• avant-hier
00:00All right.
00:01Hey, how's it going?
00:02Dave2D here.
00:03A couple days ago, I went into Twitter to ask people to ask me some questions for this
00:07Q&A video, and I did it because, truthfully, super busy at work, don't have time for a
00:11regular tech video, hence this filler Q&A video.
00:14I apologize if you're expecting a tech video this week.
00:17Okay, first, what do you do for a living besides YouTube?
00:20It's a little bit complicated, but the simpler answer is that I work at a company called
00:26So imagine a medical clinic.
00:27Those things are built from like step zero through step 10,000.
00:31We do all of them.
00:32And one of those steps happens to be equipping them with tech.
00:36And that's kind of how I got into this.
00:39Besides tech, is there any other stuff that you'd like to make videos about?
00:43And I would say the answer to that is no.
00:46I don't think there's any other thing that I would like to make videos about.
00:50Is there any other stuff that you'd like to make videos about?
00:53And I would say the answer to that is no.
00:56Mostly because I think I'd be pretty terrible at making every other type of video.
00:59You do 2D game development, so what have you made?
01:02I'm a little hesitant to tell you because it's terrible.
01:05Okay, I worked on several teams for game development.
01:09But the one game that I made that is like most personal to me because everything about
01:13it was like it was my game mechanic, my game design.
01:16It's a game called Inject.
01:17It's available in the App Store.
01:19It's only for iOS.
01:20It's a terrible game.
01:22Don't purchase it.
01:24But it exists.
01:25If you want to see how terrible it was, you can take a look at it.
01:27I might put a link to the trailer down in the comment section or in the video description.
01:32What do you use to make the animations in your videos?
01:34I use After Effects.
01:35There's no easy way to do it.
01:37It's time consuming.
01:38I enjoy doing it.
01:39It's kind of like a cathartic, relaxing thing for me to just draw the lines and stuff like that.
01:44But it's not a quick process by any means.
01:47Do you use a laptop or a desktop primarily?
01:49I use almost exclusively laptops, mostly because my work requires me to be pretty mobile,
01:55and laptops let you do that.
01:57How do you balance a YouTube channel, work, and personal life?
02:03I don't.
02:04I think I'm pretty bad at it.
02:05I sleep very little.
02:06That's probably like the easiest way to do it.
02:08How do you spin laptops?
02:09On the finger.
02:10How do you develop the skill?
02:11It's essentially like spinning a textbook.
02:14It's unlike spinning a basketball.
02:16With a basketball, you kind of use your other hand to keep the ball going with speed.
02:21With a laptop or a textbook, you have to keep the speed with the same spinning finger.
02:26Are you related to Marques Brown?
02:28You guys have the same last name?
02:33We're both last named Lee.
02:35Why do you use a Mac slash Hackintosh instead of Windows?
02:40The simple answer...
02:41Okay, the true answer is that I am much more productive on a Mac
02:45simply because I can't dick around.
02:47I can't play games on a Mac as readily as I can on a good PC.
02:51I have very poor self-control when it comes to playing games.
02:54I will just sink hours into the game if I have access to a good computer.
02:59When you have a good Mac, you can't play the games that I like to play.
03:03Hence, I use a Mac to force myself to curb my gaming habits.
03:08Would I ever do a behind-the-scenes laptop review?
03:11They would be super boring to watch, I assure you.
03:14Have you ever been to Malaysia?
03:16Yes, I have.
03:17Part of my family is from there, and I often go there for work.
03:20But yeah, I go there once in a while.
03:23What are three important tips you could give to a new tech channel?
03:28Okay, I mentioned this in my first Q&A.
03:30I don't remember exactly the points I gave then,
03:33but the one that comes to mind is making content that you personally enjoy,
03:38that you enjoy creating and you enjoy watching.
03:42Because if you don't, if you're just doing content
03:44because you think it's the right thing to do or you think it's popular,
03:47it's going to come across.
03:48People can smell that a mile away.
03:50It's just bad content.
