• 7 hours ago
Just because they were Jedi, didn't mean these masters were perfect... not by a long shot.


00:00While even the likes of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda have been known to make the
00:04odd mistake over the years, certain points of view, my ass, there's telling a Porky
00:08to protect the son of Darth Vader, and then there's almost single-handedly sealing the
00:12terrible fate of the entire Jedi Order with a defiant reaction to being rejected by their
00:17master peers.
00:18So let's dive into those Jedi Masters who are simply the worst.
00:22Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are the 10 Worst Jedi Masters in Star
00:28Luminara Unduli One specific master who personified the concept
00:31of the Jedi denying themselves any form of attachment during the Clone Wars in particular
00:36came in the form of Luminara Unduli, a rather cold wielder of the Force, it must be said.
00:41On top of being disturbingly quick to accept the reality of her ultimately disillusioned
00:45padawan Barriss Offee being no more, despite there still being a chance that Offee and
00:49Ahsoka Tano could still be alive in the wake of a droid factory on Geonosis exploding with
00:53the two youngsters inside, Unduli's apparent reaction to orphaning the Martez sisters is
00:58also about as heartless as it gets too.
01:00As Raff would explain to Ahsoka during the seventh episode of Clone Wars Season 7, a
01:05Jedi matching the description of Unduli came to speak to the children in the wake of the
01:09peacekeepers steering a ship into their homes and killing their parents in their bids to
01:13protect a crowded platform from being smashed into.
01:16Her words of I had to make a choice but not to worry, the Force will be with you did little
01:20to comfort the kids who had just been left without parents or shelter, and served as
01:24a reminder why some folks had every reason to believe the Jedi were just as bad as anyone
01:28else causing chaos in the galaxy.
01:32Bola Rappal
01:33You had one job, Master Bola Rappal, one job.
01:35It was his sole responsibility to keep the Jedi memory crystal out of the hands of those
01:40outside of the Order, but in the wake of Cad Bane managing to break into the Jedi Temple
01:44and stealing a Jedi holocron, Rappal was captured remarkably quickly by the bounty hunter and
01:49soon helped both Bane and Darth Sidious edge ever closer to pulling off their despicable
01:55The all-important crystal Rappal had been tasked with keeping an eye on was hugely significant
01:58to the Order as it contained a list of all the known Force-sensitive children in the
02:03So if this valuable object that pretty much held the entire future of the Jedi Order in
02:07it fell into the hands of, oh I don't know, the Dark Lord of the Sith, it's safe to
02:11say more than a few folks would have a bad feeling about it.
02:14But that's precisely what happens.
02:16Admittedly, Bane's coming into possession of the crystal came after Rappal defiantly
02:20refused to open the holocron, losing his life in the process.
02:24Yet that doesn't change the fact that Rappal's failure to keep the crystal away from people
02:28outside of the Order paved the way for the disturbing kidnapping of Force-sensitive children
02:32on Sidious' request down the road.
02:36Opo Rancisis
02:37What a look, eh?
02:38Taken up a spot on the Jedi High Council during the prequel era, the white-haired, snake-like
02:42being known as Master Opo Rancisis could routinely be found perched on a comfy seat throughout
02:47the Clone Wars, and doing very little else, in all honesty.
02:51Now, yeah, that's a bit unfair, okay, Rancisis was actually said to have been extremely developed
02:56in the ways of the Force, even preferring his Force abilities to his lightsaber when
03:00in combat.
03:01He was even classed as one of the wisest members on the High Council, also serving as a top
03:06strategist and military advisor during the Clone Wars.
03:09So it's just a shame that fans were never really given a chance to see this distinct
03:13alien force wielder really strut his stuff at any point on the big or small screen in
03:17the time during Episodes I to III, or even in the years after somehow surviving the Great
03:22Jedi Purge.
03:23Again, this Thisbeacian was seemingly highly regarded by the Jedi at the height of their
03:28existence, but it's still hard to argue against him being one of the least impactful
03:32or memorable masters on the Council, and it's likely Vader and Co simply forgot he even
03:36existed in the wake of Order 66.
