• 13 hours ago


00:00There is no such thing as a bad luck.
00:09Do you need money or not?
00:11What money?
00:13Money is not a variety, Suman.
00:15You are pregnant, and that's why auntie promised to give you 5 lakhs.
00:20Did you bring money? Give me.
00:22Wait, wait.
00:24This is not a flower that you are snatching like this.
00:27Why are you crying? You snatched away Vikranth just like that, didn't you?
00:32My life has changed now. Forget all that.
00:35First give me the money.
00:37You can take the money. But what did you get on Gayatri aunty's anniversary celebration?
00:43Don't you know? A gold bangle and a paper. That's all I got.
00:48And what was written in that paper? If you tell me, I'll give you a lakh.
00:53How can I tell you? I was just cleaning the bangles.
00:57The turmeric water spilled and the paper got spoilt.
01:00When you went very close to Vishal, what was written in that paper?
01:06You must have looked at it, right?
01:08No. By the way, why do you want to know this?
01:12And tell me, what's going on?
01:14The fate that is not yours, that fate is of Suman.
01:18What fate?
01:20Aunty asked me to give 5 lakhs as a gift.
01:22Kasi, she's still a kid. Give me the money.
01:25I'm not a kid, aunty. I'm going to be a mother.
01:28I know very well how to use money.
01:31You don't know how to use your brain properly.
01:33And you know how to use money?
01:36What happened now? Five minutes ago, I don't know what happened to you.
01:40You were making juice out of your wife's love.
01:42But what happened to you now?
01:44I told you, Vallabh, that something is definitely wrong.
01:49That can be according to you.
01:51No. And if you want, then do the work.
01:55There is no need, Kasi. Give me those 5 lakhs.
02:06Suman, take this.
02:11You are going to be a mother, so you will have to take good care of yourself.
02:16You will need money for that.
02:20Why won't you give?
02:21After the delivery, you will get lakhs and crores of rupees.
02:29Will the company be there till then?
02:32You are absolutely right, aunty.
02:34Leaving the fire-like Naini bhabhi,
02:36I have kept only this dirty smoke here.
02:39It won't catch fire, but there will definitely be a problem in breathing.
02:44Hey, I know you are taunting Kasi.
02:47But very soon, your thinking will change.
02:50Not for a month, bro.
02:52I will give you one day's time.
02:54Make a profit of one rupee of the company.
02:58What will you do? Will you bet?
03:14Already, there is no one to cover up the losses of Gayatri Group of Companies.
03:22Whatever this Kasi chief writes and gives in your business,
03:26if you take advantage of it, people will salute you.
03:32But why are you taunting my husband?
03:35If I make a profit, will all of you bow your heads in front of me?
03:40Hey, I salute you.
03:42Tell me, what is the profit?
03:46Everything will be fine.
03:50Today, all the employees have to pay their salaries.
03:52Have you transferred it?
03:54No, aunty.
03:55The rules have changed.
03:57But why?
03:58Nothing like that, bhabhi.
04:00Vishal and Naini are also like workers.
04:04If we put money in the account, we won't get that happiness.
04:08But when he will call us in front of him and beg for money,
04:12then we will get the happiness of giving charity.
04:25Bro, you are doing wrong.
04:29You will get insects.
04:30Hey, shut your mouth.
04:34There won't be any problem because of this, right?
04:36Why will there be a problem?
04:38Naini is working here as a worker.
04:41If she gets a salary, she will be happy, right?
04:44Kasi, let's move.
05:01Stand in a line.
05:03I am telling you, stand in a line.
05:05Why should I stand in a line?
05:06The charity will be distributed.
05:07Eat everything.
05:08You are great people who give charity without worshipping God.
05:12Mr. Srinivas, answer whatever I have asked you.
05:16Vallabh sir had called.
05:17Tell all the workers to stand in a line.
05:20Madam will come and give salary to everyone.
05:29Why is this, Vishal sir?
05:30Salary comes in the bank account.
05:32Then why are you giving salary in your hand?
