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This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions, and today we’re taking a closer look at Immaculate Constellation.


00:00The report is quite extraordinary. It says that there is an unacknowledged special access
00:06program called Immaculate Constellation.
00:10Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're taking a closer look at Immaculate Constellation,
00:15an alleged beyond-top-secret US government program that could finally reveal all about
00:20alien life, UAP sightings, extraterrestrial visitations,
00:24and a whole host of other apparently unexplained phenomena.
00:28The burden is on Congress to protect these brave individuals who are understandably
00:34scared to go public because they have had their security clearances, their professions,
00:39and in some cases, according to some people, their lives threatened.
00:44As we barrel toward the end of 2024, it is, to say the least, a busy period in the United States.
00:51The election is making its mark on history as one of the most bitterly contested of all time.
00:56But while Kamala Harris and Donald Trump take lumps out of each other on the public stage,
01:00there are other potentially hugely significant stories taking shape in the background.
01:05Stories that really could alter the history not just of America, but of the entire world.
01:10And they're grounded in one two-word phrase, Immaculate Constellation.
01:15A two-word program popped up in the international media in the past couple of days,
01:20and there's a lot of speculation about who knew what and when.
01:24So how did we get here?
01:25The public perception of unidentified anomalous phenomena,
01:29otherwise known as UAP and formerly known as UFOs,
01:32has undergone a massive shift in recent years.
01:35First came the headline-grabbing leaked videos beginning in 2017.
01:40Then came official recognition of those videos and others,
01:43culminating in the Pentagon's preliminary assessment report on UAP,
01:47which was published in June 2021.
01:50The videos of mysterious airborne objects have captured the public's attention.
01:59That report was extremely brief and very lacking in substance, however.
02:04Many were dissatisfied until the spotlight fell on David Grush,
02:07who in 2023 testified before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
02:13Grush, a former high-ranking intelligence official,
02:16claimed, among other things, that the U.S. government or sections of it
02:20was maintaining a huge but entirely hushed up UAP program,
02:24which further involved the retrieval and reverse engineering
02:27of allegedly, quote, non-human technologies.
02:30You've said that U.S. has intact spacecraft.
02:35You said that the government has alien bodies.
02:37I have to be careful to describe what I've seen firsthand and not in this environment.
02:43For a short while, Grush's hearing was big news.
02:46But then the clamor disappeared, the excitement leveled off,
02:49and most media outlets went quiet on the issue.
02:52Fast forward to today, though, a little over one year post-Grush,
02:56and enter Michael Schellenberger.
02:58Schellenberger is a highly respected investigative journalist.
03:01He's worked on a wide variety of stories and issues during his career,
03:05often with a particular interest in uncovering and challenging hidden abuses of power.
03:10On October 8th, 2024, when he published a groundbreaking article,
03:14Schellenberger set his stall out against an alleged beyond-top-secret program
03:19called Immaculate Constellation.
03:21In his piece for Public and in subsequent interviews,
03:24Schellenberger claims to have met with another whistleblower from inside the U.S. government.
03:29As with Grush, the individual is said to be entirely credible.
03:33Although in order to protect his source, he gives no further information about them.
03:37I am in direct contact with the whistleblower.
03:40I have verified, I've interviewed the person several times.
03:45I have verified their credentials and who they are,
03:49either in government or as a government contractor.
03:53I'm not going to say which, just to keep the universe of potential positions large,
03:59as I'm also not revealing their gender or anything else about them to protect them.
04:03Importantly, Schellenberger does say that this person has written an extensive report to Congress
04:08after they came across proof of Immaculate Constellation, seemingly by accident.
04:13The claimant allegedly reveals that the program chiefly consists of a massive
04:17and until now unknown database of UAP sightings and records.
04:22The numbers involved are seemingly much higher than anything
04:25the U.S. intelligence community had previously revealed.
