• 2 days ago
So we got a new update and the house is also a little bit changes, its excited to see these new updates, let me know if I missed anything in the comments...
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#granny #grannyremake #grannypolice
00:00What's up guys and welcome back to some more granny remake now the game just received a massive new update with a bunch of
00:04New areas and secrets to find we're gonna be hopping in today's video
00:07We're gonna be finding these secrets and going from there. Let's not wait for time though
00:10Let's press play and hop into the game. All right. So what do we got here? Um, we got medium easy or hard or extreme?
00:15Yeah, i'm going extreme. I was kidding i'm going. Uh, you know what? Let's do easy granny doesn't say. All right, you know
00:20I'll do medium. I'll do medium. No, i'll do easy. I don't know. Which one do I do?
00:24All right, fine. I'll do medium fine fine fine fine fine fine
00:27I didn't I don't know if this is a good idea. I feel like I should have went easy man
00:31I just i'm not good at this game. I feel like but we'll try our best. Let's see. What's new here though
00:36Oh, okay. So we're starting off
00:39In the forest, I think this was in the game before right?
00:431729 what time is that? That's like 13 14 15 16. What's that 6 a.m
00:49Or 6 p.m. That's 6 p.m. 6 p.m
00:52Yeah, I know how to read that time
00:54All right, granny, where are you?
00:56Got a nice house out here in the middle of nowhere, dude, literally there is
01:00No one around here
01:02I wish I could run. Oh, it's 2017. Look on the bottom, right? What is that august 20th 2017?
01:08Does that date have any like significance to it? Or is that just like a random date use left mouse button?
01:13All right, buddy. Why are you having me zoom in? Huh?
01:16Why is this house located in the middle of the forest?
01:19Why are you zooming in on it? Huh?
01:21What do you do? Oh, no
01:25I thought she made my computer crash for a second that noise she made
01:31There we are
01:32Oh, man, so let me choose the lighting. I put cinematic so
01:37Hopefully it looks really cinematic in here like a movie my head hurts so much
01:42Ow, what do we got? Are you awake? Oh what tender dreams you must have had in my bed?
01:47I'm, sorry, but I had to leave you alone for a minute and as there is always so much housework to do
01:51I know you don't understand anything here and I must say I understand your anxiety after all nothing
01:54Can compare to the horror of the unknown, right? Let me tell you a little secret, my dear
01:56I always dreamed of having I guess like you my hunger wakes
01:58Only up at dawn when I barely begin to lick lick the window panes. What are you grandma?
02:03What are you talking about here fella? Huh?
02:05Uh, it's not a question of ethics or morality, but rather cooking my soup became the most delicious when you know what I mean
02:10Right. I know you're scared. You must be frightened. But know that my art is not just horror
02:14It's art when I cut you i'll do it with love just like my grandmother feels for her grandchild
02:18So please accept the thought that you are not here in vain
02:20You will serve a great cause my soup will become so delicious that its sweetness will be felt even through the bitter taste of your
02:24Fear may my love be with you my dear
02:28So I realized I can read fast if I just read like normally like where I don't understand what i'm reading
02:32But I just like don't pay attention to it at all what I just read
02:35So that's how I can do that man. I got quick reading skills. What can I say?
02:39Uh, let's see here. What do we got? You can peek around corners by pressing q
02:42All right, uh by pressing q button and looking in the direction you want to lean
02:46Huh i'm pressing q and nothing's happening. Oh, I see. So you have to approach like a wall or something cool. All right, grandma. Whoa
02:54You might want to get that checked out. I don't think that's normal. That doesn't look good. What's this?
02:58Let me go in here
02:59All right, we're gonna have a look around here. See if we can find anything. It's still very dark in this house
03:04Oh, I need to unscrew all the screws. I just hit a can
03:07I don't know. Does she make okay. I just hit another can dude. It's like i'm trying to get killed right now
03:11I don't think she's up here yet though. Oh, she set a trap down there, dude. Let's go up here
03:16All right, grandma. Look you got cans everywhere. Oh, that's a trap. Can I jump over it? I don't
03:21I don't think I can oh, no, you can't no out. Okay. Hold on. Let me just grandma. Don't come up here
03:26Uh, don't mind me you didn't hear anything. Why is there so many cans?
