• 14 hours ago


00:00victory yesterday. He's got the momentum, but this cycle race is far from over.
00:05Marc is there, he'll be gunning for redemption after he started second and had to mount a fierce comeback to get to the podium.
00:11What about Peko Banyaire as well? Despite finishing fourth yesterday, he's been a master of bouncing back on Sundays
00:18and with 25 points on offer today, a good warm-up under his belt.
00:23The reigning champ knows he can't afford another misstep if he wants to keep his crown in sight.
00:28The wind, the rain are distant memories now, but the lack of dry time make this one unpredictable.
00:33Can Peko Banyaire close the gap? Will Marquez disrupt the order?
00:37Will Bastinini come on stronger? Will Martin March even closer to his first MotoGP title?
00:44Neil Hodgson, lots of questions to be answered in the next 27 laps.
00:48Yeah, you're not wrong, and I'll tell you what, the conditions are as good as we've had all weekend.
00:52Yes, there's a bit of a breeze, but it's nowhere near as gusty as it's been at points over the weekend.
00:58Track temperature's perfect. I mean, look at that, yeah.
01:01The only concern I would say is the air temperature's quite cool still, 15, if the clouds were to come over.
01:06We've seen it, haven't we, here in the past about cold tyre getting onto the front of these tyres,
01:11and when they're all trying to manage things a little bit, it's just something to keep in the back of our minds.
01:16So, right, 2014, I think Carl Crutchfield's still trying to forget that.
01:20And that was funny, not funny the fact that he crashed, but the temperature changed so quickly.
01:26Anything can happen here in Filipano, but I have to say, as I've walked back in towards the commentary box,
01:31it feels more stable. I don't think we're going to get anything like that.
01:34Let's hope so. There was Jack Miller. I'll tell you what, his pace isn't that bad.
01:37He was a bit faster in the warm-up. We've had 90,000 fans over the weekend, 36,000 on race day.
01:43It's about right for Filipano. You can't get too many more in this circuit.
01:46It's tight, it's compact, but, Neil, it always provides great racing.
01:51Please say we're going to get one today.
01:53Well, we don't need Martin to get the whole shot and start to stretch it out, because that'll stretch the field.
01:59So, yeah, let's hope Jorge Martin gets a mediocre start. At least he's going to work for it.
02:07Well, it's also Marquez.
02:09Oh, he's got the pace.
02:10He's got the pace, hasn't he? Peco Bagnaia, has he been able to turn it around?
02:13I'm going to say yes.
02:14Oh, and Enea Bastinini could well get in the mix, too. It's fruity, it's tasty,
02:18and it's all on the line as the riders have 27 laps around one of the most stunning
02:24and treacherous circuits in the world.
02:27Time to buckle up. We've got all the ingredients for a classic here as we get ready to go racing.
02:33Mark Marquez, a little look down at his bike from second on the grid.
02:37It's Martin on pole. Will he extend the lead, or will he be closed in today?
02:41Lights out, and we are on the way for an awful start for Mark Marquez.
02:45Just like yesterday, he hasn't got the start that he needed.
02:48He's a sitting duck, rolling backwards at the start there.
02:51And around the outside comes Francki Morbidelli.
02:55It's Marek Wieniawski who's dropped back also.
02:58Who's that running deep? Is that Marquez?
03:00It's one of the Marquez. I don't know if it's Alex Marquez who's gone off the track,
03:03or if it was Mark Marquez.
03:04We saw, during some practice starts, Mark Marquez lighting it up.
03:07It's happened again from the front row of the grid.
03:09But he's recovering already. He's on the inside of an Air Bastille.
03:13Aggressively into Stoner Corner.
03:15So at the front, Jorge Martinez-Berzecchi for company.
03:18Bagnani has got the start he would have wanted, and he's attacking Berzecchi already.
03:21He's going to go through up into second place.
03:23Can he put a move in on Martin? Berzecchi fights back.
03:27You wouldn't think they were best pals, would you?
03:29Well, it's tight through there as well.
03:30Bagnani's trying to cut back, but there's no room for him through there.
03:33It's all one line, as it is here, through the hay shed.
03:36I still can't believe Mark Marquez spun it up on the line,
03:38and he's still somehow in sixth place.
03:40I don't know how that happened at all.
03:41Brad Binder got up to fifth from 11th on the grid, but Martin's checking out.
03:45It's so important. Bagnani makes a move very quickly in this race.
03:48Michelin have said the tyres will last, but you need to manage them.
03:51But Bagnani almost needs to just take the risk and get closer to Martin,
03:55because there's every chance already that Martin could check out
03:58as they go through Turn 11 for the first time.
04:01We ride on board with the world champion.
04:03Yeah, and it's all going to be about the exit now.
04:05Sit back, sit back, wait, don't go too early,
04:07because you've got to get a run out of the corner.
04:09He's got that perfect. Oh, no, he went too early.
04:12Look, now we can see, if you go too early, you've took off the front a little bit.
04:15You don't get the slipstream, no chance to pass.
04:17Here we go, down towards Turn 1.
04:19Can he go late on the brakes? We know how he is.
04:21Alex Marquez has had a long lap penalty come up.
04:24Martin Berzecchi's got a long lap penalty come up.
04:27Marquez for the incident with Juan Mir.
04:29Last time out, back in Japan,
04:31Marco Fiszecchi for the incident with Maverick Vinyanis yesterday.
04:35So he will clear out of the way for Bagneier,
04:38but all the while, Jorge Martin's got half a second in front of Berz.
04:42He's got three quarters of a second in front of Pekka.
04:44Is he going to do it on this first lap? Is he going to do it?
04:47No, he's not.
04:48And meanwhile, Morbidelli attacks Pekka Bagneier.
04:51You can tell there are no Ducati team owners here to help out.
04:55You think they might want to help out their mate a little bit,
04:57but none of that.
04:58They want their own glories.
04:59Brad Finder takes advantage of Morbidelli's moves.
05:02He's up to full.
05:03Yeah, but everyone can see Martin checking out.
05:05So you're having to attack.
