• 2 days ago
00:00iPhone 14 Pro Max versus the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra,
00:04which has the best camera setup?
00:06I'm gonna try and find out.
00:07I'll give you my thoughts along the way.
00:08I'd love to hear what you think.
00:09Drop a comment below.
00:11But first let's look at some cinematic video.
00:14So this is cinematic mode on the iPhone
00:16and this is portrait video from Samsung.
00:19Which do you think is better?
00:20It should just be grabbing my face,
00:21giving you a nice kind of professional
00:24bokeh blur behind me.
00:25Now on the 14 series we now have 4K
00:28and also 24 FPS options.
00:29Samsung still went into 1080p 30.
00:32I don't know how often you actually use this mode.
00:34What do you think?
00:35Between the two, best cinematic mode?
00:38I think it's this.
00:39Now over the last week or so,
00:41I've probably taken, I don't know,
00:42like a thousand photos with these
00:43and I've put some of the best examples,
00:45which I think illustrate the differences
00:47between the two cameras in this video.
00:48But before we get to the proper nitty gritty
00:51detailed side-by-side comparison,
00:53there are a few things that stuck out
00:54as I was actually using them.
00:56For example, screen brightness.
00:57Look at the difference between these two.
00:59The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max
01:01now peak at a whopping 2,000 nits
01:03when you're outdoors and it's bright.
01:05Which means it is actually a little bit easier
01:07to frame and compose your photo
01:09compared to the S22 Ultra,
01:10which is still one of the brightest phones you can get,
01:13but the iPhone is just a little bit easier to use.
01:16But then when it comes to lens transitions,
01:18while you may not be doing this that regularly
01:21during video recording,
01:22you can clearly see the iPhone is smoother.
01:25And actually I even noticed an improvement
01:26from the 14 coming from the 13.
01:28So if you are filming
01:29and you are switching between the lenses,
01:31the iPhone is noticeably smoother than the S22.
01:34Although, to his credit, the S22 does let you pause
01:38and then resume video recording,
01:39which you still can't do on the iPhone.
01:42Then from a pure hardware perspective,
01:44the Samsung does have an extra lens.
01:46We have this periscope camera,
01:47which gives us a 10 times optical zoom.
01:50So while I will say the iPhone's zoom
01:52and telephoto quality has improved over last year,
01:55it still can't match the long range zoom
01:58that you get on the S22 Ultra.
02:00I think we were all a little bit disappointed
02:01after Apple's far out invitation
02:03that rather than getting some cool new astrophotography mode
02:06or periscope lens for long zoom,
02:08they just gave us the two times optical,
02:11which basically just uses a crop
02:12of that new 48 megapixel sensor
02:14to give you a 12 megapixel optical zoom.
02:17Also bear in mind that we are about halfway
02:19through the lifecycle of the S22 series.
02:22Obviously the Galaxy Fold is Samsung's new sort of mid-year
02:26refresh, but actually that never gives you
02:27quite the flagship cameras that the top end S series does.
02:30So you could argue Apple has a six month advantage,
02:32but well, this is always gonna be the case.
02:35One advantage I have noticed with the iPhone
02:37is that we now have a faster shutter speed,
02:39which in some cases gives you a usable photo
02:41versus a non-usable photo.
02:43And finally, in terms of pricing, it is roughly the same.
02:47It depends where you live because in the US
02:49they didn't get the price hike with the iPhones
02:51like everywhere else did.
02:52So here in the UK, the iPhone is 50 pounds more expensive
02:55than the base S22 Ultra.
02:57However, don't forget that the iPhone 14 Pro,
03:00it's smaller brother, shares the exact same camera setup.
03:04There is no difference between the camera.
03:05And so actually if you go for the pro model,
03:07this is a little bit cheaper,
03:09but chances are 50 quid here or there
03:11is not gonna be the deciding factor.
03:12It's which ecosystem you prefer,
03:14what you're used to using.
03:15Although I can tell you now
03:16they both have incredible camera setups
03:18and they actually share many of the same camera features,
03:21although to varying different levels of quality.
03:24So let's jump into a few portrait photos
03:26and straight away there's quite a significant difference.
03:29I mean, just look at the color to start with.
03:30It's a much cooler palette on the S22 across the board
03:34compared to the warmer iPhone 14.
03:36Interestingly, I mentioned this
03:37in my iPhone 14 Pro Max review I shared a few days ago,
03:41but versus the 13 series, this was actually cooler
03:44and much closer to a Samsung kind of aesthetic
03:47than we had before with a flatter, warm look
03:50that you got with iPhones.
