• 5 days ago
Welcome to Necrophosis! Necrophosis is a surreal and nightmarish horror adventure game where billions of years after the universe ends, you wake up. Inspired by Zdzislaw Beksinski, Necrophosis is a strange horror game that puts you in the artist's surreal mind. Let's play Necrophosis!
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#Necrophosis #horrorgame
00:00So this is Necrophosis, from the same developer and 3D artist who made The Shore.
00:06It is an unbelievably atmospheric and abstract horror game that pretty much puts you into the surreal, ethereal world of Zdzislaw Beksinski, the nightmare artist.
00:19And I gotta say, it is quite the experience to be put into this dude's work, because if you're familiar with it, the surrealism is insane.
00:26Now, I did go into this pretty blind, so I'm gonna give you a little piece of context, so that way you know more than I did going in.
00:32Obviously, given the themes here, everything is rather abstract, but we are waking up billions of years after the entire universe has ended.
00:42And that's pretty much all you need to know.
00:43Anyway, I love this developer's work, he's a fantastic artist, and I think you guys are really gonna enjoy this one.
00:49If you want to play the demo for yourself, the link is down below, you should do that.
00:53Anyway, enjoy, my friends.
00:57Alright, Ares.
00:58Blow me away, son.
01:00You and Beksinski.
01:02I'm already feeling it, just from the main menu.
01:05Were there people in the walls? Did I miss that?
01:10Of course there are.
01:10To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
01:41Oh, I'm waking up.
01:46Oh, I'm waking up.
01:49Again, all the models and stuff, I believe majority of it, if not all of it, was custom-made by the developer.
01:56He is an artist first.
01:58That's why we got a game like The Shore and others.
02:06Hi, good sir.
02:07Do you want me to...
02:09Need to interact.
02:10This is beautiful.
02:12How's it hanging, buddy?
02:14I know I make a lot of stupid jokes.
02:16Sorry about that. Don't mean to break the tone here.
02:18Uh, I instantly feel
02:20dread, which I feel like is the point
02:22of, uh, Bekshinsky. Hello?
02:24If necessary, more flesh
02:26and bone will be formed.
02:28Oh, is this respawn?
02:30Who's gonna make me again?
02:32You? Oh, you are the guy
02:34that put the brain in me.
02:36Oh, so
02:40A lot of failed attempts, it seems.
02:42Or I might just not be alone in this
02:46It wants to see one last time.
02:48You? Oh, you don't have any eyes.
02:50That's okay.
02:52What the fuck?
02:54Oh, it's gorgeous up
02:56there. Please let me out. Please?
02:58Oh, the suffering
03:00in these
03:02things' posture is
03:04just insane.
03:06Oh, the music is killing me, too.
03:08What the fuck?
03:10Okay, I definitely want to get out of here.
03:12I don't know what I'm supposed to do, though. Do I have to
03:14give you my eyes?
03:16Or someone else's?
03:18You guys don't have eyes to get- Oh, yeah, you do.
03:20Give me your eyeballs.
03:24There it is.
03:26I can't take it. I can
03:28roll it?
03:30Hi there.
03:34I did not
03:36mean to do that.
03:42Okay. Open inventory.
03:44Torn from a corpse
03:46embedded in the wall of a crypt.
03:48Forever bound to bleed
03:50and rot.
03:54What is that?
03:56When emptiness is preferable. This is my
03:58inventory? Oh, that's so
04:00cool! So I can carry
04:02two things. Right, I need two eyeballs.
04:04So where's the other one?
04:06Is it on you?
04:08It is. Hello.
04:10Come here.
04:12Take that one, too.
04:14Does it have to rip out like that, dude?
04:16Does it?
04:20I mean, it's not like
04:22you need it anymore. This guy does.
04:24Not sure why he didn't take it himself. Yeah, look at that.
04:26I got two eyeballs. Despite the
04:28decay of its former possessor,
04:30the eye remains intact.
04:32If properly inserted, it will grant vision.
