• 2 days ago
Bob Lazar: E-115 or E-247 ?

Associated Links:
(1) Edward Halerewicz, Jr: https://www.geocities.ws/halgravity/papers/E115RLclaims.pdf
(2) Joe Vaninetti’s Diary: http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Lazar_21.pdf
(3) https://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Element_115.htm
(4) Method-1: pg. 6-7: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384966142_QE6_-_Element-24x_Solution_Algorithm
(5) Method-2-3-4: pg. 39-41: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331644513_Analysis_of_Claims_Regarding_EM_Propulsion_System
(6) 106 QE 1.0 SpreadSheet Calculator: same link as appears in ‘2’ (above); access the ‘Linked Data’ Tab
(7) https://www.boblazar.com
(8) https://youtu.be/FJM4ZdmzGZo?si=0wlpXdX3s0SrsmtI&t=1756


00:00G'day viewers, in this episode we are going to posit a solution to the element 115 mass
00:05density problem.
00:06Presently, discord exists between the value of element 115 mass density endorsed by Bob
00:12Lazar and the value of mass density estimated by standard nuclear physics theory, specifically
00:18by Emeritus Professor Burkhard Frick of Kassel University in Germany.
00:23The value endorsed by Lazar is 31.5 grams per centimetre cubed, however the Frick value
00:29is 13.5 grams per centimetre cubed.
00:32These two positions are poles apart and to make matters worse, Lazar's value simply does
00:36not fit in the way it should on the standard periodic table.
00:41So what can we do about it?
00:43Well one way is to take on faith that Bob Lazar did indeed utilise element 115.
00:48The second approach is to entertain the possibility that Bob Lazar thought he was utilising element
00:53115 but was actually utilising an alternative element.
00:57Consider the following.
00:59Number one, Bob Lazar did not have any of the required apparatus in his laboratory in
01:03order to ascertain if he was using element 115 or something else.
01:08Number two, this means that he relied upon human testimony or documentation to conclude
01:13that he was using element 115, however human testimony and documentation can be wrong or
01:18worse disinformation.
01:21Number three, whether or not Lazar was working with element 115 or something else does not
01:25actually matter with respect to reverse engineering the sports model spacecraft.
01:30Elemental knowledge was irrelevant in terms of what Lazar was employed to do, hence injecting
01:35element 115 disinformation into Lazar's situation was actually harmless to the project's objectives
01:41but provides an important snippet of disinformation if the story of S4 was ever leaked.
01:47Number four, it would have been widely surmised by S4 information police that the synthesis
01:52of element 115 on earth was inevitable and relatively imminent, thus spreading the story
01:58of element 115 serves to debunk Lazar's claims because it appears to be a fundamentally unstable
02:06So then, what do we think may have happened?
02:08Well in this video presentation we demonstrate that element 247 ticks all the boxes, not
02:13element 115.
02:15We conjecture that Bob Lazar was given element 247 but was told that it was element 115.
02:21According to Lazar, both of these elements reside on an island of stability.
02:25The only way Lazar could have used element 115 is if its mass density was near the Frick
02:30value of 13.5 grams per centimetre cubed, not 31.5 grams per centimetre cubed as he
02:37OK, let's now take a look at the mass density of each element appearing on the standard
02:42periodic table.
02:44This is a graph of the mass density of each element appearing on the standard periodic
02:50It displays known mass densities from element 1 to element 97, with the exception of element
02:5687, that is, francium.
02:59From element 98 onwards, all values of mass density are theoretical estimates, derived
03:04from standard nuclear physics theory.
03:07Notably, a significant contribution to the body of theoretical mass density estimates
03:12has been formulated by emeritus professor Burkhard Frick from Kassel University in Germany,
03:18as appears on screen.
03:20From this significant body of theoretical mass density estimates, one is of particular
03:25interest to us, that is, element 115.
03:28Upon inspection of the graph, we can see that the theoretical mass density estimates derived
03:33by Frick, that is, from element 104 to element 116 and element 156 to element 166, appear
03:42to follow the pattern of peaks and troughs we observe from element 1 to element 97.
03:47Recognizing this attribute provides confidence in Frick's estimate of element 115 mass density.
03:54Having confidence in Frick's estimate is extremely important going forward, as we shall challenge
03:59certain aspects of the Lazar story by leveraging off Frick's element 115 mass density estimate
04:05of 13.5 grams per centimeter cubed.
04:09Let's now inspect alternative representations of mass density appearing on the standard
04:13periodic table.
04:16Appearing in the top left-hand quadrant of the frame is the standard periodic table with
04:21the mass density of each element depicted in cityscape format.