03:39Luke Skywalker
03:40Look, Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Padawan slash Knight was unquestionably one of the key factors
03:45in the toppling of the Empire, but as a Jedi Master, well, nobody's perfect, right?
03:50Proving himself once again to be one of the most influential Force users of all time,
03:54for better and for worse, Skywalker's building of a new Jedi Academy ultimately set the stage
03:59for an event that would have a catastrophic impact on the rest of the galaxy.
04:03Sensing his Padawan Ben Solo as having his heart turned to the dark side by Snoke, a
04:08brief loss of control led to Luke brandishing his lightsaber in an attempt to stop this
04:12evil in its tracks.
04:14The urge to cut down his nephew passed as quickly as it arrived, but the damage was
04:18already done.
04:19Young Solo spotted his master standing over him with his lightsaber raised, and Luke's
04:23inability to sense that Ben could still be brought back to the light resulted in Han
04:27Solo and Leia Organa's child instinctively defending himself before destroying the Temple
04:32and killing many of Skywalker's other apprentices.
04:36Just like that, Luke almost single-handedly unleashed Kylo Ren on the galaxy, a move that
04:40would set the deaths of Han Solo and countless others in motion.
04:43Thankfully, Luke was able to redeem himself somewhat by the end of the sequels, but not
04:47before making a few galaxy-changing mistakes along the way.
04:52Coleman Trebor
04:53Or as you may also know him, the one and only Virk Jedi Master who got his ass quickly handed
04:57to him by Jango Fett on Geonosis.
04:59He can't knock the effort, however, as Trebor got within inches of stopping the entire Clone
05:05Standing right in front of Count Dooku with his lightsaber in hand as the Battle of Geonosis
05:09got underway.
05:10Yet despite being classed as an impressive combatant, Trebor appeared to be anything
05:14but that when the pressure was really on.
05:16But at least Mace Windu was able to avenge his death with the coldest decapitation ever
05:20to tumble into a Star Wars project.
05:24Easily one of the most recognisable faces to hold down a seat on the Jedi High Council
05:28throughout the prequel trilogy and Clone Wars in general, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi didn't half
05:33have a habit of letting loose fiercely arrogant statements that aged like a pint of blue milk.
05:38On top of ignorantly claiming that the Sith being back was impossible due to them not
05:42being spotted for a millennium.
05:44The ever-doubting Jedi would also boldly claim that Count Dooku was little more than a political
05:48idealist, not a murderer.
05:50And Ki-Adi-Mundi was at it again on the back of the bombing of the Jedi Temple during the
05:54Clone Wars animated series.
05:56Acting as an influential voice as the call to boot a framed Ahsoka Tano out of the Order
06:01was made.
06:02He even had the audacity to claim that Tano had showcased the true sign of a Jedi Knight
06:06In ultimately proving her innocence as the Council attempted to bring her back into the
06:11What a piece of work.
06:12Sure, he had a few redeeming moments during said animated spin-off, but for the most part,
06:16Mundi was a rather insensitive doubter for much of his time in the spotlight.
06:23Time and time again as the Clone Wars unfolded, Mace Windu proved that he was quite possibly
06:27the mightiest Jedi of the lot, regularly leading clones into battle and showcasing why he was
06:32a Jedi warrior to be reckoned with.
06:35But he also continually demonstrated the major flaws of the Jedi around the time of the Republic.
06:40That being a level of hubris and hypocrisy that ultimately led to a fatal conclusion
06:44for both the Order and much of the galaxy.
06:47Alongside the likes of Ki-Adi-Mundi, Windu also once notably doubted Dooku being capable
06:52of murder, claiming that assassination wasn't in his character as a former Jedi.
06:57Yet as the Clone Wars reached their climax, what was the purple-bladed master spotted
07:00attempting to do?
07:02Assassinate Darth Sidious before he could stand trial.
07:04And it was this, and his overall refusal to ever fully trust in Anakin Skywalker as the
07:08Chosen One, that eventually kick-started both the rise of Vader and fall of the Order.
07:13All in all, Windu may have been arguably as strong as, or even more powerful than, Master
07:17Yoda, but his foolish actions served as a reminder of how even the apparent wisest of
07:22Jedi had lost their way by the time Order 66 was made a reality.