03:30Where you been eating soup? What what is this? I need to oh my gosh
03:33I just set off a trap. She's got cans of beans on the ground and noise traps up here
03:38Like what is happening?
03:39Is she gonna come up here or should I?
03:42I don't know how far away she is
03:44but i'm also
03:45I think I heard her
03:47Yeah, you hear that? Oh, she's running
03:51Oh, no, I don't know if that's my heart beating or if that's her
03:55She's like right here
03:59I think she's gonna come in here
04:01I'm gonna hop out. I'm gonna hop out. This might be a bad idea. All right, just don't make any noise interact
04:06I need to solve puzzle what puzzle open?
04:09What this is a new room by the way, this was not here before. Oh, oh, this looks complicated. Oh, no
04:14What is going on here? Hold on
04:16auto rotation
04:18What is this dude? This looks so complicated
04:23Oh, oh, oh, okay. So I do that
04:26And then oh I have to time it. Oh my wait. No, that's actually crazy. Did I just solve this on accident? No. Oh
04:33Oh, you think she heard that?
04:36I don't dude unless she's got like supersonic hearing she did not hear that
04:39Okay, so I see you got to time it literally perfectly. I should probably look I heard
04:44The floor squeak dude, I think she's over there
04:46All right, so you can get lucky with this though
04:48Do you just press it at a random time? And if you get it, right boom you win. Oh, no, that's her
04:52That's her that's her here
04:55Oh my I was like those footsteps are not mine. Wait, she doesn't have feet
04:58She's floating. She doesn't have feet
05:01I never noticed that
05:03She's got no toes
05:05It's kind of crazy
05:06All right. Let me see. Hold on
05:08All right, she left all right now I need to sneak through here
05:11What is this? Why do I have this? It seems I need to arrange the paintings in the right order
05:16Um, okay. Hold on. I could do that. Let me just
05:18If she didn't eat so many cans of beans, dude
05:21Where did that come from? Oh, I see it throw it dude. I don't want this picture. Is she coming?
05:26Oh get under get under. Oh my gosh
05:29Uh, she won't know i'm under here
05:31No way
05:32Absolutely. No way. She knows i'm under here. Oh my
05:36There's no how did you know what oh my oh my my ears
05:42What is that dude?
05:44Why did it do that? Why did she do? How did she do that?
05:48Is she some kind of computer like I don't understand how she makes noises like that
05:51All right. I'm going back out dude, whatever
05:54Let me out
05:55Yeah, I was concreted
05:58You got that much concrete, huh granny you got that much concrete just put me in it
06:02Why do I keep thinking I can open that? All right. I know there's something behind this never mind
06:06Oh, that's right this I need something to break it though
06:11A box. Oh, what's that? Wait, hold on. What is it a ball? Give me that
06:16How do I I want the ball ball? Oh, no, that's box
06:20I don't think I can grab it. I think it said box and I read it as ball
06:26Well, I don't know how to get out of here then because uh, we need I think we need a tool for this
06:30Maybe I can just throw this at it
06:32No plank. I need at least a rock to break this. Oh a rock. Oh some right here
06:37Why why do I hear granny? What's going? Why do I hear her right now?
06:41Oh, I gotta break it
06:42Piece by piece dude. Are you kidding me right now?
06:45Granny, what kind of setup you got going on here? Can I not just leave?
06:50All right. I got a rock
06:52This has to do something against her right literally a rock against your skull. That would hurt
06:57There's no way this does nothing to her
06:59Okay careful
07:01I don't
07:02Oh, she's up there. I saw her run
07:04Run run run run. I think she's chasing me move. Whoa. Oh, there's no snow out here anymore. That's new
07:10All right, is she still chasing me?
