• 10 hours ago


00:00This is the personalized license plate
00:02of an October weather lover.
00:04You can figure out that it says Indian summer,
00:07then you're ready to play Bumper Stumpers.
00:10And now the driving force of Bumper Stumpers, Al Gupta.
00:14Thank you very much, and welcome to Bumper Stumpers,
00:18the show that turns a highway hobby
00:20into challenging fun for you,
00:22and some ready cash for our contestants.
00:24Ken Ryan, who are today's players?
00:25Meet our returning champions,
00:27Mo Janiszewski and Jeff Rochon,
00:29and their challengers, Larry Gill and Craig Leveson.
00:32Well, hello once again, everybody.
00:36Hi, Al. Hi, Mo and Jeff.
00:37Hi. Whew, $13,000. Truly amazing.
00:40You guys just keep adding up that money day after day.
00:44Listen, I'd like to get my driveway done.
00:45Can you float me 2,000 bucks? What do you think?
00:48Well, I know. I want to talk to the guy
00:49who's doing it for 2,000.
00:52It's a little high. We can get it done for 300.
00:55Well, I see you guys are going to spend your money wisely.
00:58Of course, you're in the middle of your fifth match now,
00:59and as we know that after you played five games,
01:02you have what we call politely as early retirement
01:03here at Bumper Stumpers,
01:05but you could come back later on
01:06and play a tournament of champions.
01:08So anyway, it's not over yet.
01:09Still have another game to play, and Larry and Craig,
01:11of course, you're against the wall here.
01:12You have to win a game. We're going to stop them.
01:14To stay alive here.
01:15Didn't you say that yesterday, Larry?
01:17Yeah, somebody else would look like this.
01:20Craig, are you ready? Yeah, I sure am.
01:22Okay. Let's do it.
01:23How do you think they do this? I'm watching them.
01:25I can't quite figure it out. Do you think there's, you know?
01:26Mirrors, I think.
01:28It could be. Knowing Moe and Jeff, it could be.
01:30Listen, Larry, you guys all ready?
01:32Let's do it. Let's do it. All right.
01:34All right. When we last met, of course,
01:40we were in the middle of a game, and the object of our game
01:42is to solve our Super Stumper,
01:44and of course, the first team to solve two Super Stumpers
01:48wins the match, $1,000 in cash,
01:50and then goes on to play our bonus game worth $2,000.
01:53All right. Let's get back to that Super Stumper.
01:56We were looking for a plate that belongs to successful bookies,
02:00and yesterday, we had four spaces remaining,
02:02and you can't get another one until you win a jump-in.
02:04So take a look at these two plates,
02:06and tell me which one, the left or the right,
02:07belongs to Mr. Hilton?
02:10Craig? The left.
02:12Correct. You want Larry to play or challenge?
02:13I want him to play. Ten seconds, go.
02:15Hotel room. Hotel room.
02:17Hotel room is right.
02:19H-O, the long O, H-O-T-L,
02:21tell room, the long hotel room for Mr. Hilton.
02:24Yes. Now, what do we have over here?
02:26Four spaces remaining at the Super Stumper.
02:28Looking for a plate that belongs to successful bookies.
02:30Larry and Craig, which one would you like?
02:32We'd like to go for number seven, Al.
02:33Okay. The seventh one is an O.
02:37Five seconds, go.
02:41Just O. We just O.
02:43We. When.
02:44Oh, we just O.
02:46Oh, time is up. Three spaces remain.
02:49And, of course, it's a critical game for you guys.
02:51The jump-in's becoming very important to both teams,
02:53so let's go back to a jump-in.
02:55Take a look at these two plates, and tell me which one,
02:57the left or the right, belongs to an Oasis owner?
03:01Mo, the right one.
03:02Mo over to Larry and Craig. Ten seconds, go.
03:05Cool Shade. Cool Shade.
03:08For the Oasis owner, cool, K-U-L-S-H-A-D,
03:12cool, right.
03:14K-U-L-S-H-A-D, cool shade.
03:17Larry and Craig, you're hanging in there in this game.
03:20Three spaces remain over at the Super Stumper.
03:22You've got to win this game.
03:23Looking for a plate that belongs to successful bookies,
03:26which one of those three would you like?
03:27Number three, please.
03:29Okay. Behind the third one,
03:30we have a one.
03:33Successful bookies, go.
03:34We want you to O, and we want to O.
