• 2 days ago
romantic scene
kissing scene
00:01:00Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:01:10Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:01:17Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:01:22Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:01:27This is the time. This is the time. This is what we do.
00:01:51Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:01:55Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:01:59Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:21Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:25Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:29Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:33Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:37Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:41Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:45Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:48Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:52Opportunity is over. This is the time.
00:02:58Can I help you, sir?
00:02:59Ah, yeah, um, I'm looking for a camera to photograph wildlife, but I've never used one before.
00:03:03Okay. I've got these two.
00:03:07Basically, you just point and shoot.
00:03:09Um, how do they differ?
00:03:11Well, this one's got a zoom lens on it.
00:03:13Gets you ten times closer than this one, but it costs twice as much than this one.
00:03:18I'd take them both.
00:03:33I really want to meet her, but I don't know how to make an approach.
00:03:38What a chicken shit. Madly in love and I haven't even enough guts to say hello.
00:03:43I don't even know her name.
00:05:13You've got exactly the same goods as the young lady bought.
00:05:21I've only just become a vegetarian.
00:05:23I didn't know what to buy.
00:06:04Friday night.
00:06:07Leaves with flatmate. Again.
00:06:44She is gorgeous.
00:06:47She is so gorgeous.
00:06:50Flatmate's a bit of a dog though.
00:06:53Did she hear that?
00:06:55She's looking at me.
00:06:58Got to find a way to talk to her.
00:07:00While she's there though.
00:07:03Are they talking about me?
00:07:06Oh shit.
00:07:27Oh hi. Yeah. I mean no.
00:07:31Coming up.
00:07:36I mean you don't come out with your mates for a month.
00:07:39You don't answer the phone. You don't leave any messages.
00:07:41I've got to come and look you down and you give me this shit.
00:07:43I mean weird, strange shit.
00:07:47I mean what's wrong with you?
00:07:48Just go up to her and say hello.
00:07:50Give her some old bullshit.
00:07:51Take her to an expensive restaurant, seduce a fucker and forget her.
00:07:54You just don't get it do you?
00:07:56I can't help myself.
00:07:58I enjoy watching her more than anything.
00:08:00I mean I can't help myself.
00:08:02I can't help myself.
00:08:04I enjoy watching her more than anything else.
00:08:07If I met her or tried to talk to her I'd just crease up inside and die.
00:08:12Are you listening to yourself?
00:08:15Do you realise how weird you sound?
00:08:18She's an angel.
00:08:20And I'm just a plain boring pot-bellied git with a receding hairline.
00:08:24That didn't stop Jack Nicholson from becoming a sex symbol.
00:08:27Remember Brando in the last Tango film? He was over twice your age.
00:08:31In the real world a mere mortal like me is invisible to an angel.
00:08:35Besides I'm nearly 30.
00:08:37What the hell happened to you?
00:08:40One minute you're a carefree, young, successful author.
00:08:43The next, you're grandpappy Quasimodo with delusions of becoming a reincarnated 15th century priest.
00:08:49With a little luck, any woman can be seduced.
00:08:53Is that the best you can do?
00:08:54Take the piss out of me then tell me to rely on luck?
00:08:57Mate? Friend? Is that your best advice?
00:09:00Luck doesn't just happen.
00:09:02You've got to be prepared.
00:09:04Carefully designed.
00:09:06My advice is take a long holiday or move flats.
00:09:10Better still, find out if anyone knows a good therapist and make an appointment.
00:09:15I'm in over my head on this one.
00:09:19I'm serious.
00:09:21Get some professional help. I'm worried about you.
00:09:23This isn't normal.
00:09:26I'll call you. We'll go out for a drink, okay?
00:09:29I'll see you.
00:09:34So that's it?
00:09:36You're just shutting us out?
00:09:38Did you ever get the feeling that you were having a last conversation with someone that you were never going to see again?
00:09:51You are seriously ill!
00:09:54I'm on me this shit!
00:10:04She looks like a goddess.
00:10:07An angel.
00:10:09That's what I'll call her.
00:10:20Don't I know you?
00:10:24Haven't we met somewhere?
00:10:28My name's Richard. How do you do?
