• 2 days ago
00:00:00hello friends yeah welcome to uh friday and i love huckley episode
00:00:12178 yeah happy friday uh
00:00:21let's do some dancing and stretching kind of stretching dancing okay so
00:00:26so yeah for my lower back and for my shoulder okay
00:00:47like jellyfish dancing sure
00:01:16good jellyfish dancing and stretching good exercise five minutes break please thank you
00:01:22nice ah that's it but good for joints balancing yeah good exercise that's it yeah
00:06:06it's so cold
00:07:26we're going to friday i'm going to leave uh let's take a break from mathematics and then uh let's
00:07:33do physics a little bit just like we did yesterday on the instagram live yeah i mean the string pulling
00:07:42method signal method in the in the uh
00:07:48uh paper i wrote years ago how many years ago maybe five years ago something like that
00:08:04uh that time i did not ever heard when i wrote that paper it's like um it's in vixra.org
00:08:12if you google honky vixra you'll find the paper it's called the inertial axiom theory something
00:08:18like that okay that's where i disproved albright and special relativity about five years ago okay
00:08:24at that time i never heard the term quantum entanglement i heard about that term quite
00:08:31recently okay but it seems to be similar concept it's just the string pulling is just a lot easier
00:08:39i do not know much about quantum physics i do not okay but i heard a term okay
00:08:47what is quantum entanglement it's like a particle here affect particle far far away at the same time
00:08:57if that's what i know about it i guess okay i don't know what's your quantum physics to be honest
00:09:03yeah yeah
00:09:21yeah but string pulling is just common sense it's a lot easier than quantum entanglement
00:09:25yeah because quantum entanglement theory i don't know too much about it because i don't know too
00:09:31much about quantum physics period okay yeah what i know quantum physics is like heisenberg
00:09:36principle that i learned when i was in school okay it has to do probability right yeah
00:09:42and like small particles subatomic particles i don't know maybe electron
00:09:48tears yeah
00:09:53so in this opposition to albright's special relativity theory i guess we found allies
00:10:00yeah quantum physics sure sure that's cool yeah okay
00:10:10so we have adam brown and charlie equal distance
00:10:20daniel kind of halfway between adam and brown let's say adam brown charlie one mile apart
00:10:30daniel maybe 0.4 mile from
00:10:36adam and 0.6 mile from brown okay yeah but adam brown charlie one mile apart
00:10:46equal distance adam brown charlie okay now let's say we have rho
00:10:52okay so adam to charlie two miles right yeah one mile and two mile okay
00:11:03we have rho up here that's more than two miles long okay
00:11:13and we make a mark here
00:11:19let's say
00:11:22one foot away from adam's position one foot right of adam's position and another mark
00:11:33one foot right of charlie it's a rope or string some object that does not stretch or contract
00:11:46okay now we are pulling this rope from adam's direction toward adam's direction by one meter
00:11:55per second okay also another mark yeah one foot right of brown brian doesn't matter name okay
00:12:07so we are pulling this rope slowly maybe one centimeter per second
00:12:14one inch per second just slowly okay now
00:12:22this three marks
00:12:26one right of adam brown and charlie let's call it brown it's easier to pronounce okay yeah
00:12:34okay yeah as we slowly pull this string like one inch per second
00:12:44it will pass by a
00:12:49this one okay let's call it a prime okay
00:12:53okay yeah b prime c prime okay as we slowly pull this rope
00:13:07at one point a prime will hit a and at exactly at the same time b prime will hit b
00:13:16c prime will hit c all at the same time
00:13:20and that kind of simultaneity instantaneity does not depend on the speed of this rope
00:13:30it's traveling it could be one inch per second one meter per second or one mile per second
00:13:36per second doesn't matter a prime b prime c prime will hit a b c exactly at the same time
00:13:52okay that's string pulling signaling method now let's take five minutes I need some vocal rest
00:13:59okay compare that with light signaling method as opposed to string pulling signaling method
