• 2 days ago
*Farmer’s organizations assured they will appeal to international bodies
*Citizens feel the country’s most vulnerable populations are being turned away
*Reform managed to advance in the second debate, although two debates are still pending


00:00In Colombia, the Congress reopened the debate on the labor reform as the opposition party
00:04succeeded in eliminating articles considered key, especially for the farmers.
00:08Let's see the details with our correspondent, Hernan Tovar.
00:15The opposition sectors in the Colombian Congress, represented by the right-wing party's Democratic
00:20Center and Radical Change, plus some members of the Green and traditional parties, were
00:25happy and celebrated the majority vote.
00:28They obtained to eliminate key articles of the labor reform that guarantees decent conditions
00:33for farmers.
00:35Some congressmen expressed their rejection of this attitude and the setback for Colombian
00:40farmers and their labor rights.
00:45It was a totally petty decision.
00:47There was a difference of seven votes.
00:49By seven votes, we lost so that the farmers could have the guarantee of an agricultural
00:53contract for a decent agricultural day's wage and the right to rural housing.
00:58We have lost the struggle that we have been fighting for a long time.
01:07This is the feudal thinking of those who want to keep rural workers in subhuman conditions
01:12in order to protect the interests of large landowners and large industrialists who have
01:16taken advantage of the land and agricultural labor in our country.
01:27The articles eliminated were related to the guarantee of social benefits and an employment
01:32contract backed by a legal minimum wage, in addition to having decent conditions for their
01:38daily performance.
01:39The peasant organizations have already assured that they will resort to international bodies
01:43to ensure and respect these rights that the opposition sectors and large associated unions
01:49want to disregard.
01:55We are going to denounce this to the International Labor Organization because it is really an
01:59alarming situation in the Colombian case.
02:05The levels of poverty in the countryside and this denial of these three fundamental rights
02:10of the three Articles 31, 32, 33 will further aggravate the life situations of rural workers.
02:24In the street, the opinion of citizens does not differ with respect to the rejection generated
02:29by the actions of the opposition in the Congress, considering that the most vulnerable populations
02:34of the country are being turned away.
02:39Young people are leaving the countryside because there are no guarantees, and now that
02:44a guarantee was sought with this reform, there was none.
02:49So there will be migration of young people to the cities, and we will have more criminality.
02:54We must base the right to work, which is an inalienable right at international level.
03:04Despite this context, the reform finally managed to advance in the second debate in
03:08the House of Representatives, although two more debates are still pending in the Senate.
03:13For their part, the congressmen who are the rapporteurs hope that these points can be
03:17taken up again in the discussion and keep them alive for the remainder of the Colombian
