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Welcome to the newest instalment from Chilla's Art... Shinkansen 0 | 新幹線 0号

Shinkansen 0 | 新幹線 0号 is a game set in Japan where players are tasked with finding anomalies in the Shinkansen. (Japanese bullet train)

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00:00All right guys, so do you remember not too long ago where we ended up taking on the role of night security?
00:09Is there something there
00:20Well, this is the latest creation by the same dev called chillers art and it's just released and
00:27This is what it says
00:29This game is set in Japan where players are tasked with finding anomalies in the shinkansen
00:36I hope I'm saying that right, but something tells me I'm probably butchering it, but I believe it's the Japanese bullet train now
00:43I think this is a good time to let you guys know that I'm usually okay with the whole spot the difference thing
00:48But when it's combined with a horror element
00:51Then that completely goes out the window. So I'm getting my excuses in early
00:56All right with that said here we go
01:00with shinkansen zero
01:04Okay, we're in
01:06No anomaly in this area this way forward. So if you guys haven't already worked it out
01:11This is one of those horrors where you have to spot
01:15Something that doesn't quite belong in that area
01:18Now the problem with this is I don't know how detailed it's going to be. That's a cool poster though
01:25Let me know in the comments what that car is
01:28Yes, I am not much of a loser. I knew it straight away. Oh
01:32Okay, so this is
01:35car number seven turn back
01:37If there is anomaly, okay, so that's how it works
01:40Then if you spot something you turn back that way I should have probably tried that door to be honest, but we're in it now
01:46Okay, so get familiar with everything
01:49Got a whole bunch of road numbers ABC. So three on that side two on this side. Oh
01:55When I say guys I will really struggle with this
01:59Don't hate me. Okay. I know you guys have got my back. I'm really gonna try. Okay, man in white shirt great suit briefcase
02:06No socks
02:11Guess my best skill here would be to just nice and slow look around everywhere
02:19Yeah baseline for how everything looks, you know paint that mental map that's not terrifying
02:27Look kids when we're in black when we're in red white shoes black shoes
02:35The thing that will really catch me out is like the reflections of stuff or small details like they'll have like a 1-1 or
02:41Something and I know he's gonna do that, too
02:44Okay, I
02:45Would say that was pretty normal or at least we know what we're dealing with to keep going
02:51Does this area change?
02:54Okay, so still car seven so maybe there was something different back there
03:03Nothing's jumping out. What's that luggage?
03:10Keep facing forward, I guess we can do a couple of passes. It doesn't have to be like off the first take either, right?
03:18Hey mister, hello
03:22What's wrong
03:25Are you looping to wait?
03:27You're aware of this. Oh, nice. I'm a game. I'll see you. Come on. Does that mean you're here to play the game, too?
03:35He's so creepy
03:38I'm super excited. Hey, John go. Okay. No, I got a human under
03:43What's really bored here? Because my sister's not waking up
03:47No matter how long I wait
03:50Walk, I'm at the monkey. No, I know she doesn't seem to open her eyes
03:54They more Nissan got game stick. We look at our home. I don't know
03:59But now that I have you to play the game, I feel better. I am so on edge right now
04:03I feel like somebody's gonna jump out of me or something's just gonna appear
04:08Do you know the rules of the game I think I do oh
04:11Okay. Wait, let's go with no just in case I've missed anything. Okay. I thought they were content. Oh, yeah
04:17The rules are simple. Come on. Taco. Togo. I thought I'm a daughter
04:21contended sure
04:23See something off in the train turn back. But what's classed as off though, you know, like where's the line?
04:30Game all of the ho-ho want to finish the game. Sorry. Wha?
04:35Zero go shama they eat this almost like you know, it tastes to the break. You'll cocake it again
04:40Get to car zero and hit the brakes in the conductors room
04:42Okay, so we just got to keep progressing through the cars then. Oh, you know shall you are?