03:39Time is up. Two spaces remain
03:41This is a very critical game for Larry and Craig.
03:43Okay, we can't reveal another one
03:45until somebody wins a jump in.
03:48So take a look at these two plates,
03:49and tell me which one, the left or the right,
03:52belongs to an expectant dad?
03:56The left one.
03:57Correct. You want more to play or challenge?
03:58We're going to play this one now.
03:59All right. Ten seconds, go.
04:00Waiting for news. Waiting for news.
04:02That's right. Waiting for news.
04:06W-H, wait-N-4 with the two U's and the N.
04:10Waiting for news. Waiting for news.
04:12Mo and Jeff, we have some pretty good news here.
04:14You're getting close to probably a win here.
04:16I don't know. I don't know what's been going through your head.
04:18We're looking for a plate that belongs to successful bookies.
04:21We have two spaces remaining.
04:23This is for the game, and this is for the match,
04:26and $1,000 and a chance to move on to the bonus round
04:28to win up to $2,000.
04:31Which of those two would you like?
04:33Okay. Number five.
04:34Behind the fifth one, we have an R.
04:38Five seconds, go.
04:38We want your dough. We want your dough.
04:41We won your dough.
04:42We won your dough. We won your dough.
04:44It's right. Yeah.
04:45All right.
04:50All right. We won.
04:53You are dough, D-O. We won your dough.
04:56Mo and Jeff, you've done it.
04:57You've won the game. You've won the match.
04:59You've won $1,000 and the chance to go on
05:01to what would be, of course, your final bonus round.
05:03All right. Congratulations. Very well done.
05:05And Larry and Craig, well, my gosh, what can I say?
05:09You really were a couple of pleasant guys
05:10to have around the show here.
05:12And I would like to wish you all the best.
05:13Of course, you didn't have any wins,
05:15but you can go away knowing that you had a good time,
05:18and we really enjoyed having you here on the show.
05:20All the best to you.
05:21Thank you very much.
05:22Hey, Jeff and Mo, what do you think?
05:24So, you all set to play the bonus round?
05:25Let's do it. Come on over.
05:26Well, this is your fifth and final match, of course,
05:32so this makes it the final bonus game, guys.
05:35All the best to you.
05:36We have a set of seven sumpers for you to try and solve.
05:38You're going to come one by one on these monitors,
05:41and, of course, the more chances you're in the bonus round,
05:44it will all hinge on how many of these you get correct.
05:46You only have 30 seconds, so if you get stumped,
05:48just yell, pass this time at the end.
05:50As you know, we'll go back later
05:51and try to solve what you didn't get.
05:52Ready? Okay.
05:54Okay, let us begin with a plate that belongs to a grouch.
05:58Bleaker, bleak, bleak.
05:59Acre. Bleaker, pass.
06:01Disc jockey.
06:03I play tunes.
06:05That's one. Julius Caesar.
06:07That's two. Minnie Pearl.
06:10That's three. Head of a nunnery.
06:12ABS. ABS, ABS, ABS.
06:16Traveling salesman.
06:18I've four door. I've four.
06:20I've 40. Pass.
06:22One for the road. One for the road.
06:23That's four. Lauren Bacall.
06:25Can you weasel? Can you weasel?
06:27Can you weasel? That's right.
06:28Yes. Yes.
06:30You're getting there just in time.
06:32You got five correct. Very good.
06:34Good stuff. Five correct.
06:35Let's take a look at the ones you have revealed.
06:38A grouch. Belly acery.
06:40You had trouble with that one off the top.
06:41BLE. Acre. Belly acery.
06:43Disc jockey. I play, PLA, two with the NS.
06:46Gives you I play tunes.
06:48Julius Caesar. Forum. Forum.
06:51Minnie Pearl.
06:52Howdy. Howdy.
06:54Head of...
06:56We can say it that way.
06:57You can say it that way. You can say it that way.
06:59Head of a nunnery.
07:00Of course, we're talking about ABS or ABBY.
07:03ABS. Head of a nunnery.
07:04Head of a nunnery. Not a nun-ess, but an ABS.
07:07A traveling salesman.
07:09One for the road.
07:11And Lauren Bacall, of course, you...
07:14Can you weasel? K-N-U-W-I-S.
07:16Can you weasel? All right.
07:17Okay. So, you got four correct.
07:20That's five correct.
07:21Oh, yes. Sorry, guys.
07:22I didn't mean to take you away from you there.
07:24That's okay. We're not arrees.
