• 2 days ago
Welcome To The Official Dailymotion Channel ECW Figure Wrestling. Our Parent Company funds the Company. Extreme Sports & Entertainment Venture Inc. So Join us To The EXTREME!
00:00This is TNA Today, the most viewed daily internet program in the world.
00:08TNA Today is brought to you by Marvel Toys,
00:12with a full line of TNA action figures now available in Target stores nationwide.
00:17And now, your host, Jeremy Borash.
00:21Hello, wrestling fans, and welcome to another edition of TNA Today.
00:24It's JB, Jeremy Borash, back with you again.
00:27What a huge night we had this last Sunday at No Surrender,
00:30and what a program today here on TNA Today.
00:33You asked for it, and you've got it.
00:35The president of TNA Wrestling herself,
00:37joining us for the very first time here on this program,
00:40the lovely Miss Dixie Carter.
00:42Dixie, first of all, congratulations on the announcement this last Sunday.
00:46Before we talk about two hours on Spike TV, I want to ask you,
00:49this is your first time here on TNA Today,
00:52and I know you really put an initiative forward in the company
00:54to really focus and emphasize the fans online and reach out to them.
00:58TNA Today has done just that, and I thank you for being on the program.
01:01No, glad to be here. I watch every day,
01:03and thanks to all the fans who make this
01:06pretty much the most watched show on the internet,
01:08which is pretty special. Congratulations to you.
01:10Yeah, no doubt about it.
01:11And, of course, those fans so passionate about the product,
01:14and that's really what TNA Wrestling has thrived on over the last five years
01:17and this last Sunday with this announcement at No Surrender.
01:20I'll tell you what, it must have been a long and arduous task,
01:23these TV negotiations I know aren't easy,
01:25but what an announcement it was, and the fans responded.
01:27Wow, what a great response we had.
01:29You know, it's so nice to finally share it,
01:31because during the negotiations you keep everything so close to the vest,
01:34and it's great to finally let the office and the talent and the fans know
01:38that TNA's getting what it deserves, and that's two hours in prime time.
01:42I mean, we've had so much success getting here,
01:45and I just really think this is just the beginning.
01:47What a year 2007 has been for TNA Wrestling,
01:51and it's interesting, a lot of fans kind of like to document the different progression
01:54and watch the company grow as it did going back to the two hours back in Nashville
01:57when we first started out and how far we've come since then.
02:00It just seems like that progression...
02:01I was the makeup lady at the asylum.
02:03We weren't going to talk about that.
02:05But the progression has been fantastic.
02:07I mean, if you look at everything that's happened,
02:09it just seems like this steamroller keeps on going.
02:11What is it about TNA that just keeps this growth continuous?
02:15You know what, I think it's a couple things.
02:16One, I think it's the in-ring product.
02:18It's better than you're going to see anywhere out there.
02:20And number two, I think it's our fans.
02:22I mean, they are really, really passionate.
02:24They believe in this product, and you can feel it.
02:27You can hear it right now.
02:28And they bring just a different edge and excitement and enthusiasm to wrestling,
02:33and it's really a great time for the company.
02:35We're going to see really big things.
02:36Like you said, 2007 has been a great year for us,
02:40but you ain't seen nothing yet, as they say.
02:432008 has shaped up to be a huge year, and we'll talk about that in just a moment.
02:46With this big announcement that TNA Wrestling
02:48will now be going two hours Thursday night in primetime,
02:52what are you looking forward to out of this the most?
02:54What is two hours going to open up for TNA Wrestling?
02:57I think it gives us a chance to expand our characters,
03:00to spend more time on more of our talent.
03:03I mean, we've got a locker room, a locker room full of just amazing guys
03:07that deserve the chance to be seen.
03:09And now with two hours, we'll have that opportunity to dive into a little bit deeper
03:14to more of their characters and personalities,
03:16and obviously more in-ring action.
03:18I mean, everybody here wants longer matches,
03:20very difficult with the 42-minute format.
03:23So this ought to be a big change for us.
03:25I'm excited. October 4th.
03:28It'll be a big night, two hours October 4th,
03:30and of course that leads us right into Pound for Glory,
03:32the biggest event of the year for TNA Wrestling.
03:33Traditionally, this event has been the best pay-per-view of the year,
03:36year after year after year.
03:38This time out, we're going to ATL, we're going to Atlanta, Georgia,
03:41and I know you're expecting some big things in Atlanta.