04:36Can I give it to myself?
04:38Oh, whoa.
04:42That is an eyeball.
04:46So you want these? There it is.
04:50What are you gonna do?
05:00Oh yes, of course.
05:02Of course.
05:10Aw, hey beautiful.
05:18Please no.
05:22Dude, okay.
05:24One of the things I always
05:26didn't like about games is when stuff would
05:28pop in and pop out and, you know,
05:30disappear or go through walls, the fading
05:32of the items,
05:34all of it is beautifully done.
05:36It feels natural.
05:40Walk upstairs.
05:42This is the realm of death
05:44and no other. This is where
05:46gods are dead and the old ones
05:50Yep, see?
05:56Oh my
06:04You're good right there, man.
06:06I'm just passing through, dude. Don't worry about it.
06:26Near them,
06:28on the sand, half-sunk,
06:30a shattered
06:32visage lies,
06:34whose frown
06:36wrinkled lip and
06:38sneer of cold command.
06:40It's Ozymandias.
06:42Tell that escorter
06:44well those fashioned thread
06:46which yet survive. It is Ozymandias,
06:48isn't it?
06:54by his things.
06:56The hand
06:58that mocked them
07:00and the heart that fed.
07:04And on the
07:06pedestal these words
07:10My name is
07:14king of kings.
07:18Look on my works,
07:20ye mighty,
07:22and despair.
07:28Nothing beside
07:32Round the decay of that
07:34colossal wreck,
07:38and bare,
07:40the lone and level
07:42sands stretch
07:44far away.
07:50Oh my god.
07:52It's like
07:54everything is watching.
07:56This is fucking
07:58crazy looking.
08:00You did all of, hold on.
08:02I gotta, I gotta double check this.
08:04Being developed by Eris Dragonas.
08:06Yeah, direction and story, world
08:08and creature design, 3D modeling and animations.
08:10Yeah, no one else, it's all him.
08:12That's insane, right? I know
08:14he's been working on this for a long
08:16time, but this is
08:18absurd. How good
08:20this looks.
08:22There's a gun.
08:24That looks like the scoring gun.
08:28This is unreal.
08:30Hi, can I interact? Please tell me I can
08:32like interact with you guys. What does this say?
08:34Can't read it.
08:36Wall of sand, a barrier.
08:38There is nothing beyond, the way
08:40forward lies elsewhere. Oh shit.
08:44I'm trapped in here.
08:46What are you?
08:48Are you special?
08:52requires payment?
08:54Okay, well
08:56I guess I gotta find some method of
08:58paying this dude in the afterlife. Can you imagine
09:00dying and then still
09:02owing money?
09:04Hello, you guys are alive!
09:06Feeble cadavers
09:08try to recall the warmth of fire.
09:10That's just
09:14sad. That's so
09:20This guy's not doing too well.
09:22Who is this? Son of a
09:24bitch. Look at him.
09:26I feel
09:28like my time is running out.
09:30I mean, it definitely is, right?
09:32But I don't know if like, gameplay wise
09:34there's a time limit.
09:36What the hell's over here?
09:38That's so...
09:40It's like begotten, dude. I don't
09:42like it. Crownless
09:44royal on the edge of succumbing to rot.
09:46Oh, you look like that guy. You are
09:48that guy. Do I need
09:50to... You need a...
09:52crown? Crownless royal.
09:56not the child.
09:58This is so sad.
10:00Dude, I could look
10:02at this all... day.
10:04Hey, buddy.
10:06Did you
10:08lose your brain?
10:10Expiration is due. Hey, don't touch that.
10:12Get off that.
10:14Yep, that's a brain.
10:16It's got a symbol on it. Can I do anything
10:18else with it? Carry it?
10:20Did you drop this?
10:22Oh my god.
10:24I got it for you, buddy.
10:26I don't think it fits.
10:28Such a miserable existence.
10:32What do you need, man?
10:34It would be
10:38Dude, I love the...
10:40Oh, this is so cool.
