• 3 days ago
Support Me:
01:00Hey, it was you, wasn't it?
01:24You're the one who stepped on my hand.
01:27Yeah, I did.
01:30What's a little girl like you doing here anyway?
01:32I don't know.
01:33What's a big dum-dum like you doing here anyway?
01:36Hey, that's not very nice.
01:39Didn't your parents teach you any manners?
01:46What you got there?
01:47None of your business.
01:51You didn't love Mary anyway.
01:54Hey, wait!
01:57How do you know her name?
03:55You're not.
04:01Do I look like your girlfriend?
04:05No, my late wife.
04:09I can't believe it.
04:10Your face, your voice.
04:11You could be...
04:12My name is Maria.
04:16I don't look like a ghost, do I?
04:23Sorry, I got confused.
04:29Where are you going?
04:32I need to find Mary.
04:35Didn't you say she died?
04:43Three years ago.
04:44It's just...
04:45I got a letter from her.
04:48A letter?
04:50I know how it sounds.
04:51I'm not...
04:53It's okay.
04:54So, what did the letter say?
05:03She said she was waiting for me.
05:07In our special place.
05:10And that's here?
05:19Anyway, I haven't seen her.
05:24Is this your only special place?
05:27I, uh...
05:32I don't know anymore.
05:36There was...
05:39I just...
05:40I can't quite...
05:46I think I might know.
05:47I mean, there's this one place.
05:50Not far from here.
05:55What kind of place?
05:58The kind two lovers might call special.
06:04I can show you if you want.
06:08Unless you have somewhere else to be.
06:12Something else to do.
06:17Easy there.
06:19I'm just messing with you.
06:23Come on.
06:25It's this way.
06:28You're coming with me?
06:30Can't you just tell me where it is?
06:35You're just gonna leave me here?
06:38Uh, I...
06:42With all these monsters around?
06:44No, I just...
06:47Is it because...
06:49I remind you of her?
06:55You loved her, didn't you?
07:04Didn't you?
07:05All right, just...
07:09Come on.
07:11So it's okay?
07:41Come on.
07:51Let's go.
08:01Come on.
08:39Want to take a breather?
08:42I know, I just...
08:45Sorry, I'm just a bit...
08:48It's fine.
08:50You know, if there's anything you want to talk about, anything at all...
08:56Let's just keep moving.
09:03This place we're going to...
09:05What is it exactly?
09:07Used to be kind of a special place for young couples in these parts.
09:11I think it's easier if I just show you.
09:32Who is that?
09:34Just a woman.
09:36Killed for no real fault of her own by moral, upstanding folk.
09:41Common theme, I guess.
09:43What do you mean?
09:46history, you know?
10:07There, we can go through the motel.
10:13Why are we getting through here?
10:15No reason to. It's the wrong way anyway.
10:26You ever stayed in a place like this?
10:28The walls are so thin, you can hear everything.
10:32Hate. Jealousy.
11:19This room...
11:21There's something wrong with it, I...
11:25I think we should leave.
11:27Oh, loosen up, James.
11:29Are those beets running around with those monsters out there?
11:33I'm not so sure.
11:55That startled me.
12:00Can you let me in?
12:12Why, thank you, good sir.
13:08You think I'd look good in this one?
13:20Not quite the reading endorsement, but hey, I'll take it.
13:46Is everything all right?
13:50Hey, are you okay?
13:53It's like you froze for a second.
13:55Yeah, I, uh...
14:41I think you just saved my life back there.
14:44Glad I did.
14:48So am I.
15:01Hmm. So that's what it was for.
15:11Where to now?
15:12Just down this way.
15:20You think it'll stare back?
15:39Is everything all right?
15:44Yeah, it's just...
15:47This place, it just gives me the creeps.
15:52I'm not sure why.
15:54You ever been inside?
15:58I'm not sure.
16:00It does feel familiar somehow.
16:03Like a bad memory.
16:06It's nothing, really.
16:13So, James.
16:17Three years.
16:19That's a long time.
16:21What will you tell her if, when, you find her?
16:27I love her.
16:29Oh, when?
16:31Lucky her.
16:33What's that supposed to mean?
16:36Like I said, three years is a long time.
16:48I should really use a warning next time.
17:00This should not be here.
17:03Well, it is.
17:06So, what now?
17:10Now we look for another way.
18:12Stay close.
18:15I'm okay.
18:24I'm okay.
18:52Over there!
19:08Through the fence.
19:20Thank you, James.
19:23I'm not sure I would have made it.
19:26Just stay close.
19:40I'm sorry.
20:08I'm sorry.
20:38I'm sorry.
21:54Come on, don't give me that look.
21:58I was just kidding.
22:01What is this?
22:04Is this the special place you meant?
22:08Don't be silly.
22:10Just have to go through and out the front.
22:18Then again,
22:20now that we're here,
22:25can't we stay just for a little while?
