• el año pasado
series en audio latino y subtitulado , peliculas en latino y subtitulado , animes en audio latino y subtitulado, dramas en latino y subtitulado , todo en latino y subtitulado #peliculaslatino ,#dramasenlatino #kdramas #doramas #animeslatino #doramasenlatino #kdramasenlatino , #kdramas


00:00:09Me viaje de cien dias
00:00:12Esta llegando a su fin
00:00:15Ahora respira hondo y no te pongas nervioso
00:00:22Lo hiciste bien junsoka
00:01:11Estoy nervioso hola hola adios
00:01:21No adios
00:01:25Que tal el dia por fin llego
00:01:32El cantante no va como estas buen día
00:01:35entonces dormiste bien
00:01:37regular supongo que debe ser más o menos no si exacto no has comido hola hola monsanto la moon
00:01:44ya tenías mucho aquí
00:01:50Vamos a comer que les parece
00:01:53El dia por fin llegó
00:01:56En serio crees que haga un buen trabajo y claro por supuesto oye calmate
00:02:02Que es lo que más te pone nervioso
00:02:06Yo también estoy nervioso de que estas nervioso de mi mismo
00:02:12No, pero estoy bien solo un poco ansioso y también me siento algo abrumado
00:02:18Y lloro cuando estoy entre grandes multitudes donde todos aplauden como en partidos o conciertos
00:02:24Me preocupa demasiado terminar llorando hoy pero no te reprimas
00:02:38Okay, bueno nosotros vamos a revisar el escenario
00:02:43Para asegurarme de que sea resistente y no se vaya a unir perfecto ya volvemos claro
00:02:50Estamos en el fondo del escenario o algo así
00:02:54Sabes que es ridículo el escena
00:02:57Dios en serio es tan hermoso wow
00:03:02Dios todo esto es absolutamente hermoso que maravilla
00:03:06Luz cuar es el lugar que verás
00:03:09Inmediatamente después de pasar por el túnel uno de nada claro dios mil asientos en la casa wow que fuerte
00:03:18Y el balcón también se va a llenar hay 500 asientos aquí abajo y 500 allá arriba
00:03:22Wow en serio
00:03:24No tenía idea de que llegaríamos tan lejos tampoco verdad llevamos más de un año trabajando en este proyecto
00:03:31fundando juntos la empresa
00:03:33tantas dificultades y hoy todo es realidad
00:03:40Tu al inicio realmente pensaste que íbamos a llegar a este punto y que íbamos a dar un concierto para mil personas
00:03:47Claro con cinco canciones
00:03:49Si siempre y con todo y van de en vivo por supuesto con el álbum completo
00:03:54Así es que impactante las cosas suceden si confías ya se siente tan real todo esto es hoy y se siente como
00:04:02Si como si hubiera llegado muy rápido razón tú también estabas un poco nervioso y muy nervioso
00:04:08Sentí como si mi corazón fuera a estallar
00:04:11Si así estábamos tú y yo imagínate al pobre de yun sok
00:04:34Tenía nervios pero no podía dejar que me ganaran como para no poder hacer lo que había preparado
00:04:41hola hola hola hola
00:04:44Hola hola hola hola hola hola
00:04:51Si primero revisemos el micrófono cuando estés listo ok
00:04:56La realidad me golpeó arriba del escenario solo podía pensar el día llegó
00:05:021 2 3
00:05:04Con qué canción deberíamos empezar
00:05:08Voy a empezar con champagne déjame conectar la guitarra y empezamos
00:05:12Ese fue mi último ensayo así que quería mostrar todo lo que había practicado
00:05:19Bueno listo baja la intensidad listo comenzamos
00:05:30En su vida
00:05:42Esa que pasa de una matrix y tamas y meonada jimmy hendricks
00:05:47Wednes morgue hoja neta me mametama no Tetris con cuque hana matrix creo que puedes darme un poco más de volumen
00:05:55Si un poco más
00:05:57Quiero escuchar todo con claridad le pueden subir un poco más a la banda solo un poco si los instrumentos
00:06:09Vamos había alguna otra cosa que quisieras revisar todo estuvo bien excelente muchas gracias vuelvo en un rato