07:12Oh, no, she's still chasing me get under the bed. All right, no way she finds if she finds me under here. Oh i'm gonna
07:20Oh, she just came in
07:22She's so fast, dude
07:24No, there's no way you find me under here. You're cheating. You actually are dude
07:28There we go
07:30All right, that's good. She left there's a can right there
07:35I hope I don't step on that. Okay, it's watermelon. What the
07:39Uh, it seems there's something in this object. Yeah. Hold on. Let me
07:42All right, that didn't do nothing. Oh, don't tell me I gotta somehow cut this with that guillotine thingy out there instead of just smashing
07:48It with my foot. Yeah, that makes sense. Where'd she go?
07:52Okay, she's not here. What's this clock interact? It seems I can wind these clocks. There's a handle below for that this
08:00Okay, sure, why not?
08:01I gotta wind it. What is it?
08:03Okay, the cuckoo will chime soon. Maybe it's worth checking what's there. There might be an item. Oh on the little bird
08:10Oh, oh, oh, oh, I got it. Oh
08:13She's gonna oh
08:14No, move move move move get under no, no, no, no, no, she doesn't know i'm here. She does not know i'm here
08:20You didn't even no. No, don't do it. Don't do it. Granny. Don't do it
08:24Oh, you're gonna catch a punch you look down here. I promise you there she goes
08:29Now I think about it, right? She's like 95 years old. Why don't we just like kick and punch her?
08:33You know, like I feel like one solid push and she's dead, you know, like she falls it's over
08:38It is over you're gonna be seeing her in a wheelchair in the next game or the next update dude
08:43Come on, where'd she go?
08:45Okay, she's leaving
08:47All right. See her she went inside good
08:49All right. Anything else here that I need? What do I need this key for? What's this a pistol?
08:54Oh, there's a flare gun
08:56Help what maybe I can call the police somewhere right here, dude
09:00Why can't?
09:03Right here. What do you mean somewhere? It doesn't matter where you use it. Just use it
09:08Okay. No, this guy's trolling. He's actually trolling
09:11Where you need to be you want to be in a specific spot to shoot this thing because that makes sense, dude
09:16That makes so much sense
09:19That makes a ton of sense that you can't just shoot it into the open sky right here
09:24All right, you know what fine fine fine fine i'm gonna put it right here here i'll be back
09:28Okay, i'm not gonna it's hidden in the bush now here right there. I'll be back for you little guy
09:32Don't you worry where'd I put the key?
09:35Oh, it's right here. Give me this. What is this called? What's the key's name?
09:39Copper key. Okay, that doesn't help with anything a tv a box. Oh, wait, there could be something in
09:46Oh tomato, I don't what is that?
09:49Good for it. I don't know i'm gonna put it with my other fruit. Okay
09:53Did I just smash it I think I did
09:55Maybe she can like trip on it like a banana peel or something anything in here. No
10:00All right. We need to find more items. I'm heading down
10:02Uh-oh. Oh, no way. You're down here. No way. You're down here, dude. No way. You're down there. Just hanging out
10:08How did you get there that fast? You were so old yet. You move so fast. It doesn't make any sense
10:13Move move move move move move. Let me in. Let me in. All right. I don't know what to do this key
10:17I have no idea what to do this key move move. No traps. No traps. No traps. No traps. No traps, please
10:21No traps. Okay, we're good. We're here. Um, oh wait
10:26Open this what?
10:28Run run run. No, what? Oh my oh my gosh. I set off every trap that I possibly could
10:35We're out of here. Let me through. Oh, i'm dead wonder
10:39Oh my gosh, she has so many cans up here
10:43I can hear her sprinting. You don't have legs. How are you sprinting?
10:47It doesn't make any sense
10:49She's leaving
10:51Okay. All right. All right. All right. What's the plan here? What's the plan?