00:14:10which do you think is faster
00:14:19string pulling signaling methods
00:14:24versus light signaling method
00:14:30okay the goal b is let's say b has a clock a and c does not have a clock
00:14:43so at midnight
00:14:46b is supposed to alert a and c hey it's midnight right now okay only b has a clock
00:14:54a and c does not have clock okay let's say actually this is not a rope because we don't
00:15:01want it to bend this is a rod like wooden stick plastic stick just long rod okay so
00:15:11so this rod pushing signaling method yeah b
00:15:21and b is the only one with clock a and c does not have clock so b is signaling sending signal
00:15:27to a and c hey it's midnight now okay so b push the stick slowly one inch per second
00:15:39to the left that's rod pulling signaling method method number one method number two
00:15:46because it's midnight yeah b
00:15:52let's say with a big light flashlight okay whatever okay yeah so b just flash
00:16:01so b just flash in a direction and c direction at the same time okay just one button
00:16:11light signal then it could be laser sure whatever to signal a and c hey it's midnight now
00:16:23rod pulling method rod pushing method that's method number one light light signaling method
00:16:28method number two between two methods of signaling what do you think which one do you think is faster
00:16:39okay uh light signaling method yeah what's the speed of this signaling
00:16:51rod pulling method pushing method what's the speed of this signaling okay
00:16:58we have speed of light yeah three point three times 10 to the eighth meter per second
00:17:04rod pulling pushing method let's say it's one inch per second the speed of rod moving
00:17:12okay now which signaling method is faster that's the question okay
00:17:19okay yeah let's take five minutes rest okay yeah if you want to yeah answer that question if you
00:17:25want to okay it's interesting how
00:17:34here we go thank you
00:18:55yeah i forgot to grab my jacket five minutes thank you
00:22:31okay you got the answer yet right if you need more time i'll give you some more
00:22:41yeah this is a lot easier than mathematics isn't it
00:22:49but for century by now
00:22:56men's and physicists including noble prize winners they still don't know about this
00:23:02okay yeah well it is what it is
00:23:18it is strange i know
00:23:24but that has happened before many times in history of science okay yeah
00:23:33like galileo galilei copernicus like they discovered this earth move around the sun
00:23:42right yeah the heliocentrism okay but for thousands of years mainstream scientists
00:23:49they thought it was the other way yeah geocentrism okay
00:23:54okay yeah
00:24:00kind of history repeats itself right yeah
00:24:14that happens
00:24:24okay cheers
00:24:31now what let me ask you this question then what's the speed of
00:24:36this rod pushing signaling method is it one inch per second
00:24:42is it is this a trick question okay so uh
00:24:51okay i mean the rod itself is moving one inch per second okay but
00:24:58how long does it take
00:25:03between the moment that b push this rod all day until a realizes
00:25:13we just push this rod all day how long does it take
00:25:26zero zero second why because it's instantaneous so one mile over zero that's infinite
00:25:35positive infinity okay yeah so the rod pushing signaling method is speed or signaling
00:25:43is infinity way over speed of light that's why it's faster than speed of light
00:25:51okay how how faster infinitely faster okay well that's the easiest to disprove of
00:26:00special relativity theory there's some others and i wrote some others in the paper okay so cheers
00:26:13how about speed of light signaling yeah speed of light yeah it's quite fast
00:26:21yeah three times 10 to the eighth eighth meter per second okay but although this rod is moving
00:26:28very slowly one inch per second but it's a fast faster signaling method than light
00:26:38signaling method okay
00:26:41yeah there we go
00:26:47yeah so that's that okay it's that simple now let's get back to mathematics okay yeah
00:26:53okay we gotta move on
00:27:00but it was nice to talk about physics sure okay okay let me grab a whiteboard and
00:27:08we get back to mathematics okay yeah very cool well one thing more okay so
00:27:16uh einstein's wrong thought process his thought experiment okay i thought experiment popularized
