• 2 days ago


00:00Hey, how's it going?
00:25Hey, what's up, dawg?
00:32This is what we normally do, right?
00:35This is work.
00:36This is the whole tour.
00:37Start and finish right here.
00:38What's up?
00:39I'm on my computer.
00:40What's up?
00:41Look at that.
00:53Look, mom, no hands.
00:56You have hands.
00:58No feet.
01:03Look at me.
01:10All right.
01:12Welcome to the International Space Station.
01:14There's a tour.
01:15We're starting right now in Columbus.
01:17And if you look on this little iPad right here, there's a picture of the station.
01:21And right here, that's Columbus.
01:24So we're on the starboard side kind of front area.
01:29And that module right there, that's where we're in right now.
01:32As you can see, it's, of course, the European laboratory.
01:35But it's not just European.
01:37We also have NASA racks in here and NASA payloads in here, too, at the same time.
01:42So it's actually quite a new stuff over here.
01:45This is the EML.
01:47And Alex will have to tell you all about that because that's his little bailiwick.
01:51But it's actually pretty cool because it talks about magnetic levitation.
01:54And I just think that's a cool sounding thing.
01:56I don't know exactly what it's going to do, but it sounds great to me.
02:00And over here, you can't see.
02:03It's hard to see, again, everything.
02:05But in here we were growing.
02:09That's where I grew the lettuce is right in there.
02:15That's it.
02:16Move on farther.
02:18This is the workbench storage area.
02:21And there's a storage area above me, storage area below me over here.
02:26Come over here.
02:27This is where we take our blood.
02:30We've got it all set up for doing that.
02:33All the stuff we really need for that all around here.
02:37That's a pretty easy task.
02:38We do that and even have a centrifuge to put the blood into to help process it.
02:43And then after we do that for 30 minutes, we freeze it, get it all cold,
02:47and then we ship it to ground.
02:48And hopefully they can tell us something about it from when we get there.
02:52Again, more storage over here and also the ultrasound we hook up right here.
02:56We do ultrasounds of all sorts of parts of our body
02:59to make sure we're still doing okay.
03:03And there's also over here the SLAMD, which we don't want to set up,
03:09but that's where we do the measure our mass or weight,
03:13see if we're losing or gaining weight.
03:15We can set that up over here too, our version of that.
03:20Again, there's a lot of science actually going on here too
03:22that we don't touch too much that we just set up.
03:25It's a good place and it's going pretty well.
03:28And this is Alex, as you can tell.
03:30This is a German flag in the back, East of stuff.
03:33It's a good place for Alex.
03:36So let's move on to Node 2.
03:42Vacuum cleaner.
03:43Yes, it's true point.
03:44We do have one of the most important pieces of equipment
03:47on International Space Station hidden up here.
03:50This is the vacuum cleaner, and it's the AC version.
03:53And we say at NASA's talk that this is the only piece of equipment
03:57that doesn't suck on the International Space Station.
04:00But actually, this is actually much better than the old one,
04:02so we actually like it.
04:04And it's nothing too fancy, just a vacuum cleaner.
04:08But we have to use it every week to keep ourselves clean.
04:13Come into Node 2.
04:15If you look on the picture here,
04:22Node 2 is this section right here.
04:24It's this front little piece that fits on the station.
04:28So it's actually where the shuttle used to front,
04:30and this black part is where the shuttle used to dock to.
04:32And so right now, nothing, of course, is docking to that,
04:35but we're in this area right after there.
04:38It's called Node 2.
04:41And so if you look out here, this is where the shuttle actually docked,
04:43is right through that hatch right that way.
04:45And there's still a device on there, a module called PMA-2 out there.
04:50And when we get a visiting vehicle such as a Cygnus or a SpaceX,
04:56we berth it down here on the neater side, the lower side.
05:00We'll open that hatch when we have that there.
05:03And again, so that's the idea of being a node.
05:05It has multiple spots to attach to.
05:09So you have all four sections here around,
05:12and the one out the front, and actually one behind it.
05:14So it has actually six places to dock other modules to up here.
05:18Besides that, it's really our workbench area and our living quarters in Node 2.
05:23If you come this way, actually you'll see over here another one of our workbenches.
05:27We usually keep both workbenches here and here.
05:30This time we have one in the Columbus module at this time
05:34just because Alex is working on a special project there.
05:37And then if you go back, you'll see now it's coming into view
05:40the four crew quarters around here.
05:43So we have four of us.
05:45This one's mine over here.
05:47We have Alec, we have Tonto, and we have Alex.
05:50And it's kind of interesting because once you get into one,
05:53you really can't tell which orientation you are.
05:58So if I happen to go into Tonto's and look at a picture or something he's got on his screen,
06:01I'll come out and I'll be kind of confused because I don't know which way I'm going.
06:04And especially if you go into Alex's or Alec's to do that,
06:06you come out and you're really confused because it feels like you're in your own,
06:09but when you come out, it's a totally different orientation.
06:12But if you're looking here, these aren't too big at all.
06:15You can take a quick look in here. I'll jump in here real quick.
06:22So we have our sleeping bag attached to the wall.
06:26The way I like to do it is I just have it attached here at one point and one point up here
06:30so I can put my feet right up here when I'm sleeping.
06:33And I kind of do it in a sense of this position, like this,
06:37and I'm kind of curled up a little bit in a semi-on-my-side sleeping position,
06:41which I like to do back on Earth.