03:52Moving up to three times,
03:53which I still think gives you the best focal length
03:55of portrait shots.
03:56Again, the color difference is still there,
03:57particularly my skin tones and the jacket.
04:00You can also see the S22 generally has a wider field of view
04:02across most of the lenses.
04:04So at least with these portrait shots,
04:05there's definitely a theme of a cooler, more contrasty,
04:09heavier shadow kind of theme that we're getting
04:11with the S22.
04:12I do aesthetically prefer the iPhone 14 so far,
04:16but what do you think?
04:17Okay, I think it's lunchtime, which means,
04:20heel time.
04:21These guys are very kindly sponsoring this video
04:23and I've been using these hot and savory meals
04:25as my lunches probably three or four times a week.
04:2810 flavors, these are some of my favorites,
04:29although having a lot of new pasta bolognese,
04:31this is one of the best ones, I think.
04:33Give it a good shake.
04:35Two good scoops.
04:37And actually that altogether is just 400 calories,
04:41which for a lunch or even a dinner is great.
04:43So it's simple as boiling about 220 milliliters of water.
04:49It does say on the back of the packet how much you need.
04:51Pouring it in like so, giving it a little stir,
04:56and then leaving for five minutes.
04:59So Huel hot and savory meals give you 26 vitamins
05:03and minerals.
05:04I like to add a little bit of frozen veg,
05:06which I've microwaved to it, a little salt, a little pepper,
05:09and actually it's vegan, it's gluten-free, it's healthy,
05:13and it's really nice as well.
05:14So why not give Huel a try?
05:16I'll leave a link down below.
05:17You can check out their range of hot and savory meals
05:19and let me know which is your favorite flavor.
05:22I hate to draw attention to the back of my hairy leg.
05:24I'm really sorry, but you can see a lot more
05:27in the iPhone's photo of the chair, of my leg.
05:30You can see the outline of my shorts,
05:31whereas it's all just dark and hidden on the S22 shot.
05:35Now these guys work at my local Cafe Nero,
05:37which I go to every single day pretty much.
05:39And actually one of the new features of the iPhone
05:40is this foreground blur,
05:42because this is a portrait mode shot.
05:44It's just using the one times lens
05:46and there isn't a particularly deep backdrop,
05:47so you're not really getting a ton of bokeh,
05:49but we're seeing this foreground blur on the iPhone.
05:52If you look at the till for a portrait mode shot,
05:54you'd want it to be blurry.
05:56You want a background and a foreground blur.
05:57So in that regard, I prefer the iPhone,
05:59but also look at the t-shirts, the color.
06:02The shadows are just being crushed by the S22.
06:05Now in the beginning, I've talked about
06:06how the S22 Ultra is the zoom telephoto king, right?
06:10So at the extreme zooms, yes, the S22 is a clear winner,
06:13but anything up to 10 times,
06:15I'm finding that the training blows.
06:16Shots like this, I would say are a clear win for the S22,
06:20but then look at these other ones.
06:22There is often more noise with the iPhone,
06:23but there's also a bit more detail there.
06:25A lot of the textures are lost on the S22.
06:28So altogether, I would say the S22 is still the zoom king,
06:31but the iPhone's catching up.
06:33I think anything up to 10 times, it can go either way,
06:36but generally I think it goes to the S22.
06:40This church scene is really interesting
06:41because it shows the difference
06:43of how the phones handle the dynamic range.
06:45The iPhone's exposure has prioritized the foreground,
06:48so we have a blown out sun
06:49with a lot less detail in the sky,
06:51whereas the S22 handles that much better,
06:53but the trade-off is we have a darker foreground.
06:56And here with the castle,
06:57I would say the S22's colors are much more realistic.
07:01There's definitely a warmer, flatter,
07:03yellowy vibe to the iPhone.
07:05Often, I would say, especially with skin tones,
07:07I do prefer the iPhone, but for this particular shot,
07:10I'm leaning towards the Samsung.
07:12Once again, we have those heavy shadows,
07:13the heavy contrast on the S22,
07:15losing some of that information in the dark areas.
07:18And I'd also say the S22 has gone overboard
07:20with the vibrancy and the saturation here.
07:22Sadly, my arms are not that brown.
07:25But you can look at skies and buildings all day long.
07:28For me, it's skin tones, it's faces that are the real test
07:31and the real priority when it comes to a smartphone camera,
07:34at least for me.
07:35And between these two, I've got to give it for the iPhone,
07:37although this is a textbook example
07:40of the new iPhone 14 series
07:42just going crazy with the sharpening.
07:44I don't know why.
07:45Maybe that's something we can fix in an update.