00:27:26physics school good contribution to a physics education okay yeah thought experiment
00:27:33that he popularized very good but he thought wrong as our Einstein okay
00:27:40in his mind for whatever reason the speed of light is the absolute maximum speed which is
00:27:47not so there's no reason all right it should be okay yeah there's nothing special about speed of
00:27:54light okay
00:28:00i mean speed of light in vacuum okay yeah now light does slow down in water okay when it travels
00:28:10okay cheers that's why light bends when it hits the water surface okay
00:28:17or anything transparent like glass prism okay yeah we slow down okay
00:28:30when b signal with the light yeah it will hit a and c at the same time because they're equal
00:28:41distance okay but it will hit d first because d is closer than a from b okay
00:28:50so Einstein's confusion was this okay uh he thought that
00:29:00because light hits d first and then a later a and c later uh
00:29:10it will be like this okay 12 o'clock
00:29:15then 12 o'clock midnight 12 o'clock and one minute and 12 o'clock and two minutes
00:29:24okay because of the finite speed of light okay we have three different timing here
00:29:33the flashing light yeah 12 o'clock 12 o'clock one minute 12 o'clock and two minutes
00:29:41so Einstein's confusion his error was this okay yeah the concept of simultaneous
00:29:48tenuity is relative not so
00:30:01then does this mean i'm smarter than Albert Einstein
00:30:06in a way yeah
00:30:11then how come you got noble prize and i didn't
00:30:15well it's perception right yeah yeah i'm smarter than Albert Einstein in many different ways but
00:30:24most people do not perceive it that way
00:30:28people's perception sometimes it's true sometimes it's not true that's why okay okay yeah
00:30:40yeah now let's define this very nice okay
00:30:47yeah yeah welcome to humanology friday huntly the human as a weekend edition okay yeah
00:30:56cheers yeah
00:31:02fantastic okay
00:31:15there we go thank you
00:33:17well let's have some more actually okay let's have some fun
00:33:22so Albert Einstein and Huntley Albert Einstein first of all he got his phd
00:33:28well he finished his phd right and then although he could not get a professor job like he wanted to
00:33:34he got a job as a patent clerk okay um yeah
00:33:41to which he was totally over qualified because he was full blown like physics phd
00:33:47in a very good school in uh switzerland yeah engineering school yeah
00:33:56and but how about Huntley we have a phd dropout i dropped out phd i didn't even major in physics
00:34:03i majored in computer science and i dropped out after two years to become a hollywood actor
00:34:12and now i'm a lawyer in alaska
00:34:16and also u.s presidential candidate
00:34:21and Huntley claims that he disproved Albert Einstein's special relativity theory when he
00:34:29was a lawyer in alaska yeah i people would laugh
00:34:39he's also running for u.s president
00:34:42it's not a comedy right yeah i'm a comedian too i also made a movie in hollywood well california
00:34:50are you what i may become famous who knows okay yeah
00:35:04i don't know okay
00:35:11and i don't care either cheers yeah
00:35:20i'm not worried about yeah i'm happy as i am okay so
00:35:23but Albert Einstein's biography very romanticized it's like cinderella story this obscure
00:35:31patent clerk with phd
00:35:36meaning like noble prize in physics not from relativity but from uh photoelectric
00:35:41okay yeah obscure but relativity is what he's most famous for okay which is wrong theory though
00:35:48okay but it's a similar story like this obscure guy Albert Einstein kind of overnight sensation
00:35:57right becoming famous the single most famous scientist ever household name so many buildings
00:36:07schools even hospitals and then that time
00:36:16so there is some inertia some resistance for people
00:36:23uh to accept the truth here very simple truth
00:36:31you don't even i don't understand quantum entanglement there is just is
00:36:36they kind of agree with me okay so we got an airline there powerful airline okay great but
00:36:45uh for this honkiness disproved to be accepted in
00:36:50mainstream science there will be some resistance it may take a couple of decades
00:36:55couple of decades
00:36:59okay yeah