05:06If Bagneier doesn't quite have the pace, you can't wait.
05:10You've got to attack straight away,
05:11because this man, he just clicks into qualifying mode.
05:14He forgets about the race, but he does.
05:16He works on himself, his lines.
05:18Watch Martin Marquez in the middle of the shot.
05:21Spins it up, has to shut the goal,
05:23and then you are literally a sitting duck.
05:25It's your worst nightmare.
05:26That's the third time that's happened this weekend for him.
05:28I don't know why it happens to him.
05:30Yeah, something came up the bottom of the time.
05:32I know there was smoke and all that,
05:34but there was something else.
05:36I don't know.
05:37He had to run so far out of it.
05:39He couldn't even keep it rolling.
05:40How has he ended up sixth at the end of the first lap?
05:46Well, then Martin leads by three tenths for Marquez.
05:49He has recovered now.
05:50Pekka Bagneier is third and fourth in Brad Finder.
05:53Had a really good fist of it last year, didn't he?
05:55When he was battling for second place for much of the race
05:59and then was in the scrap when Schoenzarko took to the front.
06:02So Finder is good around here.
06:04And with the lack of dry track time,
06:06maybe just an inkling, a chance for him to get stuck in.
06:12Frankie Morinelli is in fifth,
06:14and Martin Marquez sixth.
06:15And Eo Bastinini didn't get the start of yesterday.
06:17He's in seventh.
06:18Vinales, eighth.
06:19Di Gianantonio, ninth.
06:20Di Gianantonio, ninth.
06:21Cuartararo in seventh.
06:22I was looking for Miller.
06:23I thought he might have made a start,
06:24but unfortunately, he's only made one position.
06:27He's into fourth.
06:29Yeah, it's like a bit of a breakaway group.
06:31The top eight, isn't it?
06:32Fabio Di Gianantonio in ninth.
06:33He's trying to bridge that gap,
06:35but it's going to be difficult.
06:36And then the rest from tenth down,
06:38they're sort of out of it, aren't they?
06:40You've got Cuartararo, Zarco,
06:43Ralf Fernandes, Ritz.
06:45And unfortunately, Miller's stuck behind all them.
06:48Down into MG Corner.
06:50It has already been a key part of the junior classes
06:54of Moto2 and Moto3.
06:57Will it be so today?
06:58Can Marco Isecchi do anything?
07:01Can he get close enough to Jorge Martins to make a move?
07:03He's going to have to take his long lap penalty soon.
07:06I think he's about to have his last chance to do so.
07:09He's given the board on the first lap.
07:12Maybe he's got one more go after this.
07:14Fab Binder is the fastest rider on circuit currently
07:17in fourth place.
07:18Good to see, isn't it?
07:20Yeah, it really is.
07:21It's so funny, though.
07:22You think of racers around here.
07:23It's full.
07:24Binder made a bit of a mistake there.
07:25Yeah, his foot came off.
07:26He went wide at turn one.
07:27And it's so easy to do that.
07:28Marc Martins is going to try and squeeze through,
07:30but Binder won't be able to save you.
07:32Thankfully, Martins backed out of that.
07:34Otherwise, I think there would have been contact
07:35and Binder would have probably gone down.
07:38Has Bez come in now and take his long lap penalty?
07:41Yeah, the angle says that he's going to.
07:43It's tricky, though.
07:44It's dirty, this part of the track.
07:46We've had so much rain.
07:47There's not a lot of grip on there,
07:49but he's done that really well.
07:50He had it a few times in warm-up this morning, didn't he?
07:53Gave it a good look.
07:54And so Bezecchi comes through,
07:56and he's now just behind Bastinini in seventh.
08:00That moves, of course, Morminelli up to third,
08:02Marquez up to fourth, Binder up to fifth,
08:04but crucially, Pekka Van Jaer into the position
08:08to chase down Martins.
08:10We'll keep a close eye on the gap.
08:12He stands at three-quarters of a second.
08:14Yeah, that's going to be the interesting point,
08:16is this next lap, what can Van Jaer do
08:19with that clear track in front of him?
08:21He can see his main rival.
08:22How bad do you want it?
08:24You have to seize these moments.
08:26You have to take opportunities.
08:27And there are points you've got to ride
08:29a little bit over your limit.
08:31So there's one thing I don't think
08:33he's going to set up for second place,
08:35because then that gap's going to get up to over 20 points,
08:38and we're starting to get to the point there
08:41Literally, the elastic band had snapped.
08:44Yeah, he did say before the weekend, didn't he,
08:46Matt Marquez, Pekka Van Jaer,
08:49that he thought that perhaps second
08:51could be the best he hoped for,
08:52knowing how strong that Jorge Martín is here.
08:56But we just want to see the gloves come off, don't we?
08:59We haven't seen them in hand-to-hand combat yet,
09:03Martín and Van Jaer.
09:05It's got to come before the end of the season.
09:07It's got to come when the desperation state
09:09starts kicking.
09:10And as you say, when the points gap is about,
09:13well, it'd be 21 if things stayed the same.
09:15With three rounds still to go,
09:17you get into the stage where, you know,
09:19Jorge Martín could start thinking about
09:20finishing second in races.
09:22Marco Brzezinski has gone down at the Miller hairpin.
09:25That sums up a really, really miserable weekend for him.
09:29But he will look back at this weekend
09:32in years to come, and it'll be the weekend
09:34that he actually got away with it,
09:36crashing like he did in Turn 1.
09:38And somehow not managing to end up injured.
09:40Well, he's a lucky lad.
09:45Easy to do, though.
09:46Off camber, first gear hairpin.
09:48It's nasty.
09:49You don't even feel like you're going fast.
09:51And all of a sudden, you're down.
09:52And it was at that critical point where he was still
09:54breaking, still trail-breaking overload at the front.
09:57How many times have we seen it as well over the years?
09:59Because the right-hand side of the tyre
10:01doesn't get used that much,
10:02if there is that chill breeze coming across.
10:04Air temperature 15 degrees Celsius.
10:06You know, it's not warm out there
10:08if the sun is behind the clouds.
