• 2 days ago
These TV shows let nonsense take over.


00:00From, ultimately, minor leaps in logic which have chipped away at fans ever since, to absolutely
00:05gigantic plot holes, ludicrous subplots, and everything in between, these moments represent
00:11TV at its most nonsensical throughout the last 12 months.
00:15I am Gareth, this is WhatCulture, and here are 10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense.
00:22Kami Gets Locked in the Fridge – The Bear The Bear's generally phenomenal second season
00:27concludes with an episode where Kami gets locked inside his restaurant's walk-in fridge,
00:32when the handle breaks off.
00:33It's a payoff to the fact that Kami has been meaning to get the handle fixed for a
00:37good while, yet being preoccupied with the restaurant's opening, he simply forgot to
00:41do it.
00:42These things happen, after all, except as many, many viewers pointed out following the
00:46episode's airing, every walk-in fridge installed at a restaurant will have a safety latch
00:51on the inside, allowing anyone potentially trapped inside to easily free themselves in
00:55the events of catastrophe.
00:57Yet for dramatic reasons, this is curiously ignored in the episode, which concludes with
01:02the staff bringing in power tools to effectively saw the door open.
01:06While the final moments of the episode show sparks flying inside the fridge as Kami waits
01:10to be freed, this itself doesn't make much sense either.
01:13All a handyman would need to do is remove the screws on the door's hinges in order
01:17to get him out.
01:18Granted, The Bear is a brilliant enough show, and categorically not a documentary, that
01:22it's easy to ignore most instances of dramatic license, though this one did feel more contrived
01:27than most.
01:28And with The Bear in mind, I want to know what your favourite show of 2023 was.
01:32If it wasn't The Bear, let me know what it is in the comments section down below.
01:37Jocelyn was in control the entire time – The Idol
01:40No TV show has proven quite so controversial this year as HBO's The Idol, which made
01:45troubling headlines months before its premiere due to extensive behind-the-scenes issues,
01:50resulting in a large bulk of the series being re-shot.
01:52It finally released to generally scathing reviews over the summer, despite some scattered
01:57praise for Lily Rosedette's performance as embattled pop star Jocelyn, yet ultimately
02:01saved its most WTF moment of all for the very last episode.
02:05Throughout the show, the audience is led to believe that Jocelyn has been ensnared and
02:09exploited by sleazeball nightclub owner Tedros, but the big twist reveals that this wasn't
02:14quite the truth.
02:15Rather, it's implied that Jocelyn has been lying about her late mother's abusive behaviour
02:19in order to trap Tedros and win the sympathy of her legion of fans, effectively allowing
02:24her to become the cult leader which Tedros has been painted as over the course of the
02:29It's an amusing idea which could theoretically come off as empowering for Jocelyn, yet given
02:33the overall storytelling deficiencies on offer here, it can't help but feel convoluted
02:37and manipulative in the worst way.
02:39If Jocelyn lied about being abused, it ultimately raises a ton more questions about the internal
02:44logic of both the story and Jocelyn herself, rather than merely inviting audiences to re-watch
02:50the series within an intriguing new context.
02:54Winston's Different Accent – The Continental From The World Of John Wick
02:57The Continental was a pretty good prequel to the John Wick movies, as long as you could
03:02get over the actually significant hurdle of accepting Colin Woodell in the role of a young
03:06Winston Scott, played so deliciously by Ian McShane in the films.
03:10This isn't so much a knock against Woodell's physical performance as it is his accent,
03:15which settles simply for broadly American, making it a far cry from McShane's more
03:19distinctive transatlantic twang, broached firmly between English and American.
03:24People certainly change a lot over 50 years, and that absolutely includes accent, but given
03:28that Winston resides in New York in both the movies and the prequel series, he doesn't
03:33really track that he sounds so different in the latter.
03:36Series director Albert Hughes did at least address the issue head-on in interviews, telling
03:40Gizmodo that they opted not to have Woodell simply imitate McShane's incredibly distinctive
03:45accent, but rather try to capture the essence of the man's character.
03:48All the same, it's immensely distracting when you start watching the show, and immediately
03:52places a barrier between the audience and their acceptance of this character as young
03:58Nobody Hates Ashley For The Bridge Stunt – Squid Game The Challenge
04:01Squid Game The Challenge had been the game show on everyone's lips for better or worse
04:05throughout the last few weeks of 2023.