07:28Jedi Masters Who Tried To Take Down Sidious
07:30In fairness, trying to go toe-to-toe with the biggest bad in the galaxy was never destined
07:34to be a simple day at the office, was it?
07:36But the fact a whopping three supposed Jedi Masters were all taken out by a recently revealed
07:41Darth Sidious, with almost hilarious ease, more than earns these otherwise respectable
07:46Force Wielders a spot on this list.
07:48Again, Palpatine wasn't just any old darksider, it must be said.
07:52He was the mastermind behind the entire Clone Wars, and the person responsible for the re-emergence
07:56of the Sith.
07:57But was he really that masterful with a lightsaber that he could dispatch three of the greatest
08:02lightsaber wielders ever to grace the Order, as though they were little more than a bunch
08:05of hapless battle droids?
08:07If Agent Kola, Saesee Tin and Kit Fisto were really the master swordsmen, legendary warriors
08:12and greatest lightsaber duelists of their time they were often referred to as, then
08:16surely they would have lasted longer than a few seconds against just one red-bladed
08:20adversary, right?
08:21Perhaps this simply acts as another example of the Order believing in their own hype a
08:25little bit too much.
08:26Whatever way you slice it though, there's no questioning that Mace Windu brought some
08:31ultimately ill-equipped masters along with him to bring down the soon-to-be Emperor.
08:37While it's been noted on a number of occasions already how the Jedi Order weren't exactly
08:41known for always getting it right, in the case of their call to keep from allowing Master
08:45Sifo-Dyas to build an army to protect the Jedi from the visions he'd experienced of
08:50an incoming war, they were probably right to give the concept a hard pass.
08:54Unfortunately for every Jedi ultimately taken out in Order 66 though, after being taken
08:59off the Jedi Council due to his desire to forge an army for the Republic, Count Dooku's
09:03pal defied the Order and went ahead with plans to create a clone army anyway, even going
09:08as far as to claim that the folks on Kamino had the blessing of both the Jedi and Galactic
09:12Senate to start building the troops.
09:14However in the wake of Dooku betraying his former mate and ultimately being responsible
09:18for his death, Sidious would assume control of said secret clone army from the shadows.
09:23So despite the army clearly being initially designed as a way to protect both the Republic
09:27and the Order, Sifo-Dyas' foolish decision to press ahead behind the Council's back
09:31eventually presented Palpatine with the tools to take over the galaxy.
09:36Pong Krell
09:37Despite being forged without the consent of the Jedi Order, the various generals tasked
09:41with bringing the fight to the Separatists soon bonded with their clone army, with the
09:45peacekeepers very much seeing their troops as individuals rather than cannon fodder.
09:49Well, in most cases that is.
09:51When it came to Pong Krell however, it was clear this particular Jedi Master didn't
09:55give a damn how many clone troopers he put in harm's way to complete his missions during
09:59the Clone Wars.
10:00And if his record for the highest amount of clone casualties under his command wasn't
10:04enough of a reason to despise the controversial Jedi, then his eventual revealed dark intentions
10:09likely did the trick.
10:11After Krell routinely put Anakin Skywalker's 501st Legion needlessly in harm's way on
10:16Umbara, upon the latter being recalled to Coruscant and the former taking over control
10:20of the troops, the clones would ultimately discover that he was actually seeking to rule
10:24as part of a new order that was on the horizon.
10:26And the fallen Jedi would reveal that he aimed to become Count Dooku's new apprentice too.
10:31Sure enough, not a soul alive shed a tear upon witnessing clone trooper Dogma take out
10:36the Jedi General on the back of his betrayal of both the Jedi and Republic.
10:40That being said, he didn't half have some cool double-bladed lightsabers though, right?
10:44And that's our list of any Jedi Masters who were the absolute worst.
10:47Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
10:51to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
10:54Also if you like this kind of thing then head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some more
10:57fantastic articles just like the one this video you're watching right this second is
11:01based on.
11:02I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the force be with you as always, thanks
11:05very much for watching this video today and hopefully I'll see you very, very soon.
11:09Bye bye!