10:54I want to solve this little picture thing that they got going on up here
10:57But like this room is just deadly. It really is
11:00Okay, you know what? We wait for her to leave a little bit. Let me
11:03Oppress this. Okay. No, I needed to go back up. No go back up. Oh, wait. Okay. No, no
11:07I see the timing on this. Okay. I did it too early again. Okay. Okay. I see I see now do it do it right now
11:12This should work timing should be perfect. No. Oh, oh, no. I need to wait a little bit. Hold on
11:16All right, go wait, what why didn't it go? Okay, dude, that was it man
11:21It went down here again. I wonder if you can no because that one doesn't flip up
11:26Okay, hold on. I know the timing on this ready. Three two one go
11:31No, it's too too early. Yeah way too early. Okay, so you need to do it like right when it hits
11:37Go go go go. Oh, that's perfect. That's perfect. We did it. Okay. Now what wait, it doesn't connect over there
11:43Oh, don't tell me you gotta press
11:45Oh, no, yeah, no, no, no, no, i'm just gonna leave that i'm gonna leave that to the
11:50Professionals give me my picture dude. I want my picture
11:52All right. So watch the look look at this little wire. How do I rope interact?
11:57I don't want this rope here. I gotta jump over it. But there's oh my gosh. What are you doing up here?
12:03She heard me drop the key. There's no way
12:06No way, you heard me drop the key. There's no way
12:10What kind of hearing do you have old man old lady?
12:14Like how do you hear that I I barely heard that
12:18Oh my gosh, that's insane
12:23Okay. So wait, can I even jump without her hearing it? Like what can I do here?
12:27All right. Nope. I just oh my god. All right. Yeah, get me out of this room, dude. I'm sick of this room
12:32I'm sick of this room man
12:35Look, she's back again
12:37Yeah, yeah. Yeah granny we get it. Come on in here and then head on out
12:41I think she already left
12:43I know she's leaving
12:46Okay, i'm gonna hop out
12:48All right. I want to leave this room. I don't want to be in this room, dude. I just don't this room is horrible
12:54Um, okay, mostly because I just can't jump over this
12:58Jump. Oh my gosh. I did it. Let's go. Okay crouch. Okay. So wait what picture?
13:02Oh, look circular. Is she gonna hear she's gonna hear that
13:06Hold on. I think I need this one
13:08You know what I don't care you can come up here no, you can't come up here. Oh my god, she's so fast
13:13Oh, we're dead. We're dead. We're dead. She was right there
13:16What how did I lose her?
13:18Oh my oh
13:20No, you do it. No, that's not fair man
13:23You were gone for like a year and now you come in there and kill me
13:28Oh 17 great, that's great. Oh, look now i'm in jail. That's awesome, dude. Yeah, this is just great
13:35What do you want rock? Give me the rock
13:37Uh, let's see door either interact, okay i'm locked in here with some sort of
13:42Oh, okay. I gotta hit that. I can't reach it. Maybe I can reach it with something
13:45Can you want me to throw there's no way I can throw that and hit that let me see this
13:49Oh, I can break this off. Okay
13:51This is nice. This is very nice. I take this I can do a lot with this
13:54I remember being in this prison before I remember being in here in another episode
13:58Give me this. Thank you. Are you kidding me? Don't tell me. Oh
14:02Okay. Oh break it faster with something else like the rock. Can I use the rock on it?
14:07Oh, yeah, there we go. Oh, she's gonna hear that. Okay now
14:11I can't hit that still. Oh my gosh. What did I?
14:14That scared me
14:16All right. What do we got going on here my flashlight? Thanks
14:20What is this? Can I use this? No, do I want to go back to that room? We almost solved that puzzle. Oh
14:26I don't like this. Can I set this off? Yeah, I can what can I do with this pipe by the way?
14:32Can I do anything with this?
14:34I should you know, theoretically I should be able to break this watermelon with this pipe
14:38But that's not how this game works because that would just make too much sense. That would just you know
14:43All right. Can I use this please? Can I use this just no. All right. Give me back my pipe
14:48All right, so we need to figure out how to get this thing working because I need to cut the thing
14:52I need a water. Oh, that's it. You just want the watermelon
14:56I just I thought I saw her shadow
14:59All right, so we pop this bad boy in here
15:02We'll do a lot. Yeah, what are we getting here?
15:05Uh-huh. What's that? Oh key safe key. Wait, wasn't there a safe in the basement?
15:10Hold on. I want to go in this room
15:13Well, let me in let me in what do we got going on?