04:25Appearing in the bottom right-hand quadrant of the frame is the standard periodic table
04:30with the mass density of each element depicted in heatmap format.
04:35In both of these representations, we can see that the mass density of element 115, according
04:40to standard nuclear physics theory, that is, 13.5 grams per centimeter cubed, fits
04:46like a silk glove.
04:48For example, the heights of the towers in the cityscape rise and fall in accordance
04:53with a recognizable pattern.
04:55Similarly, with respect to the heatmap, elemental mass density decreases when we move left or
05:01right from the approximate center of the row containing Moscovium.
05:06Now inspect the value of element 115 mass density taken from the Bob Lazar website,
05:12that is, 31.5 grams per centimeter cubed.
05:15With your mind's eye, raise the height of the Moscovium tower by a factor of 2.3.
05:21That is, make the height of the tower 2.3 times higher than depicted.
05:26When we do this, we can instantly recognize that it does not fit the standard periodic
05:32In fact, it breaks it.
05:34Simply put, element 115 with a mass density of 31.5 grams per centimeter cubed does not
05:40belong on the standard periodic table.
05:43So then, how can we fix this mismatch issue?
05:46Well, we have a number of possibilities open to us, but before we explore what they are,
05:51we need to understand that the standard periodic table does not include all possible isotopes
05:57of every element.
05:59Just keep this in mind going forward.
06:02To resolve the element 115 mass density conflict, we can utilize four methods.
06:07The first method provides a linear mass density approximation for a broad spectrum of super
06:12heavy elements at a constant molar volume.
06:16This allows us to fill in the mass density blanks on the standard periodic table, which
06:21you will see on the next slide.
06:24Simply speaking, our first method utilizes the Burkhard Frick mass density estimate for
06:28element 115 as a scaling baseline in order to approximate the mass density of many super
06:34heavy elements.
06:36In other words, we assume that the most recently synthesized isotope of element 115 possesses
06:43an exact mass density of 13.5 grams per centimeter cubed, which is the Burkhard Frick estimate.
06:50We then apply our nuclear isotope hypothesis in order to predict the existence of stable
06:55isotopes and their associated mass densities.
06:59As you can see on screen, our first method facilitates four scenarios.
07:04The first scenario estimates the mass density and atomic number of the primary fuel wedge
07:09if it resided on the second island of stability, which allegedly exists around element 247
07:16according to Bob Lazar.
07:19The second scenario estimates the mass density and atomic number of the primary fuel wedge
07:24appearing in the sports model reactor presented by Ken Bright.
07:29Please refer to episodes 59 and 67 for more information.
07:34In episode 67, the element 115 isotope 299 is utilized as the baseline reference, hence
07:42Burkhard Frick's mass density is tied to isotope 299 rather than isotope 290.
07:49This is why the second scenario may be associated with differing atomic number estimates.
07:54Moreover, it is important to note that the physical model displayed by Ken Bright was
08:00not constructed by Ken Bright.
08:02According to Ken Bright, it is owned by Bob Lazar.
08:05We shall assume that it was fabricated by Bob Lazar based upon his recollection of the
08:10model utilized at S4.
08:13The third scenario estimates the mass densities and atomic numbers associated with dimensional
08:19data supplied by Project Gravitor.
08:21We reverse-engineered this information utilizing the Optimal 16-disk solution as a template,
08:27which revealed three potential configurations, as appears on screen.
08:32Unfortunately, due to a confidentiality agreement, we are unable to divulge the dimensional data
08:38shared by Project Gravitor.
08:41The fourth scenario estimates the atomic number associated with the element 115 mass density
08:46claim of 31.5 grams per centimeter cubed, as appears on the Bob Lazar website.
08:53Let's now visualize our linear mass density approximation method with respect to the standard
08:58periodic table.
09:01As you can see, we are able to fill in the blanks via linear approximation.
09:06From this, two questions arise, that is, why do we need to do it and what value does it
09:12Well, the reason we need to do this is because no mathematical pattern fits the experimental
09:17data with a high degree of accuracy.
09:20If it were possible to fit a single equation to the experimentally validated mass densities
09:24of the elements, it would have been accomplished by the scientific community long ago.
09:29Thus, a linear approximation becomes an obvious step.
09:34The value that the linear approximation method adds is obvious once we declutter the graph,
09:40remove 20% error bars, and focus exclusively on the linear segments.
09:44Hence, we can see that our mass density estimate will not be correct all the time, but it will
09:50be correct more than just sometimes.
09:53Let's now move on to our second method to resolve the element 115 mass density conflict.
10:00The second method is applied to two scenarios.
10:03The first scenario involves the table appearing on screen, which is an extract from what is
10:09colloquially termed Joe Vanninetti's diary.