10:10As Marc Marquez now looks...
10:12Goes tight, doesn't he?
10:14...in alongside Frankie Borminelli,
10:16who judges it well to bring it down at Turn 1.
10:19He has got it taped, hasn't he,
10:21through Turn 12 all weekend.
10:23He's just set another fastest lap of the race.
10:26Not able to outbrake Fania,
10:28but Marquez is coming.
10:30And the fact is, he has closed
10:348 tenths over the last lap on Jorge Martín.
10:38Yeah, the big question is,
10:40where can he get past Fania?
10:41Because it's very difficult to pass around here.
10:44Narrow racetrack.
10:45Fania is so deep on the brakes.
10:48You sort of end up in a situation
10:49where you're half trying to wait for a mistake.
10:51We saw the exit speed out of the last corner for Marquez.
10:54The problem is the 24 Ducati.
10:56Then once he just...
10:57Once he stands up and starts going through the gearbox,
10:59there's nothing Mark Marquez on the Eurobike could do.
11:03Yeah, it's a case...
11:05It's like a puzzle now, isn't it,
11:06for Mark to try and work out.
11:08It's a puzzle he loves.
11:09Yes, this is what he lives for.
11:12He lives for the fight.
11:13He loves to battle.
11:15Mark Marquez, don't get me wrong,
11:16I'm going to say he hates being out front winning alone.
11:19No, everyone enjoys that.
11:21But he loves a battle more.
11:24Down towards MG.
11:26Through these left handers.
11:28Look how much quicker he is.
11:30Just look at the gap there from Fania.
11:33And in the second part, look how much he's turning.
11:35We saw this, didn't we, yesterday?
11:37We saw it in Japan.
11:38He's going to try and get the run again.
11:39This is what we say about getting the run,
11:41getting the momentum, building through the corner.
11:42You don't want to be too close.
11:43That's good, that's better.
11:45He's got the momentum, he's got the speed.
11:47But look now, down the factory Ducati.
11:49Actually, this time we're sort of neck and neck.
11:52But you get to the braking zone,
11:53and we saw what happened yesterday.
11:55It's so risky to try and make a pass.
11:57You're in the wake.
11:58You don't want to make a massive mistake
12:00and run off the track and lose a load of time.
12:03He's got to work this one out.
12:05A little bit of a Rubik's Cube in front of him again.
12:08He's just turning that thing under.
12:10How will that be working in terms of tyres?
12:12Do you know what?
12:13Well, there's one, it could be using more rear tyre.
12:15Do you know what?
12:16I'm seeing it.
12:17The way that Ducati's set,
12:18Mark Marcus's, he's got the bike turning better.
12:21He's probably got it slightly softer on the front.
12:23The issue is, on the only two heavy braking zones,
12:26he's got nothing to match Vanyaya.
12:29Vanyaya just did a personal best.
12:30It's like Marcus is giving him a hurry-up.
12:32He's bringing this race back to Martine.
12:35Martine would prefer more than a 0.6 gap
12:38in the front of this race.
12:39So Vanyaya is being chivvied along a little bit here
12:43by Mark Marcus,
12:44and it could be a battle of three at the front.
12:47Tell you what, I am noticing, though,
12:48the way Martine at the front, he is metronomic.
12:51He's just doing the same lap time.
12:53That's the pace he set.
12:55And he's forcing the riders behind
12:57to use a little bit more tyre.
12:59Every time we go through here,
13:00Mark's having to use more tyre.
13:02Is he going to be third-time lucky?
13:04Is he going to try and get the run through?
13:06Let's have a look.
13:07I mean, we're on board.
13:09Yeah, here we go.
13:10It's getting closer, closer.
13:13He's got a chance this time.
13:16But now in the danger zone, in the braking zone,
13:19not close enough.
13:20You can't risk it.
13:25Oh, a moment for Martine at the front.
13:27First mistakes of the weekend for Jorge Martine.
13:30And now he's suddenly got three of them
13:32at the front of this race.
13:33It's game on in the Australian Grand Prix.
13:36We're not even at the halfway point yet.
13:38Still 15 and a half to go.
13:40And Vanyaya turns underneath Jorge Martine.
13:43It's a mistake that cost him time through one,
13:45then through two.
13:46And now Martine comes back at Vanyaya.
13:49We're going to see a battle for the first time this year.
13:52And Marquez, he needs no invitation
13:54to come through after second.
13:55Marquez is going,
13:56well, I've got a minute.
13:57I said I'd like to get involved
13:58as soon as there was a gap.
14:00He was there.
14:01I wonder what happened there, though.
14:02Obviously, there was a mistake from Martine
14:04and it just took him a few corners to settle.
14:07Well, it also reminded him
14:09that he has got company in this race.
14:12This is so good to see, isn't it?
14:14For the first time there,
14:15Martine and Vanyaya trading places,
14:17trading paint down towards MG.
14:20Surely not close enough for Marquez.
14:23It'll be interesting to see
14:24how he fares compared to Martine
14:26because Martine was also quick
14:28through 11 and 12.
14:30Mark Thorpe through there.
14:31It's incredible, isn't it?
14:32Gains time.
14:34Here we go.
14:35You can really see
14:37the mid part of the corner.
14:39Yeah, it's a more similar line, isn't it?
14:40Yeah, it is.
14:41Vanyaya almost squares it off that little bit more,
14:44comes later through
14:45and uses the power of his Ducati.
14:47Mark Marquez isn't even thinking
14:49about overtaking Jorge Martine here.
14:51Martine did a 1.29.1 on that last lap.
14:54He was comparing that to the previous laps
14:57of Marquez and Vanyaya,
14:59which were 27.9,
15:01so over a second slower.
15:03I've got to say, this is what I expected though today.
15:05I expected Martine to be leading,
15:06I expected Marquez to be in the battle
15:09and I was hoping Vanyaya could find something.
15:11We saw him this morning in the warm-up.
15:13They've turned that bike upside down
15:15and it just looked like it was handling
15:17so much better for the Italians.
15:19So it's good to see him there.