06:43And it kind of works out pretty well. It gives me that same feeling, almost.
06:46But it works well for me.
06:48And then when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you see is your laptops.
06:51I got one that connects to the Internet, which works like 50% of the time.
06:56And then I got another one that does our LAN up here,
06:59which gives us our schedule, all the other information, our email,
07:02everything we need to do to work up here.
07:04That's what that one is.
07:06And we also have an iPad, as you can see, and that's also up there.
07:10And that's, again, for all sorts of work or for watching movies or something like that on.
07:14That's what it's good for.
07:16Again, though, it's actually not a bad setup.
07:18I know it's small, but really it works out well.
07:21We don't really need much more room up here.
07:27So let's now move on to the lab.
07:30And again, you'll look on here.
07:32So what we're doing right now is we're heading towards the back, towards the aft.
07:37So we're in the very front in the middle, and now we're going down this long path in the back.
07:41The first one we come to is a lab.
07:43And you see on the back, on top of the lab, I should say,
07:46at the very aft part is this big structure over here.
07:49It's called a truss.
07:51And on the truss we have the solar arrays.
07:54And so we can't, of course, that's all on the outside,
07:58and we only get out there doing a spacewalk.
08:00So that's kind of how this is set up, though, so you can see where we are.
08:03So here's the lab here. We're going to head into the lab.
08:05This is the U.S. lab.
08:11And again, this is pretty much just science racks and storage is what we have,
08:15and, of course, in the avionics.
08:17We have a lot of the computers that run the system or run the lab,
08:20or I'm sorry, run the station are in here.
08:22And besides that, then we have all sorts of experiments.
08:26And also right here, the first thing we start off here with is what we call a Melfi,
08:30which is actually a big freezer, a minus-80-degree freezer.
08:33And there's four different sections of it,
08:35and they can control each different section here with a different temperature if they want to.
08:39And that's where we put, say, the blood and stuff like that.
08:42We're going to put it in there to store it until it goes home.
08:46So that's how all the science is stored once we do it.
08:49Here is a glove box so we can use to do experiments on here if we need to use a glove box.
08:55So people on this increment have been doing baths, which was kind of interesting.
09:00We all liked it as males because it was burning stuff,
09:03and you could burn things in here in the glove box, and that also was actually kind of nice.
09:08And then later on, after the next SpaceX gets here,
09:12they're actually going to do all the work on the mice in that area,
09:15which I think is going to be very interesting, difficult, but interesting at the same time.
09:19You go to the other side over here,
09:23in this little hidden area is what I've been working on lately.
09:28That's a RoboDot.
09:32You can probably see him in here.
09:35So this has been my latest project.
09:37We've been upgrading all the electronics in there, the computers, etc.
09:43And then next week I actually get to put legs on him.
09:46I think he's going to be actually kind of creepy looking when he gets legs.
09:49But hopefully it will help him walk around the station, move around the station.
09:52And as you look around the other spots, we have on the top, we call them express racks.
09:57An express rack just means really it has power and data
10:01for any kind of experiments that we want to go up to.
10:04So if anything, on the ground, somebody comes up with an idea for science,
10:09and all they need is data connection and power,
10:12they can design it to fit in here, and we can easily put it on there, hook it up,
10:16and then they can control it from the ground and do all the science without much interaction from us.
10:20Which actually works out pretty well, because we'll set it all up,
10:23and they can run a lot more science that way.
10:25As we move over this way, of course, we've got the bike here we set up for exercise,
10:30which you have to do about a couple hours a day,
10:33either the bike, the treadmill, or on ARED, which is our lifting device.
10:38We've got storage behind it.
10:41Up here is, again, the material science rack.
10:47Again, the ground does that. We set that one up.
10:49We put in stuff to burn, again, almost, and they do a bunch of experiments on it.
10:53We don't really touch it while it's running, but we set it up for them.
10:56It's kind of like what's over here, too.
10:58This is another combustion rack, and again, we'll set this all up for them,
11:03put in the fluids, the fuels, the igniters, all that stuff, set it all up,
11:09close it up, and then they run it from the ground.
11:11Actually, again, I think they get good science out of that way, and it works pretty well.
11:15Over here is called a fluids and combustion facility,
11:19but right now it has a really big microscope in there,
11:22and we put samples in there for them to look at on the microscope from the ground.
11:28So you see most of the science here is a combination of us doing work,
11:31and then on the ground they do a lot more work,
11:33and then they're the ones, of course, who are the experts.
11:35We're not the experts in the science, but we just help them out,
11:38and hopefully we get good science out of it.
11:40Bottom's another storage rack, and this has most of our medical stuff.
11:44You can see the little cross on there for the AED, et cetera,
11:48the important medical stuff that is needed is right here across this rack.
11:53Another express rack for science, another express rack for science here.
11:57As we come farther in, over here, this is called a robotics workstation,
12:04and the idea, of course, is you can fly the arm from this guy right here.
12:09So this is where your camera views,
12:11and you can look outside to see what the arm is doing from this camera view.
12:14You have a controller that will set up how you're going to fly the arm
12:17and put it into the correct mode for flying the arm,
12:20and then these are your hand controllers.
12:22The one is for translation, which means, of course, left, right, up, and down,
12:25and then this is attitude control over here,
12:27so if you want to pitch it up, pitch it down, yaw, roll, like that, you do it with this,
12:31and you do a combination to make the arm go where you want it to go.