10:13Vanninetti claims that he worked indirectly with Bob Lazar whilst Lazar was stationed
10:18at S4.
10:19However, Vanninetti was stationed at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
10:24According to Vanninetti, he was a friend and colleague of Lazar and subsequently gained
10:29access to the information contained in the table, whilst he was employed by Lanell.
10:35At the very least, the value of mass density appearing in Vanninetti's table has been endorsed
10:40by Bob Lazar.
10:42We utilize the mass density and molar volume from Vanninetti's table to constrain our solution
10:49In doing so, we conjecture that Vanninetti's mass density and molar volume data better
10:54suits element 165 rather than element 115.
10:59As we explained previously, the standard nuclear physics theory value of 13.5 grams per centimeter
11:05cubed is considerably lower than the value appearing in the table.
11:10This needs to be reconciled.
11:13Please take a moment to pause the video presentation and study our first method 2 scenario results.
11:19OK, let's now move on to our second method 2 scenario.
11:25The second scenario involves Project Gravitor dimensional data, which has been endorsed
11:30by Bob Lazar.
11:31However, a confidentiality agreement between ourselves and Project Gravitor prohibits the
11:37release of this information.
11:39Having said this, we have developed a solution algorithm and can share the results with you.
11:44Of particular importance is the value of mass density which can be calculated utilizing
11:49the supplied dimensions.
11:50It is also important to understand that the supplied dimensional data is only approximate.
11:56An unknown margin of error exists with each dimension supplied.
12:00Nevertheless, we shall move forward on the condition that the dimensional data supplied
12:05by Project Gravitor and approved by Bob Lazar is precisely correct.
12:10Thus, we have determined that the dimensional data endorsed by Bob Lazar yields a mass density
12:16value of 35.7 grams per centimeter cubed.
12:20When we execute our method 2 solution algorithm, we find that the results returned better suit
12:26element 187 rather than element 115.
12:30Again, as we explained previously, the standard nuclear physics theory value of 13.5 grams
12:36per centimeter cubed is considerably lower than the value appearing on screen, that is
12:4135.7 grams per centimeter cubed.
12:45This needs to be reconciled.
12:47Please take a moment to pause the video presentation and study our second method 2 scenario results.
12:53OK, let's now move on to methods 3 and 4.
12:58The third method works backwards from mass density estimates, in order to calculate the
13:02corresponding isotope numbers.
13:05When we execute this step, we see that the atomic radius associated with the Vaninetti
13:10and Gravitor mass densities is substantially different from the atomic radius specified
13:16by Vaninetti, that is 1.87 angstroms.
13:20In the case of the EGM estimate, the atomic radius corresponds to the Vaninetti value.
13:26Of particular importance are the neutron to proton ratios.
13:30In the case of both element 115 configurations appearing in the table, the ratios are exceedingly
13:36high and pose a significant issue to standard nuclear physics theory and implies instability.
13:42However, in the case of the EGM configuration, the neutron to proton ratio is almost unity
13:49and implies stability.
13:51The fourth method constrains the EGM configuration to the Vaninetti value of mass density.
13:57Please remember that this value has been endorsed by Bob Lazar.
14:01Thus, we calculate the corresponding number of neutrons, hence the neutron to proton ratio
14:07is almost unity, which implies stability.
14:10Moreover, once again, the associated atomic radius aligns favorably with Vaninetti's value.
14:17Let's now analyze what we have covered so far.
14:20We shall commence our analysis by considering method 2, 3 and 4 results.
14:25Upon inspection, it is immediately apparent that we may discard both configurations in
14:30the method 2 results table due to the comparatively large dissimilarity to the LAe115 atomic radius
14:37published by Edward Halloritz in 2008.
14:41Of course, the LAe115 atomic radius he references originates from Joe Vaninetti's diary.
14:48With respect to method 3, once again, we may discard the configurations indicated due to
14:52the dissimilarity results.
14:54Thus, the remaining candidates are the EGM solutions contained in method 3 and 4 as emphasized
15:00by the red boxes.
15:01OK, let's now analyze how these results impact method 1.
15:07If we review method 1 results in the context of method 3 and 4 results, it is instantly
15:12apparent that 5 of the 6 solutions presented may be discarded.
15:16Hence, the remaining method 1 candidate solution is element 247.
15:20Subsequently, by following the process pathway, we see that method 4 produces an ideal theoretical
15:26solution such that, number 1, the primary fuel wedge material is conjectured to be element
15:32247, not element 115.
15:35Number 2, its mass density is 31.5 grams per centimeter cubed, not 13.5 grams per centimeter
15:41cubed as required by the LAe115 data table.