15:14You might get an electric shock if you touch the door find a way to turn off the electricity
15:17Okay, how do I get down here? Let me in
15:20Okay, so here's the plan
15:22I find the safe I open it. I get something in there. That's useful i'm sure
15:26and then we
15:29Oh boy, not down here, dude
15:32Okay, avoid the trap. What is this? Why is there a?
15:35String of meat. What's that? Oh the safe
15:38Come on, something good. Something good. Something good. What it what oh my
15:44Why is she down here?
15:46What the?
15:47Oh my gosh. I don't even think she saw me. She just randomly came down here. Did I make a
15:52Dude, did I make a noise?
15:54Oh, I'm I'm horrified right now, dude. She's right there. Did she leave?
16:00What do I do with these
16:02Oh my what kind of room is this?
16:05Okay, I have an idea
16:07Because I think she's gonna come over here as soon as I do this. So I throw these run run. Let me let me let me
16:14Oh, okay. I know she can't come in here unless they updated it. She could not crawl in here
16:18so i'm gonna do that and i'm gonna wait a second because
16:21Uh, you know, yep. There she is. I knew it
16:24There she is. Okay
16:28All I gotta do
16:30Wait for her to leave. Oh
16:32She's right there
16:34Okay, we watch her leave dude. I hope she didn't set the trap again because if she did
16:38All right
16:40We sneak behind her now
16:43All right. Now I grab my tool from over here that I threw. Give me that
16:48All right. What do we got in here? There's got to be electric box. I cut these
16:53Okay, there's one more left. Oh, oh to cut the power to that room
16:56Okay, cool, wait, is that gonna bring her run run run I don't know if that brings her over here or not
17:01I'm, not trying to find out
17:03All right. So what else is in this room? We need to find one more fuse box and then we cut the power to that door
17:09But now it's dark in here, which I feel like I think i'd rather have
17:13Oh, no
17:15I'd rather have it not be dark in here to be honest, but um
17:19I guess that's just me
17:21What is this? Oh, this is the basement. Okay. Wait, is that a
17:24I thought I saw that dude. There's too many cans in here. There's way too many cans in here
17:29Like I can't even go that way
17:31Oh look a sound trap right there
17:34Wait, can I cut these now? I should be able to cut these with this. Let's see. Oh I can
17:38Okay. Yeah, this is a great item to have
17:40Open it. No, cut it. Cut it. All right, nice
17:43Okay, we got a trap there avoid that at all costs
17:46What do we got in here locker metal wardrobe? Oh
17:50Oh, thank you for the picture of granny with a christmas hat on that's just what I wanted in there
17:57I was looking for that actually. Yeah, it's gonna add that to my collection
18:01Uh, what else do we got here? Cut this
18:04Yeah. All right. What do we got in this one? Nothing this one. Oh, this is okay. I can hide it
18:08No, don't stop hiding. Okay
18:10What we got over here?
18:12This place is huge down here, man
18:14It's actually huge
18:16Wait now that I have oh, what's the
18:19Wait doors closed. I should find another way. No, but what about the key? Is that the is that the bronze key that I found?
18:26I feel like it is
18:27Come on, I gotta go back and get it
18:29And I hope she doesn't come over here though
18:31Oh, this is scary
18:33This is scary being down here, dude. I don't like it
18:37Okay, so i'm pretty sure this
18:40this downstairs area
18:42Connects to
18:44Wait, did I go this way?
18:46Wait, what's in here?
18:48Nothing, right? No, I think this downstairs area connects to where I need to go to get the look another locked door
18:55Huh? Okay. Hold on go around this
18:57Anything in there? No, does it mention?
19:00I should find another way. No. No, I think
19:03I think that key I have will work there. Wait
19:07That oh my gosh. No, don't tell me
19:11I think she's down here
19:13Oh my gosh, she's down here turn off the light no leave on the light i'm scared. I don't want to talk about dude
19:17She's down here
19:18Who do I do?