12:35We have two of these.
12:36We have one here in the lab and one in the cupola,
12:39and they both have different advantages and disadvantages depending on where you want to go with them.
12:44Let's see, besides that, what we have over here is actually a trainer for using the arm,
12:49so this is kind of to set up the same idea,
12:51but what it is, this is just all software,
12:53and so we can actually practice using the arm right here,
12:58and it's kind of nice because if you're going to grapple a coming vehicle,
13:02it's great to get a few practices in before you actually have to do the real thing.
13:05It helps out a lot to have this.
13:07We actually set it up and then make it a video game because it's all set up ready to go for us to practice,
13:12and it takes only about a minute or two minutes to run and make a run of it,
13:16so we will sit there and put your quarter in, run the game,
13:20and then get a little practice, and then we go ahead and move on after that.
13:25As we move here, this is more just avionics rack here.
13:27We've got the air conditioning system, computers again that run the station,
13:32and some stowage up above.
13:34That's pretty much the lab.
13:36As we move this way again farther aft, we go into node one,
13:40which is pretty much just like node two.
13:42It's a little older with the same concept, same design,
13:46and that's where we really eat and have our food, et cetera, set up,
13:52a little sort of like a table where we watch a little TV.
13:56We watch movies sometimes on the weekends here,
13:58and this is kind of our area for relaxation.
14:02If you look over here, this is our table.
14:05Now, really when we eat, it's more like I think we prepare here.
14:08We really don't eat on the table here because there's no reason to eat on a table.
14:12So what we'll do is we'll help prepare things here,
14:14keep things stuck to the Velcro or the tape as we need it to,
14:18and then when we want to eat, we're actually just holding it here,
14:21letting it float, or eating it to do what you need to do while you eat.
14:25As we sit around here, if we want to throw on something,
14:29a movie on or something to watch during while we're eating
14:33so we don't have to talk to each other, that's how it gets old,
14:36and we'll do that right here as we do it.
14:39This right here is our food warmer.
14:41So we take the packets of food, go ahead, throw them in here, heat them up,
14:46and this is actually the art of the week.
14:49So we're getting pictures from the kids of people who work on the ground force,
14:54the ground team, which we truly appreciate.
14:56We have their kids send us a picture every week of art,
15:00so it's like refrigerator art, and we put it on our heater here
15:03because we really don't have a refrigerator right here.
15:05So we use that, and then we have a new one each week on there.
15:09Besides that, we have more stowage here, here, all the way around.
15:12You can also tell the color.
15:13If you look around here, it's kind of interesting how it used to be white,
15:17but after over 10 years of people living on this thing,
15:21or over 10 years for sure, it's gotten a little stained.
15:24That's one thing about eating up here is it's a mess.
15:27Every time you open a package, as you think about it at home,
15:31when you open a package, you pull it to open,
15:33but actually right here you're doing, you're putting energy into this package,
15:36and it squeezes up and it goes boom, and it pops, and it pops,
15:39things come flying out, and sometimes you contain it, sometimes you don't,
15:43and hence we got stains everywhere.
15:46I think that's it pretty much for,
15:48over here is where we keep our food, I should say that right here.
15:52Food stowage.
15:54So this is always interesting.
15:56So we have things categorized a little bit into, of course,
16:00people's own little food they have, and we have breakfast, and sides, etc.
16:04So if you want something out of breakfast, you come over here,
16:06you look, and of course right now we're hurting for breakfast
16:09because we got scrambled eggs, there's not much left,
16:12and maybe some sausage patties.
16:14We all like granola and oatmeal,
16:19and so that runs out in about two days for us.
16:21Every seven days we get a new package of food for that.
16:25So breakfast isn't always great around here for us.
16:28So we have those around here.
16:30For that, again, some more stuff to eat,
16:33and that's how we keep it all organized a little bit for our foods.
16:38Up here is where the meat packages are,
16:40if we want to heat something up.
16:42Again, these are the type of things you heat up.
16:44These are our meats.
16:46Throw that in the heater,
16:48and then about ten minutes later you can eat it.
16:52So from here, if we go starboard,
16:55we go into the airlock.
16:58Again, if you look on here, it's just starboard.
17:05That right there is the airlock,
17:07and there's two parts to the airlock.
17:09The closest part to us, which would be this part right here,
17:12is called the equipment lock,
17:14and the most starboard part is called the crew lock.
17:17The crew lock is where you actually go out of when you do a spacewalk.
17:20It's what actually depresses down a vacuum,
17:22and that's where you open the hatch.
17:24So we come in here.
17:28This is now into the equipment lock right here.
17:31The idea of the equipment lock, of course, is where the equipment is,
17:34and then it's also where the suits are.
17:36This is where we actually suit up.
17:38We have these little structures right here that the suits are on.
17:42They're called ADAS, which is an acronym.
17:44I don't even know what it stands for, but it's an acronym, E-D-D-A.
17:47But that's where the suits are on,
17:49and we actually have them on here when we get in.
17:52We can pop off basically the pants, put the pants on,
17:55and we climb up in here with the helmet off,
17:57and we get on in the suit, and we're all ready to go.
18:00The person who's helping us get the suit up
18:02will take us off and stick us into the crew lock over here,
18:06which, again, right now is full of a bunch of stuff.
18:09And then that would be empty, of course, for an actual spacewalk.
18:13We close this hatch right here and depress this part.