05:36Naini madam, you have never done this to us.
05:39These rules are against all of us.
05:41This is our hard earned money.
05:42Do we have to stand in a line for this?
05:47Undoubtedly, we have to stand in a line.
05:49Undoubtedly, we have to stand in a line.
06:03Mother, what is happening?
06:05The salary which should have come online on 5th,
06:08why have you made people stand in a line to give that salary?
06:11We had to do this because of some technical issues, Vishal.
06:19No department has made us stand in a line.
06:21Now we have to stand in a line for salary.
06:25For the salary which you have come to take,
06:27you have to spread your hands, not your legs.
06:30We didn't know such things.
06:34We thought that you calculate money with your fingers.
06:39Hey, keep quiet.
06:41If you want to stand in a line and take money, then take it.
06:44Otherwise, get back to work.
06:46We are working for money, brother.
06:51If you don't know how to give respect,
06:53then no one will respect you.
06:59If you don't give the salary with decency,
07:03then there is no end to the anger of these workers.
07:08Son, Vishal.
07:10If you stand in a line and take money,
07:13then you won't lose your respect.
07:15And there is nothing wrong in it.
07:18And if you are hesitating so much,
07:20then let's keep this briefcase here.
07:22The one who has the salary can take it.
07:25It sounds good, mother-in-law.
07:27But it doesn't look good.
07:30The one who has the salary will take it.
07:33But if you take more than 10 rupees,
07:35then who will tolerate such criticism?
07:38Is this chiller useful?
07:40Here, someone will complain about your chiller for 10 rupees.
07:44The police will call for an inquiry.
07:46All this is useless.
07:53If you had so much information, it would have been better.
07:56Am I right?
07:57When you know the rules,
07:59then go and stand in a line.
08:03We will stand in a line and take the salary.
08:05You don't have to stand in a line.
08:09we feel bad that you are being treated like this.
08:14Then cry.
08:15And if you are in a lot of pain,
08:17then let's mourn together.
08:18What difference does it make to us?
08:20If you want money, then stand in a line.
08:22Otherwise, you can find your way.
08:24Those who are working so hard for the company,
08:26they also have the same value.
08:34if you don't give the salary,
08:36then these people will come home in a week.
08:39How is that?
08:41Human Rights Commission is a labor court.
08:44Maybe you must have heard this.
08:48They examine the terms and conditions of employment
08:51in a sector pursuant to
08:53section 14 of the
08:55Industrial Relations Amendment Act, 2015.
09:06If you don't pay the salary on time,
09:08then you will have to pay it with interest later.
09:10You must know this.
09:15These people don't even know hospitality.
09:18Then how will they know all this, sir?
09:23No, no.
09:24Why are you making it a big deal?
09:27Your son Ratan is doing this.
09:30To be honest,
09:31your son is not Ratan.
09:33He is a stone.
09:34Yes, you are right.
09:36Today, because of this stone,
09:38you are in such a position that you have to beg.
09:41Vallabh, stop it.
09:46I don't want any fight.
09:48Because of technical issues,
09:50we have to pay the salary like this.
09:52Now it's up to them whether to take it or not.
09:55As they wish.
09:57Don't make the issue so serious by insulting.
10:01It's alright, aunty.
10:03We don't want to insult you.
10:05But still,
10:07to take the money,
10:09we will have to beg.
10:11Now if you stop making excuses and give us the money,
10:14then we will take that money and go home.
10:17Give us the salary of Naini madam and Vishal sir.
10:20We will take it and give it to them.
10:22That won't happen.
10:24The one who has his own salary,
10:26he will have to take it himself.
10:28It's alright, Iqbal.
10:30First, you take it.
10:31Along with all of us.
10:33I will also take my salary.
10:35Vishal sir.
10:37We are all one.
10:39Let's stand in line.
10:40Let's go.
10:59I know, mother-in-law.
11:01On top of that, you are thinking how to show fake love
11:04and how to take the money inside.
11:17Give it, sir.
11:19Why are you touching me, idiot?
11:21Stand aside.