03:51Enjoy the process because, seriously,
03:53that's probably the most important thing about YouTube.
03:56Other, like, tips?
03:59I don't know, man.
04:01I'm not good with that stuff.
04:02Maybe another thing that comes to mind,
04:05don't, like, try not to watch other people's content
04:09and try to replicate what they're doing.
04:11That's something that I think a lot of people are tempted to do
04:13because they see a successful channel.
04:14They're like, hey, I'll do what that guy's doing,
04:16but I'll do it my own way.
04:17I'll do my spin on it.
04:19It's a terrible way of doing things.
04:21You call yourself a content creator because you're a content creator.
04:24You should be creating things, not content replicating.
04:27I really think that, I mean,
04:29the more that you practice at making your own style,
04:32the better you'll get at it.
04:34So make your own thing.
04:36Try not to bite.
04:37What's your favorite Overwatch character?
04:39Overwatch character?
04:40Roadhog, probably because he doesn't have,
04:44he doesn't require, like, good Twitch aim.
04:46He's just, yeah, because I have bad aim.
04:50Non-tech item, favorite non-tech item that you own?
04:54I don't know.
04:56Maybe my backpack?
04:58I don't know, that's a really lame answer.
05:00I apologize.
05:03How do you keep things so clean?
05:04Does your place have a lot of storage or do you live minimally?
05:07I throw out everything that I can.
05:09Like, the moment I open something,
05:11like a box, immediately gets thrown out.
05:14All the cables that I don't absolutely need get thrown out.
05:16It's just, I mean, I'm terrible with keeping things.
05:19I sometimes regret having thrown certain things out,
05:22but it just lets you have a cleaner space.
05:25XPS 15 or the X360 15?
05:28XPS 15 for sure.
05:30Do I think eGPUs will take off this year?
05:34Mostly because external GPUs,
05:37when they were announced,
05:39the 10 series Pascal NVIDIA cards had not come out,
05:42and it kind of made a lot of sense at the time.
05:45The 10 series cards are such a big jump up from the previous generation,
05:48and they're so similar to the laptop versions,
05:50they're so similar to the desktop versions.
05:52It's not really a compelling purchase.
05:54It's such an expensive, like,
05:56everything about it just doesn't work right now.
05:58Maybe in the future, but right now,
06:00eGPUs are too expensive,
06:01and the performance isn't good enough to really warrant it for most people.
06:06What's your daily schedule look like?
06:09I work a lot, like 60, 70, sometimes more,
06:1260, 70 hours for my regular work.
06:14So I try to devote maybe four to five hours
06:17of, like, shooting YouTube videos per week,
06:20like, so two hours one day, two hours a second day.
06:23I never give myself more than two days to shoot YouTube videos,
06:26and I shoot during my lunch break and stuff like that.
06:28I'll edit videos at home at night,
06:30but I just don't have more time than that to shoot video.
06:34The rest of my time is spent doing work
06:36and spending time with my family.
06:38Daily drivers.
06:39Currently using Nexus, not the Nexus, the Pixel phone.
06:42That shows how much I actually use it.
06:44The Pixel and the iPhone,
06:46and I use the MacBook Pro and the XPS 15.
06:49Occasionally the Razer Blade.
06:50If it had 32 gigs of RAM, I would use the Razer Blade more,
06:53but XPS 15 more often than not.
06:58What's your education?
06:59I went to University of Toronto.
07:00I studied human bio, like a life science kind of thing,
07:04completely unrelated to what I do for work,
07:06completely unrelated to this YouTube stuff,
07:09but that's what I did.
07:11What's the best beginner camera?
07:13Your smartphone camera.
07:14You can make some amazing stuff with your smartphone camera.
07:17You completely don't need anything else,
07:19more than that, to start a YouTube channel.
07:22Did you get a GH4 specifically for YouTube or something else?
07:27Yeah, the GH4 was my first camera.
07:30I actually borrowed that thing from my friend
07:32and I used it for a very long time, like a year and a half,
07:35and then I broke it because I'm a terrible friend,
07:38and I actually pre-ordered the RED, the Scarlett W,
07:42before I broke it.