18:18We have to vacuum and open the hatch down that way.
18:21It's where the hatch is where you open.
18:25You can see there's all sorts of equipment we have.
18:27This is good stowage right now because we're not going to do a spacewalk for a little bit,
18:30so we just have it more stowed right now for everything on the spacewalk side.
18:35That is unfortunate.
18:43If you go down from here, which would be nadir in Arabic speak,
18:48it's hard to show on this guy because you really can't see it.
18:52So basically we're at the lab, and we're going down towards Earth.
18:55If you look at it that way.
18:57So it doesn't really show it on here because it's blocked by the Node 2.
19:00But if you go down right here, so we would be going from Node 1 down nadir.
19:05This is actually called the PMM.
19:08And that's where the institute is, the big stowage area.
19:11What we have down here is just pure stowage.
19:13That's what it's for.
19:15We have all our supplies, food, extra equipment,
19:19other stuff like that that we need to have for months on board
19:22in case another vehicle doesn't come to resupply us.
19:25We need a bunch and bunch of equipment.
19:27So you can kind of look at that and see that that's just a bunch of stowage area.
19:31That's also where we keep our trash.
19:33We just can't throw the trash out on the curb every week up here.
19:36So we have to keep it.
19:38The last time when Cygnus left, it had about 25 bags worth of trash that we threw out.
19:44And the bags are pretty big sized bags.
19:46They're like big, think of big hefty bags of trash that we threw out on Cygnus.
19:50So that's where we have to keep that.
19:53Besides our new stuff, we have to also keep trash down here.
19:56If we go to the port side,
20:00now you can see that on here.
20:03The port side is called Node 3.
20:05And again, it's very similar to Node 1 and 2.
20:14And it's not even on this picture.
20:16So that makes it more difficult.
20:18But I might even have another one that shows the port side.
20:23Blame the guy who downloaded the picture.
20:25Yeah, blame the guy who downloaded the picture.
20:28And it's not on that one either.
20:30Wow, look at all that.
20:32All right.
20:33But it's on the port side.
20:35And this has many functions.
20:37The Node 3 has many functions.
20:39First of all, it's a place for working out.
20:43Right here is our treadmill.
20:45You see it's on the treadmill.
20:48And the idea, of course, of the treadmill here is we have these bungees.
20:50We hook up to a harness that we wear.
20:52Now, here's my harness.
20:54I'll hook it up to this harness right here.
20:57And then I'll hook that harness again into here.
21:00Strap myself down to the treadmill itself.
21:03And go for a run.
21:05And then I'll go for a run.
21:07And then I'll go for a run.
21:09And then I'll go for a run.
21:11And then I'll go for a run.
21:13And then I'll go for a run.
21:15And then I'll go for a run.
21:17And then I'll go for a run.
21:19And then I'll go for a run.
21:21And then I'll go for a run.
21:23And then I'll go for a run.
21:25And then I'll go for a run.
21:27And then I'll go for a run.
21:29And then I'll go for a run.
21:31And then I'll go for a run.
21:33And then I'll go for a run.
21:35And then I'll go for a run.
21:37And then I'll go for a run.
21:39And then I'll go for a run.
21:41And then I'll go for a run.
21:43Here are some other equipment we have.
21:45This is a water analyzer.
21:47We use this. We put water samples in here from all over.
21:49And test out the water to make sure
21:51we have bacteria growing and other stuff growing in the water
21:53that would be harmful to us.
21:55That's how we test it out.
21:57This is actually a container that has urine in it.
21:59And we get that from the Russians.
22:01And we put that then into our
22:03recycling system, our water recycling system.
22:05So first it goes into the urine
22:07processor. And then from there it goes into
22:09the water processor to make this drinking water.
22:11So actually we're drinking the urine
22:13coming from these ones.
22:15We also have here,
22:17it's called a WC, but if you notice it's actually
22:19an outhouse. Really that's what it is.
22:21It's just a
22:25And again
22:27so the
22:29urine that we use in here
22:31also it gets recycled.
22:33So we actually have quite
22:35a clean little system
22:37up here. And we recycle quite a bit of
22:39all the fluids that are
22:41used up here I guess.
22:43Condensation, our sweat, everything
22:45gets all back into the system and
22:47used again. So for the bathroom
22:49you know
22:51when they call the bathroom the can
22:53there's a reason why we call it a can.
22:55Because here it is right here. Here's a can.
22:57And that definitely is a can full of
22:59crap literally. And so that's what happens
23:01you can sit here when you want to
23:03use it for that version of it.
23:05And basically there's a little bit of suction that comes
23:07down there to help keep pretty much
23:09the smell from coming up
23:11and everything else from coming up
23:13while you're using it. And we use
23:15little packets
23:21fit into the hole
23:23that fits on top here. These packets go in here
23:25you use one of these packets of course
23:27and when you're done with the packet you wrap
23:29it up and push it back in there. And about
23:31every eight, nine days
23:33that becomes full and you put a new one in.
23:35That also gets sent and thrown down in the PMM
23:37for our trash and
23:39hopefully on a cargo vehicle it's all
23:41done it's going to burn up on the way in. We put
23:43those on there and it's done. For
23:47you got to go there. Of course that's why it's yellow.
23:49It's a standard. It's a suction. Basically
23:51there's almost like a wet back in the back here
23:53is the way I look at it. And so it
23:55separates the suction on it and it separates
23:57the water and the air inside there.
23:59Actually the urine in the air.