10:42What the fuck? Dude, no!
10:46I could have found you another brain.
10:50Okay, what the hell
10:52do I do with this brain? I need a free hand.
10:54The mind of an
10:56incompetent being, burdened by
10:58depression and plagued by ignorance.
11:00Dude, is that
11:04That guy's a little judgmental, dude. What did I do
11:06in my life? Huh?
11:08Something of value? You're gonna look
11:10down upon people?
11:12Wish I could read these tombstones.
11:14One should not voyage beyond the sand.
11:16Yeah, so it's a wall of sand
11:20Worlds Adrift.
11:22God, I miss that game.
11:24That's a rib cage and a half. What the hell did that come from?
11:26A human?
11:28Cow, maybe?
11:30He's got eyes. Okay.
11:34Hey, buddy.
11:36What the hell
11:38is going on with you?
11:44What could it be praying to?
11:46Oh, I don't know.
11:50I don't wanna
11:52go in there.
11:56It's so uncomfortable, dude.
11:58It's so uncomfortable.
12:00Alright, what's the gun? What's the-
12:02Holy shit! I didn't
12:04even see that thing.
12:06What are those?
12:10There's creatures
12:12coming out of this dude's mouth?
12:16The structure is missing bone.
12:18You have bone. I saw it.
12:20It was a big bone over there.
12:24Oh, he's blowing a horn?
12:27Out of reach. Oh, you
12:29need the brain. I got the brain.
12:31I just need bones to climb up. Okay.
12:33I gotta remember that. This dude was
12:35blasted away, huh?
12:39Straight up the chest.
12:41Oh my god, what is
12:43happening to you, dude?
12:45Are you being crucified?
12:47Right now?
12:51The sky genuinely is the most
12:53terrifying thing here. I think.
12:56Maybe this wall of praying
12:58monks. Number two.
13:00Okay. What are
13:02these things? Are they gonna hurt me? I don't wanna die.
13:04I don't want
13:06to die. Look at that guy.
13:08Are you just
13:10moments in time?
13:14Oh, you
13:16have a- Is that your mouth?
13:18Yeah, they're
13:20just climbing out of him.
13:22What is this guy? Another brain?
13:24Oh, I
13:26wonder- Wait, could I have picked up
13:28this brain and gave it to the other guy?
13:30Hey, relax
13:44No, don't try-
13:48Oh, what the fuck?
13:52What is that?
13:54It's a coin.
13:56It's a coin.
13:58I can offer payment.
14:00What do I have?
14:02Oh no. Hey.
14:04Uh, I had two brains.
14:06What happened to the
14:08other brain? I'm gonna go put the coin
14:10down. I think I might have missed something.
14:12Oh, when I run it goes away.
14:14Okay, that scared me for a second.
14:16I had a brain.
14:18Yeah, it was you.
14:20Where's the other brain?
14:22Did I mess it up?
14:24Or did I just pick up the same brain?
14:26I actually don't know.
14:28Alright, there's payment. Do I have-
14:32Got it. Okay.
14:34I still have both. That's good.
14:36I need one more coin.
14:38And then I can do the coin thing. Whatever wisdom
14:40can be bestowed upon me
14:42about this place, maybe.
14:44Well, feel bad for that kid.
14:46It was definitely a kid, right?
14:48What is this?
14:50Oh, a crown!
14:52I got the crown.
14:54What do I do? Okay. So.
15:00Okay. I can have
15:02an unlimited amount of items.
15:04Or more than two.
15:06In my inventory. And I can just
15:08swap between them. Okay. Wait, I need
15:10the crown. So let's do that.
15:12What does the crown say?
15:14Uh, once a symbol
15:16of royalty, from ancient times
15:18now a weathered ornament.
15:20Whoa, what the hell is that?
15:22That doesn't- It's got legs.
15:24That thing's got legs.
15:26Okay. I'm gonna put the
15:28crown on this guy. And then
15:30I guess I'll go into the cave
15:32where that guy's praying to.