11:28And spread your hands.
11:48Naini madam.
11:49I would have picked it myself.
11:50Why did you pick it?
11:51Take this.
11:54It's alright.
11:55If you bend your back,
11:56you will be able to do some exercise.
12:21What's wrong with you?
12:22Why are you standing with your hands together?
12:24Do you want to buy a chiller?
12:25My hands are small, sir.
12:27If you throw my money in the air,
12:29I won't be able to hold it.
12:30The money will fall down.
12:33Naini didn't have to bend her back again.
12:35That's why he spread his hands.
12:42I see.
12:46Take this.
12:55Take this.
13:07What happened?
13:08Why are you looking at me like that?
13:10Come on, spread your hands.
13:14Mr. Vishal.
13:16If you don't spread your hands,
13:18will your wife spread her hands instead of you?
13:24If Naini spreads her hands,
13:26what will happen after that?
13:28You know that very well.
13:32Why do you want to get beaten up again and again?
13:38She must like getting beaten up, sir.
13:44Don't do that.
13:45Madam's reputation will be ruined.
13:47Shut up.
13:50Come on, spread your hands.
13:52What you have seen is enough.
13:53Come on, spread your hands.
14:05What are you doing?
14:07I have spread my hands a little, mother.
14:11But how will you take money in this situation?
14:15This is not for money, mother.
14:17I want to hug brother.
14:19That's why I have spread my hands.
14:22And why?
14:23Come on, spread your hands.
14:25Don't be scared, sir.
14:27My husband doesn't have any weapon in his hands.
14:31If Mr. Vishal decides,
14:33we won't need anything else, mother.
14:35We will tear him with our bare hands.
14:44What is the situation now that you want to hug him?
14:47One brother.
14:48If he hugs another brother,
14:50you don't know how happy he will be.
14:55he started thinking like this.
14:59I think Mr. Vishal is scared.
15:01Please show him the papers.
15:21The sun is shining bright.
15:24The sun is shining bright.
15:29You are giving us our first salary.
15:33I am taking this salary from you for the last time.
15:37From Gayatri Group of Companies,
15:39we employees
15:41are resigning.
15:50The sun is shining bright.
15:52The sun is shining bright.
15:57For me and my wife.
15:58The sun is shining bright.
16:00Two resignation letters.
16:04Here, take it carefully.
16:07The sun is shining bright.
16:09The sun is shining bright.
16:12At least,
16:13hug me now, brother.
16:15The sun is shining bright.
16:17The sun is shining bright.
17:18and salary should be in their account.
17:22Don't say that it's a technical problem.
17:26Vishal, why did you resign from the job?
17:30What do you want to do next?
17:32Nothing, mom.
17:34Your daughter-in-law said no, so I did it.
17:36I'll say one thing, will you do it?
17:38Say it, I'll do it in a jiffy.
17:40I'll do it.
17:48Now tell me, what do you want to do?
17:52The salary you get this month
17:55should be your last salary.
17:58That's all I want, sir.
18:05you were feeling so shy today
18:07but from tomorrow,
18:09you'll have to beg every day.
18:13I won't be in that situation.
18:16I want to help others,
18:19but I don't want to beg in front of people like you.
18:22If you take a decision in a hurry,
18:24you'll regret it later.
18:26For your kind information, mother-in-law,
18:28I didn't take any action in a hurry.
18:33Last night, my husband signed
18:34and kept the papers in his pocket.
18:42Even if you put our salary in the account,
18:45you don't have to do it.
18:47People get sad when they lose their jobs.
18:50But how can you be so happy?
18:54Vishal is very happy,
18:56that's why he wants to hug you.
18:58Instead of working with people like you
19:01and spreading your hands,
19:02it's better to start your own business.
19:05But I don't want to work
19:07with people like you.
19:10I'll be happy with my hard work.
19:16you never gave me even Rs. 10.
19:19And look,
19:21I'm very happy to see
19:23that you're giving me my salary.
19:28Earlier, people thought you were useless.
19:30But now,
19:32at least they'll think you're a cashier.
