• 5 hours ago
00:51We know that the Jewish people did not believe Jesus,
00:56that Christians are convinced that He is the Son of God,
01:00and that for many centuries the Christian Church
01:04has held the guilt of the crucifixion of Jews
01:07and the persecution of Christians
01:10precisely because of the crucifixion of Jesus.
01:34Jesus of Nazareth was indeed a Jew.
01:37We remember from the Scriptures that He was the Kibbitz Jew
01:40and on His cross it was also written
01:43This is Jesus of Nazareth, the Jewish King.
02:06And it was clear to me from the Scriptures
02:08that we live in times
02:11in which the prophets said in many places in the Old Testament
02:15and also as it was prophesied in the Book of Romans
02:19that God would start to bring Israel back to the world,
02:24that Israel was only put to the side for a period of time,
02:29and that the salvation went out to the world
02:32shortly after the Holocaust
02:34when Israel was the closest to total destruction
02:39that the whole nation of Israel was destroyed
02:42just at that time God had ordained from the death
02:47a resurrection of the nation in the land of Israel.
02:51The people had not spoken Hebrew for almost 2,000 years
02:54when the land was wilderness
02:57and we read in the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah
03:01and different places
03:03that God brought Israel back to the land
03:07from among a hundred different nations.
03:10It's a miracle.
03:12And I understood it for the first time in my life
03:15even though I was raised in a Jewish environment
03:18and I always loved this country
03:20but I had no spiritual understanding of God's plan
03:23in this whole process of bringing Israel back.
03:26I understood that this is the fulfillment of the promises
03:29of the end time
03:31and that finally the Jews who come to come
03:35God will bring them back home
03:38not only to this land
03:41but home to Jesus who is the Messiah of Israel.
04:06This was a very, very deep revelation
04:08when I perceived the connection
04:10between Jesus and the Jewish nation.
04:13And I understood that the true faith of Israel
04:17that God promised was the new covenant
04:20that Jesus had made.
04:35The Messiah of Israel
04:53The Messianic Jews living in Jerusalem
04:56are part of a movement
04:58called the Messianic Jewish Movement.
05:01It has its roots in the 1st century
05:04in the apostolic times
05:06when the first believers
05:08remained in the teaching of the apostles
05:10in community, in breaking the bread and in prayer.
05:31Salaam, L'chaim
05:38Salaam, L'chaim
05:48Hashem Shalom
05:50Hashem Shalom
05:55Salaam, L'chaim
06:02Salaam, L'chaim
06:14If we look into the early history of the church
06:18we see that in the year 135
06:21there was the final destruction of the city of Jerusalem.
06:25The temple was destroyed in the year 70
06:28and then the final destruction was in the year 135
06:32under the time of the emperor Hadrian.
06:37From that point on
06:39the Jews were no longer allowed into Jerusalem.
06:42The name of Jerusalem was changed to Elia Kapitolina
06:45and the name of the land of Israel was changed to Palestine.
06:49Before that all the bishops of the church in Jerusalem
06:53had been Jews
06:55and the Jews had become non-Jews.
06:58A gap had deepened between the non-Jewish church
07:01and the entire heritage of Israel and the Jewish roots.
07:05We see this today in the entire Christian church
07:09and that is why it is so difficult for Christians to understand
07:13that a Jew can believe in Jesus and remain a Jew.
07:19We want to be the light that the people of Israel draw to Him
07:22but through your presence in our midst, Lord God
07:25you are the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
07:28Hallelujah, Father.
07:30We ask that the people of Israel turn to you, Lord God, for peace
07:33that the people of Israel turn to you, Lord God, for knowledge
07:36to receive wisdom.
07:38I was born in 1945 in New York.
07:42I was raised as a Jew
07:44but the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
07:48We believed that Jesus had something to do with the Roman Catholic Church
07:52but that He had nothing to do with us if we were Jews.
07:56One day I saw a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
08:00Jesus, Yeshua and His disciples
08:03were celebrating the last supper, the Jewish Passover.
08:08And I asked myself the question
08:10what is Yeshua doing celebrating the Jewish Passover?
08:15And so I began to read the New Testament.
08:18The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 1, verse 1
08:22where it says, This is the genealogy of Jesus Christ,
08:25son of David, son of Abraham.
08:29I was stunned.
08:31I was shocked.
08:34Jesus, son of David, son of Abraham.
08:39And suddenly I realized that Jesus was a Jew.
08:43For the first time in my life
08:45I began reading the New Testament with great interest
08:48because I realized that it was a Jewish book.
08:51At the account of the crucifixion
08:53God began deeply penetrating into my Jewish soul.
08:58When Jesus was crucified
09:00above His head was nailed to the cross
09:04the accusation in Latin is Inri
09:09and in Hebrew it's Zehu Yeshua Melech HaYehudim
09:13This is Jesus, King of the Jews.