03:45I think it's going to be a homecoming of sorts for some of our talent
03:48who spent so much time in Atlanta.
03:50You know, Kirk coming back to the place where he won his gold medal,
03:52and just a great wrestling town.
03:56And it's, like you said, it's the biggest night in TNA's history,
03:59and in all of our five years, it truly will be our biggest night.
04:03Beautiful venue, and I would encourage everybody to come out.
04:06It's going to be worth every bit of the effort.
04:10No doubt about it.
04:11And, of course, a big Fan Fest that weekend as well.
04:14Let's look ahead now.
04:15We've got 2007, so many accomplishments in this year, no doubt about it.
04:18Going on the road now with more and more pay-per-view events,
04:20the two-hour time slot now.
04:22But 2008 already on the calendar we know is going to be a huge year.
04:29I mean, we're looking at international expansion, taking the product,
04:32touring it more to our fans in the United States,
04:35which is so important for them to get out and touch and feel the product
04:38and get to meet the talent.
04:39I mean, when I get the letters and the stories in from people
04:42who actually go to the show and the reaction from the crowds,
04:46and, you know, it's been such a long time since they've been to shows like that.
04:50I mean, it's really moving, and I'm excited for more and more people
04:53to get to see us live versus just on television.
04:56And another big thing happening in 2008, Midway Games, TNA Wrestling
05:00combining for a huge, huge video game title,
05:03the first of hopefully many that we'll see from TNA Wrestling.
05:07I mean, Midway Games has promised the best fighting game that's ever been done.
05:12And, you know, half of our talent are big gamers.
05:15They sit in the back, you know, when they're not working on the show.
05:18In fact, they're working every single game and mastering that.
05:21They've been a big part of this process.
05:23They've been a part of creating what we're going to do,
05:26how it's going to be different.
05:27I've seen it.
05:28I've actually witnessed it, you know, with the different competitive brands
05:32right up against ours.
05:33Right up side by side.
05:34We did, and you were there, actually.
05:36And it's unbelievable, the difference.
05:39And I think it's going to be a great opportunity.
05:41This is really going to expose our brand to fans outside of wrestling,
05:46and that's exactly what we're looking for.
05:48Of course, with this gameplay that we've seen already,
05:51when the Midway Games says we're going to make the best fighting game ever done,
05:54they're not kidding.
05:55The work that's involved in this is mind-blowing.
05:58In fact, people from Midway are here in Orlando, Florida,
06:02getting sound from different people.
06:03It's going to be a wild, wild video game.
06:05It's certainly 2008.
06:06Already, just with that on the docket alone,
06:08it's going to make for a wild and exciting year for you fans of TNA Wrestling.
06:13Well, Dixie, so many great things.
06:15Once again, congratulations.
06:16It's going to be a big night.
06:17Big hug.
06:18Thank you for having me.
06:19Thank you so much, everybody.
06:20Keep watching.
06:21Keep watching JB.
06:22Thursday nights, 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock Eastern and Pacific on Spike TV.
06:27She is the president of TNA Wrestling.
06:29She is Dixie Carter here on TNA Today.
06:35One historic night.
06:37Kurt Angle.
06:40AJ Styles.
06:41Samoa Joe.
06:42Christian Cage.
06:45And the most talked-about man in wrestling today, Adam Pac-Man Jones.
06:53TNA Wrestling presents Bound for Glory.
06:56Brought to you by Midway Games.
06:58Live Sunday, October 14th on pay-per-view.
07:03Bound for Glory is the quintessential event that kind of defines TNA Wrestling.
07:06It is our Super Bowl.
07:08This is the pinnacle of our pay-per-views.
07:10This is the one you don't want to miss.
07:11It's just that culmination of everything that we've worked at for those 12 months.
07:15It's almost like one of those larger-than-life events for TNA.
07:18You get some of the biggest matches, some of the biggest preparation.
07:22More stakes are on the table than ever before.
07:24Everybody in the locker room looks forward to going out and performing on big nights such as Bound for Glory,
07:28so everybody's looking forward to it.
07:30It's always a great opportunity to bring TNA to a new audience, and Atlanta's no different.
07:36It's really a homecoming for me, and I'm going to be there to impress,
07:39to show them that AJ Styles is someone to be proud of.
07:43Atlanta was my stomping ground, so it'll be like going back home.
07:46I spent most of my career based off Atlanta with WCW.