07:25You know, it's so easy.
07:26Are you ready to play the final stumper?
07:27The final, final stumper.
07:29Let's go. Okay.
07:30Let's play the final stumper here.
07:32And as the letters appear,
07:34I'll tell you that, again, you've got five correct.
07:36So, that means behind five of these letters,
07:38you're going to find the word win.
07:39And then you're going to have various money amounts.
07:42$500, $400, $300, and $200.
07:46Behind the remaining two, of course,
07:48we have some stop signs.
07:50So, what you want to do is locate the money.
07:52And if you accumulate $1,000 or more,
07:53we're going to pay you $2,000.
07:56And if you locate the win, you automatically win $2,000.
07:59And you've been there before.
08:00But if you land on the stop sign
08:02and the bonus round ends there
08:03and you lose whatever you've accumulated to that point.
08:05Right. Okay, guys.
08:07In this final stumper, which letter would you like?
08:10What do you say?
08:11I don't know.
08:13You figure out what not to pick.
08:15Let's go last time, M.
08:17Okay, M. Some more money.
08:18Okay, more money again.
08:20Let's see how much more money we're going to get.
08:22Behind the M, we have $200.
08:26Done, done.
08:27We're still there. Yes, that's right.
08:29Good start. Okay. You have a decision to make now.
08:31You've got $200.
08:32But as you know, you want to accumulate $1,000 or more
08:35so that we can give you $2,000.
08:37Or if you hit one of those stop signs,
08:38you can lose that $200.
08:39So what are you going to do? You're going to quit?
08:41You want to take that and add that to the money you have?
08:42No, no, no. We'll go. We're going to go for it.
08:44Take the P for what we're going to do with the money.
08:48Hardy. Okay, P. Take the P now.
08:52Let's see what's behind the P, Moe and Jeff.
08:54Behind the P, we need $1,000 or more.
08:56And what do we have? We have $500.
08:58We're getting there. Okay.
09:00All of a sudden, it becomes a whole different ball game here.
09:03Okay. You have $700.
09:06You're going to risk that $700, or do you want to go for the $2,000?
09:08What do you want to do? You want to take that stuff?
09:10No. Why not? Come on, guys.
09:12The audience says, go for it.
09:14I mean, you've got so much. This is not their money.
09:15Okay. That's right. It's not their money.
09:18Okay. Which letter would you like next?
09:20My shot, eh? You go.
09:21We're going to make it right across the middle.
09:24We'll go with the U. Okay.
09:25Behind the U, we have,
09:27we want at least $1,000 or more in total here.
09:29Behind the U, we have $2,000 in total of $16,000.
09:42Let's go back to the remaining letters
09:44and find out what we have behind the S.
09:45Where are the stop signs? Behind the S was one up there.
09:48And the other stop sign was behind the E.
09:51Yeah. Okay. All right.
09:53You've done it, guys. $16,000 from Bumper Stumpers.
09:58Whoa. And of course, this is the fifth match, of course.
10:03And as we mentioned before, you retire after five,
10:05but we may have a tournament of champions
10:07sometime in the future.
10:08Thank you very much, Mo and Jeff.
10:09You were absolutely terrific. Thank you.
10:11Thank you. Really.
10:12We'd like to thank you and everybody here at Bumper Stumpers.
10:14You've been too kind. It's a great show.
10:16We've had a great time. Okay, Jeff. Take care.
10:18All right. See you again sometime.
10:20$16,000. Hey, we'll be back with some brand-new contestants
10:23right after this commercial break. Don't go away.
10:25All right.
10:38Welcome back to Bumper Stumpers.
10:40We have some brand-new contestants.
10:42And Ken Ryan, let's meet them.
10:43Welcome our new players, Lorraine Trevier
10:45and Valerie Banducci.
10:47And their challengers, David McBride and Terry Benson.
10:50Welcome to Bumper Stumpers.
10:52Boy, I bet you guys are pretty excited to be here,
10:54seeing Mo and Jeff walk away with $16,000.
10:57That's right. That's right.
10:58Wow, Lorraine. No, we need to do the same.
11:00Yeah, well, good luck to everybody.
11:01Lorraine and Valerie, sisters. Yes.
11:03What do you do for a living, Lorraine?
11:05I'm a flight attendant.
11:06Uh-huh. Uh-huh. For how long?
11:0814 years now.
11:09That's a nice job. Get to meet a lot of people.
11:11Travel all over the place.