22:31Catch our breath before we head back out there?
22:34I don't have time to take a break.
22:37Mary could be out there waiting for me.
22:41I know.
22:43It's just this place, this whole thing,
22:48it's like a nightmare.
22:49I just wanted to get away from it even for a second.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52No, it's fine.
22:56Sorry, I didn't mean to.
23:01I guess this place is getting to me too.
23:14Am I crazy?
23:18You know, for thinking she could be here.
23:27Crazy is one word for it, I guess.
23:33I can think of another.
23:38What's that?
23:46Well, that's a nicer way of putting it.
24:01What are you doing?
24:02Something to take the edge off.
24:17You sure?
24:25Be that way.
24:28Here's to...
24:33to hope I'm dying.
24:47We should probably get going.
25:00Ready when you are.
25:30Is that you?
25:40Would you like it to be?
25:47Let me know when you want to move on.
25:53You gonna dance for me, big guy?
25:57I'd pay to see that.
26:01Let's go.
26:02Alright then.
26:04Come on.
26:18We could come back later if you want.
26:20You know, in case we need a break.
26:23I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
26:25Whatever you say.
26:27You mean any port in the storm, right?
26:29I guess so.
26:41You startled me.
26:50Okay, it's not far now.
26:55Look, we're on the other side of that chasm.
26:58Some detour.
27:00But hey, at least we're here.
27:02Here mean where, exactly?
27:05Come on, you'll find out.
27:35That's it?
27:37A garden?
27:39There's a bit more to it than that.
27:41If you say so.
27:44I don't think I've been here before.
27:46Come on.
27:47She's just around the corner.
28:00Let's go.
28:22Who is she?
28:24There's a story told around these parts.
28:27It's a legend.
28:30It tells of a woman who was cast out.
28:33Sentenced to die on an island out on the lake.
28:40There was a man in town who fell madly in love with her.
28:46And every night, he would sneak out.
28:52Bringing her food and company.
28:58And every night, she would stand there on the shore.
29:03Holding a lit candle to help him find his way.
29:08But this one night, a terrible storm broke out.
29:13Caught him out in the open, and it blew out the candle.
29:19Even in darkness, the man would not give up.
29:23He would not turn back.
29:26So he fought against the raging waters until finally the lake took him.
29:32They say even then, the woman never lost hope.
29:37She kept coming out at night.
29:40Kept lighting the candle.
29:43To bring her beloved home.
29:46To lead him to shore.
29:52Not sure how much truth there is to it.
29:54It's probably just a fairy tale.
29:59But she's become something of a local saint.
30:02Patron of undying love.
30:06Hence this place.
30:11She's not here.
30:17She's not here.
30:20And why would she be? I don't even remember this place.
30:32This was a mistake.
30:35I shouldn't have come here.
30:42It's okay.
30:44There's plenty of other places to look. We can still...
30:52Come on.
31:29I think it came from inside the theater.
31:38You okay?
31:42Maybe you better wait here.
31:43Okay. Not much of a movie fan anyway.
31:51And James?
31:53Be careful in there.
32:05Uh, this is boring.
32:08You didn't seem bored a minute ago.
32:11You screamed your head off, didn't you?
32:14You should have seen your face.
32:16I told you. It was this big rat.
32:19Jumped right at me from my seat.
32:21I wouldn't scream until it was dark.
32:23I've got this fatso.
32:27What do you have to say that for?
32:29Anyway, why are you sitting here?
32:32I thought you said the cops were after you.
32:35Nah. I don't think they follow me here.
32:38Besides, I blocked the door so no one could get in.
32:42Not the cops and not these other monsters.
32:46You're weird.
32:48Yeah. That's what everyone always says.
32:52Well, I guess people call me weird, too.
32:55And they yell at me.
32:57Especially when I do something bad.
33:04You hear that, too?
33:29You're, uh...
33:35We met back at the apartment building.
33:38Yeah. I remember.
33:43I'm sorry.
33:45I'm sorry.
33:47I'm sorry.
33:49I'm sorry.
33:51I'm sorry.
33:59I see that you didn't make it out yet.
34:04I just didn't get around to it yet.
34:09Well, at least you got your appetite back.
34:21Are you alone here, Eddie?
34:29What the hell?
34:31It's probably just Laura messing around.
34:35The little girl?
34:37Laura? Is that her name?
34:39That's what she said.
34:42I'm gonna go look for her.
34:48You coming?
34:50Now you want me to come with you?
34:54Never mind.
35:06Who is that girl, anyway?
35:08I don't know.
35:10All I know is her name.
35:12I swear.
35:14Uh, didn't you want to go after her?
36:06Laura, stop! It's dangerous!
36:19Did you see the little girl?
36:20Yeah. I tried to stop her, but...
36:23She went that way. We can still catch her.
36:34In my restless dreams,
36:37I see that town.
36:42Silent Hill.