07:43It just took so long for it to come,
07:45I had to purchase a intermediary camera in between,
07:48a Panasonic G7 that I used for a couple months in between,
07:52and then after that, I went to the Scarlett W.
07:55It's kind of weird, the Scarlett W is actually
07:56my very first camera that I purchased,
07:59which is kind of, it's idiotic.
08:04What do I eat for breakfast?
08:05I'm not much of a breakfast person,
08:07I'm a coffee person.
08:10Where are you from?
08:11I am obviously Asian,
08:13I'm like, my dad is half Chinese, half Malaysian,
08:17my mom is half Chinese, half Burmese,
08:19so that, yeah, you can, Asian.
08:24I was born and raised in Canada though,
08:25so I was born in Toronto, raised in Toronto, Canada.
08:30What was I doing before being a full-time YouTuber?
08:33I would not consider myself a full-time YouTuber at all.
08:36Before I made YouTube videos on the side,
08:38I made 2D games on the side.
08:43Pancakes or waffles?
08:44Waffles, for sure.
08:46Like, for sure.
08:47Mostly because waffles are more like,
08:50anyone can make a pancake,
08:51you can make pancake mix and just make a pancake on any day,
08:54but with a waffle, you need like a waffle iron,
08:56you need like stuff to make it more awesome,
08:58it's just like a fancier waffle,
09:00it's basically a fancy pancake.
09:02Favorite new game?
09:03Overwatch, I play that a lot.
09:05Classic game, probably Zelda,
09:07Link to the Past on the Super Nintendo.
09:10Good memories there.
09:11Specs of your Hackintosh, so it's that thing there.
09:14It's a 6700K Skylake, GTX 980,
09:18I don't love the reliability of it,
09:20it's fine for regular use,
09:21but I can't edit videos reliably on it,
09:23so I just tend not to use it as much as I'd like to.
09:27Tim Hortons order,
09:28so Tim Hortons is like a coffee chain in Canada.
09:31Two milk, one sweetener,
09:32that's like my go-to.
09:34What's the story behind the 2D in the channel name?
09:36So 2D is, I guess,
09:38my username on forums,
09:39when I went onto forums like looking for
09:41how to do things for game development,
09:43it was Dave2D.
09:45What's the best way to learn video editing?
09:47Just do it, man.
09:48Just do it, man.
09:49You just gotta give her,
09:50and you'll get better over time.
09:52What would be your perfect laptop?
09:54So a laptop that was like thin and light,
09:55that was somehow able to run a 6 or even 8 core CPU,
09:59like Intel CPU,
10:00would be awesome.
10:01It's not gonna exist anytime soon,
10:03at least I don't think it will,
10:04but that would be pretty perfect.
10:06Favorite YouTubers that I watch that aren't in tech?
10:09I don't watch that much YouTube,
10:10but the one guy that I watch relatively frequently
10:12is H3H3,
10:13his stuff is,
10:14it's not for everyone,
10:15I find it pretty funny.
10:18Do you have a girlfriend?
10:19I'm married,
10:20I have a wife,
10:21does that count?
10:22And I have a kid.
10:23I don't know if that counts as a girlfriend.
10:24How's the switch to red going for you?
10:26Was it the best decision you've made?
10:28Also, did you color the red symbol teal yourself?
10:32dbrand actually made that teal or blue logo thing
10:35and stuck it on for me,
10:36which was awesome.
10:37In terms of the workflow,
10:38it's definitely slower than before,
10:40it's probably 5,
10:41maybe 10% slower than my previous camera,
10:43which was the GH4,
10:44but it's so much more enjoyable to work with,
10:46and the learning curve is just,
10:47it's steep,
10:48but it's very satisfying
10:49when you kind of figure stuff out as you go.
10:51Hope you guys enjoyed this video,
10:52I gotta get back to work.
10:53Thumbs if you liked it,
10:54subs if you loved it.
10:55I'll see you guys next time.