00:10:31I do okay. My name's Angelica.
00:10:34Now I remember you.
00:10:36You were that shy guy in the pub a few days ago, staring at my mate.
00:10:40Then you disappeared. Pity.
00:10:42She fancied you.
00:10:44She did?
00:10:46Yeah. She likes a strong silent type, especially shy guys.
00:10:50Would you like to meet her?
00:10:53No, I couldn't.
00:10:55She's really nice.
00:10:57You can meet her in the pub on Friday night.
00:10:59And I know she's not busy and she's definitely not seeing each other.
00:11:06I'm not sure if it would be a good idea.
00:11:08Please. She's as shy as you. I've been trying to fix her up with a nice guy for ages.
00:11:17I'm not sure if it would be a good idea.
00:11:19Go on.
00:11:21Just come and meet her. I'll introduce you to each other.
00:11:24If you don't get on, there's nothing lost.
00:11:29Please? For me?
00:11:34This is my train.
00:11:36Till Friday then. Seven o'clock.
00:11:52I love you.
00:11:54I love you too.
00:12:22I care for you.
00:12:29Wherever I go, all these people I see.
00:12:34Not one of these people is the person for me.
00:12:39So I'm thinking to myself, I'm not talking to myself.
00:12:45When I dream, it's not a dream.
00:12:50So I'm thinking to myself, I'm not talking to myself.
00:12:56When I dream, it's not a dream.
00:13:00It's not a dream.
00:13:13Hi. Glad you came.
00:13:16This is my flatmate Ruth, and this is Richard.
00:13:19How do you do?
00:13:24You're so old-fashioned.
00:13:27Oh, you're a real gentleman.
00:13:29It's so nice to meet such a polite and sweet guy nowadays.
00:13:32Yeah, all the guys around here are like bulls on heat.
00:13:36Can I get you some drinks?
00:13:38Yeah, I'll have a pint of lager, thanks.
00:13:41I'll have the same, please.
00:13:44Excuse me.
00:13:46Where's the lager, please?
00:13:48Um, to us.
00:13:51Live young and die fast.
00:13:54Here's to sex and plenty of it.
00:13:56Yes, sex and plenty of it.
00:14:03What do you do, then?
00:14:05I write science fiction.
00:14:07Oh, wicked. Magazines or comics?
00:14:09Neither. Novels. I've just had two novels published.
00:14:12Fair that pays well.
00:14:14I do OK. What do you do?
00:14:16Well, I'm...
00:14:17Angelica's a secretary, and I've just become assistant manager
00:14:20at King Chicken, Leicester Square Branch.
00:14:22Yeah, only because the old assistant manager
00:14:24kept on saying she'd been sexually assaulted by the owner.
00:14:26If you take all your clothes off while dancing at the Christmas party
00:14:29and then insist on the owner giving you a lift home
00:14:31to talk about career prospects, well...
00:14:40That's Alex, Angelica's boyfriend.
00:14:43Works in films. He's a cameraman.
00:14:53He's been working on a film in Manchester for the last two months
00:14:56called Drugs, Clubs and Dubs,
00:14:58and he managed to get away for the weekend twice.
00:15:01Got in at 7.30.
00:15:03I don't have to be back till Monday at 7.
00:15:09Two more weeks and that's it. Finished.
00:15:13It's holiday time, baby.
00:15:15Around the world we go.
00:15:17Isn't it romantic?
00:15:19He's taken her around the world, cruising, engaged and present.
00:15:27So, what was it like filming a love scene
00:15:30between Chuck Ryder and Antoinette Cummings?
00:15:32Is she really as beautiful in real life as she is in the movies?
00:15:36Body doubles.
00:15:38She even has a girl just for tits.
00:15:42You all right there? You look a bit off.
00:15:45Just, um, thinking of my parents.
00:15:49That's, um, that's how they died.
00:15:52On a cruise.
00:15:54There was a storm.
00:15:56Two survivors.
00:15:58They said they were over 40 after it went down.
00:16:04You poor thing. How old were you?
00:16:08Poor baby. An orphan.
00:16:11Um, can I get you a drink?