11:12Valerie, have you ever considered,
11:15or were you a flight attendant as well?
11:16No way. No way.
11:18I won't get up there if you pay me to.
11:19Is that right? Unless it's $14,000, maybe.
11:21I was going to say, do you have the fear
11:23of losing, winning money? I don't think so.
11:25No, no. Not that.
11:26Just the fear of flying. Okay, well, good luck.
11:28Thank you. David and Terry,
11:29welcome to Bumper Stumpers. Great to be here, Al.
11:31You guys are friends? Right.
11:32Yeah. How long have you known each other?
11:34About two years, I guess.
11:35About that, yeah.
11:37We met at a hair loss clinic, and it worked.
11:39We lost it real fast.
11:42Very, very, very clever.
11:44Obviously, you're a good friend of mine.
11:46Very, very clever.
11:47Obviously, you can laugh at yourselves, which is great.
11:49That's a good prerequisite for being on Bumper Stumpers.
11:52I have some notes here that, David,
11:53you are a dungeon master for the game Dungeons & Dragons.
11:57Yeah. Wow.
11:59Is that an evil role? No, no.
12:00It's a lot of bad press. It's a real harmless game.
12:02Sit around and have a few beers, kill a few monsters,
12:05get some treasure, and home you go.
12:08David, you seem to have a little tamer role.
12:10You used to be Frosty the Snowman.
12:13I find that difficult to understand.
12:15I don't know why Frosty the Snowman.
12:16I just put a big costume on me, and there I am.
12:19Yeah, it's there, huh? Yeah.
12:20The costume does it instantly.
12:21You become Frosty the Snowman.
12:23Okay, guys, maybe we'll get the chance
12:24to talk a little bit later on.
12:26How would you all like to play some Bumper Stumpers?
12:27Let's do it. Let's do it, guys.
12:33Of course, the object of the game
12:34is to solve two Super Stumpers.
12:37The first team to solve two Super Stumpers wins the match,
12:39$1,000 in cash,
12:40and then goes on to play our bonus game worth $2,000.
12:45Oh, yeah. Pretty nice.
12:48So, you all set?
12:49Okay, let's do it.
12:50We will begin with the Super Stumper,
12:52and we're looking for a plate that belongs to a fussy tenant.
12:55We're going to give you the first letter, which is an N.
12:59For the remaining six,
13:00you must earn them by winning a jump in.
13:02So, take a look at these two plates,
13:04and tell me which one, the left or the right,
13:06belongs to Gulliver?
13:09The right. Correct.
13:10You want Lorraine to play or challenge?
13:11Play. Ten seconds, go.
13:13Little People.
13:14Little People, yes, from Gulliver.
13:17L-T-L, little, break up the P's.
13:19You have P, and then P-L, little people.
13:22Lorraine and Valerie, over to the Super Stumper.
13:24We're looking for a plate that belongs to a fussy tenant.
13:27You have six to choose from. Which one would you like?
13:30Number three, please.
13:31Behind the third one, we have a P.
13:34Five seconds, go.
13:35No payment. No penthouse.
13:38No pretender.
13:42Going time is up.
13:44Of course, we can't give you another one
13:45until you win a jump in.
13:46So, take a look at these two plates,
13:47and tell me which one, the left or the right,
13:50belongs to an electrician?
13:53Valerie? The right one.
13:54Correct. You want to play or challenge?
13:55Play. Ten seconds, go, Lorraine.
13:57Your cuter, you, Y-R, cuter.
14:03You're cute, you're K-uter.
14:06You're cute, you're...
14:08David and Terry, ten seconds, go.
14:09Wire cutter.
14:10Wire cutter, Terry, yes. That's it.
14:13Y-R, K-U-T, cut with the R, wire cutter.
14:17Terry and David, that brings you over
14:19to the Super Stumper for the first time.
14:20We have five spaces remaining.
14:22We're looking for a plate that belongs to a fussy tenant.
14:25Which one would you like? Number five, please.
14:27Behind the fifth one, we have an A.
14:30Five seconds, go.
14:32No payments. No payments.
14:35No, no...
14:37Time is up. We'll have to get back to that fussy tenant
14:39a little bit later with four spaces remaining.
14:42But first, a jump in. Take a look at these two plates
14:44and tell me which one, the left or the right,
14:47belongs to a guy in a cast. Valerie?
14:51The left one. Correct.
14:52You want to play or challenge? Play.
14:53Ten seconds, go, Lorraine.