04:28The scope seemingly goes far beyond what even most of the U.S. government is aware of.
04:33Schellenberger highlights how he's especially concerned about the last part,
04:37because if true, it means that some sections of U.S. intelligence are effectively going rogue.
04:42They are manipulating and hoodwinking the system in order to withhold
04:46information from the government, which is very illegal.
04:49Your understanding is that Immaculate Constellation consists of the capability
04:55to detect, quarantine and transfer UAP and alien reproduction vehicle collection incidents
05:06before they are observed and circulated within the military intelligence enterprise,
05:12thus serving as a means of enforcing internal information security.
05:17More specifically, it's alleged that Immaculate Constellation
05:20is an unacknowledged special access program or USAP.
05:24Broadly, these are programs about which it actually is legally permissible
05:28for certain figures to deny knowledge if they're ever questioned in the public sphere.
05:33However, everyone working in and for the U.S. government is still constitutionally
05:38obliged to be straight with Congress, and at least with the highest-ranking
05:41select group of Congress, known as the Gang of Eight.
05:44There are laws in place to ensure that no one person or group can just make up their own rules,
05:50including in relation to USAPs.
05:52But with Immaculate Constellation, it's alleged that those laws have been broken.
05:57It's said that the UAP database is fed and managed and known of
06:01only by a small number of intelligence agents.
06:04It could be said that it's all handled entirely and truly off the record.
06:08So for me, this is first and foremost a story about abuses of power.
06:13You might think that what people are seeing, these UAPs are just new military craft,
06:20and it should be kept secret from the American people.
06:22That's fine if you think that.
06:24But they still are required by the Constitution
06:27to inform members of Congress about those programs.
06:30Beyond claims of an extensive UAP database, what else is being suggested?
06:35Another key term that features in the early reporting is alien reproduction vehicles, or ARVs.
06:41Although the history of this term is dubious even among ufologists,
06:45Schellenberger raises it in relation to his source specifically.
06:49Alien reproduction vehicle, I don't think I've ever...
06:52I'm not sure I've used that term before.
06:54It's obviously going to raise a lot of eyebrows,
06:56and I should stress that I'm not saying I know that they exist,
07:01or that I'm endorsing any other part of the things that have been said about that.
07:04But indeed, that is what this person has put in their report
07:09to members of Congress notifying them about this database.
07:12ARVs, if they exist, are U.S.-owned and operated machines or entities
07:17which run via non-human technology and or propulsion.
07:20The apparent allegation here is that there are people within the U.S. authorities
07:24who not only have knowledge of UAPs, but have also had access to them,
07:29and have been successful in reverse engineering them to their own needs.
07:33Again, it's suggested that all of that has happened,
07:35and perhaps has been happening for decades,
07:38without Congress ever having even an inkling of the truth.
07:41Schellenberger further reveals limited details about alleged specific events
07:45that are and were in some way recorded by the Immaculate Constellation program,
07:50according to his source.
07:51For example, in an interview on Reality Check with Ross Coulthard for NewsNation,
07:55he refers to a UAP encounter in which a U.S. F-22 fighter jet
08:00was suddenly surrounded by approximately three to six UAPs,
08:03at which point it's suggested that the UAPs showed aggression and domination
08:07in order to force the plane to change course.
08:09I mean, the first most obvious thing you're struck by with that particular case
08:15is that this technology or form of life or whatever it is,
08:22adversary, is demonstrating dominance.
08:25In another case, Schellenberger says that his source reports a glowing orange orb
08:29that was witnessed by multiple U.S. Navy personnel.
08:32It's said that once the orb had passed,
08:35they all described being left with a deep sense of unease within themselves.
08:39So I was impressed to see that that had been properly documented
08:45by whoever it was in the U.S. military that had done the interviews
08:50with the crew to describe these hypnotic effects.
08:53In the same interview, Schellenberger took aim at what he deemed to be
08:56a decades-long concerted effort by some arms of the U.S. government
09:00to ridicule UFO claimants in the past.