04:46Kawata kotoha coronet. Oh
04:49Okay, so there are no anomalies in the restroom area. So back where we came from that kind of little chamber area
04:55That's good to know guys. It's amazing. I think so
04:58Yes, you got that
05:01Ja, I'll see you at the end then. I don't know about that
05:07This is probably gonna be complete nightmare fuel and I'm gonna get this horribly wrong, but we're gonna try here we go
05:16Having a little brief like that
05:18I don't if that's worse for me or not because now I know I've got to pay attention to everything cuz nothing was basically broken
05:24down for me as to what
05:29What could be different did I just see something like moving over there
05:36Okay, right so we're gonna take our time with this there is no sense in rushing it we got three chairs on the left
05:41two on the right
05:442019-18 all going down normal order. There's nothing on the top. What does this say?
05:49She can since they're headed to Tokyo. Okay
05:53Right. Let's go
05:58Yeah, it's definitely the reflections that are gonna cause me problems
06:04Some people are really good at this under pressure
06:09I'm not even gonna try and hide it from you guys. If I'm struggling we're gonna roll with it
06:23I'm hearing okay. That's not right. That's definitely not normal. So we turn back then
06:34Go go go. Oh look at that. Oh, that's so cool. Well, let's go
06:45If we go this way then we should be on car six, oh, I love that. Okay, that's cool
06:50So we found an anomaly then. I mean that one was a pretty obvious one. I'll
06:55I'll definitely say that
06:57the smaller detail ones
07:01It's what's gonna catch most people out
07:04Alright, let's do one pass down the train
07:10Love it
07:13I'm gonna call it right now. There's gonna be something up there
07:17That isn't luggage or just like right at the beginning where you're not expecting it
07:20Just peeking down at you like a creature or an animal or something
07:26You're still asleep
07:29Okay, so right off the rip I'm not noticing anything anything different
07:38Check the reflections
07:41Nothing the numbers all seem to be okay wait, yeah, we're good. Oh
07:53Hold on a second
07:57Is that just a
07:59Like a rendering issue or is that the light changing?
08:03Because if a light starts flickering on a train when I'm sound an ether I'm thinking something paranormal is happening, you know
08:11Right, I don't see anything out the ordinary here, but that doesn't mean there's not but you know what
08:18Let's just take a risk
08:20We're gonna go forward if we go back to seven. We've only lost one
08:24We're on six right now. Hopefully we're gonna see five
08:31Again I think this area is good to go. So you want to just have a little breather
08:36Like hold out for a second. Take a piss, you know anything
08:40Should be able to
08:42Yes, okay. That one was normal
08:46So same old strat, let's take our time
08:51Try and get a baseline for everything
08:54Check the windows check the numbers
09:00I've not really been paying attention to what seat number you've been sat in but I'm going to this time 16
09:06You're still not wearing any socks
09:09Nothing's going on in the reflection
09:12nothing above
09:19The fact that I didn't really notice the anomaly of the first one until I was right upon it
09:27Does mean you think that you could get like a jump-scare anomaly to you know how the glass broke on the window
09:34Luggage up there
09:42Not notice it anything different with the numbers this is so hard with me trying to speak to you guys and
09:48Pay attention to this. It's definitely a challenge three two one
09:52Three two one three on the left two on the right. I would say that's
09:57Pretty normal, no
10:01I'm gonna do one more sweep check the numbers check in the windows, too
10:12What's worrying me right now is the number he's sat in is it any different
10:21Yeah, it goes back to 20 so
10:28No, that's just the way we're walking I thought we were actually an anomaly that like we changed
10:3315 nothing 14 all good 13 all good
10:38Nothing on the backs
10:44I'm gonna say
10:50Thought she was sat up for a second. I'm gonna say this is all normal
10:58Oh, it really makes you second-guess yourself, but I'm gonna go with it. There was nothing there. There was no anomalies there
11:04I'm convinced of it
11:05We're going it's gonna be car number four now
11:08Yes, okay. Oh, we're doing it
11:11Okay, check the top. Oh, what is that? Oh