00:16:14Who fancies cocktails?
00:16:18Long, slow, comfortable screws, please.
00:16:24You said you lived opposite us, yeah?
00:16:26Where are you from?
00:16:29You said you lived opposite us, yeah? Whereabouts?
00:16:33Just over there.
00:16:35Oh, wow, that's handy.
00:16:37You must nearly be able to see in our living room window.
00:16:44Nancy invited me in for a cup of coffee, then?
00:16:47Yes, of course.
00:18:22Do you like them?
00:18:41The walls.
00:18:42They're mental.
00:18:44The flat used to belong to an artist.
00:18:45I just left the walls theway she had left them.
00:18:47Must have been on serious drugs.
00:18:55Great place to trip and get stoned.
00:19:04I have been playing the perfect gentleman,
00:19:07and tonight I have been invited to Ruth and Angelica's flat for the evening.
00:19:13Good morning again, here is Leslie Penis on Shite FM.
00:19:17Good morning, it's a fine and lovely morning.
00:19:20It's fine but cloudy.
00:19:22We've got some fun this morning.
00:19:24My guest in the studio is Daymen.
00:19:26Good morning, Daymen.
00:19:27Good morning, Michael.
00:19:29Yes, here she is again.
00:19:30She's going to give us some good fun.
00:19:35Breakfast will be two minutes, babe.
00:19:37How do you want your eggs?
00:19:38Over easy, sunny side up?
00:19:40Erm, actually over. Well done, please.
00:19:57Mmm, wonderful, fresh coffee.
00:20:04There's a man at the breakfast table. Is he yours?
00:20:08Poor little orphan, I had no one to look after him at home,
00:20:10so I brought him back here.
00:20:12Gave him a good seeing to.
00:20:15Shit, it's Monday.
00:20:17I said hello.
00:20:20I'm dead.
00:20:21Can you hear me knocking?
00:20:24Now come on now, you naughty monkey.
00:20:26Let me in.
00:20:28Oh, come on, I'm getting a little bit annoyed now.
00:20:32A man walks up to a bar.
00:20:35A man walks up to a bar.
00:20:39A man walks up to a bar and says ouch.
00:20:45A man walks up into a bar and says ouch.
00:20:54What's the difference between light and hard?
00:20:57You can sleep with the light on.
00:21:00Too crude.
00:21:05Nelson Mandela walks up to Woody Allen at a bus stop in Belgravia
00:21:10and asks, what time is the next bus due?
00:21:14Woody Allen says...
00:21:17Woody Allen would never say that.
00:21:21Oh no.
00:21:23Invisible Girl. Special powers, eight.
00:21:28Captain America, three.
00:21:33You've got my Galactus.
00:21:35Physical strength, nine.
00:21:36Weapons, nine.
00:21:37Beaten by crappy Invisible Girl.
00:21:41The Gremlin.
00:21:44Weapons, seven.
00:21:47The Wasp, none.
00:21:48I don't bloody believe it.
00:21:50Silver Surfer.
00:21:51Strength, nine.
00:21:52Powers, ten.
00:21:53Weapons, sodding five.
00:21:54Bloody shit.
00:21:56That's it, I'm not playing anymore.
00:21:57There are two best damn cards in the whole game
00:21:59and I've lost them both one after the other.
00:22:02We set you up.
00:22:04We looked at your cards and you went for a wee.
00:22:08I persuade Ruth to stay in,
00:22:10saying it's not fair to leave Angelica on her own all the time
00:22:12just because we're dating.
00:22:14Angelica's boyfriend is only here at the weekends.
00:22:16What do I get for my consideration?
00:22:18A conspiracy.
00:22:20There, there, poor baby.
00:22:23I know.
00:22:24Why don't you tell Angelica some of your jokes?
00:22:26I don't want to.
00:22:27Oh, go on Richard, please.
00:22:35One vampire bat flies up and lands on a branch next to his mate.
00:22:39His friend, seeing his other friend's face is covered in blood, says,
00:22:43I'm hungry, where's the feast?
00:22:46The other bat turns and says,
00:22:48See that tree over there?
