• avant-hier
00:00Hey guys, Dion from Dion Video Productions here and in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to export a Final Cut Pro X project as an Instagram story.
00:08Let's get started.
00:09Alright guys, so here we are on Final Cut Pro X. The first thing we're going to want to do is have a project that we want to use and turn into a story.
00:16Now, in this case, I have a fashion film that I recently shot and this will serve as a good example for this tutorial.
00:23So, the first thing we're going to or what we're going to want to do next here is create a new project under the existing event that we have here.
00:29So, we're going to right-click and select New Project.
00:32Because this is going to be our Instagram story here, let's call it Spring Summer 19 IG Story.
00:39And then what we're going to do is actually change the format under the Video tab.
00:44So, instead of 1080p, we're going to select Custom.
00:47And from here, we can manually change the resolution.
00:51Now, to fit the aspect ratio of an Instagram story or that of a mobile device, we want, of course, a very tall yet narrow frame.
00:59So, we're going to actually swap these two figures around.
01:01So, instead of it being 1920 by 1080, we're going to do 1080 by 1920.
01:07Of course, we're going to want to make sure that our frame rate stays consistent with that of the original project, which in my case is 60 frames per second.
01:15The rest of the settings can remain the same.
01:17Let's go back to our original project here and let's bring in our footage.
01:20So, what we're going to do is press Command-A to select all of our footage.
01:23Then we'll press Command-C to copy.
01:25We'll go back to our Instagram story project that we just created.
01:28And we're going to go ahead and paste this in.
01:30All right.
01:31So, let's go ahead and press Shift-Z to expand the project here.
01:34And let's close our Events tab.
01:37All right.
01:38So, already, as you can see, we have a good-looking aspect ratio.
01:41This looks much more like a phone display versus, of course, the normal 16 by 9 ratio.
01:46But the footage does not fully fill this.
01:49Now, Final Cut does this so that you can still see all of your remaining clips.
01:52But what we want to do is actually zoom in to fully expand and maximize the screen space here.
01:59So, before we do that, though, it is important to note that an Instagram story must be 15 seconds or under.
02:05So, we're going to have to select a 15-second segment from this video that we want to use.
02:10So, let's go ahead and remove the audio for this.
02:12And we're going to remove the first couple of clips.
02:15And let's say I want to start my story here.
02:18And I can end it.
02:21So, I can end it perfectly just about there.
02:22As you can see, this is just below 15 seconds.
02:24So, it's a good place to end this story here.
02:27So, I'm going to remove the rest.
02:28Now, I'm going to actually keep these titles because I want to include these in my video.
02:33So, I'm going to take these elements separately here, drag them to the start of the video, and remove this last clip here.
02:40So, as you can see, we've now shortened the project to just below 15 seconds, which is the perfect time required for a story.
02:47All right.
02:48So, before we work on these titles here, which I'm currently just going to hide.
02:52I'm just going to select them all and press V to bring them out of frame, just to focus on the footage here.
02:56Because, as you can see, we have to, of course, make some changes.
03:00So, the first thing we're going to do is select this clip here.
03:03And then, we're going to go back into our Inspector tab.
03:06And then, under the Movies tab or Video tab, we go down to the Scale option.
03:12And then, we're going to type in 320%.
03:15Now, this percentage does vary depending slightly on your footage, the original aspect ratio and resolution, of course.
03:22But also, whether you have letterboxing on your footage.
03:26Now, in my case, I don't.
03:27And this being a 1080p file, originally, 320% works perfectly for this.
03:33Because, as you can see, this now fills the entire frame.
03:36We're going to go ahead and actually do this to the rest of our clips, too.
03:39So, we'll go ahead and select them one by one while holding Shift.
03:41That way, they're all selected.
03:43And once they're all selected here, we go back into the same menu and type in 320%.
03:50And, as you can see, there we go.
03:52All of our footage now properly fills this screen.
03:55But, of course, a lot of our footage is cut off.
03:57And this clip here is a good example.
03:58The framing definitely has to be altered.
04:01Now, of course, you have to really do this clip by clip.
04:03But I'm going to just show you one for example, which is this first clip here.
04:07So, let's say we want to move her face slightly to the right.