15:46Number 3, it contains 273 neutrons.
15:49This is 92 more neutrons than the element 115 stable isotope 296 conjectured by Storti.
15:55Moreover, it's 89 more neutrons than the element 115 stable isotope 299 conjectured by standard
16:02nuclear physics theory.
16:04Number 4, its atomic radius is 1.87 angstroms, as required by the LAe115 data table.
16:11Number 5, its nuclear radius is 10.1 femtometers.
16:15Number 6, its neutron to proton ratio is 1.11, which implies stability.
16:20OK, this all looks great, but there is one problem and it's caused by Vanninetti, not
16:25by EGM.
16:28Vanninetti states three key requirements, that is, mass density, atomic radius and molar
16:34As we have just shown, method 4 aligns with Vanninetti's mass density and atomic radius,
16:39but when we analyze a little more deeply, we see that his molar volume value does not
16:44align with his atomic radius.
16:47In the top half of the frame, we can see that the LAe115 table value of molar volume can
16:53only be achieved if the Vanninetti version of element 115 with a mass density of 31.5
17:00grams per centimeter cubed exists as isotope 424, that is, it contains 309 neutrons.
17:07In such a case, the neutron to proton ratio is 2.69, which is considered to be very high.
17:14In fact, such a high ratio implies instability.
17:18Moreover, we can also see that the LAe115 table value of atomic radius is also dissatisfied.
17:26In the bottom half of the frame, we are presented with a solution which does work.
17:31Our results demonstrate that an element 247 solution produces an atomic radius satisfying
17:36the LAe115 table value, as well as a neutron to proton ratio which implies stability, that
17:43is, 1.11.
17:45However, an element 247 solution requires a molar volume of 20.16 centimeters cubed
17:53per mole.
17:54This, of course, is in conflict with the LAe115 table value.
17:59Therefore, we propose that the LAe115 table value is incorrect.
18:04OK, let's now summarize what we have learned.
18:08On our journey, we have learned the following lessons.
18:11Number 1.
18:12Bob Lazar endorses a mass density value for element 115 as being 31.5 grams per centimeter
18:19cubed, as displayed on boblazar.com.
18:22Number 2.
18:23Bob Lazar is not known to be directly associated with an element 115 molar volume of 13.45
18:30cubic centimeters per mole, nor an element 115 atomic radius of 1.87 angstroms.
18:37Both of these metrics seem to have originated from Joe Vanninetti.
18:42Number 3.
18:43Bob Lazar is not known to have actually determined personally, via physical measurement, that
18:48he was working with element 115, rather than some other element.
18:52That is, he was informed verbally or via documentation that he was working with element
18:58It is possible that he was disinformed because knowledge of the specific element he was working
19:03with was not critical information for reverse engineering the sports model spacecraft.
19:08However, the mass density of what he was working with is too easily measured and verifiable
19:14to be disinformation.
19:16Number 4.
19:17The required number of neutrons for element 115 to possess a mass density of 31.5 grams
19:23per centimeter cubed implies nuclear instability.
19:26Number 5.
19:27The element 115 molar volume and atomic radius values reported by Joe Vanninetti appear to
19:33be in conflict with each other in the sense that they imply nuclear instability.
19:38Moreover, they appear to be in conflict with standard nuclear physics approximations.
19:43Number 6.
19:44An element 115 mass density value of 31.5 grams per centimeter cubed appears to be physically
19:50impossible because it cannot be made to fit into the standard periodic table, which has
19:54been thoroughly tested since 1869 and is reliably correct.
20:00Number 7.
20:01The estimate for element 115 mass density derived by emeritus professor Burkhard Frick
20:06of Kassel University in Germany via standard nuclear physics theory, that is, 13.5 grams
20:12per centimeter cubed, fits the standard periodic table extremely well.
20:17Number 8.
20:18We have considered various elemental possibilities as substitutes for element 115 and the only
20:23candidate we could find which ticks all the boxes is element 247.
20:28Number 9.
20:29We conjecture by forwardly executed mathematical derivation that isotope 520 of element 247
20:35is stable with a neutron to proton ratio of 1.11.
20:40It will possess a mass density of 31.5 grams per centimeter cubed, a molar volume of 20.16
20:46cubic centimeters per mole, an atomic radius of 1.87 angstroms and a nuclear radius of
20:5210.1 femtometers.
20:54Number 10.
20:55Bob Lazar stated in a documentary that another island of stability exists somewhere around
21:00element 247.
21:02It is important to understand that we did not reverse engineer our element 247 solution
21:07based upon Lazar's island of stability assertion.
21:09Our element 247 solution has been forwardly derived via the electrogravimagnetic construct.