• 2 days ago
Captain N: The Game Master playlist:

Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

Action Man playlist:

Men In Black: The Series playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7y6jg

Super Mario Brothers Super Show playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7xlu0

Super Mario World Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7x79j

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7r0sn

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7u52l


00:00Welcome to Videoland!
00:07Mega High!
00:13Wake up, Kid Icarus!
00:15Welcome to Castle Deep!
00:18Yahoo! Yahoo!
00:20It's Kroggleware!
00:23By the rain, we'll get you, little princess!
00:27Princess, the palace is under siege!
00:30Behold, the ultimate warp zone!
00:39Kevin, I thought I told you to clean up your room!
00:57Captain N, The Game Master
01:02Within her lair on the sinister world of Metroid,
01:05Mother Brain scans her trillion brain cells in search of a clue to Captain N's weakness.
01:16Did you see that?
01:21It's Captain N!
01:23Just before he was sucked through the ultimate warp zone into Videoland!
01:33Rats! Way to go, Captain Klutz!
01:36I just can't figure my way around this swampy bayou!
01:39I've found Captain N's weak spot!
01:42You mean he's afraid of rats?
01:44No, you rat brain! Bayouland!
01:47He doesn't know his way around Bayouland!
01:51I'm not only the most beautiful brain in the world,
01:54I'm the cleverest!
01:56How about a radio-controlled sweet potato?
01:59I'll need a remote-controlled robot!
02:06That's very thoughtful of you,
02:08but do you know what I'd really like, Eggplant Wizard?
02:12What's that, Mother Brain?
02:20An eggplant slicer!
02:24Now stop thinking and get me a RoboCat!
02:33It's tuned to your brain waves, Mother Brain!
02:36Just think of a thought and the RoboCat will respond!
02:42Let's see!
02:51Looks like Dr. Wily's robot doesn't work!
02:55On the contrary, it works perfectly!
02:59Okay, little RoboCat,
03:01go into the warp zone and do your stuff!
03:07At the other end of Videoland,
03:09at the Palace of Power,
03:11Mother Brain is waiting for you!
03:14I'll be back, Mother Brain!
03:20A sinister plot begins to unfold!
03:23I'm not sure I can do it, Kevin!
03:26Of course you can, Princess! Dancing is easy!
03:29Here, I'll show you!
03:35I like this!
03:37I've got some pretty cool power moves, too!
03:41Say, why don't we go back to my world?
03:44My friends would hyperventilate
03:46if they saw me dancing with the Princess of Videoland!
03:50Some other time, Kevin.
03:52I've got too many responsibilities here!
04:02Dude, will you stop chasing things?
04:05He's a good guy, but he's a little slow.
04:08Stop chasing things?
04:10He's been getting me in trouble doing that
04:12ever since he was a pup.
04:14Sorry if I upset your cat.
04:16But I don't have a cat!
04:26Duke, come back here!
04:30Duke, no!
04:35Where does this warp zone go to?
04:37Bayou Land.
04:39Bayou Land?
04:41That mud of mine would have to pick the worst place in the universe
04:44to chase a stupid cat.
04:46Stay cool. I'll be right back.
04:58Here, boy!
05:00He's taken the bait!
05:01King Hippo, Eggplant, listen!
05:03Take the warp zone to the bayou
05:05and make sure Captain Man never comes out of the swamp!
05:19It's no use.
05:21I'll never fit into this pipe.
05:26All you need is a little lubrication.
05:31Lettuce is green.
05:33Tomatoes are red.
05:34Turn King Hippo into a salad head.
05:37Hey, this ain't lubrication!
05:40Into the pipe without any toil.
05:45Vinegar and oil!
05:48Toss your salad!
05:53Where did I get my hand on it?
05:57Princess, look what we found.
05:59It's a RoboCat.
06:01I caught it trying to sneak out of the warp zone.
06:04We'd better warn Kevin that something's up.
06:07Come on, Simon. We're going to Bayou Land.
06:10And get my clothes, filthy.
06:13I'm sorry, but Simon Belmont, the vampire hunter,
06:17never travels in the bayou.
06:22Did you see that, Simon?
06:25She practically begged you.
06:27Come on, Simon.
06:28After you, your wonderfulness.
06:38Your pretty little feet are much too dainty to step in this muck.
06:42Why, thank you, Simon.
06:44And, more importantly, so are mine.
06:54I hate mud.
06:58I hate mud.
07:22Duke! Where are you, boy?
07:26Duke, you can't be gone.
07:28I can't remember what it's like without you.
07:30You're the best friend I've got in the world.
07:37Especially this world.
07:48Hey! Let go!
08:09Whoa! It's a good thing I'm a wiz with the old power pad,
08:12or I'd have been a deep...
08:30Phew. For a minute there, I could have sworn I was...
08:35Dead meat!
08:46Oh, great. The quicksands drain my power.
08:50He gets awful indigestion from eating strangers.
08:55Keeps me up all night.
08:57You must be Bayou Bibbly.
08:59Wait! I need your help.
09:01If any of y'all are lost,
09:03the warp zone out of the bayou is right past them trees.
09:06I know. I just came from there.
09:08I lost my dog.
09:10And you're the greatest tracker in the bayou.
09:12Without your help, I'll never find him.
09:14Dog? Well, why didn't you say so?
09:17Hop in.
09:22This here's my pet alligator, Loafer.
09:25Oh, looky there. He likes you.