15:21The reality is,
15:22what's it feel like for Vanyaya?
15:24Is he hanging on?
15:25Is he on his limit?
15:26It's so hard to tell at this point.
15:28He had to respond, didn't he?
15:29Under the pressure
15:30that Mark Marquez was exerting behind him.
15:33And in doing so,
15:35he managed to get through on Martine.
15:37But as Martine fought back,
15:39it opened the door
15:41and Mark Marquez came barrelling through.
15:44Tell you what,
15:45Martine's bike looks so stable.
15:48The weight doesn't kick.
15:50Look, this is a perfect example,
15:51down into MG.
15:52Normally, you see the weight transfer,
15:54you see the bike want to fishtail.
15:56That kicks off rails, it really does.
15:59Whatever they've found there
16:00with that setting on the Pramac Ducati,
16:02he looks so comfortable.
16:06they've got to keep their tyres underneath
16:08and that's what Piero Taramasso
16:10from Michelin was saying.
16:12The tyre will get to the end,
16:14but it's up to the riders to manage things.
16:16And I think in this situation here,
16:18for the likes of Mark Marquez in particular,
16:21he's had to work really hard
16:23and to make up the ground
16:24he lost at the start of the race.
16:27He's happy at the moment
16:28to have Martine just in his sights.
16:32Yeah, absolutely.
16:33I still can't believe
16:35he ran over his own tyre.
16:37He was messing around,
16:38he knew it had gone underneath his bike.
16:39The chance, honestly,
16:40you can't believe the chances of that happening.
16:42It's so, so unlucky.
16:45Thankfully, it's not costing him anything.
16:48In fact, it might have cost him
16:50a little bit of rear tyre.
16:55Through Siberia they go
16:57and it is a chilly day in the air.
16:59We're at the halfway point of this race.
17:01Thirteen and a half down,
17:02thirteen and a half to go
17:04and there is nothing to choose
17:06between the top three
17:07in the championship as well.
17:09And the top three in this race.
17:12Remember, Martine leads Bagnaia
17:14who's in third by 16 points.
17:16A sixth stand,
17:17the gap would be out to 25.
17:23You always used to say
17:2425 was the benchmark, wasn't it?
17:26That you wanted as a lead in the championship.
17:28A full race weekend.
17:29A full race win,
17:30but now in the sprint races it's a change.
17:33If Martine finished second
17:35in the remaining three sprints
17:37and three races,
17:39and Bagnaia won them all,
17:41he'd only make up 24 points.
17:43So 25 is the amount
17:45that Martine needs
17:47to only have to finish second
17:48in every remaining race.
17:51Good response there for Jorge Martine.
17:53He's set his fastest lap of the race
17:55at this point to 27.8.
17:57That said,
17:58both the riders in the battle have responded.
18:00This looks like a nice battle here.
18:02It does.
18:03Di Giannatonio got through on Bastinini.
18:05They're both trying to find a way through
18:07on Brabinder.
18:08Frankie Morbidelli's just pulled a little gap
18:10as they all do battle behind.
18:13Don't you feel Maverick's just sat there?
18:15Probably saving his tyres, Maverick.
18:16We know that Aprilio is quite kind on tyres.
18:19He'll be watching these lot battle it out,
18:21duff each other up.
18:22That's a big mistake there.
18:23Yeah, and that's allowed Bindaback through
18:25and Bastinini.
18:26Is Maverick going to get through as well?
18:29No, says Fabio Di Giannatonio.
18:33But Maverick quite often is the fastest
18:35at the end of a race.
18:36A bit like Bastinini in that.
18:37Just their style lends itself to it.
18:39You've got a feeling now where Maverick is.
18:42He's definitely got a top six in him in this race.
18:44I don't know, though.
18:45The other thing is,
18:46the Aprilio in the long race, though,
18:47has suffered, hasn't it?
18:49That's true.
18:51At the front, the gap's still fairly steady.
18:53Personal best laps on the previous one
18:55for Martín and for Bagnaia.
18:57But Marquez and Bagnaia had identical lap times.
19:00It's so tight at the front.
19:02That's in the top left.
19:03This is the battle raging between Bindaback
19:05and Di Giannatonio.
19:07For fifth, one more with Bastinini,
19:10who's just behind Brad Binder.
19:15Brad Binder's a little bit further up the road.
19:18Not well, just to shake off the shackles.
19:22Wow, another fantastic lap.
19:24Jorge Martín leading,
19:25set his own, again,
19:27the fastest lap for him of the race.
19:29But yet again,
19:30Marquez has been able to respond,
19:32but Bagnaia,
19:33you feel like he's just at his limit.
19:36He's now won.
19:37There you go, you can see there.
19:38Look at that.
19:391.2 behind Jorge Martín.
19:410.9 behind Marc Marquez,
19:43who is keeping Martín honest.
19:46We knew he'd have a say,
19:47somehow, in this title fight.
19:49Marc Marquez, maybe not to win it,
19:51but at the moment,
19:52he's taking points away from his future teammates.
20:01Through the hayshed,
20:02beautiful part of the racetrack,
20:04as this track flows up and over the top
20:07of Luque Heights,
20:08through the left-hander turn line,
20:10down towards, dropping down,
20:12steep down there into MG Corner.
20:18Jorge Martín's been given a scare in this race.
20:21Paco Bagnaia got through briefly,
20:24but now,
20:25Bagnaia looks a little bit lost.
20:30Yeah, the problem is,
20:31once the gap gets that big,
20:32when it's up to nearly a second,
20:34you do lose that toe,
20:35and it's a little bit disheartening.
20:37What can happen as well,
20:38you only need to have one big slide,
20:40you lose the front,
20:41you save it on your knee,
20:42you know, we don't see it.
20:43And at that point,
20:44that is the bike talking to you,
20:46to say, listen,
20:47today, third place,
20:48we're going to have to take it.
20:51Beautiful shots of the Bass straight
20:53as they go through the southern loop,
20:54that's the Southern Ocean,
20:55down to Tasmania on one side,
20:57Antarctica next,
20:58and that's why,
20:59just a little bit of a chill in the air,
21:01even though the sunshine
21:02is bearing down on this racetrack.