07:50It don't mean a lot. There's a lot of great fans in Atlanta.
07:52The Atlanta fans are used to historical wrestling events, and this is just another one for the books.
07:57I've had luck in Atlanta.
07:58I won the World Championships in 1995, and then I won the gold medal in 1996 in the Olympics.
08:04Atlanta's a great city for me, and I plan on giving the best performance of the night,
08:09and God willing, the best performance of the year, period.
08:12I guarantee you that the ATL is going to be set on fire.
08:15Pac-Man's influence on Bound for Glory will be phenomenal.
08:17I mean, think about it. It's the most controversial figure in sports, and he's coming home.
08:23You know, TNA has a long, extending history of shaking up the world.
08:26The interest of Pac-Man Jones is no different.
08:28The arrival of Pac-Man Jones in TNA has brought us unprecedented mainstream media coverage.
08:34If publicity's what we want, well, we've definitely got that with Pac-Man.
08:38You know, as far as the ring goes, well, we'll see what he's got.
08:41I think he's going to find out that it's a lot tougher than it is in the NFL and the TNA ring.
08:46When it's all said and done, TNA wrestling will be defined by the great events and the memorable moments that are created.
08:51At Bound for Glory, I guarantee you, history will be made.
09:05Jamie, Jeremy Borash here for TNA today, and Samoa Joe out signing autographs here after the show tonight.
09:10Joe, do you like doing this?
09:12Of course I do, Jeremy. I mean, who doesn't love me?
09:16You know what? I just always like to give a little bit back to the fans, you know?
09:20Let's ask the fans right now what they think.
09:22Who's your favorite wrestler in TNA?
09:24It has to be Joe.
09:25You like Samoa Joe?
09:26Oh, heck yeah. He's number one in my book.
09:28Now you're going to get an autograph from Joe here?
09:29Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
09:31This is the post-show, what we do after the show sometime here at TNA wrestling.
09:36Do a little autograph session right over here, I believe.
09:39How's it going? Oh, I'll even sign if you think.
09:41Christy Hemme over here signing.
09:43Christy, do you like posing for the photos with the fans? Do you like this?
09:47I love it. No!
09:50Easy. Sorry. Sorry. Whose pen is this?
09:52All right. I don't have a pen with me. I'm sorry, gals.
09:55But that's what we do after the shows here at TNAwrestling.com.
09:57We do autographs, even see Rudy. What's that?
10:01You want me to sign your forehead? Get down here.
10:04I will sign your forehead. I've never signed a forehead before,
10:06but that's part of the fun of doing these autograph sessions.
10:09If there's any other body parts I can sign, gals, speak up.
10:12All right, right here. That's Jeremy Borat.
10:16And then you always do this at the end.
10:18At the end, you always got to put T-N-A, exclamation point, at the end of it.
10:23That's kind of how we work.
10:25Yeah. There you go.
10:27Hey, Mom, I love you. You know, call me.
10:29Everybody know my number. You know, 9-1-4-8-1-2-3-4-5-6.
10:31Call me.
10:33Wow. Hey, look at even Rudy. Come over here, Rudy.
10:36Rudy Charles, the referee. Is that true?
10:38You want referee Rudy Charles autograph?
10:40Right here. Just for you.
10:42All right. Here we go. Rudy Charles even signing autographs.
10:44And I'll tell you what, Rudy Charles is the only person who can sign an autograph
10:48or sign a piece of paper and actually goes down in value.
10:50That's true.
10:51So I don't know how that all works.
10:52You won't get anything.
10:53You will not get anything.
10:54Now, how actually do you sign it, Rudy? What do you write?
10:56I do a little, like, Rudy and then 1-2-3.
10:59Because, you know, it's kind of a unique thing.
11:011-2-3. Maybe you should actually put an eye chart up there
11:03since people seem to think you miss a lot of things.
11:05Hey, look who's over here. Black Machismo Jay Lethal signing autographs.
11:09We're not.
11:10All right. It's crowded over here, but that's the way we like it.
11:13We're one big family here at TNA Wrestling.
11:15And, of course, if you come out to the Impact Zone, we do autograph sessions
11:18and give the opportunity of you, the fans, to meet all the stars here at TNA Wrestling.
11:43Out of my mind, out of the wild, I can feel it burning.
11:49Christian Cage Jr. Fatu for the first time ever inside the six-sided ring.