00:22:50Indicating with one furry wing.
00:22:52And the other bat nods eagerly.
00:22:54And his mate continues,
00:22:56Well, I didn't.
00:23:00Mr Nelson Mandela walks up to Woody Allen at a bus stop in Belgravia
00:23:05and asks, what time is the next bus due?
00:23:08And Woody Allen says,
00:23:10Suck off, you black bar steward.
00:23:13What time is the next bus due?
00:23:23Morning, baby.
00:23:34I'm off now, babe. Angelica's already left for work, so let yourself out.
00:24:45I love you, my sexy pussycat.
00:24:48My loving kisses, Alex.
00:25:08So it's A, B, C, D and E and F an inch for each?
00:25:12You boys.
00:25:13The initial figure is found by placing a measuring tape around your back and underneath the breasts.
00:25:21Then you take another measurement around your boobs and subtract the original figure.
00:25:27The difference is an inch or an A cup, two inches for B, three inches C, four inches E and five.
00:25:35It's double D!
00:25:38Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Why M to E?
00:25:41There is no E.
00:25:44There is no E?
00:25:48And after that, I don't know.
00:25:51I think you should find out.
00:25:55See, nothing.
00:25:57It doesn't work if you don't take it seriously.
00:26:00This sort of shit only happens in the movies.
00:26:03Yeah, when all the characters are locked into a creepy old mansion for the weekend with no way out.
00:26:08And it's always dark with a gigantic thunderstorm.
00:26:12Not always.
00:26:15An old girlfriend told me a story once and swore it was true.
00:26:20The scariest story I've ever heard in my life.
00:26:26When Imogen, my ex-girlfriend, was 15, she was left one afternoon to look after her older, heavily pregnant sister.
00:26:33Her parents were just leaving to visit their third and youngest child in hospital.
00:26:37Now, Imogen's sister was deaf, dumb, never left the house and yet had, incredibly, become pregnant.
00:26:45Almost seconds after her parents had walked out the door and driven off, Imogen heard screams coming from her sister's bedroom upstairs.
00:26:54Not her sister's voice, but it seemed like several other voices, both male and females.
00:26:59Although she was terrified, in fear for her sister, Imogen overcame her own fears and ran upstairs.
00:27:30Imogen's sister, Imogen, was left alone in her room.
00:27:35She was left alone in her room.
00:27:38She was left alone in her room.
00:27:41She was left alone in her room.
00:27:44She was left alone in her room.
00:27:47She was left alone in her room.
00:27:50She was left alone in her room.
00:27:53She was left alone in her room.
00:27:55She was left alone in her room.
00:27:58She was left alone in her room.
00:28:01She was left alone in her room.
00:28:04She was left alone in her room.
00:28:07She was left alone in her room.
00:28:15Imogen's mother and father were arrested.
00:28:18Supposedly, they were devil worshippers.
00:28:21Imogen was put into psychiatric care.
00:28:23He was put into psychiatric care.
00:28:27Never saw a younger brother or sister again.
00:28:34Funny, hearing a scary story punctuated by hiccups.
00:28:41When I was a child, I had hiccups for three days.
00:28:46I remember a nurse slapping me repeatedly and telling me to calm down and stop.
00:28:51The doctor gave me several extremely painful lumbar puncture injections in my spine.
00:28:56And he was telling the nurse that it probably wouldn't have any effect.
00:28:59Luckily, I came out of it.
00:29:01Something to do with swallowing my own sick and choking on it whilst falling unconscious.
00:29:06And I had this boy that had hiccups for three whole years.
00:29:10And he died hiccuping.
00:29:12So don't laugh and say it's funny to laugh at people who are hiccuping.
00:29:17Enough. Enough already.
00:29:18Okay. I swear, I'll never laugh at anyone with the hiccups again.
00:29:25You've convinced me, I swear.
00:29:27So funny. You should be on stage.
00:29:31You should have your own TV show, Mr. Hiccup.
00:29:49I've got to get rid of that bastard.
00:29:52If I kill him, I'll be caught.
00:29:54Just by knowing him, I'll be a suspect.