11:14Oh my god, I called it that's not luggage
11:23On the off chance that it's just not loading in all my eyes need to adjust to something
11:37Who know that's definitely something else. All right, let's go back. So that should take us to car number three
11:47Maybe feel a certain way. It was like it just like a skin bag or it could have been something like curled up
11:53Didn't want to hang around here car three, okay
11:56pay attention
12:00He's in 16
12:03Going to Tokyo
12:06Tokyo, okay
12:09Right, we'll do one sweep and then I'll take my time
12:14Going back through everything
12:17We're doing okay though, right considering I've never really done this before and I'm super nervous as well. I
12:25Think we're doing okay
12:29She's still sleeping what about reflections or anything we see that whoa
12:41Whoa, does that look off to you? Oh
12:46Wait, no, my brain was making something it was like the the kind of hair that's dropping down there
12:52It made it look like there's another face
12:56Now I can't not see it be normal if anybody saw that then when I mentioned it
13:00Let me know I'd love to know if anybody else saw that it was like a something with a huge chin
13:06Right, I'm gonna take my time slowly go all the way up this way all the way back down this way
13:10So, let me just check the reflections
13:17Nothing five six
13:26I've done a couple of sweeps of this and I can't really tell I don't know if his expression has changed
13:32That's really the only thing that's jumping out to me here
13:37I've even thought about like making sure these things on the top of the chairs are all there because again, I don't know how
13:44Kind of detailed I have to be but I'm gonna say right here is wait. Yeah. There's the girl. She's in for he was in 16
13:53Does say going to Tokyo? I
13:56Think this is normal. So we're gonna continue on
13:59so we should be on car number two next unless
14:03We've been reset at which I have no idea what it was
14:09We're actually doing it I'm so proud that I've even got this far I'm gonna be completely honest. Okay luggage got it. I
14:18Don't think the lighting
14:23Anything because each car k16
14:27No socks still the same
14:30Each car has had some like funky lighting going on. I don't know if it's like an effect where your eyes have to
14:37Adjust to it or something
14:43Not noticing anything straight away
14:50What about your reflection seems fine
15:01There's no way
15:04Nothing is happening
15:07Hold on check all the numbers
15:10five six seven
15:14Eight nine ten
15:16Twelve thirteen fourteen you're in sixteen, right? Yep all the same look that looks darker to me
15:22And then it may be when you walk under it lights up. I
15:25Know some trains that do that are
15:28some whoa
15:33To me that lightings off that's not right
15:38That's definitely different right that has to be different that's not how the others were I'm gonna say that's different that's an anomaly to me
15:44That's something different. Oh, did I do the right thing? Oh
15:48we did oh
15:50I knew it. See I knew something wasn't right with that. But my brain was like no it's nothing to do with the lighting
15:56That's so subtle because each car has been different with the light in certain areas look shaded and others don't I?
16:03Can't tell you guys how happy I'm right now. I've got one more car to do
16:07Come on, he's in 16
16:14So they're definitely getting harder then oh
16:20My god, are you gonna grab my leg look at him? Oh you
16:37Well, I found the anomaly that's not right go this way
16:44so car zero now and
16:48Then we just get to the end or we got to do this one, too
16:51I still got to turn back if there's anomaly. I guess we just treat this as normal. See if there's
16:57Anything different
17:05One of the hardest things that I would have really struggled with is this person
17:09it's there like this subtle the subtle hand movements or
17:14Like a slight smile or something
17:18It's hard to pay attention to stuff like that like a clenched fist or something
17:24Luggage is all the same. Oh, I'm getting way too confident now
17:30Seems the same
17:36Yeah, I'm definitely treating this as if we're still looking for something headed to Tokyo
17:46Check the reflections
17:49One thing this definitely does it makes you second-guess yourself a lot like
17:55You could be dead cert that nothing has changed
17:59By getting three cars four cars with things that are in them
18:04Does something just change?