00:06:18Cuando terminó el ensayo no dejaba de pensar ahora todo lo que queda es esta actuación
00:06:28Voy a elegir mi ropa peinar me y maquillar me
00:06:53Si empiezas a ponerte nervioso después de tomar la guitarra es probable que cometas errores
00:07:00tienes que tener tu mente en calma
00:07:12Atrás no puse nada, okay
00:07:35Ha ha ha
00:07:37Te ves fabulosas si llegó el gran día
00:07:39Diste peso creo que sí un poco tal vez todos me lo dicen ya comiste algo si siempre me doy el tiempo para eso
00:07:46La comida es importante no sé si a todos verdad ya los conozco del equipo
00:07:51Oigan me encantó el vídeo los felicitó a todos les encantó el vídeo musical dios hemos hablado mucho de eso
00:07:59Los vemos tan pronto por favor de en su prisa gracias voy a dar lo más exito
00:08:08Young sheen está aquí hola que gusto
00:08:12todo listo
00:08:14lograste terminar todo en tan poco tiempo pues si lo logré supongo que hice lo mejor que
00:08:20yo espero
00:08:23Mucho voy a dar lo suerte gracias
00:08:25Ya puedo ir a mi asiento ya
00:09:23Ya casi tenemos cinco
00:09:31Ya es hora tú puedes o que yo puedo puedes
00:09:38Que lejos
00:09:40Hemos llegado
00:09:43Ya era hora de mostrar lo que preparé estos 100 días sentí
00:09:48las piernas débiles cuando salí supongo que estaba nervioso
00:09:59Cuando estaba detrás del escenario antes de hacer mi entrada fue cuando me sentí más nervioso
00:10:14Digo si estoy tan nervioso quiero ir la reacción
00:10:18finalmente se sintió real
00:10:20finalmente comenzó
00:10:22Era la primera aparición estaba nervioso por cómo lo irían a recibir
00:10:28Estaba a punto de enfrentarme al público cuando se levantó el telón ese pensamiento me golpeó de repente
00:10:38Cerra los ojos y respire profundo
00:11:52You were the one who believed in me
00:11:57There's only one thing I want
00:12:01I dream of eternal happiness
00:12:06It doesn't have to be fancy
00:12:09It doesn't have to be like a dream
00:12:11All I need is you
00:12:16Don't worry
00:12:18I will never forget this moment
00:12:25So that your smile in my arms
00:12:31Will never lose its light
00:12:35Cause your love is so sweet
00:12:37You are my everything
00:12:40On the first night, I'm drenched in sweet dreams
00:12:45I'm not saying anything
00:12:47I won't change
00:12:50I will only look at you
00:13:00Even if I lose everything
00:13:04I won't regret
00:13:07Only for you
00:13:10With unchanging love
00:13:14All I ever want is
00:13:21Your love
00:13:40Hi, I'm Cho Jung Seok
00:13:45And somehow I ended up here
00:13:49Releasing my first album
00:13:52Yeah, well
00:13:54What I was saying to everyone around me
00:13:58While I was writing these songs was
00:14:00Hey, can I borrow your ears, please?
00:14:05I want to introduce you to the two people
00:14:07Who were closest to me
00:14:09Thank you for all your support
00:14:12They are the staff of the agency
00:14:14Of the singer Novato
00:14:16You probably already know them
00:14:18Come on in
00:14:21Yes, hello, how are you?
00:14:23It's a pleasure to be here
00:14:25Hello, how are you?
00:14:26The CEO of Yoonsang Productions
00:14:28The company that promotes this Novato
00:14:32It's a pleasure to meet you all
00:14:34We brought you some beautiful gifts
00:14:36What a joy
00:14:37Hello, hello
00:14:38How beautiful
00:14:39Yes, yes
00:14:41You can use it in the bathroom
00:14:43Hello, hello
00:14:44If you need someone to use this, please
00:14:46Thank you
00:14:47Yes, thank you, thank you
00:14:48How are you doing?
00:14:50Tell us
00:14:51I'm very handsome, Sang Hoon
00:14:55God, that's amazing
00:14:56Wait, Sang Hoon
00:14:58It looks like you're more popular than me
00:15:01Let's sit down
00:15:03Let me tell you a little bit about our agency, okay?