04:08But the single moment that perhaps baffled fans more than any?
04:11The Ashley stunt on Glass Bridge.
04:14The Glass Bridge game saw contestants attempting to cross, you guessed it, a glass bridge,
04:18while picking the correct glass tile to stand on, one tile being sturdy, the other sending
04:23them falling hilariously through the floor.
04:25The 20 remaining players had 30 minutes to cross the bridge, with the group collectively
04:29agreeing to step on a single tile each, giving them a seemingly equally fair shot of making
04:35it to the end.
04:36This was all well and good, until Ashley refused to play ball and leaped to a tile, effectively
04:41holding the game up until Trey stepped up and took her place, ultimately leading to
04:45his elimination.
04:46Yet, in the wake of Ashley's decision, the episode shows the remaining contestants having
04:50strangely little ill will towards her, as proved confusing for large groups of viewers
04:55dumbfounded by her selfish choice.
04:57Furthermore, the fact that Mai was then villainised for nominating Ashley in the subsequent Die
05:01Test game comes across as further strange.
05:05Why wouldn't she nominate the person who wasn't being a team player?
05:08Fans have speculated that Netflix's manipulative editing may have been to blame here, because
05:12why else wouldn't the surviving contestants be absolutely fuming with Ashley?
05:18Skrull Roadie – Secret Invasion We probably could have just stopped at Secret
05:21Invasion with this one, given how much of the show's storytelling and character work
05:25felt inconsistent with established facts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
05:29But by far the most polarising aspect of the series was the Skrull Roadie debacle.
05:34In the season's fourth episode, it's revealed that Roadie is actually a female
05:38Skrull in disguise named Raava, with the real Roadie having been incarcerated by the Skrulls
05:43for an indeterminate period of time.
05:45Though the twist was certainly an interesting idea, the execution was way off.
05:50A big part of the problem?
05:51It was never clarified precisely when Roadie was first replaced, and when director Ali
05:55Saleem suggested that it occurred after Captain America Civil War, that only frustrated fans
06:02The idea that the Roadie we saw mourning Tony Stark in Avengers Endgame was a doppelganger
06:06robs that moment of its emotional power and just leaves a massively sour taste.
06:11That's without even getting into the many nitpicky reasons why the MCU actively contradicts
06:16the idea of Roadie being a Skrull for many years.
06:20Stupid stuff.
06:21And just a quick one to say thank you for checking out this video today, you lovely
06:25And if you're enjoying yourself then tap on that subscribe button and enjoy more What
06:28Culture Goodness.
06:30Nate and Jade's Romance – Ted Lasso
06:33Ted Lasso's third season made a number of head-scratching creative decisions which majorly
06:37divided fans.
06:39But perhaps the oddest of the lot?
06:40Shoehorning in a romance between Nate and Jade, the stern hostess at Nate's favourite
06:46restaurant, A Taste of Athens.
06:48Despite Jade showing no romantic interest whatsoever in Nate, and even appearing to
06:52have considerable dislike for him whenever he visits the eatery, midway through the season
06:56the pair rather suddenly develop a bond and become lovers.
07:00If the writers were going for an opposite-to-track dynamic, it didn't really work because they
07:04never showed us why Jade would change her mind about Nate.
07:08And more to the point, Jade is so underdeveloped as a character that she ends up feeling more
07:12like a prop for Nate's own agency than a genuine person in her own right.
07:16As a result, the whole set-up felt incredibly forced, with the writers apparently believing
07:20that Nate's redemption arc absolutely needed a romantic component in order to fully succeed.
07:30Though the second season of And Just Like That marked a decent dramatic improvement
07:35in a number of ways, it all came hilariously crashing down in the season's final episode,
07:40just as Carrie seemed destined to get to her happily ever after again with old flame Aiden.
07:45In the latter half of the season, Carrie and Aiden decide to move in together, with Carrie
07:50finally moving out of her beloved apartment into a lush house.
07:53But a major spanner is thrown in the works in the final episode, when Aiden's 14-year-old
07:58son Wyatt crashes his truck in a DUI accident.
08:01This causes Aiden to realise that his sons need him, and so he tells Carrie he can't
08:05move in with her, instead deciding to head back to Virginia to look after his kids.