18:07And then your brain will go nope
18:11You miss something
18:19Okay, I'm gonna say there's no anomaly on this one I've had a really good look the only areas I haven't really checked is up top
18:28God I hope this like stuff like the posters and things
18:33But I think I think we're good
18:36I'm not entirely sure if I needed to check this car, but we did anyway, so go forward
18:41It's gonna be a little bit heartbreaking now if it goes back to what was it seven, but I'm pretty sure
18:49We didn't get it wrong there, please here we go conductors car
18:58Wait so is this another room on top of that one
19:09Still no socks
19:12It looks a little bit dark back there, but let's keep going
19:27Do I just get to the room
19:46Stop momentarily due to an injury
19:55There's no plan for the train to stop at this moment
20:02Attention please we have stopped momentary due to one injury
20:07There is no plan for the train to stop at this moment
20:11Please excuse the delay
20:17Do we do it
20:23Always the kids
20:31Hello it's a little weird but
20:35We did I'm actually really surprised myself to
20:42You thought this was the conductors room oh
20:46You're gonna keep me in an endless loop aren't you I knew you were demonic
20:50You're only halfway there
20:54I never specified which car zero you have to get to
21:00Don't you know Shinkansen's have green cars
21:05You know where the premium seats are
21:08To get there if you're an adult you should know that wait what
21:15You have to go through the green cars to get to the conductors room
21:22By the way
21:25On the green car
21:29When you find an anomaly go forward instead of walking back oh, so he's flipped now
21:38One more thing you make three mistakes the ghost will get you
21:48None the book that you are not gonna end on up there if you ever wondered why we're here
21:54Not until you said it
21:59Let's just clear the game
22:01See you at car zero okay, so the only thing that's changed is if I find an anomaly I go straightforward if there's nothing there
22:07I come backwards if I make three mistakes. You said the ghost is gonna get me you lied to me
22:13I was super happy thinking that we'd done it
22:17Not I'm gonna go this way then okay kids
22:20Stay there close the door oh
22:25My god there is no way I'm gonna get this right turn back if no anomaly ah
22:34Seven more
22:36Seven more cars if I got to pay attention to what you've got in there
22:46She seems like a nice lady can I get through you the ghost
22:55Okay lady playing on a laptop weird dark area don't like that
23:05Would say you are an anomaly
23:08I'd say that's weird right. It's got to be there's no way. That's just like a normal thing I
23:15Mean I know about Neuralink and all that, but glowing eyeballs. I don't think we're there yet
23:29Apart from him there, which just reaching up like that
23:32I'm gonna say we're going forward because you are an anomaly to me. There's no way you're normal. There's no way
23:43Let's go
23:52Okay wait a second is there
23:57There like anomalies in this area now to oh there was something I missed
24:03So turn back so that's not an anomaly there. That's just somebody that's got a glowing green eye
24:10In all honesty I didn't really check the seats which I will this time laptop, okay
24:18Let me make sure I see you in the light. Oh, this is gonna be way tougher to try and get everything down
24:27Sandwiches drinks snacks nothing out of place
24:34So it's supposed to be super dark here somebody with a green eyeball
24:40Somebody with a green eyeball
24:45Okay, I'm not noticing anything still headed for Tokyo
24:51Probably should have just done another pass on that one, but a little bit weirded out. That's fine
25:00Need any help with that I
25:03Don't yeah, I can't interact with them
25:06Keep an eye on what the lady's doing at the end there too in case she does any like like handstands or something
25:16Pay attention to the numbers if we can
25:23You're not up to anything okay, no anomalies, so I'm gonna go back this way I
25:35Feel like we did it whoa the old man's gone