00:15:06It only exists for Cho Yoonsuk, the singer Novato
00:15:09We help him write songs
00:15:11We promote him a lot
00:15:12And besides that, we take care of his mental health
00:15:15I love you, Yoonsuk
00:15:17So this album has to work well
00:15:20We put all our effort into these songs
00:15:23Please, give them love
00:15:27Show them your love and support
00:15:29Now that you're listening to the album
00:15:31Don't you want to know more about the songs of the Novato Yoonsuk?
00:15:35Do you want to know more?
00:15:37Suddenly, I'm also getting nervous
00:15:39Let's start now with the showcase of our dear Yoonsuk
00:15:44Tell us about the first song
00:15:46The first song is called Loving For You
00:15:51Loving For You
00:15:52I think you'll like how this song represents my first appearance
00:15:57As a Novato singer in the middle
00:16:00I hope you like it
00:16:02It's exciting, isn't it?
00:16:05And for the first song of the Novato
00:16:08Tell us
00:16:09Can you lend us your ears?
00:16:21It was the first time I was going to play a song of mine in public
00:16:25I was more nervous than ever
00:16:28I was so nervous that I couldn't feel my hands
00:16:31And my lips turned purple
00:16:43His voice sounded wonderful, didn't it?
00:16:45Yes, it was wonderful
00:16:46The standard of Yoonsuk
00:16:48I liked it a lot
00:16:49I liked it
00:16:50It was the first song I did
00:16:52I wanted to convey my feelings perfectly
00:16:58I can do it
00:16:59Yes, I can
00:17:22I can do it
00:17:23Yes, I can
00:17:52Like the sun in the sky
00:17:55You warmly embraced me
00:17:59I will always be your light
00:18:02You and I, loving for you tonight
00:18:07The day I was with you
00:18:11I waited for a long time and my heart fluttered
00:18:17I love you, my love
00:18:21I will protect you forever
00:18:25For you
00:18:36My heart for you is forever
00:18:43Like the sun in the sky
00:18:46You warmly embraced me
00:18:50I will always be your light
00:18:53You and I, loving for you tonight
00:18:58The day I was with you
00:19:02I waited for a long time and my heart fluttered
00:19:07I love you, my love
00:19:11I will protect you forever
00:19:15For you
00:19:17I'm going crazy
00:19:20At this moment
00:19:25My body is running to you
00:19:28It's flying
00:19:35You and I, loving for you tonight
00:19:40I only need you
00:19:44You were my angel from the beginning
00:19:49I love you, my love
00:19:53I will protect you forever
00:19:57For you
00:20:11Thank you very much
00:20:14Thank you
00:20:22Thank you
00:20:24That was a song about the emotion of first love
00:20:28Something that many of us here have felt before
00:20:31I hope you can listen to this song comfortably
00:20:35While you remember your first love
00:20:38And to sing the next song
00:20:41I need my guitar
00:20:44My manager and my uncle will take care of it
00:20:48Here it is
00:20:49The guitar is here
00:20:50They do this because they adore me
00:20:53So thank you
00:20:54So, all good?
00:20:56It seems that there are many people who are satisfied and happy
00:21:00Thank you, really
00:21:01I told you you could trust me
00:21:04Hey, can you do it for me?
00:21:07And I wish the band a lot of success
00:21:12As this is my first album
00:21:14I wanted to offer something that was more varied
00:21:18So I decided to try with a new genre
00:21:21This song is called Like Movie Like Music
00:21:28This song was the one that worried me the most
00:21:31Because there I play the guitar and rap
00:21:33Although rap is short, it was my first time
00:21:36I thought, I can't make a mistake
00:21:39But it calmed me to remember that there was also Dynamic Duo
00:21:46We want to give a great presentation
00:21:48Presenting a song is always stressful
00:21:52Performing a song for the first time is quite delicate
00:21:57It requires extra concentration
00:22:00Dynamic Duo
00:22:09Like Movie Like Music
00:22:39Like Movie Like Music
00:22:40Like Movie Like Music
00:22:41Like Movie Like Music
00:22:42Like Movie Like Music
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00:32:49Muchas gracias
00:32:53Bien hermano
00:32:55Los mejores
00:32:57Es una locura
00:32:59Estás tan cabrón
00:33:00Tú puedes
00:33:01Buna suerte
00:33:04Yoon Seok lo está haciendo muy bien
00:33:06y fue increible para nosotros ser parte de este primer álbum
00:33:10Yo sabía que lo íbamos hacer funcionar
00:33:12pero no pensé que lograríamos algo tan completo
00:33:15I thought we were going to hang out and have fun but once I met him, I realized that he took this quite seriously.
