• 3 hours ago


00:30当记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
00:37在无处落脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临是岛屿水落地 Your landing is the land of the island
00:45是直到你的位置却装作不在意 I know your position, but I pretend not to care
00:50满身相念却只字不提 I miss you all the time, but I can't stop
01:00当记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
01:06你知道现在是哪一年?你现在又在哪? Do you know what year it is now? Where are you now?
01:10当然是2020年了 Of course it's 2020
01:14在真实世界里,现在已经是2023年了 In the real world, it's already 2023
01:19三年前,你出了车祸 Three years ago, you had a car accident
01:23现在的你,还躺在医院昏迷不休 Now you're still in a coma in the hospital
01:28这个玩笑一点也不好笑 This joke is not funny at all
01:30是,我之前是问了一些奇怪的问题 Yes, I did ask some strange questions before
01:32但是你也怀疑过了 But you also suspected it
01:35不是吗? Didn't you?
01:40那你怎么证明呢? Then how do you prove it?
01:58你! You!
02:29嗯 Yes
02:50还记得在白日梦里面你想实现的神经物理引擎吗? Do you remember the neural physics engine you wanted to realize in Daydream?
02:54后来你成功了 You made it
02:56现在的你,就在自己所开发的造劲引擎当中 Now you're in the neural physics engine you developed
03:02它现在叫做秦宛之灵 It's called Qin Wan Zhiling now
03:19秦宛之灵近期激增了很多投诉 Qin Wan Zhiling has recently increased a lot of complaints
03:22有五百多个玩家说在推出游戏的时候出现卡顿现象 There are more than 500 players who said there was a bug when the game was released
03:26推出卡顿? Bug?
03:27我已经让工程师找Bug了 I've already asked the engineer to find a bug
03:29自从秦总昏迷后就一直没有人有能力对造劲的核心系统做升级 Since Mr. Qin fainted, no one has been able to upgrade the core system of造劲
03:34只能做一些简单的Bug修复 We can only do some simple bug repair
03:37但如果一直无法升级的话 But if it can't be upgraded
03:38我来想办法 I'll figure it out
03:39还有凌总还有凌总我听说最近巨石正在开发MMO模式的梦境游戏还有凌总还有凌总我听说最近巨石正在开发MMO模式的梦境游戏 And Mr. Lin, I heard that G-Stone is developing a dream game in MMO mode
03:44正在全世界的高价搜刮技术和人才 In the world of high-priced scouting technology and talent
03:51目前除了秦宛没人能写出造劲引擎 At present, no one can write造劲引擎 except Qin Wan
03:59也就是说白日梦是秦宛之灵的前身 That is to say, Daydream is Qin Wan Zhiling's predecessor
04:05是啊 Yes
04:07这是现实世界里目前最卖座的游戏 This is the most popular game in the real world
04:10显游集团在游戏界能有今天的地位全是你的功劳 Thanks to you, Daydream can be where it is today
04:14我的功劳 My credit?
04:16秦宛之灵是我设计的 I designed Daydream
04:19不可能 No way
04:21是你为游戏界开创了全新的玩法 It was you who invented a new way of playing in the game world
04:24秦宛之灵那次通奖实至名归 Daydream won the bronze medal, which is very precious
04:27年度最佳游戏设计师秦宛 Best Game Designer of the Year, Qin Wan
04:32秦宛? Qin Wan?
04:35林总,是跟我有同名的设计师吗? Mr. Lin, is there a designer with the same name as me?
04:39那设计师是你 That designer is you
04:41所以说我是真的拿了子铜奖? So I really won the bronze medal?
04:49你现在看到的这个世界全是假的 The world you see now is all fake
04:52全是明显为了困住你编织出来的 It is obvious that I also trapped you to make it
04:55包括灯灯,晴天,他们都是假的 Including Deng Deng, Qing Tian, they are all fake
04:59那你呢?你也是假的吗? Then what about you? Are you also fake?