25:40Yes, okay, we did that right
25:43Quick scan person there the lady on the right with the laptop
25:52Gonna make sure I'm checking your reflection, too
25:56What's on the tray anything
25:59I'm gonna wait till she comes into the light
26:03I've got to admit. This is good
26:04It's kind of cool doing this
26:06But I'm so on edge like I really am because I know at any moment
26:10I messed something up or even if I'm not messing something up. I know something's gonna happen
26:17Everything seems pretty normal
26:24Not noticing anything from last time
26:33Fingernails painted glowing green eye
26:44It sounds like I have sandals on now
26:49Okay well if there is an
26:52Anomaly here. I'm not noticing it. They weren't supposed to be like posters there right that was
26:58The other spot the other the other cars that we were going through so weird
27:04Okay, I'm not judging though kind of them, but I'm not judging at the same time. There's no anomalies here
27:10Okay, just like the last one. We're gonna be going to car five. I'm convinced
27:17Please please be car five
27:20Yes, oh, that's weird
27:23No, that's definitely weird
27:25We're up in the clouds
27:27We're flying this bullet train is no longer a train is now a plane
27:32Okay, that is very very strange. Let's keep going forward
27:37Next one I think that one was pretty easy
27:41Should be four oh yeah
27:46Pay attention to everything
27:51Nothing nothing it's typing away
28:00Got to remember as well and the other ones there was like
28:03Somebody crouched down at the bottom of like the foot area so check that out
28:09Like the foot area so check those places, too
28:13It's everything the same on this thing oh
28:18Is your expression different oh no, I think your expressions different is it no
28:33Reflection no
28:36A flickering is weird green eye painted fingernails nothing
28:54Okay, I was gonna say I remember you reaching for that you kind of are still look the same oh
29:01You see this this is making me think there's nothing wrong with this one
29:05But I feel like that's too easy now because I've done like three of them. I
29:09Guess I should go with my gut though right if there's nothing wrong. I should just go with it
29:13Or I'm not spotting anything. That's nothing wrong. I should say
29:17Feel like you're the one I'm gonna trip up with
29:21No anomalies going with it
29:24Let's get there
29:26car number three oh
29:28Yes, okay, we're doing it, and this is definitely weird
29:32So there's definitely an anomaly here, so we can just keep going straight forward, and this is where I'm gonna get jumped
29:39Oh, that's horrible
29:46Hold on we have a breather a
29:51Kid just appearing like that was horrible let me stay here breathe probably like a little toot
29:59Let's go
30:00Car number two. Oh, we're so close. We are so so close
30:06But I know that little shits gonna turn around and be like oh you forgot about the red seated car
30:12It's gonna be an endless loop of this
30:16We'll get as far as we can with this one, I guess
30:19What would be really cruel as if she had like six fingers on one hand, and it's really hard to see
30:25That would be really cruel
30:28Green eye painted fingernails I
30:32Will admit the anomalies on this one
30:36Seem to be a little bit more obvious, but but now that I've said that I know I'm gonna be like oh
30:42This is easy now. There's nothing on this
30:44Let's keep going
30:46And it's definitely gonna catch me out. Oh
30:49I'm so stressed. I think there could be a possibly two here
30:54So I'll show you guys what I was just having a look at I can't remember if this light was always on
31:03If he was always bald or if his hair is a little bit different look at that I
31:10Mean I remember saying he looked like an old man, but I I don't know if his appearance has changed. You know what?
31:16There's no anomalies here
31:18We're going back. Please be car number one, please
31:23Come on come on. Yes, okay. We're close
31:32Pay attention again
31:34Nothing so that light was on and that person was bald as well. Hello
31:40Anything else going on? No?