07:47Now, switching to some nighttime shots,
07:49and holy moly, we could spend a whole video
07:51talking about this one photo.
07:52There is so much going on,
07:53from the detail on the back of Andrew's shirt
07:56on the left side, sitting on the chair, to the fire.
07:58I mean, the S22 handles the bright highlights
08:00of the flames better.
08:01We can see more detail there.
08:03But the trade-off is we have this really distracting
08:06purpley-blue light coming into the center
08:08in the lower left of the photo.
08:09And actually, if we jump to this next photo,
08:12wow, look at the difference in colors.
08:14Holy moly, I mean, no one looks good in this photo.
08:16Unfortunately, they're gonna hate me for sharing this.
08:18The S22's white balance seems to actually be able
08:20to handle the bright orange flames a bit better.
08:22If I had to post one of these to Instagram
08:24or maybe play around with it in Lightroom,
08:26I would probably go with the S22's shot.
08:28As for macro shots,
08:29well, I think they both do a bloody good job, actually.
08:32I can see a little bit more fine detail
08:34of those rings on the iPhone shots,
08:36but you can't go wrong with either.
08:38Okay, switching things around to the selfie camera.
08:40And actually, this is one of the upgrades
08:42with the iPhone 14.
08:43We have a wider aperture and it now supports autofocus.
08:46And looking at these two,
08:47I think this is a classic iPhone look
08:49and a classic Samsung look, which you prefer.
08:51And I guess this goes for the entire video, is subjective.
08:54Personally, while I do normally prefer a brighter image,
08:57I think the S22 looks a bit better there.
08:59What do you think?
09:00Okay, so we're not here for the next 10 years.
09:02Let me just wrap up some of my impressions
09:03of the main camera so far.
09:05And I would say, generally,
09:07I'm leaning towards preferring the iPhone.
09:09It is close.
09:10They trade blows.
09:11The iPhone is generally brighter,
09:13warmer in its color tone,
09:14and also, I think, more detailed,
09:16although it can suffer with over-sharpening.
09:18Whereas the S22, I would say,
09:20is a little bit inconsistent with its colors.
09:22Sometimes it's way too cool.
09:23Other times it oversaturates
09:25and then becomes really vibrant and too warm.
09:27And there's also a big difference
09:28in how they handle dynamic range,
09:30those bright highlights versus the deep shadows.
09:36Now, this is being shot with the main rear cameras.
09:39Still at 4K30 on both.
09:42What do you think?
09:43Let me give you a little bit of a tour of the studio
09:45while you analyze the two videos.
09:47This is my main workstation,
09:49as I'm sure you've seen if you're a regular on the channel.
09:52We have this little living room area over here
09:54with a big TV.
09:56And look at the difference in the lighting
09:57and the color of the sofa.
09:59That's really interesting, actually.
10:00Over here, this is where my brother Pete works.
10:02This is his little workstation.
10:05And then over here is where we do a bunch of our filming.
10:09Not all of it.
10:10I like to keep things a little bit varied,
10:11but we've got my big aperture lights,
10:14some matte backgrounds,
10:16an overhead tripod to get some top-down shots.
10:19So what do you think?
10:22Which phone shoots better video in low light?
10:27Wow, okay.
10:28Look at the difference there.
10:29I'm filming this with the front selfie camera in 4K on both.
10:33This is pretty tricky lighting though.
10:34We've got lots of Phillips Hue going on behind me.
10:37We've got the Tech Chap neon sign.
10:39Neither are gonna look fantastic in this light,
10:41but between the two, what do you think?
10:43Which comes out on top?
11:38So which is best?
11:39Well, I can tell you they're both incredible camera setups.
11:42Also, this video is not sponsored by either of these.
11:44This is my own personal opinion,
11:46but more often than not, I pull out this, the 14 Pro Max,
11:49or by extension, the 14 Pro.
11:51I think it's a better overall package.
11:54I think technically the S22 may be superior,
11:56and also we have more pro kind of options.
11:58We've got director's view.
11:59We've got 8K video.
12:00We've got the much better long range zoom.
12:03But in terms of how I use my phone for portraits,
12:05for videos, dare I say even some cinematic mode shots,
12:08my preference would be the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max.
12:11But what about you?
12:12Which one do you think came out on top?
12:14Let me know in the comments below.
12:15Thank you so much for watching.
12:16If you enjoyed the video,
12:17a like and subscribe would be very much appreciated.
12:20And if you didn't like the video
12:21and think I got that completely wrong,
12:22then I'll take a sympathy subscribe instead.
12:25Thanks for watching,
12:26and I'll see you next time right here on the Tech Chap.