15:34You can have your crown back, dude.
15:36See? Have it back,
15:40That is him.
15:42That is him. Oh,
15:44shit. What does that mean?
15:46A display of bygone
15:48authority, pitiful as one's
15:50decay, is inevitable.
15:52What happened?
15:54Oh, you gave me
15:56a wisdom token.
15:58I will take the wisdom token. Can I take the rib cage
16:00too? No? Okay.
16:02I don't need it, right?
16:04Would you guys like to buy something?
16:06You know, I'm a kind fellow.
16:08If you want to purchase
16:12you can do that instead of me. It doesn't have to be me.
16:14It's like the
16:16cloister of trials, but for the afterlife.
16:18That's what I'm doing right now.
16:26as a monument
16:28to this forsaken
16:32Once a servant
16:34to a divine
16:38eons have passed
16:40since the cosmos
16:42met its demise.
16:46for this
16:48realm has morphed
16:50into a somber vault,
16:52and now
16:54you are
16:56woven into its
16:58enigmatic tapestry.
17:04I am experiencing the end
17:06of the universe in my
17:08death. So right now, as
17:10I'm passing, I get to witness what
17:12the universe ends
17:14as, which is quite
17:16beautiful. It's full of Bixchinsky's
17:18art, dude.
17:20But the question is,
17:22what did that, did that give me anything
17:24tangible? I mean, I know I was
17:26going for knowledge here,
17:28but all I have is speculation.
17:30Alright, so
17:32I got two brains.
17:34I'm gonna go empty-handed, because I have
17:36no idea what to do
17:38with the brains.
17:40So we'll keep that there.
17:42Oh my god, I didn't realize I actually
17:44have a body when I looked up.
17:46I am just patchwork, dude.
17:48I'm like a newly
17:50dropped triple-A title
17:52two weeks in.
17:54See? There's bones. Take the
17:56bones and put them in, dude.
17:58He doesn't want to.
18:01Who knows, man? I guess this guy?
18:09Yo! It's dark
18:11outside! What the fuck just happened?
18:15Friend, friend, friend, friend, friend!
18:17What does this mean?
18:19Oh, dude, you are fucking
18:23Sightless prophet.
18:27Oh, there's an eyeball.
18:31I can barely see this, but I can
18:33tell it's an eyeball. Do I put
18:37Son of a bitch. Can I put a...
18:39No, I can't put...
18:41Okay, you guys must have all the eyes.
18:45Give me that.
18:47Give me this one.
18:51Dude, I'm feeling so
18:53uncomfortable. You weren't facing me before, that's bullshit.
18:55Oh, this guy's
18:57got tubes.
18:59Connected to their own
19:04Talk about a circulatory system.
19:08Uh, put it in.
19:10How many freaking eye sockets
19:12do you have?
19:16Oh, the lighting in here is
19:29Thou shalt stand
19:31at the crossroads of death
19:33and rebirth.
19:35For chaos hath
19:37already laid waste
19:39to realms untold.
19:45What do you mean?
19:49Oh, I can go out now?
19:51What the fuck does that mean?
19:53I am
19:55very uncomfortable.
19:57Oh, is he just like straight up dead always now?
19:59Dude, the absence
20:01of light in here is...
20:05Can I get a light? I don't have a light.
20:09Okay. Hi.
20:11Get praised
20:13to nothing.
20:17I am getting... I am eaten up
20:19by the contextual
20:21text that I get from all these items.
20:23This is so cool.
20:25Okay, what is this thing?
20:29What? There's people up there. Hello.
20:31Are you growing
20:33out of it or are you trying to get inside of it?
20:35It's a spider.
20:43Yeah, they all have different symbols.
20:47So, I get three. I don't know
20:49where the other one is.
20:51Let's move this one here.
20:53What does that one look like?
20:55Mindless, it won't
20:59Okay, I don't think that's the right symbol.
21:01How do I pick it up?
21:03Hey, you can't steal it
21:05from me.
