• 9 hours ago
El doctor Luis Caro, gastroenterólogo, informa sobre la evolución favorable de Jorge Lanata tras una serie de intervenciones quirúrgicas en el intestino. A pesar de las complicaciones iniciales debido a problemas de oxigenación e irrigación, el cierre exitoso del intestino y la mejora en los ruidos intestinales indican un progreso positivo. Lanata permanece en terapia intensiva, pero con menos gravedad que antes, lo que sugiere una recuperación estable.



00:00He is a gastroenterologist, president of the GEDIT Foundation, and my doctor, so I trust his word, and I recommend everyone to do it too.
00:09Doctor, thank you for having me. Luis, I know you are super busy, but I appreciate these minutes that you can give me.
00:16We talked about Jorge's condition again, now it was the last intervention.
00:20How does he evolve? What would it mean to say that he is evolving well?
00:25How should Jorge be today, after that last intervention, to know if he is better or worse?
00:31Hello Mariana, how are you? How are you all? Thank you very much for calling me.
00:37Well, in reality, I think everything starts to work well and to get a little calmer as the hours go by.
00:46After the surgery, that there is intestinal activity, what we call intestinal noises, when it starts to mobilize.
00:56And then, the truth is that the whole team, not just the surgeon, starts to get a little calmer, that it starts to work well.
01:05Because, obviously, there were several surgeries in an intestine, and fundamentally, as we said the other day,
01:12an intestine that was quite poorly oxygenated, from what was being commented.
01:18Obviously, as you know, I do not have access to the clinical history, I would not talk about the patient either.
01:23But it is true, it was a patient who was operated on.
01:27And that, really, the idea of ​​the operation is because there is a problem in terms of the irrigation and oxygenation of the intestine.
01:40This makes you calmer when the repercussion and intestinal movement begins to occur, and the hydro-aerial noises, and so on.
01:53And that is supposed to be happening now, Luis, right?
01:56That is, they have been able to close the intestine, which was what they were not able to do.
02:00This last intervention they managed to successfully close.
02:03That is, now that we know that it is in intensive therapy, but a therapy that is not as intensive as the other,
02:09according to what Santi told us, we understand that it is evolving well.
02:13Because if not, it would have entered the operating room again, right?
02:18Exactly, that's why I say, we assume that this has evolved well, as you say,
02:25and surely the fact of already having an abdominal-intestinal closure,
02:30means that surely in the review of all the intestinal organs, everything is working much better.
02:40Of course, it came out, from what is said, of the blue code, that is, of having people very alert,
02:48possibly they are the same, obviously they are equidistant, they are within reach,
02:53but the blue code is when there is care and very specialized people are brought in to maintain heart and lung activity.
03:05Coming out of that blue code, that's why I say, one is perhaps much more hopeful in all this.
03:12We know that Jorge is still sedated.
03:15At what point can that sedation be started?
03:20Actually, from what was known by journalism and others,
03:25it was known that he was intubated for a long time, pre-surgical.
03:30I imagine that he even begins to breathe through his own means,
03:34that this is being attempted, and to see, to remove the oxygen,
03:39and see how it excretes, incursions, and is oxygenating well his entire vascular system.
03:47That's where, when one begins to lengthen the periods of disconnection, a patient gives oxygen.
03:55And when one sees that in time, prudently, this is breathing through its own means,
04:03its own lungs, its own muscular system of the thorax,
04:07it undoubtedly makes, I insist, hope continue to grow,
04:13and that's where it begins to disconnect and disintubate.
04:18Very good. Yes, Mariano.
04:20Doctor, is the recovery of the intestine linked to the issue of the kidney?
04:28Let's see, obviously we are talking about a body.
04:32I understand where the question is going, smart man,
04:35but I want to comment that it is the intestine, the kidney, the suprarrenals,
04:42all the glands, the brain and others,
04:45it is all integrated into a body when it is subjected to various surgeries,
04:49and with a chronic and metabolic disease,
04:53as perhaps a patient like the one we are commenting,
04:58without any doubt, the connection is because at the same age of the glasses,
05:03they had the same exposure and the same stress due to the basic pathology,
05:13whether it is diabetes, or that diabetes has led to a kidney problem,
05:22tabacism, and so on, all pathologies and all toxins
05:27that unfortunately affect the vascular system,
05:30and then that is, in principle, what we can relate,
05:34but not that they have a punctual organ-organ relationship,
05:38but if in the whole system of the same person we are talking about.
05:44Luis, what complications are expected or possible at this stage?
05:52Well, let's hope none, but let's see, as complications of all surgeries,
05:59you have to see that there are no vascular problems again,
06:03sometimes inherent or inherent to the basic pathology,
06:07also that the intestine sticks, so to speak, in the anastomosis,
06:16in the union, the tissue begins to evolve well,
06:19and one part over the other grows,
06:22which were the different sections where they just separated,
06:28and that it is uniform and there is no hole,
06:32what is called fistula, that is to say,
06:35that there is a leak of intestinal substance towards the abdomen.
06:41It could generate an infection, of course.
06:44Yes, this is, let's say, if one knows that it is in the kidney,
06:49but it is not of usual risk, regardless of the fact that there are no diseases,
06:54there are sick people, and each sick person has its particularities.
06:58And in that sense, doctor, of course, medicine is not an exact science,
07:03but in cases like this, in general terms,
07:06what possibilities of good recovery exist?
07:12And in principle, it is in a very good, not so good,
07:16a very good institution, the teams that are attending,
07:21in this specific case, you know that I don't like to talk about specific cases,
07:26because I don't want to be involved, perhaps less,
07:29but doing a bit of medical reporter,
07:35in reality, the expectations are good,
07:40in the sense that everything is there, the environment, the medical team,
07:45there are all the technical and latest generation systems
07:50that are interacting to achieve this.
07:55Undoubtedly, the team is fantastic,
07:58because so many surgeries and a recovery to take him to the operating room,
08:02between 24, 48 and 72 hours, undoubtedly this is very good.
08:08And how strong Jorge is, right Luis?
08:11How strong he is, right? Because we really see him fighting and fighting, right?
08:16In other words, it is very difficult, all the interventions he has been going through,
08:20and the truth is that the strength, the desire to live that he has is incredible, right?
08:24Exactly, yes, the truth is that, yes, yes, it is admirable,
08:29it is admirable and well, I hope and God wants this to continue on this path, right?
08:34I hope so.
08:35Thank you Luis, I send you a huge hug for you and for your whole family.
08:38Thank you very much.