24:01And the urine of course goes to the urine processor.
24:03The air gets a little bit filtered
24:05and sent back out again.
24:07So it's a nice system. It actually works
24:09quite well. We had
24:11some issues early on but now it's been working
24:13really well.
24:15Exactly for that.
24:17We're happy about that.
24:19It's a robust system. It's not complicated.
24:23It was probably built probably 40 some years ago
24:25or designed.
24:27And it still seems to work pretty well.
24:29We're happy with it.
24:31Besides that we have equipment
24:33again over here is more of the
24:37where we have racks that
24:39circulate the air, clean the air.
24:41And this down here is
24:43a water processing system.
24:45There's an oxygen generator that takes water
24:47and makes oxygen out of it.
24:49It's a process. So this is
24:51all recycling in this area here
24:53for the NOAA-3.
24:55It is also where we
24:57clean up in the morning
24:59and brush your teeth.
25:01That kind of stuff every morning.
25:03So what we have right here is our
25:07I guess you'd call it
25:09your hygiene equipment but
25:11basically anything like that it's
25:13basically your toiletries.
25:15If you look at it that way.
25:17So you pull this open
25:19and it has pretty much everything you need all in one.
25:21Your toothbrush, your toothpaste.
25:23You have an electric razor and you have
25:25a standard razor.
25:27So I usually use the standard razor
25:29maybe twice a week and then I'm lazy
25:31on the other mornings and I'll use
25:33the electric razor.
25:35To clean the electric razor every week we'll take
25:37the vacuum as we vacuum this place up.
25:39We'll vacuum out the electric razors that way
25:41we don't get to make a mess out of them.
25:43Got a little no rinse shampoo.
25:45This is the shaving cream.
25:47It needs a little water to go with it.
25:49Overall though you have everything you need.
25:51And it actually works out pretty well.
25:53It's camping. If you're okay with camping
25:55it's a big deal up here. It's pretty good.
25:59If you come over this way
26:03you can see this is where we
26:05do our lifting.
26:07Right here. And actually it's upside down
26:09so if I want to lift I'm actually working on it
26:11this way.
26:13So this is, so basically
26:15this is the bar we have right here.
26:17We can set the weights by moving this.
26:19And all this really is is two
26:21cylinders that are a vacuum up here.
26:23We sucked all the air out of them.
26:25So as you pull these cylinders out
26:27it pulls against the vacuum causing resistance.
26:29And when you change the weight you're really just changing
26:31the mechanical arm on these cylinders
26:33to make it either pull, make the pull
26:35harder or more easier depending on
26:37what you want to do with it. And that can change the weight
26:39you're actually lifting.
26:41It's a good system. It gives you a good lift.
26:43You can do squats,
26:45deadlifts, heel raises
26:47and bench, shoulder press
26:49all sorts of things on this.
26:51I feel it's actually quite
26:53good. It's much better than I expected honestly.
26:55It's a good workout and
26:57I'm glad we have it.
26:59It's one of my things
27:01I like to do up here.
27:03Back on this side again, so
27:05on Node 3 we again have
27:07the hatches all the way around
27:09you can use.
27:11I'll go back the right way now.
27:15So the only place we have anything
27:17right now is nadir.
27:19And nadir down here we have is a cupola.
27:21Right now unfortunately it's dark out
27:23so maybe we'll take a look at that a little bit later.
27:25But that is our
27:27window on the world. We've lost the bottom boat.
27:29It's a beautiful place.
27:31That's where we like to stand and hang out and watch Earth.
27:33There's also another robotics workstation
27:35down there I'll show you in a minute.
27:37But on the sides again it's just
27:39hatches but right now we don't have anything on them.
27:41One day I believe they're going to
27:43plan on moving PMM over
27:45and also putting maybe another Bigelow module
27:47out here. It would be very interesting to see.
27:49But for right now this is all we have.
27:51And on this side again
27:53is stowage. Again we have all sorts of
27:55things here for stowage.
27:57Mostly water that we stow over here.
28:19We're back in Node 3.
28:21We're going to head nadir into the cupola.
28:23We've got some sunlight now.
28:33And this is our best viewing spot
28:35on the world.
28:37Come on in.
28:39Treat out of the way.
28:43So we have
28:45full of cameras up here.
28:47And of course a robotic workstation
28:49just like in the lab.
28:53And there's the beautiful Earth.
28:55So we can hang out.
28:57You see the arm? I don't know if you can see the arm there.
28:59It's set up.
29:01It's on the top
29:03or sorry on the bottom of Node 2.
29:05It's connected to it right there.
29:07And that's the position we use to grapple
29:09the cargo vehicles.
29:11SpaceX and Cygnus
29:13and HTV.
29:15And it goes in right on Node 2.
29:17Just a little bit forward
29:19of where it's grappled to Node 2
29:21is where we berth those vehicles.
29:23And if you come right here
29:25then you can see to the right
29:27is the Japanese gem
29:29which we'll go to shortly along with the
29:31exposed facility out there.
29:33That's part of the Japanese module 2
29:35where we have experiments that are outside.
29:37And we have a Japanese arm
29:39that can move those around and do
29:41work on those.
29:43You can see right now a little bit more to the right
29:45you'll see actually a launcher that we've been
29:47launching small satellites off of
29:49right there which is kind of cool.
29:51It's kind of nice to watch
29:53those go by.