21:09Oh, they switch.
21:11I guess I gotta
21:13find the other brain first?
21:15Only death and decay.
21:17There's nothing of worth
21:19beyond the sand.
21:21There's always something different every time.
21:23Oh, I think I found it.
21:29It's a coffee bean.
21:31Oh, shit.
21:33No, it's not.
21:51Well, that's fucked up.
21:53Everything about that was fucked up.
21:55Alright, I think this is it.
21:57Oh, it's an animal. Okay, it is an animal.
21:59No. No, no, no.
22:01No, no.
22:03That is a smaller
22:05thing inside of a giant
22:07rib cage? I mean, that's certainly not human,
22:09right? Is that human?
22:11The spine discs would not
22:13be that big, right?
22:15Alright, I'll take it.
22:17Oh, see? Dude, the transitions
22:19of that is so cool.
22:21I mean, you could easily have gotten by
22:23by just, like, picking it up and then
22:25lifting it up from below the screen
22:27so it's kind of seamless.
22:29But the fact that the animations fade
22:31in and out when stuff is used
22:33so it doesn't just pop out and ruin the immersion,
22:35that's pretty...
22:37I like the attention to detail there.
22:39What do I do with the coffee bean monster?
22:41I think I could eat him.
22:43Oh, it's heavy. I can't run.
22:45Right. Can I switch
22:47this in my... Oh, what does it say?
22:49Large pieces of petrified bone from
22:51assorted beings stuck together.
22:53A solid structure and a unique exhibition.
22:55A staircase
22:57made of bones.
22:59The ingenuity.
23:01Interestingly crafted words.
23:03It's almost like, why
23:05use real world
23:07poems? The Steam page
23:09does talk about poetry.
23:11The wording on this stuff, though, is so...
23:13It's pretty damn good. Like, it
23:15definitely captures the feel
23:17of what I would imagine
23:19text would be for, you know,
23:21Biksinski's work or a game like this.
23:23Or just the concept of this,
23:25you know? You could almost write
23:27your own poems, I feel like.
23:29The foundation is there.
23:31It's not overly theatrical
23:33or anything, you know? It's just, it works.
23:35And we've made a bridge
23:37connected to even more
23:45I don't want to break it.
23:47What do you want?
23:55Hello. What am I doing?
23:57Oh, I can turn.
24:01Can I just start
24:11so cool. I mean, this definitely
24:13reminds me of Scorn. He took out his
24:15brain and is
24:17maneuvering it. Oh, I gotta shoot
24:19this guy. Wait, can I shoot this thing over here?
24:23You know, it's cool, like, this guy
24:25when I saw him at first, he was definitely
24:27positioned like he was blowing a horn.
24:29So this is much less like a turret
24:31or a gun than it is
24:33just blasting
24:35extreme, like, sonic
24:39Okay, I guess nothing.
24:41River right here.
24:45I mean, I know I have
24:47to do the Crucifix guy because it lines up
24:51I guess there's no- Oh, god,
24:53can I shoot this guy?
24:55Get out of my way! I don't need brains.
24:59This is so cool, dude.
25:01This blasting sound.
25:03Look at that face.
25:05Beyond the valley, dude.
25:11What was that sound?
25:13That's what I heard. Something like that.
25:15Alright, moving this is very
25:17intense. I gotta
25:19swing my whole arm for this.
25:29There it is.
25:31Oh, he had a...
25:35Let's take the brain back. He had a brain.
25:37Wait, where is it?
25:39Over here?
25:41Oh, he's right there. Hey, man.
25:43My B, dude.
25:45My B.
25:47Ha ha ha ha!
25:49Dude, I can't stop looking at this.
25:51There's a couple of- I'm gonna
25:53show some paintings from
25:55Bekshinsky on the screen.
25:57Just cause, like, the feelings I get from them,
25:59it's actually being relayed really well
26:01with the design of this world.
26:03Like, and we're only in a small
26:05portion of it. This is just the demo.