31:45All right got to move back again
31:47We're doing it though
31:50Sandwiches drinks and snacks sandwiches and then just snacks. Okay, look on your face is normal
32:00Wearing everything that you were before
32:08Yeah, so that light was on green eye fingernails painted
32:16Honestly this thing could just have no anomalies
32:20In the cars, and I'd be like I think there might be one here that I'm missing and I would take a risk on it
32:30Okay, I'm pretty sure
32:32There's no anomalies on this one, but I just want to check a couple of things first up the reflection of this guy I
32:40Can't quite crouch so we can't really see that but I want to try the reflection of this passenger here
32:47Yeah, you can't see anything
32:49and then
32:51This lady here
32:52Okay, I'm gonna go with there's nothing on this one and hope
32:58Hope that this takes us to car zero
33:02Come on, please
33:04Please yes. Oh, yes
33:08You guys have no idea how happy I am with this. I
33:12Really really expected to struggle so hard with it
33:18Don't notice in anything out of place reflection. I'm looking for things like earrings or anything like it
33:26What is that
33:31That's definitely an anomaly look at that that's like oh somebody invisible looking at me look at this
33:38The head movement, oh, that's so cool though. It's like the predator
33:44Like the cloaking device that's so sick
33:48The only reason I noticed that was because I kind of I guess you can see it
33:51No, you can't see it when you're looking for it now
33:55Okay, well we got an anomaly there
33:57Let's go. Let's keep it moving. Let me just double-check. Yeah, turn back if no anomaly. Yeah, we're going forward
34:03Oh, yes, yes, yes and
34:10Conductor's room if that kid tells me there's another car that I have to go through
34:17That might be enough for me to break
34:20Okay, right let's not rush this don't don't try and jump to the room just yet
34:27Again with the last one
34:28I did do all the things where I was looking around even in like the conductors car room or at least where it gets to
34:33I don't know if I have to do that
34:36I'm gonna do it anyway, though
34:38sandwiches drink snacks sandwiches more snacks
34:43same face
34:46Don't think you've got any different clothes
34:54Don't think anything's changed with you wait a second. No, I don't think anything's changed
35:05Green eye fingernails lights on
35:09Check it anyway
35:16Yeah, I'm guessing we don't have to turn back because it doesn't say it so here we go
35:23Where's that conductor we're gonna put the brakes on oh
35:27This doesn't look good. Oh, no. Here we go. Pump the brakes
35:31Oh, I was waiting for something to happen
35:36Here we do it
35:43What's going on
35:48This whip
35:50What's going on?
35:57Is this where-
36:00Ooh, definitely not going down there. Get off the train.
36:05Ending 1.
36:10There's more than one ending to this.
36:15Okay, I mean, we escaped the train. I'm happy with that.
36:20I genuinely didn't think that we would get anywhere near close to finishing this.
36:26I genuinely mean that. I mean, as far as the game goes, it is what it is.
36:30It all depends on if you enjoy these or you don't.
36:33I think when there's a horror element to them where things could go wrong based if you get it right or wrong,
36:37I think that's a cool idea. We didn't get it wrong because we're amazing,
36:41so we never really saw the ghost. Should I do that?
36:45Okay, I didn't see anything. Just keep it going. I wonder if you can do it like this,
36:49if it's just like a way you can quick scan things. Ooh, okay, so that worked.
36:55Not noticing anything.
36:58The luggage, just kind of repeating how we did this last time.
37:01I'm going to try and up the pace a little bit so there's more room for error, you know?
37:07Because I wasn't exactly taking hours in each car, but I wasn't rushing either.
37:11Okay, we've got an anomaly there, so it's turned back if there is an anomaly.
37:14And the window's going to break. There we go.
37:17And car five. Just go, go, go, go.
37:23I can't imagine they're going to be the same.
37:26Ooh, ooh, that's cool.
37:38That's really, really cool. I'm going to take that as an anomaly though,
37:42because that didn't happen the entire time we did this.
37:50Yeah, and it says turn back if there is an anomaly. Yeah, okay.
37:56See, I'm going to have to double check everything again. I'm going to have to unlearn everything.
38:00Number four.
38:04I'm basically doing this to see if there's things that we haven't seen.
38:07Oh, ooh, ooh. Wait, no way. Is that the woman from the picture?
38:15That's so creepy. She's not in the picture anymore.
38:20Okay, turn back if there is an anomaly. Got it.
38:24Because I wonder if the game works out that you're trying to go quick,
38:28so it throws something in that you could easily miss.
38:30But so far, we've got everything, so this should take us to number three.
38:39Seems bright, but other than that, that's another thing as well.
38:43I wonder if the brightness was actually a thing, or we just got really lucky in that one car,
38:49where I thought it was the lights.
38:54See, I'm trying to pay attention to everything here.
39:01I don't think there's anything in this one.
39:04Check the reflection.
39:08I don't remember your head bobbing like that.
39:12Yeah. Go back up to sixteen.
39:18Still not wearing any socks.
39:23No difference in the reflection.
39:26Okay, I'm going to do one more scan where I'm just checking the feet area.