09:03It may be that this stance was initially designed purely
09:06to discredit those people via character assassination.
09:09But again, and as mentioned at the top of this video,
09:11the public view and mood has undergone a big shift in recent times.
09:16Nevertheless, Schellenberger is keen to stress
09:18how scared would-be whistleblowers often are.
09:21David Grush is on the record saying that people have been killed.
09:25I don't have evidence of that.
09:27I'm not, that's not my claim.
09:28I'm saying that's what he said.
09:29I've certainly seen other people say it.
09:31I did do a whole story last year on UAP witnesses
09:37and whistleblowers reporting threats, including death threats,
09:41not just in the United States but around the world.
09:43I find those witnesses credible.
09:46And while his article is predominantly based on a report
09:48submitted by just one unknown person,
09:51it's said that there are many, many similar cases,
09:54that there are multiple individuals with a similar story to tell
09:57having come across evidence of the Immaculate Constellation program
10:00in one way or another.
10:01But it fits into the parameters of the program that he describes
10:05is that this Immaculate Constellation uses a lot of different kind of platforms
10:11to collect UFO, USO, UAP type imagery
10:16and collates it into one place.
10:17Is that right?
10:19For Schellenberger, the fact that there is so much fear
10:22surrounding the question of whether they should or shouldn't speak out
10:25is another crucial takeaway from his investigation.
10:28He says that much more needs to be done by Congress
10:31to protect whistleblowers in general.
10:33The fear is so high that it's even been suggested
10:36that anyone who even searches the term Immaculate Constellation
10:39could find themselves under surveillance
10:41by the very same intelligence groups
10:43that are allegedly dodging Congress and breaking the law.
10:46Reacting to Schellenberger's article in an episode of their podcast Weaponized,
10:50Jeremy Corbell and specifically George Knapp
10:52further referred to keyword search analysis,
10:54which reportedly shows that the words Immaculate Constellation
10:58have only ever spiked once before.
11:00In and around the time that David Grush was first going public in 2023.
11:04Dig into looking for Google searches for that term.
11:07I've heard about it.
11:08Where it's popped up before.
11:10And it popped up when Dave Grush came forward.
11:12When he gave his testimony,
11:14suddenly the name of this Immaculate program,
11:16there's a spike.
11:17Immaculate Constellation.
11:19Yeah, Immaculate Constellation.
11:20There's a spike in Google requests under that term.
11:24Which is weird because Grush didn't mention it.
11:27The implication being that there was panic then
11:29directly relating to all the information that's now being leaked.
11:33And I remember hearing Chuck lean in real quiet.
11:35Like, he's a baller.
11:36Chuck, Chuck McCullough, he is a gangster, man.
11:39He just leaned in and be like, careful.
11:41Yeah, I know.
11:42Did you make that?
11:43We're on the two sides of them.
11:44It was amazing.
11:46Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
11:48and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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11:56make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
12:01As the stories surrounding Immaculate Constellation grow,
12:04it is a sure bet that this is a phrase that we'll all be noticing a lot more from now on.
12:09The long-awaited and delayed follow-up official UAP congressional hearings
12:13are now scheduled for mid-November 2024,
12:16shortly after the conclusion to and results of the U.S. election.
12:20It remains to be seen if further details regarding
12:23Schellenberger's whistleblower will come to light during those hearings.
12:26But for the watching world, for the growing numbers of people
12:30who are taking an increasingly active interest,
12:32this could be the time when the window to full disclosure finally gets fully opened.
12:37Right now, it's very real and people don't understand that.
12:41There is a program the government has hid from Senate,
12:44from Congress, from the Gang of Eight.
12:46It's called Immaculate Constellation and by the f***ing way,
12:49that's just top of the pyramid, big piece of the pie chart.
12:53There's more up there and there's a lot of constellations below.