19:20Oh my gosh, please don't come over here. Please don't
19:23I heard her in the water
19:26Oh my
19:31Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
19:36Okay, let me let me out of here dude, I don't want to be down here I don't like it right here
19:44Oh my gosh, wait
19:45There's another door
19:47What door is this?
19:49Metal door I should find another way
19:51Why does she have all these metal? Wait, this is what I was looking for
19:54Okay, is this where I was? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. I know where I am. I need to go up here
19:59I hope she didn't go this way
20:03All right, so
20:05Okay, we're good. All right, so where's the key at where's the key? Um, wait, where's the key did I leave the key upstairs?
20:12Oh, don't tell me I put the I left the key upstairs I think
20:15Oh, no. All right. We gotta go upstairs. This is good though because I can solve that picture one now
20:22I need to listen for her
20:25I don't know where she is
20:28It's so oh my gosh, what was that noise? Oh my what's she doing? She's punching the wall, dude
20:34She's punching the wall chasing me. Wait, wait, dude. Okay. I found the key
20:39And the picture, all right, so that picture's in the right spot
20:44Where'd I put the other picture at right here? Oh, no, she's gonna hear that. I got eyed
20:49Dude, it's oh my you can't see anything now
20:52Why did I turn off the power?
20:54Oh, this was a mistake
20:57She's here
20:58Oh, this was such a oh my gosh
21:02now, I mean, I know she doesn't know i'm under here, but like
21:05This was a big mistake
21:08I cannot oh no
21:11Okay, all right, all right, all right, all right, I think she left
21:15Okay light
21:19No, this was a bad idea dude, I hate this
21:23Okay picture. Oh the door's open. Oh, no. Oh my gosh get under no, no, no, no, no, dude
21:29I opened the door
21:31I think I remember this room wasn't isn't that it's a hallway out that door I think right?
21:35That like wraps around to the side and then there's
21:38I think there's another door over there or something
21:41I remember this area, but I don't remember it being locked with this picture puzzle thing. There she is
21:46You can just barely see her. She went into my new room, dude
21:50Oh my she's in my room. I just opened that man. You know how long that took me to open
21:55Look at her. She's I hear her in there walking around like she owns the place. Come on
21:59Get out of my room lady
22:02She's leaving
22:03Yeah, I hear her she's right behind me
22:08Okay, yeah, she's gonna walk in front of us in a second
22:12There she goes right there. Yep. I don't know if you guys can see her. Can you see her?
22:16Or is it too dark for you guys?
22:19All right. I'm hopping out
22:21Okay light
22:23She left, right?
22:25She left. Okay. Um, let's just go let's just go in there. Wait, wait, where's my um
22:30This in case there's any wires in here. Oh, how do I see like, how do I get around this?
22:37Oh my gosh, that was close. All right, we gotta watch. Oh look see. Oh, no, I thought that was a wire
22:42We're gonna stay on the ground here
22:44Because I don't what is that?
22:47What is that?
22:49Dude, she's got wind chimes in here or something
22:53Why did it do that?
22:55Wheel. Oh, that's for the car. Is she coming over here now move?
23:00Okay, this is good though, so now if she comes over here I can get around her what is this dude she's got the
23:06She's got the granny electric chair, dude. Oh, what's she doing? Where's she? Oh, oh
23:10There she goes. There she goes. All right, this should be easy work right here
23:14Look at this. She's sprinting
23:17All right. There she is right here
23:21Oh my
23:22She knows I found her electric chair, dude. Why does she have an electric chair? I have so many questions
23:29Oh, I should look like she's walking backwards
23:34She's gone now
23:35All right. So what is this? Wait, is this the other?
23:39Hurry up. Granny heard you pull the lever. Oh, and she'll soon turn it off
23:43Wait, what?
23:44She's coming back. Wait, wait. What does that lever do?
23:49I wonder if that'll turn off the power to that door down there. She's just
23:56Get under she didn't see me. Okay hatch. Oh, we got a hatch here. I need to unscrew. Okay. I need a screwdriver
24:02What's this? I need copper key. Wait, that's the key I have right there
24:06Oh, wait, where'd she go?
24:09Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where did she go?
