• 2 hours ago
00:30We welcome you warmly with this Hłopska work, with this symbol of this Hłopska work.
00:45Because above the farmer, the most cordial caretaker and friend is Skowronek.
00:51Be you and him.
00:53Thank you very much.
00:55Well, I want to say that we all, both you and me, as well as any other Pole,
01:05has the right to want for him to be better and has the right not to be patient,
01:12for him to be better faster.
01:15The essence of the matter is that we can economically look at what is happening around us,
01:25that we can honestly and openly point out the shortcomings of our social or economic life.
01:35Because the worst, the worst thing you can imagine in public life is silence.
01:42Speak up, speak up and you will never get anything out of it.
01:44But maybe it will come out. Listen, we are starting from the beginning.
01:47It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity.
01:49Well, maybe it will come out.
01:50Well, maybe it will come out.
01:52Nothing came out of it.
01:54Whoever comes will only promise.
01:56Well, I don't promise that much.
01:58Everyone promises something.
01:59But to make it come true, it is not made in 30 percent.
02:04Neither the National Committee, nor the Council, nor the MPs.
02:07No, no one has committed 100 percent.
02:10I only promise.
02:12There is a community fund.
02:14It is all frozen for nothing from this money.
02:16Neither to get them on the road, nor to get them on the phone.
02:19Well, what is it for?
02:20We don't buy machines.
02:22And what about the money?
02:23And what about this?
02:24There is nothing of this.
02:26Nothing comes out.
02:32There are a couple of million of our, our pots lying around.
02:35And we are drowning in mud.
02:37There is a piece of this road for such a large village.
02:40There is a kilometer and a half of the road that has just been built.
02:42This is done, sir, in a social action.
02:45Yes, it is.
02:46So forced, so forced, it was on these people.
02:49I have 6 hectares.
02:51I was taxed for it.
02:54The community fund of everything.
02:566 thousand zlotys.
02:59My duties, this is a tax that I have to pay with money.
03:04My duties are 10 quintals of grain,
03:092 meters,
03:1210 quintals of grain,
03:162 meters, 72 kilos of meat,
03:19915 kilos of potatoes.
03:23After calculating all this,
03:26my hectare is burdened with 3 thousand zlotys.
03:33I am not able, with such a high tax,
03:37to maintain this farm.
03:40Why can't we be secure,
03:44like a worker?
03:46After all, we are also only workers, only farmers.
03:49Do we have a different skin?
03:51Do we have different hands?
03:53Do we take something with us to the other world?
03:56You could say that the workers got along,
03:59but we farmers,
04:01we are treated poorly.
04:03Why don't we have any weight,
04:06anything to test these fertilizers on the fields,
04:10which are lying under the bare sky?
04:12Do they really have the percentage they should have?
04:16Are we sure what we are paying for?
04:19And now what kind of coal do we take?
04:21After all, almost 50% had.
04:23And it is paid, and 5 zlotys have already risen.
04:26Well, it was 50, now it is more expensive.
04:28Well, where are we going to get it from?
04:31And we demand wheat,
04:33such and such,
04:35to have moisture,
04:36so why can't we use good coal?
04:44Coal was burned, such a large farm,
04:46even from Kraków,
04:48and there is no water.
04:49Why did they come?
04:50And why this down?
04:51We filled this tank with water
04:53not in a week, but in 24 hours.
04:58The water ran away,
04:59and we pumped all day,
05:01all night and until noon the next day.
05:04Who is responsible here?
05:06Who was the supervisor here?
05:08Catch him,
05:09because he took the money for it
05:11and allowed the performers to pay for this work.
05:15They answered me that he is a man who is uncontrollable,
05:19he works in the voivodeship on a high position.
05:22I am very surprised
05:24that the peasants work on higher positions.
05:27I would only like mechanization.
05:29When there are these individual farms,
05:31why can't they use large mechanization,
05:34such as tractors?
05:36Well, maybe someone will answer me
05:38that it is actually already being sold.
05:40Well, yes, it is being sold.
05:42Well, but it is being sold up to 10 hectares, for example.
05:47And the most farmers are less than 10 hectares.
05:52And let's assume that one farmer has 7 hectares,
05:54the other has 3 hectares,
05:55it is not 10 hectares,
05:56and they could not buy 2 or 3 hectares?
05:59Why are there so many tractors,
06:01tractors, other items for agricultural use,
06:04which would be repaired by the master of the village?
06:07And how much would you pay for it?
06:10And you can't buy it,
06:11but they shake it on the spot,
06:13you can't buy this or that, right?
06:16And, for example, if I want to buy other tools.
06:19I put together such a letter.
06:22Well, but where do I have this tool?
06:23I've been waiting for the second year,
06:24and what?
06:25The answer is either the tool has come.
06:27Why were there such tractors in the PZGS?
06:29You go to the PGR, to the big fields,
06:32when the farmer wants tractors,
06:34these two or one and a half meters?
06:36Two meters, yes.
06:37And these big ones could be bought without anything, right?
06:40There were no restrictions.
06:41And the small ones, you can get runs, sir.
06:44I'll send a letter to the municipal council
06:47about a certificate, right?
06:49Whether I should have other tractors,
06:51to the county, to the PGR, sir.
06:53And you can't buy tractors.
06:54I wanted to buy a tractor,
06:57I've been walking for five years,
06:58and I can't buy it.
06:59I just have to work with my hands, sir.
07:02Because I have one son myself.
07:04He said, I won't,
07:05and what?
07:06He said to me,
07:07when I go to the city,
07:08I will work mechanically there.
07:10He likes mechanics,
07:11and I like it too.
07:13I have a second son, he's young,
07:15and I'm looking for something,
07:16for some tool,
07:17to do something.
07:19And I see,
07:20because I see here,
07:21the neighbors also have such boys,
07:24I talk to them,
07:25and they only look to get a license for a tractor,
07:30because they would like to.
07:32And I say,
07:33well, you will have a license,
07:34but where will you get a tractor from?
07:36He says,
07:37maybe the times will change.
07:39I can only promise one thing,
07:41those cases,
07:42to which you have convinced me,
07:44that they are right,
07:45and really
07:46slow down
07:47the growth of your agricultural production,
07:49I have to convey.
07:51Well, I said here a moment ago,
07:53that everyone has the right to want to live better,
07:56and even has the right to be impatient in this regard.
08:01I mean such a thing,
08:05very recently,
08:06still fresh in memory,
08:07especially for the older part,
08:09present here in the room,
08:12in the years of war and occupation,
08:14we had to deal with such a phenomenon,
08:17that people voluntarily
08:20gave their lives,
08:23or property,
08:26for Poland.
08:28I mean,
08:29for the homeland.
08:31And they
08:32did not count on any payment.
08:36today, of course,
08:37times are different.
08:38Today, no one
08:39has to die for Poland.
08:43this Poland,
08:45for which our older brothers and fathers died,
08:49it is.
08:52in fact, today we do not have to die for it,
08:55but we also have,
08:56in relation to it,
08:57our own,
09:08With my orchestra,
09:09I will play
09:10one piece,
09:12Hata Zawsiowa.
09:13It is a popular waltz
09:14from Wrocław.
09:16One, two, three.
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