00:37:05but whatever yeah cheers yeah
00:37:14then the similar kind of Cinderella story that happened to Albert Einstein
00:37:18will it happen to me honkily i don't know and i don't care okay yeah i'm
00:37:25happy temple okay yeah yeah i got my job my house i exercise
00:37:33yeah but yesterday when i was doing this backward stretching yeah i think i hurt my
00:37:39right shoulder just a little bit not too much okay yeah there's some stretching so it's a lot
00:37:44okay yeah
00:37:58how about general relativity yeah i just proved them to uh that's like uh same vixra.org if you
00:38:05google vixra honky uh that paper is called like fourth force at epsilon axiom theory
00:38:13okay uh disproving general relativity uh is different from this
00:38:21but it's as easy as this okay yeah i just attacked his key assumption
00:38:29okay yeah it's in the paper okay yeah
00:38:38what's the assumption of Albert Einstein in this special relativity
00:38:42yeah speed of light being maximum speed
00:38:52it's done okay in general relativity was his key assumption that i attacked
00:39:03acceleration and gravitation are equivalent indistinguishable
00:39:14you know let's take five minutes break let's talk about that a little bit because it
00:39:18takes like one minute to disprove Albert Einstein's general relativity okay
00:39:23okay okay so yeah it will take just one minute it's that easy okay
00:39:32we'll take about five minutes break okay yeah thank you yeah we'll talk about it okay
00:39:46there we go thank you
00:39:47thank you
00:39:49having fun this is it's strong
00:42:59oh uh
00:43:07general relativity okay as Albert Einstein's assumption yeah there's no difference between
00:43:12gravitation and acceleration not true okay it's that's very simple we have accelerometer
00:43:21mechanical device that measures acceleration okay and now i'm influenced by gravitational
00:43:28planet earth but if i hold accelerometer like right here right now reading with zero
00:43:35zero okay but if i am in a car somebody else is driving the car i'm passenger in the car and this
00:43:47car is going to the highway the ramp
00:43:54entrance to highway then i read my accelerometer oh it's accelerating
00:44:00okay it's that simple yeah so gravitational acceleration is fundamentally two different things
00:44:11okay now but in that paper i used the example of bungee jumping
00:44:20okay so if i'm falling safely with bungee jumping
00:44:27bungee jumping and i'll be upside down and so i hold accelerometer reading yeah you will read
00:44:389.8 meter per second squared yeah the g-force okay yeah
00:44:46it is due to gravitation but i'm not standing still or sitting still
00:44:53i'm falling safely with bungee jumping bungee cord
00:44:59yeah there i'm accelerating yeah yes due to gravitational force but
00:45:08acceleration may be caused by gravitation or it can cause by car engine
00:45:14engine highway ramp okay
00:45:22gravitation is just one of many forces that can cause acceleration
00:45:29there's nothing special about gravitation at all okay cheers
00:45:36now there are other forces in the world electric force electric field okay
00:45:45Albert Einstein said okay well because his false assumption that gravitational force
00:45:53gravitation and acceleration are same thing that's why light bends around
00:45:59gravitation and acceleration are same thing that's why light bends around sun star big heavy
00:46:12astronomical object light bend around the sun
00:46:17okay how about electric field
00:46:22yeah sun creates gravitational field force field right
00:46:26yeah but we can create magnetic field and electric field force field
00:46:33will light bend when you go through electric field or magnetic field
00:46:43why would it
00:46:47light is electrically and magnetically neutral so why would light bend
00:46:52it won't and light photon electromagnetic wave does not have any mass
00:47:02so why would it bend around the gravitational field around the sun it won't okay
00:47:11cheers okay
00:47:21how about data well in the history general relativity okay yeah astronomers yeah try to
00:47:33measure to confirm or unconfirm Einstein's prediction like light bending around the sun
00:47:48solar eclipse okay and there was an astronomer in California okay he tried to measure it
00:47:59and he found no no light bending initially