24:13Okay, i'm pretty sure she left
24:17All right, this should be easy dude. This should be free. I just get my
24:22No, see that still makes noise
24:25Run and jump run run run run. I know she's coming. So i'm just gonna run for it
24:30Come on, come on
24:32Oh my she's right there. Okay, i'm gonna open the door
24:35Okay, get back under this is a new attic. I haven't been here
24:39Okay. Okay. Okay. This is perfect. This is actually going perfectly
24:44I don't she's not moving
24:48There she is get in get in get in
24:51All right, she's leaving. This is perfect, dude
24:54I mean
24:55What do we got up here, dude? What is this?
24:58What's that? Oh the light
25:00So you'd be lit up up here if I didn't turn off all the power
25:04What is this? What?
25:06What a toy what?
25:09Wait, what is this?
25:11Door, I need to solve the puzzle to open this door. Hold on. There's nowhere to hide in here though
25:17so if she
25:19No, no, no
25:21Dude, if she comes up here i'm dead
25:23I think it wants me to play this game
25:25Let's see
25:26It seems I need to eliminate. Huh? I can't read that. I gotta play this. Oh, it's like a silent
25:32Oh, no, it makes that little thing
25:34Okay. Okay. I think I got this
25:36No, no. No, i'm not i'd look to see if I had ammo i'm missing dude. This gun. This gun has crazy drop on it
25:42Come on, dude. Come on, dude. Come on
25:45Oh my gosh, please
25:46Let's go. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on
25:48Oh my dude, okay. Okay. Okay. Oh my there's so many of them
25:52No, no, not the moving ones. Not the move dude. I can't do the moving. Oh my gosh. I'm literally
25:57I am horrible. Please tell me this is the last one. Yes
26:00Oh my gosh, that made so much noise that made so much noise. What is this? Dude? I need somewhere to hide
26:06No, no. No, what is this?
26:08What is this? Oh, I hear her. No, i'm dead. Let me out. Let me out move move. That's me
26:15What what is oh my god, i'm dead there's nowhere to hide here. Yeah, these aren't i'm dead
26:22I'm dead
26:23I'm dead. She's sprinting
26:26Tough the light
26:27No, she's sprinting to me
26:30Oh my I think she left
26:36Oh my gosh
26:38She's coming back
26:40Tough light tough. I don't know if she hears the light or not. I'm
26:43Oh my god, is she in front of me?
26:45I can't see anything dude. I can't see she can oh my gosh. Don't kill us. Don't kill us. Oh, no
26:53I can't even see the jump scare
26:56Are you kidding me, dude?
26:58Oh, we were doing so wait, where am I?
27:01Wait, what? Why am I here?
27:03I guess she felt bad for me. She put me in the bedroom
27:06All right. I gotta get back to that room. My legs hurt so much. I can't run
27:12i'm dead
27:14No, i'm dead
27:15This is the end for us fellas
27:18We just unlocked that room
27:21Hold on
27:24Okay, I gotta play this wait
27:30Is she
27:32Is she above us
27:36Oh my gosh
27:41Let me through
27:43I don't know where she is
27:46No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is not good
27:51I think she's up here
27:54I don't know
27:57Can I close this door? No
27:59How am I it said I had to make a phone call or something, but how?
28:03If she can just run
28:05I heard her behind me
28:06It's not like she farted. I don't know you heard that
28:10All right. What do we got going on here phone? I need a battery for this phone
28:15What is that dude? I need like a
28:18Need a light for that to like show the real number looks like I need like a purple light
28:23All right. All right. I'll be back. I'll be back for this
28:26I'm gonna go downstairs now
28:29If I can make it out of here alive
28:31What do we got over here though?
28:34What is this?
28:35This is like a stool. Is there anything useful? Oh my what is that dude?
28:40What is that? Why is there a picture of that in here?
28:43Is there anything helpful? Why do I think I hear her?