09:28Oh, just what I need.
09:30Now, don't you fret none, kid.
09:32With Bayou Billy's done teaching you,
09:34you'll be able to track down your dog's fleas.
09:38Now, first thing you gotta learn about tracking in the bayou
09:42is that footprints don't float.
09:44So you gotta look for other signs,
09:46like these here broken tullies.
09:49Your dog was here, I'd say, about an hour ago.
09:52Well, then we've got to hurry.
09:54Hey, not so fast.
09:56Never travel in the bayou without first getting some power items.
10:06Billy, look out!
10:08Let me show you how we do it in the bayou.
10:19See? Nothing to it.
10:27Whew! Good thing I've got my power pad.
10:30Jumping won't do you no good against a frog man.
10:33Why not?
10:36That's why.
10:40Billy, help!
10:42You're doing just fine, kid.
10:51Nice move, kid. Nice move.
10:54Thanks. Can we go find Duke now?
10:57Don't rush it, kid.
10:59You still gotta learn about this here bayou.
11:19Woo! Woo!
11:33Looks like you're gonna make one Jim Dandy swamp.
11:37Well, come on, Billy. We gotta find Duke now.
11:40Sorry, kid. I can't come with you.
11:43Gotta rustle up some poachers.
11:48So, Bayou Billy thinks he's taught him all there is to know about the swamp, does he?
11:53Well, we'll see if Captain Egg can handle my little swamp creature.
11:59Is it ready, Dr. Wily?
12:01Any second now, Mother Brain.
12:10Oh, it's so horrible!
12:12Only a mother brain can learn it.
12:14I love it!
12:16It's genetically programmed for only one purpose.
12:21To destroy Captain Egg!
12:24Into the Bayou Warp Zone!
12:41Captain Egg!
12:46Kevin! Can you hear me?
12:50I think something horrible's happened to him.
12:53Oh, is that me? You really think so?
12:56How dreadful.
12:59Hmm. Those are definitely Duke's paw prints.
13:02Once my keen tagging skills lead me to him,
13:05the moth will lead us straight to Kevin.
13:08Aha! I found him.
13:11The clever cur is up that tree.
13:15But, Simon, dogs don't climb trees.
13:21They don't?
13:33Simon, look out!
13:39It's a good thing for you I'm an animal lover.
13:42Now scoot before I change my mind and make fur underwear out of you.
13:49Some tracker you are.
13:52An honest mistake. Mountain lions are related to dogs, you know.
13:56They're related to cats.
13:59Aha! I always suspected Duke was part cat.
14:03Oh, brother.
14:05From now on, I'll do the tracking.
14:28Oh, no! Duke taggled with a snake!
14:31I hope he's okay. Duke! Here, boy!
14:41Well, there's nothing around here.
14:44You see anything, King Hippo?
14:52No, there's nothing under the water.
14:55Let's check that way.
15:02Look! An airboat!
15:10We won't get anywhere in this piece of junk.
15:13I've got an idea.
15:16This is the stupidest idea you ever dreamed up.
15:20If we don't take care of Captain N, Mother Brain will brain us.
15:25Here goes nothing.
15:28Hey! This is terrific!
15:31Look out!
15:36Ha! Missed him.
15:39Look! There he is.
15:45Let's mow him down.
16:01Sorry, I don't have time to stay for supper.
16:10An alligator jet ski! What a concept!
16:20He's getting away!
16:23All right!
16:35I'm gonna scramble your eggplant when I get my gloves on you!
16:44They're Kevin's footprints, all right.
16:46Speaking of footprints, it's a crime to mistreat such beautiful feet.
16:51These cute little devils.
16:54Can't you ever think of anyone but yourself?
16:57I'm sorry, your cuteness. You're absolutely right.
17:00I should be thinking more about you.
17:11Chew on that for a while, and don't forget to brush.
17:15Ouch! Ooh! Ow! Ow! Ooh!
17:19Captain N!
17:24You got the wrong guy. I'm Simon Belmont.
17:27If you promise not to eat me, I'll take you to Captain N.
17:33What a delightful surprise!
17:35My sloth creature is not only going to devour Captain N,
17:39but the princess and Simon Belmont as well!
17:42There's a warp zone just ahead.
17:45You're not getting away that easy!
17:48You wouldn't want our slimy friend to miss his lunch, would you?
18:31Let him go!
18:33Or there's going to be french fried eggplant and hippo burgers for everyone!
18:55Hey, kid! I found your mutt!
19:04Duke! You're okay!
19:09Don't let him get away!
19:12If I were you, I'd be worried about myself!
19:25Oh, great! My zapper's got swamp guck in it!
19:31Forget the zapper! Get the crash star!
19:35But I can't! The sloth creature is blocking it!
19:40Sure you can, kid! Just remember what I taught you!
19:56Got it!
20:09Whoa! Let's get out of here!
20:18Toto! Toto!
20:20I mean, hippo! Hippo!
20:33You incompetent cute brain!
20:36You've ruined everything!
20:40When I re-digitalize, I'm going to de-digitalize you, too!
20:44Or good!
20:48Later that evening, in the bayou...
20:51This isn't fair, your highness.
20:53But I promised you a candlelight dinner, Simon.
20:56And I always keep my promise.
20:59Thanks again for helping us out, Billy.
21:02And for teaching me about the bayou.
21:05My pleasure.
21:08My pleasure.
21:10I just wish you could have taught Duke to stop chasing things.
21:13Oh, no! Where does that warp zone lead to?
21:16That's no warp zone!
21:18That there's the entrance to Loafer's nest!
21:26I think Duke's finally learned his lesson.
21:38Kevin! I thought I told you to clean up your room!