21:04A little mark on Bagnaia's tyre.
21:08Just starting a little bit
21:09on the middle part, actually.
21:11It's the left edge,
21:12which is both asymmetric,
21:14front and rear.
21:15The left edge,
21:16which really gets a battering,
21:17and it's the harder edge of the tyres.
21:21Riding behind number four.
21:24It's not...
21:26Yeah, I was going to say,
21:27it's not Brandi Dupounia this time,
21:29it's Dominic.
21:30So what was he saying?
21:31Turn four is the danger point?
21:32We thought it was the corner, didn't we?
21:34Back in Misano,
21:35when we were talking about turn 14,
21:37that's where the danger point
21:38of the racetrack is.
21:41Yeah, do you reckon it's that,
21:42turn four again?
21:44You're going to have to say yes,
21:45it would make sense,
21:46because it does add up.
21:48There's no rider number four,
21:49so yeah.
21:51Yeah, that is,
21:52if you look,
21:53and it's interesting,
21:54because if you're Jorge Martin,
21:56you have zero information.
21:57You don't know what's going on behind you.
21:59You don't know where Mark's
22:00potentially strong.
22:02Once you get that information
22:03in your pocket,
22:04it's like, okay,
22:05there's 11 laps to go,
22:06now 10.
22:07All I've got to make sure I do
22:08is I keep it relatively defensive
22:11into there.
22:12Slightly wide there for Jorge Martin.
22:14Not a lot,
22:15but when we're talking about
22:16how precise he is,
22:17just missed the apex
22:18ever so slightly.
22:19This one's like a double one-two.
22:20He went in early,
22:21then you come back out,
22:22then you cut it back into the kerb.
22:25Again, slightly wide.
22:27Try and stand the bike up
22:28to give the edge of the tyre
22:29a bit of a rest,
22:30and then into the best corner
22:31on the track.
22:32Stoner corner,
22:33turn three.
22:35And this is where we think
22:36the team are saying,
22:37Marquez is strong.
22:39This is where you're going to
22:40have to defend.
22:41Put your bike in the middle
22:42of the racetrack.
22:45Padilla is dropping further back now.
22:47Can't maintain the pace
22:49of the front two.
22:51He's one and a half seconds
22:53behind Marc Marquez.
22:55Magnaia needs these two
22:57to have a go at each other.
22:58Magnaia needs Marc Marquez
23:00to have a lunge.
23:02But if you're Marc right now,
23:03why would you?
23:04There's no need to.
23:06Whilst you can see your pit boats
23:07increasing from the rider behind,
23:09you're pulling away from Magnaia.
23:11You just sit there
23:12and slap a stick at him.
23:13Martin had a little...
23:15Well, he's going through
23:16the gears there.
23:18The only reason Marc
23:20might want to attack early,
23:21and only he will know this,
23:22is how the front of that bike feels.
23:24Is the front tyre pressure
23:25a little bit high?
23:26Does it feel like he's losing?
23:30There was a tyre pressure penalty
23:31for Fabio Di Giano Antonio
23:33He got eight seconds added
23:34to his sprint time.
23:35Of course, in MotoGP,
23:36it's 16 seconds
23:38that would be added
23:39to your time.
23:41Look at that.
23:42On that lap,
23:43the leading two
23:44nine of a second
23:45faster than Magnaia.
23:46And that's Magnaia.
23:47Not that he's given up,
23:48but you're literally there.
23:49You concede to the fact that,
23:51okay, fair enough.
23:53And pretty much
23:54to the rest of the field,
23:55Neil, as well.
23:56Everyone else in those 29s
23:57really only
23:59Di Giano
24:00and Vinales
24:01and not.
24:05that got really close
24:07in there
24:08at the Miller hairpin.
24:11I thought
24:12there might have been
24:13a bit of contact there.
24:15Coming in so hot
24:16behind Jorge Martín.
24:17Martín's just taking
24:19some funky lines
24:20at the moment.
24:21And when I say funky,
24:22all I mean is
24:23what is protecting his tyre.
24:24He's obviously trying to do that.
24:25But also,
24:26I think he's protecting
24:27his line a bit.
24:28Yeah, I think you're right.
24:30Martín's lines are more Vs.
24:31He's going in
24:32a little bit hotter.
24:33Slowing it in the middle.
24:34Standing up on exit.
24:35That gives the side of the tyre
24:36a little bit
24:37more of an easier time.
24:38Marcus is definitely
24:39carrying more corner speed.
24:41You know when you said earlier
24:42about how stable
24:43Martín's bike looked,
24:44it doesn't look as stable
24:46over the last couple of laps.
24:47It just looks like
24:48it's starting to get out of shape.
24:50I want to remind everyone,
24:52they have hardly had any time
24:54on a fully dry track.
24:55They had Friday afternoon,
24:58but they had to turn that
24:59into a qualifying session
25:00because it was the only time
25:01they had on Friday
25:02as Marc Marquez
25:03pulls out of the slipstream.
25:05He can get close to the bike
25:07with the pace he has
25:08through the final corner.
25:09You get close to the bike in front,
25:11you don't seem to have
25:12the top end to get past.
25:14No, which is what we've seen
25:15all year with that 23 Ducati.
25:17It's down on power.
25:19The ride height device
25:21on the 24 Ducati
25:22works much better.
25:23It offers a little bit more grip.
25:25It offers less wheelie,
25:26so you can use more power.
25:28That's a graphic example.
25:30Marc gets out of the corner
25:31a little bit quicker,
25:32stand the bike up,
25:33and there's nothing you can do.
25:34The bike doesn't continue
25:35to go forward.
25:36If Marc is to make a pass,
25:38it's going to be tight.
25:39It's going to have to be
25:40a lunge.
25:41There's a couple of places,
25:42obviously turn four,
25:43the Miller corner,
25:44the MG corner
25:45is an obvious one.
25:47Or does he try a sneaky one?
25:49Does he go into turn one
25:50as close as he can?