00:48:06but scientific community like pressured him
00:48:08and so then he relented and then he changed some data maybe lied about it changed some data so
00:48:16yeah Einstein was right that's what happened
00:48:26yeah I mean I'm not faulting him he wants to keep his job his reputation intact so
00:48:34he gave in to the peer pressure in physics community that's what happened
00:48:46she's understandable
00:48:50he to pay his mortgage feed his children and keep his job you know you understand
00:49:09yeah so scientists they wanted Albert Einstein's special relativity to be true so they basically
00:49:20it's kind of conspiracy okay yeah international
00:49:30but will truth like this ever come out I don't know that's what Jesus said
00:49:36yeah eventually truth will come out I hope that's true
00:49:49I hope Jesus is right
00:49:50but for me I don't know would truth ever come out I don't know maybe in the future
00:50:06later on because some people claim that Albert Einstein's special relativity is wrong before I
00:50:12published this paper okay yeah and they were right yeah but did they actually prove
00:50:18Albert Einstein's wrong that I don't know I did not read their papers in full length
00:50:24yeah I did make citation to them okay yeah maybe they did prove before I did yeah
00:50:32well in the future other people may come with their own proof too independently from me and others
00:50:40me and others and they may win noble prize me uh I maybe forgot to me
00:50:51although I disproved maybe not the first time but definitely in my opinion I think my
00:50:57truth is more complete than others that came before me in my opinion okay
00:51:06but again I'm biased okay cheers
00:51:13but it's possible that in the future some people come up with their own disproof of Albert Einstein
00:51:19relativity and they may end up winning noble prize me hunkily yeah not being remembered
00:51:28forgotten forever am I okay with that yeah because I'm not doing this for fame no
00:51:38I'm doing this as a hobby okay I'm a hobby scientist just like I'm hobby politician
00:51:45okay yeah yeah I'm like yeah whatever I'm happy
00:51:50doing science mathematics make me happy doing politics makes me happy to me that's all that
00:52:00matters yeah money power fame I don't need it why because I'm happy as it is right now
00:52:09right here okay welcome to human arts school okay yeah cheers
00:52:18okay let's take five minutes break and then I think we're ready to get back to mathematics
00:52:26five minutes thank you yeah
00:52:31very cool
00:52:36there we go
00:54:52well I guess you can talk about philosophy a little bit okay yeah and religion linguistics
00:54:58yeah it's uh this interesting um topic came up when we were doing a youtube live a couple days
00:55:06ago yeah the difference between hope knowledge
00:55:16and belief okay yeah belief is something somewhere in between hope and knowledge
00:55:26is that spectrum okay belief is quite right in the middle I believe
00:55:35truth will come out it's it's kind of halfway between that uncertainty okay I hope truth will
00:55:41come out eventually I believe truth will come out it means that I kind of think that truth will come
00:55:51truth will come out it's kind of halfway between hope
00:55:55and knowledge I do not know for sure sure uh it will happen or not but I believe so
00:56:04it's kind of yeah I kind of think so but I'm not sure but I hope so okay yeah so halfway between
00:56:12hope and knowledge knowing something okay that's belief okay yeah good now let's get back to
00:56:20so question okay yeah that's like linguistics philosophy religion yeah the concept okay so
00:56:31let me get a whiteboard okay
00:57:28Yeah, the XMGM methodology is kind of outdated and superseded by our PLBC methodology, so
00:57:52we can say pre-erase this, okay, oh, yeah, erases very nicely, which means, yeah, this
00:58:07wiper is relatively new, yeah, product improvement, enhancement, evolution, fantastic, yeah,
00:58:37good as new. Now, we came up with triangle a couple of days ago, right, but we only need
00:58:53one half of that, okay, yeah, because the other part is symmetric, okay, so let's take
00:59:00the one-half right triangle and make it to equilateral triangle, okay, kind of
00:59:09readjusting the angle, okay, yeah, just recording the pattern, okay, yeah, cheers,