09:16And I couldn't understand why they had written
09:18This is Jesus, King of the Jews.
09:21I thought to myself
09:23why didn't they write
09:25This is Jesus, the false messiah
09:27or This is Jesus, the false prophet.
09:30But no, they wrote
09:32This is Jesus, King of the Jews.
09:35It began to go through a Jewish identity crisis.
09:38In my Jewish soul and in my Jewish body
09:41I couldn't understand
09:44the 1900 years of Jewish history
09:47of the rejection of the Messiah Jesus
09:50and the 1900 years of Christianity
09:53and the persecution of the Jews in the name of Jesus
09:56and the paradox
09:58how could the God of the Christians
10:01be the King of the Jews
10:04And as I was having this deep Jewish struggle in my soul
10:08the Holy Spirit came to my aid
10:11and began to reveal
10:14again to unveil
10:17so to speak the blindness
10:19that was upon my Jewish mind and heart
10:22and then in a moment of time
10:25I began to slowly recognize
10:28that Jesus was the promised Jewish Messiah
10:33Jesus was the promised Jew
10:36Jesus was the promised Jew
10:39Jesus was the promised Jew
10:42Jesus was the promised Jew
10:45Jesus was the promised Jew
10:48Jesus was the promised Jew
10:51Jesus was the promised Jew
10:54Jesus was the promised Jew
10:57Jesus was the promised Jew
11:56I was born in Israel
11:59I am a Jewish Israeli
12:02I came to faith where I came to believe in Jesus
12:06in 1970
12:09It was in Holland
12:12and it was really by a supernatural experience
12:16that happened to me that I became a believer
12:20You know for an Israeli
12:23to become a believer in Jesus the Messiah
12:26to become a believer in Jesus the Messiah
12:30it is not something very easy
12:33it is not something that you just decide
12:36before you think
12:39well, you know, it looks nice
12:42let's go for it, let's be a believer
12:45and you know
12:48I was brought up this way
12:51that Jesus is
12:54God or Christian Messiah
12:57has nothing to do with Israel
13:00and only
13:03such an experience that I had
13:06could lead me to faith in Jesus
13:09which we call in Hebrew Yeshua
13:12which we call in Hebrew Yeshua
13:15You can't describe that spiritual experience
13:19that takes place in words
13:22I had a revelation
13:25that I could never forget
13:28There were some revelations that I received
13:31that I should go back to Israel
13:34and preach the Gospel of the King of God
13:37to these people
13:40We have to understand that we have the Bible
13:43the Word of God
13:46which is the prophetic Word
13:50People just don't understand
13:53and they think, well, you know, everything is false
13:56and that's because they don't read the Bible
13:59When they're in the Bible
14:02they can see that God is in power
14:05and that He is in control
14:08over this world
14:11So, praise God
14:14and I'm so thankful to God
14:17for this important part in this plan
14:20which is the conversion of the Jewish people
14:23through the knowledge of Jesus
14:26Yeshua, the Messiah
15:17I think it's important to say
15:20that Jesus didn't really come here
15:23to give us religion
15:26Jesus really came to give us
15:29the forgiveness of our sins
15:32to give us a whole new life
15:35so that every man
15:38whoever he is
15:41can really know
15:44the love of God
15:47not just through his mind
15:50but to have a real personal encounter
15:53with the love of God
16:14Yeshua, Yeshua
16:21Anu Yishtachavim Lefanecha
16:28Yeshua, Yeshua
16:35Anu Yishtachavim Lefanecha
16:43The moment I came to faith
16:46the moment this interaction
16:49I had with Yeshua
16:52something happened to my eyes
16:55I don't know how to describe it
16:58It happened to me at night
17:01but the next morning when I woke up
17:04I went outside
17:07I remember looking up at the sky
17:10and I saw colors that I had never seen before
17:13I saw beauty for the first time in my life
17:19How am I going to express that?
