La líder de la oposición bielorrusa, Svetlana Tijanovskaya, es la mayor opositora al presidente Alexander Lukashenko. Habló con 'Euronews' sobre su lucha por una Bielorrusia libre desde el exilio.
00:00Alexander Lukashenko, presidente de Bielorrusia desde hace 30 años, calificó despectivamente
00:08de ama de casa a la líder de la oposición esbetlana Chikanouskaya. Pero cuando se presentó
00:13a la carrera presidencial en 2020 se convirtió en su mayor desafío. Euronews habló con
00:18ella en Berlín.
00:20So you would say the Belarusian opposition is united, you work so you don't have any
00:25obstacles within your organization, so to say.
00:28Belarusian democratic forces and people are united as never before, because we have our
00:34common aim, is release of our beloved, our friends from prisons, release of our political
00:40prisoners, but also having free and fair elections.
00:45We all want them to be released, but we don't want our political prisoners, our heroes
00:51to be buggers and chips in this Lukashenko's game.
00:57They are taking more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and
01:01more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and
01:04more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and
01:07more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and
01:11They are taking more and more and more hostages, you know, to sell them more expensive.
01:17But we are asking our democratic partners that don't, you know, trade, don't make any
01:24deals with Lukashenko, don't trade, because he, ok, he can like sell one, two, three hundred
01:30people and he will detain twice more.
01:34As it was recently, Lukashenko released 115 people.
01:38For the same period of time he detained 140.
01:42Can I ask you a personal question?
01:44What is it that you miss the most about Belarus?
01:50Look, I miss everything.
01:52I miss my apartment that had been confiscated, but I, this was our nest, nest of our family.
02:01I miss my husband, of course, but, you know, I want to see free Belarus.
02:31I want to see free Belarus.