26:07Okay, what am I doing with the brain? Hey,
26:09you know what? Let me try something.
26:11Can you take this?
26:13Oh, you don't want anything to do with that.
26:15You wanna mindlessly pray.
26:17I get it. Okay.
26:19So, this one
26:21goes here.
26:23Okay, I
26:25can't- I gotta put it in here.
26:31What the fuck, man? Okay, switch
26:35Yes, and then- are you
26:37right? I think that's right.
26:39No, it's not. This one
26:41switches with this one.
26:43Yeah, that's it. Okay.
26:45If this thing fucking gets
26:47up, I swear to God.
26:57Oh dear fucking god!
27:15Oh, I think I know exactly what to do.
27:17Hold on.
27:21Holy shit. I swear
27:23to God, dude, that's the second time I've seen that animation.
27:25There is a Cthulhu thing in there.
27:27Of course there is. It's- it's
27:29the sky. Yeah, I could
27:31straight up blast that.
27:39I guess not.
27:41I guess not.
27:43I'll keep it aimed there, though.
27:45Hey, man, you can move on.
27:47You can come with me. You can be
27:49like that guy! In Scorn!
27:51Follow me, dum-dum!
27:53Come here.
27:55Right? No?
27:57You're so interested. He died, like
27:59in front of your eyes. Move on,
28:01dude. You gotta pray to something new.
28:03Ooh, is that an animal?
28:07Oh my god, I'm so-
28:33The elder gods
28:35are surprised by your
28:39Few like you have
28:41dared to tread this path.
28:45here you stand.
28:47A glimmer of hope
28:49in our eternal suffering.
28:53Should you choose to aid us
28:55in our fight- The fuck?
28:57Fiends know
28:59from his eternal servitude
29:01we shall grant you
29:03passage to your destination.
29:07What do you want?
29:09I am so
29:15so they're elder gods.
29:17It could be- All world religions
29:19are just wrong, dude. When you die, you meet
29:21the actual gods
29:23that none believe in except a few cult
29:25members, you know what I'm saying?
29:27Cthulhu is here somewhere.
29:29What am I doing? Freeing these
29:33Jeez- Ooh.
29:35Oh, you- Fuck!
29:37You're looking at me!
29:41What do you want? What about this
29:43guy? He's not
29:45feeling so well.
29:47I don't know what to do.
29:49I don't know what you want.
29:51Oh, this thing. Yeah, what
29:53is this? Is this a guy? Oh, I'm
29:55freeing this guy?
29:57What do I do?
30:03Do I need, like, a
30:05hammer to remove it?
30:09What the fuck?
30:11Oh, it's pulling-
30:17I get it. He's been pinned down for some
30:19reason. Why would you do this to yourself?
30:23It's not even that gruesome of a task.
30:25I mean, he looks like a fucking brute
30:27and can take whatever
30:29the hell's been going on. I mean, he's still alive.
30:31It would be interesting if it made us,
30:33like, do something horrific.
30:35And that's our trial. Like, can we
30:37do it? Can we actually, like,
30:39kill this guy? A true test.
30:45Does he have any more?
30:47Okay, just don't hit me with the sword, brother.
30:49Oh, you are so cool.
30:57I don't know if I should trust you.
31:01That is so cool, though.
31:09Khnum wishes to repay the old gods
31:11in death.
31:13Who is this fucking
31:17Dude, the lighting is insane here.
31:19It's so beautiful.
31:21Oh, there's bodies.
31:23I got it. You want to hold them?
31:29I will take. Hey, man!
31:33A body with no final abode.
31:35An irreverent path to
31:39Oh, here. Can you hang on to this for me, buddy?
31:41I got a few more to get.
31:43Just hold real quick.
31:45There you go.
31:47There's one behind you. I mean, you could definitely-
31:49You can walk now. I have given you that ability.
31:51A body
31:53devoid of tranquility.
31:55A sacrilegious way of death.