19:37Hey, do I look like a cashier to you?
19:40I'm giving you cash, that's why I'm a cashier.
19:42If you joke, I'll call you a joker.
19:44Shut your mouth, rascal.
19:46You're a cashier because you gave me cash.
19:48Don't worry, sir.
19:50God will bless you.
19:52But you can't love Naini madam
19:54and Vishal sir as much as we do.
19:58No, Ishu Iqbal.
20:00I'll stay with my grandpa.
20:02And to see me,
20:04you can come there anytime, mother-in-law.
20:07I'll also come to your house
20:09from time to time on festivals.
20:13Naini, I'll go to meet my mother sometimes.
20:17You never refuse me.
20:19So how can I refuse you?
20:22Let's go, sir.
20:27take care of the company.
20:32be careful with Kashi in the company.
20:36Let's go.
21:00Why have you brought sweets, son?
21:02To eat.
21:04Then why are you holding the box without spreading it?
21:10What kind of happiness is this?
21:12If you're asking for something, give it to me.
21:15Wait a minute, mother.
21:17If I eat first, where will I get the fun?
21:20I'll give it to you.
21:22I'll give it to you.
21:24I'll give it to you.
21:26I'll give it to you.
21:28I'll give it to you.
21:31Those who praise Naini,
21:33feed them first.
21:39Is it sweet, brother-in-law?
21:41I don't want it.
21:43When your own sister refused,
21:45why would I want to eat?
21:47Naini and brother Vishal
21:49are always seen with pride
21:51by me and sister-in-law.
21:56Vikrant, who speaks directly,
21:59and such a sad Haseeni,
22:02feed sweets first, son.
22:09Eat sweets.
22:17Why are you so disappointed, Haseeni?
22:21My husband, who has not even brought a cheque of 1-2 rupees,
22:25how did he bring a box of sweets today?
22:28I am worried about this, aunt.
22:30Don't think, eat.
22:34Wait, sister-in-law.
22:41Give me the sweets in your hand.
22:43You take this.
22:44You take this.
22:53Husband and wife,
22:54it's okay if they exchange and eat,
22:56but seeing them like this,
22:58to be honest, I didn't like it at all.
23:03What happened, Vikrant?
23:05Sister-in-law Haseeni is pregnant, right?
23:07For her safety,
23:09I changed it.
23:11Hey, what do you mean?
23:12Did I mix anything in it?
23:14That day when your Kasi doubted,
23:17now I am doing it,
23:18so what's wrong in it, bro?
23:22Did you get it?
23:23Did you get the account?
23:27now don't make excuses
23:28and eat.
23:35What did I feed him sweets for?
23:38Naini and Vishal,
23:40both lost their jobs.
23:43you don't touch it.
23:49He must be saying
23:51sweet songs.
23:55Haseeni was shocked
23:57and Vikrant heard.
24:04Instead of good news,
24:05brother-in-law distributed sweets.
24:09Give it to me sir,
24:10now I will eat it.
24:12I can see greed in you more than pride, Suman.
24:18By the way, why did Vish leave his job, Vallabh?
24:21If I say it out of arrogance...
24:23I'm saying it out of even more arrogance.
24:26Both of them have resigned from their jobs
24:29because of their self-confidence.
24:32To resign from their jobs,
24:34you people have given me a job.
24:36You people have given me a job.
24:39To resign from their jobs,
24:41you people have given me a job.
24:45Don't get me wrong, son.
24:48They weren't able to reach out to us.
24:59No matter how impatient a person is,
25:02he should have a little patience.
25:05But they want us to live our lives in a different way.
25:09My sister Naini has left all her responsibilities
25:11to her mother, Vishal Akshay.
25:13What if she takes brother-in-law Vishal along with her?
25:16There's a temple in Prangarh nearby.
25:19They'll eat the offerings and live there.
25:23Excuse me, husband.
25:25Don't fall down. Be careful.
25:28Hey, what nonsense are you talking?
25:30If my sister decides something, she does it.