00:33:21He is a person very passionate about music and has a lot of talent.
00:33:25Until today you had only sung songs of others, but from today I hope you sing more of your own songs.
00:33:32Now you are a singer-songwriter.
00:33:35After seeing Dynamic Duo act, I thought it should be a great job to keep the vibe.
00:33:40The next song was Champagne.
00:33:42That was also the premiere of the music video that Kyung Ho made.
00:33:45And I didn't know how people were going to respond.
00:33:48Please, please be surprised by this.
00:34:10It's so cool
00:34:42Oh my god
00:39:07Gracias, gracias a todos.
00:39:09La canción que acaban de escuchar se titula Champagne.
00:39:12¡Me encanta!
00:39:14¿En serio?
00:39:18Esta canción es para quienes tienen a alguien a quien aman.
00:39:21Una canción que brinda consuelo
00:39:23al decir después de un día tan complicado,
00:39:25estás hermosa y maravillosa.
00:39:27Espero que mientras escuchen la canción
00:39:29dejen de lado las dificultades
00:39:31y que les dé algo de consuelo.
00:39:35Además, vieron un pequeño video
00:39:37antes de que cantara la canción, ¿recuerdan?
00:39:40Ese es porque esta canción tiene videoclip.
00:39:43Un querido director novato
00:39:45ayudó a dirigir mi primer video musical.
00:39:48Por favor, denle mucho amor y mucho apoyo.
00:39:52Ahora, permítanme hacer una salida rápida
00:39:56para lo que sigue.
00:40:35¿Qué estamos haciendo?
00:40:47Bueno, sé que hacer un álbum es bastante duro
00:40:51porque ya he pasado por eso varias veces.
00:40:54Sé que esto no es nada sencillo,
00:40:56pero quiero felicitarte, amigo.
00:40:59I think we all benefit a lot that your voice can come out to the world in this way, Junseok.
00:41:05You did a great job. Congratulations.
00:41:08I think the stories that the musician Choi Junseok is going to tell on stage are very valuable as everyone is waiting for it.
00:41:18He is sharing with you a dream that he had for a long time, making this very valuable. Good luck.
00:41:28Oh my God, singer Novato Junseok. First of all, congratulations on this great dream come true.
00:41:35I did not expect you to make such a wonderful album.
00:41:41And also in such a short period, I never imagined that I would have an opportunity like this.
00:41:48You are amazing.
00:41:53I'm so happy.
00:41:56I hope you always remember this experience with affection.
00:42:01I'm sorry I couldn't help you more.
00:42:07Good luck.
00:42:19What a pleasure to be here.
00:42:26What a pleasure to be here.
00:42:29They screamed so loud.
00:42:55Even when I'm drunk, my eyes tell me
00:43:06It's passing by like the wind
00:43:13I hope it's not fate
00:43:19I couldn't say it first like a fool
00:43:28I couldn't know
00:43:35You are my everything
00:43:40In the fate that pours like rain
00:43:47I met a person called you
00:43:52In my stopped heart
00:43:59Only one love
00:44:04You are my everything
00:44:10My love that couldn't even start
00:44:16Now I can say
00:44:19It's a miracle that no one can forget
00:44:25You are my everything
00:44:30My love is you
00:44:37Even if the seasons change
00:44:41In my stopped heart
00:44:48Only one love
00:44:53You are my everything
00:45:16Thank you very much.
00:45:18Oh my God, my mentor.
00:45:21Oh my God, my mentor.
00:45:23Thank you, thank you.
00:45:24You are a very polite person.
00:45:26Formally greet the audience.
00:45:28Hello everyone, I'm Gomi.
00:45:29I've been singing for a long time.
00:45:31What a pleasure to be here.
00:45:32Today we have a superstar here.
00:45:35If you think about it, you were always by my side
00:45:38while I was writing these songs.
00:45:41Yes, it's true.
00:45:42I've always known that he was the one
00:45:45who took music very seriously.
00:45:47But through this opportunity,
00:45:49I discovered that he really is a great songwriter.
00:45:52What song did you like the most?
00:45:54Oh, it's hard to choose just one.
00:45:57No, I can't, listen.
00:45:59It's just that each one has its own story.
00:46:01And there are many that made me cry
00:46:03while I was listening to them.