32:01This music is making me so uncomfortable,
32:05That's the best feeling. That's the best
32:07word to describe what I've been feeling through this whole thing.
32:09It's just uncomfortable.
32:11Slight moments of, um,
32:13you know, tranquility?
32:15Etherealism? If that's a word.
32:17Uh, I feel that.
32:19But the music right now is conveying
32:21dread. A body
32:23without a place to rest.
32:25An impious way to be forgotten.
32:27What does that mean?
32:29Alright, take your bodies.
32:35Do you need this?
32:39Do you think?
32:45Who did the audio design?
32:47Cause I'm- I'm in love with that.
33:05How many times has he done this?
33:07You have to wonder.
33:09God, that is so cool.
33:11Another reference to Final Fantasy X,
33:13but Final Fantasy X, like,
33:15it's like descending. That's what it looks like
33:17with the particles coming off.
33:21What are you?
33:23Unbound and free,
33:25yet in too much pain.
33:27Canoom cannot even walk.
33:29I don't have to carry you, right?
33:33Walking on bones
33:35and dead people.
33:37To this?
33:40What the fuck?
33:42Oh, look at all the
33:48Look at that. Not human.
33:50My calculations tell me
33:52that's not human.
33:54I mean, it's the end of the universe, right?
33:56I can't take it.
34:00Each visage endures a unique
34:02form of torment distinct in
34:04nature and intensity.
34:06What do I do? Can I- I can't
34:08take it?
34:14That's insane, dude.
34:16More dead bodies. And boxes,
34:18too. What a strange
34:20thing. They're like-
34:22Is that wood?
34:24I would say they're coffins,
34:26but they're not.
34:28Am I just going out to the void now?
34:35It's so crazy
34:37looking. Look at that shit.
34:39I didn't even realize it had a mouth. I thought it was
34:41buried under sand.
34:43So strange.
34:45Look at the- Ah! It's so weird!
34:47It's so-
34:49It's almost cartoony.
34:53Oh, shit.
34:55I don't have to fight, right? There's no combat
34:57in this? This being is
34:59enduring intense suffering, yet its gaze
35:01is filled with compassion.
35:03Are you gonna send me?
35:05Music changed.
35:11the fuck?
35:25What the fuck?
35:27Oh, there's flowers!
36:25Universal echoes
36:27fate, and sigh.
36:29Don't go
36:31man. Don't leave me here.
36:33Even death may
36:35die. I'm pretty sure that's Lovecraft,
36:37Right? That was so
36:39c- I was seeing the empty
36:43universe. Not empty, right?
36:45Because there are stars, but I was seeing
36:47like he was a por- what the hell?
36:49What's that?
36:51I feel like, though, I've seen that
36:53in, again, Bekshensky's work.
36:55I don't know how much of this
36:57is supposed to be a direct reference.
37:01Look at all these poor souls.
37:05Is this a foot?
37:08Is this a foot?
37:10Oh my God, I think that's a foot.
37:11It is a foot.
37:15It's referencing Ozymandias.
37:19Two, the two legs stand in the desert.
37:25Oh, I just realized all the dead,
37:28there's flowers over here, right?
37:32And then right next to it, all the dead.
37:36The last living things.
37:39That's so dark.
37:40Poor guy.
37:42I wonder if that's being caused by him.
37:45Is that his blood?
37:46Heh heh.
37:48I didn't realize I walked past that.
37:49I was too focused on looking into the universe
37:52through that guy's cloak.
37:55It's so insane looking, man.
37:58I wanted to see this statue complete, you know?
38:02Um, no.
38:10Fuck that.
38:12Is this a gate?
38:14Oh, I see.
38:16That's where I'm going.
38:17I can't get past this, can I?
38:24Okay, what are you?
38:32Oh, that's...
38:33Heh heh.
38:38What the fuck is this?
38:40Whoa, look at the physics on that.
38:44The key is ruined.
38:46Something else must be used.
38:49This is a key once?
38:50What's in that?
38:52Two dots in the sky.