25:36But if she quits her job,
25:38then there's bound to be a problem with you people too.
25:42Don't get too excited and say yes, Sini.
25:46Hey, you crazy girl.
25:48If Sherini resigns,
25:50that doesn't mean she won't hunt.
25:55Because she doesn't want to fight the wolves.
25:58She'll hit you with a dangerous claw.
26:00So, be careful.
26:01And when she starts hunting,
26:03she'll hit you with a dangerous claw.
26:34Naini, what are you thinking?
26:39If I'm asking you something
26:41and you're not saying anything,
26:43then I'll give you a kiss.
26:48Oh, I get it now.
26:50You want to hear less and want more kisses.
26:53I was right, wasn't I?
26:55What do you want to do now, sir?
26:58I was asking you something.
27:01I was asking you something.
27:03And I don't know what you're thinking.
27:05You didn't answer my questions.
27:08When you didn't answer,
27:10I thought I'd come closer to you
27:12and give you a kiss.
27:15So that as soon as I give you a kiss,
27:18you get out of the thoughts you're lost in
27:21and come back to the real world.
27:23But as soon as you heard me kiss you,
27:26you came to your senses.
27:29As soon as I saw you in your senses,
27:32my heart was at peace.
27:35Sir, we don't have a job anymore.
27:38How are we going to run the house
27:40with so little money?
27:42It's such a big responsibility.
27:44And how can you live so carefree?
27:46What's my wife's name?
27:49What's her full name?
27:52What does that mean?
27:54That means she has three eyes, right?
27:58And to be more specific,
28:00she has the ability to see the past,
28:02the future, and the present.
28:04She has seven eyes.
28:06Am I right?
28:07Sir, do you know that I can see the future?
28:11Why not?
28:13But how?
28:14What's wrong with you?
28:16Why are you so shocked?
28:18Those who can see the future
28:20are considered to be able to see the future.
28:24And you know what to do.
28:26I'll go where you go.
28:28Whether it's pain or joy,
28:30happiness or sorrow,
28:32it's all up to you.
28:34Is that what you're going to say?
28:36Of course.
28:37Won't you ask me anything after that, sir?
28:43If you ask me to get you milk,
28:45I'll get it.
28:46If you ask me to get you vegetables,
28:48I'll get it.
28:50When you're telling me everything,
28:52why should I get confused
28:54and why should I be confused?
29:04Then look at this letter.
29:09You wanted to give something to Suman, right?
29:12Is this the list?
29:26What have you written?
29:28Is it possible?
29:29Nothing is impossible for believers.
29:32If my husband has so much faith in me,
29:35then I'll make anything impossible possible.
29:55I'm not happy that I'm becoming a father.
29:59And neither is Suman.
30:01She just wants to have a baby
30:04and become a millionaire.
30:06And she wants to become big in people's eyes.
30:09I have no problem with that,
30:11but because of that,
30:13Naini may have a problem.
30:16Papiti's juice plan didn't work.
30:19What can I do now?
30:27If I call Suman, she'll come in a hurry.
30:31If I pull this carpet at that time,
30:33she'll definitely fall.
30:35Then what I want will happen.
31:08Come here.
31:13Vikrant is calling you so loudly
31:15and you're still sitting here.
31:18If I call Suman, she'll come in a hurry.
31:21And you're still sitting here.
31:30Are you coming or not?
31:52I didn't say anything.
31:53Suman, you're sitting there, right?
31:55You must have heard.
31:56Tell me what he said.
31:58Your fight will never end, aunt.
32:01My husband is calling me.
32:02I'm going to him.
32:14She's coming.
32:17Come fast, Suman.
32:21Oh no.
32:22He's shouting and she's doing catwalk.
32:24If I reach late, he'll fight and nothing else.
32:28I'll go and see what's going on.
32:30Till then, hold my mobile.
33:18Aunt, what happened?
33:19What happened?
33:20Tell me.
33:22I'll pick you up.
33:23I'm coming.
33:24I'll take a photo.
33:26Sit like this.
33:27It's a good pose.