00:46:05Oh no.
00:46:06There were several like that.
00:46:08They just started and made me cry.
00:46:10You two talk like this at home.
00:46:14Yes, almost always.
00:46:15You drive me crazy.
00:46:16But what he told me the most while he was making this album
00:46:19lend me your ears.
00:46:23Gijon, Gijon, do you have a second?
00:46:25How did you feel with so much insistence?
00:46:27A little stressed, to be honest.
00:46:29He told me that too many times.
00:46:33Have you considered releasing a song
00:46:35with Cho Jung Seok, the new singer?
00:46:38God, it's so exciting, right?
00:46:40Yes, a lot.
00:46:41We've always talked about that.
00:46:43We said,
00:46:44if we find a story that can connect with people,
00:46:47we shouldn't let the opportunity to tell it go to waste, right?
00:46:50Besides, I know very well how talented the new singer is.
00:46:54I should ask him to do a duet.
00:46:56Okay, okay.
00:46:57Well, from one singer to another,
00:46:59let's forget that I am your apprentice and that you are my teacher.
00:47:02Can I ask you a favor?
00:47:04Here and now.
00:47:06What a daring newbie.
00:47:08He's not so new anymore, right?
00:47:09That's right.
00:47:10He's such a gentleman.
00:47:11You can see it in his eyes.
00:47:13It's just that Gomi has a song in her last album
00:47:15where I played the guitar.
00:47:17Could you sing that song here today
00:47:19while I accompany you on the guitar?
00:47:22A fragment.
00:47:23That's incredible.
00:47:24Would you like to sing a fragment for us
00:47:26and I'll accompany you?
00:47:27Are you serious?
00:47:28Are you going to accompany her on the guitar now?
00:47:30That's right, here and now.
00:47:31Oh, my God.
00:47:33The truth is, we didn't rehearse this.
00:47:37God, I think this is the first time we've seen this.
00:48:03Oh, my God.
00:48:33Oh, my God.
00:49:03Oh, my God.
00:49:33Oh, my God.
00:50:34That was the song from Gomi's 5th album.
00:50:37Thank you so much.
00:50:38Oh my God, thank you.
00:50:40I didn't know you would listen to it with so much attention.
00:50:43Thank you so much.
00:50:44Thank you so much.
00:50:45We have to continue with our showcase,
00:50:48but we can't let Gomi leave like this, right?
00:50:53Should I sing another one?
00:50:55Thank you so much.
00:50:56I asked for the next song because it's my favorite,
00:50:59so I didn't want to miss the opportunity
00:51:02to sing it here today for you.
00:51:04Thank you all, really.
00:51:06Please, show all this support to our new singer.
00:51:12This is Childish Adult.
00:51:20Are you ready?
00:51:22Well, it's your turn to start the song.
00:51:27You have to do it right.
00:51:28One, two, three, four.
00:52:33I keep getting sick of it
00:52:37No matter how much I try to turn around
00:52:45The breakup a man gives me
00:52:50Always makes me cry
00:52:56The love that came out of curiosity
00:53:00Even if you leave me
00:53:04I want to forget about it
00:53:07And be loved again
00:53:11Like a good child
00:53:15I told you to listen well
00:53:19I told you to do whatever you want
00:53:23I keep getting sick of it
00:53:27No matter how much I try to turn around
00:53:35The breakup a man gives me
00:53:40Always makes me cry
00:53:46I don't believe in men
00:53:50I don't want a man
00:53:54Even if I try to comfort you
00:53:58I can't live without love
00:54:05I don't believe in men
00:54:08I don't want a man
00:54:10I don't want a man
00:54:13I don't want a man
00:54:15I don't want a man
00:54:17I don't want a man
00:54:22Say hi-yah
00:54:24Say hi-yah
00:54:26Say hi-yah
00:54:28Say hi-yah
00:54:29I can't hear you
00:54:31Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:54:40Oh, man
00:54:55Muchas gracias!
00:55:02Estaba tan nervioso.
00:55:04Ya duele la espalda?
00:55:05No, estoy bien.
00:55:06Gran trabajo.
00:55:07Buena suerte, Junsuk.
00:55:08Ah, éxito.
00:55:13Hola otra vez.
00:55:15Díganme, ¿se están divirtiendo?
00:55:18Bien, espero ser el único que esté así de nervioso.