17:22I grew up in a Jewish community
17:25I had everything
17:28but the one thing that I saw
17:31that I was missing was love
17:34because in the world of the rich
17:37I never quite experienced it
17:40It was a kind of a longing inside me
17:43this longing for love
17:46and this longing to get the right direction for my work
17:49for my painting
17:52A friend of mine who had come to me earlier
17:55invited me to a Bible study
17:58I was very, very moved and very excited
18:01and so about a week later
18:04she and I got together
18:07and she confronted me and she said
18:10Pamela, there's only one way in this world
18:13and this way is Jesus
18:16You must accept Him as your Savior
18:19and this sounded so outrageous to me
18:22She was telling me this
18:25but something stirred inside me
18:28something so strong that I felt
18:31I felt pushed, actually
18:34and so then I returned, I think, three days later
18:37and she did something astounding
18:40which no one had ever done to me
18:43and my whole life she got down on her knees
18:46and she looked at me and she said
18:49Pamela, she was a very good friend of mine
18:52and she said, I really love you
18:55and she said, why don't you accept Jesus
18:58as your personal Savior
19:01and at this point when she told me
19:04that she really loved me
19:07I don't think I had ever heard that before
19:10and it just hit me so hard
19:13and the idea of Jesus as the other one
19:16just cut me right in half
19:19and at that moment in time
19:22I just had to say yes
19:26and so I said yes, I will
19:29and it was just like jumping off a cliff
19:32or taking a dive
19:35when you don't know where you're going to land
19:38that's what I did
19:41and the moment I said yes
19:44suddenly I was just filled
19:47with this sense of love and being love
19:50that I had never ever experienced before
19:54it was just like a rush of life coming into me
19:58and an awareness of the sense
20:01that this is Jesus
20:04who I really didn't know who He was
20:07He was alive and that He loved me
20:23And God began to pour out the Holy Spirit
20:26upon Jews like myself
20:29who came to believe in Jesus
20:32and let that Holy Spirit come inside of me
20:35so they are strong enough
20:38to believe in Jesus
20:41and they are strong enough
20:44to believe in Jesus
20:47and they are strong enough
20:50so they are strongly
20:53in attaining what is known as
20:56a Messianic or fulfilled Jew
20:59All the Jewish holidays
21:02took on great meaning and significance to me
21:05Jesus became the Lord of the Shabbat
21:08Jesus became the centre of the Passover
21:11as the lamb sacrificed for the sins of the world
21:14Jesus became the Lord who changed us
21:17Jesus became the Holy Spirit on Shavuot.
21:22Jesus became the one who we celebrate here in Israel.
21:47We celebrate the biblical feasts of the Old Testament as they are in Messiah.
22:12This is something that should have been taken out of church tradition unfortunately because the church chose not to identify itself with anything that is Jewish.
22:27But we remember that Jesus himself celebrated the Last Supper.
22:33And the communion service or the Eucharist service that is so central to the faith was actually the fulfillment of the Passover.
22:45We know that as the Passover lambs were being sacrificed, Jesus who is the Passover lamb, the true lamb of God, was identified to him from the very beginning.
23:01And so when the Passover comes, we celebrate the Passover with the Jewish people in the same site, with the Jewish people, but with the Messiah of Israel in the center.
23:31In the past, the Jews, if they wanted to follow Jesus, they had to follow the Messiah.
23:56In the past, the Jews, if they wanted to follow Jesus, they had to break all connections with the Jewish people, with the Jewish tradition.
24:05The Jews had to deny their Jewish identity and go over to the non-Jewish church.
24:12Today, a Jew who becomes a believer in Jesus, he remains a Jew.
24:18It's not that his life has changed from within.
24:21His inner life has completely changed.
24:23But our testimony to the Israelites is that this is the true faith of Israel.
24:30This is what God has promised from the very beginning to the Jewish people.
24:34And God requires a conversion of the heart.
24:38But he doesn't require us to become Gentiles or to become Catholics or to become Protestants.
24:45Apostle Paul said in Romans 11, when a Jew believes in Jesus, he is grafted back into his own olive tree.
24:55He is grafted into his true Godly inheritance, that is, into the Messiah.
25:01And as you know, the first believers were persecuted here in Jerusalem.
25:07Because the rejection of the Messiah of Jesus was the great national sin of Israel.
25:13That he came unto his own people and his own people did not receive him.
25:17We know that of course Jesus is the Messiah and there is no other Messiah other than Jesus.
25:23And there is no other way to be saved than through Jesus Christ and through his perfect work.
25:29There is no other way to be saved.
25:31There is no other way to be saved than through Jesus Christ and through his perfect work.
25:36There is no other way to suffer death on Golgotha.
25:39There are no two ways, one for the Jews and one for the Christians.
25:43There is only one way and that is Jesus.
25:46And one way is the Christians.
25:48I am the way and the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father other than through me.
26:01I am the way and the truth and no one comes to the Father other than through me.
26:07I am the way and the truth and no one comes to the Father other than through me.
26:13I am the way and the truth and no one comes to the Father other than through me.
26:19I am the way and the truth and no one comes to the Father other than through me.
26:25I am the way and the truth and no one comes to the Father other than through me.
26:50Even though we are part of the Universal Church, we are also part of the Universal Church.
26:56We are the bridge between Israel and the Church.
27:00We are also one of the keys to the unity of the whole Church.
27:04And also one of the keys to the unity of the whole Church.
27:08So that's why the Church is Jew and non-Jew.
27:20In a way it's been a very lonely walk for us here.
27:42For the most part the Jewish people do not understand us.
27:50Also in the Church it's been a lonely walk.
27:53Many Christians find it difficult to understand who we are.
28:01But walking with Jesus is the most wonderful thing there is.
28:12The Universal Church of Israel
28:22The Universal Church of Israel
28:32The Universal Church of Israel
28:52The Universal Church of Israel
29:12The Universal Church of Israel
29:32The Universal Church of Israel