33:28Just like this.
33:29Yes, Suneet.
33:30Make that photo bigger and click it.
33:32And put a garland on it.
33:33I'm leaving.
33:34Come, mom.
33:38Why did you come back, Dhurandra?
33:42It's better to ask why you came
33:44than how you came here, aunt.
33:47You're asking this because I fell down, right?
33:51You could've come a little easier, aunt.
33:54Vikras Suman was shouting
33:56so I thought they must be fighting.
33:58That's why I came here running.
34:00But I slipped and fell down here.
34:13I think the carpet was pulled.
34:16Yes, I think so, sister-in-law.
34:21Why were you calling me?
34:24Because you didn't eat on time.
34:28Aunt Dhurandra's time is bad
34:30but Suman's time is good.
34:37If she had fallen, it would've been a problem.
34:41That's why I walk very carefully.
34:46You'll have to be careful for the next six months
34:49till the delivery.
34:52Don't go anywhere.
34:55Who will call me in the morning?
34:57People start shouting
34:59that this is less and that is less.
35:02I'm very sad.
35:04From tomorrow, that poor Naini
35:07will be roaming around for her work.
35:10It's so sad.
35:12Don't show off too much.
35:15Just wait and watch.
35:16He'll come to your level.
35:20Aunt, take this.
35:23Haseeni, wait.
35:25Massage me with some oil.
35:46Madam, you're sitting to write right now.
35:51It's very difficult.
35:53Please wait, sir.
35:55I'm keeping your sister's saris in this bag.
36:00Will the lotus leaves be enough?
36:03I'll have to buy some more if I ask everyone.
36:06What do you say?
36:09You always ask something.
36:13Sorry, Naini.
36:19Naini, did I disturb you?
36:24You're writing so seriously before leaving.
36:28Please don't give me such an address.
36:31I've been lost ten times since morning.
36:36I won't let you go anywhere.
36:38Let's go to your mother.
36:40Let's go.
36:43Let's go.
36:59Why are you applying turmeric to the wedding invitation?
37:04Is it something special?
37:06Something special.
37:08We saw that letter last night.
37:12It's okay.
37:22Gana is a beautiful name.
37:27My mother is beautiful.
37:30She is smart like you and like me.
37:33You can use your brain in front of others, but not with me.
37:37How can you say that, Naini?
37:39How can you say that?
37:40The things you do, the excuses you make in front of me,
37:45I can understand, but not the people outside.
37:49Not at all.
37:52Oh God!
37:53I know how I am tolerating you here.
37:57If there was any other girl in my place,
37:59I don't know when I would have run away.
38:02What are you looking at?
38:03Go to brother Iqbal and get the car.
38:06We have to go.
38:08When did you keep it empty?
38:11I haven't even washed it yet,
38:13because you are sitting behind.
38:21see how your daughter-in-law is laughing.
38:25The one who always has a smile on her face.
38:28I don't know why she gets irritated sometimes.
38:32I don't understand this.
38:34You have complained a lot to mother.
38:36Now bring the girl.
38:41Did you forget what I told you last night?
38:44How many times should I tell you?
38:47I was saying,
38:48bring our daughter, Ganvi.
38:50What were you looking at?
38:53Bring her.
39:01I say you are in her stomach,
39:03but Naini says,
39:04mother is somewhere around here with us.
39:07I don't understand some of her talks.
39:10Why is that, mother?
39:12I will tell you on the way.
39:13You get the car first.
39:16We will go and come back, mother.
39:20where is the bangle that we have to give to mother?
39:23It has everything.
39:24Let's go, sir.
39:25Hurry up.
39:36Kasi and I have taken a decision.
39:39We want to get Naini and Vishal out of Kundari Nadangari.
39:43Should we get them out?
39:45What will happen if you get them out?
39:47If we get them out of there,
39:48they will become directionless.
39:50After that,
39:51they will think of going to a nearby temple and staying there.
39:58After that,
39:59they will have no way out.
40:02And then,
40:03they will be forced to spend their lives in the temple.