08:09But that's not quite the end for the pair.
08:12They agree to a five-year relationship pause, by which time Aiden's kids will be over
08:16the age of 18 and he claims he'll return to Carrie.
08:19Beyond being a pathetically transparent way to drag out the series' drama, just when
08:23Carrie had a happy ending in sight, this was so ridiculous that some fans quite understandably
08:29believe that Aiden hatched the whole scheme as a means of punishing Carrie for her cheating
08:33on him during their initial relationship decades prior.
08:36And even if you don't buy into that theory, it's completely absurd.
08:40No 50-something person is wasting five years of their romantic life waiting on the hook
08:44for their beloved, and to even ask someone to do that is just maddening.
08:483. The Noticeably Aged Cast – Sex Education
08:52Sex Education is a wonderful comedy series, which had an, uh, less-than-wonderful conclusion.
08:58Though the primary issues were creative ones, many fans also couldn't help but point out
09:02the distractingly large chasm between the ages of the central characters and the actors
09:07playing them.
09:08This isn't a new issue for any TV show centred around school or college-age characters, yet
09:12given that Sex Education's four seasons were released over almost five years and yet
09:17covered just two years of narrative time, it's little surprise that actors' ages
09:22began to lose credibility.
09:23The most egregious examples among the cast are 30-year-old Kuti Gatwa, 29-year-old Amy
09:29Lou Wood, 28-year-old Kadar Williams-Sterling, 27-year-old Emma Mackey and Connor Swindles,
09:35and 25-year-old Mimi Keen.
09:37It simply wasn't easy to accept that these performers were still playing teenagers in
09:41And while there's little practically that can really be done about it – horrid digital
09:45de-aging be damned – it is nevertheless something that ultimately became tough to
09:51Everything About Amanda Hijack
09:52Apple's Idris Elba-starring thriller series, Hijack, was a pretty taut and entertaining
09:57ride for the most part, though took a wild left turn in its penultimate episode.
10:02The show takes place on a hijacked passenger plane during its flight from Dubai to London
10:06in more-or-less real-time, and at the end of episode six, one of the plane's largely
10:11unseen passengers, Amanda, suddenly pulls out a gun, executes the plane's pilot, and
10:16locks herself inside the cockpit.
10:19The final episode subsequently reveals that the hijacking was arranged to crash the stock
10:23of the plane's airline, Kingdom Air, because with the villains' short-selling against
10:27the stock, they stood to profit from the company's stock price plummeting.
10:30As for Amanda, she's blackmailed into flying the plane in order to prevent the bad guys
10:34from killing her daughter.
10:36And though she initially believes she needs to crash the plane into London in order to
10:39secure her daughter's safety, she's eventually persuaded against it by negotiator Sam.
10:44Moreover, Amanda rather conveniently secures an agreement with the authorities that she
10:48won't be arrested upon landing the plane, and indeed, she simply goes free at show's
10:54There's just so much silliness here.
10:55First, did Amanda really need to shoot the pilot dead rather than simply disable him?
11:00And secondly, would the cops really honour a flimsy immunity agreement?
11:03Nothing was signed, and considering she both murdered a man and almost killed hundreds
11:07of people by crashing a plane, would anyone really care if they swiftly reneged on it?
11:13Freddy Gets Smart When He Gets Drunk – Frasier
11:15Now, to be completely fair to the recently-concluded Frasier revival, it was actually a good deal
11:19better than most were expecting, especially considering the absence of Frasier's brother
11:25But the series did occasionally get a little too sitcom-y for its own good, as evidenced
11:29by its eighth episode, where it's revealed that whenever Frasier's firefighter son
11:33Freddy gets drunk, he ditches the working-class facade he adopts in order to fit in with
11:37his co-workers and gets incredibly erudite, pontificating on highfalutin subjects, much
11:43to his colleagues' amusement.
11:44It's certainly a fun idea, albeit one that's shown a little too cartoonishly in the episode,
11:50as if to suggest that poor Freddy has quite literally sublimated his real personality
11:54when sober and is basically playing a character for most of his right-minded life.
11:59It's more depressing than funny, honestly, and stretches the credibility of his character
12:03close to snapping point, especially as this revelation is rather soundly ignored in the
12:07series' two remaining episodes.
12:10How strange.