00:29:57Then they'll know I did it.
00:30:02I'll run the son of a bitch over.
00:30:04Buy a big, powerful car.
00:30:06Keep it in a lock-up.
00:30:08When the time is right, run him over.
00:30:10Squash his shagging head.
00:30:12When the time is right, run him over.
00:30:15Squash his shagging head.
00:30:19One woman is my destiny.
00:30:21Then he woke up.
00:30:23Isn't it poetic and romantic?
00:30:32I know.
00:30:34Let's go down the pub for a couple of pints over the football.
00:30:37It'll give us a chance to get to know each other.
00:30:40Look, tell the girls we'll meet them after, yeah?
00:30:43All right.
00:30:49Let's go now.
00:30:55We're going down the pub.
00:31:10Are you all right?
00:31:12Get him in, he's going for a piss.
00:31:19Watch it, mate.
00:31:28Hey, do you know that guy there?
00:31:30All right, guys.
00:31:32Just got out this morning after doing four years.
00:31:37Come home, visit my mother.
00:31:39I found out she died yesterday.
00:31:42Come in here, nearest pub, a few pints, Dramasaurus.
00:31:45Lo and behold, spot the copper from the drug squad that fitted me up.
00:31:49Planted 50 E's on me.
00:31:52The guy he bumped into.
00:31:54Look, I'll give you 20 quid each to beat the shit out of him.
00:31:58Because I can't parole.
00:32:03I fucking hate the DS.
00:32:06But it's your life.
00:32:08Your shit.
00:32:11Now if you want us to join your party.
00:32:15To beat the fucking shit out of that guy.
00:32:19It'll cost you 40 quid each.
00:32:23In advance.
00:32:26You never know.
00:32:28He could be some Van Damme mother, for all I know.
00:32:37Police, please.
00:32:39Yeah, there's a gang of thugs beating up my mate in the 100 pub.
00:32:42Yes, Richard Wells, 116, Ainslie Street.
00:32:45I've got a gun.
00:32:47I've got a gun.
00:32:49I've got a gun.
00:32:51I've got a gun.
00:32:53I've got a gun.
00:32:55I've got a gun.
00:32:57I've got a gun.
00:32:59I've got a gun.
00:33:01I've got a gun.
00:33:03I've got a gun.
00:33:04Yes, Richard Wells, 116, Ainslie Street.
00:33:07Please hurry.
00:33:27I'm quickly thinking to phone the police.
00:33:29I rushed down the high street until I found a phone that worked.
00:33:32Then I rushed back to the pub, but...
00:33:35Too late.
00:33:37If only I'd known they were actually beating him up.
00:33:39I thought they were just hooligans, just tearing the pub up.
00:33:44To tell you the truth, I think you saved his life.
00:33:47If the police hadn't have come along when they did, he could have been seriously hurt.
00:33:57You're a hero, baby.
00:33:58You saved Alex from...
00:34:01I don't even want to think about it.
00:34:28I don't even want to think about it.
00:34:58Hi-ya, hi-ya!
00:35:28Hi-ya, hi-ya!
00:35:58A little beer.
00:36:29Hi-ya, hi-ya!
00:36:48I want the bastard to suffer.
00:36:52I'm not giving you 500 just to get rid of him.
00:36:55I want him to suffer.
00:36:58I want him to suffer.
00:37:00I want him to suffer.
00:37:02I want him to suffer.
00:37:04I want him to suffer.
00:37:06I want him to suffer.
00:37:08I want him to suffer.
00:37:10I want him to suffer.
00:37:12I want him to suffer.
00:37:14I want him to suffer.
00:37:16I want him to suffer.
00:37:18I want him to suffer.
00:37:20I want him to suffer.
00:37:22I want him to suffer.
00:37:24I want him to suffer.
00:37:26I want him to suffer.
00:37:28I want him to suffer.
00:37:30I want him to suffer.
00:37:32I want him to suffer.
00:37:34I want him to suffer.
00:37:36I want him to suffer.
00:37:38I want him to suffer.
00:37:40I want him to suffer.
00:37:42I want him to suffer.