28:47Oh, this is like her room. She's got like locks in here and stuff
28:52Okay, wait
28:54Why'd I just hear a floorboard creak
28:58Dude, I need to get out of here
29:01Get me out of here i'm gonna flip this switch
29:06It's gonna summon her up here
29:09And then we're gonna sneak behind her
29:12Because I think she'll come over here. I hate not being able to run man. It's so scary
29:16Because like if i'm not near a hiding spot and she shows up i'm dead
29:21Where is she?
29:24Where is she dude she's supposed to
29:27Should I just go down there?
29:29Oh, well now she's definitely coming up here
29:32Hold on. I want to know what this switch I
29:35did was
29:36Come on, look at that. Look the clock is set to a certain time
29:41I don't get where she is
29:43She definitely should have come up here by now, all right i'm going for it
29:54Oh my gosh
29:56Oh there oh no, she saw me no, no, no, please don't be that fast. There's no way you're that fast
30:02You were 95 years old. Okay, that's what I thought. She's coming up here though. This is good. This is good
30:06All right, we can go through here
30:08What is she doing, uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
30:12Where are you going? Hold on. I can hit a can or something, right?
30:15There's got to be something give me the car tire. Oh, no, I move so slow drop that that'll make her come over here though
30:22Yep. Oh, she's sprinting
30:24Yeah, what are you doing? Granny? Come over here
30:28All right
30:30Wait, where's that can at? I don't know
30:32Go go go go, dude. I move so slow
30:36Why dude, how do I repair my leg?
30:39How do I repair it?
30:40Because I really need to
30:43Oh, look, oh, oh
30:45That's not good. What's this another new puzzle?
30:48Me out. No, why is this? No, i'm dead
30:51I'm dead. What is this new area? Why is it?
30:53Store is locked. Why is it locked?
30:55I'm dead
30:57I can only open this I can't like hide in it and that's not a hideable locker
31:02I hear her running. Oh my gosh, dude
31:05Dude there's so much that has changed in this man. There's so much that's different
31:11I hear her running. Well, that's just my heart beating
31:15All right
31:16I'm gonna assume she's gone
31:19Come on. What is this puzzle? Oh my gosh. Does that make?
31:25Is that loud
31:28Oh, I need to solve this somehow
31:31Yeah, I don't know
31:32I don't know what that is
31:34Open these. Oh, what's that?
31:36a coin
31:38What can I do with this?
31:39Open can I hide in here?
31:42Oh you can
31:45Well, that's pretty useful
31:48Oh, no, look where she put a wire. I'm going downstairs
31:52Oh my gosh, dude. There's a million
31:54What do I oh i'm dead i'm dead
31:57I'm dead. Yeah. No, i'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Let me know
32:02Oh my gosh, dude, that was right there
32:05Oh my gosh, man, that was right there. Can I run? No
32:11Oh, why does the game become harder the more you lose?
32:14I guess it figures you're like closer to winning but i'm not I don't think
32:18Come on, please
32:19Well, maybe I can call the police somewhere where I don't
32:22I need to know where like where where he would want to call this
32:26Because like this looks like the perfect spot to call him
32:30But it's not what oh my gosh i'm dead i'm dead I move so slow I am
32:38I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Oh, yeah, i'm dead. Yeah. No, i'm dead
32:43I'm dead. Don't even pretend like you don't know where I am. You clearly know where I am
32:47There's no way there's
32:49Okay. Yeah. All right. Yeah, that makes sense
32:53I get right under the bed right in front of her. She doesn't know where I went
32:55I get in the bed. She's a mile away. She knows exactly where I am
33:00Okay, grandma, all right. Yeah, I see what you did here
33:04Get me out of here
33:06All right. What do we got? I need to find um
33:09a lever
33:10I need to find a lever
33:12Oh my gosh, dude
33:17I didn't think she was that close. Are you kidding me man? Are you don't do it grandma
33:23Don't do it. You don't have to do this to me
33:26Somebody did this to her legs, by the way, that's why she's got no feet think about it
33:31you dead
33:33you dead
33:34That sums it up perfectly you dead
33:36All right, guys, that was granny remake
33:38Let me know if you guys want to see me return and try to beat this game and get the new ending
33:41But uh, yeah for right now i'll see you guys in the next one. Thanks so much for watching. Peace out