05:02我是来救你出去的,骗你的人是宁贤 I'm here to save you, the one who lied to you is Ning Xian
05:07但是,他应该不会骗我 But, he probably won't lie to me
05:13但是很多事情无法解释 But there are many things that can't be explained
05:16包括他的突然消失,他做任何事你都觉得熟悉 Including his sudden disappearance, you feel familiar with everything he does
05:23三年前的车祸,那为什么我现在全都忘了? The car accident three years ago, then why did I forget everything now?
05:30你想想,忘掉这些事最大的受益者是谁? Think about it, who benefited the most from forgetting these things?
05:35林总? But, why am I trapped in my own dream?
05:41车祸后,宁贤派你醒过来跟他争夺公司这款最慢做游戏的控制权 After the car accident, Ning Xian sent you to wake up to fight for the control of the company's slowest game
05:46便把你为勤晚之灵制造的造梦引擎接入你的大脑 Then he put the dream engine you made for Qin Wan into your brain
05:50目的就是为了让你不再醒来 The purpose is to keep you awake
05:53但是,我脑子里总会闪现一些,我跟他在一起的画面 But, there are always some pictures of me with him flashing in my mind
06:05都是假的,那些都是林贤植入你脑子的虚假记忆,目的就是为了控制你,让你越陷越深 It's all fake, those are all fake memories in your mind, the purpose is to control you, to make you go deeper and deeper
06:18那你打算怎么救我出去? Then how are you going to get me out?
06:22你要是见到林贤的话,要保持正常状态,直到我救你出来 If you see Ning Xian, you have to stay normal, until I get you out
06:53林总,赫凡呢? Mr. Lin, where is He Fan?
07:09不知道啊,没看见他 I don't know, I haven't seen him
07:12可是他刚刚还在这儿啊 But he was here just now
07:15他一出现,赫凡就凭空消失了 He disappeared as soon as he appeared
07:19难道,这里真的是我的梦境吗 Is this really my dream?
07:23当然需要加班,亲吻之灵需要随机系统升级 Of course, you need to work overtime, and the Qingwan Spirit needs to be upgraded systematically
07:28为什么是我来帮亲吻之灵做升级? Why should I upgrade Qingwan Spirit?
07:31你要是见到林贤的话,要保持正常状态 If you see Ning Xian, you have to stay normal
07:35若是被他知道,你已经了解了真相,你会危险的 If he finds out that you already know the truth, you will be in danger
07:44好 Okay
07:46能搞定吗? Can you do it?
07:48有点复杂,我尽力试试吧 It's a bit complicated, I'll try my best
07:52我去给你弄点吃的 I'll go get you something to eat
08:07难道他对我一切都是假的吗? Is he lying to me?
08:18怎么了?有困难啊? What's wrong? Are you having trouble?
08:23要不先吃点东西吧 Let's eat something first
08:50我累了 I'm tired
08:52吃点东西,我送你回家 Let's eat something, I'll take you home
08:55不用 No need
08:57可现在很晚了呀 But it's very late now
08:59剩下的工作我明天会继续完成 I'll finish the rest of the work tomorrow
09:02青万 Qingwan
09:07林贤,你还有什么话想跟我说吗? Ning Xian, do you have anything else to say to me?
09:11可是他现在很害怕 But he's scared now
09:13他如果开始怀疑自己的事件,会对效果有影响吗? If he starts to suspect his own event, will it affect the effect?
09:16如果突发事件过于违反常识的话,大脑会选择保护自己 If the incident is too unusual, the brain will choose to protect itself
09:22这一点有点经历 This is a little bit of experience
09:26您的快递到了 Your delivery is here
09:28谢谢 Thank you
09:30林总,我觉得现在你要有耐心 Mr. Lin, I think you need to be patient now
09:32他在躁惊里不认识你 He doesn't know you in the trance
09:34即便醒过来,他还是不认识你是谁 Even if he wakes up, he still doesn't know who you are
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