29:55If you go back to the left over here
29:57you're going to see the PMM which is our storage vehicle.
29:59It's right there.
30:01Made by
30:03the Italian Space Agency as you can see.
30:05As you go farther af
30:07you'll see first is
30:09a Progress.
30:11Wow, that's my spaceship.
30:13It is. It's Tonto's Progress right there.
30:15Oh, it's a Soyuz.
30:17I know that.
30:19It's giving you a hard time.
30:21It's a cargo.
30:23It is a Soyuz because it says so on there.
30:25And it is a
30:27one that
30:29the 39S crew came up on.
30:31And then behind that is a Progress.
30:35that's just a Russian cargo vehicle.
30:37And as you go around
30:39that's pretty much what you can see out here.
30:41You've got solar arrays of course on each side.
30:43If you go over this side all the way over
30:45you can see a solar array
30:47on the port side.
30:55You can kind of view what it is like
30:57from outside out here on the station.
30:59But this is the best part out here though
31:01is looking down at Earth.
31:03We try to do this as much as possible.
31:05Unfortunately we don't get near as much time as we'd like.
31:07They make us do work.
31:13Let's go on back.
31:15What we're going to do, we're going to head to the gym
31:17because we missed that at the beginning.
31:19So we'll head there and then that will be
31:21finish up the USOS segment.
31:31And on the way
31:33we're going to get some water
31:35because I realize I was thirsty.
31:37And I'll show you how we put water
31:39either for our drink bags
31:41or for if you need to rehydrate some food.
31:43We have a place we get water
31:45and it's either just kind of room temperature water
31:47or it's hot water.
31:49So this is the location.
31:51It's called the PWD, Portable Water Dispenser.
31:53Potable Water Dispenser.
31:55I knew that.
31:57I mean it probably is portable too
31:59but not that good.
32:01So this is the location
32:03and you can get water
32:05by the water dispenser.
32:07You can get water
32:09by the water dispenser
32:11and then you add a water pump
32:13and then you add water
32:15and you add water
32:17is portable too but not that good. So you just put whatever it is into the adapter,
32:24tell it how much water you want, and hit the button. It's pretty easy, even I can do it.
32:34Now if you do want some cold stuff we have these, it's called Merlins,
32:37but they're kind of set for refrigerators, but we look at them.
32:42And we have stuff in there. Our main sauce right there is sriracha.
32:47And we live off of that, at least I do. That makes everything taste better.
32:54It's done, it fills up.
32:57And the nice thing about these things, these straws of course, it's got a little clamp on
33:01there so if I didn't have that on there, I'll show you real quickly, if that's just off on there,
33:05the water pressure, it just starts coming on out.
33:10There we go. Let's go into the gym.
33:17So we're going back, actually right now, back to node two.
33:30Go ahead, starboard.
33:41Starboard or port, either one? Either port, it's actually port.
33:44I was backwards, I was going backwards, I was going the wrong way.
33:48All right, it's actually on the port side, the front port side of node two.
33:53Japanese module, this is their laboratory. And again, it's like the Clemson since it has
34:00half Japanese and half U.S. equipment in here. Also for stowage, many different racks.
34:06Again, we have a Melfi on this side over here, which is the big freezer,
34:10go to minus 80 degrees for our science. It's very good.
34:16Over here is a glove box with a microscope inside over here, and over here it has a place
34:22basically to incubate things. We have one, you can do it as in, so it free floats in the
34:28microgravity. Another one that they compare it to, which has a centrifuge, and they make it a 1G
34:33or a partial G, however they want to do the science. And so it has a spinner in here,
34:37and that way they compare the two here, they put two samples of the same, start them up,
34:42and then we put them over into the microscope, and they can compare them right there.
34:45I've been working on those, a lot of this last few months too,
34:48on a couple different experiments on that. It's kind of nice.
34:53Another express rack over here, again with different pieces of equipment in it. Again,
34:58just a power native, they can do all sorts of different types of equipment.
35:01It's pretty amazing all the things they can do. We come to our stowage area,
35:05lots of stowage of course. There's avionics down there too.
35:15Again, a crystallization observatory, there's all sorts of science around here,
35:20and I don't even get, I haven't even got to play with this one, the Fluid Physics Experiment
35:23Facility. I haven't got to play with this one yet. So there's lots of science here that I didn't get
35:27to even play with up here that's going on. Unfortunately, I won't get to, but there's
35:33so much science going on. We have over 200 experiments going on up here while we're here,
35:38and it's impossible to know them all, but I hope to get to work with at least half of them.
35:43We continue on, we go for more and more, and this is the area we also do SPHERES,
35:47which we like to do. So it's set up in this little area here, there's beacons set up around
35:51here that the SPHERES, these little satellites, which I'll show you here real quickly,
35:55we can control these things through software, and they actually stay in this area, and they have
36:00navigation and control with them, and they can do all sorts of different kinds of science with
36:06them. Just to give you an idea of what it's like in the stowage areas. So here's a SPHERE.