00:55:21Ustedes relájense y disfruten.
00:55:23La siguiente canción es algo así como
00:55:25para alguna reunión divertida
00:55:27y entretenida con los amigos.
00:55:29Y la van a cantar junto conmigo.
00:55:33Con esta canción, ustedes y yo
00:55:35nos volvemos uno.
00:55:37Ayúdenme a cantarla.
00:55:39Sí, este es el momento de unirnos todos.
00:55:45De hecho, la gente va a un show a divertirse.
00:55:49Tener una canción divertida sería bueno.
00:55:51Nosotros consideramos indispensable
00:55:53tener una canción muy movida.
00:55:55No es lo mismo lo que la gente quiere escuchar en casa
00:55:59que lo que funciona en un espectáculo.
00:56:01Necesitas una.
00:56:02¿Tú crees?
00:56:03Por lo menos una de ese estilo.
00:56:05Pensé que sería algo bueno tener una canción alegre
00:56:08que pudiéramos cantar todos y también involucrar al público.
00:56:11Por eso, escribí esta canción.
00:56:16Esta es la canción alegre que estoy haciendo.
00:56:19Es buena.
00:56:20¿No la has terminado?
00:56:21¿En serio?
00:56:22Esa canción no estaba terminada,
00:56:24pero pensé que sería cautivadora.
00:56:26Todos van a corear la canción.
00:56:29Sí, como ni agitar banderas.
00:56:31Sí, algo así en festivales, ¿no?
00:56:38Solo canten lo mismo que yo.
00:56:46Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:56:52Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:56:58Les toca.
00:57:05Allá arriba.
00:57:06I love it, they are singing a song of mine. I don't know if this is a dream or if it's real. I can't believe all this is happening.
00:57:24Anyway, it seems like everyone is ready to sing, so let's start and do a good job together. The song is called Wild Wild East.
00:57:36Wild Wild East
00:57:41Wild Wild East
00:58:11Wild Wild East
00:58:16Wild Wild East
00:58:21Wild Wild East
00:58:26Wild Wild East
00:58:31Wild Wild East
00:58:36Wild Wild East
00:58:41Wild Wild East
00:58:46Let's go!
00:58:48Wild Wild East
00:58:54Wild Wild East
00:58:57Let's go!
00:58:58Wild Wild East
00:59:03Wild Wild East
00:59:08Wild Wild East
00:59:11Wild Wild East
00:59:38Wild Wild East
00:59:43Wild Wild East
00:59:46Wild Wild East
00:59:49Wild Wild East
00:59:52Wild Wild East
00:59:55That's it!
00:59:58Those palms!
00:59:59Wild Wild East
01:00:06The world I imagine with my eyes closed
01:00:13The traces of victory reflected in my heart
01:00:20The stories that everyone doesn't know
01:00:26The moment that shines
01:00:32Don't rest, run far away in the wind
01:00:35There are twelve bullets
01:00:38Don't get tired and go again
01:00:42My brilliant feeling
01:01:02Wild Wild East
01:01:05Wild Wild East
01:01:08Wild Wild East
01:01:28Yes. Oh my God!
01:01:31Oye, a ver, espera, tengo una pregunta.
01:01:33La letra decía doce balas.
01:01:35¿Fue una metáfora del ciclo del zodiaco chino?
01:01:38Es más bien una cita del almirante Yi Sun-Shin
01:01:42aún tengo doce barcos.
01:01:43Sí, así de simple.
01:01:45No importa lo cansado, fatigado y agotado que esté,
01:01:48todavía tengo conmigo un arma secreta que nadie conoce.
01:01:54En total doce.
01:01:56Y lo expresé en la letra con la frase de doce balas.
01:02:01Wow, avión significado profundo.
01:02:03Es toda la gente que trabajó muy duro
01:02:05para ayudar con este proyecto.
01:02:08De todos ellos, hay alguien a quien quiero mucho
01:02:10y quería aprovechar para decirle
01:02:12gracias por trabajar tan duro para ayudar
01:02:15con este proyecto, Moonsan Hoon.
01:02:19Gracias, estoy muy agradecido.
01:02:23San Hoon, amigo, tú ya lo sabes.
01:02:26¿Qué pasó?
01:02:27No, oye, pero...
01:02:29¡Fuiste un patán conmigo!