04:10Of course, we don't want the model's face cut off by the edge of the frame here.
04:13So, what we're going to do is select the clip.
04:15Under the same menu, we will go ahead and now shift it along the X-axis.
04:19So, we can simply press and hold and then move up and down.
04:21So, moving it up will move your frame to the right.
04:24And down will move it to the left.
04:26So, let's take a look here.
04:27If I just quickly skim through this.
04:29All right, this already looks much better.
04:31What I'm going to do now is move the rest of the clips as well.
04:34I'm going to speed up through this and then we'll be right back.
04:39All right, guys.
04:40So, as you can see, everything is now rendered.
04:42And if we play it back, we can see that every clip is relatively well framed within the frame.
04:47Of course, I quickly did this here for the sake of this video.
04:49You can do much more precisely for your actual story, of course.
04:53As you can see, everything plays back smoothly and everything is framed properly within this very narrow aspect ratio.
04:59Now, previously, I copied over these titles here.
05:01So, let's bring these back into frame or back into view here by pressing V again.
05:05And let's go ahead and drag these over the entire length of the clip here.
05:09I think this is a great way to not only showcase the logo with the company that I've worked.
05:13Also, of course, my own logo as well as any other text that I want to add here.
05:18So, let's go ahead and drag these all the way to the end of our project here.
05:23Each individually.
05:24There we go.
05:27All right.
05:28Now, of course, we are going to have to do some repositioning as, of course, our frame is entirely covered here, which we don't want.
05:33So, we're going to go ahead and select these one by one and then move them along the Y-axis here to move them up and down.
05:39So, the same method as before.
05:42This time, of course, using the Y-axis instead of the X-axis here.
05:45So, there's the word collection.
05:47Now, the spring summer.
05:49Let's bring that down here.
05:50I'm actually going to make these slightly smaller.
05:52So, I'm going to the scale here and let's say 90% for both of these here.
05:59Let's see.
06:01There we go.
06:02That looks pretty good.
06:03All right.
06:04So, I'm going to go ahead and quickly let this render.
06:06All right.
06:07So, everything is now complete and rendered and our story is now finished.
06:10So, let's go ahead and play this back one more time.
06:12Make sure we're happy.
06:13All the frames are framed correctly.
06:15The text looks good.
06:17And this is everything that we need for our story.
06:20So, now let's go ahead and export this out of Final Cut and actually bring it to our phone to upload to Instagram.
06:26All right.
06:27So, what we're going to do is we're going to go under the share menu here on the top right.
06:30And we're going to export this as a master file.
06:34And as you can see, we can change the name if we like.
06:37We can also notice that the file size will be relatively small.
06:40Of course, being a less than 15 second video here.
06:43And we're going to go ahead and simply press next.
06:45We don't have to change any settings as everything is already set.
06:48And then let's go ahead and save this to our desktop for now.
06:51All right.
06:52So, here on our desktop, as you can see, we now have the file.
06:54We can play it back.
06:55Everything looks great.
06:56And now to bring this to our phone, there's various ways to do this.
06:59Of course, if you're on Android, you can use something like Dropbox or WeTransfer.
07:04But because I'm transferring this to my iPhone, I'm going to simply use AirDrop.
07:07This is a very easy way to just send files from Mac to your iPhone or vice versa.
07:12Now, of course, you're going to want to make sure that your AirDrop is activated on your phone.
07:16You can simply search this via Spotlight and then make sure that receiving is on.
07:20From here, we're going to go into our Mac and open a new finder window under which we'll find the AirDrop menu.
07:26And then we'll find our phone and simply click and drag the file over.
07:29And then once it is completely sent, it will automatically open up on your iPhone.
07:34Once the file is on your iPhone, this is all that's required.
07:37You simply open up Instagram, add a new story, swipe up, and just like you would with any other story,
07:42and your exported file will be there and nothing else needs to be done
07:45as it is already perfectly framed and edited for the specifications required of a story.
07:51Alright guys, thank you very much for watching this video.
07:53Hopefully you enjoyed it and hopefully you're now able to export professional-looking stories from Final Cut to Instagram.
07:59If you liked this video, be sure to leave a like down below and also leave any questions or feedback in the comment section.
08:04And subscribe for more content like this.