00:37:58I want him to suffer.
00:38:00I want him to suffer.
00:38:02I want him to suffer.
00:38:04I want him to suffer.
00:38:06I want him to suffer.
00:38:08I want him to suffer.
00:38:10I want him to suffer.
00:38:12I want him to suffer.
00:38:14I want him to suffer.
00:38:16I want him to suffer.
00:38:18I want him to suffer.
00:38:20I want him to suffer.
00:38:22I want him to suffer.
00:38:24I want him to suffer.
00:38:26I want him to suffer.
00:38:28I want him to suffer.
00:38:30I want him to suffer.
00:38:32I want him to suffer.
00:38:34I want him to suffer.
00:38:36I want him to suffer.
00:38:38I want him to suffer.
00:38:40I want him to suffer.
00:38:42I want him to suffer.
00:38:44I want him to suffer.
00:38:46I want him to suffer.
00:38:48I want him to suffer.
00:38:50I want him to suffer.
00:38:52I want him to suffer.
00:38:54I want him to suffer.
00:38:56I want him to suffer.
00:38:59I want him to suffer.
00:39:11Ain't wearing a wine you're too stupid
00:39:12to be a pig.
00:39:14And who the fuck do you want?
00:39:15I heard you chocking in the bar.
00:39:18I wanted you to kill somebody for me.
00:39:21I don't know you.
00:39:22From the likes of you.
00:39:23Think you know everyone enough to kill me, eh?
00:39:25I don't want to know you or anything about you
00:39:26and I'm not asking.
00:39:28I'm offering you £500 for you to do a job for me.
00:39:35Walk away. Walk away! Please!
00:39:38I'm serious. I really need your help.
00:39:40Walk away. Now! Please! I beg you!
00:39:49Walk away. Now!
00:39:51Please! I beg you!
00:39:55Walk away now or die!
00:39:57Please! Please! Desperate!
00:39:59If you want to help me then pull the trigger!
00:40:06You got money?
00:40:13Well, uh-huh.
00:40:15Buy me a drink. Let's talk.
00:42:50Is this life the one that I want?
00:42:54Is it the one that I chose?
00:42:58Do I have options?
00:43:00And have I a plan?
00:43:03A plan for another to start?
00:43:08Do I leave quickly?
00:43:10Should I change slow?
00:43:13Do I have somewhere to go?
00:43:17Two months since Alex had his head cut off.
00:43:20Loving every minute of consoling my angel.
00:43:24Except when the happy bitch and sister go out alone.
00:43:28Been sniffing around Angelica's laundry.
00:43:31It's her time of the month.
00:43:33Joy, joy.
00:43:35Happy, happy.
00:43:50What are you doing?
00:44:00I was just curious.
00:44:02Well you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.
00:44:04Come on now, bed.
00:44:20It's hard to feel.
00:44:33I don't think you're real.
00:44:36No truth, no strength.
00:44:39Can anything be done?
00:44:42It's hard to fight.
00:44:46When I just can't see the light.
00:44:49No hope, no fun.
00:44:52I turn around and run.
00:44:56I'd like to think you're scum now.
00:44:59But come now, you're more than this.
00:45:02I thought that you were fun.
00:45:05Now I'm numb.
00:45:07How's it come to this?
00:45:09I'd like to think you're scum now.
00:45:12But come now, you're more than this.
00:45:16I thought that you were fun.
00:45:18Now I'm numb.
00:45:20How's it come to this?
00:45:22I turn inside.
00:45:25Leave you alone.
00:45:29Outside alone.
00:45:32Out there alone.
00:45:35I don't care.
00:45:37I don't care.
00:45:41I don't care.
00:46:11I don't care.
00:46:26I don't care.
00:46:36I don't care.
00:46:46I don't care.
00:46:56I don't care.
00:47:06I don't care.
00:47:22Two months since Alex had his head cut off.
00:47:25Loving every minute of consoling my angel.
00:47:29Except I had a bitch and sis who go out alone.
00:47:33Sniffing around Angelica's laundry.
00:47:35Spent time with her mum.
00:47:57Happy birthday to me.