25:51You leave the door
25:52slightly open into two.
25:53Maybe he's got to try
25:55and surprise Jorge Martín.
26:01Over the top of Luque Heights.
26:04Martín, yeah.
26:06No defending there.
26:08Door was wide open,
26:09but Márquez just could not
26:11get close enough.
26:12Well, he'll see that,
26:13won't he, Marc?
26:14He'll see.
26:15He's getting all the information in.
26:16Martín has none.
26:18Tense times for Gino Borsoi,
26:20team boss down there at Pramac.
26:22When they cross the line,
26:24seven laps to go.
26:26We have got a finale coming
26:28in the Australian Grand Prix.
26:30Marc Márquez on the 93,
26:32chasing Jorge Martín on the 89.
26:35You are not going to outbrake
26:37Jorge Martín into turn one.
26:38He is deep into there.
26:40He's been working on that all weekend,
26:42so it's more of one of these,
26:43I can see.
26:44That switchback.
26:45Into two, yeah.
26:46Or even around here,
26:47Marc's so good around turn two.
26:51You go out,
26:52you don't go out wide in the middle,
26:53but you leave enough room
26:54to stick a front wheel in,
26:55and Marc will not need
26:56a second invitation.
26:58There's one thing I can guarantee you.
27:00As the laps click down,
27:02if there's a chance,
27:03Marc will risk everything.
27:06He's not thinking about
27:07the championship.
27:08He's thinking about a race victory.
27:09He's thinking about
27:10third in the championship.
27:11He's thinking about his legacy.
27:13He's thinking about
27:14another Grand Prix win
27:15to his name here.
27:17There's his jammer,
27:19watching on.
27:20I have to remind him
27:21what position he finished
27:22in the sprint race yesterday,
27:23which is horrible.
27:28Through Luque.
27:29I tell you though,
27:30look, I mean,
27:31your top three,
27:32Jorge Martín,
27:33Marc Márquez,
27:34Pecor Bagnaia,
27:35I mean,
27:36they're streets ahead
27:37of everybody.
27:38You look at fourth place
27:39of Nia Bassanini.
27:40He's ten seconds behind.
27:42There's seven laps to go.
27:43There's only been
27:4420 laps.
27:45Then half a second
27:46a lap faster
27:47than the rest of the field.
27:49And as you work your way down
27:52with seven laps to go,
27:53you've got, let's say,
27:54Bob Miller's 16 seconds behind.
27:56You'll go a bit further down.
27:57Alex Márquez is in 15th,
27:59like, miles behind.
28:01The pace at the front
28:02is incredible.
28:04And Martín's trying
28:06That lap time,
28:07then a 28.1
28:08at this point in the race.
28:10Martín is trying
28:11to break him,
28:12but Marc's going with him.
28:13He was four thousandths
28:14quicker than Martín
28:15on that last lap.
28:16Marc Márquez.
28:19He's trying to suss it out
28:20from this position.
28:21And normally this is
28:23why Marc Márquez
28:24has won eight World Championships,
28:25because when the tyres go off,
28:27he can normally extract
28:28the most out of them.
28:30And we're at that point now,
28:31aren't we?
28:32Six laps to go.
28:33The gauntlet has been
28:34laid down at Jorge Martín's door.
28:36You want this championship?
28:38Well, you're going to have
28:39to go hand-to-hand
28:40with Marc Márquez.
28:42Out of Siberia.
28:45Through the fast left
28:47into the hay shed.
28:48Fourth gear right-hander.
28:50He's just surely now,
28:52he's sat there
28:54saving a lunge somewhere.
28:56Saving for a last moment.
28:57I know Jorge Martín's
28:58pushing on the pace.
28:59And I know that
29:00at Marc Márquez,
29:01he's probably having to push
29:02to his absolute limit
29:03to stick with him.
29:04But you just feel like
29:05every single time
29:06the gap gets up to two tenths,
29:08Marc closes it up again.
29:10It's like he's saying,
29:11I'm going to do this.
29:12I'm going to give myself
29:13the last lap to do so.
29:14What do you think?
29:15Yeah, it is one of them.
29:16And some of the beauty
29:17of doing that is
29:18you don't give the rider
29:19that you've passed
29:20time to respond,
29:21time to look at you.
29:22We always say at this point
29:23in the race,
29:24Márquez has all the information.
29:26He knows exactly
29:27what's going on.
29:28When you're leading,
29:29do you know what happens as well?
29:30When you're leading,
29:31your anxiety level builds.
29:32You can't break
29:33the rider from behind.
29:34Look at the lap times again.
29:36They're nearly a second a lap
29:37faster than everybody.
29:38That's the point there,
29:39I think,
29:40that turn two there
29:41when Marc just turns it tighter
29:43in all the left-handers.
29:44He's turning it underneath
29:45Jorge Martín.
29:47128.0 from Martín.
29:50128.0 from Márquez.
29:52Three hundreds quicker,
29:55than Martín
29:56on that last lap.
29:58down into the Miller hairpin.
29:59Martín is resolute.
30:01He holds firm.
30:02He's under pressure.
30:03As things stand,
30:04he is responding to it beautifully.
30:10Through Siberia.
30:12let's listen to the GP23
30:14of Marc Márquez.
30:18You don't win 61 MotoGP races
30:21by not having a little bit
30:22of savvy racecraft.
30:26Come on then,
30:28try to work out that puzzle.
30:29Where do you see it?
30:30Where do you see it happening?
30:33you see how much quicker he is able
30:34to enter into MG there.
30:40Jorge Martín,
30:41standing firm.
30:42Not giving a glint.
30:45I noticed.
30:46I'm having to fill the gap
30:48as you try and work out
30:49where Marc can do it.
30:51Not into turn one,
30:52so that means he probably will be
30:53into turn one.
30:54But I can't see into turn one.
30:55Watch how late
30:56this man is on the brakes in front.
30:58There you go.
30:59To pass Jorge Martín into turn one,
31:01you are going to go wide.
31:02What about the opportunity?
31:04That's one into there,
31:05which is really a bit more.
31:07Bit of a slide.
