• 2 days ago
Life's Unpredictable Journey_ Trust The One that created you.
00:00Life can be a rollercoaster ride, with many ups and downs hanging there.
00:03If you like music, collect it, sing it, and live a life of music.
00:06You only have one human life, it's in your best interest to use it well.
00:10There will be a few sad and tough times, but you will smile.
00:14When you close your eyes at night, get the doctor's report,
00:17or open that door you don't want to open.
00:19Before you receive whatever news is coming your way,
00:22God was already there, and he toned it down a bit.
00:25Not only that, but he's going to help you get out of this one.
00:29You can arrive on this planet with all your body parts intact, praise God,
00:33or lose body parts along the way.
00:36You can face mental challenges from birth,
00:38or develop them later in life after you have become popular,
00:41and have all the money you thought you needed.
00:44You can be going about your day, minding your own business,
00:47and suddenly a tragedy can fall upon you, and you did nothing to cause the incident.
00:53Someone you love can leave you heartbroken, and life never seems the same again.
00:58Or you could receive a diagnosis of a chronic disease.
01:02Accidents happen.
01:04You might get into a fight or a mishap,
01:06and end up with a scar on your face for the rest of your life.
01:10Sometimes people are mistaken for someone else, and tragically lose their lives.
01:16You could be walking under a building, thinking about your kids and your spouse,
01:20when suddenly a piece of concrete falls on your head.
01:24Even the most powerful aren't immune.
01:27Just the other day, Donald Trump got shot in his ear by someone he never knew.
01:33The unpredictability of life is a stark reminder that this world is not always kind.
01:39But here's the thing.
01:40There's nothing wrong with enjoying the time you have on this planet.
01:44Go ahead and cherish the moments.
01:46Laugh, love, and live to the fullest.
01:49However, place your trust not in this world, but in the Creator.
01:53In times of uncertainty, when everything seems unstable,
01:56remember there's a higher power at work.
01:59Despite how chaotic things might look, they won't stay this way forever.
02:04As we speak, Jesus Christ is preparing to return to the very planet he created.
02:08He's coming back to set things right.
02:11So, while the world spins with unpredictability,
02:14and life throws curveballs your way, hold on to faith.
02:18Trust in the Creator.
02:19Because in the grand scheme of things, there's a plan far greater than we can see.
02:24Life's chaos may seem overwhelming, but it's all part of a bigger picture.
02:30One day, everything will make sense.
02:32Until then, keep your trust where it truly belongs.
02:36And remember, you're not alone in this journey.
02:39Thanks for watching.
02:41If you found this message uplifting, don't forget to like and subscribe
02:45for more content that inspires and empowers.
02:47Take care and keep your faith strong because evil is everywhere,
02:50which includes families and friends.