01:02:31Se van a divertir muchísimo
01:02:32cuando vean el programa en Netflix.
01:02:35Oye, casi me ahogo.
01:02:36¿Le atrajaste?
01:02:39Como sí, claro, yo hice todo.
01:02:41San Hoon nos apoyó económicamente
01:02:44y de todo corazón.
01:02:45Siempre cocinaba para nosotros.
01:02:47Siempre quiso alimentarnos de la comida de su hogar.
01:02:51Siempre quiso alimentarnos con la comida que hacía
01:02:54y que cocinaba con muchísimo cariño.
01:02:56Por eso lo queremos mucho.
01:02:59Sí, es verdad, sí.
01:03:03Pero no hay que entrar en esos detalles
01:03:05porque es muy vergonzoso.
01:03:08Lamentablemente, la siguiente es la última, ¿verdad?
01:03:10Sí, sí, ya es la última.
01:03:12Sí, lamentablemente, tiene razón.
01:03:13La última canción lleva el nombre de Take It Slow.
01:03:18La escribí mientras pensaba en mis amigos
01:03:20que han estado a mi lado desde mi adolescencia.
01:03:22Desde la adolescencia, cuando solo nos burlábamos.
01:03:26Luego nuestros veintes, cuando no sabíamos a dónde ir.
01:03:29Y ahora estamos ocupados viviendo nuestras propias vidas.
01:03:32Pero espero dar un paseo lento con todos.
01:03:51Esta canción, yo...
01:03:54Mientras escribí esta canción...
01:03:57¡No puedes!
01:04:00Bien, bueno, quería que pudieran sentir
01:04:03la misma emoción que yo sentí
01:04:06mientras la estaba escribiendo.
01:04:09Pero trato de explicarlo y se me hace un nudo en la...
01:04:14Está bien, sé que lo harás bien.
01:04:17La última canción es realmente hermosa.
01:04:19Junsuk también escribió la letra,
01:04:21así que les tocará el corazón.
01:04:23Prepárense para la última canción.
01:04:26Por favor, ve detrás del escenario y prepárate.
01:04:28Sí, claro.
01:04:30Tiene que interpretar
01:04:32una gran canción para el público, ¿verdad?
01:04:34Este cantante novato, Jo Junsuk,
01:04:37está debutando hoy aquí en el Blue Square.
01:04:40Estaba muy preocupado por Take It Slow,
01:04:42porque en una ocasión,
01:04:44mientras practicábamos con la banda,
01:04:46me ganó la emoción y me puse a llorar.
01:04:48Me atraganté y no pude cantar.
01:04:50Sí, creo que...
01:05:03Creo que estoy exactamente en esa edad.
01:05:08Llegó ese momento en el que pasamos los 40
01:05:13y hay un peso que soportar como cabeza de familia.
01:05:18Me acordé de mis amigos.
01:05:21Debe ser porque escribí esta canción
01:05:25con muchas cosas en la cabeza en ese momento tan complicado.
01:05:30Especialmente, me hace un nudo en la garganta.
01:05:34En la parte,
01:05:36correremos hacia un lugar que no conocemos.
01:05:39Eso me conmueve.
01:05:41Cuando la presenté,
01:05:44de pronto comencé a ahogarme de nuevo,
01:05:47pero tenía que sobreponerme para poder cantarla.
01:05:52No quería dañar el mensaje que debía transmitirles.
01:05:57No quería ahogarme y llorar.
01:06:00Tenía que hacerlo bien.
01:06:03Era una canción que quería interpretar al final.
01:06:06Quería transmitir estos sentimientos.
01:06:10Oigan, ¿se divirtieron en esta presentación
01:06:13del primer álbum de Junsuk?
01:06:16¿Se han estado divirtiendo?
01:06:19Entonces, disfruten, por favor, de la última canción.
01:06:23¿Nos prestan sus oídos?
01:06:26¿Me prestan sus oídos?
01:06:29¡Sí! ¡Bien! ¡Gracias!