31:08So now,
31:09on that point there in the middle.
31:10He's right on the rear tyre
31:12of Jorge Martín.
31:13Marc Márquez,
31:14the pace dropped
31:15a couple of tenths
31:16on that previous lap.
31:17Over the little crest,
31:18down into Stona Corner.
31:20Is there a chance
31:21this time in heaven?
31:22Look at the drive
31:23that Márquez has got.
31:24And Martín was covering it off.
31:26Martín covered that off
31:27because Márquez got
31:28much better drive
31:29on that occasion.
31:30And Márquez,
31:31he's going to attack.
31:32He's gone round
31:33the outside of him
31:34and he takes over
31:35the lead
31:36in the Australian Grand Prix.
31:37He set that up.
31:38Martín tried to defend
31:39and Márquez
31:40just drove underneath him.
31:42three and a half laps to go now.
31:43You're not thinking
31:44about your tyres.
31:45No conservation at all.
31:46It's full attack mode.
31:47Everything you have.
31:50Martín is finally
31:51going to get a chance
31:52to see where
31:53Márquez is strong.
31:54Does he fight straight back?
31:55Does he sit there
31:56and try and get a look
31:57at Márquez?
31:58Is he going to attack
31:59down into NG Corner?
32:00Not on this occasion.
32:04we have a change
32:05in the lead
32:06that's stuck
32:07in this race
32:08and it comes
32:09with just over
32:10three laps remaining.
32:11Martín will see
32:12that through here
32:13Márquez is great.
32:15through the corner
32:16but will probably
32:17have the legs
32:18as they head down
32:19towards the first corner
32:20down the Gardiner Straight
32:21into Dewans.
32:22Let's have a watch
32:23of Jorge Martín.
32:24Is he able to get
32:25straight back through?
32:26Of course he is.
32:27Of course he is.
32:28Márquez was
32:29across the line
32:30first, crucially.
32:31And that is the difference.
32:32And that is the difference.
32:33That sums up
32:34this season
32:35about how much better
32:36the 2024 Ducati is.
32:38Look at Márquez
32:39turning through
32:40two and three.
32:42He is just
32:43closing in
32:44and all over the
32:46but then when
32:47the bikes
32:48really get their
32:49legs stretched
32:50there's no way
32:51Márquez can
32:52hang with Martín.
32:54this is going to be
32:56That's a big lunge,
32:57a big block pass
32:58and Márquez comes through
32:59to lead once more.
33:00That's a lunge.
33:02no contact
33:03and they both stay upright.
33:04I think that came
33:05from downtown Cowes.
33:06I mean,
33:07that was a lunge.
33:08I mean,
33:09it's getting borderline.
33:10I'm glad
33:11Jorge Martín stood up
33:12but we know
33:13Jorge Martín's a fighter.
33:14He'll be having
33:15none of that
33:16and he knows
33:17that his bike,
33:18his Ducati's
33:19got that little bit
33:20of extra speed.
33:21The one question
33:22I was going to throw into there
33:23does Martín think
33:25I'm not going to give it in
33:26but does he now
33:27start to think about
33:28the championship
33:29because he's going to
33:30extend his lead
33:31over Jorge Martín
33:32and over
33:33Peco Bagnaia.
33:34Do I want to get
33:35into a battle
33:36with Márquez
33:37with a person
33:38who never knows
33:39that he's beaten
33:40who would trade
33:41who would barge me
33:42off the track.
33:43Do I need that?
33:45he'll try and pass
33:47as he comes out
33:48of the final corner.
33:49He's going to have the pace
33:50as they go down
33:51towards turn one again.
33:52Márquez is
33:53leading across the line
33:54but Jorge Martín
33:55this time
33:56is not able
33:57to get through.
33:58So Márquez leads.
33:59This is where
34:00Márquez struck
34:01into two.
34:02Is Martín going to
34:03come through now?
34:05Márquez firmly
34:06shuts the door.
34:07It's so interesting.
34:08You look at the
34:0923 Ducati with Marc on
34:10it turns better
34:11but the Ducati
34:12with Jorge Martín
34:13just punches out
34:14of all the corners
34:15so much better.
34:16You feel like
34:17the turning
34:18is Marc Márquez
34:20rather than the bike
34:21don't you?
34:22Márquez on
34:23left-hand corners
34:24into the Miller
34:26and again
34:27no way through
34:28for Jorge Martín
34:29heading out
34:30towards Siberia.
34:32Peco Bagnaia
34:33sits in third
34:34ready to pick up
34:35the pieces
34:36should any accident
34:37befall these two
34:38at the front.
34:39I'll tell you what
34:40Marc Márquez
34:41has had a couple
34:42of really good
34:43corners there
34:44I don't know if
34:45Martín was a little
34:46bit deep
34:47into turn four.
34:48Fabio Di Gianantonio
34:49just set a personal
34:50best in the 27s.
34:51He's going to go
34:52for fourth place.
34:53There's a good battle
34:54going on
34:55for the remaining
34:57but this is the one
34:58we want to see.
34:59There's a yellow flag
35:00further back
35:01as Marc Márquez
35:02comes through
35:0311 and 12.
35:04Frankie Carcani
35:05his crew chief
35:06watches on.
35:07We are going to have
35:08one more lap to go.
35:09Two and three
35:10quarter miles
35:11of this Phillip
35:12Island circuit
35:13to decide
35:14who's going to
35:15take the 25 points
35:16and the way
35:17Marc Márquez
35:18has just ridden
35:19on this lap
35:20is going to be
35:21an incredible
35:23across the line.
35:24He's back
35:25towards the 128.0s.
35:26He has managed
35:27his size
35:28despite an awful
35:29start in this race
35:30to perfection.
35:33but I'll tell you
35:34what, Martín's
35:35quickly through
35:36this part
35:37so if he can get
35:38a good exit
35:39out of two
35:40he's then going
35:41to just hope
35:42that Marc Márquez
35:43makes a bit of a mistake.
35:44Marc's going to
35:45be defensive
35:46into turn four
35:47that can easily
35:48push you wide.