36:13It's got a little CO2 cartridge in it, so it has little jets on it, and this thing can then fly
36:18around the station. We're getting it set up here to actually put a, basically a smartphone on it,
36:23and it's going to then use its camera and map the inside of the station, and then use that as
36:31its guidance navigation, and go ahead and fly a trajectory through station. I'm looking forward
36:37to that one too, I think that's going to be really cool science. But again, this is the area, main
36:43area for SPHERES that we use, because it has right now the beacon set up to keep the navigation
36:48system right here, and it knows where it is as long as it's flying right here. I'm looking forward
36:52to the upgrade though, we can go anywhere with these things. As we go on again, this is the
37:02robotics workstation for the Japanese arm. You probably saw that out the cupola window. Again,
37:09it is mostly though controlled by the ground, and they do a good job. But the big thing about
37:14the Japanese arm, it can go over here to the airlock, which we put equipment on, so that
37:20launcher that was on the arm was actually inside. Alex prepped it up, got it all ready, put it on a
37:26slide table that's on this airlock that comes up here, with this door open. We put the slide
37:33table into the middle, close this door, depress the airlock, and then open the outer door. The
37:40slide table moves out, and then the arm grabs whatever we put on it with it, and then in this
37:46case it was a launcher, and sticks it up in space, and launches off the little satellites.
37:51Earlier this mission, I did a camera for the arm, I did the same thing, and put it on the table,
37:58and set it out there, and the arm picked it up, then moved it to the Canadian arm, which put it
38:02on itself. It's kind of all interesting, but this is a really a big handy little thing to have here,
38:06this airlock in the gym. And we do have a couple windows though over here, we don't keep open much,
38:14but you can see the exposed facility if you open these windows up. Of course it's
38:19nighttime right now, but right out there is the exposed facility. Unfortunately you're not going
38:25to be able to see too much, I don't think so, you can try to tell no, but I think they're going to
38:28get reflection is all they're going to see. Yep, just reflection of the airlock. All right,
38:36that is exposed facility out there with payloads on it.
38:39And again, if we need to, we can bring those payloads into the airlock,
38:42do some work on them, but mostly it's all done robotically. If you go to Zenith, which is up for
38:48us, that's where you get to play. Oh, this is Tom's favorite experiment, sorry. It's called B-Cap,
38:58it's colloidals again, we do a lot of colloidal research. I'm sure you know exactly what that's
39:02all for, but I hear it's really good. And so what this is, if you look at this,
39:06there's actually 10 different little chambers in here, and what you have to do to get those
39:10chambers to work is you have to mix them up, so it makes it a smooth, and then basically all the
39:15colloidals kind of mix into the solution. And then it sits over time, and they all form, the crystals
39:21are formed together, and they can do a lot of science about these things and how they form,
39:25and why they form, and all that. And at the same time, to measure that, or to analyze it,
39:30this camera will take a picture of it once every two hours, and then it will take a picture of
39:34it once every two hours, and then so you do it for almost two weeks it runs for.
39:39It's running right now. It's running right now, and that's why we have the tape up here,
39:44it's not that this is an accident scene, it's actually, we're not supposed to get in there
39:47and touch it. All right, thanks Juan, now you can continue. Now I can continue, that was, yes,
39:53that was B-Cap. If we go up, which is a fun thing to do, this is actually called the JLP,
40:04and it is a Japanese logistic, let me see, module. We, it's a storage area for Japanese
40:12equipment and U.S. equipment too. It's really actually quite nice in here. It's one of the
40:17quietest places on station, but it has good storage, nice place to be, and our little,
40:24if you can't look out the cupola and you want to see Earth, you can come in here
40:30and get your little view of Earth, and these are actually kind of interesting. If you notice this
40:35right here, we call this a bungee, bungee jail, and what we do is we can put things behind these
40:41bungees and it stays up there. We don't have to really keep them contained or strapped in,
40:45they're contained in the bungee jail. We'll do that for different objects in different places.
40:50It works quite well and easy to use. Where's your bag with the, with all the metal in it?
40:55Is it, is that slipping? No, it's gone.
40:59Yeah, it would, that would be a good thing to show, but we, we moved that thing. It has a
41:04basic bag, a big full of metal that makes some nice chime sounds. If we just had some wind to
41:09blow the chimes, it'd be really great. Hey, you know what, come back up and let me go to the
41:13front of the JEM and you can do your... Oh, okay, sounds good. Let's show the dismount.
41:19The JLP dismount. Yes, exactly.
41:23Just remember you got an SSU down here. Thank you.
41:33You ready? Give me one more minute.
41:37Swanee has perfected this over time. We'll see if he can pull it off. Okay.
41:42All right.
41:57Ah, he missed it. That was still pretty good. Well done, sir.
42:04Didn't stick to landing, but that's the JLP dismount we like to do when we come out of the JLP.
42:10As you notice, it's kind of fun to move around up on station. So that's the Japanese portion.
42:15Again, it quite, it's a, it's a great lab. I really like it. It's one of the cleanest places
42:19on station to work and it's always fun to work there. Try to get there. We'll get part of it.
42:25Oh, and explain what the green dots are. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. This is our,
42:30it's not a PCS. It was basically information on how the station systems are doing,
42:35but most important thing for us are the comm, what is available comm wise. And this is what we
42:41have down. So we will look anywhere around this area. We can look over here and see if we have
42:44common or not. And we have four different channels, it's basically around one, two,
42:47three, and four. As you can see, it's upside down, but that's just the way it happens to be here for
42:51us. But the, uh, uh, these are the prime two we use and it's the most time, most available.
42:57And then these are, if we had KU, we'd have these two and we can use those too.
43:00And so it's a comms report for us. We need to talk to the ground quite a bit.
43:05They help us out tremendously. They're the ones that was all the real knowledge again. So we're
43:09just a glorified technician, but I'm qualified for that. Just being attacked. That's good for me,
43:15but, uh, it is still fun to be up there. No doubt about it. This is the accidental trip we can do.