00:48:01Happy birthday to me.
00:48:06Happy birthday dear Richard.
00:48:12Happy birthday to me.
00:48:24Excuse me.
00:48:45Big ears.
00:48:47Big nose.
00:48:49What have you got?
00:48:51I don't know.
00:48:53Dumbo the elephant.
00:48:59Have you eaten yet?
00:49:01I'm so rude.
00:49:02Let me introduce you.
00:49:04This is the hit man.
00:49:07This is Dumbo the victim.
00:49:11There's enough for two.
00:49:16There you are.
00:49:19Some wine.
00:49:21Do you want cake?
00:49:22We have cake.
00:49:25Aren't you going to blow out the candles?
00:49:35Did you make a wish?
00:49:37I wished I could have my cake and eat it.
00:49:43Dumbo doesn't want anything.
00:49:48Dumbo already has a mouthful.
00:49:53To Dumbo.
00:49:54Such a short life but loads of kicks.
00:49:58Drink and be merry.
00:50:00For tomorrow's sheep.
00:50:07Where did I leave my camera?
00:50:24Tomorrow night then?
00:50:27I've been thinking.
00:50:28You want it done tomorrow, it'll cost you double.
00:50:33I may want to kill some other guy tomorrow night.
00:50:35And besides, if you want me to do the other stuff, it's double.
00:50:41Okay, a thousand.
00:50:50I'm sure she said seven o'clock.
00:50:54She's not like her.
00:50:57She probably suspected that she might be late.
00:50:59That's why she suggested meeting here.
00:51:01It's Friday night.
00:51:05Let's have a drink while we're waiting.
00:51:17Stupid bitch.
00:51:22I guess you know by now how I'm going to kill you.
00:51:27But how are you going to be short and painless?
00:51:31Long and in the blood of nasty torture.
00:51:36Your boyfriend paid me extra to wait until tonight before raping and killing you.
00:51:42I think he's got a horn for your skinny flatmate.
00:51:49Wouldn't want to.
00:51:51Like my woman more full-figured.
00:51:53So, no skin and bones.
00:52:42Shall I go?
00:53:14I'm Detective Barnes.
00:53:15This is Detective Watts.
00:53:16Would like to ask you a few questions.
00:53:19What's this about?
00:53:20Do you know Ruth Lonsdale?
00:53:23Yeah, she's my girlfriend.
00:53:24Where were you last night between the hours of 11pm and 1am?
00:53:27I was here yesterday evening waiting for Ruth to meet me here.
00:53:30All evening?
00:53:31Yes, all evening.
00:53:32He waited all evening for her.
00:53:33We even fell asleep on the sofa waiting.
00:53:36I'm sorry to inform you that Ruth has been found on the side of the country road.
00:53:41She'd been raped and stabbed in the back.
00:53:52Let's go.
00:54:09Something's not quite right.
00:54:11You look mighty guilty all of a sudden.
00:54:13He was there all night, so he could hardly have done it in Lonsdale.
00:54:17Looks to me as if he was banging her flatmate while Lonsdale was being done.
00:54:21Just your average two-timing arsehole.
00:54:32So soon?
00:54:34What now?
00:54:36You say it's time to die.
00:54:41Oh well.
00:54:47Bye bye shady, no hope baby, it was fun, it was real.
00:55:12Our girlfriend, you were such a deal, bye bye.
00:55:20Bye bye shady, no hope baby, it was fun, it was real.
00:55:31Our girlfriend, you were such a deal, bye bye.
00:55:42I haven't been able to sleep the last few nights.
00:55:55Guess it's just, I got used to always having someone around.
00:56:01After Alex's death, if it hadn't have been for Ruth, I would have gone crazy.
00:56:11Go on.
00:56:14This might sound a bit crazy, but why should I be alone over here,
00:56:19and you're alone over there with some terrible murdering rapist on the prowl?
00:56:25Are you suggesting moving in together?
00:56:27Just as flatmates.
00:56:32That would be lovely.
00:56:35Yeah, I'd like that very much. Could do with a friend being there.
00:58:35Two weeks and she'll be back.
00:58:40She'll be back.
