I mean, what are you up to trying to give me this ball?
01:32Oh, nothing. Elmo's just trying to be kind.
01:36It's a Christmas gift.
01:38There it is again. Oh, it came from over there. Come on, Smudge. Let's go look.
01:42Wait, hey, listen. I think you're up to something. I mean, why are you trying to get this ball back?
01:48I mean, uh, I mean my ball.
01:51Not back. Huh? It's mine.
01:53Um, okay, well, Merry Christmas.
01:57Yeah, yeah, well, good luck finding your ball.
02:10What is this place?
02:21Oh, hello. Is anybody home?
02:25Oh, sunshine. Oh, isn't it amazing? Holly, look. Oh, it's so good to get some fresh air in here.
02:34Oh, hello.
02:36Hi, I'm Bella. Nice to meet you. Welcome. Oh, maybe you can tell me, what day is it?
02:41Oh, well, it's Christmas Eve.
02:43Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve. Holly, do you hear that? Oh, it's the most magical, even for the most magical day of the year.
02:52Holly, Holly, there really is hope this year. I feel it. Do you feel it?
02:57Oh, I feel my back. Oh, I've got a kink in my thong.
03:03Oh, I've got a hunch today could be the day.
03:06Wait a minute. Elmo doesn't understand. What's Bella talking about, Daddy? What does Bella mean, today could be the day?
03:14Oh, well, Elmo, this shop was a very special shop. It only appeared when someone on Sesame Street shared the holiday spirit.
03:27Oh, like great, great Grandmaster Elmo?
03:31That's right. He had the spirit. And so did Bella. But they were just about the only ones.
03:41Hang on. Let me try something.
03:44Merry Christmas!
03:48Okay, Elmo, help me. Say Merry Christmas along with me, okay?
03:52Oh, sure.
03:53Okay, ready? One, two, three.
03:56Merry Christmas!
03:59Oh, sorry. Not a light.
04:03Yeah, Holly's never wrong.
04:05Wrong about what?
04:06Oh, the holiday spirit. It really lights her up. And if there's enough holiday spirit, do you know who will come?
04:14That's right.
04:15But not until all five of my lights are lit. And look, not even one.
04:23But, Holly, I'm sure Elmo can help light up all your lights.
04:27But how?
04:28Oh, that's a good question. Well, I know to bring holiday spirit, a lot of people decorate to brighten things up, but...
04:35Oh, then that's what Elmo's gonna do.
04:38Holiday holly yay!
04:41Yay! Oh, and Elmo knows where to get help.
04:44You do?
04:45Oh, sure. Oh, Elmo just made a new friend. Oh, stay right here. Be right back.