43:24So now we're going to note one again, uh, where we have, uh, our dinner, et cetera,
43:29our place to eat, but we're going to move farther aft and we go farther aft.
43:33We're going to head into the Russian segment and you'll see a change. And I noticed, of course,
43:39how, uh, I guess the size of this and the sides and way this, this, uh, US side is built.
43:44It's a quite a bit different from the US side. So we're going to go ahead and move to the, uh,
43:50this, uh, US side is built. It's a quite a bit different when you go into the Russian segment.
43:56I'm going to try to do those backwards. Yes. Now I was trying to go backwards,
43:59which is going to be a little difficult for him. We'll see how this turns out.
44:03First, you notice we're going to another PMA, which is, it gets a quite a bit smaller. We use
44:06this for stowage of our main items that we need on a daily basis, kind of like towels, et cetera,
44:12that we get, uh, that's all stowed right in this area. We can grab them, uh, when we need them.
44:17This is the first kind of, uh, I would call a node area for the Russian segment. It's the, uh,
44:24FGB, uh, GA. And so what it is, there's a, we can continue work that way, which goes back
44:30into the FGB and into the service module, or we can go nadir and down into the many research module,
44:38uh, number one. And if you, this is also a little interesting aspect of it. Again,
44:43it gets really narrow down in here for a month.
44:59So this is, they call it mean in Russian. Uh, it just, that's the Russian acronym.
45:06But the idea here is this is there as some science in there, it's more of a storage area for them.
45:10It's going to, they keep a lot of their stuff here. If we continue on, that's, uh, the saw,
45:15saw you just that Tano and the rest of the, his crew came up on. And, uh, and so that's how,
45:21where we saw the cupola. That's where you go to get to that one right there,
45:24through that area right there. So that's where this is docked to on, on the mean one.
45:29And so this is one of the newer, uh, modules for the Russians. And it came up, I know, uh,
45:35STS 132 put this on. Uh, and, uh, so it's not that old and he said,
45:41it's actually pretty still clean on the sides. As you look at some of the older Russian modules
45:45and see that the, uh, basically this is, uh, the pile Velcro right here on the sides.
45:52And, uh, it's great for sticking things to, however, though it does get dirty and it's hard
45:57to clean. And you can probably see that later. Always advantages and disadvantages to everything.
46:08So now we'll head into the, uh, main part of the FGB. If I can find it.
46:22As you see, these are the hatches that they use on the Russian side.
46:25And it's set up in a way, basically, because there's usually when a Russian module comes,
46:29it's got a docking probe on it. It goes into these things and it latches onto you. And so
46:34that's what you have to have a room for, for the docking probe to, to go into these things.
46:38So all the, they're going to have this set up on it.
46:42It's also for airflow through the Russian modules. You can say we have the ducks going
46:46through right here. And actually this one goes all the way over from the, uh, the service module
46:51all the way in to node three. There's a long running, uh, hose that goes all the way across
46:57to keep the airflow all the way throughout station five. I can say the FGB, this is actually where
47:02the Russians have their hygiene station, uh, where they clean themselves up. They got their mirror,
47:07they got all their stuff right here. So this is where they do it. And we moved back again.
47:12This is mostly, the FGB is all about storage. It has a bunch of, uh, US and Russian storage in here.
47:22So behind all these panels, there is some equipment, but mostly storage.
47:25The containers here are all food. This is how the Russian food comes up in these containers.
47:33And this is their spare food that they're, or the food they're going to use later on.
47:43Okay, now we're going from the FGB
47:46into part of the service module, which is like the main living quarters for the Russian side.
47:53And this is their kind of what I call a node area. Pale is the name of it in Russian,
47:58and it has two different ways to go. If you go nadir, you go into the docking compartment and
48:07into a progress down that way, and you can see their Russian spacesuits. So this is what I did
48:13to the spacesuit about a week ago, and this is what they did it out of the docking compartment.
48:17It's actually their airlock. And if you go zenith, we go into the mini research module
48:26number two, and that's where the progress that I came on is docked to.
48:34And this is where I have to stay when the Russians do a spacewalk, so I can't be
48:40separated from my Soyuz through closed hatches. And so to make sure they want to close that hatch,
48:47they're doing their spacewalks. So I have to be in here, so I always have an access to my Soyuz
48:54back this way. If we go a little farther, we can at least go a little bit into the Soyuz.
48:58As you can tell, it gets narrower and narrower. The Soyuz is actually a pretty small vehicle.
49:10This is the roomy part of a Soyuz, and it's right here, and it's called the bayo, which is basically
49:17a living compartment. And so this is where you could actually, there's a little bathroom there,
49:23container. You have a little bit of room here, but this is our spacesuits, and this is all the room
49:29really have for a living module. And on the way up here, we unfortunately had to do the two-day
49:34version to get to station versus the six-hour version. And so we stayed at basically in this
49:40size, three of us for two days, and that was a little cozy. But we made it. That's the best part.
49:47It's done. Overall, though, you can see there's not much in this area. I'd say these are our
49:54launch and entry suits. We use our pressurized suits, and we can see real quickly. I bet you we
50:00can jump into, I can turn a light on and jump into that Soyuz real quick.
50:20Actually, I don't have my flashlight.
50:23I don't have my flashlight with me to find the switch.