40:10There will be no way out.
40:14And those two devotees,
40:16whoever comes to their mind,
40:17they will taunt them.
40:19And with this excuse,
40:21their pride will break, mother.
40:23For such a small thing,
40:25for such a small thing,
40:27we will have to go to the temple?
40:29We have to show our mercy there, mother.
40:31That's it.
40:32Or something else.
40:37when did you come here?
40:42This is my house, dear.
40:43And I come and go for work,
40:46but I stay here.
40:48I am not unfortunate like you,
40:49that wherever I go,
40:50I get stuck there.
40:53Poor thing.
40:54Why are you talking to her like this?
40:58you have given birth to two children,
41:00but you don't have a woman inside you.
41:07And this Kashi,
41:08introduced herself as a girlfriend.
41:12But will any girl call her that?
41:15Why are you in such a bad mood today?
41:18So, in your opinion,
41:19who looks like a girl?
41:21Tell me.
41:24Yes, you.
41:25You roam around with your mother's veil.
41:28And sometimes,
41:29you roam around on the road
41:30behind such people.
41:36A job is the identity of a man.
41:38Have you ever earned a rupee?
41:41You can't do anything like that.
41:43And see how hard your wife works.
41:47You just take care of the handmaid at home.
41:51And don't try to drive away
41:53the brothers and sisters-in-law outside.
41:57this is your pain.
41:59now I understand.
42:00Your son is suffering,
42:02that's why you are showing anger on me.
42:04Hey, Tilottama.
42:06Can't you make your son understand?
42:09What will happen by removing Naini and Vishal from there?
42:12You know everything.
42:17Gayatri Group of Companies
42:19has no property of Mr. Pundrinath.
42:25Neither can we sell it,
42:27nor can we buy it.
42:31We were thinking of removing Vishal from there.
42:35But he has resigned as a worker.
42:38He has not resigned as a managing director.
42:47That's not all.
42:49He can come back to the company
42:52and sit on his post again.
42:55He has this right.
42:56Tilottama is right.
42:59Did you understand?
43:04My son is now following the ways of his wife.
43:08The day he comes on his own,
43:10he will crush you all.
43:13Remember this.
43:17To sit on MTA,
43:20Vishal has to be in this house.
43:24He will not leave his wife.
43:27And you know this very well.
43:37Do you know what you don't know?
43:41Vishal was the only one
43:43who could have saved the company
43:45that was about to collapse.
43:48It was not in your hands.
44:11Hey, it's you.
44:13I thought it was someone else.
44:17Won't you ask me what I thought?
44:21I thought it was someone
44:23from the newspaper, the milkman
44:25or the beggar.
44:27But here,
44:28the great nanny's husband,
44:30Mr. Vishal has come.
44:33Were you going out?
44:35Why are you so happy?
44:37Are you not used to
44:39being with me, Kashi madam?
44:43is Kashi's face a drum
44:45that you want to play every time?
44:49She is not married yet.
44:51If you slap her,
44:53she might lose her teeth.
44:57You are right, sir.
44:59If she doesn't have teeth,
45:01how will she get married?
45:05Kashi, you go.
45:09Nanny, you come.
45:10I won't go.
45:12Then let's go inside.
45:14But don't stand here alone.
45:16It doesn't look good.
45:17Let's go, sir.
45:23Drink it all, sister.
45:26It's very sour, sister.
45:28If the lemon is not sour,
45:30will it be sweet like pomegranate?
45:32Don't try anything, dear.
45:34She was vomiting,
45:35that's why I did this, father-in-law.
45:39There is one more thing.
45:41This will keep Suman's mouth shut for a while.
45:46You keep quiet.
45:47Listening to you,
45:49there is a fight between the two.
45:51Look, my daughter-in-law and son are coming.
45:57Sister, you are good, aren't you?
45:59What was the situation
46:01that you had to carry the bag?
46:04After losing the job,
46:06it must be difficult to live.
46:08That's why I came here.
46:12There are only two posts there.
46:14One is of the watchman
46:16and the other is of the maid.