01:09:35When you pass by, don't rush, take it slow
01:09:49Even if we part, even if we walk different paths
01:09:59When you pass by, don't rush, take it slow
01:10:15Let's take it slow
01:10:46I've always had this dream in my heart
01:10:49I felt like I just had a very happy dream
01:10:55I remember every moment
01:10:57All the musicians and the guests
01:11:01They went through my memories at that moment
01:11:07This was the showcase of Cho Jun Suk, the novice singer
01:11:11We have reached the end of the night
01:11:19Thank you very much
01:11:24Oh, that's right
01:11:25I forgot to tell you this
01:11:29I love you
01:11:30Finally, I realized when I closed that curtain
01:11:44That my 100-day journey came to an end
01:11:51And I'm happy about that
01:11:54Yes, when I saw the looks in the eyes of my audience
01:12:00The way they all connected with me while they listened
01:12:06It was beyond my imagination
01:12:08It was so wonderful
01:12:17Hey, Jun Suk, it didn't go so bad
01:12:20People did seem to like it
01:12:24I don't think it was that bad
01:12:27So please be brave and keep practicing like in the last 100 days
01:12:36Good job
01:12:37Thank you very much
01:12:38You were amazing
01:12:39You did very well
01:12:40You didn't cry, my God
01:12:41Until the end
01:12:42Great job
01:12:43All the people screamed here
01:12:45I'm very grateful to both of you, Sang Hoon
01:12:50I think we should be grateful to those who are close to us
01:12:53And I will always be deeply grateful to Sang Hoon
01:12:58Our beloved artist is here
01:13:00How are you?
01:13:01Our artist
01:13:02Our artist is here
01:13:04I also thank Moon Sang Hoon
01:13:06Hello, Moon Sang Hoon
01:13:07Oh my God, how are you?
01:13:08Nice to meet you
01:13:09It's a pleasure
01:13:10I really liked the lyrics
01:13:11I like it like this, I love it
01:13:13When it has lyrics, it's going to go crazy
01:13:16Yes, that sounds good
01:13:17They supported this novice singer at all times
01:13:24Another one, another one, another one
01:13:28Thank you very much for giving me these unforgettable memories
01:13:38Happy debut
01:13:41Happy debut
01:13:45Happy debut, dear Jun Seok
01:13:48Number one
01:13:49Happy debut
01:13:54Thank you, thank you, God
01:13:55Thank you, thank you
01:13:56Cho Jun Seok! Cho Jun Seok! Cho Jun Seok!
01:14:00Thank you for giving me such beautiful memories
01:14:02How nice
01:14:05Okay, thank you
01:14:06One, two, three
01:14:12I want to hit the slate for the last time
01:14:14From actor to singer-songwriter
01:14:16One, two, three
01:14:19Do you have a plan to release a second album?
01:14:22Second album?
01:14:24And a tour in Egypt later, right?
01:14:26My first album hasn't even come out
01:14:28I mean, what are you talking about?
01:14:31Maybe later
01:14:32In Egypt it's going to be a success
01:14:33May I?
01:14:34Yes, yes
01:14:35Thank you
01:14:36Yes, sure
01:14:37That's what I was saying
01:14:38Yes, Egypt
01:15:51Why have you arrived so early?
01:15:54What took you so long?
01:15:55Has something happened to you?
01:15:56Early this morning
01:15:59And this?
01:16:05You said you wanted...
01:16:10Let's cook something.
01:16:40I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:42I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:44I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:46I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:48I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:50I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:52I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:54I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:56I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:16:58I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:00I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:02I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:04I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:06I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:08I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:10I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:12I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:14I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:16I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:18I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:20I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:22I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:24I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:26I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:28I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:30I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:32I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:34I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:36I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:38I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:40I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:42I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:44I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:46I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:48I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:50I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:52I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:54I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:56I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:17:58I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:00I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:02I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:04I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:06I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:08I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:10I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:12I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:14I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:16I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:18I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:20I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:22I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:24I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:26I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:28I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:30I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:32I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:34I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:36I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:38I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:40I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:42I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:44I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:46I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:48I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:50I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:52I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:54I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:56I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:18:58I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:00I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:02I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:04I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:06I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:08I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:10I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:12I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:14I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:16I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:18I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:20I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:22I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:24I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:26I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:28I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:30I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:32I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:34I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:36I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:38I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:40I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:42I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:44I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:46I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:48I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:50I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:52I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:54I'm going to make a sweet and sour pork cutlet.
01:19:56Thank you, everyone.
01:20:06Mr. Monsanjun, come in.
01:20:10Wait a minute. Are you laughing?
01:20:12Do you think it's funny?
01:20:16I'm sorry. Let me start.
01:20:18Wait a minute.