14:56Collarbone. Collarbone.
15:00Collarbone is right, yes. K-O-L, a short, old call,
15:06R, bone, a long, old collarbone.
15:09Very good, Lorraine and Valerie.
15:11Let's go back to the Super Stumper.
15:12Looking for a plate that belongs to a fussy tenant.
15:15Four spaces remaining. Which one would you like next?
15:18Number four, please.
15:19Behind the fourth one, we have for you another A.
15:22Five seconds, go.
15:23No payer. Pays. No pay.
15:26Pays. No pay. No pay.
15:29Sorry, time is up. We can't give you another one.
15:31Three spaces remaining.
15:32The jump in is becoming rather important now
15:34at this part of the game.
15:35So, take a look at these two plates and tell me which one,
15:37the left or the right, belongs to a cheese maker.
15:41Valerie? The right one.
15:43Correct. You want to play or challenge?
15:44Play. Lorraine, ten seconds, go.
15:46Roquefort. That's right. Roquefort cheese.
15:50Small O, R-O-K, Roquefort with a T.
15:52Roquefort. Lorraine and Valerie, over to the Super Stumper.
15:55Three spaces remaining. Which one would you like next?
15:57Number two, please. Number two.
15:58Looking for a fussy tenant. Behind the second one,
16:00we have an O. Five seconds, go.
16:04No pays. No. No pays. No. No pays.
16:09Your five seconds is up. Two spaces remaining.
16:13Okay, we can't give you another one.
16:14You have to play a jump in and win that.
16:16Take a look at these two plates and tell me which one,
16:18the left or the right, belongs to Lady of the Nights.
16:22Lady of the Nights. Valerie? The left one.
16:24Right. You want to play or challenge?
16:25Play. Lorraine, ten seconds, go.
16:28Lady of the Nights.
16:29Black Queen, Black Queen, B, B, Black Queen, B, B.
16:37David and Terry, ten seconds, go.
16:39Black Queen. Lady of the Nights.
16:40Black Queen. W-E. Black Queen.
16:43W-E, Lincoln. Black Queen.
16:48Lady of the Nights.
16:49Time is up. Black Queen, B-L-K.
16:53Black with a long E, W-E and N. Black Queen.
16:56Sorry, we didn't get a winner that time around,
16:58so we can't go to the Super Stumper.
17:00And we're not going to get on until we stop for just a moment.
17:03Don't go away. We'll be right back.
17:21Welcome back. We're in the middle of our first game
17:23of the match with Lorraine and Valerie,
17:25David and Terry, with two spaces remaining
17:26over at the Super Stumper,
17:28looking for a plate that belongs to a fussy tenant.
17:30But of course, you can't reveal one of those remaining two
17:32until you win a jump-in,
17:34so take a look at these two plates
17:35and tell me which one, the left or the right,
17:38belongs to an emperor.
17:41The right one.
17:42No. Over to David and Terry.
17:43Ten seconds, go. Emperor.
17:45No clue. No clues.
17:47New Clues. New Clues.
17:48New Clues, yes.
17:50Emperor's New Clues from the fable of the same name.
17:52New, N-U-C-L with the O's.
17:54New Clues, David and Terry.
17:56Two spaces remaining over at the Super Stumper now.
18:00Number six.
18:01Number six. Let's see what we have.
18:04An L. Fussy tenant. Five seconds, go.
18:06No Paisley.
18:08Sorry. No Paisley.
18:15No Paisley for a fussy tenant.
18:17N-O-P with the A's.
18:19No Pais, L-E. No Paisley.
18:21No Paisley. You did it, David and Terry.
18:22You won the first game of the match.
18:24Good stuff. All right.
18:26Now, Lorraine and Valerie, you're not out yet.
18:28You're not out until you lose two.
18:30So, everybody ready to play another one?
18:31You bet. Let's do it.
18:32First of all, let's start with the Super Stumper.
18:34We're looking for a plate this time
18:36that belongs to an impatient person.
18:39We'll give you the first letter.
18:41It's an M for the reigning six after Earnham.
18:43Let's go over to a jump in.
18:45Take a look at these two plates and tell me which one,
18:47either the left or the right, belongs to an eyewitness.
18:52The left.
18:53No. Valerie and Lorraine, 10 seconds, go.
18:56The lineup.
18:58View. View lineup. View lineup.
19:00View lineup is right. Yes.
19:03V-U-L-Y-N, line up.
