• il y a 11 heures
00:00What's up guys so today I wanted to do kind of like a little LG reminisce video
00:04I was going through and cleaning out some of my stuff organizing and I found a lot of my older LG phones here
00:12I don't have all of them the velvet can't find and a few other of them, but I got the G7
00:20hold on but I got the
00:25V35 as well too here and
00:27The V60 of course if you are gonna buy an LG phone
00:30I would just buy the V60 because it's extremely cheap and then the G8 and
00:35this is the the phones that I really got into old flagships with and
00:41Just kind of looking at the old flagship marketplace as well, too
00:45I always thought you know, it was interesting how cheap these phones were how good the performance is and
00:51Still to this day these phones are still very very good very
00:56Very modern feeling still very powerful. Like I said, I always tell people like these snapdragon phones
01:01I was just even you know messing around with the LG V7. This used to be one of my favorite phones here
01:08It still runs pretty well
01:10I think this has a snapdragon 845 chipset on it and it still runs really well still playing games and it's still
01:17You know loading up YouTube videos fine
01:19I think this phone has a
01:211440p display because when I was looking at it the display on here is like crazy good
01:25All of the LG displays are really good on here
01:29One of the things that I actually missed about LG was that they were always kind of throwing ideas out
01:35like, you know the
01:37LG wing here as well too with the you know pop display, which I actually might pick up
01:44You know one of these days and then also, you know phones like the LG V60 as well too with this dual screen case
01:50Which you know was ahead of its time. I think it was started off with the LG V50
01:55But the dual screen case having that and we see how popular
02:00You know the well not the galaxy fold is what Samsung is doing pretty much
02:05But the issue with the galaxy fold is it's extremely expensive. We saw what the new fold cost almost
02:12But this one is pretty cool
02:14I picked up the dual screen case for my dad and he really liked it and it gives you still gives you that that dual
02:20Screen experience or like that kind of like tablet like experience that a lot of people like
02:25So I always thought that was pretty interesting and they were
02:29One of the few companies to still doing the quad DAC, which is really important
02:33I think if they were still making smartphones, I think that their latest flagship will probably still have a quad DAC
02:38Similar to what Sony's doing with their flagship. They have a headphone jack
02:43I don't know if it's a quad DAC, but they still doing the headphone jack
02:46I still think they would be still making phones for power users. So this makes you think about you know
02:51The smartphone era now without LG because LG was always kind of throwing stuff out there
02:57So you always kind of had new exciting stuff
02:59they have a pretty long track record of kind of like throwing ideas out there, but now you see with the
03:08Apple Google, you don't really see much innovation. There's a lot of push for there's a lot of push for
03:15faster chipsets, which is not necessarily
03:19What a lot of people need because one thing that I always show on this channel is that you know a phone like the LG V60
03:27even something like oh
03:30You know a pretty much older phone like a galaxy. I'm not a galaxy but a V 50
03:35This phone will still play games really well Call of Duty
03:40You know
03:40I show this all the time my channel you look at any older galaxy phones like the note 20 ultra still able to play games
03:45Great. Note 10 plus 855. I'm pretty sure even the the 845 chip here can probably still play a games really
03:54Well, I haven't tested that one out yet. But so what you're seeing here is a just a basically what they're doing is more
04:00processing speeds and now you do have
04:02The galaxy AI stuff so AI is now a big thing now, which is probably
04:08one of the more exciting things with smartphones recently, but if you think back to like the
04:16Let's just say
04:18S21 ultra
04:20S20 ultra there hasn't really been that much change the cameras have gotten a little bit better
04:25But if I compare s21 ultra to even the s24 ultra
04:30You won't really notice that much of a difference
04:33So the focus is really interesting there, you know, they're kind of just like making the same phone over and over again this year
04:39But like I said that the AI stuff is probably the most
04:43Interesting thing that we've seen, you know in recent years for smartphones, but like I always tell people you really don't need a
04:51New phone like that
04:52you don't really need to upgrade unless you're like, uh, you know, you're in a tech and stuff like that because a
04:57Phone a much older phone from four or five years ago
05:00It's still gonna pretty much be almost on par with a new phone that came out today. That's for
05:08Samsung iPhone, whatever
05:10So I just think it's pretty interesting. You don't really see a lot of exciting, you know stuff
05:15I think the last exciting thing that we pretty much seen with
05:19Smartphones. Well, the last thing for me was like
05:22I think that nothing phone with a kind of like glyph light thing, which was kind of gimmicky, but it was interesting
05:28I was I was somewhat entertained by the the whole concept but
05:32you know, there's just not a lot of
05:35It's not a lot of excitement with smartphones. I think since LG left there's you just don't see a lot of
05:42Innovation. I know Samsung's doing their galaxy flip and their fold but the phones are so
05:49Ridiculously expensive
05:51Most people whenever you can't get their hands on it
05:53It'll be years before it becomes like a thing that people can actually afford
05:57But yeah, it's um, it's unfortunate that LG, you know just couldn't compete, you know in the smartphone marketplace
06:04I think a lot of it just had to do with just bad marketing
06:07Just not marketing the products correctly
06:10But yeah, it's it's kind of interesting
06:13that a company that was uh
06:16you know
06:17Doing so much experimentation and really liked by a lot of people but they got a lot of flack for reviews and stuff like that
06:24You know, so it's just an interesting, you know company with some really great phones really unfortunate
06:31So what do you guys think?
06:32Be sure to let me know and I'll catch you guys in the next one