00:59:16hmm, I copy from over there, okay,
01:00:00kind of look like a rocket, or a tower, cheers, yeah, the left half of the combined triangle
01:00:27of like odd base, even base, yeah, it kind of looks like a temple, too, sure, hmm,
01:00:57a lot of ones,
01:03:38yeah, so yeah, two rows by two rows, same length, right, yeah, two rows by two rows,
01:03:52same length, okay, okay, so that's the pattern there, geometrically speaking, okay, yeah,
01:06:13there we go, that's all the examples that we have, now time check, okay, yeah,
01:06:21yeah, it's a very manual process, because these days, I think mathematicians, they rely too much
01:06:25on computer programming, okay, so, I mean, computer, using power computer, that's great,
01:06:30but I think they rely too much on it, okay, so, me, when I do mathematical, I'm typically very
01:06:36old for like just manual calculation, mostly, okay, so, time check, it's been more than one hour,
01:06:46time flies, okay, now, let's look at this, let's see, you know what, if you want to identify some
01:06:54patterns, before I do, go for it, okay, yeah, it could be diagonal or vertical, horizontal patterns,
01:07:03okay, or mixture of those, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, I'll give you a first opportunity to
01:07:10record some pattern here, okay, if you want to, yeah,
01:07:24five minutes, thank you, yeah,
01:07:25yeah, yeah, we can call it like, there's a triangle, sure, yeah, okay, five minutes, thank you,
01:09:55with young people who are younger than me oh they are absolutely fantastic very smart
01:10:00oh yeah great people yeah very inspirational inspiring okay yeah i learn from them
01:10:12future leaders my proud yeah
01:10:18um now let's look at this together
01:10:29okay it's kind of stepwise right it looks like a staircase yeah
01:10:37two rows same length right two rows two rows same length okay yeah step
01:10:45oh yeah sure
01:10:49and all the out flanking edges there were ones left side right side right side okay yeah
01:11:03what else
01:11:23i'm looking like vertical pattern okay yeah i'm looking for vertical patterns
01:11:33uh well diagonal parallel right yeah minus two minus three four five six seven eight okay here
01:11:46we have one four one four you're gonna assign for now okay yeah one four one four one four okay and
01:12:18okay how about some zigzag parallel
01:12:26okay where is it two one three one four one five one where is that
01:12:46i don't even see two
01:13:06it's tricky
01:13:17is this angle better
01:13:48well how about diagonal like the other way
01:13:56okay we have minus two minus three minus four minus five we have that but how about the other way
01:14:20one minus three
01:14:22three one three minus five minus two five yeah it's not very obvious
01:14:42okay second diagonal yeah minus two minus three minus four minus five
01:14:50skip skip right yeah okay okay
01:14:57okay yeah second diagonal second right diagonal minus two okay
01:15:10but it's kind of tricky to talk about diagonal because this is like a not equilateral triangle
01:15:17okay it's more like a polar than wider okay more vertical triangle okay so yeah okay
01:16:16i was expecting to find more easily recorded on the background but it turned out that is
01:16:21actually the opposite it's more difficult to find the pattern here okay well
01:16:38but worthwhile to try though yeah no stone unturned right yeah cheers you know we're exploring this
01:16:45unknown continent bezel continent okay cheers
01:17:04so uh if you just skip by one get always like uh
01:17:27even rows always start with one ending with minus two okay
01:17:40how about in between numbers
01:17:49i got some horizons of parent there
01:18:13is that symmetric horizontally
01:18:50i'm talking about the difference between all those terms
01:19:10yeah challenging
01:20:02how about odd rows
01:20:08oh yeah start with one end with one okay
01:20:56i don't see any of that going on down there okay so
01:20:59so uh difficult problem yeah
01:21:08you know i think we did enough mathematics we did physics okay so let's just decide this and
01:21:14that's after that yeah let's go to instagram live okay yeah we did enough okay yeah let's
01:21:21not overdo this if we pick this up tomorrow okay yeah happy friday okay yeah see you soon
01:21:28we'll see you tomorrow okay thank you thankful