35:50trail braking
35:51holding your breath
35:52hoping the front
35:53doesn't fall.
35:54Yeah, and he's
35:55smoked the rear tyre
35:56through Stoner Corner
35:57just like the Aussie
35:58would have done
35:59in his day two
36:00into Siberia
36:01gave Martín
36:02no chance.
36:03In fact, I thought
36:05might have just
36:06gone that little bit
36:07deep through there
36:08trying to come back
36:09at him
36:10and Márquez
36:11has enough
36:12in his pocket
36:13shortly now.
36:140.6 of a second
36:15no mistakes
36:16with half a lap
36:18I have to say
36:19it's incredible
36:20to see what he's done.
36:21Yeah, the absolute
36:23The rider making
36:24the difference.
36:25You saw
36:26when Martín
36:27was behind him
36:28he has a better bike
36:29far superior
36:30more power
36:31more exit speed
36:32faster on the straights
36:33but this man is
36:34faster around the corners
36:35absolutely outstanding
36:37We have had an epic
36:38battle here
36:39as always
36:40at the Australian
36:41Grand Prix
36:42but he is the
36:43master of the fight
36:44he still knows
36:45how to come out
36:46on top when it matters
36:47and somehow
36:48has won the Australian
36:49Grand Prix
36:50from Jorge Martín
36:51in second.
36:52Peco Bagniari
36:53is going to
36:54come across the line
36:55in third
36:56and he'll have to
36:57thank his future
36:58teammates for taking
36:59another five points
37:00out of Jorge Martín.
37:01Yeah, that could be
37:02massive as we know
37:03with this championship
37:04obviously Martín's
37:05extended his lead
37:06but what a ride
37:07from Martín Márquez.
37:08We get criticised
37:09sometimes for saying
37:10good things about him
37:11I mean
37:12what a ride
37:13look at that
37:14I mean the next
37:1523 Ducati
37:16so the next
37:17person on the
37:18equal machinery
37:19is 12 seconds
37:20behind him.
37:22ride for Márquez
37:23after that start
37:24that's the bit
37:25that makes it
37:26as the Grissini
37:27team celebrate
37:28this will go on
37:30I'm telling you
37:31he is enjoying it
37:32and who can
37:33blame him
37:34I mean he loves
37:35this place anyway
37:36he's had so much
37:37success here
37:38over the years
37:39at Phillip
37:41and he has done
37:42it again
37:44that is
37:45I was expecting
37:46him to be in the mix
37:47but not having been
37:48what was he
37:4910th at turn 1
37:50in the first lap
37:51we need to watch
37:52that again
37:53imagine at the
37:54breaking point
37:55into turn 1
37:56he would have been
37:57lower down than 10th
37:58how lucky was he
37:59I mean the fact
38:00to get the tear off
38:01under the back wheel
38:02it spun up
38:03thankfully it didn't
38:04go far enough
38:05round where he
38:06flicked him off
38:09what a win
38:10win number 62
38:11in the MotoGP class
38:12win number 88
38:13in overall
38:14Grand Prix wins
38:15I mean just
38:16yeah another
38:17Bugatti win
38:18again it extends
38:20and I'm going to
38:21throw on
38:22to 14
38:23a warning
38:24he's going to be on
38:25a much better
38:26motorcycle next year
38:27you saw
38:29just eased
38:30past him
38:33eased past him
38:34he's just asking
38:35for the
38:38how cool
38:39is that for some
38:41that's brilliant
38:42he's a square
38:43that's not someone
38:44from the team
38:45that's made his
38:47that's made his
38:50I was that guy
38:51who ran out
38:52with the flag
38:53at Phillip Island
38:54this is the moment
38:56it was so
38:58wasn't it
38:59oh that wasn't
39:00the one
39:01no it is
39:02oh sorry
39:03it was the lap
39:05when we
39:06let the
39:07break go
39:08yeah there
39:09was a chance
39:10there was
39:13you break
39:14one metre
39:16then you end up
39:17missing the apex
39:18it would be
39:19interesting to know
39:20if the team
39:21had said
39:24if rider
39:25number 4
39:27you know
39:28that's the
39:29corner you're
39:31I'm going
39:32to say
39:33it must
39:39real life
39:41oh that's
39:42a great
39:44I'm so
39:45pleased we've
39:46had it
39:47because after
39:48the turgid
39:49affair of
39:51we've been
39:52served up a
39:53classic here
39:54can we
39:55come here
39:56every week
39:57we said it
39:58a year
40:02Johan Zarco
40:03won that
40:05another one
40:06that was
40:08from under
40:13we ever
40:17is all
40:40shows what
40:41a new
40:42asphalt can
40:44okay let
40:45me see
40:46he welcomes
40:47him in
40:48back in
40:49that's his
40:50third win
40:51of the
40:52season of
40:53course in
40:54the main
40:56I wonder
40:57if he'll
40:58hold up
40:59the number
41:01a serious
41:04do you
41:12what was
41:13his goal
41:14at the
41:15start of
41:16the year
41:17though this
41:19moments like
41:20this can
41:21I enjoy it
41:22again well
41:23he's not
41:24only enjoying
41:25it he's
41:26winning he's
41:27showing that
41:28he's back
41:29back to
41:30maybe not
41:31his best
41:32just yet
41:33but I
41:34don't know
41:35maybe on a
41:37but he's
41:39I don't
41:42on the
41:44but I
41:48on the
41:54showing that
42:00but I
42:04on the
42:06it back underneath the back he realizes that so then he tries to move it. I saw
42:11this going on and I'm thinking why is he not focusing. We said what's going on
42:14underneath his bike, got a problem. This is incredible.
42:20That breaks traction enough to save him. So where is that tear off now because that's
42:24worth something. Look at where he is though on the field. Right let's see if we can
42:28watch it all the way into turn one, this will be really interesting.
42:33I mean he's just almost standing still, has to roll right out. Bagnani does
42:38brilliantly have to say. He's almost got away as quickly as Vavrek Vinalis but he was
42:42swallowed up by the field. He must have lunged down into turn one and two.