19:06View lineup for eyewitness.
19:07Over to the Super Stumper.
19:09And we've given you the M for an impatient person
19:11for the remaining six, of course.
19:13You have quite a choice there. Which one would you like?
19:15Number two, please.
19:16The second one, right behind the M, we have an A.
19:20Five seconds, go.
19:22Impatient person.
19:24Make him wait.
19:27Sorry, time is up.
19:28We can't give you another one until you win a jump in.
19:31So take a look at these two plates and tell me which one,
19:33the left or the right, belongs to a highway worker.
19:38It's the one on the left.
19:39Correct. You want Terry to play or challenge?
19:40He'll play it.
19:4110 seconds, go, Terry.
19:42Take a detour.
19:43Take a detour, yes.
19:48Take a detour for the highway worker.
19:50Terry and David, we're looking for a plate
19:52over the Super Stumper that belongs to an impatient person.
19:55You have five spaces to choose from.
19:57Which one would you like?
19:58Number five, please, Al.
19:59Behind the fifth one, we have an R.
20:02Five seconds, go.
20:03Make him wait.
20:05Makes a racket.
20:08Time is up.
20:10Can't have another one until you play a jump in.
20:12And don't forget that the jump ins don't work
20:13until I finish the clue.
20:14Don't start pounding
20:15because you could waste yourself some time.
20:17Take a look at these two plates and tell me which one,
20:19the left or the right, belongs to a gigolo.
20:23The left one.
20:24Correct. You want Lorraine to play or challenge?
20:2610 seconds, go.
20:27I score two.
20:29I score to you.
20:32To you?
20:33I score, I score two.
20:37David and Terry, 10 seconds.
20:38I escort you.
20:40That's right, I escort you, a gigolo.
20:44I-S-K-O-R-T with a U, I escort you.
20:47David and Terry, over to the Super Stumper.
20:49Four spaces remaining.
20:51You can win the match here by solving the Super Stumper.
20:54We're looking for a plate that belongs
20:55to an impatient person.
20:57Which one would you like next?
20:58The third one.
20:59The third one is a K.
21:01Five seconds, go.
21:03Make a racket.
21:04Make her wait.
21:06Make her wait.
21:07My mother.
21:10Time is up.
21:11We'll have to get back to that impatient person
21:12a little bit later.
21:14Okay, of course, Lorraine and Valerie,
21:15you want to win this game to stay in the match.
21:17Sure do.
21:18Let's get back to the jump in and take a look
21:19at these two plates and tell me which one,
21:21the left or the right, belongs to a philanthropist.
21:26The right one.
21:28Do you want Valerie to play or challenge?
21:3010 seconds, go, Valerie.
21:31M-E-N-E-F-O-R, M-E-N-E-F-O-R-U.
21:33M-E-N-E-F-O-R-U, M-E-N-E-F-O-R-U.
21:37For you, M-E-N-E-F-O-R-U.
21:40Terry and David, 10 seconds.
21:41M-E-N-E-F-O-R-U, M-E-N-E-F-O-R-U.
21:44That's right, Money For You, philanthropist.
21:46M-U-N-E-F-O-R-U, Money For You, David and Terry.
21:52Oh, what do we have here?
21:53Three spaces remaining.
21:54We're looking for a plate that belongs
21:56to an impatient person.
21:57This is for the game, the match, 1,000 bucks,
22:01and a chance to move on later.
22:02So what do you think?
22:03Sorry, he's being an impatient person.
22:05Number six.
22:07Which one?
22:08Number six.
22:10A P, five seconds, go.
22:12Make our peace.
22:14Make our peace.
22:15Make our peace.
22:16Make our peace.
22:17Sorry, time is up.
22:19Time is up, two spaces remain.
22:21We can't give you another one until you win a jump in.
22:23But stand by, we'll continue this game
22:25right after a commercial break.
22:27We're out of time, we'll hope to see you tomorrow.
22:31Bumper Stuffers is a global television production
22:33in association with Barry and Enright Productions
22:35and Wink-Martindale Enterprises,
22:37produced in cooperation with the USA Network.
22:58Guest accommodations provided by the Ramada Hotel Down Valley.
23:01Let us introduce you to Ramada style, Ramada comfort,
23:03and our very affordable Ramada prices.
23:06Next time, Ramada Hotel Down Valley.
23:27Next time, Ramada Hotel Down Valley.
23:57Next time, Ramada Hotel Down Valley.