38:53I can't tell what it is I'm looking at.
38:56Okay, this is the gate I must pass through, right?
39:01Beyond this door lies death and nothing more.
39:03Yet it's the only way forth one must explore.
39:06Ooh, a little rhyme there.
39:07I like it.
39:09That's really sad because it's like this guy
39:13long, long ago tried to enter in.
39:17He offered magnificent payment.
39:21I wish I could take that with me.
39:22Do I have anything else?
39:25I got nothing.
39:29I guess I got to touch this thing.
39:30I really don't want to.
39:33I sure have a choice.
39:35What are you?
39:38Oh, do I control it?
39:46There I am.
39:50Rise, my friend.
39:52We have work to do.
40:03I have become that other guy.
40:05What's his name?
40:06Knome, Knome?
40:15Oh, I get to walk around as him?
40:18Open the gates of necrophosis.
40:22Ooh, that part of the music sounded like
40:24the bridge for Pain Remains by Lorna Shore.
40:29The face behind the silhouette in this world
40:31I made to be infinite.
40:33Beyond the expanse I finally see,
40:35a world without you isn't meant for me.
40:37You know that one?
40:38What luck to find you here, huh?
40:41Why this guy?
40:41Oh, this guy's too big to control it.
40:43His brain is way too big.
40:45It wouldn't fit.
40:47Again, lucky that you're here.
40:49I wouldn't be able to pass on without you.
40:54Both at once.
41:02Nice job, buddy.
41:04Oh, that's it?
41:06No, I could really use you.
41:12I'm fucking dead.
41:26Was that it for me?
41:31Is it the praying guy?
41:33Praying guy?
41:35Did you save me?
41:39He did.
41:40Oh, he's my little scorn guy.
41:43I love you.
41:44Come here.
41:45Oh, you found a new God.
41:47Why would, he keeps praying to death.
41:50Are you my angel?
41:52Dude, I don't want to go in.
41:54You're going to come in with me, right?
41:55Don't, please don't pull a scorn.
41:57Holy shit.
42:02It's going to end here, isn't it?
42:06No, no.
42:10Come on a little bit more, please.
42:13Let me explore this.
42:16Come on, please.
42:23Full version of the game still in development.
42:26That was fucking cool.
42:30Genuinely though,
42:31it's a completely different feel from scorn.
42:34Maybe it's because of where we start,
42:35out in this desert,
42:37experiencing all of Bikshinsky's
42:39like horrific nightmarish imagination,
42:42rather than scorn where you're trapped in a building
42:46that's more HR Giger like.
42:48The 3D modeling, the animations, the environment,
42:51all of it, top notch.
42:53I'll just say though,
42:54I think a lot of people are probably going to have an issue
42:58with your being spoken to in English
43:01and also referencing real world poems.
43:04That would be my only complaint.
43:05And it's barely, you know what?
43:06Honestly, I loved hearing Ozymandias being read to me
43:10in that beautiful music.
43:11And then the visuals of him fading away,
43:13like it was the perfect way to do that.
43:15If you're going to do it.
43:16I just don't know how that ties into the lore.
43:18And I don't know if people are going to be receptive.
43:20I don't know.
43:21It was a really cool experience.
43:22Literally putting you into the nightmare artists work.
43:26I feel like this did it some pretty good justice
43:29and taking some liberties to add some lore
43:31and story to it, to expand upon it.
43:34It definitely captured the dread feeling,
43:36the nightmare serenity of Viksinski's work.
43:39Maybe I'm not the right person to state that,
43:42but that's how I felt.
43:43If you want to check out more videos like this from me,
43:46maybe you want to see Scorn
43:48if you never got a chance to do so.
43:49Really fucking good game.
43:51So that will be on the screen,
43:53or you could pick the others.
43:54If you're into some horror stuff
43:55and you want to get a little spooked,
43:57you can pick your favorite, click on it,
43:59and I'll meet you guys over there.
44:00Thanks for watching.
44:01See ya.