00:58:45She'll be back.
00:58:51Two weeks since Angelica moved in.
00:58:54I think I've waited long enough. Time to get what's mine.
00:59:21When was this taken? What's going on?
00:59:33Um, it was taken on a timer.
00:59:39It was the night before Ruth disappeared.
00:59:47You were so happy, we were just mucking about and being silly.
00:59:52You can see how happy she was, you were almost crying with laughter.
00:59:58It was the, um, last picture of Ruth before...
01:00:04she was murdered.
01:00:46© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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01:03:01© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:03:16Hello Angelica, is Richard there?
01:03:19How do you know my name?
01:03:20Richard introduced me to your flatmate once. She told me all about you.
01:03:24Is Richard there?
01:03:25Um, I'll get him. Hold on.
01:03:36There will be a map in your post tomorrow, with a meeting point marked on it.
01:03:40I'm clearing out the country and I want £20,000 from you tomorrow night at 2am.
01:03:47I'll have to meet Angelica, have a little chat, maybe take her for a ride.
01:03:55Who was that?
01:03:57Just my agent.
01:04:13Beautiful, isn't it? I like it here.
01:04:17I used to take acid and come here when I was a kid.
01:04:21Except I was so mad at you.
01:04:25Changed a bit since then.
01:04:48You know really, we're very similar people.
01:04:55Both ruthless when it comes to getting what we want, and not letting anybody get in our way.
01:05:04In fact, under different circumstances we may have been friends.
01:05:10Got me bone.
01:05:13Didn't know you had it in you.
01:05:16I never had any reservations about killing anyone.
01:05:19I just didn't want to be connected to any murder.
01:05:22Now, I don't need an alibi.
01:05:24Because no one knows we know each other.
01:05:28We're as unconnected as strangers on a train.
01:05:33And now?
01:05:34I always dreamt of this girl with an acid trial inside.
01:05:40I've finally figured out.
01:05:43I was going to go back and give my eight month pregnant mother a good kicking.
01:05:48At least enough to make her abort me.
01:05:50Well, I'll save you the trouble.
01:05:54You know, I was shocked.
01:05:57I didn't know what to do.
01:05:59I'll save you the trouble.
01:06:02You know, I was shocked.
01:06:04Really shocked.
01:06:06To find you can buy a gun in a bar for £200.
01:06:09It costs £500 to have someone killed.
01:06:12And only £200 to buy a loaded gun.
01:06:15I'm economising.
01:06:29I'm economising.
01:06:32I'm economising.
01:06:59I'm economising.
01:07:29I'm economising.
01:07:31I'm economising.
01:07:59I'm economising.
01:08:02I'm economising.
01:08:05I'm economising.
01:08:08I'm economising.
01:08:11I'm economising.
01:08:17Gone to Paris for the fashion show.
01:08:19Sorry to miss you darling.
01:08:21Love, Marie France.
01:08:42Gone. Telephone book.
01:08:54Son of a bitch.
01:09:02Something in all this crap.
01:10:12Do it.
01:10:29Do it.
01:10:59Do it.
01:11:29Do it.
01:11:59Do it.
01:12:29Do it.
01:12:31Do it.
01:12:59Round-the-world cruise tickets?
01:13:04I've got something important to ask you.
01:13:06Please sit down.
01:13:10We've both suffered terrible loss.
01:13:13I think we should start afresh.
01:13:15Start enjoying life again.
01:13:17Angelica, will you join me on a round-the-world cruise?
01:13:22I think we should start afresh.
01:13:25Angelica, will you join me on a round-the-world cruise?
01:13:33Acapulco, Bali, Cape Town, Honolulu, Mauritius, Singapore, St Lucia, Sydney.
01:13:41Oh, and will you make me the luckiest man alive?
01:13:43And marry me?
01:13:51I'd love to.
01:13:57I'd love to.
01:14:27I'd love to.
01:14:57I'd love to.
01:15:03I'd love to.
01:15:09I'd love to.
01:15:27I'd love to.
01:15:57I'd love to.
01:15:59I'd love to.
01:16:27I'd love to.