39:31Make sure that I'm getting all of this in, and then we're going.
39:37So far, nothing.
39:41So turn back if there is an anomaly. Keep going if there's not.
39:44Which should take us to number two.
39:48Oh, we're blowing through this right now.
39:51Let's keep going.
39:53Luggage up there.
40:00Whoa. Did I just hear a knock?
40:09Check your reflection.
40:12That one was really creepy when that lady was outside the picture like that.
40:17I'm not really seeing anything out of place.
40:21I'm going to say there's no anomaly here.
40:25Fingers crossed. It's going to take us to car number one.
41:00That's absolutely hilarious.
41:06That's the best thing I've seen. Oh my god.
41:12There's nothing wrong with this. You're not invisible.
41:15You're perfectly hidden.
41:19Turn back if there is an anomaly. Oh, shit.
41:22You're amazing. Let's keep going.
41:26Oh, what?
41:32Well, that's different.
41:34I've been doing these for like another good 15 minutes, but nothing really has happened all that much.
41:38So I guess I got the last one wrong then.
41:41So some of them are definitely a lot harder to find.
41:44Look at him. Every guy.
41:46Oh, wait a second.
41:53You're going to sprint, aren't you?
41:59Let me guess. You're going to wake up.
42:04Okay. I don't see anything wrong with this. Imagine.
42:09Oh, look at this.
42:12These things are eyeballs. I knew to check these as well.
42:16Look, it's not on this side, but on this one.
42:18And they're watching me too. Look at that.
42:22This is what AI is going to look like in a couple of years' time.
42:24That's what it's going to be.
42:26Okay, right. So we've got another one there.
42:28So some of them are really cool and they can be subtle like that.
42:31You do have to take your time on some of them then.
42:33At least if you're like me.
42:35Some people might catch that real quick.
42:37Let's just go with it. I'm not seeing anything that jumps out at me here.
42:40So we said we're going to try and speed through them.
42:42Oh, that's an anomaly.
42:45You guys caught that, right?
42:48The door was kind of a little bit open and then closed.
42:51That isn't right. We're going back.
42:54That's definitely not right.
42:56No ghost holding no doors open for me.
42:58There we go. Look, we're doing it.
43:01And there's another anomaly over there.
43:03Oh, we're like speed running this right now, which I hate.
43:08A little bit of me dies inside.
43:12Come on. No eyeballs on the chairs.
43:17What is that?
43:20Is that eyeballs?
43:23Well, that's an anomaly. Okay.
43:27We're going to see it super quick like that. I'm not going to complain.
43:32So we've reached the kid again.
43:34And he told me if we make three mistakes, the ghost is going to get us.
43:38So objective, make three mistakes.
43:46Oh, that was different.
43:49There was like an audio cue.
43:52So I'm guessing that's mistake number one.
43:56Audio cue.
43:58Oh, there we go.
44:00So that's two.
44:01I think that's probably what the voice is saying.
44:04But somebody let me know if you can translate that.
44:08So I'm going to say this one is going to have an anomaly just so we see what happens with the ghost.
44:13Oh, boy, here we go.
44:15I'm probably going to get it right now, though.
44:17Ready? It's going to say six on the floor.
44:26Oh, did everything just die?
44:30Oh, everybody's gone.
44:41Keep going.
44:45Keep going.
44:58Just checking around if anything's different.
45:00I'm pretty sure that was the ghost, though.
45:02Yeah, that has to be it because we're back at seven again.
45:04Okay, guys, so I'm actually really happy that we took a look at this.
45:08I was so nervous that it would take me like hours and hours because when you're doing two things at once, like talking to you guys,
45:14I'm also trying to look at what I'm supposed to be doing in the game as well.
45:17I was like, there's no way I'm getting through this.
45:19But I'm pretty proud of us.
45:21We managed to get through it, and this was actually another one that's really well made.
45:24So if you want to see more stuff by Chiller's Art and you want to see more horror on the channel, you know what to do.
45:29Drop a like on the video, subscribe to keep up to date with everything, and I'll see you all in the next one.
