• 5 hours ago
机动战士高达 复仇的镇魂曲 - 第1集 線上看

#机动战士高达 #复仇的镇魂曲 #第1集 #ep1 #線上看 #viutv



01:00visual places and those Federation cowards must have turned sailing we're
01:08clear here let's hurry this up we'll be back on base before sundown understood
01:15major this is ample one all units press forward
01:19Luz Napoka base is undefended Roger Advil one advancing in column
01:38so I told her was only one more mission then I'd be back home in space this war
01:45has been going on long enough already
02:06this is that for one pull back to defensive position
02:26I said pull back
02:43we are cut off
02:46Sentinel to lead this is that for one this is Sentinel to lead we read you
02:59loud and clear I need those mobile suits on the ground now deploy to 42 Delta 9
03:05understood major approaching the drop you heard the major Red Wolf prepare to
03:26ready to hunt some feds this is Charlie good to go
03:31ready and waiting
03:35and return to airspace
03:41deploying Minovsky parts maintain visible spectrum calm coordinates
03:47locked in hold tight we're taking fire
03:54and the one there's anti-aircraft fire from the base they clear those fucking
03:58guns you're clear to engage
06:12what's the situation where's the backup there is none what about the mobile suits
06:21now will be a great time
07:16we've got company wolves
07:28they're targeting our suits
07:58Red Wolves are on the ground salamander should be right behind us about time
08:29Charlie Delta Status Report
08:33Miss my drop zone, but my Zaku is doing just fine. Commencing fire support.
08:58Don't worry about me.
09:06This is what you get for trying to bring a trap on us.
09:17Move forward!
09:20Damn it!
09:23Watch your back, Bravo.
09:27Hey, Cap.
09:29Is... is it over?
09:32It's over! They're falling back!
09:35I thought we were dead!
09:40No hostiles in visual range.
09:42Red Wolves, how are we looking?
09:46All clear.
09:47Nice and quiet, like Sunday morning.
09:53Too easy.
09:56Handball One, this is Red Wolf Alpha. We'll take cover.
09:59This is Handball One. Acknowledged. Lead the way.
10:22Go, go, go!
10:34Major, we've secured the building. No sign of the enemy.
10:39Combat support, send a messenger to command right away.
10:43Message! Stein Battalion has seized Krujneporka Base!
10:49I say again! Stein Battalion has seized Krujneporka Base!
11:02You have a slight concussion. How's your breathing? Getting enough air?
11:07You ever see a Zaku up close?
11:10Not like this. But I'm quite familiar with their handiwork.
11:17I'm a war doc, no doubt. But let me tell you, they saved my life today.
11:22And they've saved more lives than you can imagine.
11:33Hey, look who the catcher I get. We missed you out there, Cal.
11:37Damn saberfish made me miss my drop zone.
11:40Oh yeah? I thought you just got cold feet when it was your turn to jump.
11:44Miss Chubbs almost got decapitated by a 61.
11:47Hey, I had it under control.
11:50Ah, there she comes! Cap! Nice save with that 61.
11:54I think you might be more suited to the soccer field than the battlefield.
11:58Yeah, don't quit your day job.
12:03Captain Irias Olari?
12:06The reputation you earned at Loom is well deserved.
12:09Thank you, sir.
12:10It's a shame we lost so many in that mess.
12:14Anyway, your contributions will be duly noted.
12:18All Zaku are to be serviced and battle-ready by sunrise.
12:21Yes, sir.
12:23I'll address the troops in ten.
12:29Our contributions? We bailed their asses out.
12:35Sorry, Cap.
12:37Johnson, right?
12:38That's right.
12:39Do you have an ETA on additional supplies?
12:41Crews are bringing them now, ma'am. We'll be rearmed and battle-ready in no time.
12:45We've got Zaku tanks, a full weapon complement, and all the ammo you need.
12:50Now that we've recaptured the base, HQ wants to keep you.
12:55And if I may.
12:57Lieutenant's right. We would have been dead without you.
13:03Red Bull's with me.
13:04Yes, ma'am.
13:05Yes, ma'am.
13:14Today will mark a great victory in the history of this war.
13:21Though many of our comrades lost their lives today, there were heroes also.
13:28Perhaps none more so than...
13:37For now, we rest.
13:39But reinforcements will arrive in the days to come.
13:43Once they're here, we will put an end to Earth Federation operations in this sector.
13:53Too long has the EFF stolen away the wealth produced by the colony's sweat and labor.
14:00For too long, we space-noids have endured this inhumane treatment and suffered these insults to our honor and pride.
14:09But the principality of Zeon will spread across the Earth!
14:39Ooh, it's freezing.
14:41Were the control system broken or something?
14:43Yep, that's us winter for you. Just gotta get used to it.
14:47The cold I can live with, but I'm never gonna get used to these lousy field rations, courtesy of Stein Battalion.
14:55Yeah, I'm not sure what's more depressing, the smell of these rations or the air in this forest.
15:03Thought I was dying of some Earth virus. Turns out, it's just allergies.
15:09Yeah, the cold, lousy field rations and allergies remind me again. Why are we fighting over this rock?
15:16Shit, man. The paycheck. They point and I shoot. Simple as that.
15:23Hey, asshole, we're fighting for our freedom.
15:26We fight because those are our orders.
15:31This'll remind you why we're fighting for Earth. Real Kentucky bourbon, from Kentucky.
15:39Don't taste like this up in space.
15:45No, thank you.
15:48Something bothering you, Cap?
15:51I don't know. I've just got a bad feeling about all of this.
15:57What Cap's trying to say is she don't like camping so close to the haunted woods.
16:02Uh-huh. Heard some tank tops talking back at base, saying people vanish in there.
16:07Some shepherd, a little girl, even heard a demon made a guy go crazy in there.
16:13A demon?
16:14Yeah, well, let's hope old Cap can get some sleep tonight.
16:17Worry about yourself, Zaffaletta.
16:20It's time to rack out, and you better enjoy it because after tonight we'll be sleeping in our cockpits for a while.
16:26Yeah, roger that, Wolf-Mother.
16:56Take cover!
17:23Take cover!
17:32Don't move it!
17:34Hurry up!
17:45Get in your tanks! Man up!
17:47All units, I need a sit-rep!
17:49What the hell's happening? Captain! How did you know?
17:53Know what, sir?
18:09What the hell?
18:16Launch zoncos now!
18:18Yes, sir!
18:27Federation mobile suit coming from the west!
18:30Get to your zoncos and get ready for combat!
18:36Clear the path!
18:46Go get them, Red Wolf!
18:48Thanks for the cover!
19:07Delta, head back to the bunker and give them support.
19:09Prioritize those things you want.
19:11Charlie, give me some point target suppression.
19:13High value target, your discretion.
19:15Bravo on me.
19:17Let's get that mobile suit.
19:19With pleasure, Alpha.
19:26Enemy sight at 12 o'clock.
19:28How cute. Bet he's finally got themselves a mobile suit.
19:47Beam weapon?
19:55How'd this whole thing come back?
20:03I got the bastard!
20:14Delta, get out of there!
21:01Come on. Come on, I need something.
21:27Take this!
21:47What in the world?
22:39What's going on?
23:06What's going on?
23:34What's going on?
24:02What's going on?
24:32What's going on?
24:42What's going on?
24:52What's going on?
25:02What's going on?
