• 2 days ago
Aired (October 20, 2024): Pinamugaran ng kumpol ng singsing pari o millipede ang isang bahay sa Las Piñas City. Bakit nga ba namumugad ang mga ito sa isang residential area? Panoorin ang video.


00:00They are known for having a lot of feet.
00:16They walk fast because they have a lot of feet.
00:20They can't stay still in one place.
00:23But those feet
00:26Silvi disappears when the rain pours.
00:36That's why they chose to cover our houses.
00:43There are so many, you can't count them all.
00:46It's really overwhelming.
00:55The rain pours.
01:05That's why the animals in the forest
01:09are disposing of each other.
01:17These animals are now fully forced to carry their food.
01:26They are packing for the long rainy season.
01:31What they are left with is a small stink bug.
01:39They are helping each other to carry the insects to their nests.
01:43They are also busy looking for a place to nest.
02:02They can't see each other, so to know where they are going,
02:07they are using a pair of antennas to sense the surroundings.
02:14They can't see each other.
02:20This is called a cincing pari or tren-tren.
02:25It's only played by children because when they move,
02:29they form a circle.
02:32They are called cincing pari because when there is danger,
02:36they surround themselves like a cincing.
02:44These two cincing paris, together, are digging a hole in the ground.
02:55Underneath the ground, they are hiding from the rain.
03:06While they are digging,
03:09another cincing pari passed by and seems to want to join them.
03:19If there is a roundback, there is also a flatback cincing pari.
03:26They are busy eating rotten wood.
03:31While some of them are wearing jackpots.
03:35Along with the bats, they are mixing with the fallen mango seeds.
03:41Look at this.
03:43It's hard.
03:45When I hold it, its exoskeleton is hard.
03:51At the same time, it releases a strong smell.
03:57These cincing paris.
04:00The smell is strong.
04:02They release their chemicals for protection or defense.
04:10Many people think that there are thousands of cincing paris.
04:14But the truth is,
04:16there are only 24 to 750 cincing paris depending on the species.
04:22They walk fast because they have many cincing paris.
04:25They can't stand on one leg.
04:31These millipedes have around 80 legs.
04:37They are connected to each segment of their body.
04:42Cincing paris usually go to cold and humid places.
04:49They don't like hot weather because their body can get dry and die.
05:01These two are taking advantage of the opportunity to multiply while it's not yet hot.
05:08But it's a different story when it rains heavily.
05:14Even though they have many legs, they can't use them for swimming.
05:21That's why this one is completely drowned.
05:29So that it won't drown,
05:31the cincing paris are swimming in people's houses.
05:38In Las Piñas City,
05:41Tin, Tin's mother, has a big problem.
05:45There are a lot of millipedes or cincing paris living in her house.
05:52There are a lot of millipedes or cincing paris living in my house.
05:58There are a lot of millipedes or cincing paris living in my house.
06:05Hi Tin, good morning Dr. Nielsen.
06:08Hello, how are you?
06:10Oops, what was that sound?
06:12I stepped on something.
06:14These are millipedes.
06:18It's true.
06:19It's true.
06:21Here in Tin's stairway, there are a lot of millipedes.
06:26You can smell the scent that these millipedes produce when you touch them.
06:34Ma'am Tin, where did you see those millipedes?
06:41Here, sir.
06:43There are a lot of millipedes here.
06:46Look, in this particular corner,
06:49it's like those horror movies that you watch,
06:52where there's an area where the cockroaches come out,
06:55but here, there are a lot of millipedes.
06:58Wherever you look, in the garage of the house,
07:04there are a lot of cincing paris.
07:07Before, every afternoon, I would take my daughter out here
07:11so that we can get some fresh air.
07:12But because of them,
07:14we can't go down anymore because I have to step on them.
07:18But not only can they be seen from the outside,
07:21they can also enter the house.
07:27That's why Tin is afraid of the safety of her daughter.
07:31I saw one of them crawling on the playpen,
07:34and the other one was holding it.
07:36Of course, she was only 8 months old at that time.
07:39She was still laughing because the millipedes were moving.
07:42It's a good thing that I saw her,
07:44if not, she would have been killed.
07:46This one has cyanide,
07:48although it's very minimal,
07:50but it can be harmful to the baby of Miss Tin.
07:53Why are they here?
07:55That's what we found out.
07:58There are feces,
08:01and as you can see, it's moist.
08:04And these millipedes,
08:07they like a moist area.
08:10They don't want it to be too wet
08:12because if it's too wet,
08:14they will drown.
08:16I also checked what's on the other side of the wall.
08:20There might be a leak later.
08:23And that's what the millipedes like,
08:27a moist area, not a puddle of water.
08:30And this is the reason why they go to this area.
08:35We also noticed the vacant lot next to Tin's house.
08:42When we examined the area,
08:45we saw a lot of millipedes.
08:49This is Miss Tin's house.
08:51As you can see, there's a mango tree.
08:53This is their habitat.
08:55And one day,
08:57this house will be built here.
09:00We will see them on the road.
09:04There are a lot of millipedes around now
09:07because it rained during the breeding season of millipedes.
09:12A female millipede
09:14can lay up to 300 eggs in one batch.
09:20If you see a cockroach in your house,
09:25don't worry,
09:27especially if they don't mean to harm you.
09:30To humans, they are not harmful.
09:32Although millipedes secrete,
09:34it depends on the species and the order of their chemical defenses.
09:38But to humans, they are not dangerous.
09:40The primary component of their chemical secretions is cyanide.
09:44They are cyanogenic.
09:46But the amount of that cyanide is so small that it won't affect us.
09:52In fact, they are the decomposers.
09:56Because of their food,
09:59which is rotting on the ground,
10:01it becomes fat.
10:03This area used to be a vacant lot.
10:07But when the houses were being developed,
10:10they lost their homes,
10:12so they were concentrated in a vacant lot.
10:15When their situation worsened,
10:20they decided to move here.
10:23Just like us,
10:25cockroaches also want a good and safe place to live.
10:37Thank you for watching Born to be Wild.
10:40For more stories about our planet,
10:44please subscribe to the JMA Public Affairs YouTube channel.
